The present Republican leadership has grown so profoundly elitist, it is increasingly, arrogantly disengaging from its conservative supporters (there is a book about this abject betrayal available now by Mr. Bickering (sp?), who was a leader of conservatism in America with Barry Goldwater in his heyday). We see this in the putting down and ignoring of conservatives in both of his terms by President
Bush, who is, in leading Conservative William F. Buckley's remark to Mr. Bickering, "conservative, but not a a conservative." We truly need to pray for a return to conservative values in the only party that forms a viable alternative to the secular humanist and liberal party of the Democrats.
Neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party (in their country club, elitest condition and mindset) holds out any real hope for America in the early 21st Century. This is clear by what both have produced, term after term, Congress after Congress. With perhaps one or two exceptions, they have consistently led our nation downwards. As I have stated before, we need a spiritual revolution (Jesus said: no swords! His kingdom is spiritual, not of this world, though in it), top to bottom, that entails a nation and a Church turning back to God and the
Bible before there exists any real basis for hope. Hope is worthless, unless there is a genuine basis in God and the Bible. Pagans hope in gods of stone, gold, and silver--and get nothing for all their devotion and offerings! The pagans (have you read them--the stoics? the mystery religionists? the Platonists? the classic Greek playwrights?) have a sort of conditional hope--but it is vain, based on things of this world or a nebulous principle of justice operating in the Universe. We have immeasurably more as Christians on which to base our hope. We are not to hope as they do--for they and their vain hopes fail and pass away. But our Hope is rock-solid, the Rock Himself, Jesus Christ, and we base this hope in his Word to us for our personal salvation, and in a life lived in obedience to God and His Commandments, and in acts of love and grace and mercy toward others. Anyone who claims he hopes in Christ yet lives however he pleases is a fraud. The Bible says so repeatedly! If you hope in Christ, you will live as Christ lived in this world. You cannot do and live as this world lives--and be a Christian and Christ-follower. And if the wicked world hated Christ when He walked the earth, it will hate anyone who has Christ as Savior and lives as He lived--righteously, in thought and deed.
Political issues (and political activism with them) are meaningless, without God's purposes being fulfilled in our lives. We can vote in leaders that seem to stand for what we believe and value and then, despite all their promises to us, watch them act like heathen Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans--or we can get down on our knees and pray until we see a true change in us and in our leadership. If our Founding Fathers were not God-fearing Christians, who prayed and read the Word of God, studied it, and lived it, America would never have arisen, and we would not have an America now to tear down as we are presently doing! You cannot tear down a building that has not been built!
We are not building
America--it WAS built (and built magnificently). We ought to be preserving it. But we are instead tearing it down. Now we must change and become builders, for we have destroyed so much of America by the 21st Century it must be rebuilt. If we do not see this basic fact, God help us. We must see it, or we will continue the process of destruction, joining in with secular humanists, atheists, and pagans, to tear down the remaining walls and floors of this once magnificent structure called America. Look how miserably delapidated it really is!
The present White House, or the present Capitol, may look magnificent--but they are, in truth, very shabby structures--without glass in the windows, with the drapes torn to shreds, the carpets ripped up, garbage strewn everywhere, grafitti scrawled across the grand paintings, and the noble statuary in the Rotunda defaced and mutilated. Take a tour of it if you can--it looks so beautiful to the eye--but spiritually? It is a desolation! Look with spiritual eyes what America has become! You would be shocked, if you can get one glimpse of our true state. America, wake up! Church, wake up! We must rebuild America, even its foundations. All it takes now to overthrow us is for ten or twelve committed men who on 9/11 did not love their own lives unto death--and we were struck to our knees.
Mighty, superpower America, with fleets of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers, with its Air Forces, Army, and Marines--and its hundreds of bases and missiles and nuclear bombs--struck almost mortally, by a mere handful of ordinary men! How humbling that should have been to us!
But it did not humble us! We continued to stumble on in our pride and blindness toward the ditch dug for us by our enemies. We must wake up, individually, and corporately, before it is too late.
"Too late" may come very soon--there is no time allotted for further delay. Why must I feel the need to say all this? It is not to be critical. I have much better things to do with my time--and very little time to do them! It is so easy for liberals to excuse their gross immorality and gross irresponsibility by pointing to the moral falls and lapses of certain Christians (even the leading evangelicals such as Tim Haggard)--but for them that will not cover them before God's righteous Eye!
We are all individually responsible for our actions. We will all be held responsible individually for our actions and defying God's commandments. It will not matter in the least what someone else did (what Tim Haggard did, for instance), it will only matter what you, or I, did--in God's scales of justice. So finger pointing by anyone is pointless! We all need to take responsibility and change, bringing ourselves as best we can into conformity with God's laws and commandments.
It can be done by God's grace and enabling. It is not impossible to be transformed. America can yet be transformed and saved. To point the finger at the moral lapses of someone else and ignore God's warning to repent and change is to invite destruction, swift and sure. That is exactly what we are doing as a nation--where opposed camps are all pointing fingers while excusing themselves of things that are equally bad as the things they charge others with. We have no right to a private morality. God has set forth a public morality that applies to every individual on earth--without exception. Go ahead and act on your right to be a Buddhist or an atheist or a secular humanist, but you will still be held accountable to God's holy laws as they are set forth in the Torah and the Bible. God's righteousness has been made known to the whole earth. These are immutable, universal laws. All the laws of Moses and the prophets, as Christ said, are
reducible to: 1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind (yes, mind, you scientists and intellectuals) and strength, and 2. love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall see God." What did he mean? Did he not mean humility of spirit, being reverent toward Almighty God, seeking Him sincerely? It has to be something like that. How simple! God has not made it difficult and complex to be saved. We will enjoy life and well-being if we choose to obey them, and the opposite if we choose to disobey. It all comes down to choice. Finger pointing is irresponsible, dishonest denial, the same kind you see with drug addicts, alcolholics, and sexual predators. America has filled to the brim with dishonest denial. This is inviting our total destruction. We must
admit where we truly are, and then seek God's help to change us from within. At the same time, we must not say judgment is wrong--and not judge what is wrong or in error, the Bible never says to do that. Rather, it is God's word judging us--that is the standard we must always raise before ourselves and others. If we do that, we are not judging anyone, not even ourselves--it is God's wonderful, liberating Word faithfully upheld in the midst of this cruel, wicked, and deceived generation.--Ed.

This man known as Mohammed changed history--but not to the good (for you can tell a tree by its fruit, and bad fruit does not come from a good tree, and even his followers cannot be blamed for his own deeds). Yet God will turn even this man's bitter legacy to the good, for God is almighty, able to use even evil and Satan to bring about His glorious, everlasting kingdom of peace and love on earth! All praise to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
From the library of Pearl A. Ginther, a friend of Evangelists to Japan, Eddie Karnes and his wife, for many years.

Japan, along with America, has led the world in state-of-the-art, hitech electronics--she can lead spiritually too if the Gospel sweeps the nation, prayed for by such sacrificial Christian missionaries as you will read about in Paul Ariga's book.

Please check out the "Back to Jerusalem" faith mission that led Brother Yun, the persecuted Chinese Christian, to faith in Christ.

Chapters of "God's Man," the Epic Account of early Alaskan Missions by Mrs. C. K. Malmin are now on-line!

Another fine article by Duane L. Smith:
Here is a study on the book of Esther with the setting of ancient Persia (Persia is now called Iran, the name given to it by its British overlords after World War I). It is especially meaningful and timely, now that another accursed Haman the Jew-hater in the person of the president of Iran has risen up in the same land, Iran (once called Persia), and is threatening the Jews of Israel with nuclear annihilation:
Here is a great resource for everyone, to find out what has gone wrong with America, and how the great wrong we have perpetrated can be made right in the eyes of God--before it is too late! Founder of one of America's greatest churches, Cornerstone church of San Antonio, Pastor Hagee is brave because he dares to stand on the Word of God and say a sin is a sin and demand the sinner take responsibility in order to find grace and forgiveness in God--the only One who can deal with our sin. All the forces of hell in America are arrayed against him--including at times the IRS, which is the attack dog of the secular-humanist-dominated U.S. Federal Government. They tried to shut Pastor Hagee up, and even dictate to him what he could and could not put in his own newletter that he sends through the mail--but they have failed, because God is on this man of God's side, and God is still Almighty, and the U.S. Government is still not Almighty as so many of its leaders like to think it is. Our government will be humbled before God--as James Robison says--along with American society, sea to shining sea--either in chosen humility or in terrible humiliation and shame amidst the embers and ruins of desolation.
Judges: Samson, Backslidden Nazarite and Judge of Israel," Or, "Hope for the Completely Washed-up Christian," by Ronald Ginther

"God's Fatherhood, Forgiveness, and the Walk of Faith," A Trilogy, Part II, by Duane L. Smith, is temporarily not on-line.
Here is the last article written by Duane L. Smith:
PRAYER CENTER: PRAYER IS ESSENTIAL TO A CHRISTIAN'S FAITH AND LIFE AND FRUITFULNESS. Prayer is the keystone of a successful, fruitful Christian faith, it must be said. Without prayer, faith in the Lord will remain sterile and eventually fail. Witkhout prayer, our nation founded under God will even cease to exist.
"Praying for You," Ronald Ginther's grandmother in a characteristic praying moment at the kitchen table, a watercolor
by a renowned portrait artist, Bart Lindstrom:
A FREE CHILDREN'S PRAYER MAP! An excellent resource for praying effectively and focused for the world: a free World Prayer Map! Parents, there is also a Children's World Prayer Map! This is your big opportunity to get your kids active spiritually in a way that will bring big spiritual dividends--how can God not hear a child's prayer? Write to: Every Home for Christ, P.O. Box 64000, Colorado Springs, CO 80962, or Tel: 1-800-423-5054.
Testimonies to a Few of God's Recent Answers to Prayer: 1. the much lower prices at the pump (WE NEED TO PRAY AGAIN ABOUT THE AGAIN RISING PRICES, AND THAT THE PRICE GOUGERS AND MANIPULATORS, WHOEVER THEY ARE, WILL BE EXPOSED).

2. Saddam Hussain captured alive so he could be brought to justice (and also prayed for, that he might be saved by turning to Jesus Christ as his Savior and Lord!).
3. The discovery that Muslims are now intent on learning to drive 18-wheelers (while not wanting to learn how to back up!) at schools for gaining jobs at big trucking firms. Grown notorious, Midwest meat packers are filled with illegals, who can present all kinds of ID that they have bought (the illegal Mexicans pay for the IDs by bringing in crack cocaine and other drugs in a special deal with traffikers). Stolen IDs are also being used by wannabe truckers on the East Coast. As Lars Larson pointed out on his radio program recently, try to imagine what would happen if Muslim terrorists pack 18-wheelers with explosives and drive them to the centers of major urban areas at rush hour. Imagine Muslim terrorists filling these big rigs with explosive fertilizer and heading for each targeted borough of New York City! Set off simultaneously, they would be enough to wipe out whole city blocks of skyscrapers and high rise apartments and bring
NYC to an absolute standstill--destroying the Big Apple from within, all the way to its suburban peel! Destroying one building (even the Twin Towers) is no longer enough of a shocker to achieve the terrorists' objective, to turn public opinion against President Bush and derail his anti-terrorist policies in Iraq and elsewhere. They want to disrupt whole cities in America, irreparably, so that the defeatist liberals in U.S. society will overthrow any anti-terrorist administration in Washington and squelch the slightest peep of resistance from any red-blooded American patriot still living in this country.
4. The continued failure of terrorist plots on American soil after 9/11.
5. My own health being restored of late, and my mother's continued health at age 97.
6. The increased world attention being given by human rights activists, following up the whistleblowing on it by brave Christian evangelists such as Pastor Rod Parsley and Franklin Graham, so that the UN and world community is embarrassed and forced to deal with the genocide and liquidation of black Christians by Sudan's Muslim government, which denies any complicity, of course, but has for the last decade or more sponsored and given helicopters, bombs, planes and weapons to Muslim militias raiding Dafur, south Sudan. By the way, this is the same regime under whose umbrella Osama bin Laden formerly operated a safe haven for his terrorist training camps. He must have been too hot for even them to handle, and they offered him to President Clinton, who had "better things to do" and let him get away (this is just the straight public record).
7. All the thousands, or millions, of answers by a faithful God, which we are not aware of (sometimes it is merciful we don't know just what all is going on against us!).
8. Many people prayed, and their prayers were answered, though a number of people outside our city have died. We thank God for his mercifulness, the sparing of my own hometown from the worst floods, and wind storm damage and power outages of late.

Recommended The Emmaus Walk Book List:
"A Man Called Peter," The Story of Peter Marshall, by Catherine Marshall. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.
Read a biography of Sir Isaac Newton--one that does not leave out his being a Christian or tries to make him out a sectarian.
"We Have a Choice, Humility or Humiliation," perhaps a last and most significant call to America to repent or be destroyed by our enemies (Islamic terrorist organizations and supporting Islamic nations, with friends in the West aiding them, such as the secular-humanists entrenched in the U.S. Congress). This call is Robison's prophetic warning, available in his 16-page booklet printed and distributed by LIFE Outreach International, Fort Worth, TX, 2006.
"Culture Warrior," by Bill O'Reilly (go to www.amazon.com, or any bookstore), which
details the unconditional, all-out war being waged against America's Judaeo-Christian foundations by
secular progressives (also called secular humanists, or better: "secular retrogressives").
Why I believe TRUTH-TELLING Bill O'Reilly and others like him may well be "Shamgars" or deliverers that a sovereign, almighty God raises up to defend Israel when Israel has none of her own men and women with sufficient backbone to do the job. America must have the most reality-challenged ostriches in the world, who keep their heads stuck in sand no matter how many bombs are thrown at them!

Pointing to God and Heaven, "The Hand and Finger" of David's Tower, Old City, Jerusalem
Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian from Lebanon, may be an exception to my statement that I see no one with the backbone to stand up for a Christian American and a Christian civilization. Brigitte Gabriel may well be the Latter Day "Shamgar" from out of the mainstream of American evangelicalism, when she valiantly tells of the persecution of Christians in Lebanon by Muslim terrorists of Yassir Arafat's organization who took over her formerly peaceful, progressive, multi-cultural, religiously tolerant nation (the only one like it in the Middle East--a model for all the oppressive Muslim societies around it!). They turned it into a hell, and her family had to flee for their lives. Her book, "Because They Hate," depicts the reason why Muslims hate Jews and Christians so passionately, and shows how that hatred is grounded in the later Muslim scriptures (surahs) of the Koran that supercede the earlier more tolerant scriptures written by Mohammed when he was in Medina frantically seeking the favor of Jews and Christians to help him gain the upper hand against his fierce enemies in Mecca (when he did take Mecca, he slaughtered thousands of the Jews there, by the way, after using the Jews in Medina to help him gain the upperhand in Mecca!).
Truth and prayer, with the love of Jesus, is the only way to defeat this darkness boiling up from hell itself that calls itself Islam.
This book speaks to the greatest need of America--which is to wake up and seek God in repentance and then carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Muslims in love and humility--and can be obtained by calling 1-800-854-9899, or contact her via Pastor John Hagee's website.


"Smith Wigglesworth," Apostle of Faith, biography by Stanley Howard Frodsham, Radiant Books, Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri
"George Muller, Man of Faith and Miracles," biography hy Basil Miller, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Tortured for Christ," autobiography of Richard Wurmbrand, Diane Books, Glendale, California
"Hope for Man in a Hopeless World," by Basilea Schlink, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Glory in the Church, the Coming Revival," by Edward E. Hindson, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New York/Nashville
"Czechmate," autobiographical account of imprisonment of author in a communist country for Bible smuggling
"The Everyday Guide to "God," A to Z Listing of God's Attributes, with Scriptures,
by Amy Ng Wong, Humble Creek Publisher, Uhricksville, Ohio
"The Complete Book of Bible Lists," by H.L. Willmingon, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois
"God Sent a Man," the story of Joseph, by Carylye B. Haynes, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C.
"Israel Act III," The Bible and the Mideast in prophecy, by Richard Wolff, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois
"Eric Liddell, Pure Gold," biography of the Chariots of Fire Olympic runner turned missionary to China, by David McCasland, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Messianic Christology," by Arnold J. Fruchtenbaum, Ph.D., Th.M., Ariel Ministries, Tustin, California
"C.S. Lewis," Heroes of the Faith series biography, by Sam Wellman, Barbour Publishing, Uhrichsville, Ohio
Here is the way one single woman, with incredible handicaps of continual frail health and
gender, invaded the Muslim-walled fortress-land of Algeria and took much of it back for Christ with missions that served as strategic staging posts to reach out to the whole nation with the saving, delivering, demon-power-destroying, liberating Gospel. She accomplished this with prayer, perserverance, and the faithfulness of God's Promises in His unconquerable Word! Here is the story of her epic achievement in Algeria--a land you would have thought could not have been penetrated with the Gospel since it was taken by Muslim armies way back in the 7th century.
"A Passion for the Impossible," The Life of Lilias Trotter, by Miriam Huffman Rockness, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Jerusalem Countdown," A Warning to the world, containing a prophetic view of Iran's role in coming world events affecting or centered on Israel, with parallels between Joseph and Jesus tieing in with these events and others of the End-Times, by John Hagee,
Frontline (A Strang Company), Lake Mary, Florida
C. T. Studd, any biography will do.
Alexis de Tocqueville. His travels in America.
For those Christians with strong stomachs:
Roy Ratcliff's "Dark Journey, Deep Grace--the life of Jeffrey Dahlmer. Roy Ratcliff appeared on Daystar TV to talk about his book. It can be found at any Christian bookstore. Jeffrey Dahlmer, who molested, murdered, and dismembered his victims, was saved in prison. Roy Ratcliff kept close contact with the converted Dahlmer, until his death in prison (he was beaten to death with a sawn off pipe by a fellow prisoner). This book is not for everyone, obviously, but Christ has no problem with the Dahlmers of this world--He came to die and save sinners, and His grace is sufficient for the worst of us!

Dr. Mark Gabriel's testimony, about how he left Islam as a university professor, and was arrested by Cairo secret police and almost killed for his decision; then he gave his life to Christ, and the persecution really began!
For viewing Brother Mark Gabriel's website (formerly a Muslim imam and instructor at Cairo's top university who was tortured and imprisoned for leaving Islam, but later came to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus):
Pastor John Hagee of Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas, interviewed Walter Shoebat, who was a terrorist and is now a Christian. You can access his wonderful testimony, "I Was a Terrorist," and the entire fascinating interview by using the John Hagee website. The video on militant Islam called "Obsession" is also available in a package with the interview. If you use the toll free number listed, use the item number: KT-127.
To Abraham (not to any other man on earth) God said: "And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing."--Genesis 12:2. This blessing holds for descendants of both his sons Isaac and Ishmael, as they both hearken and bow to the God of Abraham and accept what is said about his greatest descendant, Jesus Christ, born not of human seed but of the Spirit of God:

A Rose of CHRIST YESHUA'S Love for the Beloved Moslem People

Feeling rejected, cast-off, unwanted, worthless to everyone, including yourself? Here is a way out, which Christ gave a rejected wife and mother over in Israel:
"Wedding in the Dead Sea of Rejection," by Ronald Ginther
A quiz about the Resurrection:
France, the birthplace of socialism and the so-called Enlightenment that
threw God and the Ten Commandments out of human government and society, placing proud, sinful man in the center, as a worshiper of the Goddess of Reason:
"The Burden of France," by Eben
Please use the Life Today website to order and read James Robison's "We Have a Choice, Humility or Humiliation," his 16-page booklet giving a prophetic warning and call to fellow Americans to turn back to God before destruction falls on us from a nuclear strike, from inside and possibly outside our borders as well!
"The Burden of America," by Eben
Canada, a formerly Christian now a devout secular-humanist society and nation:
"The Burden of Canada," by Eben
Once mighty, "Great Britain," formerly the birthplace of the Wesley and Welsh revivals that shook England and revitalized her (sparing oppressed Britain a French-style revolution and bloodbath), now a secular-humanist society where Christmas is
a politically incorrect term to use at the time of the traditional celebration of Christ's birth ("Winter Festival," or the pagan "Winter Solstice," ineptly and dishonestly substituted).
The above painting hangs in St. Paul's cathedral, where I toured and took this picture in the dim light of the edifice. It portrays the spiritual state of Britain today, a nation that closed its heart to Jesus Christ. Yet Christ is still knocking on the door of its heart.
It is thrilling to see a band of some brave British Christians say "enough is enough" and stand up against the evil tide of secular humanism that is destroying their once great nation (and we are slavishly following the secular humanists in our own country, so there can be no pride, thinking we are doing a whit better!)! God still has his righteous 7,000 God-fearers in Briton! A long-time friend of mine, Kathleen Lawrence-Smith, edits THE ANCHORED Magazine (for over twenty years now), and
writes in this pre-Christmas January-March issue a bit called "S.O.S."--"We long to keep
our children's youthful innocence, and want them well taught in school. We are alarmed to hear that the Government is still pressing ahead to introduce the proposed Sexual Orientation Regulations to teach that homosexuality is 'just another kind of love.' There is still time to do all you can to defeat this. Tell others, write or confront your M.P. [Member of Parliament], write in the Press, join up with others to tell the Government that we will do all we can to oppose this outrage. Contact 01277 376202 or website www.TheCCTV.org for more advice, if required."
WWW.TheCCTV.org to Join to Oppose
Sexual Orientation Regulations Teaching and Approving Homosexuality to be forced on British schoolchildren
We plan to post on this page a link to the "Monthly Meditations" scriptures for January through March 25 given on the back cover of Anchored Magazine of Worcester, England. Anchored Magazine carries exciting testimonies, stories, poetry, humoir, and pictures, all in a small, handy booklet or brochure-sized edition published quarterly for ten pence an issue. It will cheer you up, and instruct, and teach, and make you laugh, and give you the word of the Lord! Very few things can do all that! Truly, powerful things can come in small packages. For checking out this wonderful Anchored Magazine, and its contact information, go to the new website established by my friend's highly capable and caring grandson:
ANCHORED MAGAZINE, Worcester, England
"The Burden of Britain," by Eben
The "ill-gotten" gains of this particularly greedy nation--the gold and assets of Jews murdered by the Nazis in Germany, which Switzerland's banks have refused to return to the survivors of the Holocaust and their families, are not unmarked by God's righteous Eye. These funds are part of all those the Lord will tear from them and give to His people, Jews and Christians, for the sake of mercy and advancing the Kingdom of God and His Gospel. The Word of God promises this:
"Rise and thresh, O Daughter of Zion, for I will give you horns of iron; I will give you hoofs of bronze and you will break to pieces many nations." You will devote their ill-gotten gains to the Lord, teir wealth to the Lord of all the earth.--Micah 4:13
"The Burden of Helvetia (Switzerland)," by Eben

"Two Prophecies," by Duane L. Smith
Ethel Waters, a leading Broadway actress, film star, and singer, made "His Eye is on the Sparrow" her theme song. She sang it in the Broadway hit, "Cabin in the Sky." Many years later she went on to sing it at the Billy Graham crusades on more than one occasion, I believe. I saw one program, where she wears a green dress, and she was terrific, her unforgettable smile and shining Christian witness and honesty making a big impact on the thousands in the stadium. My mother bought her book, and Miss Ethel Waters signed it. It will always be in our library. Ethel Waters was, indeed, one of a kind. She tells it "like it is" in her book. I do hope you can read it sometime.
"Ethel Waters' "To Me It's Wonderful," Harper and Row Publishers, 1972, Book Review by Ronald Ginther
Mrs. Pearl Ginther's Scripture Garden
"Angel Stories," by Pearl A. Ginther
"My Two Angel Stories," by Ronald Ginther
"My Two Angel Stories"
"The Voice of the Lord and the Heart of a Prophet," A Dream of the Lord Jesus, Parts 1 & 2, by Duane L. Smith

"We Tried to Prove It Wrong," article in the book, "Can I Really Trust the Bible?"

ISRAEL AND THE MIDDLE EAST CENTER: The most contested real estate on earth is Canaan, or Israel! Here are two articles dealing specifically with the land God promised only to Israel:
ARTICLE ABOUT JERUSALEM, REPUBLISHED: "Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem," the CharisLife article, is now on-line:
"Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem," CharisLife Article by Gerald Rowlands, 1986, "Tough Love" Magazine


"Ram and Bear: the Land of Persia, Ancient and Modern," by Ronald Ginther
WESTERN SYRIA! Please go and see what the Bible says, which resulted in Israel being given these lands now exploited for terroristic purposes by the Iran-backed terrorist organization of Hezbollah. Use the article to view the maps: "The Area Attacked in Israel by Hezbollah, and the Lands Occupied
in Lebanon God gave to Israel," by Ronald Ginther
Maps of Hezbollah-Attacked Israel, and the
Northern Lands now known as Southern Lebanon that
Almighty God Gave to His People Israel, by Ronald Ginther
Flowers of Christ's Love for the Enslaved People of Iran

"What is Palestine?"--A Commentary on the David Hathaway Article, "Palestine?", by Ronald Ginther
"BBC's Symposium of Left Bank Arab and Israeli Youth," a Review by Ronald Ginther

CARTOON CENTER: Our Emmaus Walk cartoon about the sinning, sybaritic playboy, or "rake", the typical American boy without Christ in his life:
"Skanky Boy--The Progress of a Post-Modern Rake," Part I
"Judges: Samson, Backslidden Nazarite and Judge of Israel," Or, "Hope for the Washed-up Christian," by Ronald Ginther

Asia Minor Atlas
"The Ballad of Paul and Silas," by Ronald Ginther

Dr. Carl Baugh, Creation Evidence
"Life's Story" Series, Exploration Films, to order a copy or copies
This visually stunning series can be shown in private home gatherings, for homeschools, in churches, in student groups meeting legally at school during allotted times--and will refute Evolution, point by point, the true facts presented by scientists and educators. This the the truth that Evolutionist do not have America to see, because their shabby, unscientific case for Evolution is utterly destroyed.
Recommended by Dr. James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Ministries, this rebuttal of Darwinian evolution:
"Evolution's Fatal Fruit," by Tom DeRosa. This book was aired as "Darwin's Deadly Legacy" on TV by Dr. Kennedy. You can connect with the book or the video of the program about it at any Christian bookstore, or through Dr. Kennedy and Coral Ridge Ministries.
WHO INVENTED LIFE? "Who Invented Life"?--Beyond Today TV
I caught a bit of a program showing Mr. Dawkins, the atheistic and Evil-ionist, who was speaking to promote the "coming out of the closet" of atheistic Congressmen and Congresswomen. I see he is an old, white-hared man, something like a latter day Voltaire or Bertrand Russell (both of whom I have read, for they were prolific writers and highly entertaining, even though their views are profane). These apostates are so vocal, verbose, and vitriolic that they attract considerable followings and seem to make a stir in the world. But we know from surveys constantly being made that Americans, as many as 80-95% do not buy into "Evilution" and the atheistic philosophy of devil's evangelist, Mr. Dawkins. How those surveys must infuriate him and his kind. Despite all their best efforts to spread the Gospel of Atheism and Anti-Christ, they are all wretched failures. I cannot imagine a more stupid philosophy than atheism. Mr. Dawkins believes everything is the product of "Evilution" (his pronunciation). Extra-Terrestrials, too, he says are a product of "Evilution". I am sorry that he is so mistaken: Genesis shows us the truth, and nothing Mr. Dawkins says carries any weight against the Bible record, which Christ himself testified repeatedly is true.
Book or Video on Darwin's Deadly Fruit and Legacy, Coral Ridge Ministries
"Unlocking the Mystery of Life," Illustra Media, inferential theory concerning information in biological systems
Here is an article that explains in part to me why some scientists or professionals cannot see the truth when it is shouting in their faces is "Philosophy and Revelation," by Howard W. Dueker, M.D., a neuro-surgeon. Many scientists are Bible and truth-challenged because they have the mindset he describes as his own at one time.
Thomas the Doubting Apostle may have had this mindset--which is not evil in itself, but which can lead to difficulties, such as he evidenced repeatedly in the time he was a disciple. Do you have this difficulty? Are you often unable to grasp truth that God in his boundless generosity has spread across the whole world and the Universe, so that even a child can see and grasp all it needs to come to a saving, loving God (we know of children who have believed in Christ at the age of three--my missionary cousin in South America for many years was one such)? Fortunately, for congenital doubters like you and me, Jesus showed how he can deal with doubters and strugglers: Howard W. Dueker--who, like Thomas the Apostle, only needed a little extra attention--"tests," as he termed them.
"Philosophy or Revelation," by Howard W. Dueker, M.D., Neuro-surgeon

Are we preparing ourselves as the Bride of Christ? It is time to purify ourselves and get ready for the grand royal wedding with the King!
On a trip to England, my English friends (a Jewish Christian woman of God and her recently converted husband) took me to St. Paul's Cathedral, and we saw the silver chandeliers had been taken down, for cleaning, in preparation for the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. The cathedral itself had to be cleaned and purified for the wedding and the honorable guests and the Bride and Groom and the Groom's royal mother the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury and The Dean of the Cathedral. This was probably the wedding of the century, watched world-wide by television by hundreds of millions. How much more, we, the Church and Body of Christ, must be made ready for the wedding, cleaned and purified for our much more glorious Bridegroom, Jesus Christ!
Excerpt of "Solemnization of Matrimony," from wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana

There are two false, alluring doors that lead to death but promise happiness and lots of money and pleasure to boot. A third, not so inviting to the eye perhaps--because it is Cross-marked, and spotted with blood--is the door that truly leads to Life, and Life eternal:
"Doors of Life," by Bryan Schroeder
America's disastrous descent into darkness, through psychics and voo doo and the Satanic religion of Wicca:

Part I, "Witchcraft in America--How bad is it?", Part I, by Ronald Ginther
Is it any wonder that our nation has stumbled so badly in Iraq, despite the noble intention to bringing this nation's first chance of freedom in many centuries after the overthrow of a truly monstrous, mass-murderer and dictator? David Hathaway prophesied some time back in his magazine, EUROVISION, that America was going to create a nuclear-armed Shiite superpower (Shiite Iran combined with Shiite-ruled Iraq). Since our secular-humanist government (despite its being "Republican in name only"--which makes the term "Rhino" appropriate in describing our government) is determined not to engage the religious causes of the sectarian warfare in Iraq, it is doomed to failure--and it has failed. But compounding the secular-humanist blindness and political correctness of our government, the
White House is bewitched! Not wonder things cannot be seen and dealt with as they really are! Contrary to the confusion in the U.S. media and in the State Department, World War III was declared against us--by radical Islam! Can we not accept the fact? Apparently not! Why? Our White House is under the spirit of witchcraft and has been under it for years and years. Sex and the occult has taken over the White House--for it continually is proven out by the actions of the presidents. We agree completely with Pastor John Hagee, when on his televised church service he showed the nation and the watching world the proof that the U.S. White House has been taken over by the spirit of witchcraft, thanks to the naive husbands of anxious, spiritually weak First Ladies dabbling in witchcraft (inviting psychics into the White House) and other such dealings with the occult. It is no wonder that immorality invaded, and President Clinton had such a fling with the interns, all under the eye of his First Lady who was in the same building while he made himself and all of us Americans a laughingstock before the eyes of our enemies and the disgusted world.
Part II, "The Poverty/Witchcraft Connection," by Ronald Ginther

"From Pearl Harbor to Calvary," by
Japanese air commander at Pearl Harbor, Mitsuo Fuchida, with Jacob DeShazer (American POW in WWII)
Soon to be on-line, "My Personal Discovery," by Ronald Ginther:

Princess Diana's death contains a message for the world:

To order "In Loving Memory" of Princess Diana
Or call: 1-800-54-TRACT, Tract # 20453. Or write: American Tract Society, P.O. Box 462008, Garland, TX 75046

Recently, I heard from a Christian friend recently about someone who was shown heaven and the various levels, and he saw there was one saint in particular who was kept right by Christ's side.
Why? What was so special about him? the visitor to heaven wanted to know.
He had already seen that well-known Gospel preachers and ministers who had led millions to the Lord in their great evangelistic campaigns did not get that special place this nobody got. Why this nobody?
it was explained to the man who was being shown heaven that the man in question had only won one person to Christ after he was saved, but he was considered a nothing by his fellow Christians. He was in such bad shape from his former life in sin that all he could do was stand out on the street and smile and greet passers-by.
Then he died, after one person was saved in his ministry--a ministry nobody thought was worth anything or could produce anything of value. But...Christ valued it, apparently. For now the man is at the side of Jesus in heaven! Wouldn't that be the most favored place of all to be in heaven? A "nobody" in Christian circles got it!
Does this tell you as it told me something about how Christ values us and what we do for him? It isn't quantity of souls saved, obviously. Even if only one person was saved in the poor man's ministry and lifetime, yet that one salvation, in the Lord's view, was valued more precious than millions being saved by big-time, super evangelists!
I know that Duane L.
Smith led more than one sin-sick soul to the Lord, yet he died a virtual unknown except for this website that he graced with his Bible writings, and I almost think it could be Duane Smith who is sitting closest to Jesus in heaven. He was one of the choice saints who had so little in this world yet loved Jesus so much and gave him all he had. This kind of person only can write the following song and it means every word it says, because there is a life behind every word of it. Think about all the popular, catchy songs and tunes in Christian circles, yet are they LIVED songs? The Bible says we are clanging cymbals and sounding brass if we do not have love. Duane L. Smith had I Corinthians love--and so his song has love too--and is well worth keeping posted here.
"The Long, Lonely Road," A Song's Lyrics by the late Duane L. Smith
"Hell-Bound," by Duane L. Smith
A Song dedicated to the late Duane L. Smith:
"I'm About to Fly to Heaven," A Yellowstone Park Campfire Song, with Demonstrations, by Ronald Ginther
"God has a Plan for My Life," composer unknown, a Song of Encouragement Amidst Bleak Circumstances

Link for Christian activists (LOVE AND PEACE "terrorists" FOR CHRIST), via David Wildmon's American Family Association On-line:
American Family Association On-Line
Link to obtain Vital Information about Current Issues Confronting the Family, Traditional Moral Values, and our Fast-Eroding Religious Liberty in America, as well as take advantage of the opportunity to order DVDs of the extremely well-done "Critical Mass" and the Boston colonial church's "Liberty Sunday" service and broadcast transcript, with Tony Perkins, Head of Family Resarch Council officiating. Also check out AFA's Pass Along Sheet telling about how Wal-Mart rolls out the red carpet for homosexual marriage:
Liberty Counsel, an advocate for Christmas, took on Wal-Mart, and it has "seen the writing on the wall" and restored "Christmas" to its stores, and now employees can wish customers "Merry Christmas," instead of the generic, idiotic, meaningless, insipid "Happy Holidays" approved by secular-humanists and atheists.
If you wish to give your name in this fight to save Christ in Christmas (for there is no holiday without Him), you can contact this organization which is set up to do just that--maintain this national, legal celebration:
Conversion to Christ the Savior is the way for people to change their minds and take Biblical views (it is the work of the Holy Spirit, not anything people say), but there are ways to confront liberal biases in the news and media:
Fight Media Bias
Family Research Council, Defending Family, Faith, and Freedom
One paragraph from the AFA Pass Along Sheet regarding Wal-Mart: "When Wal-Mart announced their support for the homosexual agenda a few weeks ago, they meant what they said. You will remember that the Wal-Mart asked for, and received, permission to join the
National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce
(NGLCC). The company announcd they were giving two large grants to
NGLCC. The world's largest retailer was rewarded with a position on the board of
NGLCC. Wal-Mart also announced they would give preference to homosexual-owned businesses in purchasing products." They have also won China as a market, and Communist Party offices will be set up in all their stores over in that country. Well-done, Wal-Mart! Down goes Old Glory and its Red, White, and Blue, and up goes only communist, atheistic Red! Founders and owners and operators of Wal-Mart, you're sold your souls for the almighty buck. And, dear friends, if you can still support Wal-Mart with your patronage, that is something betweeen you and God, not between me and you. But at least you have been given the contact information for you to find out what is going on (and going wrong) with Wal-Mart. My wife once worked for a chain retail corporation, and it was large enough to begin gobbling up other chains. It tried to gobble up Shucks, and Shucks proved the bigger shark and gobbled them! It was eventually closed, after Donald Trump reorganized and improved it right into bankruptcy (even billionaires can make stupid mistakes in business, apparently). But the retail chain my wife worked for as a bookkeeper was experiencing problems before the final ax blows of Trump and Shucks. Its leadership was growing ever more greedy and heartless, as evidenced by the way they were cutting full-time workers (whom they had to pay benefits such as for health insurance) and hiring part-timers who get nothing of the sort. The excellent staffs began to dwindle, and part timers with no company loyalty or good working skills took the places of professionals. Immediately, the service began to fall off in the stores, and customers went elsehere, and the once thriving, popular retail chain began to cough and sputter like an old Model T on its last legs. But then came Trump and Shucks...so it was not going to survive. I was praying for this company, however, and I was checked in my spirit--it was if God said clearly to me: "I'll take care of it. This is a son of
Beliah." I checked out this "Beliah" and it pertains to the Devil and his helpers and their dark kingdom. Now I know that companies can slip into judgment when they start oppressing their employees. This chain had crossed the line, and despite all its success formerly was going to end up soon in the dustbin along with other has-beens in the American corporate world. The spirit of Beliah had taken over the leadership! Greed, money lust, cruelty, dishonesty were making the decisions for the investors, who could not care less about the company and just demanded as high a return as they could force out of the corporation. How many thousands of corporations have ended this way? Surely, God could have saved this company, for which so many people devoted years of their lives in building up and making profitable--if the leadership had admitted they were not able to do what only God can do. But instead of humility, they chose humiliation. It was their moment of decision, their Choice, and they obviously made the wrong one--for the corporation I describe is no more!
HOW TO TURN HOMOSEXUALS BACK TO THEIR ORIGINAL, GOD-CREATED, HETEROSEXUAL IDENTITIES: Remember Ellen on TV "coming out of the closet," with her announced lover, Ann Heche? I never watched this godless program, but millions of Americans did, I hear. It was, in 1997, TV's most widely publicized event. I heard enough in the news to convince me this was not a good thing for America or for homosexuals. I recall it, chiefly because I wrote a letter to a local McDonalds Restaurant I often went to, saying I was not going there again to eat, after they came out endorsing "Ellen"--asking how could they do that and still support the family? Of course, I knew the answer, it was merely question to challenge them on their mistaken, contradictory, immoral policy. Well, Ann's mother, Nancy Heche, interviewed by Joni Lamb on Daystar, has written a book, "The Truth Comes Out," in which she tells her very painful but necessary journey back to God, after losing her faith and her husband and her "ideal marriage" in 1980 when he died of HIV after living a double life as a homosexual. Can you imagine a worse upset for a wife, to find her husband dying of a disease homosexuals commonly get due to their hundreds of homosexual acts with other homosexuals? She had no idea whatsoever this was going on--and how could she know, she was completely convinced she had the ideal marriage and home--at least all the appearances said so. This husband of hers must have been a John Barrymore of Alex Guinness in acting ability! Then her daughter joined with Ellen publicly on TV in a lesbian relationship. That pushed the mother further over the edge. It took some real sorting out in her heart and life before Nancy Heche found ways of loving and accepting her daughter as Christ would, yet without
saying that homosexuality is right to do. Now Nancy is able to challenge churches not to reject homosexuals but to love them--the only way to win them back to the sexuality God chose for them and, even more important, the relationship with Jesus that will make their lives worth living. To find this book, you can go to www.amazon.com.


This next item is not trivial, by any means! Michael Freund, Chairman of Shavei Israel ("Shavei Israel," meaning "Those Who Would Return to Israel"), who worked in the administration of former Prime Minister
Netanyahu of Israel, has recently come in contact with a unique people in Northwest India who claim to be the Lost Tribe of Manasseh. Manasseh was the tribe affliated with Ephraim as descendants of the two sons of Joseph by those names. Genesis 46:20: "In Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph by Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On." The Lost Tribe of Manasseh with their people in their homeland of Israel can be seen in Hal Lindsay's recent interview with Michael Freund. Michael Freund's web address and webpage will be given too.
Hal Lindsay's the Hal Lindsay Report
Or call Hal Lindsay's Ministry at: 1-800-TITUS-35. Or write: Hal Lindsay Ministries, P.O. Box 1475, Palm Desert, CA 92261.
Or contact Michael Freund:
Michael Freund, Shavei Israel
Michael Freund has also written the book, "The Everlasting Hatred of Islam," which can be made available to him by using his website or Hal Lindsay's. Michael Freund's email address is:
Nineveh.com, with article, "Lost Jewish Tribe Soon to Move to israel," by Julie Stahl, Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Crosswalk.com
Postscript to Item on Assyrians: The Nineveh.com webpage also announces the event of Christians for Assyrians of Iraq, which will demonstrate peacefully in front of the White House, Monday, December 4, 2006.
Item: The Bible says you can know a tree by its fruit. What kind of fruit has Evolution produced? Dr. James Kennedy, of Coral Ridge Ministries, has diagramed the family tree of Evolution, and it has produced some deadly, evil fruit, as you can see:
Item: More from Dr. D. James Kennedy about what your liberal, secular-humanist teachers won't tell you: "Scientists agree [with Evolution]? We've been told that over and over as if it is a given, but is it true? No! A survey of scientists established SIR ISAAC NEWTON as the greatest scientist who ever lived, and he believed in God, in Christ, in the Bible, and in Creation. To the chagrin of modern evolutionary scientists, Newton wrote more books on theology than he did on science. The revered "scientific method" was invented by a Christian. The inventor of antiseptic surgery was JOSEPH LISTER, a Christian (before him physicians worked, patient to patient, like the genocidalists do in thousands of Planned Parenthood-approved abortion clinics all across America, with unwashed hands, spreading infection and disease). In bacteriology, LOUIS PASTEUR was a Christian. George Gallup, statistician, is a Christian. Other Christians in science who cannot be ignored by secular humanists include:
Item: Chuck Colson's wonderful prison ministry is being "viciously" (his word) attacked by the so-called "Americans United for Separation of Church and State"--an organization of dyed-in-the-fur devils in human form that is dedicated solely to eradicate Christ and Christians and particularly ANYTHING Christian in the United States (its chosen base of nefarious operations, since no other nation would permit such a nest of venomous asps to strike out against innocent citizens like this one does). Let us call it instead: "Devils United for Separation of Church and State" (DUSCS). Why is Colson under attack by DUSCS? Well, Colson's prison ministry has, for one thing, cut re-incarceration rates to 8% among its graduates! That is just too great a success for DUCSC to ignore! Barny Lynn (the name, I believe, of the chief devil in charge) is incensed and steaming mad at Chuck's phenomenal success, since no secular program can possibly come up to it, thus validating Chuck Colson's prison ministry above anything this world and Satan can do to "rehabilitate" and "reform" professional criminals in the state and Federal prisons. Please support Chuck Colson's absolutely vital prison ministry if you can. Untold thousands of hopeless criminals have been transformed into happy and productive human beings and citizens--that is what the ACLU and its affliliate organizations such as Barny Lynn's so hates that it will bring even Chuck to court on a trumped up charge just to bankrupt him or at least hamstring him with huge legal expenses (these anti-Christ organizations in the U.S. know that they don'[t have to win their absurd cases to do a lot of damage, as they aim really aim to throw turmoil and huge expenses at the innocent ministries that they bring to court on their trumped up charges; of course, if they can find an activist, anti-God judge to weigh in on their side, they can then levy crushing fines and penalties and perhaps destroy the ministry completely--which is frosting on the cake to them.).
Any search engine will bring you to Chuck Colson's site, he is so well-known, nationally and internationally, for his tremendous work with prisons, bringing Jesus Christ, who is the Only One who can transform human hearts and, consequently, their whole lives and lifestyles. Also, you might pray that this evil organization, which attacks the Christian foundations of America, will be exposed to the whole country for what it really is--a destroyer of our religious liberties as Christians in own
Christian-founded nation.
Item: There is New Life and Freedom in Jesus--the primary message of the Chuck Colson ministry in prison--the only message that can free the criminals incarce rated there by giving them genuine hope for a true transformation and change. You can obtain any of Chuck Colson's materials yourself, but there is also a free booklet about salvation available at Victory TV. Victory TV will give you the needed contact information to obtain it, or you can use the site itself.
"The New Life" booklet, Victory TV
Item: Contrary to the impression given by the U.S. media, travel is FAR safer in Israel than it is in our big secular-humanist-run U.S. cities. There is far more crime and violence here, than is ever seen in Israel. The fence set up to keep suicide bombers out has worked--as you can tell from the news headlines, which are not reporting them frequently any more. Suicide bombers are frequent occurrences in Baghdad, an unsecured city where almost anything can and does happen. But Israel is very safe, and Israeli airlines and Israel security, coming and going, is the best on the planet.
Isaac Herzog, Israeli Ministry of Tourism for information of travel in Israel
A wonderful program on wildlife in Israel is offered by PBS, which shows the valiant efforts to re-introduce extinct species to the wilds of Israel as well as protect those that are near extinction. Look for the nature program on America Online by clicking on PBS or go to PBS directly:
Israel's Modern Recreation of a
Noah's Ark, a Nature Program of Wildlife Being Preserved in Israel
Give a Helping Hand to the Jewish
Settlers Evicted from Their Homes in Gaza
Click on "English" on the Hebrew Text Home Page of Gush Katif

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(c) 2006, Butterfly Productions, All Rights Reserved
Contact information: Write: Ronald Ginther, The Emmaus Walk, P.O. Box 212, Puyallup, Washington 98371