He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
America is warned, as this disaster will be largely America's fault, for treacherously handing Israel over to its enemies and not protecting her, the only democracy in the Middle East and the land of the Chosen People God gave to them forever in an everlasting, holy covenant. America will suffer terribly, if not then, then before, or after, but America will pay a price that may even entail the end of America as a nation state. It would be only what we deserve, if we lose our nation too after moving to throw Israel to the lions. Any country that does that will not escape God's wrath. Britain did not escape God's wrath after it turned against the Jews even before World War II. A ship full of Jewish refugees from Romania was refused entrance to the Mandate of Palestine by Britain, and this was before World War II; they all perished, save one, who was a good swimmner and stayed afloat on some debris from the ship. The Turks refused them to land, and the leaky, unseaworthy cattle ship was sent out into the Black Sea, where a Russian sub sank it with hundreds aboard with no chance to survive. That is a terrible crime the British and the Russians and the Turks are responsible for. But Britain did not stop there. Britain blockcaded the Mandate of Palestine coast against the ships full of Jewish refugees, Jews seeking to escape the clutches of Nazi Germany before World War II--and those poor refugees were cast back into the jaws of the Nazis, who murdered them in the death camps by the millions! Two really black marks for Britain! Britain also turned over most of the Palestine Mandate to the Arabs, and Israel ended up with about a tenth of the original land area. A third black mark for Britain! They also turned over the weapons they left in the Mandate to the Arabs, who promptly used them to try and exterminate the Jews! A fourth black mark for Britain! Britain paid dearly for for cursing the Jews by these policies, losing ship after ship, thousands of fighting men and also civilians, to the wolf packs of the Nazi subs. Britain also suffered the catastrophic bombing of most of its major cities. Its ancient cathedral town of Coventry was wiped out by carpet bombing and a firestorm, and thousands perished and the priceless cathedral was left a shattered ruin. St. Paul's Cathedral in London was hit too by bombs, and Buckingham Palace also suffered a bomb's explosion, with the Royal Family still in residence. All that was unnecessary, if Britain had only not turned against the Jews. God would have stopped Hitler from attacking Britain--all He had to do was lift a finger against him and Hilter would have suffered a heart attack, removing him from power. But Britain had to pay for its crimes against the Jews. America--how then shall we escape what we are going to do against Israel under Obama? We shall not escape! I am just saying that a major war in the Middle East, destroying the oil industry in that area and the global economy with it, could erupt any hour, any day. That global economy includes our own economy, does it not? We are going to suffer--perhaps starve in homes we cannot heat, jobless, with no work anywhere. It has happened to other countries in war, and it will happen here unless we repent and turn back and begin defending Israel again. We are not immune to reality, the reality that sets in when a nation goes under.
Israel and a radical, empire-building, jehadist Iran cannot exist together in the same region, not with Iran seeking total domination of the whole area and the creation of a Iranian-led, Shiite Muslim empire and theocracy. Shiites Muslims are a minority at present in the region, but with Iran holding the big club, the Sunni Muslim majority would be bloodily suppressed with massacres in every Arab country and iron-fisted Shiite rulers installed. Muslim minorities have always, from the start, bloodily suppressed subject majorities. Remember Saddam Hussain, who was a notable contributor to my own State of Washington's Congressman McDermott (who is still operating there, by the way, possibly taking money from Iran now)? That is why the dozen or so Arab states, big and small, are terrified by Iran and some of the smarter ones are having secret talks with Israel for their own self-protection.
But, remembering they are Muslims and "brothers," they may not throw in with Israel after all is said and done, and will suffer catastrophe along with Iran. I pray as much as I can for Israel's survival and protection. It is so sad that so many of us here, Christians, are so utterly self-centered and fixed on our own little lives and don't concern ourselves with the peril of Israel as it fights virtually alone for its life in the lions's den of the Muslim world.
If Obama is anything, religiously, he is Muslim. That was his father's religion, and his grandfather's. He hates the white Caucasian West (and Hawaii, his home after Kenya and Indonesia, is full of generational, racist hatred for whites, which is part of the reason I never have cared to go there). His grandfather was tortured by the British in Kenya for being complicit or being thought complicit with the violent, pagan, truly nasty, barbaric Mau Maus and their bloody uprising in Kenya, and Obama has never forgiven the West for that. He is vengeful and has a grudge to repay for the British impugning his family's honor. Being half-white, he is psychologically conflicted. A very strange and problematic condition. It explains his recent acting for the Muslims' advancement into Europe to dominate it (brashly insisting the EU admit Muslim Turkey into their union) and even here, while pushing hard against Christian and Jewish interests at home (if the U.S. truly is his home). He is anti-Western in his deep, conflicted feelings, and intends to see vengeance performed on the mean old West that hurt his family and its honor so deeply in the past, according to his grandfather's questionable account.
The crafty Greeks themselves have this wise saying, a warning against themselves: "Beware the Greeks bringing gifts." Despite his claims to be Christian, Obama is nothing of the sort. He makes such claims only for political reasons. He himself is the Trojan horse we have dragged into the city, a gift from the Greeks who are beseiging the city of Troy. The gates are shut for the night, but we are snug in our beds and unaware that the Greeks, the saboteurs, are inside the city, waiting for the right moment, when we are all fast asleep, to spring out of their hiding place in the hollow belly of the wooden Trojan horse, open the gates to the Greek armies, and together take and burn the city, and then take us all captive to use or sell as slaves.
This is exactly what was voted in the last election! A camouflaged saboteur, a wolf in sheep's clothing!
Not emancipation, not freedom and liberty and prosperity, but enslavement and poverty and oppression for an entire nation (whether people are black, white, Latino, Chinese, Indian)! God have mercy on us! Enemy saboteurs and house-wreckers, the true domestic terrorists, are now in the house, doing all they can, as fast as they can, to wreck it! As we saw on 9/11, it took just an hour for a handful of Saudi men to completely demolish a towering skyscraper, followed by the second in a similar short time by a second group of the same Muslim jehadist terrorists from Saudi Arabia. What took years to build, with a huge investment, was made a smoking ruin in minutes. Same thing for this country is occurring right before our eyes: America is being made a ruin. What generations took over two hundred years to build with their sweat, toil, tears, hopes, and dreams, is now being torn down by the wrecking ball operator, Obama, with the help of his wrecking crew, in a matter of weeks! Swinging the ball, it demolishes one pillar of America after another, until finally the entire nation collapses.
Most recently I had a sort of revelation, watching a TBN guest telling about the "power of the blessing." He said that dads speak life into their children. But most do not know how to do this, and give them the wrong messages. A lot of fathers cannot even tell their children they love them! Boys seek affirmation early on, for they are born with this question, whether they say it or not, "Daddy, do you see me? Do I have what it takes?"--for boys relate to their activities. Girls are born with another, different question, for they instinctively (whether verbally or not) ask: "Daddy, do you see me? Am I beautiful?"
Now, if fathers do not know how to affirm their children and speak life into them with blessings, children seek these affirmations in the wrong places many times, or in the wrong people. It doesn't mean for a boy that he may do bad things when seeking his father's affirmation that his father has failed to give. Boys may grow up and become pastors and church builders, but the churches and the families too may be just extentions of these non-affirmed men, that is, they will be a substitute affirmation for sons who were not affirmed by their fathers. Girls may seek their missed affirmations and blessings from their fathers in boys or men who cannot do function in that way. So the girls or young women seek to make their mates into their ideal, their fathers--an impossible task. Or they may accept the degrading treatment of an abusing boyfriend, because their self-esteem is so low. They marry these abusers too. All the time, they are asking the wrong people, "Daddy, do you see me? Am I beautiful?"
Is this getting across to you, whether you are a boy or girl, man or woman? There is a book offered explaining all this much better than I can do, called "Beloved," by Ed Tandy McClassen. Please go to the website where you can learn more about this vital blessing of the fathers for their children:
[Miss California has since been deposed, her crown taken away by the pageant owner and president, Donald Trump. He did this saying she had attended events that were not sanctioned or allowed by the pageant committee and its rules. Whether this is true or not, we do not know. There may be unreported politics involved, which is always a question when hot button topics like the gay agenda vs. biblical morality and biblical marriage are at loggersheads (how is that for mixing metaphors!). But we know she did the right thing in honestly and unashamedly answering a question by a judge as to her true beliefs regarding holy matrimony being one man and one woman, not two men together, not two women together. She is always to be commended for that brave act, for she knew it would jeopardize her crown if she answered honestly (and it may have, though delayed, cost her the crown, for all we know.).
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Do you see how governning powers, either ignorantly or by conscious plan, distort the true record for their own political agendas and to preserve their autocratic powers of state? Hong Hee has done a wonderful thing to bring these facts to light about the truths of the Bible appearing long ago in the first Chinese written character language.
Several years ago, I heard a scholar speak on TV, who explained her book which shared her researches into Hebrew survivals in the Japanese culture and religion that goes back thousands of years too, just like China's. No one can explain the origin of the Japanese, but we know they drew heavily for their civilization from the Chinese civilization. If what happened in China crossed the water to Japan (and evidently it did), then the true knowledge of the Old Testament's One True God was also spread among the Japanese very early on in their history. It was paganism and polytheism that came as a Johnny-come-lately to exploit and degrade the people and culture and cast them into darkness and bondage, which has continued to this day and hour. All that wonderful culture the Japanese pride themselves on and cultivate to this day--well, they had all that long, long before Buddhism and Shintoism came on the scene. And earliest of all, they knew the One True God but fell away into polytheism after many centuries of knowing God.
This is degeneration, not true spiritual advancement. Buddhism and Shintoism were not for cultural advancement of Japan, rather the opposite! A truly advanced state and society cannot be based on polytheism, it will self-destruct and fall, just as all polytheistic societies, even when they rose to empire status, fell and have vanished into the dust.
I pray God will send for the Light of the One True God, even Jesus Christ, to re-visit Japan, to deliver her multitudes from the dungeon of dark idolatry, and centuries-long worship of spirits and uncountable idols such as the Fox God or serpents and demons and buddhas and incarnated spirits of all kinds. They have a better inheritance than that! Set them free, Lord Jesus!
This is what your teachers didn't and wouldn't teach you! Our secular humanist educational system does not want you to know these basic facts. Colonial America is shown you in detail, and the founders' intentions and dreams for us, their incredible sacrifices, their reasons for their founding America on the basis of a God-given Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Yes, God-given! Man wrote the words, yes, but the wisdom in these charters is beyond man's, clearly showing that God gave these treasures to us, to insure our freedom and protect our God-given, inalienable rights. We must know the difference 'tween rights and freedoms--an essential thing to know. Learn the difference in this book. I never knew there was a distinction before, but there is. The very things God gave us, Obama and crew are attempting to throw away. They do not want our Constitution reining them in, protecting us and our freedoms and Rights against them and their authoritarian regime and socialistic agenda. They are getting their way chiefly through deception and ignorance. We must find out what our Colonial founders and the Colonial charters were all about, else we lose the foundation for our Nation, and all our freedoms too. This is the hour for such a book! Don't miss it. For your copy, order it from David Pett:
American schools have perfected the techniques to raise crooks. They know just how to make mass murderers too who can shoot up an entire school. This is public education today in America: a factory that mass produces not only imbeciles with brains that look like Campbell's Alphabet Soup dumped on the sidewalk but Green River killers who consider a human life no more valuable than a fly's. Darwinism has produced this bitter fruit, teaching kids they are nothing but brute animals with no higher purpose for living than to procreate as often as a hamster in heat, along with public school philisophy, John Deweyism, which denies God and looks on students as socialist machines to be programmed, not human beings. When these virtual illiterates (and many cannot read their own diplomas) are turned loose on a hedonist culture where selfish pleasure is god and there are no ethics and morals to restrain the beast in them, we get an increasingly barbaric, uncivilized society full of violence and chaos.
"When words fail, music speaks."--Hans Christian Anderson, world-renowned Danish folk and children's story teller.
Yet here is an excerpt from the latest issue of the Levitt Letter that gives me just the opposite, joy that there has been a great man, a Briton, who defied the tide of anti-semitism in his own army circles to express his love and admiration of the Jews. Major-General Orde Wingate is his name. He died with his boots on at the relatively young age of 41, with a career that was rising like a shining meteor in the sky. Yet before his death in World War II in military action in a plane crash, he transformed the military of Israel and is now called "The Father of the Israeli Army." The greatest military commanders of Israel call him that. Please go to this article, as you will never read this anywhere else, if the liberals controlling our media and government and our courts and schools and their textbooks continue to suppress the truth as they have done in the past.
The Fall of Adam in the Garden and his Sin making us all equal before God, Jews of Israel and whatever other nation are no better people than Moslems in all their varied nationalities and localities. But we know from the only holy and authorized Word of God, the Bible, that the Jews are God's Chosen People and the Bible was written by Jewish men of God. Jesus Christ himself is a Jew! He probably wears a prayer shawl too! If this were not enough, the Jews are a Covenanted People. God established his highest covenant with the Jews, granting them the Promised Land, which is the hotly contested real estate known as Israel and the various "occupied" territories of the West Bank and the Golan Heights (and we should include Gaza, though it was turned over to the Palestinians who promptly turned it into a rocket launching pad for Hamas jehadist terrorism). God's Covenant with the Jews is exclusive, and does not apply to any other people on earth. God's signature is on the Jews, and we must all respect them, bless them, or God will not respect us, the Gentiles, nor bless us. That is the way He made it. There is no bending God's arm to get us to be Chosen People too. Yes, we can be His Church, by turning our lives and hearts completely over to Jesus and being born again by his grace and mercy and his saving work on the Cross, asking him for forgiveness of all sins and that He be our Lord and Savior. God has no problem dealing with having a Chosen People the Jews and a Bride, the Gentile Church. The Jews themselves can be a part of His bride. They too are invited by the Holy Spirit to join His bride and be saved. To be a covenanted Jew, you are born a Jew, but you must be born again by the Spirit of Jesus to become a true Jew, a true child of God, and a part of the Bride of Christ. A covenanted Jew is in sin, nevertheless, despite the covenant. He will die in his sin and suffer damnation. Sorry, Jesus cannot change that, unless the Jew repents of his sin to Jesus, asks his forgiveness, and only then will the Father forgive that Jewish man, woman, or child, and embrace them as his eternal children. Jewish covenantal relationship alone will not save a single Jew. It cannot. It was never meant to save on that basis alone. It depended on the saving work of Jesus on the Cross to bring salvation to the Jews. Just being a descendant of Moses or Abraham did not save any Jew. Jesus said so. He told the Pharisees who claimed they were God's children, that they did not know the Father he had come to reveal o them, and they were not children of Moses or they would do the works of righteousness and faith that he and his father Abraham did. But since they did not really follow their forefathers in faith and righteousness, they were actually children of the Devil, he said, despite being lineal descendants of those forefathers. So we know by this that Jesus said Jewish birth avails nothing. Nothing! It is the gateway to a golden legacy reserved to the Jews the Chosen People, but no Jew can enter in without being born again. There is no other way for a Jew to be saved. Jewish bar mitzvah, the Jewish Torah, the Jewish kosher rules, observance of the Passover, trying to obey all the 613 laws of the Jewish law, avails nothing. All that cannot save and was never meant to save a soul. Only faith in Jesus saves. Abraham was saved, scripture says, not by his good works but by faith alone, which produced his good works. Thus, he was accounted righteous BEFORE THE LAW, HUNDREDS OF YEARS BEFORE MOSES WAS BORN AND THE LAW LATER WAS GIVEN BY GOD ON MT. HOREB TO HIM AND THE ISRAELITES.
Other covenants exist, truly, as with the Ismaelites, descendants of Ishmael, and these descendants constitute the Arabian peoples and many other Semitic peoples and tribes in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and which have spread to many other parts of the world. These peoples are primarily Moslem as we know. They have a Koran, their holy book, and a prophet, called Mohammed. But the covenant God made with them blesses them, but it does not save them. Neither does their holy book and prophet save them. Again, as with the Jews, and as with the Gentiles and all their various pagan religions of past and present and their "holy" books--there is no salvation given man by God apart from Jesus Christ.
Aren't you glad? There are no other roads to heaven but one. We don't have to try to find the right one, as the only one we have to choose is Jesus Christ. There can be no confusion, as in the New Age Religion which says there are many roads to God and all are equally valid--a satanic lie. God has made it so easy and simple for us to understand. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," Jesus says to the world (not "I was," or "I would like to be," or even "some people say I am." No, he makes it perfectly plain and clear He is the Savior, when he also says: "No man comes to the Father but by Me." No one else could make such claims and make good on them but Jesus!
All we have to do is believe Him. A child can do it, and children indeed believe Jesus and are saved. There is nothing complicated here, nothing obtuse and philosophical. Eternal Life is in Jesus along with eternal salvation. All we have to do is believe and trust in Jesus, surrendering ourselves to him. If Islam is "submission," then let Islam submit to Jesus too--and all Moslems will be saved. If Christianity is going to be saving, it too must completely submit to Jesus. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confuciusism, if they are truly saving, they too must submit to Jesus. Jesus makes all things new, he makes all men, women, and children new creatures. In him there is no male or female, bond or free, Jew or Greek or Moslem or Buddhist or Lutheran or Presbyterian--we are all made new creatures in Him. How indescribably wonderful that is! Instantly, in Christ the walls of division between us and a holy God are dissolved, and the walls of division between Moslem and Jew and Christian and between all religious people of every sort and race and color are broken down and dissolved too. We are all made one in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord! Jesus Christ is the true Uniter of the Nations, something the United Nations can never accomplish with carnal means. Jesus Christ unites all peoples in his own self and spirit--and though we do not cease to be of different nations, we are one in spirit, and that bonds us together beyond the bonds of nations and ethnicities. Jesus transcends every division and barrier. Only Jesus. For that reason Jesus is the Prince of Peace, for his work on the Cross, his work of the Spirit in each believer's heart and life, Jesus alone can create a peace that will reign forever on earth. Not only do we obtain peace with God through Jesus, but we obtain peace with our fellow man.
So, Jews and Moslems, Buddhists, men of every belief and color and creed, Jesus invites you lay down vain religions that do not profit and do not save a single human soul and to enter into God's true family, be transformed by his own spirit, by surrendering to Him and his work of salvation for you by which you are utterly forgiven of your sin against God and made an eternal child of God. Jesus is your Peace, your Salvation, your everything. He is the Prince of Peace, He is the Prince of Salvation, he is the Prince of heaven and earth. Enter into His Peace, His Salvation, His Eternal Kingdom today, now, this very moment. Pray to Him now. Now! You are not promised another moment to delay, or another hour, or another day. You only have this time now.
Hitler was very, very esteemed and popular with some (but not all) World War II Moslem leaders in the Middle East. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was truly one of them, and we have the photographs of him meeting with Hitler. He didn't just meet Hitler, he actively worked with Hitler, helping to raise a Panzer division for Hitler's elite tank corps from among the Muslim Bosnians. Hitler is still popular with many Moslems of the Middle East today. If he were alive today, they would be in league with him, sad to say.
"America is a place of heroes, honor, achievement, and respect. But it is also a place where heroism is often confused with celebrity, honor with fame, true achievement with popularity, individual respect with political correctness. Our culture celebrates self-gratification, the crossing of all moral boundaries, and now even the breaking of social taboos.
"Despite our wonders and greatness, we are a nation that has experienced so much social regression, so much decadence, in so short a period of time, that we have become a place to which civilized nations used to send missionaries."--William J. Bennett, Former Secretary of Education under President Reagan.
Here is a little taste of Billy Sunday's still very stirring message: "A questionnaire was sent to 1,039 ministers in a certain city: 26 per cent did not believe in the deity of Christ [that he is the Son of God and God, which Colossians particularly affirms]; 54 per cent did not believe in the Devil; 80 per cent did not believe in hell; 41 per cent did not believe in Heaven; 74 per cent did not believe in judgment. It's Christ or chaos. It's a revival of old time religion or ruin. A revival is a national necessity [by the way, an ungodly man like F.D. Roosevelt even said that America needed a revival!--Ed.].
Don't you see these very things are vigorously at work in our culture and even in our churches, destroying them root and branch? Can't you see that idealism, scientism (such as modern psychology and psycho-therapies of all kinds substituting for the Bible and the power of the Word of God in our lives to transform and heal and restore us), evolutionism, and liberalism are infecting and perverting our ministers and many Christian leaders? They are foolishly expressing these things as though they are the Gospel, and ought to be believed, when these things are products of faulty, human knowledge, and destructive heresies and outright falsehoods and bondages.
We need this kind of message even more now, when we clearly have a "coming dictator" in the very person and atheistic and socialist agenda of none other than Barak Hussain Obama. Don't fool yourself by his manner and his fine words and frequent quotes from the Bible. His caring and compassion and Christian belief are only cosmetic, or skin deep. He doesn't necessarily stand behind anything he says he wants to do for us, he actually is standing behind only his own self and his own advancement in power. This man is all about empowering himself at the expense of the American people, while he proceeds with the Democrat Party radical programs to de-Christianize America.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
Most women will not make such a name and enjoy such a reputation as we find in scripture, but they are just as great, or even greater than the women we feature here. Notoriety and fame do not define a great woman of God. Obscurity most often does! They are God's hidden jewels, the most precious jewels he perhaps has, that someday in heaven will be revealed to the awe and admiration of heaven's multitudes.
This lady in Finland we are featuring here was not seeking notoriety, however. She rather fled from it, into the darkest and most disgusting places Finland had to offer, in order to shine the light and hope of the Lord and his Gospel into them, that the hopeless souls imprisoned in those places--the prisons of Finland--would be given a chance to be set free by the Spirit of God. Many were--perhaps thousands-- during her lifetime ministry. She single-handedly transformed Finland's prisons, not only spiritually, but physically. Born into a wealthy family of a high official, she could have stayed safe and secure and pampered in her mansion, but she chose to leave it and take the side of the lowest of the low, for nothing really--she encountered such abuse and bitter opposition from the authorities that she gained nothing from her sacrifice of herself. There was no celebrity paparazzi hot on her heels to give her an ego boost either. She got no big medals or the Nobel Peace Prize for her work. She was not known and revered all other the world like Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the founder of the hospital of Lambarene, West Africa. You probably never would hear of her now except for this account featured here on an obscure website. I doubt very much there is any mention of her anywhere else in the world, except in some libraries or books on prisons in Finland in the 19th century. But God has her marked for quite a number of crowns, no doubt. In heaven she will receive her just due. In heaven, hundred and even thousands of saved souls will come up to her, thanking her for bringing the Gospel to them suffering and dying in the unspeakable filth and bedlam of a 19th century prison, when the pastors and ministers of Finland stayed safe and secure in their comfortable parsonages parked next to nice, clean, white churches!
But, beware, there are consequences we cannot escape. Our society is so maimed and underpopulated by this decades-long policy of genocide, it may never recover. And we have sickened and angered Almighty God. He will allow our enemies perhaps to have their way with us, since we have abandoned God and and have destroyed and devoured for profit much innocent life. I would not be surprised if America suffers the catastrophic loss of 50 million adults and youth and children in the attacks of enemies armed with biological and chemical and nuclear weapons. That may well precipitate the breakup of the Federal Union, and the creation of a number of rump states, such as Western States of America (WSA), Southern States of America (SSA), Central States of America (CSA), and Eastern States of America (ESA). The America we have known will dissolve altogether from the map! What we have sown, we will reap! The Bible says so! It is going to happen. It can happen any minute, any hour, any day. Our many enemies are just waiting for the right moment to pounce, when they think the present peacenik president will not choose to fight back or order a preemptive strike even though he is informed that attack is coming on the U.S.
A notorious late-term abortion doctor in Wichita, Kansas, has been murdered, the news has just reported. This would never have happened if he upholded the sanctity of life. However, it is murder, to take a man's life, except in self-defense, or as a soldier under orders in defense of his country. God's command is eternal: Thou shalt not kill. It applies to all except in those categories we mentioned, and God set divine laws down, not man. They cannot be amended or annulled. To take a life other than in the restricted senses, is to murder. How can abortion doctors be brought to the Lord in repentance, if they are murdered in cold blood? It kills their chance to be saved, and now this abortion doctor's wretched, sinful soul will perish. What good was that? Nothing! There will be plenty abortion doctors to take his place, no doubt. The clinic he ran will close for a week, then it will resume "business." We all know that. America has legalized murder, calling it "abortion," when it is the unborn that are being murdered. America has not yet given the sanction of law to infanticide, though it has given the sanction of law, in states such as Oregon and now my own Washington State, to euthanasia, which is euphemistically called "assisted suicide." It is only a matter of time, unless America has a revival and repents, before infanticide is approved by Congress and the Supreme Court and becomes the law of the land, with Obama's Brownshirts (the so-called New Panthers) sent out to see it is enforced. We shall see "defective" babies killed in the hospitals. Oops, they already are being aborted, their defects detected by ultrasound (and parents can have their pictures taken holding the dressed up dead, aborted babies!).
Then the living disabled will be next to be eliminated, from infancy on to later years. They know this, and thus have fought hard to stop more pulling the tubes from coma victims, realizing that the same euthanism program, ostensively for the sake of society, will be applied next to them. We are well down the slippery slope, where murder of innocents, from babies in the womb to babies outside the womb and then on to disabled, and sick elderly people, becomes common and accepted in a society ruled by B.F. Skinner's hellish behaviorist philosophy. I do believe we will not proceed very far down this slope, however, before we are destroyed by the judgment of God. We have seen what happened to Ancient Assyria, Egypt, Rome, and Persia, and the Greeks. Napoleon didn't last either despite conquering most of Europe in his quest of imperial glory. Then we saw what happened to Hitler's "Thousand Year" Third Reich, then to the 70 Year Old Soviet Union, and we are next on the list after enjoying 250 years of God's blessing, unless God has mercy on us and grants us repentance and a national revival.
Back to Wichita, Kansas: The abortion doctor was passing out church bulletins, it was reported, when he was shot and killed. What does that say about our churches today? We are indeed in the pit. Martin Luther was no compromising, "emerging church" milksop, he would have bodily thrown that man out if he did not repent on the spot, and St. Paul would have done the same. What would Jesus have done? You tell me! But don't say God never judged people, or that Jesus never judged anyone. He did not come to judge but to save, but he still came down hard on sin when he had to expose it. He started the Church, He alone is the Head of the Church, and he calls himself the Good Shepherd, but he could not countenance the robbery of the money changers and the priests robbing the people by declaring their sacrifice animals defective, then reselling them to other people at the temple--if he could not look aside then, but "cleansed" the Temple twice, once at the beginning of his earthly ministry, the other at the close of his earthly ministry--then perhaps we ought to follow his example, if not Paul's or Martin Luther's.
The Arab peoples need to rise up against their unjust, wicked, oppressing tyrants instead of supporting them. To save their own children and their nations, they must do it now. By this time next year they might not even exist. Civilizations that have existed for many thousands of years, such as Syria and Egypt and Iran, may not exist in the near future. It will be their entire fault, they will bring total catastrophe upon themselves. That is why the people themselves must, for their own survival, seek their best interests above that of their own tyrannous governments and the greedy, power-mad, murderous elites that govern them. Judgment will come, and they will all be caught in a net of their own weaving, if they do not either flee these countries or overthrow the tyrants that now rule them.
It may well cost you your lives, patriots within these doomed nations of Islam, but you can save your people and your families perhaps if you will act, and deliver the vital information to the Israelis now, concerning the secret attack plans of your governments. In turn, God will protect you, just as God protected and spared Rahab, who sheltered the spies sent by Israel into Jericho to spy out the land. The red ribbon they had her hang out the window of her house, that would save herself and her household from destruction? It is the blood of Jesus Christ. Cry out to him, and he will save you and your family, if not your city and country. She was saved, and her household, and was incorporated into the family that led to the Savior. Rahab, the Jericho prostitute who turned to the people of God, the Israelites, risking her life to do so, is in the line of Christ! What greater honor could God give her than that! Glory to His Name! This same merciful God can do the same for you, patriot in the house of Islam. You can leave that crumbling house, which teeters this day and hour on the edge of destruction, and enter the House of God, where you will be eternally safe and secure, and greatly honored, by God Almighty himself! Call to Him now, beloved. Unlike Allah, He will hear and answer you!
God's Holy Word in Isaiah 17: 1-14 gives the Muslim Arabs of Syria this clear warning: Destruction for capital Damascus, and the land and cities laid waste, not to be inhabited again. "See Damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins." This has never happened before in history, that the city ceased to be. It may well be the longest inhabited city on this earth. But soon it will cease to be. Flee now, Syrians, while you still may escape destruction! And those who fight alongside Syria against Israel? They will fare the same. I would not, if I were a Muslim, reside in any of those countries. They are pressing fast onward to judgment and desolation.
Barack Hussain Obama, the grinning, fat Cheshire cat of Washington (fat in the sense of all the "canaries" he has recently swallowed), is a political incubus that is busy hatching out all sorts of Big Bad Wolves in the business world. They are not being set up for our benefit, only the advancement of the central power of the government and his own advancement. He is making vast inroads into banking, the automobile industry, and other financial sectors of the once free market.
Environmentalism is a smokescreen for a gigantic power grab by government, even before Obama took office. He quickly latched onto the political uses of environmentalism. Let us not play his game and do business with anything "green" he is promoting, if we can possibly avoid it. Our participation, such as buying a hybrid or "green" car he has commanded to be built, will come back to haunt us some day. Best oppose him in every thing he is using to consolidate his power while he is deconstructing the American economy, downsizing it and the country's miitary and our leading role in the world, while marginalizing Christians and conservatives (and conservative talk radio) so as to rid the culture of their voice and godly, moral salt-like influence.
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia). This man is no doubt despised by the secularist leaders of Germany and France and Belgium and the other members of "EUTOPIA," but he is telling the whole truth. Global Warming is nothing but the biggest scam on the face of the earth!
Their first wave of terror began in 1920-1921, which induced Winston Churchill, to bring peace, to give them three-quarters of the Mandate territory, reducing the Jewish share to one quarter (which later was reduced again drastically).
Why then are the Arabs still protesting and demanding a Palestinian state when they already have one? Why do they insist that no Jews have a state in the region? They will tell you! They will scream that their land was stolen from them by the Jews, that the Jews never had a state called Israel, that they the Muslim Arabs always possessed the land, blah blah blah.
The real reason is that the Muslim Arabs would have to admit their religion is false if they concede the Jews a right to their own land and state--for the Koran expressly commands jehad against the Jews and Christians, granting them no rights except those of slaves or the subjugated, and if they are not killed, they are forced to bend to sharia-law and also pay crushing taxes. Islam is a take-the-whole-cake religion and state power--it will not share the world with any rival or competitor. It is supremicist. And fueling the engine of Islam's world conquest agenda is hatred of Jews and Christians as "infidels," fit only to be killed or forced into servitude. All the secularists, including Barack Hussain Obama, needs to take note of this fact. They too are infidels in the eyes of the Muslim supremicists, and will be treated accordingly, after their time serving as useful fools for Islamic interests comes to an end. One day, if Islam has its way, there will be no foreign Western journalists or CNN teams operating in the world, they will be lined up against a wall and shot. There are no real women's rights in the Koran--women are inferior, chattel, at the man's beck and call. No need to report on women's rights then! And "human rights abuses," well, there are no human rights abuses in the House of Islam, and anyone who opens his mouth and says so or at the least questions the authorities about such things will receive his reward: the firing squad, or maybe less than that dignity, being stuffed head down into wet cement and left to dry in the public square. Beheading too is too dignified, too merciful even with dull blades. The Western press both in America and Europe, and the Governments they represent, might well consider these common Muslim methods for dealing with dissidents, or all who oppose the ways of Islam. They will suffer them next, just as the Muslim peoples have suffered them century after century, preyed upon by their own Muslim authorities set up by Sharia law.
Now who in his right mind would want more of the same, set up in yet another Muslim Arab state such as Palestine II, or Jordan II? The United Nations, the EU, and the 59 Muslim states round the world would! They want this madness to go on and engulf the entire world, not realizing that they will all be made slaves and subjects. The Muslims are their own victims, and they cannot be satisfied until everyone else is made a victim of Islam.
Michael Savage is a Jewish man, but does not have a knowledge of Jesus as Savior, though he respects him and even reads extensively from the Prophets (!). He is alone among the conservative talk radio hosts in reading the Old Testament Prophets with a true belief in what they say. It is really powerful how he handles them. He holds vigorously to the morality of the Bible, as far as homosexuality goes. He most vociferously objects to the encroachments and harassments of "Islamo-cysts" embedded here in America and abroad, and goes to war against their fawning secularist allies, who in turn attack Michael Savage as a homophobe and bigot and a Moslem-hater. It isn't surprising, but lately he has been denounced by the British Home Secretary, a flaming secularist no doubt, and may win a case filed against her under British law for that, as it was truly an outrage, he was only expressing his freedom of speech under our Constitution and First Amendment. The Islamo-cysts in America have sued him for defamation (CAIR is their chief organ used to attack the vitals of our nation), but they have not yet succeeded in intimidating him or gagging him. His own hometown, San Francisco, has a radical left, gay-championing administration which has come out and denounced him, and this was truly unearned, as he stands for the morality of the Bible, the very thing they most hate and trample upon--the same morality that built America up into the greatest nation on earth.
Though there are still others like Michael Savage who are operating in conservative talk radio as "jawbones of judgment," Michael O'Reilly of "The O'Reilly Factor" which is aired on TV on the Fox Network Channel, is more effective on TV than radio. Afraid of no one, apparently, armed with the authentic facts, with a professional team supporting him with the data he needs and the backup research too, this fighting Catholic Irishman goes to battle against liberal secularists' toleration of the nation's worst child predators, as well as the judges who give them such light sentences and then turn them lose to commit even more heinous crimes against children, while the kangeroo court judges are never held responsible (not until O'Reilly came on the scene, that is!). He takes on courts, judges, even state governors, and comes out on top of the burning issues he won't let the liberal media bury, and laws are even passed to stop the scandalous ill practices of the government he has exposed.
God has raised up such men and others like them, a number from outside the Christian church too, to wage war on the increasingly aggressive and dictatorial secularist and pagan culture that is destroying us, Christian and non-Christian. We ought to be praying for them, for they are doing us a much greater favor than we can ever repay.
Yet today we see the panderers out in full force and operating in the evangelical ministries, especially those we see on Christian TV. Many evangelicals seem to want to outdo each other, pulling their robes up over their haunches, to bow and scrape and do little dances before every celebrity who comes down the pike. Oprah and Dr. Phil, two celebrities from the corrupt world system of entertainment, are feted and adored and allowed free access to Christian TV! Why are they so approved, when these two individuals promote everything non-Christian and even anti-Christian I can name and the Bible hates? Why?
It is the Tobias Invasion we are witnessing. Tobias, an unrighteous heathen, because of his connections with members of the priestly or temple personnel, is given a room in the Temple for his use and lodgings. This happens while Nehemiah is away, back at the court of the Persian king, busily attending to pressing state matters there as the king's chief minister. When he returns and finds this ungodly heathen installed in a holy Temple chamber, he is absolutely furious, and rightly so. Tobias, by his presence, defiles the Temple, which is supposed to be holy and to be kept holy by its guardian priestly class. Nehemiah throws the ungodly bum out, kit and kaboodle. Sofa, chairs, bed, pillowcases, books, dishes, blankets, candlesticks, cutlery, wash basin, etc.,--out it all goes with him into the gutter of the street! Bad rubbish is thus dealt with, and he was definitely bad rubbish! Nehemiah was a true man of God and he would die rather than allow the holy to be mixed with the unholy. This happened during the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the restoration of the 2nd Temple.
Was this the first time the holy was mixed with the unholy? Hardly! The Jews had a hard lesson to learn in this matter. But we do too! We do too! Today we mix the holy with the unholy, when Dr. Phil goes on Daystar and plugs it to the viewers, using his worldly reputation in the "entertainment world" to advance Christian TV. WE DON'T NEED YOU, DR. PHIL, TO PURVEY CHRISTIAN TV TO THE WORLD! WE CHRISTIANS WILL SUPPORT IT AND HAVE SUPPORTED IT. YOU ARE DOING CHRISTIAN TV NO SERVICE AT ALL. RATHER, YOU ARE DEFILING CHRISTIAN TV AND SETTING IT BACK. Shame on poor Marcus Lamb and Joni Lamb for allowing this to happen. They see no difference between him and Christ, apparently. They do not discern him as an unholy man, which he is. They draw no line between their Christian ministry and the satanic world system--but God does! The Holy God of Israel does!
Other Christian ministers have spoken so commendingly of Oprah too (they actually fawn on her and try to rub off some of her Vanity magazine glamour onto themselves), which is the same thing--mixing the holy with the unholy. Shame on them too! What kind of message is this sending to the people of God, that such practices are okay with God? They will never be right with a Holy God!
This sin goes back to Cain originally (and even furthe back to Satan himself, of course, who rebelled in the holy courts of heaven with his sin of pride and presumed to make himself God and remain there, an unholy being ruling heaven!). Cain mixed the unholy--his sin-stained offering--on the holy altar of God. He thought it was okay, and would be accepted as okay by God. He was dead wrong. God let him know it, and then what did Cain do? He didn't repent, he got furious. Since he couldn't attack God, he attacked his innocent brother, who had been approved by God by offering a right sacrifice on a holy altar to God. For that Cain hated Abel, who was approved and made holy by his sacrifice, and he murdered him. So mixing the holy with the holy was committed by Cain and led to murder.
We see this sin in Nadab and Abihu. Have you ever heard the old hair cream expression of the 1950s, "A little dab will do ya!"? I oiled my own more abundant teen-aged mop back then, and no one used just a little dab, it was "the more the better," so your hair was thick with this grease before you put the tube down! And everywhere you lay your head, on a pillow or a car seat, anywhere, was soon stained with it. But in the case of the two sons of Aaron, a little dab of fire carried in by Nadab and Abihu, kindled in their censors from "strange fire," which was not the perpetual fire in the Tabernacle that God called holy but fire from another source--that unauthorized, unscriptural fire was regarded as impure in God's eyes, and He struck them dead before the sanctuary.(Lev. 10:1). Struck them dead! We might think that wasn't such a bad sin. What does it matter, fire is fire--right? Wrong! God always looks at the source--the source is everything to Him. What is the source of our religious acts of worship and service to Him? Most of the music now being performed in Christian venues, for instance, is no better than unholy fire--it makes all the difference to God, if not to our worldly, warped minds. We may be entertained, but God is not entertained! He is insulted!
We also see this sin in King Asa of Judah, who was a righteous man before God and man until one day pride grew in his heart and he decided he was so great a king and so exceptionally good a man that he could do what only the priests were commissioned and anointed by God to do: operate as a priest only could in the holy place of the Temple. The priests knew this was an outrage against God, absolutely forbidden, a true abomination, so they put their lives on the line and moved together, making a wall of flesh and bone in front of the approaching king, a ruler who had great power and could have them all executed with a single order to his military commander. They rebuked him, and tried to prevent him, nonetheless, though they must have thought they were signing their death warrants. But King Asa wouldn't be stopped by anyone human, and certainly by no legitimate priests of the Temple, he was grown so arrogant. He proceeded into the holy place with his unholy offering, and, sadly, he came stumbling out a leper! Leprosy to cover him as sin of rebellion and blasphemy had covered him! That was God's response. It is amazing God did not strike him dead on the spot for his defiling the Temple. That was mercy, just striking him with leprosy for the rest of his days. Up to then he had been a king of illustrious deeds and reputation. Up to then! Then one big misstep--and he was ruined by his own impure and unholy deed. It was a self-inflicted tragedy. Now he had to bear the curse of leprosy in the eye of all his pitying people who shrank away on either side if he ever went around in public--which he did rarely, if ever, as the Bible says he kept to his own house the remainder of his days. How very sad! God had blessed him above so many other kings, but that was not enough. He had to try to rob the priests of their duties and privileges, and for that he paid a very terrible price, though his life was spared.
Tobias in the Book of Nehemiah has already been mentioned. We can pass on to our time, and we have mentioned Dr. Phil's current "lodging" in the studios of Daystar, Christian TV, and making endorsements for it on Daystar (not to mention his face appearing on Joni Lamb's credits for her "Joni" program). Both are highly commended on Christian TV channels, TBN and Daystar, in the most shameful way. I beg to differ. They are not commendable! Despite their do-goodism, they are primary promoters of the pagan, anti-Christ, hedonistic, secularist society and culture that is defying God and His true Church today and ruining the lives of countless Americans. Yet they have been given the endorsement of these chief TV ministries and networks. Shame on the Crouches and the Lambs for this, for mixing the holy and the unholy, and I hope it is from ignorance, not knowingly! But pity the day they ever meet up with the likes of the Prophet Nehemiah, as I would not like to be there to see the hair flying (for he was known for plucking out beards and punching the people of God when they got out of line). But, mercifully, they will not meet him first, they will meet their own conscience in the dead of the night sometime, and be rebuked. They will cry and get right with God, hopefully. They will have a chance, with only the Holy Spirit speaking to them from the Word, to repent and change their ways. If they do so, they do not have to be taken to the woodshed by God, but if not in this life, then it will be at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Please pray for these dear saints who have been used so greatly by God--just as King Asa was. They have blended in a number of respects with the pagan culture and world system in ways our grandparents would not have imagined Christians doing--but it is so common nowadays. Too common! But it will not be right, no matter how many Christians of high responsibility and leadership do it.
And didn't his mother ever wash his mouth out with soap when he was a naughty boy and was trying out his first swear words? He didn't learn his lesson, evidently, for he can swear like an Oregon logger and be bleeped again and again on his own show, but his own foul mouth doesn't bother him in the least. The other day I heard Christ's name being blasphemed on his show. It didn't bother him at all to hear Christ blasphemed. He let it go unbleeped.
Dr. Phil is a classic Tobias-type, indeed, but the present-day evangelical ministries on TV and off do not recognize what a Tobias is, though it is plainly set forth in Nehemiah. Even if some Christians are uncomfortable with his swearing, his foulness, his absolute reliance on human ability and knowledge to reform people without the aid of the Bible and of Jesus Christ's transforming power and salvation, they do not oppose him. The wouldn't dream of saying one word in reproach to him. He views them, I suspect, as useful fools, backward and ignorant religious types who have somehow made it big in the TV jungle. Instead of being shown the door, he is welcomed in, along with all his unholiness, and awarded a veritable red carpet reception into the holy places of Christian circles today! Again, shame on us!!!!
Hitler coming out of church after a service:
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
When you see the likes of Barak Hussain Obama claiming the is a Christian and yet lying to the American people with almost every word that passes his lips, it is confusing people as to who and what is a Christian anymore. People tend to believe the claims, even though the life does not back up what is claimed. Claims are being judged sufficient proof of being a true Christian or not. There are no longer any "false" or "counterfeit" Christians. All Christians are equal, good or bad. This is false teaching. The Bible is not written in the gray zone, where there are no absolutes, where good can dialog with evil and seek to learn from evil (this is the contemporary spirit of compromise that holds that all contrary points of view are equivalent and hold equal weight in the arena of ideas, a spirit that puts saints along side sinners and on the same footing, that seeks to find common ground between Hitler and the Jew murdered at Auschwitz, the terrorist and his victim).
"What is a Christian?" from the Herald of Hope Paper, 1975, with "Who I am in Christ," from God's Word, Scripture by Scripture, 1-69. We also want to include portions of "The Power of the Blood," by H. A. Maxwell-Whyte as a companion piece to T. L. Osborn's message on the Blood of Jesus Christ. In connection, Billy and Franklin Graham's latest Decision magazine carries the theme, the Blood of Christ, in all its main articles. We also want to feature "Modernism and Tomorrow's Church," by Y. L. Ylvisaker, which is a companion piece to our already featured, "Good Without God," by W. E. Sangster, which shows the disaster for the church and for Christian faith in individuals and in society when goodness is divorced from morality, God, and the Bible. You should check out at the library or buy at Wal-Mart or a Christian bookstore or order on-line the video or DVD film, "Time Changers," which deals with the same issue ina most dramatic way you will find fascinating, as it uses time travel to make its point more graphic, by transporting a church school professor with a book of theology about to be published to the streets of today's Manhattan urban jungle. His discoveries conclusive convinces him his theology is wrong, that good cannot be divorced from God and still remain good. TBN also has this film on DVD, and I received a copy from them.