Mary-Constance, a Sister in a Prayer Ministry she founded and led, established houses of refuge and healing in Oregon on the north coast and her home state of New Jersey and even ministered in Mexico to orphans and castaway elderly women, Her first house of healing was for HIV Aids and disabled individuals. Her first house guest, a young man named David, came to repent and be born again before he died at the home. Her books are self-published, and she wrote poetry and prose to the glory of God, as she witnessed that she owed all to Jesus. She was a personal friend to the editor and my mother, to the last of my mother's life at age 101, and she continued to be my friend to the last of her life a couple years following. She self-published two books of prose and poetry centered on Jesus, "One Foot in Heaven" and "Doorway to Earth." Poor and afflicted with various illnesses, she was an obscure but truly a Christian Great who, by her love and compassion for them, affected many people wherever she went and lived, due to her burning love for Jesus and for the oppressed sick, poor, orphaned, widowed and elderly castaways of society. She left one son and one daughter and their families. Blessed be her memory and legacy in Korea, Central America, the U.S., and Mexico!--Ed.