Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
The secular humanist Congress in charge now has retracted the U.S. Congress's former praiseworthy, truthful endorsement of Christian faith and the Bible as the cornerstone of our American nation, government, and way of life. With the Democrats in Congress leading, the Congress of our country is now busy throwing out God, the Bible, and Christian values! If you, as a Christian and citizen, know about pending bills in Congress (not to mention many state legislatures), you will know that we are in grave danger of losing our most fundamental rights and liberties. In the following Article 1 (which was adopted to be the First Amendment of the Constitution), we are told what they are:
Article 1, Bill of Rights:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Congress now is breaking this Article, which is the Cornerstone of our freedoms and liberties under law in this land. Congress is purposely respecting the establishment of a religion, which it has declared secularist humanism to be, favoring this religion above all other religions. This is the religion presently dominant in the schools, courts, and even the government--supplanting Christian faith and religion. This is undeniable--as Evolutionary Theory, Tolerance, Diversity, Separation of Church and State, Multiculturalism, are some main tenets of its creed. These are all being preached and promoted and forced on the whole society with funding by tax monies.
Second, Congress is prohibiting the free exercise of religion, namely the Christian religion, by many laws or adherence to unconstitutional court rulings or actively hostile government interference and harrassment by government agencies, such as the IRS (which is a favored punitive arm of certain known presidential administrations and the White House against dissenters and critics in the Christian churches).
Third, Congress has greviously trampled on Article 1 by abridging the freedom of speech by passing and considering many bills against Christian observances and traditions in public spheres, that are known to be an integral part of our nation's founding and a cause of its unparalleled blessing by Almighty God.
Fourth, Congress is jeopardizing the freedom of the people peaceably to assemble, as it allows the enforcement of laws governing the peace to be continually usurped by special interest groups and activists for special rights for homosexuals vis a vis the Christian community and the Christian churches. The peaceable assemblies of Christians are often disturbed, while the perpetrators of disruption are not punished by the officers of the law but allowed to disturb the public peace outside the church doors while advising the church members to remain quiet, closeted and sequestered, in effect, while their assaulters enjoy free rein.
Fifth, Article 1, to be upheld, must allow for the Christians to petition Congress to make full redress of their grievances. Yet Congress routinely, cavalierly, ignores Christians, its Senators and Representatives passing bills that defame, belittle, marginalize, and otherwise disenfranchise and separate Christians from the mainstream of society and government circles, while favoring and granting special privileges to secular humanists, or atheists, and Muslims, at the expense of Christians, who cannot find any similar favor at the hands of Congress, simply because they are Christians.
For these reasons, we hold Congress to be acting in defiance of the First Article of the Bill of Rights, through badly conceived laws, and through purposed new bills proscribing so-called "hate speech," particularly through laws prohibiting the free exercise of pastors and teachers in the Christian churches, through laws making it a crime to read certain portions of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible, which particularly identify and condemn homosexuality as immorality, a perversion which God states in His Word the Bible that He hates and abominates, and which no Christian who reveres the Bible can approve or justify, no matter how much government approves or justifies it.
Whereas the First Article has been broken by Congress most greviously and deliberately and repeatedly, we hold the Senate, the House, and the Speaker of the House altogether responsible for the conscious, deliberate abrogation and destruction of Article 1, and charge these high government bodies, with all their members, to cease and decist immediately from this wrongful behavior.
Not merely this, but Congress must retract, withdraw, annul all its laws that are unconstitutional, which, purposely or not purposely, make the First Article of the Bill of Rights null and void or, at the least, compromise its meanings.
Not only this, but Congress must apologize, publicly, in a body, to the American people for its crimes against the rights of the people of America, as it has pursued a treacherous, dangerous path of wreaking havoc with the meaning, intention, observance, and enforcement of the First Article in innumerable acts, bills, lack of enforcement, neglect, disdain, and pride.
We charge the Congress with all these serious crimes against the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and the American People, not to mention the members of the historic Christian faith, because this Article speaks to our most cherished and treasured and fundamental liberties, the very ones for which the Pilgrim Fathers and the Puritan Fathers of this our nation journeyed with great hazard by ship, sacrificing property and even their lives, to gain a new life in this land, so that, utilizing that new life, they might be free to worship and preach the inerrant Word of God, the Holy Bible, according to their Christian faith and the dictates of their consciences, without government interference or the interference and intimidation of any other bodies, religious or governmental.
In conclusion, the gross dereliction of Congress and its hostility toward the Christian faith can be explained by pointing out its basic misunderstanding and belittling and slighting of the central, foundational ground of being and focus of the Christian religion--to wit, traditional and historic Christianity has always meant, not a religion or any philosophy, but a real, living Person, namely, Jesus Christ. To outlaw the naming of Jesus Christ in the prayers of military chaplains, for example, through military regulations (as in the case of Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, given below in a following note), or even government laws and regulations, is to annihilate Christianity, to pass sentence of death on Christian faith. All the other aspects are trappings, and are expendable, but Christ the Lord, Jesus, cannot be given up, and His Name is the Same as His Person--He cannot be separated from his Name, by using the generic word, "God" or "Deity," for that is shown to be a specious, false handling of the Christian God, if you forbid or proscribe the use of Jesus Christ, Who as the Second Person of the Trinity is God. Besides all this, Scripture teaches that His Name is above all other names in heaven and earth. To defy the Christian faith by forbidding or limiting the use of the name, Jesus Christ, which is a name of God, Congress or the military is committing an act of war against the Christian Faith, its practicioners, and also an act of war against Jesus Christ Who is God, the great I Am. This act of war is born of an anti-Christ spirit and is most grevious to God, who will defend His Son, Jesus, Who is rightfully the Supreme Power in rule over all the inhabitants, nations, and governments and rulers of earth. This must be repented of if this U.S. Congress is to avert the wrath of Almighty God, and the imminent destruction of this nation that such an act will inevitably incur.
As Chaplain Klingenschmitt (on right) states in his joint letter with Alan Keyes and Rick Scarborough, June 29, 2007: "I lost everything when the Navy convicted and then ousted me from mhy career of military service for the crime of praying in Jesus' Name."
If you want to join the efforts to save America, check out this grass roots Christian group which Scarborough, Keyes, and Klingenschmitt are raising up to restore this nation back to its Christian roots and Christian foundations before it is too late and too much damage has been done:
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
They litigated the removal of a cross from the Seal of a major Californian city, I recall, even though it is historical. This deliberate purge against even historical Christianity and the destruction of Christian morality in this nation is nationwide, for the ACLU has a war chest of millions of dollars and on call for litigating its casesd are thousands of lawyers who are atheistic, secular humanists who hate America's freedom of religion and hate America's Christian heritage and Christian morals, which includes the sanctity of marriage, the sanctity of human life, and the abhorrence of homosexuality and immorality as the Bible has defined such sins. This organization is the perfect venue for their animus for America's capitalism, Christianity, and Christian value system, not to mention its democratic system.
This organization is surely one of the greatest threats to America's freedoms, though it carries the euphemistic acronym ACLU. "American Civil Liberties Union"? It is not about protecting civil liberties--as its actions prove. If a creature quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck, has wings like a duck, and flies like a duck, it probably is a duck. So too with Baldwin's incubus. This essentially seditious organization is exporting itself to other nations like a cancer. Though its acronym gives it an "American" provenance, it has opened an office in Britain, so as to be closer to the developing European Union's power center. Why? Scientology is outlawed in France and Germany, yet the ACLU is much more dangerous to free national societies than the cult of Scientology ever was or could be--so they do well to investigate and then to outlaw and to kick out this aggressive, atheistic organization before it takes stronger root and spreads like a poison ivy to the rest of the Continent.
Is America a Christian-founded nation? (Is grass green?) Some Christians think it isn't/wasn't, and notable among them was Dr. Francis Schaefer. He was right in most everything he said about Western Civilization and secular humanism's disastrous effects on it, but here he was clearly dead wrong. "Christian consensus," his philosophical description of America's Christianity expressed in government and society, does not come up to the reality of what we were founded to be, which was a thorough-going Christian nation and, to be more specific, a Christian theocracy.
Dr. Schaeffer is gone from the current scene, so he cannot be challenged about his position on this question. But what kind of a nation did the Founders actually (not just philosophically wishing or hoping to see evolve by a gradual process of "Christian consensus") think they were establishing in the various founding documents and government offices, bodies and branches of government?--it either had to be a secular/atheist state like France, founded on the atheistic philosophy of St. Just (according to a brilliant TV lecture by the late Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen), or it had to be Christian. They could not have conceived establishing America as an Islamic state either (tell that to the Wahibist Muslims in America, or Keith Ellison, the Muslim Congressman from Minnesota who has lately co-sponsored a Military Sodomy Act pending in Congress!). And they wanted nothing to do with a dissenter-persecuting, state-church such as Britain's Church of England, the very thing the dissenting Pilgrims and Puritans had left Britain to escape! So, rejecting a similar "Church of America," they decided wisely not to attach any form or kind of Established State Church to the new U.S. Federal government--which was very wise when you consider the dead formality, the bitter persecution of dissenting church groups by the Established Church authorities using the life and death powers of state, and the sheer intolerance of a system that will permit only one creed and only one expression of the Christian faith--but this is an imperfect world. You can pass laws for justice, but in this imperfect world those laws will create other injustices to add to the one you are trying to get rid of! Just look at Affirmative Action--they wanted to equalize the work place for black Americans, so they denied basic rights of employment and employment parity to white candidates, purely on the basis of color! This racist system was applied to our schools as well, with similar doleful results--one race was benefited, but at the expense of another! Injustice, in the name of justice, was perpetrated!
Our forefathers, in eschewing an Established State Church of America, unfortunately ignited a controversy we have raging to this day. A so-called "Doctrine of the Separation of Church and State"--a non-Constitutional phrase found no where in our founding national documents but only in a letter by Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists that he penned over ten years after the Constitution was written and ratified) is the bone of contention and confusion that is constantly picked in the courts by the legal hounds of the litigating ACLU and Americans United for the Separation of Church of State, and Americans for Freedom From Religion.
It is a fact that Jefferson, just three days after writing this letter containing the reference to a "wall of separation" between state and religion went and attended church services in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda! Wouldn't that be hypocritical if he had meant what the ACLU and their minions claim he meant? Jefferson was no hypocrite, as he meant no such thing as the ACLU is trying to make of his words in his letter to the Danbury Baptists.
Obviously, there is a big difference between what they claim and what Jefferson actually believed and practiced. He saw no conflict between religion and state, for as President he directed U.S. Federal funds for a mission to the Indians. He himself composed a Bible for them, made up of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Would a Deist do such a thing? Never! Would a president holding to the ACLU's doctrine of the separation of church and state compose a Bible and then appropriate U.S. tax monies to send a missionary to the Cascascia Indians?
Today, if he were alive to do the same thing, he would face impeachment by secular humanists and liberals, with the ACLU leading the pack against him!
Rehnquist, late chief justice of the Supreme Court, wrote an opinion expressing his belief that this absurd, unconstitutional "doctrine" has no real basis in U.S. law and government and ought to be abandoned by all. Was he listened to? He was scorned and hated by liberals for expressing his disagreement that there is any legitimacy and legal substance to this "doctrine." Why did he incur their ire? Obviously, he was attacking a sacred cow--a very useful one too. This is the liberals and secular humanists' chief weapon to cow school boards, cow judges, cow juries, so that they can win decisions against the expression of anything even remotely Christian in the public sphere and in public institutions. They have deliberately falsified history and Thomas Jefferson's meaning when he used the phrase, "a wall of separation", defaming also the clear intention of the Founders of this nation. In case after case they have used Thomas Jefferson's phrase misleadingly to promote the astounding error that our nation was founded on such a spurious doctrine, when clearly the evidence does not support that idea in the least way.
It is obvious, judging from the documents of the constitution, which is based on the Bible more than any other source, and the Bill of Rights (which derive from the Judaeo-Christian heritage and the Bible and from English common law, which was Bible-based), and the Declartion of Independence, and the personal and public correspondence of the signatories of these documents, and the acts and bills of the presidents from Washington on, and the charters of the colonies and the constitutions of the new Federal states that were formed from the colonies, added to the Supreme Court's own rulings in the next century (the early 1800s onward) that this United States of America is unequivocably a Christian nation for all intents and purposes. It wasn't necessary for our forefathers to declare Christianity in the name of this nation, such as Muslims do when they name their Islamic totalitarian states "The Islamic Republic of--" Iran, or Syria, or Sudan, etc.--for it was Christian, writ, body and soul!
Is there any doubt left? Are people still quibbling on this question, refusing all evidence in writing? The very buildings of the Capitol and Washington are full of artwork, statuary, inscriptions, and shrines that speak of our Christian foundation and heritage. Remove them, and little would be left! It would be like Rome after the rampaging armies of the barbarian Vandals passed through. This is what the ACLU and its affiliate pig secular humanist activists are--a combined neo-barbarian force of Vandals, Huns, and Goths on the rampage, looting, burning, and destroying our Christian heritage throughout the nation, doing it all legally through the fiats of activist liberal judges and judiciaries, state governors and legislatures, and even the Supreme Court which subserviently ratifies such an agenda in ruling after ruling.
Nevertheless, the paganization of America always has its adherents, thanks to the neo-classical roots of much of our civilization. Neo-classicism has contributed richly in culture and in the sciences and humanities to our civilization, for which we should be thankful--but the negative things are also glaringly apparent in our times and culture. Classicism, despite the sophistication, despite the learning and education it enjoyed, despite its regard for truth and high-minded values and rules of society that refine human lives above the level of brute animals, crumbled and destroyed itself, due to its inherent corruption, lack of creativity, mannerism, cynicism, and decadence. We are always in danger of reverting to the depraved, immoral, pleasure-mad, cynical, Big Government-dependent, and violence-craving pagan culture of Rome and Greece, which now takes the form of Gaea-worship (or the Earth Mother religion) and Satanism (under the guise of the above pagan religion), materialism, and outright immoral hedonistic and pagan lifestyles (which Americans have adopted with great zest, including the violence of the arena which the decadent, ancient Romans relished.
Pagan religion and pagan culture are now full-blown in America, even if there are no established shrines for them under that banner. We call these pagan shrines and religious paraphenalia other, nicer things--they are "sports stadiums," presidential museums, art museums, universities, "porn videos," "Adult Entertainment," "Adult Beverages," "Choice," "Reproductive Rights for Women," "Privacy," "You Can Have It All" Oprah Winfrey TV programs, luxury (pronounced "lugsury," which is crass venality, the craving for excessive show and pomp and self-glorification and self-indulgement of all kinds, which dehumanizes a human being into a monster if carried far enough--witness the Roman emperors such as Nero and Caligula and Julian the Apostate and many others), "Sex Education " (which is really an aggresive sexual indoctrination and reorientation in public education, even promoting homosexuality and transvestism down to the lower grades in elementary schools).
The imperial Romans would have loved this kind of society of perpetual Saturnalia that we have in America, where anything goes and is approved.
"Eat!" "Indulge yourself!" "Be first in line!" "You deserve it!" These are the buzzwords and slogans of the creed of neo-paganism. Oh, you can be religious too and be a full-blown pagan--you wrap it up with fine church services in a lavish sanctuary, with big choirs in beautiful robes, and ego-pumping, positive messages that teach success and self-advancement, as well as instruct the masses how to handle every kind of handicap and setback and crisis in life including hangnails and acne and obesity (you can still gorge all you want and still reduce and be seductive and sexy, according to this gospel).
Lately, I watched a televised service that, after some minutes of enjoying the well-orchestrated music by the "evangelist-pastor," I had to wonder if the audience of church members were not paid to be there--as I received not the slightest witness of the Holy Spirit that they were doing anything other than presenting a performance for the cameras as the evangelist-pastor led them in the "service." This man was the same who picked up prostitutes and was caught a second time after his first public repentance (his wife and family lined up beside him in support), which cost him his national televised program and his jetport and global ministry, but he is back before the cameras on Daystar--and obviously still has money to put on a fine show. I would hope he has repented truly, but his tightly-controlled, hyped up "power service" with a choir all garbed in highly expensive robes singing the same line over and over and over did not encourage me in that hope!
This carnal Christianity, allied to paganism, has eaten out the heart and soul of Americans like battery acid on an Angel Food cake. Pagans sit in the church pews, run the services, fill the troughs with their swill of user-friendly religion and psychology, entertain the crowds with the best audio equipment, mass choirs and bands and beautiful flower arrangements, not to mention AC and padded pews, chandeliers, thick pile carpets, and the latest color-coordinated decor. Most people pass by these user-friendly churches, however, for they can get the same pagan thing without giving offerings or tithing, by simply switching on the boob tube, or going on the Internet for porn and violent games and gambling, or they check out sex and violence videos for a buck each at the local Hollywood video store, or they flock to Umpteen-Theatres in the mall, or spend hundreds attending the big name games in "stadiums" (which are really Roman arenas) to drink and carouse and fight a little, or do any number of a million things pagans and cultural pigs find to do to amuse themselves and spend money on themselves.
We are ripe for being overthrown by our enemies. I have often thought this is exactly what Assyria was like on the day before the massed armies of the Elamites and Babylonians attacked and destroyed the superpower of the day, the Assyrian Empire, or the day Rome, a superpower if there ever was one, was sacked repeatedly by the barbarians until there was nothing left but a cowtown of 20,000 people huddling in the ruins, or when Babylon the mighty city was conquered by Cyrus's general, or when any other mighty empire fell after rotting away morally within. Listen to the media, observe the activities of people, see how they spend their time and money, mark their befuddled, contradictory, rebellious, misinformed, secular humanist views on life, on America, on their own lives, on history, even on the Jehadist Muslims threatening us with extinction--it is most sobering, for you are looking at Assyrians, Greeks, Romans, even Napoleonic Frenchmen and Nazi Germans the day before they were utterly destroyed. I can read history, but I see it constantly repeated before my very eyes! It is a most fantastic scene--and nobody seems to have learned anything from the disasters of previous civilizations in order to call a halt and a sober stock-taking that could possibly help us to save ours from the same terrible fate.
I realize that most of my fellow Americans could not care less about the fate of the next generation--their own children, in other words. They care only for their peace and affluence in their own lifetimes--let their descendants fend for themelves and the Devil take the hindmost. You used to see this bumper sticker, "I'm spending my grandchildren's inheritance!" on the bumpers of snowbirdy Winnebagos heading for Sun Cities in Arizona or New Mexico, and maybe you still do. But they were too near the truth--and have disappeared for that reason, I suspect. I can easily see pagans with this bumper sticker on their fronts and backs, and proud of it! But Christians, who truly want to serve Jesus, should be the last people to adopt this short-term, self-centered pagan world-view. Their children's future is very high--actually right under God on their list of the important things in life--not their own self-indulging lifestyle and selfish personal peace and affluence.
Our Founders warned that this U.S. government we have would not function at all as it was intended with anything other than a moral people behind it. They were absolutely correct! But we have become grossly immoral and pagan--all according to the tenets of secular humanism, which permits everything but the Ten Commandments and God and clean, moral lives lived to honor the Lord Jesus by revering God and obeying Him, with love for our fellow man, and respect for one another, regardless of personal belief or station in life. What will happen now that we have become immoral? It already has happened. Our government is now reflective of us--it has become corrupt, immoral, repressive, and intolerant. It is no longer Christian, inspired by Christian principles and abiding by the Christian foundations and heritage of our nation--no, it is supporting the exact opposite!
Witness a Barney Frank, an avowed (even irascible) activist homosexual who aims to destroy all Christian decency from misuse of his power as a member of Congress if he possibly can. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, with Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton, and others, are working together with him and others to push through bills that would declare the Bible evil and the quoting of scripture against homosexuality "hate speech." With such blatantly, agggressive, proudly and defiantly immoral men and women at the helm of our nation, Congress is rapidly doing away with the infinitely precious Christian foundation of our nation and substituting a gross, self-destructive, pagan, secular humanist state and society.
The Supreme Court is a chief means effecting the same agenda. The ferocious battle goes on against Christianity in America, for unconditional surrender is demanded by secular humanist forces--there is no real tolerance for Christian beliefs.
Tolerance for everything but Christians! Even if all Christians threw in the towel, ran up the white flag, and cried "Uncle!" and went into hiding in their closets--keeping their faith absolutely private--that would not be enough for the secular humanists in Congress, in the courts, in the public schools and universities, and even in the military. They are hypocrites, worse than the Christians who do not live up to their professions, in that Christians at least admit to being sinners, whereas they do not recognize the existence of sin or that they are in need of grace and forgiveness by God!
As hypocrites of the worst stripe, they don't want Christians silenced--they want them altogether eradicated and rendered invisible. Toward that end, secular humanists will aggressively, relentlessly pursue every last Christian, reducing the Christian to virtual slavery and impoverishment and powerlessness, thus eliminating every roadblock or hindrance to secular humanism being imposed, like the regimentation of a fascist state, upon everyone.
We are waging a war, those of us who are evangelical, Bible-based believers in Jesus, that is fought on a number of fronts. We have to stand up against secular humanism, paganism (including Satanism), and now expansionist, jehadist, terroristic Islam. Despite the spin about Islam being a religion of peace, there is no real moderate Islam, despite the claims, since the fanatic Wahibist sect with big oil money is driving the Islamization of America and will not stop until we are fully under the banner of Islam promoted by this extreme, terrorist-supporting sect from Saudi Arabia.
These are the three Goliaths confronting us with superior firepower and hostility and the aim to destroy us utterly (Goliath does not allow anybody their right to exist who disagrees with him, just as secular humanists' Tolerance does not tolerate any difference of opinion!).
There are more such giants, all anti-Christian, anti-Christ, and anti-Bible--they are equally hostile and committed to our destruction. You can fight and maybe beat back one or two, but the others will swarm out and conquer America. Clearly, only God can deliver us out of this crushing vise of multiple enemies as they wage World War III against us.
Israel has 1.3 million Arabs, all citizens of Israel, holding equal rights with Jewish Israelis, and electing Arab representatives in the Knesset, the government's legislative body in Jerusalem. What do Arab countries around this "apartheid state" of Israel have to compare with this record. Nothing! Saudi Arabia will not allow one Jew to live within its borders--not one! No Christians either--if they exist, they cannot meet in churches or even hold prayer meetings in their homes--they are subject to arrest, imprisonment, and even execution by beheading. So much for Saudi Arabia, one of Jimmy Carter's exemplars of Muslim Arab freedom and liberty for all. The same can be said for Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, and all the other friends of Jimmy Carter. They won't permit Jews either, and rigorously persue Christians, particularly Muslims who have converted, imprisoning them, torturing them, and often killing them in the town and village squares, tearing them literally apart while the mobs pass the body parts around with fiendish glee (this scene was described by Walid Shoebat, as taking place in Ramallah, the West Bank capital of the PLO and now the seat of the Abbas Fatah terrorist state).
So Jimmy Carter has stepped firmly and defiantly into the camp of the terrorists and the Jew-Christian hating and persecuting Arab countries and societies with his book condeming the nation of Israel.
Seldom has a former U.S. president fallen so low as this (though Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is approaching this depth, with his having a pagan, polytheistic Hindu chaplain come and give the opening prayer for the U.S. Senate). It is hard to think of anything worse than his case. He can keep his Nobel Prize, which he received, by the way, with the likes of Yassir Arafat, who killed more Jews with suicide bombers than any killer and mass murderer since Hitler. Now Arafat has gone to his eternal desserts, but Mr. Carter is very much alive, and speaking in encouraging terms everywhere to terrorist groups and terrorist states in the Mideast, Asia, and Africa. This man needs to be challenged, as Pastor Hagee challenged him from the speaker's podium at the CUFI conference in Washington yesterday, to reveal to the American people the sources of his funding. This will tell us all exactly what he is and what his agenda is. We can know this man by his friends, and his friends are sworn enemies of the United States, who have vowed to destroy Israel and also America. We are all Jimmy Carter's targets, by terrorist hands. My family used to give to his Habitat for Humanity, but no more! He deprived us of our opportunity to help this building of homes for the homeless by his terrorist connections and also his denouncing of Israel on the most execrable, untrue grounds--apartheidism. If anyone is apartheidist and supportive of apartheidist states, it is Mr. Jimmy Carter! Own up to it, Mr. Carter! You are known by your friends and supporters--and you cannot continue under a smokescreen of philanthropy to conduct your agenda of anti-Americanism and anti=Semitism with impunity. God has a reckoning due for you, as His Word states that whoever blesses Israel will be bless, and whoever curses Israel (as you have cursed Israel) will be cursed. That is the Word of God, and it cannot be overturned. It will be your sentence from the great Judge of all souls, Jesus Christ, when you step before the Great White Throne someday to account for your misdeeds and guilt. Repent now, and be saved. You may be a Sunday school teacher in a Baptist church in Plains, Georgia, but you are no Christian who could commit such crimes as you have committed continually for many years now. Your reckoning is slow, but is is certain, and it may come any day now. Repent, Mr. Carter. God's grace can still save you, if you will give up your pride and your folly and ask for forgiveness, and then make public confession to try to rectify some of the vast damage you have done to Israel and millions of innocent people through your perfidy and lies.
Will we survive? God only can deliver us out of their hands. Our military, our government, Homeland Security, F.B.I. and the C.I.A.--they are useless, their help is vain. They cannot save themselves if our nation is ruined by catastrophic attacks by terrorists--so how will they be able to help us in a national emergency? Obviously, they will be fleeing to silos and shelters for government people only--while we have to seek whatever shelter we can and whatever supplies we have on hand will have to serve us until the "Government" come out of hiding. Remember 9/11? The president disappeared. So did the Vice President. Where was the U.S. Federal Government? They suddenly dematerialized in the face of mortal danger. All we knew was that they were "somewhere", in planes, guarded by jets, en route somewhere, while New York City burned and writhed like a stricken animal. The NYC major, an incompetent in most respects, rallied the people with his fiesty spirit, and stood up in the absence of President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld and the U.S. Military (where were they???). When they finally came out of hiding to take up the reins of the nation again, their job was nearly all done for them, by such as Mayor Guiliani and the firefighters and the NYC medics and police and private citizens giving themselves sacrificially for the aid and help of fellow Americans in distress. The Federal Government, Congress, the Prsidency, the Department of Defense, were useless in the emergency. The Bible tells us never to trust in men for our defense. The record of what happened in 9/11 and thereafter is a confirmation that the Bible is absolutely right in "take" on what men and governments can do.
Pray for them, but don't rely on them--they cannot even save themselves--and, in a pinch, they will first save themselves, not private citizens. We saw this in 9/ll and nothing has changed. Of course, they presume to think that their leadership is so vital that they must be preserved at all costs--but that is not so. We can always find more leaders, and they will probably be better ones too. Crises have a way of bringing forth better leaders than the ones we pick in peacetime. Crises test the true character and worth of a leader. We saw our leaders run for their lives (though our sobered, secular-humanist Congress was frightened enough to forget its secular humanist agenda long enough to stand on the steps of the Capitol and sing to God like a captive canary!)
Our Government is giving away our country--to every foe you can name--so why would it save us? Our most sensitive missile electronics and tracking and guidance systems were sold to the Red Chinese from the Clinton White House on to today, when electronic firms in the U.S. break the laws and sell their technology to Communist Chinese buyers, without our government lifting a hand against them. Selling out America's defenses in this way is not even being thought of seriously. Everybody is doing it--and expecting another generation to deal with it. Examine our government's policies, including the latest amnesty bill, and try to deny the fact that we are being given away as a national entity. President Bush has just signed a globalistic, transnational agreement with the European Union, I have heard--and that would not surprise me. He made such an agreement with President Fox of Mexico, did he not?
Islam is on the march in America! We need to be Bible-based in our approach, filled with love for these people who seek to overthrow our freedoms and substitute draconian Sharia law and an Islamic theocracy where Christians are outlawed or made second-class citizens at best. They can be won to Christ, by prayer and love and forgiveness. But we just cannot sit and expect God will do this for us. We must enlist in His army now.
Remeember what I said about her exposing America's dirty laundry to the world? She did it today, literally, on her program--showing the stained underwear of child rape victims in the photographs made by the predator! She also said, the day before, that "many fathers are sexual abusers" of their children. Where does she get the statistics for that? Many might as well be most--for her use of "many" casts a cloud over all fathers in America as potential or actual sex predators and child abusers. This is the sorcery of this woman--that women cannot get enough of this kind of graphic exposure to the most horrendous crimes of abuse against children and women--as a result, biblically, of Eve's choice to eat the forbidden fruit so that she might possess the knowledge of good and evil. Eve's wayward daughters of modern times, such as Oprah and all her followers, are still eating that deadly forbidden fruit, with the consequences of defiling their minds and souls with virulent evil, which they then spread like new strains of pneumonia or TB by talking about it to their own children and friends and acquaintances. This kind of mass propagation and popularization of evil (all done under the banner of "informing the public" against it) is forbidden by God, but Oprah goes about it for profit, with the zeal of a traditional muck-raker of the 19th century.
Why study the English language and English literature in America? If we do not resurrect them soon, we will soon forget what America is, and what America was. America will be liquidated, its very memory erased by a triumphantist secular humanism in the public schools, the government, the business sector, the churches, and in the marketplace of ideas! I have no idea what we will have in its place, but it will nto be America as founded and created and intended by our Founding Fathers to be.
In the following excerpt, we have a provocative picture of several wayfarers walking through a wasteland of desert where no life, no water, exists--yet God is there! Nobel Prize winning T.S. Eliot's masterpiece, "The Wasteland," a strange figure appears, hooded, that has to be divine, walking along with other travelers on a lonely road.
Rather than evade responsibility and continue in sin, why not face up to it: God is right, his Bible is right in its diagnosis of my "sin problem," and His cure is also the only Cure, namely, Jesus Christ dying on the Cross in my stead, in my place, for my sin, taking all my sin penalty and paying for it with his life blood! It is a wonderful thing for those who partake. It is life transforming. Mockers will mock to the end of their lives, but the moment they die, and the demons appear to drag them off--they are converted to the truth, but it comes too late to save them from their terrible, eternal fate. Why not stop now and accept accountability--and the Remedy, Jesus? It makes a whole lot of good sense.
The excellent "Levitt Letter," the newsletter of the Zola Levitt Ministries, has a recent article in the May 2007 issue that every Christian in America should read, entitled, "How do Christians Live With Muslims?", authored by Frank Pastore, Another timely article, "Muslims Accept Israel's Messiah," is offered in the Februasry 2007 issue of Levitt Letter, and it details the turning to Jesus by millions of Muslims, country by country. This is information you probably won't see anywhere else, and it will no doubt astound and encourage you. You can try the web address of Mr. Pastore. Otherwise, the excellent Levitt Letter magazine can be ordered or the article by Mr. Pastore can be accessed, perhaps, by going to the Zola Levitt website:
Please do your Bible scholarship a favor and give yourself this boost, which is a big one, by subscribing. I hope to order a whole series of these already printed magazines on all the major evangelists, which is over for less than $100 as long as the supply lasts.
Seek God whether He wants you to attend the Aglow (Aglow in the Spirit) anniversary. He may!
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eye with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke, and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."--Revelation 3:14-19
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.