He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
If you did not have such a mother as mine, perhaps you had a loving father, or a loving grandparent. In any case, you have a loving God, who is father and mother and parent to you, if you let him! I lost my dad when I was five, and was very bitter about it for many years, and that nearly ruined my entire life, but fortunately the Lord intervened and saved me from my bitterness. All that time I could have had God as my father, instead I chose to go it alone without him, and left him in the cold. That was not necessary. I could have such a different story than the one I have. But now I am more open to Him as the loving Father he is, and do not feel bitter because my dad died so early in my life. I do not feel the need to make others suffer for my lacking a dad when I was growing up. Jesus is more and more to me, and I can go to him, more than I ever could, even if my father had lived. There is no one so loving and caring as Jesus, and so even if you lacked a mother, or father, or both, and your grandparents weren't there for you either, you can now go to Jesus, who will welcome you with open arms and never let you go, unless you choose to run away from him. Don't run! He is the best that life could ever give you, better than anything people can give, for He lasts and is faithful, and they can't be. Ultimately, everyone fails you, for people die, people lose their friendship with you for various reasons or grow cold and distant, but Jesus never fails, he never ceases to stick closer to you than a brother or a wife or husband or best friend.
I am also very, very grateful for my aunt and uncle who with their family have given their lives to bringing the Gospel to Brazilians and Indians in the jungle tribes for some 60 years!
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
"When words fail, music speaks."--Hans Christian Anderson, world-renowned Danish folk and children's story teller.
The first English settlers, landing at Cape Henry in 1607, in what would become the Colony of Virginia, first erected a cross when they landed. A Christian cross, a Cross of Calvary, signifying the suffering and death of Jesus Christ, given for our sins and our soul's salvation! That cross proclaimed their intention was to dedicate this new land to Jesus Christ, and to the propagation of the Gospel, which they stated in writing as well. Cape Henry is what we call Virginia Beach, and CBN has erected on its property nearby the place where the English pilgrims landed and erected a cross, a replica, of which this is a picture. Every school child should be taken to see it and learn the true history of the founding of our Christian nation of America--not left to remain in the darkness of a politically correct, humanist revision of our history. Our forefathers dedicated this land and nation to God and the Gospel of Christ the Savior and Lord. May we always proclaim this truth, and live and obey God accordingly, in a manner that is worthy of our founding fathers, so that they will not be ashamed of us when later we meed at the Judgment seat of Christ to account for our stewardship of the riches we have received from them.
"Despite our wonders and greatness, we are a nation that has experienced so much social regression, so much decadence, in so short a period of time, that we have become a place to which civilized nations used to send missionaries."--William J. Bennett, Former Secretary of Education under President Reagan.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Dr. Reagan:
"Mr. President, I am outraged over your proclamation designating June as "LGBT Pride Month" [LGBT--Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered]. Why should any American take pride in sexual perversion? And why did you decide to discriminate against pedophiles by not including them in the proclamation--or will that be the proclamation next month? What about a "Bestiality Pride Month" or a "Prostitution Pride Month"? Mr. President, you are inviting the wrath of God to fall on your Administration.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..."--Romans 1:18
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia).
This honest man (compare him to Gordon Brown or Tony Blair of Britain!) is despised by the secularist leaders of Germany and France and Belgium and the other members of "EUTOPIA," but he is telling the whole truth. Global Warming is nothing but the biggest scam on the face of the earth! History will vindicate him. The others will be known forever as liars, deceivers and thieves.
Be advised not to wear this tee shirt in the Moslem countries, however, unless you are prepared to be persecuted to the full extent of Islam.
You can go to the Burns Family Studios website and order this fine, exciting film:
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among those dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold,
Bring me my Arrows of desire,
Bring me my Spear, O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green & pleasant land.
2. "Forgive me!"
3. "I love you!"
(Not necessarily in that order)
Does this describe what is going on today? Yes, it clearly does. Equality is the watchword of the liberals, is it not? But in all the areas it is used, women's rights, minority rights, ageism, genderism, they use it only to deceive and gain control over people for their own benefit ultimately. The "pigs" who use this concept of equality do not mean they should be equal with others, as people suppose they do. No, they mean everyone but themselves should be equal in misery, while they "ride high on the hog," feasting on cream and the best products of the national farm, enjoying the life of the famous and the rich while all the others under their control must subsist on the scraps from the pigs' table. George Orwell's "folk tale" describes the process that is now stripping us of our rights and liberties by a particular elite of cunning people. Before too long, this book will be banned from public libraries, for it describes exactly what Obama and his cohorts, and all authoritarians like them, are all about.
But for our own time, there is a grim lesson, if Obama would heed it. He seems to be very chary of the gun-toting U.S. population he seeks to rule as a kind of Roman-style king or emperor. Well might he be! He has ignored our Constitution and the Bill of Rights in his drive to make this nation socialistic. That is clear by his policies and executive orders and most of his statements. He has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams, no doubt, as even Republicans have caved in to him. But yet the fears persist--somewhere out in America's untamed hinterland where gun laws are not yet operating may lurk a Patriot with a gun! They can never tell in a crowd that a gun is not aimed at the "President". Because of this, he feels more safe outside our national borders, to be sure, though he took 3,000 CIA-men with him just to give a speech in Cairo in order to badmouth his own country. He has said he wants his own private presidential army--which he must think is needed for full protection when he is here. And that won't be enough. No amount of private troops or Democrat ACORN Stormtroopers and no amount of hardware will protect a man when he has so ired the American people who love and cherish their Constitutional freedoms and liberties. Barack Hussain Obama is the antithesis of an American president as the Founding Fathers conceived the president to be, when they institutionalized the office of president according to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Aiming to be the first American king or Caesar, he is a self-marked man! Winston Churchill described Hitler as a man who "overreached himself." "Hubris" is the ancient Greek idea that a man can commit an offense when he seeks to put himself above his station and attain to the level of a god. Together, they describe Obama, who has not only overreached himself but is being exalted as some kind of god or messianic leader. Yet this "hubris" or overreaching of his bodes ill, in a real way, for America's patriotic citizens. An assassinated Obama is far worse than a live one. If this wicked leader is made a martyr, he will be championed as a Martin Luther King, a saint of Hope and Change. The Radical Left will use his cause to bludgeon all of America into submission, and there will be no pity shown either. You know perfectly well who will be the targets of the Radical Left's vengeance--evangelicals, Conservatives, Bible believers, Biblical churches, patriots whether Christian or not. This has been foreseen by some prophets already, and one appeared on the Sid Roth TV program, "It's Supernatural." Whether he is a true prophet or not, you must judge by the Bible. I do not know enough about him to say. But he saw an assassination of this wicked ruler we have, this prospective Julius Caesar of the Left, and then a terrible crack-down by the Government on all those associated with the opposition or anyone thought to oppose him. We already know that the Homeland Security Department, in its "Assessment of the Right Wing" has already gone out and categorized and demonized the evangelicals who oppose abortion, returnee military from Iraq, and conservatives and Bible believers in prophecy as "domestic terrorists." We are now labelled Domestic Terrorists by the Obama Administration, and charged with seditious attitudes that could bring about his assassination. That alone should tell us what groups will be the main targets of the U.S. authorities and law enforcement agencies if this nefarious Obama is assassinated. Woe to us if he is! We must pray he is not martyred, unnecessarily. If it happens, it will not be by us, who are praying for his soul's salvation, but by his own people, no doubt, who will use it as a pretext to bring about a totalitarian regime and a police state. They will call it a crime of racism, and we will be branded racist assassins, according to the prophetic guest on the Sid Roth program. May God prevent such an assassination, so that he can repent of his sins, and be saved. If he dies, there is going to be much government-administered repression and suffering for us Bible-believing Christians, traditionalists, conservatives, evangelicals, and all those who love a free America.
Go to one of his websites offered here and see for yourself, but you can read the Lamplighter and get excellent information on him. The Lamplighter was free, but it has to now charge $25 a year to continue, or you can sign up for the free internet edition and receive it by email by going to www.lamblion.com. As for the world's greatest evangelist to the Moslems, Father Zakaria, go to:
Weekly Meditations:
2nd "I am the Lord that HEALETH thee."--Exodus 15:26)
9th "Bless the Lord, O my soul...Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; Who HEALETH all thy diseases. (Psalm 103:3)
16th "The chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and by his stripes we are HEALED" (Isaiah 53:5)
23rd "I have seen his ways, and I will HEAL him" (Isaiah 57:18)
30th "Unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with HEALING in His wings" (Malachi 4:2)
6th--"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the SHADOW of the Almighty" (Psalm 91:1)
13th--"The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in SAFETY (Deut. 33:12)
20th--"Thou hast been a shelter for me, and a STRONG TOWER from the enemy."
27--"When the enemy comes in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a STANDARD against him" (Isa. 59:19).--Dorthy Amitage, S.R.N.
"Standing Firm for God and Country"
"Dead Sea Scrolls Testify to Bible's Accuracy"
"News of Vital Concerns to You"
"Announcing Our Next Tour to Israel!"
What is the future of the world and the EU in particular? Bible Prophecy indicates that the final empire of Daniel's image, the EU, the only empire referred to relative to the 2nd Coming, will be destroyed by the return of Christ. Our major responsibility as Christians is to bring a spiritual awakening in the world through the powerful Gospel of Christ, especially to reach Europe--now! For centuries mission activity has been concentrated on all other continents--assuming that Europe was Christian. Now we must face the stark reality that Europe is the least evangelized continent. The traditional mission fields of Africa, India and China have more believers than Europe! Europe and Britain in particular are the main targets for evangelism by Islam. And if we do not act quickly, the very heartland of Christian faith and mission could become paralyzed by "Political Correctness."
We must not allow any attack of Satan--neither conspiracy of evil, nor fear of offending against sexism, ageism or religion--to stop us fulfilling the first and the last command of Christ to His disciples: Preach the Gospel!
In such a crisis the only answer is a spiritual one--faith in the living God. And this is why we need to go in now with the message of the Kingdom of God. Suddenly these European nations are more open to receive Christ than at any time since the collapse of communism. We saw this in the response to our crusade in Talinn (a Baltic nation captital) last year which touched a whole nation! Who will respond to the challenge?.....Lord send me!"--David Hathaway
At the funeral of Jackson, his children (if they really are his) set a pathetic crown on his coffin, as if he were a king, which he never was in any true and worthy sense. Who made these poor, pathetic children do that? His funeral already was the most vulgar and ostentatious display imaginable. That whole family is nothing but a bunch of Hollywood-style nimcompoops who love nothing more than to flaunt themselves and their wealth, as if that made them important and significant human beings.
Katrina/Rita, etc., etc. Still no repentance.
Economic meltdown of Wall Street, the government's monopolistic, arrogant confiscation of leading financial firms and banks and Detroit carmakers, with Health Care next: still no repentance.
Virginia Tech and other massacres in schools nationwide: still no repentance.
lst Marxist authoritarian leader of a once free, democratic America: still no repentance....
Please go to the Red Alert Center on PREVIOUS HOME PAGE 62. You need to hear what the Lord has given a man of God in warning, right on the eve of our destruction. We have a vision on hand from a Romanian evangelist sent to us that promises an apocalyptic cataclysm for major parts of the U.S. if we continue on our downward spiral of moral freefall. Sent by a Christian friend who has always been most concerned with America's apostasy and coming destruction, I have hesitated to share it, not because I don't believe it, but because everything, including prophecy, has its time and season, and I have waited for the Lord to let me know what is the appropriate time to mention it. People have seen far too many horror flicks and disaster movies already, and have become hugely desensitized. They think that it will just be another such video nightmare they can switch off when they feel like it, and they won't really impacted by what they are viewing. Millions live in this video-is-reality mindset, and you can't shake them out of it into the real world by mere words or some more visual violence. It is a fact that most people will be caught in "too late". "Too late" is written all across them, just as it was written across the vast majority of the residents of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboim, and even Zoar (which last city the Lord graciously spared from destruction with the rest for Lot's sake, for him to flee to when he requested it be spared).
Are you one of the "two late" crowd. Do you relish disaster scenarios and never take them to heart. Are they entertainment to you? Don't you know how God weeps for such as you, bud, for you are stumbling right into the pit and you are chewing gum or popcorn while you going to your doom? The masses go like that to destruction. Why don't you wake up to your coming destruction and change now, while you still have a chance to be saved and to escape America's total meltdown? Christ was not playing with words when he warned us not to be like the Foolish Virgins. He meant it to put a holy terror into us. Other scriptures tell us the same thing: be alert, watchful, sober, because we don't know the hour or the moment of the Lord's appearance and the wrath that is coming to consume not only this God-forsaking country but the entire depraved world. God does not waste words. He had not wasted a single word. Every word of His counts--for eternity. He fully meant what he said, that we had better be on our toes, watching with complete alertness for His coming, and living our lives according, or we will be among those who are suddenly very, very sorry--those folks across which the devils will scrawl in blood and filth: "Too Late!" as they are being dragged to the smoking pit.
Go ahead and party, like millions of hip guys in their punk rock clothes and with girls who are nothing more than whores hanging on their arms--go right ahead! You will be very, very sorry, brother, if you do. If I didn't know that, and I do know that, I must warn you until my dying breath. Whatever fun you think you are having now, it will not be worth losing what Christ has for you. Not for one moment of a so-called thrill or sin! Christ has himself for you--and He is everything you could ever want, and infinitely more. But you can't have any of him if you continue to choose your stinking, selfish self ahead of Him. And when your time is up, and every man's time comes up sooner or later, what will you be left with--your stinking self? Or Christ. Choose Christ now, and you will lose nothing you won't spit on later. I spit on my former Christless life, it is garbage. It is worthless and regrettable and shames me to this day. But everything given me by Christ--it is wonderful and lasts and I don't have to feel guilt or remorse about it--it truly a good thing.
A socialist state, however, is self-destructive, it is doomed from the onset. How can I say this? I don't have to say it. The socialist states are inherently doomed, for they condemn those societies to poverty and tyranny everywhere socialism is the governing system. We have seen it time after time, and yet people who love power want keep promoting socialism, since it gives them power and wealth at the expense of everybody else--for a limited time, it must be said. Eventually, the people figure it out that they are without a future of any change for the better, and they rise up, revolt, and throw off their oppressors. But the process is very, very painful, once socialism devolves into outright tyranny. Russia, the Soviet Union satellites in Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and even the Western Hemisphere, prove that socialism is a dead end. Britain, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, and all the rest of the European socialist states are going to prove it all over again, that socialism is a dead end, resulting in poverty and tyranny. They are dying societies even now, with a flat birth rate while Islamic children multiply like rabbits and these nations depleted of manhood are filling with young Islamic men who want to make them over into Islamic Republics (Theocratic Muslim Tyrannies).
Howard E. Kershner, Ph.D., writes in the Lutheran Digest, Fall 1966, how socialism is a dead end, in his article, "The Future of the Welfare State." Actually, a socialist welfare state has no future you would want for yourself and your children! See for yourself if you want what Obama and his crew proposes for America and your children:
From Christian radio: Jim's widow, Elizabeth Eliott, wrote the book, Passion and Purity, which is a classic and a "must" for Christians to read, since it deals with remaining pure before marriage and girls letting God bring a mate rather than taking the initiative. And men, they are to initiate, if they are going to be men and not wimps.
The Archbishop of York today issues an impassioned rallying cry to the silent majority of Christian Britons [who have the same spiritual lockjaw as American Christians!--Ed.] to "wake up" and defend their beliefs. John Sentamu warns that lapsed Anglicans must renew their faith and take a more active role in the Church to insure cherished national traditions are safeguarded.
Writing in today's Daily Mail he highlights a number of recent cases which have threatened to marginalize Christianity in this country.
They include community nurse Caroline Petrie, who was suspended as a result of offering to pray for a patient's recovery, before being offered her job back after a national outcry.
And yesterday it emerged that Jennie Cain, a receptionist, is facing disciplinary action by her school employer. She is being investigated for professional misconduct after sending out an email asking friends to pray for her five year old daughter who was told off by teaching staff at the school for talking about God with other pupils.
Today the Archbishop sends a clear message to those in public life who seek to discriminate against devout Christians and urges other believers to rise up in support of victims of mistreatment.
"For those who despair at the treatment meted out to these Christian women the message is clear: wake up Christian England!" he says.
His defiant call comes after the Church of England's General Synod yesterday overwhelmingly backed a motion to encourage an evangelical spreading of the faith around the country.
The Synod's move is being seen as a watershed moment for the Church. For years, many conservative critics have accused it of being strangled by political correctness and the overbearing influence of the liberal wing.
But Archbishop Sentamu said it was an "affront" for public servants to use their authori9ty to deny the legitimacy of Christianity when the religion had shaped the history and constitution of the country.
"Christianity is the tapestry upon which our country's heritage was woven," he said.
"All of this is lost to those who would deny Christianity and place in our nation today."--Page 2, Daily Mail, Britain, Friday, Feb. 13, 2009; forwarded to me from my friend in Britain, who is one of the torchbearers for the truth and freedom of Britain and one of the secular-humanist-persecuted, holy remnant of believers in Christ.
America, like any secularist-dominated country, is ripe for Islam's picking, and they are picking it! We are being picked in all kinds of ways, all across the country, bit by bit is being subjected to Islam and Christian faith is being pushed out. Islam also has a law pending in the United Nations to declare Christianity a hate religion that "defames" relgion (namely Islam). Actually, Islam defames all religions other than Islam. They defame all other religions in their holiest scriptures, the Koran and the Hadith. They proscribe death to the "infidels" of Christians and Jews, or, if they don't kill you, they subject you to slavery, crushing taxation, and laws that reduce you to the lowest class and marginalize you to the point of being untouchable. This hateful, poisonous religion of Islam is riding its white horse of universal warfare across the globe at this very moment--fueled by the immense amount of petrodollars the West has paid out for oil.
Either convert or be killed, or be taxed and reduced to near serfdom--that is the fate of Christians and Jews in Moslem, sharia-law dominated countries and societies today. Iran is the model, if you want to know what it is like to live under such a tyrannous religion. Formerly liberal, relatively free societies such as Westernized Turkey are now reverting to sharia law and militant Islamization. Turkish Christians are being killed and beheaded, simply for being Christians in Turkey. That is happening to other Westernized, formerly free countries that were Moslem but not sharia-dominated. Arabia's Wahabist rulers with an immense war chest of petrodollars is financing the world-wide reversion of nation after nation to Islam and sharia-law. Those dollars we paid out for oil today to fill our tank are rechanneled into this Wahabist expansionist program for subjecting our own nation of America to Islam. Think about this when you fill your tank, and pray God will deliver us from this deadly enemy, Islam (which along with secular humanism) is working night and day to defeat and enslave us.
Did Hitler appear a wolf before he proved he was a wolf? Of course, not! He came in, just like Obama did, preaching hope and change to the youth, attending church services (even evangelical ones) and wearing a nice sheep's fleece, so to speak, spouting all sorts of things the economically hard-pressed Germans wanted to hear: hope, change, prosperity, a new world order with Germany leading.
Hitler coming out of church after a service:
Obviously, this godless Schori thinks her beliefs and remarks supersede Christianity and the truth of the Bible, even the words, teachings, and sacrifice of Christ on the cross! She is deceived, by the Devil, by herself, and is in danger of the judgment. Please pray for her and all those she is trying to mislead into the same kind of apostasy and blasphemy.
The Bible also says in the Psalms, "Let God be true and every man (and "Presiding Bishop" Katharine Jefferts Schori, a liar." Amen!
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.