Cash in the check heaven gives you, and you get everything promised on it! The Bank of Heaven will always be solvent, so it will never, never, never bounce and you get hit by returned check charges! God the Father stands behind it, and He has all the money in the Universe at his disposal. And in Christ we are heirs to it!
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
I practice what I have said. I try to keep practicing it. Eventually, every difficulty and trial and test fades away, and God comes through for me, again and again. He is faithful. He will not forsake his chid, just as the scripture in Psalms says that I read over and over to encourage myself. Read the encouraging scriptures to yourself during the dark, difficult times. They will light your faith, so you can endure like a good soldier and go on to the end, faithful and true to your Lord. Deliverance and help is coming. It is coming. It will come in God's perfect time. It is for us not to quit and give up. We don't have to quit. We can keep on the path He put us on--right to the last step--if we will just lean on Jesus all the way. He will bear us up, encouraging us, strengthening us, if we will just lean on him, not on our own failing human strength and resources. He is our Strength, not our own faith. He went before us, to show the way, but will accompany us too, not abandoning us to make it somehow on our own. What a God! What a glorious Savior and Shepherd!
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Do you see how governning powers, either ignorantly or by conscious plan, distort the true record? Hong Hee has done a wonderful thing to bring these facts to light.
Several years ago, I heard a scholar speak on TV, who explained her book which told of her researches into Hebrew survivals in the Japanese culture and religion. If what happened in China crossed the water to Japan (and evidently it did), then the true knowledge of God was also spread among the Japanese early on in their history. It was paganism and polytheism that came later to exploit and degrade the people and culture and cast them into darkness and bondage, which has continued to this day and hour. I pray God will send for the Light anew to Japan and China's multitudes, to deliver them from the dungeon of dark idolatry, and centuries-long worship of spirits and uncountable idols such as the Fox God or serpents and demons and buddhas and incarnated spirits of all kinds. They have a better inheritance than that! Set them free, Lord Jesus!
This is what your teachers didn't and wouldn't teach you! Our secular humanist educational system does not want you to know these facts. Colonial America is shown you in detail, and the founders' intentions and dreams for us, their sacrifices, their reasons for their founding America on the basis of a God-given Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Yes, God-given! Man wrote the words, yes, but the wisdom in these charters is beyond man's, clearly showing that God gave these treasures to us, to insure our freedom and protect our God-given, inalienable rights. We must know the difference 'tween rights and freedoms--an essential thing to know. Learn the difference in this book. I never knew there was a distinction before, but there is. The very things God gave us, Obama and crew are attempting to throw away. They do not want our Constitution reining them in, protecting us and our freedoms and Rights against them and their authoritarian regime and socialistic agenda. They are getting their way chiefly through deception and ignorance. We must find out what our Colonial founders and the Colonial charters were all about, else we lose the foundation for our Nation, and all our freedoms too. This is the hour for such a book! Don't miss it. For your copy, order it from David Pett:
BIBLE PICTURES OF ITSELF is a wonderful thing, is it not? The Bible describes itself as LIGHT, FIRE, SEED, BREAD, MILK, HONEY, MEAT, GOLD, SWORD and HAMMER. You can order this tract from: Faith, Prayer, and Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, Bible Book Mark
No. 162 ($1.80 per doz., $11 per 100).
"When words fail, music speaks."--Hans Christian Anderson, world-renowned Danish folk and children's story teller.
It wasn't the first time Christian hymans had been adapted from worldly tunes, but Charles Wesley took pub or saloon songs that were hugely popular in his day and converted them into Christian hymns we are still singing today! If he could do it and glorify the Lord and edify countless people, why not us? The Devil stole those melodies for his use in the first place, and we are just taking them back. But do it with some common sense. Laws don't permit taking songs for our own profit that are not Public Domain. Don't take copywrited material, unless you never, never print it up commercially and so no money is ever paid for it, even if it is a Church publication. Use the older Public Doman or uncopywrited songs, and you won't run afoul of the copywrite laws. There are thousands of those uncopywrited songs, and many could use a refreshing makeover for our times, so they can give the Devil a real cause for concern when he sees his stolen assets, by which he has misled millions, are being retaken by the militant, musical Church!
"Commenting on the latest Israeli action in Gaza, Mr. Netanyahu writes: There is no moral equivalence between Israel, a democracy which seeks p;eace and targets the terrorists, and Hamas, an Iranian-backed terror organization that seeks Israel's destruction and targets the innocent.
In launching precision strikes against Hamas rocket launchers, headquarters, weapons depots, smuggling tunnels, and training camps, Israel is trying to minimize civilian casualties. But Hamas deliberately attacks Israeli civilians and deliberately hites behind Palestinian civilians--a double war crime. Responsible governments do their utmost to minimize civilian casualties, but they do not grant immunity to terrorists who use civilians as human shields.
The international community may occasionally condemn Hamas for putting Palestinian civilians in harm's way, but if it ultimately holds Israel responsible for the casualties that ensue, then Hamas and other terror organizations will employ this abominable tactic again and again.
The charge that Israel is using disproportionate force is equally baseless. Does proportionality demand that Israel fire 6,000 rockets indiscriminately back at Gaza? Does it demand an equal number of casualties on both sides? Using that logic, one would conclude that the United States employed disproportionate force against the Germans because 20 times as many Germans as Americans died in World War II.
In that same war, Britain responded to the firing of thousands of rockets on its population with the wholesale bombing of German cities [what about Dresden, a cultural center of Europe in Germany, which was utterly destroyed, and more people died there in the Allied carpet bombing than Japan lost in the nuclear bombing of Hirosham and Nagasaki! This city was of no political or military importance, everyone agrees, but was mercilessly wiped out anyway. Slaughterhouse 9, the award-winning film of some years back, memorialized the catastrophe. So what about Dresden? Surely, neither Europe nor Britain and America can justifiably criticise Israel, which is doing nothing of the sort to retaliate against all the rocket attacks of Hamas in Gaza.--Ed].
Israel's measured response to rocket fire on its cities has come in the form of surgical strikes. Carpet-bombing of Palestinian cities is not an option that any Israeli leader will enterain [though I would argue it is justified, since the Palestinian people voted Hamas the terrorist organization into power, and thus shares directly in the blame for Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel from Gaza--Ed.].
We stand united against Hamas because we know that only by defeating Hamas can wae provide security for our people and hope for a future peace [it will only come with Jesus Christ being Israel's Lord and Messiah, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu! It will never come from military strikes, however brilliantly conceived and superbly carried out by the IDF [Israeli Defense Force], for Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and if the Prince of Peace is ignored, then there will never be peace.--Ed.]
We must fight to defend ourselves, but in so doing we are also fighting a fanatical ideology that seeks to reverse the course of history and throw the civilized world back into a new Dark Age. The struggle between militant Islam and modernity--whether fought in Afhanistan, India, or Gaza--will decide our common future. It is a battle we cannot afford to lose."--Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu
The Pope was not so tepid in his support of the two-state idiocy favored by the Left in Europe and America. He said he wanted a Palestinian state established. This is so sad, as he is obviously blinded by the secularist media in Europe to what happened when Gaza was handed over, under severe pressure of the U.S. and Europe, by the Israelis to Palestinian control. They immediately turned it into a terrorist haven and a launching pad for rockets to be hurled into Israeli cities and towns night and day.
What about Gaza, Pope Benedict? The Palestinians immediately destroyed the synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, greenhouses, homes and other businesses the Jewish-Israeli owers turned over to the Gazans to help start their economy. What did that say to you? Nothing? Look at all the rockets and artillery and bombs and guns they shipped in through tunnels under the Egyptian cross-points at the southern border--is that a fiction or a reality, Your Holiness? Is that what you want to see soon replicated in the West Bank territory formerly known as Samaria? That would put all of Israel under rocket attacks. Surely, it will happen if the West Bank is handed over! Hamas will move into the West Bank, kick out Abbas of the weaker Fatah terrorist party, and you will have yet another launching pad for genocide waged against the Jews!
The Pope is obviously deceived and not very observant of realities. It is tragic that such a man, in his high position, can wield such influence against the better interests of the Jewish people, whom he had come to visit in Israel in order to visit holy sites and express sympathy for what they had suffered in World War II. His gesture of good will fell flat, when it could have been otherwise, if he would only acknowledge realities. Ther realities are that the Palestinians refused Palestinian statehood, again and again. Arafat, offered Palestinian statehood by President Clinton and also the Israeli Prime Minister, refused! He wanted to remain terrorist, fighting Israel in order to drive all the Jews into the sea and destroy Israel forever. The Muslims do not want two states, those who live in Gaza and the Left Bank, that is. The Muslims living in Israel are of a different mind and support Israel, for they see the advantages of the Israeli democracy and thriving economy vis a vis the authoritarian and dictatorial regimes of Arab countries and territories. The best place for an Arab or even a Muslim to live is in Israel, not in any of the Arab and Muslim countries! You have much more opportunity and freedom to get ahead. The Arabs are waking up to that fact, but not so the West. The West, and this includes Pope Benedict, are still obsessed with the illusion that you can put two opposites together and get peace. Even if Israel wants peace (and Israel does want peace), the opposite to Israel, the Palestinian state, would constantly attack Israel on all sides in order to destroy Israel. They cannot co-exist, as long as it is in the charters of the Palestinians for Gaza under Hamas and also the West Bank under Fatah control that Israel must be destroyed. Please read that clause, Pope Benedict, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, and Barack Hussain Obama! Read it, take it at its word. There can be no peace with Palestinians--not for Jews, not for Israelis. Palestinians have vowed there will be no peace with Israelis, time and again, even before Israel was one day old! It is insane, therefore, to force Israel to give up heartland territory, truncate the country and render it indefensible, for the Palestinians who are sworn enemies. Would we do that to ourselves? Of course, not! So we have no moral ground at all, either as Europeans or Americans, to force Israel to open its gates to the enemy and let them rampage, let them shook rockes, let them blow up innocent women and children with suicide bombers, and, even worse, let Iran target Israel with its first nuclear bomb-tipped, long range missile.
Other covenants exist, truely, as with the Ismaelites, descendants of Ishmael, and these descendants constitute the Arabian peoples and many other Semitic peoples and tribes in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, and which have spread to many other parts of the world. These peoples are primarily Moslem as we know. They have a Koran, their holy book, and a prophet, called Mohammed. But the covenant God made with them blesses them, but it does not save them. Neither does their holy book and prophet save them. Again, as with the Jews, and as with the Gentiles and all their various pagan religions of past and present and their "holy" books--there is no salvation given man by God apart from Jesus Christ.
Aren't you glad? There are no other roads to heaven but one. We don't have to try to find the right one, as the only one we have to choose is Jesus Christ. There can be no confusion, as in the New Age Religion which says there are many roads to God and all are equally valid--a satanic lie. God has made it so easy and simple for us to understand. "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life," Jesus says. "No man comes to the Father but by Me." All we have to do is believe Him. A child can do it, and children indeed believe Jesus and are saved. There is nothing complicated here, nothing obtuse and philosophical. Eternal Life is in Jesus along with eternal salvation. All we have to do is believe and trust in Jesus, surrendering ourselves to him. If Islam is "submission," then let Islam submit to Jesus too--and all Moslems will be saved. If Christianity is going to be saving, it too must submit to Jesus. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confuciusism, if they are truly saving, they too must submit to Jesus. Jesus makes all things new, he makes all men, women, and children new creatures. In him there is no male or female, bond or free, Jew or Greek or Moslem or Buddhist or Lutheran or Presbyterian--we are all made new creatures in Him. How indescribably wonderful that is! Instantly, in Christ the walls of division between us and a holy God are dissolved, and the walls of division between Moslem and Jew and Christian and between all religious people of every sort and race and color are broken down and dissolved too. We are all made one in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord! Jesus Christ is the true Uniter of the Nations, something the United Nations can never accomplish with carnal means. Jesus Christ unites all peoples in his own self and spirit--and though we do not cease to be of different nations, we are one in spirit, and that bonds us together beyond the bonds of nations and ethnicities. Jesus transcends every division and barrier. Only Jesus. For that reason Jesus is the Prince of Peace, for his work on the Cross, his work of the Spirit in each believer's heart and life, Jesus alone can create a peace that will reign forever on earth. Not only do we obtain peace with God through Jesus, but we obtain peace with our fellow man.
So, Jews and Moslems, Buddhists, men of every belief and color and creed, Jesus invites you lay down your religions that save nobody and to enter into God's true family, be transformed by his own spirit, by surrender to Him and his work of salvation for you by which you are utterly forgiven of your sin against God and made an eternal child of God. Jesus is your Peace. Enter into your Peace today, now, this very moment. Pray to Him now.
The infamous Jimmy Carter would be most uncomfortable living in Israel, for he is racist, bigoted, and sides with oppressors and Jew haters and murderers. He likes living in the good old U.S., for here he is free to operate his world-wide campaigns for racism and bigotry and anti-semitism without fear of his Democrat friends in the U.S. government shutting him down or subjecting his shady finances to a Congressional investigation or audit. But Jimmy Carter is not our responsibility. Let the Lord deal with him, for the saving of his soul! Our government and our churches are our responsibility. They are becoming anti-semitic! This is a terrible crime against God and His Chosen People. We must hold our government and our churches accountable for their slide into anti-semitism and Jew-hating. They are bringing a catastrophic curse upon us all, as a direct consequence.
I must recommend the latest documentary, made from the testimonies of living Auschwitz death camp survivors, and documented with numerous pictures and factual material from the Auschwitz and Holocaust archives here in and in Europe. Go to "Swimming in Auschwitz." It is not a Christian production, by any means, but it tells a true story from the lips of the living survivors, which is the best account you can possibly get. These are no scholarly productions, which can be a matter of personal bias and opinion. These give the gritty true account of what it was like to be a young person caught in the hideous, dark web of Hitler and sentenced to torture and misery and squalor and disease and finally a dog's death in Auschwitz, the most infamous of Hitler's etermination camps for the Jews set in Poland.
With Obama's ascension to the throne, we are witnessing the consolidation of powers by a neo-fascist state, an authoritarian regime that calls to mind not only Hitler's but Mussolini's. What most of us Americans fail to realize, is that this development had early roots in America. We had homegrown communist societies and organizations operating long before they got going in Russia and overthrew the Czar. They never ceased to work for the destruction of the free America and supplant a representative republic with a dictatorship based on socialistic or Marxist principles and agendas and supreme state power.
It is no surprise, if this is known, that Obama and his administration are acting like neo-fascists and communists consolidating their power bases and grabbing all the other powers and resources they can at the expense of the voters and the private sector.
Obama's election was the beginning of the end of a free and Constitutional America. But that beginning had to have the groundwork done by local communists and fascists during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth. Like a leavening agent, they have infected the entire bodyd politic and the culture with their poison.
"America is a place of heroes, honor, achievement, and respect. But it is also a place where heroism is often confused with celebrity, honor with fame, true achievement with popularity, individual respect with political correctness. Our culture celebrates self-gratification, the crossing of all moral boundaries, and now even the breaking of social taboos.
"Despite our wonders and greatness, we are a nation that has experienced so much social regression, so much decadence, in so short a period of time, that we have become a place to which civilized nations used to send missionaries."--William J. Bennett, Former Secretary of Education under President Reagan.
We need this kind of message even more now, when we clearly have a "coming dictator" in the very person and political agenda of none other than Barak Hussain Obama. Don't fool yourself by his manner and his fine words. His caring and compassion are only cosmetic, or skin deep. He doesn't necessarily stand behind anything he says he wants to do for us, he actually is standing behind only his own self and his own advancement in power. This man is all about empowering himself at the expense of the American people.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
"Brethren, our preaching will bear its legitimate fruits. If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in religion, the pulpit is responsible for it. If Satan rules in our halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation."
We have already featured great women of the Bible in a number of ways (check out the poetic tributes to Deborah and Ruth), but Bible Women live outside the pages of the Book too! If you think all these heroines rise up from humble circumstances, think again. They are often born with silver spoons in their mouths, but they didn't suck on them, they spit them out and chose common, wooden ones of the poor, downtrodden people! Lilias Trotter, an aristocratic, blue-blooded young lady from a wealthy, aristocratic family in London, was one of them. You may have caught the special docudrama on TV of Florence Nightengale the other night on PBS. Another such blueblooded angel of mercy is Mathilda Wrede, the daughter of a baron who was the Governor of a city in Finland. She threw away the silver spoon and left her cozy gilded cage where she had every convenience and luxury she could desire and chose the way of the Cross and had a tremendous effect on the prisons of Finland. Read her story and find out how one little woman took on appalling conditions in the prisons and changed them, bringing the light of the Gospel into the most horrible, sin-darkened lives and cells (with which American prisons do not compare in the least).
Planned Parenthood, though investigations have finally broken out regarding the incredible corruption in its system, is so assured of its supreme position in American society (like a vast, cyclopean-sized vampire bat sucking the life blood out of the cash cow, America), it has proclaimed Saturday, or Friday (I couldn't care which day), this past week, Abortion Doctors Appreciation Day, or some such hideous title!
Imagine that! According to Planned Parenthood, we are to honor these cold-blooded butchers and killers and murderers, who are mostly from foreign countries and eagerly come here to kill Americans lawfully and for high pay? Talk about "Days of Infamy"! That has to be the ultimate Day of Infamy, not the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and slaughtered thousands of our servicemen in an unprovoked raid.
We pay these monsters of Planned Parenthood with our tax money, stolen from us by greedy, corrupt, evil-hearted, heartless Congresswomen and Congressmen--may the God have mercy on their wretched souls, for unless they repent and God forgives each of them they will all go straight to hell.
I cannot imagine how America could produce such monsters as these greedy, power-hungry, lying devils in Congress and in the Oval Office. It is beyond me to explain. But there they all are! God has perhaps allowed them to come to power so as to drive us to our knees in prayer and repentence. Otherwise, it is His judgment on us, with no mercy and grace to hope for. And with such creatures at the controls, desruction is a sure thing. It will come soon, in any case, whether we repent or not, as no amount of repentence may turn back the forces combining and plotting to destroy America--it may be too late for that.
I have seen a Christian minister get on TV and praise himself, taking credit, for helping her when she was at low ebb, and the other pastor hosting the program applauded him along with the audience. This was supposed to be a good thing, that Oprah Winfrey got a hand up, so she could go on to become this incredible "influence for good" that they obviously are deceived to think she is. Have they ever read her own "Bible study course" that denies the Cross, denies the Atonement of Christ, denies that we need a Savior, denies there is such a thing as sin, denies the God of the Bible while substituting "the god inside us"? Obviously, a lot of Christians and even the pastors and TV evangelists are absolutely ignorant about her and deceived, or they are complicit with her and are deliberately choosing not to make any issue of her true, devilish agenda. I say "enuff" to these ministers and pastors and evangelists! Their support of her is sickening to the nth degree.
For instance, UN "peacekeepers" were sent protect the people in the Congo in West Africa and Liberia. What did they do? When challenged, they move aside to let the savages of the militia gangs do whatever they want to the defenceless villages and towns rather than stand up to them and risk a little blood of their own.
They also, on their off duty hours, like to go into town wherever they are and rape women and children, whoever is available, at the various prostitution houses where such women are kept as slaves. We know they have done this in the Congo. Who then are the savages? The true savages are the United Nations' "Peacekeepers"! The United Nations ought to be penalized for the atrocities committed by their own troops under their leadership.
Meanwhile, the United Nations has a bill pending, put forward by 57 nations who are Satanically inspired, most of them Islamic, that will criminalize Christianity on planet Earth, under the guise of protecting religions from "defamation." Is is "defaming Islam," for Christian to say that Christ is Savior and Lord to any Moslem--this bill will make it a capital crime, as then the Moslems will have the sanction of the United Nations to launch a world-wide persecution of Christians and kill and torture and imprison them, while intimidating the rest into silence and submission. It is bad enough without this defamation bill. But as soon as the United Nations passes it, you will see a wave of terror against Christians launched that will soon make the genocides of China and Russia and Cambodia and Viet Nam seem like mere warm-ups.
And we, the taxpayers and Christians of America, pay the biggest part of the bill for the United Nations--we support this genocidalist, rapist, racist, anti-American, anti-semitic, incurably corrupt, evil organization, which is a malignant cancer on the whole earth, not a body working for peace and unity!
Abortions do not work--they are not to the benefit of society, of the pregnant woman, of the family, of the nation. Abortions only benefit the abortion industry, and Planned Parenthood which reported over 8 billion dollars income (a lot of it tax money handed them by our corrupt, in-the-pocket politicians in Congress, such as my own state's Senator Patty Murray, Senator Maria Cantwell, Representative Adam Smith, and others) since the 1980s. Over 8 billion bucks killing babies who would now be a blessing to our country, their families, and the world! We have lost over 50 million Americans, surely five times the number of the Jewish victims of the Nazi-run Holocaust. And we continue to lose millions--while the gas registers at Planned Parenthood Centers jingle merrily all day long, day in, day out.
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia).
Yet today we see the panderers out in full force in the evangelical ministries. They seem to want to outdo each other, pulling their robes up over their haunches, to bow and scrape before every celebrity who comes down the pike. Oprah and Dr. Phil, two celebrities from the corrupt world system of entertainment, are feted and adored and allowed free access to Christian TV! Why are they so approved, when these two individuals promote everything non-Christian and even anti-Christian I can name and the Bible hates? Why?
It is the Tobias Invasion we are witnessing. Tobias, an unrighteous heathen, because of his connections with members of the priestly or temple personnel, is given a room in the Temple for his use and lodgings. This happens while Nehemiah is away, back at the court of the Persian king, attending to state matters there as the king's chief minister. When he returns and finds this ungodly heathen installed in a Temple chamber, he is furious, and rightly so. Tobias, by his presence, defiles the Temple, which is supposed to be holy and to be kept holy by its guardian priestly class. Nehemiah throws the bum out, kit and kaboodle. Sofa, chairs, bookcases, dishes, blankets, bed, pillows--out it all goes with him into the street! Bad rubbish is thus dealt with, and he was bad rubbish! Nehemiah would not allow the holy to be mixed with the unholy. This happened during the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem and the restoration of the 2nd Temple.
Was this the first time the holy was mixed with the unholy? Hardly! The Jews had a hard lesson to learn in this matter. But we do too! Today we mix the holy with the unholy, when Dr. Phil goes on Daystar and plugs it to the viewers, using his worldly reputation to advance Christian TV. WE DON'T NEED YOU, DR. PHIL, TO SUPPORT CHRISTIAN TV TO THE WORLD! YOU ARE DOING CHRISTIAN TV NO SERVICE AT ALL. RATHER, YOU ARE DEFILING CHRISTIAN TV. Shame on Marcus Lamb and Joni Lamb for allowing this to happen. They see no difference between him and Christ, apparently. They do not see him as an unholy man, which he is. They draw no line between their Christian ministry and the satanic world system--but God does! The Holy God of Israel does!
Other Christian ministers have spoken so commendingly of Oprah too, which is the same thing--mixing the holy with the unholy. Shame on them too! What kind of message is this sending to the people of God, that such practices are okay with God? They will never be right with a Holy God!
This sin goes back to Cain originally. Cain mixed the unholy--his sin-stained offering--on the holy altar of God. He thought it was okay, and would be accepted as okay by God. He was dead wrong. God let him know it, and then what did Cain do? He didn't repent, he got furious. Since he couldn't attack God, he attacked his innocent brother, who had been approved by God by offering a right sacrifice on a holy altar to God. For that Cain hated Abel, who was approved and made holy by his sacrifice, and he murdered him. So mixing the holy with the holy was committed by Cain and led to murder.
We see this sin in Nadab and Abihu. Heard the old Brylcream Hair Oil expression, "A little dab will do you!" In there case, a little dab of fire carried by Nadab and Abihu, kindled in their censors from "strange fire," which was not the perpetual fire in the Tabernacle that God called holy but fire from another source--that unauthorized, unscriptural fire was impure in God's eyes, and He struck them dead before the sanctuary.(Lev. 10:1).
We also see this sin in King Asa, who was a righteous man until he decided he was so great a king and so good a man that he could do what only the priests were commissioned and anointed by God to do: operate as a priest only could in the holy place of the Temple. The priests knew this was an outrage against God, absolutely forbidden, so they put their lives on the line and moved together, making a wall of flesh and bone in front of the approaching king. They rebuked him, and tried to prevent him. But he wouldn't be stopped by anyone human, he was so arrogant. He went into the holy place with his unholy offering, and he came out a leper! Leprosy to cover him as sin of rebellion and blasphemy had covered him! That was God's response. It is amazing God did not strike him dead on the spot. That was mercy, just striking him with leprosy for the rest of his days. Up to then he had been a king of illustrious deeds and reputation. Now he had to bear the curse of leprosy in the eye of all his pitying people. How sad! God had blessed him above so many other kings, but that was not enough. He had to try to rob the priests of their duties and privileges, and for that he paid a very terrible price, though his life was spared.
Tobias in the Book of Nehemiah has already been mentioned. We can pass on to our time, and we have mentioned Dr. Phil's current "lodging" in the studios of Daystar, Christian TV, and making endorsements for it on Daystar (not to mention his face appearing on Joni Lamb's credits for her "Joni" program). Both are highly commended on Christian TV channels, TBN and Daystar, in the most shameful way. They are not commendable! Despite their do-goodism, they are primary promoters of the pagan, anti-Christ, hedonistic, secularist society and culture that is defying God and His true Church today. Yet they have been given the endorsement of these chief TV ministries and networks. Shame on the Crouches and the Lambs for this, for mixing the holy and the unholy, and I hope it from ignorance, not knowingly! But pity the day they ever meet up with the likes of the Prophet Nehemiah, I would not like to be there to see their hair flying (for he was known for plucking out beards and punching the people of God when they got out of line). But, mercifully, they will not meet him first, they will meet their own conscience in the dead of the night sometime, and be rebuked. They will cry and get right with God, hopefully. They will have a chance, with only the Holy Spirit speaking to them from the Word, to repent and change. If they do so, they do not have to be taken to the woodshed by God, but if not, then it will be at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Please pray for these saints. They have blended with the pagan culture and world system in ways our grandparents would not have imagined Christians doing--but it is so common nowadays. Too common! But it will not be right, no matter how many do it.
Americans have not woken up to what really happened when millions of them chose Barak Hussain Obama and the Democrat Party for both the White House and the Congress. They are twin disasters, such as we witnessed on 9/11 in the Twin Towers of New York getting mortally struck by Muslim terrorists flying airliners full of jet fuel and many passengers on board.
All those who threw in for Obama the American Messiah in the last election did so to elect a black man (though he is self-hating, half-Caucasian), proving they were racists. Perhaps all were infected by this racist component, but certainly most or all voted for Obama because he promised them Big Government largesse and programs (the old southern Plantation System in its Democrat Party makeover), license to commit immoralities of all kinds, and, lastly, a nebulous but catchy sounding "hope" and "change"--hope and change being the opposite of anything President Bush and the Republicans had accomplished in Bush's two terms.
I believe that is a fair assessment of his promises and why people voted for him. I have heard the reasons given by his supporters, and could have left something out. Unionism is another motive, perhaps, but that can go under the heading "Big Government" and its handouts and favors.
All these voters did not care a whit about his immoral character (sit 20 years under the foul, scatological preaching of a Rev. Wright and you have got to be immoral), and his lack of basic credentials and experience (despite his being a senator in Washington for 100 days or so, and before that being a member of the Illinois state legislature, and also his teaching as a professor or guest at various lefttist venues in universities and colleges). He is perhaps the most unqualified president America has ever had. But all this did not matter in the last election. His grinning charisma and relative youth (vis a vis the white haired, aging Sen. McCain), his deep voice, his ability to read a teleprompter as though he were not using a teleprompter, and his "black race" which was actually only half black at best, his constant mantra about hope and change, all provided him the winning combination, and leftist-leaning Americans then perceived him to be the president they wanted. If this is not so, then would a balding, paunchy, Caucasian with a high, reedy voice in his place spouting the same telepromptered things have won against the flat, lacklustre campaign of a watered down "maverick" such as John McCain? Of course, not!
So much for politics. We cannot be saved by politics, the last election was lost by Christians and evangelicals and conservatives due to reliance on politics, so what can we do spiritually in the aftermath of this unqualified disaster for America? How can this monster be stopped from tearing America's free market economy to pieces, rendering our military defences null and void, and then, after unilateral disarmament and deactivation of our missile defense systems and arsenals, allowing our enemies from abroad to sweep in for the final kill?
This very morning I was pondering this question lying on my bed before I rose for the day. I thought of the vision given in the summer after I had prayed and prayed, agonizing over the coming election which was all the time tilting in Obama's favor as the dismal McCain weakened his chances by disavowing conservatives and attempted to play conciliator instead of campaigner. The day I saw McCain throw the ardent Israel-promoting and advocate for Jews, John Hagee, who had endorsed him, "under the bus" in a fabricated charge of racism hurled at him by Democrat in the press trained in character assassination, I knew that this Republican candidate (despite his war record as a P.O.W. was a broken man without the needed moral backbone for the job as president and was not going to make it, even with his surprising, desperate choice of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate. AT the time I believed McCain would pay dearly for this, and he cert ainly did. Millions of Christians like me, I believe, thought twice about voting for McCain and even withheld their votes. He did all he could to put us down, thinking that "moderates" and "independents" would suffice for him instead of us--well, we know he was thinking, it was fatally flawed. And whatever enthusiam in conservatives was temporarily injected by adding Sarah Palin was not enough to swing the majority vote back to McCain. I gate up trying to convince a McCain supporter that Palin's name on the ticket would mean anything. Obama rode in triumph with McCain retiring in defeat, millions like me saying, "Good riddance!" while crying real tears for America, lost to the very domestic forces that aim most to destroy America.
The vision showed a remnant of people struggling for their lives as they were being assaulted on both sides by titanic waves of the surging ocean. It seemed it was all over for them. They would never make it across the narrow spit of rocks on which they were marooned and find safety of some kind. They were going to be all drowned! In the very moment when the waves were poised to sweep them all away to drown in the depths a single prayer burst from my chest as I lay asleep, transfixed by the terrible peril I saw about to sweep over those people, "Don't let them die!"
That prayer (even though it was not a pious-sounding prayer) shot like a thunderbolt instantly into the heart of the storm assailing the little band of people on the narrow ledge of rocks and in a moment the storm visibly retreated. The storm and its danger was over. These people's lives were miraculously saved! God had delivered them from destruction!
I awoke right at that moment, when I saw the waves pulling back, the long lines of spray recoiling back away from the people. I could take no more anyway, I had seen they were being delivered. But what did it mean?
I knew pretty much all it meant. I had been praying a long time, specificaly, for my country America. I knew all along and could see that America was poised on the edge of the sword, about to be destroyed. The coming election was the pivotal point for this nation, whether it would escape destruction, or whether it would choose to go down into the pit. Well, we know it chose to go down into the pit.
In the weeks and months since that time, I have seen nothing to overturn my understanding of that vision. If this vision is true, then these things are also going to happen. This is God's deliverance coming for us. Man cannot deliver us. Read Psalm 118, which I read in this connection today. God wants me to speak a word of hope to you and also myself today. Here it is:
Psalm 118
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.
Let Israel now slay, "His mercy endures forever."
Let the house of Aaron now say, "His mercy endures forever." Let those who fear the Lord now say, "His mercy endures forever."
I called on the Lord in distress, the Lord answered me and set me in a broad place.
The Lord is on my side. I will not fear. What can man do to me?
The Lord is for me among those who help me; therefore I shall see my desire on those who hate me.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in men.
It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in princes.
All nations have surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.
They surrounded me, yes, they surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.
They surrounded me like bees; they were quenched like a fire of thorns, for in the name of the Lord I will destroy them.
You pushed me violently, that I might fall, but the Lord helped me.
The Lord is my strength and song and He has become my salvation.
The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly.
I shall not die, but live; and declare the works of the Lord.
The Lord has chastened me severely, but He has not given me over to death.
Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the Lord.
This is the gate of the Lord, though which the righteous will enter.
I will praise You, for You have answered me, and have become my salvation.
The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone.
This was the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.
This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Save now, I pray, O Lord; O Lord, I pray, send now prosperity.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! We have blessed you from the house of the Lord.
God is the Lord, and he has given us light; bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.
You are my God, and I will praise You. You are my God, I will exalt You.
O, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever!
This mighty work of mercy and deliverance equals the parting of the Red Sea and the deliverance of the children of Israel from Pharaoh's army. I also prayed I would not die before I saw with my own eyes the glory of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. If this vision is a true vision from God, I shall see His glory, equal or even surprassing what Moses and the children of Israel saw. God Almighty intervened and destroyed Pharaoh in His stupendous feat of commanding the Red Sea to part so that the Israelites could cross it on dry land, then commanding the waves to close back over, trapping and drowning the Pharaoh's whole army. God Almighty will intervene in the coming days, perhaps in Obama's time on the throne of America, to deliver a righteous remnant in America from all the assaults of our enemies, foreign and domestic, as they move in for the kill.
Truly, I can rejoice, and I do rejoice! God is merciful, faithful, and all-powerful. What he promises us, He can and will perform! His Word declares our sslavation and our deliverance and His victory over all the forces that are coming against us to wipe us off the face of the earth. God will save a righteous remnant here in America, though all the cities erupt in flames and radioactive dust clouds after suffering the taking away of all our Constitutional liberties by an authoritarian regime headed by Barak Hussain Obama and his followers. God will save a righteous remant who hold fast to His word and His commandments and continue living holy before Him while the society plunges deeper all the time into immorality and dissipation and riotous living, just as the courtiers and their perfumed, jewelry-draped concubines did before the fall of Babylon and the violent death of Belshazzar regent-king of Babylon.
God is not willing that any be destroyed. He will call all in America to repentance, being anxious to save them to the last minute they have opportunity to respond to the Gospel. But multitudes will perish; it certain, if the vision I had was a true vision. I never before experienced such a tremendous vision. It was beyond anything I could have imagined, though I have a good imagination. It inspires terror in me, but moreso does it inspire hope and rejoicing. It tells me that God will step in, when it seems all is lost, and pluck the righteous remnant out of harm's way. How? When? We shall see. I shall see. For I believe it is going to happen in God's time and way.
Are you truly living for God? Are you faithful, as the Bible defines faithfulness? Or are you a child of Satan, working evil deeds, ensnared but yearning to be free. The Good News is for you: you can be free! You can be delivered. You can be made a true and righteous child of God. You can escape the coming destruction of America. Simply confess your sins to the Lord Jesus, as many as you can identify, but just confess, and then simply ask His forgiveness. Ask him to make you his true child, and that He be your Lord and Savior now and forever. Surrender you life, your everything, to him. You cannot change yourself. Ask him to change you to be his instrument, holy and useful to Him. Get in the word after you do this, thanking him day after day, and reading his word daily, and go seek out and attend and become part of a Bible-preaching church that doesn't leave out the Cross and accountability before God for sinning. Ask God to direct you to the right one. He is the Good Shepherd. He promises to keep us as His sheep and protect and guide and nourish us. His strength is ours whenever we claim it. He alone can bring us to the Celestial City which gleams afar. And He cannot fail, even when our heart and flesh fail. Cast yourself utterly on Him, and He will do all you cannot do. Trust God, when all the world is trusting man for deliverance, and God alone will come through, saving you while they all perish.
This is a telling incident, if we can determine its true meaning. Of course, as in previous "gaffes", the White House is denying categorically it knew anything about it (this is Barack Hussain Obama's ploy of choice, time after time), though his Military Office located at the White House scheduled the flyby! The White House is not that large an establishment that they all don't know what everybody else is doing there--hardly the case! Obama has to be informed about his two presidential twin jets, at all times, for they are a prime part of his travel plans and schedules and trips. No accident occurs, it is all planned. So Obama again has lied to the American people. He had to know about this particular trip, but true to his lying nature he did not take responsibility (a lifelong trait of his, always playing the racial victim and pushing off responsibility for his own mistakes and wrong-doing by saying "he didn't know," "but would look into it," and "get to the bottom of it."
With his denial, that meant that someone else down on the pecking order, the head of the Military Office in this case, will be stomped on publicly, when it is clear that Barak Hussain Obama is the one responsible and should take full blame.
I heartily detest people like this, don't you? It is shameless. Obama punishes others for what he alone ought to take the blame for its happening. It is Obama's ship, he is the skipper at the helm, no one else. The captain doesn't know what his own vessel is doing? Give us a break! He knows full well! He has proved again he is nothing but a lying devil. The secret service can record every word of it, for they know themselves that Barak Hussain Obama is an inveterate liar. He lied all through his campaigns, he lied in his books, he is lying in every speech he makes, he lies continually. Lies are a way of life for him. Lies made him president. Why should he stop lying now? Naturally, he will continue lying as long as he has script writers who are as good at deception and lying as he is able to deliver their lies. He owes everything to his lying so well to one and all. He is a son of the Greatest and Original Liar, Satan. He therefore has an inexhaustible source of new lies at his disposal. He will never run out of lies, until God Almighty says "Enough!" and bags this odious Obama and his sychophantic adminstration and hauls them like the rubbish they are before the Great White Throne.
The only question is, why on earth would he authorize this flyby, when they knew in advance that to send a 747, even with advance warning to some New York authorities, would terrorize many in Manhattan who would see this plane flying low near the Statue of Liberty and figure it was another terrorist missile heading straight for them.
Radio talk hosts won't venture this explanation, but I will. Obama has such contempt for the American people and the people of New York who suffered so much in the 9/11 catastrophe, and at the same time has so much pride in himself, that pride and contempt motivated this behavior of a royal despot, Pharaoh Obama. He loves power. He loves also to parade the powers of his office, to show everybody who's in charge now whether they like it or not. This was just one little way he chose to remind New Yorkers of that fact: he is their lord and master, he holds the power of life and death over them. They think, as he views them, they are again smug and secure high up in their gleaming towers of capitalism (and does he ever hate Capitalists and Capitalism!), but one look at that 747 flying on the same route the terrorists used to strike down one of the Twin Towers will suffice to humble them.
He is such a megalomaniac he is somewhat surprised when a lot of folks outside New York get upset too, and enraged that people should be treated this way by his stooges in the White House. It means little to him, just another expression of his presidential perogatives, as he views it. All he intended was just a little diversion. It is just a little amusing incident, he feels. Actually, he feels very little these days, if he ever did feel anything. He is a cold macherel of a man, scarcely feeling anything human--why should he? He is a stone dead soul, dead in his sins, with this intellect of his poisoned and perverted by his Marxist and atheistic teachers in college and university not exactly dead yet but substituting for a working heart and regenerated in Christ spirit.
Doesn't it concern you that a man so heartless as to authorize the flyby of the Statue of Liberty, for a useless photo op they did not need of his presidential 747, should sit in the Oval Office determining the destinies of three hundred million Americans? It concerns me! I would rather see a janitor in that chair than him! One decent, humble man would do a good job--rather than this high and mighty Obama who has crawled out of dens and holes in Kenya and Hawaii and Chicago where only God knows the locations. No facts about his true provenance carry any credibility, since all access to them has been restricted by Obama himself. Was he born in Kenya as his step-grandmother has averred? Or a palm-thatched hut in Hawaii? Or not one but TWO Hawaiian hospitals named by his half-sister? Where exactly was he born? What nationality specificially is he? The American press and media, which idolize him and are in his pocket, does not care to look into it. They want to let sleeping dogs (unassorted aliens, illegals, imposters) lie. May God deliver us soon out of his illegitimate, wicked hands!
Exalting evil as good, she must destroy the good if she possibly can. She is doing a good job for Satan, and so he is keeping her for the time being. But God will haul this harlot down from her high horse, and her fall will happen. Yes, we can pray for her soul, but the damage she has done is irreparable. She has seduced millions of foolish, sinful souls, leading them deep into Satanic bondage, all so that she could puff up her own ego and inflate her bank account. She will lead millions of souls to doom, and even if she should repent now and turn to God, those millions will not turn around, they will perish. Just look what Darwin caused by publishing his flawed, scientifically untenable, even laughable "Origin of Species"? He (via his questionable theory of evolution, clearly brought on the impoverishment, imprisonment, and enslavement and deaths of hundreds of millions of human beings. That result stands, though there is evidence that he repented and was a Christian when he died (we have given in these pages the account of Lady Hope, wife of the First Admiral of the British Fleet, visiting him, and how he expressed his faith in Jesus Christ to her when she inquired as to his spiritual conditon).
I heard this report several days ago, and the part that is most troubling is the part I have cited. In other words, we Christians and evangelicals who support life for the unborn babies are now equated by our own government with Timothy McVeigh. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma County City Building bomber, is the same as us? How lunatic can our government become? It is in the last stage of insanity, apparently, moving rapidly in paranoia, dementia, schizophrenia, and frontal lobe collapse. We are now no longer merely "extremists" along with Al Qaida and other Moslem Jehadists who violently attack Western societies, we are "domestic terrorists" who are home-grown, according to our own Attorney General of the U.S. Are you getting concerned yet? You and I need to be. A Janet Napolitano-directed Kristalnacht (the smashing of Jewish store front windows and shops and businesses and homes by Nazi thugs, only this will be an attack on Christian businesses, ministries, churches, even Christian leaders and their homes and finances) is not far distant. Concentration camps (authorized by the U.S. Attorney General for "sensitive training" for evangelicals and all those who are pro-life) are not out of the question either. They have wanted to throw conservatives and Christians opposing them into prison camps for a very long time, but been politically unable to do so, not having a powerful man in Washington who could set up such camps and a subservient Congress that would pass the bill authorizing the confiscation of Christians' properties and business and ministries and the incarceration of any Christian who opposes him. But now they do have such a man in Washington!--none other than Barack Hussain Obama, a Marxist president, an authoritarian, an anti-Constitutionalist who would rather rule like a dictator such as Huge Chavez or Fidel Castro than a traditional American president who has sworn before taking office to uphold the Constitution. It is all a logical repeat of the 1930's in Nazi-run Germany. America will now, if it does not experience a major move of God's spirit in a national revival, will fall to this neo-fascism of the extreme left that has a president to enforce all its authoritarian seizures of control over American society.
Years ago at Bible school I had a strange dream that had nothing to do with social condtions at the time--that was the late 1970's. I saw Jews wearing yellow Stars of David patches on their shirts and evidently being terrorized by the society here in America. Well, that is coming true, in the world-wide resurgence of Nazy-style anti-semitism in the Moslem world and also in Western countries such as France, Argentina, and in Asian countries too, such as India, and others. My far-fetched dream turned out to be prophetic, did it not? I told it to the Bible school director, so he was informed of it, and he did not deny it was possible, even though there were no signs of anti-Semitism here in the America at the time. With the likes of U.S. Attorney General Napolitano, we are in the grips now of a neo-fascism that will no doubt turn virulently and violently anti-Semitic. We seen churches, mainline denominations such as the Methodists and the Presbyterians, already turned anti-Semitic, due to Replacement Theology and also hatred for the free democratic society of Israel in preference for the authoritarian regimes of Moslem countries and the Palestinians (all in the guise of supporting human rights too!).
But there is another thing we evangelicals are guilty of, we think that good can be separated from God. Oh, yes, we do think that! This issue has been around for thousands of years, and it is with us still. When evangelicals speak so kindly of someone like Barack Obama as if it is an honor to be in the same arena as he just visited, as I just heard on TV someone saying, then we know they could not possibly distinguish between a Hitler and Stalin and a R.T. Kendal or a Billy Graham. Hitler and Stalin did not seem so bad, they seemed to be very good, they were even idolized by the Germans and Russians who were deceived by them. The vile was exalted as good. We do the same today. Obama is exalted as good, is he not? He is idolized, is he not? Yet this man acts against every Christian value and belief you can name. Name any cause that is truly Biblical and founded on Christ, and does not Obama work to overturn it in his executive orders and the bills in Congress he is pushing through? What about his speeches, boasting to the Muslim world that America is not Christian or any religion at all (in other words, godless and atheistic), what about his apologizing for America fighting wars to secure freedom for countries conquered by tyrants (Kuwait by Iraq, for example), what about America fighting Nazism to liberate Europe--Obama is ashamed about it all, he thinks America is the enemy, the world's biggest oppressor, and is saying so. Any man who tell such lies so boldly is not only self-deceived, but a deceiver of the world. Yet he is accounted a wonderful man by Christians and atheists and pagans and Muslims alike--they worship the ground he walks on. What a pitfall! Come out of that pit, if you are one who has fallen into it! It is going to get deeper, deeper, deeper, until you cannot climb out. Climb out now, for tomorrow it may be too late, just as it was too late for 70 million Germans who were supporting Hitler only to find he was Germany's destroyer, not the German messiah they had thought.
Hitler coming out of church after a service:
I am not sorry to say that: it is liberating. We don't have to come up to the world's standard for Christians, and we certainly do not have to come up to other Christian's warped standards. None of these standards are any good compared to the Bible's, theya re all suspect and deficient. Pay attention to a gody, Bible-based pastor, pay attention to a godly, Bible-based parent (obey and respect and emulate them), but as far as standards go, the Bible's standards are the ones to follow beyond all that men hold up for you to follow. If you follow this, you will be all right with God. But if you deviate, if you follow men's standards, you will not please God. Saying this, how can we know the standards of God? Well, to begin with, and to end with, we must read the Bible. We must meditate on it, not what is said about it, though sometimes that is helpful when coming from a Bible-based teacher or preacher or mentor or parent, but what it says via the Holy Spirit in your heart. The Holy Spirit will teach us what it means, not in a mysterious way, but in practical ways you will understand. The Holy Spirit knows precisely how to get through to you. Nobody else understands you so well as he. He understands you perfectly, in fact, something no parent or friend or pastor or other Christian can do.
When you see the likes of Barak Hussain Obama claiming the is a Christian and yet lying to the American people with almost every word that passes his lips, it is confusing people as to who and what is a Christian anymore. People tend to believe the claims, even though the life does not back up what is claimed. Claims are being judged sufficient proof of being a true Christian or not. There are no longer any "false" or "counterfeit" Christians. All Christians are equal, good or bad. This is false teaching. The Bible is not written in the gray zone, where there are no absolutes, where good can dialog with evil and seek to learn from evil (this is the contemporary spirit of compromise that holds that all contrary points of view are equivalent and hold equal weight in the arena of ideas, a spirit that puts saints along side sinners and on the same footing, that seeks to find common ground between Hitler and the Jew murdered at Auschwitz, the terrorist and his victim).
"What is a Christian?" from the Herald of Hope Paper, 1975, with "Who I am in Christ," from God's Word, Scripture by Scripture, 1-69. We also want to include portions of "The Power of the Blood," by H. A. Maxwell-Whyte as a companion piece to T. L. Osborn's message on the Blood of Jesus Christ. In connection, Billy and Franklin Graham's latest Decision magazine carries the theme, the Blood of Christ, in all its main articles. We also want to feature "Modernism and Tomorrow's Church," by Y. L. Ylvisaker, which is a companion piece to our already featured, "Good Without God," by W. E. Sangster, which shows the disaster for the church and for Christian faith in individuals and in society when goodness is divorced from morality, God, and the Bible. You should check out at the library or buy at Wal-Mart or a Christian bookstore or order on-line the video or DVD film, "Time Changers," which deals with the same issue ina most dramatic way you will find fascinating, as it uses time travel to make its point more graphic, by transporting a church school professor with a book of theology about to be published to the streets of today's Manhattan urban jungle. His discoveries conclusive convinces him his theology is wrong, that good cannot be divorced from God and still remain good. TBN also has this film on DVD, and I received a copy from them.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
These freedoms and rights and liberties protected by the Founding Documents of our Nation are the greatest threats to authoritarianism and tyranny that exist. They were recognized as such the world over, and were the envy of people of oppressed nations everywhere. Constitutions were written elsewhere, that officially made religion a right and a freedom, but they were not enforced (as happened in atheist states such as the Soviet Union and its satellites). We now have the same thing happening here in our Nation after 250 years of religious liberty and free speech. The Constitution will be increasingly ignored, suborned, revised, and ultimately trashed as an outworn, out of date document.
So the U.S. Government is now turned into a tyrannous, nonrepresentative authoritarian regime, starting with the ascension of Pharoah Obama to the royal throne, must do all it can, with all its resources, to round up and eradicate these groups in order to carry out its "reconstruction" of a free America into a police state.
Hitler did the same thing a while back, but not too long ago that I wasn't alive when he was still on the rampage. He was a very, very clever fellow in a way. He found ways to take over a free society and turn it into a tyranny that suited him and his agendas. He subverted the agencies of the once democratic and free German Republic and terrorized his entire society the entire time he was in power, growing worse and more murderous the longer he was in the catbird seat. The majority of Germans--the cows he didn't want to alarm lest they stampede--he kept in the dark as much as possible and made as comfortable with the war as possible, but all the others he turned on with the furies of hell. Hitler was, thus, a domestic terrorist who turned international terrorist. How clever! These clever domestic terrorists we have in power in Homeland Security and other departments of the Government at this time are also acting as international terrorists, for they are joining increasingly with international terrorist organizations, with which they have so much in common and feel such sympathy with. I could not tell you the full extent of how terrible these people are and what evil they are hatching in their talks and conferences. What I strongly suspect is that they see themselves and the terrorists, including the Iranian mullahs, are on the same page. So despite the trouble in Afgh-Pak, as they call the troublesome Afghanistand-Pakistan area, they seek to enlist terrorists such as run Iran in their suppression of freedom-loving Americans and free people everywhere, including the Israelis. They also are in league with communist Castro and Chavez of Venezuela, two dictatorships. This is the reason (not civil liberties at stake) why U.S. liberals were so adamantly opposed to the Patriot Act and the C.I.A.'s interception of emails made between terrorists and their accomplices here at home during the Bush years. The liberals were (had to be) guilty of betraying our country, and the emails were catching them red-handed conspiring with terrorists abroad! Now it's okay to do so, as Pelosi, third most powerful political figure in America, demonstrated when she went and extended her favor and friendship to Assad of Syria, another terrorist regime leader, and other tyrants in the Middle East. Well, it is a sad day for America and the world, and recreates the dismal and frightening world scene during the Twenties and Thirties of the last century when so many fascist dictators and communist tyrants goose-stepped to power across the globe and turned the world into an arena for their brutal, blood-thirsty imperialisms.
Our response? The same as the State of Virginia's: "Sic Semper Tyrannis" "Thus Ever to Tyrants!" God doesn't like tyrants either! We will pray and seek His aid to protect us, as our government will not and is turning against us with tooth and claw. He alone is our Refuge and Strong Tower and Mighty Fortress.