A great privilege, indeed, I took this picture on my first tour of Israel. It came to mean more to me once I realized that 1947, the year these caves became known to the whole world, was the year of my father's sudden death, a life changing event for me and my whole family and unknown numbers of other people too. 1947 was the year also that Israel came to birth, with independence for the national sovereign state of Israel declared officially in 1948 in Tel Aviv, and President Truman declaring U.S. recognition of Israel only minutes later. 1947 was the year of epic advances in supersonic jet aircraft in the U.S. But the most far reaching event of 1947, equalling that of Israel's rebirth as a nation, was the Qumran Caves finally giving up their secrets held hidden in them for thousands of years, as two Bedouin goatherds discovered in them the Qumran manuscripts called the Dead Sea Scrolls. To recall this great discovery, we plan We plan to include an article here about the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Great Isaiah Scroll in particular.
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
We have our own Acronym at the Emmaus Walk: For the youth specifically, with a space exploration slant: B.I.B.L.E.--"Blasting Into Blessing, Life Eternal". How about yours? Make an acronym of your own with your own special meaning!
Jesus, nevertheless, says in His holy Word, to His true children here in America: "Be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world."--John 16:33
they sweep the multitudes into frenzy
and the Israeli bombs fall on Gaza,
trying to stop Hamas,
as the rockets ascend and land and explode
in the streets, bus stops, houses, and schools of Ashdod, Sderot, and Beersheva..."
My mother also prayed for sunshine. Well, as the news reported on TV, this very area was one of only two spots in Western Washington where sunshine broke out on the day after the floodwaters began to subside. Thanks to the fact that we don't have Lousiana's corrupt and heartless Mayor Nagin as our mayor, or a Dem-olition governor which they had during the hurricanes who is a Bush hater and nothing else, our levee stood and did not cave in when it was needed. The other part of the system, Mud Mountain Dam, also worked to hold back part of the flood waters at a critical time. But God did the rest, which they couldn't do: he kept the logs from jamming up, and did not allow the river to flood us. As I went to get some needed things from the store, the sun broke out, and I had to stand there for a few moments in the parking lot of Safeway to enjoy the sun's rays and praise God.
Jer. 33:3.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist moveents (including Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
World War I, an unbelievably savage bloodbath in which millions were slaughtered on the killing fields of the front trenches in France on the border with Germany, halted for a couple days, right at Christmas. A coincidence? Did a general command it? Did a president? No, not one man did it. Christmas did it, the spirit of God in Christmas stopped the mighty Big Berthas of the Krupps, and the artillery and machine guns of the British and French. The front lines dissolves as men poured across and hugged, shook hands, and celebrating the Reason for the Season, Jesus, Born in Bethehem as the Savior of the World!
Your children or you won't read about this, or be taught about it, by professors in college and teachers in secondary schools, of course. But it is a fact of history, and this book chronicles this miraculous World War I Christmas truce and the events of it.
One story really spoke to me. A Gentile man was taken, because of his name, for a Jew, and identified as such by the Nazi authorities. For hours he was in agony, unable to prove they were wrong about him. A Jew finally spoke to the sweating, pale-faced fellow with biting irony, observing how he could not stand being a Jew for only a few hours, but they the Jews had been forced to bear this treatment for thousands of years!
Mary Hojos dealt with the Gentile/Jewish barrier head on and became an evangelist, spreading the Gospel of Yeshua her loving Savior. She found a way to minister that message even to fellow Jews who had known the worst persecution from the Nazis. In this book you read about some of her life story, which is interesting enough to make reading the book worthwhile, but she goes on to identify the "stones" that need to be removed. What are these stones? They are misconceptions that have grown up in the Church about the Jews and their place in the Old Testament and also in the New Testament and the Church Age. These misconceptions led to anti-semitism and terrible persecution of the Jews, but something more: the missing of the blessing by Christians they would have known from God if they had not been so darkened in their understanding about the Jews through the centuries after Christ walked this earth. You need to read Zola to find out what these misconceptions are, if you haven't already, and if you cannot access this book or any book by Mary Hojas. She writes very plainly and authoritatively about the Gospel from a Jewish viewpoint, which is so rare. But she does it lovingly, not as a critic but one who invites us to come share the blessing of discovering how truly Jewish Jesus and the Apostles actually are.
There is so much that can be said about this little jem of a book. Discover it yourself. You can find it, if you really want to know what you may have been missing out on, and your pastor and church included!
Can you name other things the Bible is? The Gideon Pocket Bible lists a number: The Traveller's Map, the Pilgrim's Staff, the Soldier's Sword, the Christian's Charter. I thought of the
Navigator's North Star. How about Water for the thirsty? Or a Lifejacket for the drowning sinner? Or... Surely, there are more.BIBLE PICTURES OF ITSELF is a wonderful thing, is it not? The Bible describes itself as LIGHT, FIRE, SEED, BREAD, MILK, HONEY, MEAT, GOLD, SWORD and HAMMER. You can order this tract from: Faith, Prayer, and Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, Bible Book Mark
No. 162 ($1.80 per doz., $11 per 100).
Happiness? What does that have to do with scholastic achievement and personal development, and better still, integrity and even righteouness and being pleasing to God? Nothing! God is not against us having happiness, but the first goal for all of us creatures of His is to love and serve God, and nothing is above that, not health, success, or happiness! American parents have really dropped the ball, according to this survey reported on the radio.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
That is a culture of death. Any civilization that kills half its population for sheer business profit, is a dying culture, a culture of death. America has become a culture of death. Ugh! Who really wants to live in a culture of death where dead babies make billions of dollars for Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry? I for one hate living with this mass murdering for hire going on--4,000 lives a day snuffed out for sheer profit by Planned Parenthood and the abortion mills! Hitler would be jumping for joy, for many of them are Jews! How about you? Whom do you vote for? Do you vote for abortion-supporting candidates? Well, if so, then you are voting for a culture of death. This country is being destroyed right before your eyes, because 50% of the children are already missing from the society, schools, from playgrounds, from homes and families, from churches, from future productive jobs, from our military, from our research laboratories, from our universities...and just think how the value of life is cheapened, but you can kill your own child you conceived and be applauded for it! So you can go pay somebody to kill a real living person in you who has a future and wipe him or her out, just for your own convenience! You can enjoy life that was given to you, but turn around and deny life of someone else? Abortion makes a total mess of human life and human society. It is condoning murder for "justifiable reasons." You can't build a life and a viable society on that! Murder has been made legal in our culture of death. Murder is now socially acceptable (as long as you don't call it what it is), but in God's eyes it is an abomination, a terrible sin, and he will never accept it. Oh, you are not a murderer? You don't have to shoot someone with a gun to commit murder. You or I can murder someone with our words, with our evil tongues and gossip (which is verbal assassination). God commanded: "THOU SHALT NOT KILL." Yet we kill, we kill the most helpless and the most voiceless among us, and no child is safe anywhere in the womb, where a child ought to be most protected, most safe of all. Planned Parenthood has gone to war against the human race. It is an industry of evil profiteering off murdering innocent unborn babies, and is based on shameless lies. It is the world's biggest abortion industry, and receives hundreds of millions (it is rewarded!) by Congress, which steals our tax money and gives it to Planned Parenthood over our protests! And if you aren't protesting? Well, you are complicit then with the murders of millions--and must share in the judgment of God for them. You cannot claim ignorance. This has gone on for over forty years, and Planned Parenthood is everywhere, and its abortion mills are operating full blast in tens of thousands of locations across the land. God recognizes no "fetuses," or blobs of tissue in the womb. He calls them children, which they are. His Word says: "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations."--Jeremiah 1:5. God shows no partiality. What he said to Jeremiah the prophet, he says to every child in the womb--he formed them, he knows them, he sanctifies them, he ordains them for a special destiny. When you kill a baby this way, you strike at God their Creator. Care to stand before him, as you will, and defend your killing children that He created? What will you say then?
Thank God, there are brave voices in the black community, Christians like the pastor I heard recently on the radio, who spoke to Lars Larson on his show. He stands against abortion in his own abortion-prone community, a voice crying in the wilderness of compromise and delusion for God's righteousness and the sanctity of human life, born and unborn. So there is this pastor, and others, and may God strengthen them for the time of testing, for God will not abandon them, though they face rejection on every side because they dare to tell the truth, regardless of the personal cost to themselves! They are pure gold, these brave men!
So, giving all these helps, He can lead us now, and we can now walk in His light. His light is Himself in us, and He gives it to us now--not later on. Want His light? He is available now, this instant. Just call on Him, pray to Him, and abide in Him moment by moment. Everything said here is true, as the Bible teaches it is true. So read your Bible! Immerse yourself in God's Word! Let Jesus speak to You and guide and enlighten you. He will do it all. He is faithful, He is the Good Shepherd.
Another "little item" that won't get reported in the mainstream media: The world's temperature went down in 2007, one whole degree, not up! But Al Gore won't tell his virtually brainless, adoring audiences that fact either!. We are supposed to "buy green" and "drive green" hybrid cars--what nonsense! They end up costing more money! Those batteries, which polluting factories make in a lot of different foreign countries, wear out! What do you do with them then? The ethanol puts water in your engines, and that necessitates very costly repairs. Go ahead, go green and clueless, but you will pay dearly, without one single effect you can prove scientifically that will benefit the global environment! When the chief promoter of the Global Warming agenda produces one of the biggest carbon footprints of any individual in the world, then you know for certain he is nothing but a hypocrite and a shyster.
"Let's 'C' About Joseph
All Answers Begin with C.
1. What garment did Joseph's father give him?
2. What made it so pretty?
3. His brothers received twenty _ _ _ _ _ when they sold him.
4. How did these traders travel?
5. What officer did Potiphar hold over the soldiers of Pharaoh?
6. What seven animals did Pharaoh see in a dream?
7. When Joseph explained the dream, what did Pharaoh put around his neck?
8. What did he give him to ride in?
9. What did Joseph store in the great storehouses he built?
10. Where did Joseph's brothers live?
11. What did they come to Egypt to buy?
12. What did Joseph tell his servants to hide in Benjamin's sack?
This Bible Study has come to us from my mother's collected Bible studies in her 90+ years walk with God while faithfully studying His Word (she is still studying His Word in various lessons from her church), and it speaks for itself as an excellent means to gain the spiritual benefit from Joseph's life and the way God turned him into a great instrument for God's plan and purposes for Israel, present and future, not only Joseph. Through Joseph the line of Jacob was preserved, and Jacob's other son was Judah, through whom the Lord Jesus Christ was brought forth some 1200 to 1400 years after Joseph.
Take the number of pieces of silver for which Joseph's brother sold him. (Gen. 37:28).
Multiply by the number of cows in each of Pharaoh's dreams.
Divide by the length in years of the famine.
Multiply by the number of brothers Joseph had.
Add Joseph's age when he stood before Pharaoh. (Gen. 41:46)
Substract the number of beasts laden with gifts which Joseph sent to his father. (Gen. 45:23). Add the number of changes of rainment he gave to Benjamin. (Gen. 45:22). The result will be Joseph's age when he died. (Gen. 50:26). For the answers, go to the Bible Quiz Center page and look for "Answers to A Puzzle About Joseph.":
You have revealed what you are, Mr. Osteen! Just from that one absurd title! Is that why Jesus came to earth, suffered and died? Just so we could become better pigs in the filthy old pigsty? I was a lost sinner, condemned by my sin, rotten and stinking, a slave to Satan, bound in chains! I desperately needed forgiveness, deliverance, and transformation, and cleansing from all sin! Only Jesus could give me that! Only his Cross, and daily denying myself as Christ said, could give me that! I needed no less than that--but to simply "become better"? That would have been a Band-aide in comparison, Joel Osteen! You are another false shepherd among the televangelists! Offering Looney Tunes Plasatic Adhesive Bandages, super cool and scented and in various flavors, with sparkling colors and razz-matazz to please the eye--but they are only temporary, superficial fixes and makeovers, which you offer to the perishing and dying sinner, and they can't help save any soul one bit! You can't save a dying man with a facial massage, pedicure and manicure, when he has a terminal tumor or aneurysm exploding in his brain, or someone else with a cardiac arrest or heart attack, or collapsed lungs, or someone who is losing all his blood from a fatal gunshot wound in his main organs or from a bad accident of some kind! How foolish and cruel you are, to offer a cool and trendy body waxing to the perishing and the deeply wounded souls, who are utterly ruined and going to die in their sins if they don't hear the true Gospel that can still save and redeem souls from sin and death.
You aren't even trying to square your preached and televised messages with the Word of God, the Bible, which I notice you seldom quote as you preach. Why would you need the Bible anyway? You do very well with your own foolish and vain and worldly philosophy of life. It is called New Age religionism. It is not Christianity. You are dressing up New Age Religion in an evangelical sheepskin, but you are still a wolf out to devour men's souls and lead them to hell and eternal destruction. You will go to destruction yourself, if you continue on this way! I am not sure you are born-again, but if you are, all these works of yours WILL be burned up as hay, wood, and stubble. You can bank on that happening, Mr. Osteen, or the Bible does not have a shred of truth in it, and Jesus Christ and the Apostles were all frauds!
Were you ever a Christian, truly born again? Jesus only knows that. But your preaching is not from the Bible, it is not promoting the Gospel of Christ centered on the Cross, and your manner of life as well as your personal reported statements on LARRY LIVE and other TV programs show clearly that you are a ravening wolf, not a sheep following Christ the Shepherd, and that toothy grin of yours, why, that only proves that human wolves like you can grin and smile as they are about to devour the hapless, clewless sheep!
Keep offering your professionally packaged and marketed LOONEY TUNE BANDAGES! Duped by Madison Avenue marketing gimmicks and techniques, people will still buy them by the millions, and put them on their various needs and hurts and even their mortal wounds, but they will not change anything in a true spiritual sense, or advance a soul one inch toward the kingdom of God and heaven! They'll just look a little better! But millions of Christians will march one day, looking good like you, right into the jaws of Satan--willingly, joyously, trustingly. Come out from among these people, now, the Bible warns us. Flee the City of Destruction, Pilgrim! Do not join in their folly and destruction. Return to the truth of the Bible and the full-orbed Gospel, not joining in with this perpetually grinning Snake Oil peddler, "Mr. Positivity," Joel Osteen, and his ilk.
Please go and investigate this meditation from someone who knows what the darkest times are like, a message that can inspire hope anew in you and me, so that we can face the darkness of the present hour and in the coming days the coming terrorist crisis and turmoil and possible economic disaster of a century.
Following these two deceivers and imposters will bring death and destruction, sooner or later. In Judges the downfall of the Israelites came time after time when, it says as the epitaph again and again for each fallen generation, "each man did what was right in his own eyes." That is a horrible epitaph, is it not? Are we any different today? Not a whit! Watch Oprah, if you can keep your nausea-button depressed long enough) and see if that is not what she is preaching through her own words and through the offerings of her know-it-all guest-idiot experts. Actually, I do not watch by my own choice. A family member is hooked on these programs, thinking them entertaining, and I am forced to hear what is going on, day after day--while praying that God will deal with the person to remove the dependency on them.
Have we learned anything by the Jewish experience? Apparently, we have not! We in the Evangelical churches are lapsing into spiritual harlotry, into ungodly alliances with the devlish world system, which is clearly shown in the alliances of eminent evangelical leaders such as Rick Warren joining forces with the likes of Barak Hussain Obama, who stands against every evangelical belief and principle you can name. His anti-Christ, anti-morality, anti-marriage, anti-sanctity of human life views were expressed by him in the presidential campaign, and even at Rick Warren's debate or symposium at his Saddleback church at the televised meeting--so we need not repeat them again here. Go to Obama's website, if you want to hear them again. Rick Warren well knows what Obama believes, and yet he will go to Washington to officiate as the man of God in the Innvocation of Obama's inauguration! This is a most devilish and disgusting act on his part, to be sure. It shows his true colors. He is just the same as the Evangelical Lutheran Church pastors who flocked together to support the candidacy of Adolf Hitler, whom they touted as the German "Messiah." They actually called him that! Obama is touted as the messiah or primary agent for America's "Change." What kind of change to the good can come from one so depraved and anti-Christ as this Chicago bred shyster, Democrat party hack, friend of crooks, and Marxist ideologue? You tell me! But I don't have to guess. I know that whatever superficial good he seems to produce in a crisis, we will pay blood and tears for later, just as the German people (many of them evangelical Christians in the Lutheran Churches) paid after their "German Messiah" restored the prostrate, inflation-ruined German economy by military manufacturing orders for his war machine only to seize absolute power and turn into a raging, bloody monster devouring most of Europe while killing 6 million Jews in his gas chambers. Obama does not seem that sort of super monster now, true, but given the opportunity and the power, this little monster from Chicago has all the capability within himself of becoming another full-blown Hitler, as he wields world power from his office of president in the White House and really begins to strut his stuff on the world stage that office has given him.
Put your ear to the ground? What do you hear? I hear the drumming hoofbeats of the Four Horses of the Apocalyse! War, Famine, Disease, death! They are unleashed upon the feckless world! They are now galloping toward us all, bringing unimaginable horrors and disasters. We know that the spirits of anti-Christ, operative in the world since the time of the Apostle John (see his letters), are combining in a spirit of anti-christ that will direct the Anti-Christ himself. Hitler was a forerunner of this Anti-Christ to come. That is very clear. But Obama? He too is a forerunner, that is also clear, though many with the spirit of delusion blinding them cannot see it (for their own lusts, greed, compromising, and guile have led them away into grievous error and outright evil-doing, such as this abominable Invocation by Pastor Rick Warren).
The spirit of delusion has put the catchwords into the big, flapping mouths of these compromisers with the world and its devilish, anti-christ spirits. What are they? Listen! I hear them increasingly. These people are calling out the glitzy catchwords and buzzwords of the new apostasy, the Apostate churches' gospel, which is: "JOIN together, Christians, let us UNITE and COME TOGETHER FOR THE SAKE OF AMERICA, and put our differences aside, FOR THE COMMON GOOD!" This is the DEVIL'S call, and it comes from the pit of hell. The BIBLE says: BE YE SEPARATE FROM THE WORLD AND ITS SATANIC SYSTEM! The Bible doesn't say join, and unite, and combine with the rulers of this world! Does it? Never does it say that--but many evangelical leaders, such as Rick Warren, are saying this, are they not?
Did Jesus join with Herod, or Caiaphas, or Pilate, or Caesar in Rome? No, he did not. "My kingdom is not of this world," he emphatically told Pilate right to his proud and mighty Roman face. Jesus did not compromise one iota with the authorities of this world system ruled by Satan, but right now we see high churchmen and evangelical leaders such as Rick Warren stumbling over their own feet to get to Obama and join in the elevation of this Chicago scumbag to the highest office in the world as if he were some kind of saint. Sorry, the office of president is not so revered and santified an office, that it can cover sins and follies. That is what the Democrats teach, but it is a false doctrine of secular humanism. The Bible only teaches godliness and righteousness, truth and justice, with the Way of Salvation in Jesus Christ alone. The Bible does not teach spiritual harlotry or compromise with the satantic, anti-christ world system. Rick Warren, unless he repent, will go to a judgment of shame, reserved for false shepherds. To officiate at the Invocation of Obama is to condone an unrighteous Obama and his anti-christ, anti-moral, anti-marriage beliefs and totalitarian Marxist agenda. You made a specious show of moderation and conciliation and truth-seeking at the Saddleback debate, but you are now showing your true colors, you have swung over to the support of Obama and his agenda, whatever the cost to your evangelical beliefs, if you really had any to begin with (which is a question now in my mind).
You, fellow Christian, will be led away with them to destruction if you heed these compromisers, who will seduce you with your music and their charming words and their prestigious monikers (Bishop, Doctor, Prophet, Pastor, etc). Others are celebrities with instant name recognition nationwhide in sports or entertainment or even televangelism ministries. They too will be singing Obama's praises and the need for Christians to join, to unite, to link arms and clasp hands for the grand common good of America and the world! DON'T JOIN THEM! DON'T SING "WE ARE ONE IN THE SPIRIT," OR "KUMBAYA" WITH THESE MULTITUDES OF STRAYING SHEEP! DON'T TAKE THE MARK OF COMPROMISE AND DELUSION AND FALSE UNITY ON YOUR FOREHEADS! YOU MAY DO IT AT THE ULTIMATE COST OF YOUR SOUL, AS THIS RICK WARREN-DRIVEN DECEPTION WILL LEAD TO WORSE AND WORSE DECEPTION, UNTIL THE DEVIL HAS YOU FULLY IN CONTROL, UTTERLY IN THE DARK ABOUT YOUR TRUE SPIRITUAL DEMISE. WHY NOT RICK WARREN AS THE FALSE PROPHET TO THE FALSE MESSIAH BARAK OBAMA IN A FORTHCOMING MOVIE ABOUT THE GREAT TRIBULATION PERIOD? THEY COULD PLAY THEMSELVES IN THOSE ROLES. IT WOULD BE A VERY TRUTHFUL FILM, AND TOO TRUTHFUL FOR THE WORLD'S AUDIENCES, WHO WOULD CALL IT HATEFUL, SINCE THEY WANT TO BELIEVE THAT OBAMA IS THE HARBINGER OF WORLD PEACE THROUGH HIS STILL UNDEMONSTRATED AND UNVERIFIED GENIUS IN DIPLOMACY.
When you see a highly credentialed Lincoln historian go on TV and compare Obama to Lincoln (which I just heard tonight on a prestigious CNN book and author interview program), then you know for sure the spirit of delusion has a fatal grip on educated and uneducated Americans alike. Imagine that, Obama, who has not done anything you can put on a resume to land a real job, has been compared with the truly great, immortal Abraham Lincoln! If I had not heard it for myself, I could not have believed the report about it. It is sheer lunacy to make such a comparison. Yet this historian made it without blinking an eye, and the interviewer, a party liberal hack like the historian, did not not miss a beat either in accepting the comparison as legitimate without a single question about it. Such rubbish goes across the air waves now, we do not have enough garbage handlers to deal with adequately, and it is piling up sky-high, and someday will come crashing down on us!
Now, you cannot say to the Lord Jesus you were not warned by me. You have been warned, right here on these humble pages of the Emmaus Walk. I don't care if few see this warning, and fewer still heed the warning, which really comes from the pages of the Bible, not from a human source. I feel sad, however, that the masses are ignoring the warnings of prophetic speakers like David Wilkerson and others like him! The Bible itself, even without their voices, is shouting this warning at you, in fact, the ENTIRE WORD OF GOD SHOUTS IT! DON'T TOUCH THE UNCLEAN THING! FLEE FROM IT! RUN!
Having warned you as I have, I do not have to take responsibility, as a small sort of watchman, and a fellow Christian, for your drift into apostasy, by your joining in with the influential, wildly popular compromisers, the Rick Warrens, luring you into the grip of the depraved world system ruled by Satan.
I watch Daystar and TBN fairly often (I especially love the Billy Graham "classics", his messages of the Gospel before huge audiences the world over that are word perfect for today, despite the fact many were delivered decades ago and are in black and white), and the heads of these networks do not have a clew about compromise and the spirit of anti-christ and the dangers involved, though it is preached often on those venues. They include the most egregrious charlatans on their stations, week after week, along with true men of God. True men of God also consort, blindly, with these charlatans, which Ic cannot in the least way explain. I don't have to take responsibility to warn the men of God, as they ought to know what their Bible teaches and what the charlatans, such as Joel Osteen and Mike Murdoch and others, preach does not line up with what the Bible teaches. Perhaps, they do not want to confront the TBN programming system and be thrust off. That is just too bad, as they will pay a heavy price, if they are continuing with a network that they know is not squaring with the Bible and faithfully handling the trust of millions of Christians world-wide. The heads of TBN and Daystar evidently think they are acting responsibly, and the dozens of men of God go before the camera with these heads and seem to have full fellowship with them, with no major problems as to the charlatans that also appear on these networks, but the Bible still stands, it is not mocked, and God is not mocked. God will sift out the chaff from the wheat ultimately, but it will be a very painful ordeal to those involved. It need not be so painful, if we would only do more self-examination, and hold one another more accountable in Christian ministry, than we do. We will all pay a very heavy price when we stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ, which may be very soon, if we come to the Lord with our present terribly compromised and increasingly apostate and idolatrous church. God have mercy on us sinners! We are denying the Bible record, seeking to be free of it, while ensnaring ourselves anew in Satanic delusions and lies. We are mixing unrighteousness and righteousness, and calling it brotherhood and unity and progress and change. But God sees it for what it is: sin and abomination. Let us flee from it now, while we still can! Let us not touch the unclean thing! Let us flee to the Cross of Jesus, cling to it, for only He and His Cross are a safe haven in this evil and perverse generation.
We must remain steadfast, holding to the truth of the Gospel delivered to us by the saints of the Early Church, by Paul and the other Apostles, and then by such ones as Martin Luther, Wycliffe, Wesley, Spurgeon, Moody, and Billy Graham (this is far from a complete list). The point is we have innumerable "Gospellers," down through the ages, and have no excuse if we depart from the Gospel--none whatsoever. They suffered and in many cases gave their lives for the Gospel, so that it would be preserved for us in its purity. What have we done after we received it? Did we remain true to it, steadfast in its truths, ordering our lives by it? Sharing it everywhere we could with lost souls as well as saints?
But a man dying of thirst needs real water--not high quality photographs of of water. He has to have the real thing to survive. In the same way, if you are honest and truly needy see yourself as a sinner, you need something more: and then ONLY JESUS WILL DO!
No other Person (no Good Teacher) can save and transform a sinner into a saint--there is no real competition with Jesus the Savior, friend.
Dr. Cooper studied all major religions and says: There is only one Savior, one man who made that claim, that he was our Savior, and could save us from our sins. Nobody else could--not Buddha or Mohammed or Lao Tze, or Confucius, or Zoroaster, or any other great religious teacher. They taught various things to better humanity, but they couldn't deal with sin and transform a sinner into a saint. Jesus's Name means SAVIOR. JESUS IS THE SAVIOR! HE IS THE ONLY SAVIOR! HE CAN BE YOUR SAVIOR, IF HE IS NOT! HE IS MY SAVIOR! Dr. Cooper's Gospel preaching was electrifying. It cleared the smoke, mirrors, balloons, lollipops, and the Wizard of Oz's gimickry control board of the prosperity gospel right out of the studio--at least temporarily. The economic downturn is really no problem for a Christian. Economies go up, and then they go down, and then they go up, and then they go down--they always will. We should not be concerned about the economic so much. One thing is certain: heaven, or hell. The worst thing that can happen, Dr. Cooper said, for a Christian, is that he dies and goes to heaven. All the things we worry about and that concern us so much now do not really matter, compared to Him whom the Gospel reveals and proclaims.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.