I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur and South Sudan, or the well-off American enslaved by materialism and self-indulgment and self-centeredness and ease] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
To be born in Bethelem...Mic. 5:2--Matt. 2:1-5
The Son of God...Psa. 2:7--Jn. 3:16-17
Of the Tribe of Judah...Gen. 49:10--Heb. 7:14
Of a virgin...Isa. 7:14--Matt. 1:18-22
A prophet like Moses...Deut. 18:15--Jn. 7:15-17
The King of Israel...Zech. 9:9--Jn. 12:12-15
Rejected...Isa. 53:3--Jn. 1:11
Beaten...Mic. 5:1--Mk. 15:19
Silent...Isa. 53:7--Matt. 27:12-14
Betrayed...Psa. 41:9--Mk. 14:17-20
Tried and Condemned...Isa. 53:8--Matt. 27:1-2
Crucified...Psa. 22:16--Jn. 19:17-18
Crucified...Psa. 22:16--Jn. 19:17-18
His garments divided...Psa. 22:18--Jn. 19:23-24
Given vinegar and gall...Psa. 69:21--Jn. 19:28-29
His bones not broken...Exo. 12:46--Jn. 19:31-36
He is our sacrifice...Isa. 53:5-6--I Pet. 2:24-25
And raised from death!
Psa. 16:10--Lk. 24:1-7, 47
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist moveents (including Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Bible Lists by H.L. Wilmington (Published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) is a book that you will want to have on your desk or in your book shelf for reference. It is fascinating, and contains over 6,000 items Every category, every subject, is given texts and is itemized alphabetically from Abominations to God to Worship of God. If the subject is not in the alphabet, it can't be found in this book, which is highly unlikely. See for yourself. It can answer a lot of questions and save you hours searching and not finding what you are wanting to locate in the Bible. Just go to the subject item in the book, using the table of contents, and there it will probably be!"
John Gilman founded Dayspring International, which later joined with Operation Mobilization, an evangelistic mission in India. The film, Oceans of Mercy, has been shown to over 100 million people in India in the last two decades, and John Gilman tells the story how this film was acquired by him through miracles of God's provision and guidance. This little book is a most exciting experience, and will help build your faith for great miracles in your own life as well--for John Gilman is just an ordinary man with a faith in an extraordinary God. Over ten million people have come to Christ through the film his ministry is showing in countless villages throughout India today, brought there by van, bicycle, even on foot through the most impassable places in mountains and jungles and hostile Hindu or Muslim opposition. This is a film produced by Indian actors and an Indian company, and this all-India cast speaks to the Indian people as no other film could do. It portrays Christ in the very setting they know as their home--not as a white man stepping down into a Third World country, but as a man like themselves, dressing like them, speaking like them--for the man in the movie who portrays Christ is an Indian. This is tremendously effective--for these reasons! There can be no resistance to an alien Western culture with an alien message. This film speaks directly to the hearts of Indians. You are missing a real treat if you do not get this boo, which is free for the asking at Dayspring International ministries. Just type in John Gilman or Dayspring International in any search engine, and you will access his site.
The Embassy of God church in Kiev, Ukraine, is also an example of how to go about missions. Every member is a mission worker, in Pastor Sunday Adelaja's church. Missions are a member's responsibility and calling, it is not left to a special group or board. This puts the action back in the market place, where the Christian has to go and work and shop, and takes it out of the church pew, where it amounts often to just Christians ministering to other Christians. Christ took his good news of the kingdom to the streets of Israel, to the lakeshores, to the marketplaces of villages, to the homes of the people. He did not just preach in the synagogues.
Somalia, an African nation without a government, is featured in "Today's Christian" Magazine, May/June 2008 issue. Quoting Reuters news service, the article "Christians Must Be Killed," by Jerry Dykstra in his Persecution Report, goes: "All Somali Christians must be killed according to Islamic law (Shariah) A Muslim can never become a Christian, but he can become an apostate. Such people do not have a place in Somalia; we will never recognize their existence, and we will slaughter him."--a Somali sheikh, quoted by Reuters New Service several years ago.
"A Moslem can never become a Christian"? That declaration would seem an epitaph for Christian faith in Somalia, but Jesus, Lord of all the Earth, cannot be kept out by an mere man. He is the One who walks through walls, remember? He also goes in the form of the Word of God, preached by his ministers, and in books and literature and Gospel programs on TV or on radio. Jesus is getting in to Somalia! Still, there is much opposition, and Christians are being killed in Somalia for their faith, but let us pray that the Christians there remain strong in faith, and that other Somali come to know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Prayer changes things!
Matthew Rothert was disturbed one day seeing that we had "In God We Trust" on our currency but not on our dollar bills. That told him we trusted him for a few cents. What did he do? Complain? No, he did something. He acted on his faith God was leading him to do something about it, and today we have "In God We Trust" on our dollar bills too! One man can change the world significantly for the good--as Rothert proved. Read about the man behind this motto, and how early on an atheist tried to stop him and was defeated when the Supreme Court refused to hear her godless, anti-Christian case against "In God We Trust."
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
Pray for our nation's leaders, including government and business leaders in your own city and state, that God will direct their decisions and through them influence the nation.
Pray for our nation's pastors, including your own pastor, that God would give them a shepherd's heart and empower them with zeal and boldness to delcare the truth of God's Word.
Pray for people around you who need Jesus.--BGEA
Was it any different for Christ? Surely, He was worthy of all honor and worship here on earth by His people (not to mention, all people of the world he created), but "His own received him not!"
John Bunyan was a humble man of faith imprisoned because he was simply a devout Christian man believing in the Lord Jesus for salvation. That was enough to land anyone in prison in his time! Instead of giving up, and blaming the Lord for his misery, he sat down and wrote this masterpiece while suffering the filth and intolerable conditions of prison life as a common criminal (which he was not). He turned the darkness of that suffering and those humiliating conditions of bondage into mountains of shining gold, by choosing not to despair and blame God but to believe that his great, merciful God would turn evil into something good--and God did! Published, this book of Bunyan's rapidly became a bestseller world-wide, and has sold more copies than any book except the Bible itself!
What is more dangerous to the free nation of Israel--its enemies or its own leaders? I would say, its own leaders. Thank God that Prime Minister Omert (who proved himself incompetent to lead the nation into a war against Hezbollah, and while that was going on had been hiding the fact he was accepting numerous cash gifts from an American, which were not lawful for him to receive while in office) has resigned. There is now greater hope for Israel. Harlotry, which can be political, is not permitted God's only nation on earth, Israel. It never was permitted, and it never will be permitted. Israel will always pay dearly if it plays harlot with the nations of the world and even its sworn enemies in order to gain some temporary advantage, instead of depending wholly on God. The whole Old Testament shows that Israel's greatest downfall, after worshipping heathen gods, was playing harlot with the neighboring heathen nations, adopting their heathen ways and forming political alliances with them that God hated and never, never once sanctioned (his prophets constantly inveighed against such entanglements, which were clear signs that Israel's heart was turned, deep in sin, away from God).
1. they aim at control over people and their lives
2. they often demand you separate from friends, family, other churches
3. they do not use the Bible, or use it rarely, substituting their own dreams and visions and "revelations", as if they stand between you and God as intermediator of divine truth
4. they emphasize worship over solid Bible teaching and preaching
5. they emphasize "promises," and constantly declare, "God said this to me," or "God showed me this!"
6. they indoctrinate
7. they brainwash
8. they ultimately pitch people into disillusionment and discouragement--which is Satan's whole aim, to discourage you to give up following the Lord as impossible or not for you, since you were taken advantage of by someone you greatly admired as your pastor or teacher.
have Bible-based, trustworthy teachers, whose lives show agreement with what they preach and teach.
"The misled and the misleader belong to Him. (God rules even over the misdirected masses and the leaders who are leading us all astray!)
He makes counselors walk barefoot,
and makes fools of judges.
He loosens the bonds of kings,
and binds their loins with a girdle [such as Saddam Hussain, as he was led shackled into a courtroom for his trial and death sentence later on].
He makes priests walk barefoot,
and overthrows the secure ones.
He deprives the trusted ones of speech [just as God deprived the shamelessly reprobate and lapsed Catholic Sen. Ted Kennedy of his speaking ability, which, despite his own Pope's condemnation of abortion and same sex marriage and homosexuality, he has always used in Congress for assaulting the Bible and attacking morality, marriage, religious liberty and the traditional family, as I had prayed recently--Ed.]
and takes away the discernment of the elders.
He pours contempt on nobles,
and loosens the belt of the strong.
He reveals mysteries from the darkness,
and brings the deep darkness into light.
He makes the nations great,
then destroys them [take this to heart, O "Great" Superpower America!].
He enlarges the nations,
then leads them away.
He deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth's peoples [O United Nations and G-7 Conference Nations and WTO leaders and the governing world elites!],
and makes them wander in a pathless waste.
They grope in darkness with no light,
and He makes them stagger like a drunken man."--Job 12:16b-25.
The above bit of advice comes to you from "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage." Go to the website and see how you can order it:
Joyce Meyer and Benny Hinn, of the group, passed with flying colors in transparency, giving the senator and his people everything he wanted to know and look at, answering every question about their ministries and even their personal living expenses and properties. Senator Grassley, responding to many complaints about the alleged extravagances of televangelists (which disturbs me as well, since I fail to see Billy Graham living and spending extravagantly), initiated the investigation on his own, even though he is no longer chairman of the committee that looks into possible IRS tax evasions, that is to say, possible breaking of the law regarding tax-exempt, non-profit organizations and churches and ministries. Benny Hinn had already been audited and been given a clean bill of health by the IRS, so Senator Grassley's investigation of him was clearly redundant. Benny Hinn could have refused to cooperate and been well within his rights, but the Lord spoke strongly to him, he said to Pat Robertson, to cooperate with Senator Grassley or in a short time there would be no ministry. Hinn's high paid lawyers, brought in to deal with this challenge, all advised that he ignore Senator Grassley, but Hinn chose God's word over their expert legal advice, and he has been exonerated again, this second time by Senator Grassley, who has declared Hinn above board in his ministry's handling of finances. Joyce Meyer too has received the same clean bill of financial health by Senator Grassley. The others, no. They did not give full cooperation, and Senator Grassley was not satisfied by their outright refusals to cooperate in some cases (such as Creflo Dollar), or partial and incomplete cooperation answering his questions and requests for information by the others (Paula and Randy White). They are subsequently left under a cloud, but Hinn and Meyer are free to go on, because they chose to go the second mile, as Christ commanded us, with a man who requested it.
Do you know what that "second mile" used to mean? Roman soldiers, travelling with their kit and weapons along the Roman roads of Judaea, often grabbed the nearest Jewish man and made him carry his heavy baggage for a mile (which was all that he could legally demand of a native subject in the Roman Empire). But some soldiers were cruel bullies and demanded that the Jewish man carry the baggage an additional mile (which would really exhaust him). Jesus said for us to go the second mile without complaint--just do it, rather than sputter and put up a fight for our rights. Hinn had to spend 8 million dollars on lawyers dealing with the investigation, and regrets that amount, but he does not regret doing what the Lord asked of him, to go the second mile with Senator Grassley, after previously going the first mile with the IRS auditors. Wise? Yes! Now Joyce Meyer, who did the same thing, and Benny Hinn can go on with their ministering, with out apprehension, and we applaud them. They showed true leadership to the others of their rank. Soon we shall see how this plays out with the other ministries who chose, evidently, to follow their lawyers' advice and to do things not according to the Lord's own command. It may cost them dearly.
Even saying this for them, I do not personally agree with the cushy perks and "compensations" that these televangelists sometimes receive, nor do I understand the multiple palatial homes and limos, and even if the jets enable Hinn, for example, to fly off his scheduled flight pattern to minister to a sick head of state who calls him (something he could never do if he flew commercial and still do his ministry), why a jetport, hangars, and runways attached to a ranch, as another jet-set ministry head seems to think he has a right to add to his portfolio? Why not park hbis ministry's jet(s) at a commercial airport? Yet I am pleased with Benny Hinn and Joyce Meyer going the second mile with Senator Grassley's investigative group, even though they had every legal right to refuse to cooperate. That showed true wisdom, and also the spirit of Christ. It is a good example to us all!
The whole thesis of the first article is that it is better to work with the Communist government; you can still be a practicing, Bible-centered church and faithful believers in Christ though you are working with the Communist government. This is simply untrue and misleading. Let me quote Rob Moll on page 22 of his article: "Today, China's growing churches are in the country's massive cities...Rather than hide from authorities, China's third church--as these unregistered, urban congregations are often called--seeks to work with government officials. And surprisingly, these officials are usually quite accommodating.
"While persecution and human rights abuses are by no means absent from China [sic], as the recent uprising in Tibet illustrates, the urban church is seeking to work with the government in a constructive, non-combative way. Many Christians believe that the official government church, overseen by the state, is too compromised. But the "underground" church is too antagonistic [sic]. The urban church hopes to cooperate with the government, assuring officials that allowing Christians to freely operate is good for Chinese society. In return, they hope the government will allow them to be free from political control."
End of quote!It is a vain hope, as events have already amply shown, Mr. Moll and Mr. Moring. The Chinese Underground Church, which you put in quotes, is not operating underground because it is "antagonistic" to the government, to use your term (this Communist oligarchic/authoritarian government, which is not legitimate, by the way, but an imposed tyranny that crushed a legitimate, democratic government that preceded it). It is a bitterly persecuted church, driven underground because the government wants to control and subvert the teaching and preaching in the churches. The Three Self religious system is the organized, registered, government religious body that comprises all religions. They are administered by the government. What is said and preached and taught is under constant government scrutiny. Government decides who and when there will be baptisms. That is why the majority of Christians in China, to be free, must refuse government interference and "registration" under the Three Self religious system of the government. Christians, not the ones you quote as being grateful to the Communists for saving them from the war, from starvation, from disease (which the Communists did not do, by the way, for they brought war, they brought starvation, and they brought disease, not to mention massacres of over 60 million Chinese after their takeover in China), pray for the government leaders; they do not seek to be at enmity with them, they earnestly desire peace and to be let alone to live peaceably, while following Christ first and foremost. But this cannot be allowed in China, to follow Christ first and foremost. The Communist state is first and foremost, it is atheist, and it is secular. It alone decides what is permissible behavior by Chinese citizens. But the Chinese who are Christians are citizens of a higher state, which is not registered by the Communist governmnt and needs no such registration to be legitimate. These are citizens of heaven, Mr. Moll. Compromised Christians always abound in repressive societies, atheistic, communist societies such as China's. But faithful Christians remain in China, despite the ones you cite as being more admirable than the "antagonistic" underground church members. You are in error and ought to apologize to the Chinese Christians who are even at this moment enduring terrible persecution and suffering for the cause of Christ in China, while praying for their persecutors to be saved and not be punished eternally for their evil acts against innocent Christians.
After the last election in Germany, and when Hitler was put into power by Hindenburg even though Hitler did not win a majority vote, a Christian, an evangelical lady turned to a friend and whispered, "Do you think we voted for the anti-Christ?" She meant Hitler. It was too late then, of course. She had been fooled, tragically, by Hitler's talk, and did not examine his "walk," his track record, for he had already shown how much he hated the Jews and despised liberty in society. His book, "Mein Kampf" (My Struggle), detailed exactly what he wanted to do to the Jews. But she did not pay any attention to that, and voted for him. She thought he might be the Messiah for Germany, to raise up Germany to a new glory among the nations--and dismissed any idea that he did not like Jews, when he said clearly he hated them and wanted them completely eradicated from Europe. She voted for the devil, but thought he might be a good thing for the German people and herself. How is she any different from millions of Christians today, mostly black people, who have already declared they are voting for Barak Hussain Obama BECAUSE HE IS BLACK. He promises "CHANGE," and that is good enough for them--they want "CHANGE" too, not thinking that CHANGE could mean utter destruction for them and our entire nation. Hitler promised CHANGE too, but it was utter destruction for Germany and most of Europe. Christians voted for him, blinding themselves in the process. Christians today are blinding themselves, too, in the case of Barak Hussain Obama. He has declared what he is supporting--abortion on demand, same sex marriage, homosexual parity with traditional marriage (which actually works to eliminate traditonal marriages), homosexual indoctrination of the children in the grade schools, the destruction of America's leading role among the nations, the destruction of the free American economy to supplant it with a government-run, socialist economy, and also huge increases in taxes on the working people of America (not just the rich)--but Christians are still going to ignore and dismiss their consciences, even their common sense God gave them, and vote for him en masse. Let them! God will give them over to their lusts--which are their lusts for Barak Hussain Obama's plantation-syle dependence and victimhood, which they think will bring all sorts of government largesse to their doorsteps. God will give them their "Messiah," just as God gave Germany over to their "Messiah," Herr Adolf Hitler. If you want an evil thing badly enough, God will allow you to get it--to teach you a lesson the hard way, since you refused to listen to the Bible and its warnings as well as Bible-based preachers faithfully giving you the unadulterated Word of God.
Our Senate, which is one of the most corrupt and vainglorious legislative bodies on the planet, has given us three presidential contenders, none of whom qualify for moral leadership of a great nation. Barak Hussain Obama, John McCain (and Hillary Clinton might as well be included, even if she is not officially in the running in the presidential race)--their track records tell us exactly how much faith in God they really have, and what they really value or do not value. I have been most concerned by the lack of valid Christian witness of faith in these candidate--but maybe you see something of value I cannot see. Check it out, however, against the only reliable standard we have, the Word of God. Does it check out? If there is one serious character flaw, don't ignore it--such as John McCain's well-known role as a cross-over-party-line "maverick" and his consistent lack of loyalty to his own Republican Party platform while in the Senate (despite his military training). Can I trust myself and my country to a man who acted disloyally, again and again, while in a high public office in Congress? The Bible shows many instances of disloyal men in government, and the damage they did their nation and people. David's army commander Joab killed Abner, formerly Saul's war chief, against David the King's express order not to touch him. This wanton murder nearly wrecked the reconciliation of the whole nation and split it, so that there would be no united kingdom under David's rule. Satisfying his desire for revenge on an old enemy was more important to Joab than proving loyal to his king and supreme commander. For this Joab paid later with his life, dragged away in his old age from an altar where he fled for refuge to be killed like a dog, when he could have retired to his home place in honor to spend his last days with his family in peace. Ignoring character flaws in leaders will come back later and maybe haunt you, if you overlooked it and voted for that candidate against your conscience or against what you knew to be true. Don't you or I follow in the footsteps of that pathetic German lady, an evangelical Christian, who voted for Hitler! We have the information on these candidates--their respective track records--and we have the Bible, so we should be able to make a wise use of our votes, while praying for God for His grace and mercy.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.