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A Messianic School of the Bible

The Emmaus Walk offers courses on Genesis to Revelation highlighting Messianic texts and Types of Christ. Aimed at ordinary people (such as ourselves!), to help reveal the core Messianic meaning of the Bible, which is the very reason for the existence of the authoritative Word of God, eternal and everlasting.


WORLD'S GREATEST BOOK CAN BE UNDERSTOOD IF GIVEN A CHANCE: Beyond question, the greatest book in the world is the Bible, and the greatest Book is about the greatest Person, Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Anointed).

Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The Books of the Bible


I am the Bible.

I am God's wonderful library.

I make known to all, Him who is Truth.

To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.

To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India,] I am glorious light.

To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.

To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.

To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.

To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.

To those who are distressed by the storms of life,

I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.

To those who suffer in lonely solitude,

I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.

Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.

The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown

The history and discovery of the Essene Scrolls is so important for our Christian faith and their role in Christian apologetics is so foundational that we have a whole page devoted to them, and we will be adding new material from time to time:

"Essene Scrolls Center

THE MESSIANIC SCROLL IS AVAILABLE! Zola Levitt Ministries has available a most wonderful Messianic Scroll, giving Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament (the Torah) along with the Fulfilments in the New Testament.


The Bible's Messianic Texts are thus named because they are passages in scripture that point specifically to the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus in Gentile terminology). Foremost in consideration of these texts, Christ Himself chose it when conducting an informal Bible class with two distraught and troubled disciples who had left Jerusalem just after the crucifixion and were on their way to Emmaus, a village seven miles from the Holy City. This spiritual trek inspired the logo graphic at the top of our home page, and in Judaea in the time of Jesus (see the map) Emmaus is near the bottom, located close by Jerusalem.

"Bible Atlas & Map Center

Vita of Ronald Ginther, Founder of the Emmaus Walk:


"Autobiographical Sketch of a Sparrow," by Ronald Ginther

"Have you ever met God?", a Reply to a Radio Show Host's Question by Ronald Ginther

I had experiences almost exactly like what Samuel described in his true story of how God came through for him in a desperate situation in graduate school at the University of Washington. Here it is, republished for your benefit:

"As I Walked Alone That Night, a Gentle Wind Brought His Help!" by Samuel

Our late Emmaus Walk instructor, Duane L. Smith, is sorely missed, more than we can say, in fact. This man finished his short life like an Eric Liddell, an Olympic champion runner--with a final surge in the last forty yards that carried him through every obstacle and barrier that Satan could throw at him and God was using at the same time to test and refine him. The "Adjectival Biography" of the Late Duane L. Smith--a great Bible expositor and man of God, who fought the good fight of faith, ran the good race, and won an imperishable crown, is our very humble attempt to eulogize this champion of faith and Biblical principles:

"The Adjectival Biography of Duane L. Smith," by Ronald Ginther


"Requirements for Certificate"

The Emmaus Walk Certificate of Excellence

"CONGRESS DECLARES BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD," Public Law 97-280, October 4, 1982, Statute 1211, Approved October 4, 1982


The U.S. Supreme Court, thanks to the new Constitution-respecting appointee of President Bush who was the deciding vote instead of the arch-liberal Sandra D. O'Connor (no moderate at all) who recently retired because of health reasons (or was it her convicting conscience, ignored, causing her health problems?), has ruled 5-4 to uphold the Congressional ban on partial birth abortion. By one deciding vote, we said to the world that we are not the worst barbarians on the planet, but that there still survives in America a shred of human love and human decency and love of God and His children, born or yet-unborn.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Sixties against the Ten Commandments, outlawing them from U.S. public schools on the basis, not from over two centuries of legal and judicial precedent that favored the Ten Commandments in all our Christian-founded public schools, but on the advice of a liberal, secular-humanist psychologist who testified to them that the Ten Commandments displayed in a school might be "psychologically damaging" to a child who saw them! The secular humanist court swallowed this, hook, line, and sinker--and DOWN WENT AMERICA, MORALLY, CULTURALLY, AND SPIRITUALLY, with this single ruling inspired and originating in hell. The U.S. Congressional Record registers the statistics of all the major areas of national life, and it shows without question that the incidents of teen pregnancy, violence, murder, and all kinds of mayhem shot up exponentially from the date of that ruling. The schools declined scholastically too--at the same catastrophic rate. This was the ax that cut and swept away the very foundation, not only of education, but of our national life and our nation's health and welfare. This ruling was an act of war not just against America but against God--it was outright rebellion.

The Ten Commandments--what are they? Why must our nation ignore and shun and forbid them to its peril? The first thing is that they are the laws of God, given to man to govern individuals, societies, and nations--all of them!

These divine laws supersede all human laws and civil law codes. America is not exempt! Psalm 103: 17-19 declares to the world: "But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children's children. To such as keep his covenant, and to those who remember His commandments to keep them. The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all."

The Word of God, which is binding for all the earth and all its people and nations, holds us all to the Commandments of God--and these include the Ten Commandments, which codify all his commandments in ten "Thou shalt not's".

This is the greatest and best formulated law code that has ever existed. It is perfect and absolutely flawless, in fact. It is complete in every respect and comprises every aspect of human life on the planet. No human being devised it--it came out of the mind of God, who is Justice in one of his divine attributes. How could a flawed, fallible, fallen human being ever devise a completely just law code. Hammurabi, Justinian, Suliemen the Magnificient, Napoleon--their law codes are flawed simply because they are human-created. No committee could do a better job, no legislature either. Only God could create the glorious Ten Commandments--and our Founding Fathers in America recognized that the Ten Commandments were the best legal code in the world upon which to base our legal institutions, our society's morality and education, and our laws governing the nation. They were absolutely correct, as the results have proven--America rose to become the freest, most prosperous, and greatest nation on earth. But all this we have thrown away, thanks to the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, and the Congress's failure to turn this around.

How does America measure up to these commandments which it has foolishly, defiantly, thrown away and trashed?


America has many gods--among them money, academic credentials, power, celebrities, drugs, awards, sex, mobsters and Marlon Brandoesque "godfathers," material things, prestige--the list is almost endless. These gods rule Americans and make them slaves who then commit every sort of sin and abomination that God hates and tells us in the Bible he hates. We broke this commandment as Americans, and are breaking it every minute of every hour of every day--and we are still not repenting. Nobody can judge us, we tell others, even the people we have wronged. Victims all across America cry for justice--and there is virtually none in America, because the justice system is so perverted for the sake of money-grubbing lawyers and secular humanist judges and juries who blame the victim and condone the criminal.



All other the country we build lavish, hundred-million-dollar "Presidential libraries" and "Halls of Fame" to immortalize and exalt our various leaders and cultural idols--and give them far more attention and reverence than we ever give to God who alone deserves such praise. One sports celebrity, for example, is given a bigger salary than the entire income of a mega-church--we are talking 70 to 100 millions or so for a few years of ball playing! We lavish hundreds of millions on world-class art museums, on concert halls, on casinos at Biloxi, Mississippi or New Orleans, on sports arenas, on Olympic Games sites, on flight museums, on racetracks, on the space program and the space station--while the billions of people in the world goes unevangelized because only a trickle of Americans' money goes to God's work. Our images are shining fool's gold, indeed, just like the images of Rome, Assyria, Greece, India, and China--nations that forgot God and were destroyed.

We bow down to these images, though they can do nothing for us spiritually and rob us of our true purpose in life, which is to serve and glorify God, not man.



The precious, peerless, saving name of Jesus Christ, the Name that is above all names and most deserving of the greatest respect and adoration, is the name used most by Americans to swear by in curses. His holy Name is profaned in the mouths of men, women, and children coast to coast, Canada to Mexico, by pagans and Christians alike. His Name is profaned routinely in films, on TV, on concert stages, in interviews, in government, in Congress, in the Supreme Court, in the military, in child care centers, in the ACLU offices, in NEA conferences, in publishing houses, in TV media headquarters, in newspaper offices, in financial centers, in major corporations, in the Planned Parenthood abortion-referring centers, in schools and universities, in sports venues--everywhere in America. His Name, spoken reverently by any God-fearing saint, is rejected, rebuked, outlawed, proscribed, spat upon.



America is repealing all its blue laws, that kept the Sabbath day holy, so that it can allow business free rein on Sunday and make Sunday just like any other day, a working day, in other words. God, reverence toward Him, is thrown out of the whole week. In Washington State, a law was passed to permit state liquor sales on Sunday. Governor Christine Gregoire, Democrat, pushed this bill, and signed it. Look at all the malls and stores that are open doing business on Sunday--keeping millions at work without a Sunday off to go to church and attend to spiritual needs of their own and their families' and their church's too.



Parents are routinely neglected by their families in America. Millions are pushed into nursing homes by their grown children, who then never visit them or see how they are being taken care of. Or they are left unattended at home without checking or calling or doing any of the loving things children should do for their aged parents to help them. This crime is ignored, denied, and epidemic. We all see it happening, though most of it goes on behind closed doors. Parents are routinely ignored, too, when it comes to their godly admonitions--children when leaving the homes routinely discard every last vestige of morality and decency and live selfishly and immorally, without thought of any consequence or accountability. They cast a thick layer of mud on their parents' names and reputations by their immoral, self-destructive lifestyles. This kind of crime is ignored, even promoted by film makers, book writers and publishers, and educators--who deliberately belittle, trivialize, ridicule, and defame (making fathers look like bumbling idiots and portraying mothers like cruel abusers or even prostitutes) them in the eyes of the children for the big money they get. State legislators pass bills to take away all parental rights over their own children in their homes--and then criminalize their attempts to discipline wayward, rebellious children, who were taught in the schools to disrespect and disregard their parents! Sex education in the schools promotes homosexuality, and portrays marriage of one man with one woman as archaic and evil, so that the children grow up and take on sexual "relationships" without any thought of marriage.

Much of the popular music--gangsta rap, punk rock, hip hop, etc.--defames parents and even tell the children to rebell and kill their parents in the lyrics of the songs (yet Americans are horrified when the children go and do just that--slay their parents in the most brutal fashion). This music also degrades women to the level of rutting dogs (encouraging the abuse of women in every respect, in ways that would make even copulating dogs blush), and promotes racism, rape, gang rape, murder, and sexual perversion. There is hardly a voice raised against it in America--despite the tremendous harm it has done and is still doing to American youth and also international youth. Why? It is a multi-billion dollar industry--violent, pornographic, abusive, racist, sexist music pays the corporations and banks and billionaires that finance and profiteer off the rock stars. But God Almighty hates and abominates it--and it is damned to hell along with all who practice, promote and profiteer--for it is used by Satan to destroy millions of young people here and the world over.



Infanticide is universal in America. We fund it with public monies too, up to 100 million dollars a year is given to Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the world, a giant industry of death profiteering off the death of millions of helpless unborn babies. We kill the unborn without mercy, with the Democrats fighting to preserve the most barbaric form of abortion, called "Partial Birth Abortion," and now the total of slain babies is over forty million since Roe vs. Wade was ruled in favor of abortion by the U.S. Supreme Court. Before that, abortions were being done "under the bar," but without any sanctions on them--as my own mother can testify, as she was offered to abort her first child by a nurse at the hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, back in the Thirties! She said, absolutely not! Her son became an evangelist whose ministry has saved thousands of souls for Christ.

Murder is an epidemic in America. Schools are the venues of teenaged mass murders. Churches are attacked and children and Sunday School teachers (even janitors, as just now in Moscow, Idaho, by a sniper who invaded the First Presbyterian Church with a high-powered rifle) are slain. Life is very, very cheap in America--thanks to secular humanists, liberals, the school administrators and school boards, the Democratic Party, and the U.S. Supreme Court and the lower courts as well throwing out the commandments of God, including this one.

Parents are murdered in cold blood, even strangled, by their sons turned amoral and monstrous, thanks to their secular humanist, Evolution-teaching educators who deny all of God's commandments and any responsiblity for an individual's acts and crimes. Parents turned elderly are abused and neglected and starved, a slow murder, by their grown children who deny any wrong-doing to courts, should it come to the attention of authorities. Murder of children receives only a slight sentence--kill an animal and you receive a far harsher sentence in the courts!



Adultery is lauded as a good thing for marriage, and a psychologist advised married Americans to commit adultery to put "spice" in a marriage. Adultery is glamorized by films, by the bed-hopping of Tom Cruise, Brad Pittman, and all the other sleeze artists/stars and starlets of Hollywood. Madonna has a child out of wedlock, but doesn't marry her "partner," probably because she doesn't know which male partner was the father, or because she doesn't want a husband who will have to share her enormous revenues from her shows and appearances and concerts and even her line of children's books. Adultery is one the most popular activities in America--and is fully approved by the society, by the media, by the films, books, celebrities, and even the government leaders--who throw away their wives, as Republican Newt Gingrich and others of high profile in Congress, have done--or who (like former President William Clinton who cheated on his wife with student White House interns and denied it even to an investigating court authorized under Kenneth Starr to look into his misdeeds while in office! America did not only know about his adulteries from his Arkansas governorship on to the White House, but gave him a standing ovation, and millions voted him in for second term for more of the same!).



Stealing is an epidemic in America. We have to lock everything up now, and put security fences round everything, and set guards night and day. But the thieves are mostly inside the fences, acting like honest people but stealing from us all--for we all pay for what the thieves steal. Employees routinely steal at work. Government leaders and office holders steal. Bank robberies, street robberies, auto thefts, burglaries, are for small cash only when corporate heads and CEO's of the biggest firms, Enron, World.Com, and others, bankrupt huge companies for their own profit, stealing the retirements of hundreds of thousands of workers and shareholders.

There is state sponsored, state-profiteering off of legalized theft, called gambling. This vice steals from the whole community in order to profit a few who own the casino. Everyone knows this. Yet Washington State is one of many sates that has legalized the lottery and gambling casinos in order to gain the revenues (saying it would go for education, but it has not gone to education)--while we all pay as a society for the money the state is raking in in order to misspend it on programs we do not need and to give the legislators pay increases when the citizens are suffering from high prices and high taxes and gouging at the pumps. The social breakdown and destruction of families from widespread gambling is very expensive, and rehab for gambling addicts has to be paid for by the taxpapers, on top of the total tab. Gambling drives out all the retail businesses too around it--just go to Lead, South Dakota, or Atlantic City, or Las Vegas. You cannot operate a viable economy around such places (what business wants to be around organized crime, prostitution, drugs, escort services, strip joints, and boozing except another casino?)--the reputable business flees, and gambling takes over like an enormous parasite or melanoma cancer that spreads rapidly and feeds on the whole society to maintain its rapid growth. Where do the taxes go?--out of the area--while the casinos, having devoured the local economy and destroyed the city's tax base, continue to monopolize the incomes of the whole city and the money of thousands who fly in on low-cost, casino-derayed air fares. Legislatures, then, become hostages to the casinos, without which they would be out of money completely! The crime lords who have their take in the casinos (for "protection" purposes, which is extortion) and the corrupt casiono owners then rule whole states! Restaurants too give a regular skim off the top to the Mafia--or they won't remain in business very long.



Lying is epidemic in America. Lawyers lie for huge fees. Lying in the schools by the students is universally accepted. Parents lie to their children, the children lie to their parents and teachers and fellow school mates--and the President lies and gets away with it, and the senators and representatives in Congress lie to each other, to the American people, and to the world. The State Department lies to other nations. We are a nation of liars since this commandment was thrown out.



We are a nation of shameless, materialistic coveters. Our cars, houses, designer clothes, designer nails, designer jewelry, luxurious lifestyles, are mostly all beyond need and display our overweening pride and dreams of prestige and self-glorification--we are determined to exceed the Joneses! And the Joneses are determined to exceed us! It is a prestige race that has devoured most of the incomes of Americans--one that is based on covetousness and greed.

Our vehicles are most sought after and popular that are the biggest, most lavishly "loaded" with TV, sound systems, plush interiors, etc.--ever devised by auto manufacturers. Practical utility is forgotten--the fastest, biggest gas-guzzling, four-wheeled monster we can buy is our choice! It also has to be better than the one we coveted that our neighbor is driving. And we must have multiple vehicles--fill our driveways and garages with them--whether we drive them or not. I knew a man who had a Rolls Royce, a Jaguar, a Lincoln, and a Suburban--and he couldn't drive any of them, due to his blindness of many years--these were his wife's choices, and to keep her happy he let her have everything she had always coveted in her neighbor's driveways, no doubt.


As Dr. Charles Stanley of Intouch Ministries has stated, you must present the justice of God before his salvation, for people to know their true plight and standing (GUILTY!) before a just and holy God, so that that they will cry out in repentance for his gift of mercy and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Churches (and I have been present and heard this pronounced by the pastors) automatically assure their lying, thieving, adulterous, coveting, profane, murderous (you can murder people's reputations or think one hateful thought and be a murderer in God's eyes), stealing (you can rob God of his tithes, or rob your family of your time as a parent, or rob God of love and obedience, even if you do not steal somebody's money or possessions), false-testifying, and parent-neglecting congregations that they are forgiven the mercy of God, when they are not forgiven, because they are still unrepentant and unchanged and, therefore, guilty before God and on their way to punishment in hell.

Bill O'Reilly of Fox TV and the O'Reilly Factor program and his Talk Radio outlets--a self-styled "traditionalist"-- has put on the additional hat of theologian and stated that you cannot, like Dr. Jerry Falwell, tell homosexuals that they are going to hell and are judged by God--"you just can't do that." The Bible "begs to differ" with Mr. O'Reilly. Dr. Jerry Falwell was doing exactly what God and the Bible has told him to do--warn people going to hell that they must stop sinning and turn to God, and He will forgive and transform them and save them from hell and damnation. He was doing exactly what Dr. Charles Stanley says we must do as Christians, present God as a God of justice first to sinners before we say, "God loves you unconditionally." God's love is NOT unconditional. Yes, he loves everyone on earth, but we are all condemned sinners, guilty because we have broken His commandments, and a just God must sentence us to the full penalty if he is to remain just. We must as sinners see that we are lost, before we can be "found." The Prodigal Son in Jesus's parable had to "come to himself," see what a literal pigsty he had pigheadedly gotten himself into after he squandered his inheritance in a foreign country with his immoral friends and prostitutes, before he literally turned around and went back to his father to beg forgiveness and mercy and just be a hired man if he could. Jesus's dying on the Cross for us brings us nothing if we do not repent, like the thief hanging beside him on a cross. God still loves us, but his justice must be served first, if we reject the only way we can avoid the penalty, by repenting and turning to Jesus Christ. You cannot receive God's love and forgiveness first--then go on sinning while you sing "Amazing Grace." God's commandments will not be flouted by you or me or anyone, not even by the U.S. Supreme Court and the Congress, without impunity and punishment. God's forgiveness is free to us, but paid for by Christ's agony and death on the Cross--the only way God provided. Our good works could never pay the penalty--it is too great and our sin too great for any amount of good works to cover them in God's eyes. Only the shed Blood of Christ can cover and cleanse away all our sins in the eye of a holy, just God--this is the only way provided by God himself. Yet Americans think that they will get off somehow, that their good deeds will outweigh their bad deeds in God's scales. It will never happen! One sin, one commandment broken, makes us breakers of all Ten Commandments, Christ said. One lustful thought makes us a breaker of the Seventh Commandment and we are an adulterer, He also stated. It is for us to obey every single Commandment--and if we do not--we are condemned, guilty criminals in God's hall of justice. Again, only repentance, and forsaking our sin, acknowledging our responsibility for it to God, can gain God's ears. A shallow remorse, or a feeling or being sorry we are caught, cannot be real repentance. God is not fooled. Either we want to make a complete change, or we do not.

Won't a loving God prevent a sinner from destroying himself? People commonly say that if God is loving, there can't be a hell, or eternal punishment for sins. God couldn't possibly send people to hell, they say (which is true, since God is not sending people to hell, they have purposely chosen to go there by choosing to sin and not to repent).

As Stuart Maxwell Hawkins in his message, "Forgive Me," stated, the Prodigal Son's loving father did not pursue his wayward, rebellious, sinning son and try to persuade him to come back home, regardless of his sins--no, he waited, prayerfully no doubt, hoping his son would wake up to his situation and take responsibility and return home to sin no more. The positive thing to the story is that the Prodigal Son did in fact wake up, did in fact turn around, did in fact forsake his life of sin and folly, and did in fact return home to his loving father, who then forgave him all his sins, not ever mentioning them to his son. There was only talk of rejoicing that the lost son had returned home to the bosom of his family--no talk whatsoever of recrimmination against the Prodigal, except by the Pharisaical elder brother, whom the father soundly rebuked. So it is with our Loving Father in heaven. If we will only as a nation and as individuals, "wake up" to our terrible sinfulness, and repent (turn around), and forsaking our sins return immediately to our Father in heaven--He will run out to the road to meet us and throw his loving arms of forgiveness around us, and put a fine robe of righteousness around our naked shoulders, and order a banquet to be spread, and singing and rejoicing to be made to celebrate the return of the once-lost son.

America, fellow Americans--let us acknowledge our guilt now, this very day--for we have broken every holy commandment of God in the Ten above, have we not?--and return to God--and through calling on the saving Name of Christ Jesus we will be forgiven, transformed, and made sons and heirs. If we refuse, we will continue to bear the sentence of damnation, destruction, and hellfire forever! It is our choice.

Course Articles are now listed in the new "Course Articles Center" page:

Ten Required Subject Courses (plus six elective courses to be added soon) are now on-line. Questions are being appended to those subjects and courses, so please return for them.

Required Subjects:

1. Christian Education

2. Prayer

3. Holy Spirit

4. Biblical Science

5. Foundational Principles

6. Witnessing and Discipleship

7. Types of Christ (OT)

8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas

9. Christian Hope and Character

10. The Prophetic Calling

"Course Articles Center"

At long last, questions are being appended to each article, which is the most practical way to provide quizzes and tests, I have discovered. 10 T/F questions are now on-line for "Part III, Christ's Prayers, and Ours," by Mrs. Bernice Schaefer.


"Bible Verses for May"

Reading Through the Bible--May

Some Bible Resources:

"Bible Resources Center"

We highly recommend this on-line bookstore for Christians, the Faith and Freedom Bookstore. Categories of its offerings are: Bibles, Books, Children's Music, David Barton (American heritage) books, Audio Books, DVDs, Christian Bestsellers, Christian Parenting, Christian Business and Leadership, Magazine Subscriptions:

"Faith and Freedom Site/Bookstore"

Another Bible resource:

Crosswalk Bible Website

Recommended Book List:

"Recommended Book List Center"

Book Reviews Center:

This book and the study guide is an elective for The Emmaus Walk, one which comprises all six electives, in case you want to do one instead of six in total. This book explains the origin and the growth of humanism to its present position of being the dominate world-view, with catastrophic consequences to society, to Christianity, to morality, to marriage, to the family, and to our very survival as a free and democratic people.

Alan Sears had just appeared on James Robison's TV program, and has Robison's full support. Alan Sear's book, ACLU VERSUS AMERICA, shows the nationwide search and destroy attack of this powerful communist-founded organization which has offices and thousands of lawyers all across the country; its total assault upon our nation's Christian foundation and morality and the family is not going unnopposed, as formerly, as Alan Sears seeks to coordinate Christian lawyers and resources to fight back in the courts for our religious liberties that the ACLU is working night and day to eradicate.

To obtain the book, ACLU VS. AMERICA, by Alan Sears

Or go to James Robison's LIFE TODAY website.

Ever wondered why we are getting hit with such horrific, devastating hurricanes and other calamities? I have been wondering, increasingly, particularly since 9/11. There is a reason--and this book pin-points the causes lie within our own state policy in Washington D.C. and the agendas of certain presidents in regard to Israel and the Arabs who want to see Israel destroyed (not co-existed with).

"Mini-Review by Ronald Ginther of McTernan's book, "As America Has Done to Israel"--showing the connection between disastrous weather and American foreign policy toward Israel and the Palestinians

"Book Reviews Center"

Books and Excerpts Center:

"Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem"

Islam for Christ Center:

"Islam Center"

"Global Warming Hoax Center"

"Tract Center"

Missions Center:

"Missions Center"

The old perception promoted by liberal Americans and British touring Asia, still being perpetuated, is that Hinduism is a flowery, benign, compassionate religion that accepts everything and is inclusive and loving toward all beliefs and people of other faiths. Not so! A religion that encourages worship of rats and snakes is also full of every kind of foul and hateful demon, you can be sure. Hinduism is a bitter persecutor of Christians in India. Western missionaries and their children have even been murdered in the most brutal way. Churches and church vehicles have been burned and destroyed. The lives of thousands of Christians are in jeopardy every day, as they are threatened with their deaths if they continue to witness for Christ and share the Gospel. Hinduism, which has about 200 million gods at last count, doesn't accept Jesus Christ--and you can pay with your life for believing in Jesus Christ, if you leave Hinduism at the same time as you become a Christian and become baptized. Is this a benign religion that does this? It is very much like Islam in this respect. I see no difference, really, as Satan is ruling over both religions. The persecution of Christians and the killing of Christians go unreported in the U.S. press or by that far-ranging, many-armed, many-headed, forever meddling incubus of atheism and secular humanism, the BBC. But the Gospel for Asia ministry magazine tells about the persecution, if you want to know something about it. They can give you actual names, places, and the details of the crimes being committed daily against our fellow believers in India.

"Gospel for Asia" Ministry and Magazine

Testimonies of Martyrs Center, with Russian martyr Ivan Moiseyev's account:

"Testimonies of Martyrs Center"

Music Center with original and also added lyrics to famous songs:

"Music Center

"Persecuted Church Center"


"Christian Activism Center"


"Friendship for Israel Center"


"America's Re-Education Center

"Revival Center"

Illegal "immigration" has enabled many thousands of Mexican drug dealers and now Islamic Jehadists to come in freely over the borders--tip toeing through the tulips under guise of being Mexicans seeking work--and they are now in the United States, with their equipment, which is probably suitcase bombs, or nuclear dirty bombs, to explode simultaneously in the major cities. Our presidents (since and including President Reagan) and the Congresses during their administrations have shamefully allowed this terrible crime against the American people to happen, and have done nothing, while persecuting and jailing honest and conscientious border agents who did their job (we are not talking about the ones who broke the law by covering up that they shot an illegal crossing the border with drugs). What a dereliction of duty! Our entire history has never evidence any of this scope and magnitude, has it? I cannot think of anything comparable. The following scene of catastrophic death in our cities and nation portrays the legacy of these conscienceless, neglectful leaders who saw what was happening but decided not to pay the political cost to defend our borders--Presidents Reagan, Clinton, George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush.

Most of us Americans are almost totally naive about Washington and the culture that surrounds and engulfs our nation's lawmakers and judges and all the hacks and professionals of the political community that sucks its life from the government and its doings. Just one instance of this: President Bush Sr. was in power, and you would think it was a respectable, moral administration that he had in charge. Wrong! An attractive young woman approached the President's grown, happily married son in the White House, and her "services" were offered him. When he declined, a very important White House staffer spoke to him, admonishing him, saying he had "hurt her feelings." "Good!" he shot back. "I am a married man," protested the President's son, now George W. Bush our President. This whole incident shows how casually illicit, extramarital sex is taken in the capital and even in the White House. Is it any wonder, when you learn, as I did, that this depraved White House is the result of years of witchcraft being practiced there by president's wives and their various psychics?

For programs dealing with the Founding Fathers and the values of our heritage:

Christian Broadcasting Network

IMMORTAL TESTIMONIES IN STONE: Mount Rushmore National Memorial is an everlasting memorial to the fact America was founded, set under a Constitution and Bill of Rights, and preserved and forever enhanced by these four Christians, the Presidents Washington, Jefferson, T. Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Still I have heard Christians who ought to know better claim that Jefferson was a Deist. They don't know that as President he was directly involved in a Christian mission, encouraging missionaries to go to the Indians to bring the Gospel, and for that purpose he composed a mission book comprised of the teachings (the theology) of Jesus for the Indians that he personally extracted from the Bible. This book was then used. A Deist making up a mission and a missionary primer or Bible text? This does not agree with the definition of Deism at all. No Deist would do such things--as religion is pointless to a Deist, since God has forsaken his Creation, according to their godforsaken philosophy. Jefferson himself would have hotly defended his faith in God--but he is ignored and tarred with the brush of Deism.

Secular humanist educators have deformed our American history, taking the side of indigenous peoples against the "white interlopers" from Europe. This is the shameless promotion of racism and the the dividing of Americans against each other for their political gain--not the true story of America based on the events of voluntary cooperation of Indians and Europeans from the beginning of this country called America (yes, unchristian policies by the government provoked vast injustice for the Indians of the country, including the breaking of treaties and the stealing of the Indian lands by force or by the "paper guns" of spurious treaties the government later broke--but they were not Christian policies, and no Christian worthy of the name of Christ can defend them). For the most part, the Indian peoples have not bought into the racist and socialist and anti-God ideology of secular humanists, since they had their own culture and reason for existence and their own world-view, and also I suppose, because they had so little money and political voice that the secular humanists decided they weren't worth recruiting for their causes.

Indians approached Gutzom Borglum, the sculptor of the faces, and said, "We too have great men." He spoke truly, but his people (the Lakota) did not carve nor leave any monuments of this size, though they had ample opportunity for hundreds or even thousands of years. Now Chief Crazy Horse is being immortalized in the Black Hills--though not by Indian sculptors, it must be said, and it is doubtful there would be a Crazy Horse Memorial if Mt. Rushmore Memorial had not been erected first, showing such a colossal thing could be done by the hand of a man in a Christian country. Copies have been attempted in other countries, and even the dictator Marcos of the Philippines built a hideous, cement image of himself into the beautiful mountains of his country--but there is only one Mt. Rushmore Memorial, which is overwhelming with its aura of dignity and integrity. The Chief Crazy Horse Memorial is long due--but both monuments show that America's timeless and universal Christian values, not just the values of any one tribe or people, are being lifted up for the remembrance of succeeding generations. I wonder if full justice will ever be attained for the Indian peoples--but it certainly will never happen without Christ. If we are to survive into the next decade, we desperately need a revival and great awakening of the Spirit before justice can be done to the precious and beautiful "first Americans," who have so much to give this country and the world that is still locked up within them. Jesus is their best hope, as he is the best hope for all the oppressed peoples of the world.

SLAVERY ALIVE AND WELL IN NEW YORK STATE: Recently in the news, a very wealthy married couple from Indonesia and India living on Long Island, New York, and conducting their lucrative perfume business from NYC, are being charged with holding two poor Indonesian women captive and using them just like slaves, and treating them like animals instead of human beings. The news media won't divulge that they are Moslems, for Indonesia is the world's largest Moslem state, and India has the second largest number of Moslems of any country, so it is highly unlikely they are anything but Moslem. And perhaps you did not think we have slavery in America! Slavery will inevitably increase as the Islamic population increases--it is just a fact, as this case demonstrates. If they had been Christians, the news media would have shouted that from coast to coast! The mayor of New York City, by the way, has sent teams of his secret agents to conduct sting operations regarding gun sales into other states such as New Jersey, without even informing the New Jersey authorities! As Brigitte Gabriel has reported, Islamic terrorists are conducting training operations in New York State and many other states, and any one of these these camps can contain as many as three hundred terrorist trainees. Islamberg (a Moslem terrorist training camp) is going "great guns" in the mountains of New York, so the gun-shy NYC mayor ought not to have time to meddle in the gun sales and affairs of other states, you would think, since he clearly has enough trouble brewing in his own back yard!

This is just another instance, if any is needed to spotlight the issue, of the idiocy of the gun-control mentality of the secular humanists--they think if they can disarm the law-abiding citizenry then the naughty crooks and gangsters and terrorists will leave everybody alone, and we will be one big happy family! Sorry! "It ain't gonna happen!" Statistics show that the cities and areas that do not have the gun control laws have lower crime rates, while the gun control cities and areas, like Washington, D.C. see far higher rates of violent crime and murder. Of course, this means nothing to the secular humanists. Don't confuse them with the facts! Their true reason for pushing gun control onto the law-abiding citizenry is to disarm them so that we cannot possibly resist Big Government's autocratic intrusions on our lives and the confiscation--extortionate taxation--of our property. Hitler used gun conrol laws to disarm the German people just before he swept away all freedoms and liberties left in Germany. We see what he did to Germany--destroyed it. Why should we permit the secular humanists--who are all totalitarians or at least sympathetic to authoritarianism--to disarm us and then roll back all the rest of our remaining Constitutional liberties, one after the other? They are doing it right now, by Congressional and Supreme Court fiats--with the copycat state legislatures following suit--but why should we cooperate and remain silent and do nothing? The secular humanists fear just such an uprising of the American people in defense of their freedoms and liberties, and so they are pushing stringent gun control with all their might. It really has nothing to do with reducing crime--statistics prove that. Scare tactics in the news is used to "prove" crime can be reduced by taking gun ownership away (or restricting it so severely that people cannot have guns or carry them in public concealed). The most horrific crimes are paraded before us as though they wouldn't have happened if only guns had not been available to the public, but actually the truth is the opposite--that such crimes are far more exceptional when guns are in the hands of law-abiding citizens than when they are not. Thus, the anti-gun crowd has no facts to stand on, so they use anything they can to divert us from the real issue, from the real agenda behind gun control laws. I have no gun and would shoot myself in the foot if I did have one--but I certainly am not fool enough to deny others the right under our Constitution. God bless the gun-owners of America--as long as they are for their own lawful use and not used against people wrongfully. I am not afraid of the lawful gun owners of America--it is the hypocritical secular humanists who can afford to hire armed security guards but who deny Americans the right to own guns--they are the true threat to me and my freedom. A pox on all of them!


"All Moslem Slave Holders and Moslem Nations, Let My People Go!" says their God, the God of the Oppressed.

"Slavery Center"

For buying the freedom of slaves and giving them enough food to go back to their homes in southern Sudan:

Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church and Breakthrough Ministries"


Senators Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Schumer, and others of the godless and immoral Democratic Party (any party that espouses things that God hates is godless and immoral) are going to ramrod through Congress a bill to repeal the Congressional ban on partial birth abortions. If this piece of Leftist, immoral, anti-life garbage goes through, it is all over with America's chance to survive into the next decade. If this ban is overturned, we do not deserve to exist as a nation. What makes us any different from the Nazis who routinely murdered millions of people they considered subhuman--Jews, Gypsies, Slavs, the sick and elderly. I don't have to be an Old Testament prophet to know that our destruction as a nation has the highest probability of coming true. But we're not yet in concentration camps and we can still put our voice and vote in to count against this genocide the Democrats are determined to perpetuate until this nation is utterly destroyed. Did you know that 1 in 6 Americans have been aborted? That one could have been you, or me! That is a higher percentage than all the fatalities of all the wars this nation has ever fought. We are truly destroying ourselves as a nation! The terrorists of Islam could not do a better job.

American Center for Law and Justice Petition to Save the Congressional Ban on Partial-Birth Abortion

"Infanticide in America Center


"Heresy and Correction Center"

In connection with Oprah's solipcism--the emphasis on ME FIRST that is at the heart of her whole approach and programming--she is always proclaiming, "You can have it all!"--look at Francis Schaeffer's exposition in "How Should We Then Live?", in which he mentions the runaway solipcism of religion in America and Western culture as one of the signs of our decline. Please see the mini-review we have extracted from the book review center section when it comes on-line in the center.

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS NO LONGER APPLY TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? In the early 1960s, the godless and immoral U.S. Supreme Court (the Bible even calls such men and unjust judges "fools') ruled to throw out the Ten Commandments from the public schools of America, and followed up that unbelievably defiant and stupid act with outlawing it in court rooms (as in the Judge Moore vs. U.S. case upholding a lower court's ruling against him for displaying the Ten Commandments as a plaque he had made and hung in his own courtroom). The Ten Commandments are no longer binding upon us, since the U.S. Supreme Court is the supreme law of the land and has the final say--right? Wrong! God is over all the nations, including this one! We are held responsible stil for breaking His holy, immutable laws. How have we broken the Ten Commandments as a nation? Please return for a review of our performance in regard to the Commandments.

"The Burden of America," A Last Call for Americans to Repent and Escape Destruction, by Eben

Bible Greats, as Portrayed by Eben:

"Bible Greats" by Eben

Christian Greats, as Protrayed by Eben:

"Christian Greats Center"


"Prophecy Center"

"Resurrection Center"

Big Bad Business Center:

"Big Bad Business Center"

The creative genius Walt Disney obviously had a shining dream that came true in Disneyland and in his various classic films and cartoons! But was it a homosexual paradise and playground he had in mind? Obviously not! He would have been appalled at what the present controllers of Disney corporation have done to his dream! For now the CEO and board of Disney Corporation have chosen to open Disneyland and Disneyworld and no doubt the cruise ship and the rest of Disney's properties to activist gays to rent and use as they please for their parties, "gay pride" celebrations, and the depraved, sexual groping and other things they do when they congregate together for "fun and games." All this in the presence of innocent children! This is exactly what happened to the children of pagan parents living in Sodom and Gomorrah--they were contaminated and corrupted by their parents' immorality and homosexual lifetyles, just as America's children are being increasingly corrupted by the homosexual activists and their programs. Their master plan is to contaminate the mainstream culture through forced teaching of homosexuality in the public schools (parents cannot opt out their children!).

"Prayer Center"


"Prayer Target Center"

Every Era, Every Generation, Has Its Characteristic Follies or Lunacies. Our Era has its share too (actually, more than its share, arguably!), of which the most egregrious must be Al Gore's Global Warming Hoax and Hysteria:

Please return to the Global Warming Hoax Center for Dr. James Kennedy's site and remarks by the president of Coral Ridge Ministries on this patently unscientific campaign by radical environmentalists and politicians and United Nations bureaucrats who want to drive America back into the pre-industrial 18th century, if Christians are uninformed and do nothing to stop such hysteria and manipulation and the politicians and bureaucrats are allowed to have their way with our country and its economy.

"Global Warming Hoax Center"

You may have noticed it already. More and more scientists are gathering courage to speak out against Al Gore's glaring misrepresentations regarding Global Warming--and he really has no scientific leg to stand on. It is high time he was laughed out of every hall and arena where he dares to show his face.


"English Literature Heritage Center"

"Bible Atlas & Map Center"

For all those who are suffering and who are persecuted, One who suffered more and was persecuted more than anyone else on earth (the most vicious, rabid, murderous persecution of Jesus Christ and his followers is still going on, two thousand years after he left this earth, in fact!):


Perhaps Al Sharpton and Rev. Jesse Jackson need to review the words of this wonderful anthem, which has more genuine expressions about faith in God than their whole lives and careers and speeches evidence. If they would only change and seek to serve the Black people as true servants of Christ--forgetting their own selves--they would leave a lasting legacy comparable to the legacies of other Black leaders who have served Christ and helped their people in the past to rise up out of poverty and ignorance and despair.

"The Negro National Anthem"


There are so many outstanding candidates to choose from nowadays, it is extremely hard to pick just one or two from the huge crowd of dunces that are parading about in the public eye. Al Gore? Sharpton? Hillary Clinton? Schumer? Her Royal House Speakerness Nancy Pelosi? Bill Ellison? "His Irascible Lowness" Barney Frank? Paris Hilton? Brad Pittman? Leonardo the Capricious? The governor of Vermont? The list goes on and on! Try to imagine how many others we don't hear about! Since America was cut adrift from its corrective, Biblical base, we are inundated, as a society, with utterly worthless dunces! It is a plague of Biblical proportions. Our nation of America has chosen foolishness and forgotten God. Anything goes. Anything can win approval. America is ruled by foolish men and foolish women, seated in the Congress, in the White House, and in the Supreme Court. These dunces are throwing America away--the best, freest, most prosperous, most caring and generous country on earth--and will substitute for it a hellish utopia that will be ruled authoritatively and have no freedom left to its name. It does not matter to them what the record actually shows America to be--they don't want a Christian, moral, homogenous, American society, free and indivisible under God. They want just the opposite--an immoral, divided and fratracidal, authoritarian, godless society. Moreover, they do not want a prosperous, wealth-creating society--they aim to apply draconian Global Warming sanctions and make it sink to a Third World economy like Mexico's, while they retain their high positions and wealth, of course. To help achieve such a hell on earth they only emphasize the bad (and there is bad, plenty badness in America, thanks to their liberal erosion of morality and belief in God and Christ and basic ethics such as honesty).

It is high time for President Bush to come to grips with the clear and unmistakable peril we are in and call America to a Day of National Fasting and Prayer. We are tottering to our final overthrow, while enjoying a last, mad fling, like the degenerate, sensualist Ancient Romans just before the barbarians sacked Rome in 410, or like Prince Regent Belshazzar holding a royal bash at the palace, the night Cyrus's Medo-Persian army marched into Babylon to take it, interrupting Belshazzar's grand toast to himself amidst the cheers of his noblemen-dunces crying in their cups, "Long live the king! Long live King Belshazzar!" The partying that goes on in Washington, D.C., can't be much different from Belshazzar's. The same kind of people are present, doing the same licentious and blasphemous things in defiance of God, so not much has changed in 2500 years, other than the names.



Pastor Jerry Falwell of Thomas Road Baptist Church, Liberty University, and the Moral Majority--a leading conservative Christian--has passed away suddenly from apparent heart failure at the age of 73. He was found unconscious in his office ("his Gospel boots on") and rushed to the hospital. He had been in the hospital in 2005 for heart and lung problems. The BBC's TV report was hostile--as you and I would expect to hear from a full-blown HIV-atheistic organization that has as its agenda the destruction of Christian values and institutions and even the end of a Christian voice in America's affairs. They called him a racist, supporting the apartheid regime of South Africa. I refuse to believe anything they say about this issue--it cannot be credible, coming from such a polluted, prejudice, biased source as this one. I know the apartheidist regime ruling South Africa was replaced by another government headed by Nelson Mandela, supposedly a vast improvement, but it is proven to be a basket-case not much better than Zimbabwe (the former Rhodesia). The pandemic of AIDS, due to the unrestrained immorality of South Africans, is devastating an entire generation, leaving millions of orphans in the most dire circumstances. The government's welfare system and socialism are not helping the economy either. But this is the "improvement" the BBC fought for and got. Now the BBC has the word on Jerry Falwell, a man the BBC was not worthy to have enter its doors at Bush House in London. They did not mention anything good. They did not mention he was a family man, with a long, successful marriage, and that he was a truly moral, exemplary, even "squeaky clean" man in every respect, and that he loved God and served Jesus Christ and witnessed and ministered to sinners all his life as a pastor and friend. They said he could say the most terrible things in an affable way--things like "sin is wrong and destructive to a person," "God loves the homosexual, but hates the homosexuality," and "God wants everyone to be saved in the Name of Jesus Christ by accepting Him as their Lord and Savior."

I just heard a full-blown HIV-Leftist on Talk Radio, who claimed to understand Middle Eastern terrorism because he spent 7 years in Gaza, accuse Rev. Falwell and Pat Robertson of pandering to the death squads of the contras in Central America, when both were there for the sake of Christ's Gospel and both have always supported the return of democracy and freedom after the authoritarian leftists and socialists were on the verge of taking over whole countries in Central America and wiping out all freedom there. The Contras won, even with the American Left trying to stop any aid from the U.S., and the socialists lost--so that freedom was restored. We see no problem with that outcome--but the Leftists do, since they prefer authoritarian, socialist governments that control every aspect of life and put Christians in prison.

In any case, no Christian could support death squads--that would be a complete denial of Christ our Savior and Lord, who said love your enemies, do good to those who persecute you. To accuse Christians of that is a calumny and a base lie.

The BBC mentioned Liberty University and the Moral Majority, only because they are perceived as a political threat to the liberal establishments and elites of this country and Britain. They do not see that this school and moral reform movement form about the only basis for hope for the survival of America and also Britain. The BBC refuses to accept that terrorism is not deserved by America, and roots for the terrorists because they are against America, whom the BBC regards as the true enemy in the world. But Jerry Falwell, seeing that America was founded as a Christian, covenanted nation under God, did not accept the secular humanist template, godless and anti-Christ and self-destructive and immoral as it is, but stood valiantly and consistently on the Word of God and the Ten Commandments as the true basis for any viable civilization. The BBC, and its cohorts in America, are true dunces. When their names go down into a pit of everlasting shame, Jerry Falwell's name will rise, and he will have many golden crowns to present to Christ for his love of Jesus, love of sinners, and his unfailing, courageous witness (taking the persecution and bitter, unjustified attacks of the secular humanist media with a smile and Christian love) for the sake of Christ. A true Christian champion has laid down the torch. Will YOU take it up, fellow Christian? He did what we are all called to do--take up the banner of Christ and stand regardless of all opposition and bitter attacks on us, whole showing true Christian love to our enemies and inviting them to accept Jesus as their personal savior so they might be saved and be taken to heaven. We can do this same thing that he did--in our own situations. Let us do it now--while we still have life and opporltunity.

A while ago I read Jerry Falwell's autobiography, and I was intrigued by his ability to tell on himself and throw his whole weight and reputation on the grace of Christ--it was most refreshing! He did not present himself at all as a holier than thou Christian. Rather, he was saying, I was just like you, my friend, a desperate sinner caught in Satan's bondage and the shackles of sin, but Christ, crucified and risen from the dead, set me free! We need more witnesses of grace so outspoken and candid and transparent as Jerry Falwell was. No wonder he rose to the heights he did--you can't keep an honest, genuine Christian down, who consistently lives godly and refuses to compromise his beliefs and Christian lifestyle to conform with the fallen world. The world tried everything it could think of to silence and discredit him--but it utterly failed. He is now enjoying the eternal bliss and beauty of heaven (a place his detractors in the BBC, in the U.S. media, and Liberal Talk Radio, unless they repent, will never see). No doubt the Lord said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant! Enter now into the joy of the Lord!"

Have you noticed? The vicious attacks of the secular humanist media have been stepped up, without his enemies waiting even 24 hours in deference to the grief of his family, friends, students, and millions across the nation. These disgusting little frogs in the media are croaking up a storm against a man whom they could not face while he still lived in order for him to give his own defense. No, they conveniently attack him after he is gone, so that they don't have to deal with the facts and can slander and smear all they please. There are always plenty fools to believe them too. This is what they are counting on. The Democrats do not all go along with this cowardly attack. Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, for two, have complimentary words for him (this must be said for them!). How about the others? There is a deafening silence so far, as the frogs in the slime and duckweed of the political swamp begin to croak, "Falwell was a racist!". I love the little peepers that announce spring in the Northwest--but the human variety are quite another thing. In the Bible, a not very nice view is taken of frogs. Frogs are used to describe unclean demonic spirits, even the Anti-Christ and the Beast and False Prophet. They are basically unclean creatures--happily breeding even in contaminated waters or foul water--and when they take on voices and speak blasphemy they are truly demonic spirits. Well, we are truly in the Latter Days just before the Rapture, when we can expect demonic spirits to start speaking out against the godly and righteous ones--as we can clearly hear them already speaking in this case of Jerry Falwell's passing.

How about a Gospel Check? This one is good too--it won't bounce, for the Bank of Heaven and God Almighty as the Bank President stands behind it, to pay out to Whosever believes and cashes it:


"The meek shall inherit the earth, if it's alright with the rest of you."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther



"DUZ you DREFT with the TIDE? VEL, now is the time to CHEER up, if you want real JOY. The TREND is to BREEZE to church on Sunday. Too many people WOODBURY their heads in a pillow, or work to make their car SPARKLE, forgetting the Lord's Day was made for LESTOIL. When the Lord is first a DOVE will never need to be sent with a S.O.S. for you to put God first. Maybe we ought to DIAL you to remind you of the IVORY palaces yonder.

"Worship is a LIFEBUOY. So why not WISK yourself out of bed next Sunday, dress up SPIC AND SPAN, and DASH like a COMET to Sunday School and church? As you sing PRAISE to God and hear His word, you will get a wonderful cleanser for your soul, and you will feel like MR. CLEAN all week long."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther, age 97

WASHINGTON AND THE WHOLE NATION DESPERATELY NEED A SPRING DEEP-CLEANING: Imagine how dirty and unwashed (and smelly!) this nation and particularly its capital Washington, D.C., the murder capital of the country, is, spiritually--when most people never darken the doors of a church or go to God and the Word for real cleansing of their heart and soul! Pastor Kroeze in his latest broadcast on Christian TV had it right: corruption (pornography) is everwhere you look, he said. This nation is wallowing in the filth of pornography, and dirty entertainment, and dirty dancing, and dirt-throwing--ergo, it is a dirty nation. Lord, grant us the cleansing of a coast-to-coast revival and repentance that deep-cleans our souls. Amen--Ed.


"Cartoon Center"


"Bible Quiz Center"

My parents' church, founded in 1909, the year my mother was born. She is still a member at age 97, and attends and takes a very active part, praying unceasingly and contributing her wonderful encouragement to people in any way she can, tithing faithfully as well. The church has grown from this very modest house of worship to a large, complex, beautiful facility that has more than 1,000 members a month attending two services and many activities. But growth of this degree is not necessarily spiritual growth. Love of God and godliness of life has not necessarily increased from the congregation that met in this six-windowed, shed-like structure in 1909.

I have reason to say this. My mother used to supply the Gospel tract holder in the church, which for many, many years was hanging out in a public area where it was visible to all, but when she didn't see it in its former place and asked, she was informed the rack was moved, and, anyway, the literature the church provided was what the church preferred given out. Before this, this same not very evangelistic leadership decided not to reprint or even excerpt her written testimony of how the Lord used her to lead two octogenarians to the Lord, which a pastor of a local Baptist church wrote up for his parishioners to encourage his elderly church members to quit doing nothing and start ministering to others and witnessing Christ to the unsaved as my mother was always doing.

These are small signs, but real signs, of spiritual decline--a gradual lessening of love for God and a dying of the once-bright fire of evangelism that shows a church is growing cold and dying. This same church had a pastor who pushed a brainstorm of his that almost succeeded: a very expensive, architect-designed structure to be appended to the front of the church sanctuary that was to be a mausoleum such as Episcopalian churches have at some of their sites. Fortunately, my concerned mother and other praying saints at the church sought God and prayed against this hideous, ill-conceived monstrosity, and, lo and behold, the church income suddenly took a dive and the considerable money needed for the project dried up--and now there is no more talk about the pastor's brainstorm--it is indefinitely suspended as a poor idea. This shows the power of one praying saint, and the power of prayer too of others who followed her lead! Who says one can't make a difference? Who says one is too young, too old, too uneducated, too unqualified, too poor...not God. With God, we can do the impossible, as my mother has amply proven, over and over again, right in her own church.

IS BIGGER REALLY BETTER? America has this trait, which is not really a godly trait. Lets say you want to put Podunk, USA, on the map. Well, build the biggest "widget" you can, and then you can boast to the world, "Biggest Widget in the World!" This has been done a thousand times all across the USA. We all laugh at this, of course, but just look around. The whole culture is "widgetized" in much the same way, only we have made it more sophisticated than Podunk could ever make it. But, where is modesty, frugality, humility, meekness, self-effacement, and simplicity? Those used to be values in America. Now it is just the opposite in America. Look even at Christian TV: the speakers, ministers, singers, evangelists, bands, most all parade in the most expensive and fanciest wardrobes money can buy. Women put on enough jewelry to stock a jewelry store. Their dresses and necklines reveal most everything they have been given by God for their husbands in marriage--not the crowds--to see. Some women remain modest--it is true--but the trend is downward, to copy the world's corrupt, "flaunt it" fashions. Christian women on TV now frost their hair with unnatural tints just to draw attention: I saw a woman just the other day singing away about Jesus in a very expensive, snugly-designed dress to show her shapely form, and her luxuriant head of full-length, blonde hair was tinted over the top (but not all the way) with a totally unnatural blue-greenish hue that made her look like a rock star under colored lights. Who let her "perform" decked out like that? She was singing about Jesus, of course, but all I really could see was her atrocious, mixed, rockstar hair color. My impression is correct--and it is disturbing. Television (a technical means of communication corrupted to serve our human pride and lust for vain glory and self-advancement) has all but ruined us. Yes, the Gospel still gets out, despite the incredible mess we make of ourselves before the watching Third World who are gasping most of the time over our wardrobes and jewelry and worldly behavior. But the fact still remains that the singers and even the choirs (which used to be put in the backs of churches or off to the side atleast if seated at the front!) are mostly there to attract attention to themselves, apparently, not for the sake of Christ. To attract center stage attention to themselves, they obviously will do anything, spend any amount of money. It is incredible, the amount of posturing for attention and upstaging even on programs devoted to evangelism--as if they were there for promoting their own careers and the ratings of the show, rather than holding up the victory of the Cross of Christ and the Risen Christ to a suffering world bound in sin. Do these performers ever stop to consider the effect they could be having on the watching world of hundreds of millions of very poor people round the world--who could never afford the lifestyles and clothes and travel and cars and even the jets of the evangelists and the singers and the hotshot preachers from mega-churches. At one church I attended, I was told by the pastor that the worship leader in the denomination was paid 300k a year. Now who is worth that much in a church or a denomination? That amount for her Christian services" struck me as obscene--and it still does. Why doesn't she donate her time like a genuine Christian who knows the Christ of the Cross, so the 300k can be put into evangelism and the feeding of the poor and the clothing of the naked? That amount would go a long way, and bless thousands of people who have nothing. If I were the bishop, she would be the first one I would make a janitor, just to get some reality back into her Christian walk! But I doubt, with my ideas about denying myself as a Christian, and the narrow gate, and the cross, that I would ever be considered for bishop--though I am certain I would make a memorable one, if not a popular one.

Finding Your Spiritual Gift(s) Self-Exam:

WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOUR GIFTS ARE WITHOUT GUESSING? "Finding Your Spiritual Gifts," the Wagner-Modified Questionnaire" may be a big help to you. This self-exam and questionnaire will "help you discover and understand your spiritual gifts" and was recommended and sent to me by the late Duane L. Smith who took the self-exam. It is available for a small charge when you order it from C. Peter Wagner of Fuller Theological Seminary.


"Saint-Building Center"

These valuable messages of Stuart Maxwell Hawkins' will furnish one or more of the six elective subjects as they come on-line with study questions or quizzes.

Stuart Maxwell Hawkins's message, "Forgive Me," is now on-line, and will also carry Study Questions soon.

"Forgive Me," Message by Stuart Maxwell Hawkins


The Bible clearly shows that the "Roadmap to Peace" promoted by Washington is wrong, since it goes completely against God's Covenant, which is unbreakable: "My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips."--Psalm 89:34.

America, listen up! This unequivocal declaration by Almighty God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, completely invalidates President Bush's "Roadmap to Peace." God will never approve it. Psalm 105, 7-15, states: "He is the Lord our God, His judgments are in all the earth. He remembers His covenant forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand generations [40-50,000 year stretch of time, which means unlimited in extent--Ed.]. The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac, and confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant. Saying, "To you I will give the land of Canaan as the allotment of your inheritance." When they were but few in number, indeed very few, and strangers in it. When they went from one nation to another, from one kingdom to another people. He permitted no one to do them wrong; yes, he rebuked kings for their sakes, saying, "Do not touch My anointed ones, and do My prophets no harm!"

A MOVE TO DESTROY AMERICA LEGISLATIVELY: The elections in 2008 are approaching! We need, not another savvy political thinker, but a true man of God--honest, genuine, with Christian convictions, and the backbone to hold to his beliefs and to the promises he made the electorate and the American people. Political thinkers have failed us abysmally, have they not? They have dragged us into the quagmire where we are now swimming in muck and manure up to our noses. Another secular humanist such as we had in Jimmy Carter, William Clinton, and even the two Bushes (who despite a few Republican features are not even Republicans in practice) will take us down under! Human wisdom, which has cut adrift from American precedent and Biblical principles, has misled every presidential administration from the 19th century to the present. Washington is overflowing with think tanks, lobbyist centers, foundations, universities, university academics, counsellors, experts, commentators, policy makers--and yet we continue to commit the most stupendous follies and ignore all the warnings of God and the admonitions of Bible-teaching ministers and evangelists even of the caliber of Billy Graham. This just tells me that Captain Smith is still at the helm of America, as he continues to run the ship full steam ahead toward the iceberg in the distance!

Do you know that Captain Smith (and the company CEO on board) ignored every warning from other ships about ice packs ahead. We too are ignoring every warning from God and godly men and women, and history. We fail to realize that the world's greatest nation, just like the world's greatest ship, can be struck and sink to the bottom in the space of a mere couple hours. We saw what an hour could do to the the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and our great commercial aircraft taking off from our nation's leading airports--so we should be thinking sober thoughts of what another such hour could do to us (more about this later, as we review the published plans of Osama bin Ladin for attacking us with his suitcase bombs and forcing Islamic law on a terrified, nuclear-blasted America in the near future).

Captain-President Bush II is determined, it is clear now, to hand the concluding victory over conservative-Republican values to the Democratic Party by signing the Democratic Senate's immigration bill (if it comes to his desk). This is the comprehensive destruction of the Republican Party bill, as Rush Limbaugh has aptly called it. It guarantees 12-20 million Mexicans, now illegals but soon to be legalized under the amnesty bill promoted by the Senate, a place as legal residents of the U.S., after they entered illegally! They will be entitled to nearly all or all of the rights of U.S. citizens, including social security and social services. This is the end of the Republican Party and the influence of the evangelical church and conservative voice in America and the further gigantic expansion of government and the welfare state with its fiscal irresponsibility--if this succeeds. But God...we can still hope and pray for a turnaround, and that this bill from hell will be defeated. It is completely unworkable (a purely cosmetic wash over the huge threat to America from the illegals). It cannot and will not be enforced. If that is shown, and the true nature of it comes out to the American people, it will be met with such a storm of protest that the U.S. Congress will back down. Signs are that it is already going the wrong way with this bill, which was supposed to be a shoo-in, when we first heard it made public by the Senate. The Senate, a puffed up, vainglorious body of over-educated ignoramuses, ideologues, and back room power brokers that likes to call itself the greatest deliberative legislative body in the world (with the likes of Senator Byrd, or Senator Edward Kennedy, no less, presiding!), has suppassed previous follies with this bill. That is a most remarkable achievement--but I will pray, and hope all you (including Mexican-Americans who entered legally), will pray that God Almighty will not allow this bill to destroy this country, as it will surely do.

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