Who lives in Jesus, and His pearls, does share;
In this tiny person, pearls can be found,
In her the Life of Jesus, does abound.
She herself, is a pearl of greatest price,
Who in giving to others, doesn't think twice;
If a need exists, she takes it to Prayer,
And then meets the need, from her wealth to share.
Her wealth comes not in dollars, but in love,
Her life full of the Holy Spirit Dove;
Because she knows intimately God's life,
She treats all as she would, Christ, in His strife.
The measure of love, is NOT to measure,
She gives fully to all, her "Great Treasure."
Selfless and humble, resembling her Christ,
The treasure she IS will always suffice.
You see, "Pearl and Jesus", are ever one,
Enmeshed to Jesus, is ALL her work done;
Pearl gives to Jesus, not only a part,
Pearl and Jesus are now, only ONE HEART!
--To my sister in Jesus, Pearl Ginther
With love in Him, Mary-Constance