Telling the truth can hurt, but it is necessary as a surgeon's scapel is necessary to every operation--but we must always remember one's own frailty and sinful background, so that pride does not creep in and we as Chrstians administering correction think we are somehow better than the ones in error or in outright sinful lifestyles. We become clanging cymbals--a deafening noise without any redeeming value or godly purpose--when we speak truth without love--as Paul testifies in his immortal "Love Chapter," I Corinthians 13. Every activist for Christ ought to have this chapter as the basis for everything said and done, to keep on track with humility and the proper spirit. We also need to follow the example of Christ--who corrected and even rebuked people who were in error--he could be harsh, even use a whip to drive the unjust money changers and animal dealers out of the temple (twice in his public ministry!), but he had first used love and teaching of God's word with these same people, day after day, and when that had utterly failed his judgment fell--but only then!