Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
The unjust and corrupt bill that would legalize millions of Mexican illegals who purposely broke our laws to enter our country for their own gain has just gone down in defeat in the Senate, after millions of Americans wrote and called and emailed in to their representatives, unable to passively accept the pillaging of the Social Security and Welfare systems by these illegals, who would, under the bill, receive amnesty and be accepted as legitimate immigrants!
Such an outrageous act against law-abiding citizens is seldom seen--yet it received the full approval of our President! We need to pray for him, for he is misinterpreting this to the nation, and calling it a failure of Congress to act on a problem that the American people want to see solved. This is not so. It is not a problem we want to see solved, we want to see the present laws enforced that are already on the books--which includes the building of 700 miles of fence along the Mexican-U.S. border, by the way!
We believe there is a real, even a terrible "problem," but it is chiefly one the Government created, by not enforcing our border and the laws governing immigration, legal and otherwise. This is a lack of Federal enforcement of existing laws, covered by a dishonest, blanket amnesty, which will not fix anything but, rather, unleash an even greater flood of "immigrants" from Mexico along with who knows how many terrorists masquerading as Mexicans. Courts have added to the damage and the outrage, by striking down local state and community laws that would seek to control the illegals flooding into their communities and committing all sorts of crimes and strain on their resouces--these kangeroo courts need to be slapped with fines, or the pig secular humanist judges (to use Dr. Martin Luther's Germanic terminology) given one-way tickets to Tierra del Fuelgo where they can contemplate their navels.
Thank you, Almighty God! You had great mercy on America and the people of America yet another time--despite all that a mistaken, misguided, misleading leadership in Congress and the White House has sought to do. We have a transnational leadership that cares nothing for America's borders and the rights of law-abiding citizens--all for gain of various sorts, political and financial. Follow the money and voting trail--it leads straight to the very people who are pushing this now failed bill! This cynical, brutish, autocratic move of mainly Democratic Congressmen (with some spineless, renegade, compromised Rhino Republicans adding to their ranks) to circumvent the will of the people (polls and surveys showed that a whopping 85 per cent of the American people rejected the Senate's smoky, back-room bill) has been stopped in its tracks, despite the loss of Congress to the Democrats by the Republicans in the last election. It will come up again the the 2008 election, but that gives us Americans and Christians (regardless of party) time to pray. We need brave, new leaders who have integrity and backbone and will stand up for the right things that make America free, great, prosperous, and just--not the freak of a society where there is no law and order and no morality, a living hell that pig secular humanists think is a paradise and want to see reconstructed on the ruins of our once great Christian country. How could we ever have law and order again in a society without meaningful borders, a country totally overrun by tens of millions of illegal trespassers who are legitimized by a government that no longer respects the rule of law. Race has nothing to do with it. We either have the rule of law in this country, or we have a jungle, ruled over by the imperial lords and ladies in Congress and the White House and Supreme Court for their own advantage.
Remember Cassius Clay the boxing champion of America who gave up his colorful name for his ridiculous moniker from Islam? Mohammed Ali (the self-styled American Moslem) toured Africa triumphantly, then came back to America and said to the newsmen crowding round him, "Thank God my grandpa got off the boat!" No one can deny the horrors of the "boat" that carried his people to American shores--but how far he had come, as a representative, since that time! He was Number 1--as well known as any president! He had millions in his wallet. He had acclaim, his name appearing, along with his self-praising, egomaniacal poetry, in the major newspapers and magazines and on TV. Where else but America could this happen? Name me one country! There isn't one.
Oprah Winfrey constantly calls America to task for racism, for oppressive acts against her po' abused, black people, yet there she is, America's leading talk show host with a fortune in the hundreds of millions, enjoying a vast popularity and a celebrity's position no black woman would be in if she lived in virtually every other country on earth! She owes it all to this "racist" America she decries in program after program, the one that is supposedly putting down black people. Despite her sob story of sexual abuse when she was young, she knows absolutely nothing about oppression. Let her go and live in any country in Africa of her choice (except a Christian one, please, as she doesn't obviously rate her own country of America as Christian or a moral one at least), as a private, unknown black person, and find out what real oppression (by black leaders or Moslem Arabs, by the way) is all about. She will then be able to return to this wonderful country she thinks so lowly of and tell us what real oppression is all about. She will be a changed person, I can assure you! Her problem is that she has not known enough to make real comparisons, and see things as they are, so she has swallowed an ideology and sees things through blinders put on her by that ideology--which is basically a secular humanist, liberal world view. Millions are like her--tens of millions. She is perpetuating a dependent plantation victim mentality--keeping herself and her own people in real bondage--making them eternal "victims" of an opppression they have created and accepted and promoted for themselves and their children. It is time for them to wake up to reality in this world--and realize what wonderful freedom and opportunity they have been given--and quit throwing this precious, hard-won freedom away for the sake of maintaining a victimization plantation syndrome for the various benefits they think they are getting through abject dependency on the old plantation, which is the pig-radical-hijacked Democratic Party of today.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
It is high time for all Christians who love America and love God to stand up against this "piggification" and paganization of America. Our whole society and governmental systems are being paganized at the same time Islam is being given more liberties and rights every day that it does not have coming (including taxpayer-funded footbaths for Moslems in airports!)
How can we take it back, after giving it nearly all away to the piggish secular humanists (ala George Orwell's classic, "Animal Farm" where the pigs took over the Farm as the ruling class and enslaved the other barnyard animals), who now sit like the worst corrupt, arrogant despots in both houses of Congress, swilling bottled mineral water and passing anti-Christian, anti-moral, anti-American bills, one after the other? Well, to begin with, we must re-assert the godly, God-fearing traditions of this country, the ones begun by our Founding Fathers.
We must, for instance, revive the church in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol. It was not New Age (such as you find in the National Cathedral, where Islam, Apostate Churchianity, and New Age religion share services). It was evangelical Christian, based on the preached Word of God. We must begin services again under the Rotunda, as a sign to God of our genuine repentance and return to Him as well as a shot over the bow of dominant secular humanists that tells them this our nation is returning to her Christian foundations, with or without them!
We must lay down our lives and livelihoods for this, if necessary. The Founding Fathers did this for us--if you know what happened to the vast majority of them (if you don't know, go to David Barton's Wallbuilders sight and get the facts). We cannot legislate our way back piecemeal--a restoration of our nation has to be by courageous and sacrificial and uncompromising re-assertion of the sort that Islam is now using to overturn Western Civilization and Christianity and American Democracy.
We must carry the struggle for America's soul right into the public sphere, and where is a more fitting place than the U.S. Capitol Rotunda--where some of the first church services in Washington were held regularly, as well as at the U.S. Treasury building?
This is not really a radical, right-wing idea--it is simply a restoration of American tradition of the original foundation. Prayer and praise of God and fellowship in Christ needs to take place at the very site of our nation's governance as a new, free, Christian-founded nation.
Anything else and anything less will not work. A revival must start at the very epicenter of our national life--this last time of opportunity before our end as a free nation. It can spread to Washington from somewhere else, but it will not make even a passing impression--as Washington has gone just too rotten and cynical and anti-Christ as the core. It is a totally rotten apple, in truth. The nation's gods must be purged at the Pantheon, which is the Capitol polluted by secular humanism, and Christ put back on the throne of America where he once reigned supreme. He has been deposed, but if we rise up as true Christians and carry the holy ark of Jehovah back to the Capitol and put the Ark, which is Christ, as our Lord and king at the very head of our nation, our nation will survive the coming destruction and judgment that is our just desserts. Jesus Christ alone made our nation the greatest and richest on earth. Without him American civilization cannot exist--it will collapse and be replaced by a hybrid of secular humanism and Islam, with an Islamic Republic eventually suppressing and overcoming the secular humanists.
The time has passed that we should just seek to influence and persuade Congressional leaders to vote this way or that way on particular bills. The issue goes far deeper than that. We must have a second Revolution, only this time it must be not for another government of human type but one of Christ's alone. He alone can save America. Only He can save us, if he has mercy on us sinners. All our present leaders will fail--they have demonstrably failed us even at this minute. Congress is broken as an institution. It no longer protects our liberties--it is subverting and retracting them, one after the other--for political and monetary and personal gain. We the Christian people must carry the banner of Christ in a literal way and march literally to the Capitol and take the Capitol for Christ, literally. It is a real place, not merely symbolic. We are either real or we are not. We are literal, or we are merely symbolic. We cannot be saved by symbolics or symbolic gestures. We must act, with prayer, but we must act. This is not violence or a violent overthrow--it is the move of God, using humble Christian people--who are not duped by secular humanist propaganda and know their true American history and our nation's Christian foundations. As Judah of old revived its original love for God and returned to the rule and overlordship of Jehovah, so we must revive our love for God to the extent we will also restore the leadership of Jehovah at the nation's Capitol with a true church. Closer to our time, we must follow the example of Martin Luther the brave, uncompromising Reformer and tack our "theses" to the door of the nation at the Capitol! We don't need ninety-five theses--just one that states, uncompromisingly, that America belongs exclusively to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Ruler and King Eternal over all the earth. It is from His hands alone that our inalienable rights and liberties flow--not from any man or human institution as the liberal, secular humanists ruling over us as elites would have Americans believe.
A nation that once had a church (and a very large one of over a thousand in attendance!) operating under the Rotunda must have one again--and not one compromised with the New Age religion that is so popular in this depraved, post-Christian culture, but a true, Bible-based, evangelical congregation. God will not countenance the foul and stinking and contaminating gods of this secular humanist age. We must throw all such false gods and idols into a pile and burn them like rubbish should be burned. You could (until just lately after a protest was made against Capitol police harrassing those who tried to pray) be confronted and stopped from praying on the steps of the Capitol. David Barton and his tour group was one such. But we must go further than exercise our right to pray at the U.S. Capitol. We must have fervent supplication to God, singing of hymns and anthems of worship, and the thunderous preaching of God's holy, convicting Word such as George Whitefield and Charles Finney and D.L. Moody used to bring to the pulpits and open fields and marketplaces and city squares of America! This will reinstate the tradition begun by our Founding Fathers at the Capitol. It is high time--now on the very eve of our destruction by our foes in the hostile, jehadist camp of militant Islam. It is high time--now on the eve of our destruction by our foes in the hostile, jehadist camp of secular humanism. Two great and implacable enemies are simultaneously crushing our nation as in a vise and destroying all our precious freedoms and liberties--and only Christ can save us out of their cruel clutches. They will not rest or relent until we are utterly destroyed--so this two-front war seeks our unconditional surrender. But with God, we can overcome them instead! That is the will of God--not our surrender and abject bowing to our enemies' false gods.
I for one will follow the Almighty God of our noble Founding Fathers, and choose to follow Him, regarding my country in this 21st Century in which I am living. Is there anyone else? Will you do nothing and let the pagan and heathen Midianites (as in the time of Gideon) take the whole country away and drive any surviving evangelical, Bible-based Christians into the holes and dens of the earth?
Pig-secular humanists and pig-atheists in the anti-American organization, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, will immediately brand this a call for a theocracy. This is not a call for theocracy--a state ruled by swine-headed clerics (such as you find in Islamic "Republics" which are Islamic dictatorships). Rather, this nation is already a theocracy. It was founded as such. Read the Mayflower Compact, read the charters of the colonial provinces and later the constitution conventions of the newly Federalized states--they all recognized God and Christ as supreme over their civil societies and institutions, and appointed and voted in righteous Christians--not Buddhists, Islamicists, and atheists and deists--but evangelical Christians. Catholics and Jews also participated freely in various states, as Christianity does not oppress them, when there is no established, one-state-authorized church, as in America, to oppress them. Catholics were, despite some hindrances, freer here than they were in Catholic Spain, or Catholic Italy, or Catholic South America! Those nations were always greatly oppressed by an established state church, which was the Roman Catholic Church. Jews were freer here than anywhere else on earth--freer here than they ever were in Israel too, under most of its kings, who were almost all, reprobate or apostate tyrants running from the One True God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and worshiping Baal and other idols instead.
America, therefore, does not need to be established as a theocracy, a nation governed by God the Almighty through his ministers, elected and appointed by the people. It is already a theocracy. The die has already been cast--over 150 years before 1776! The Constitution of the United States is concluded, not in the name of Reason or Man or Evolution or Humanism (such as in atheistic, secular humanist France from the time of its revolution against the monarchy and the Catholic Church) but in the Name of the Lord, who is Jesus Christ! All our rights and liberties are stated as deriving from the Deity of God and His Son, Jesus Christ! They come from no man or nation or human institution--they come direct from God, the God of Christ and the Bible! There is no denying this, based on the founding documents of this nation and the re-affirmations of the Supreme Courts of the first to the second century of this nation. Only in the 1960s did secular humanism entrenched in the Supreme Court of Chief Justice Warren usurp the truly God-inspired theocracy of America and overthrow God as ruler over this nation--throwing out His holy law, the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, throwing out prayer to God in the public schools, throwing out even the right of students to pray silently to God (how can a human agency think to intervene between an individual and his or her God anyway?). There will never be another America on this earth, if we fail to stand up and secular humanists destroy this one. it cannot be replaced. It is unique.
Despite that judicial rebellion against God--despite that utterly ruinous decision by an atheistic, unconstitutional court that has utterly lost its moral and spiritual compass as well as all judicial precedent--America's foundation cannot be changed. America can be moved off it and its history debased and revised beyond any semblance of truth and fact--but in doing so the fractured, falsified, ersatz, faux America will crumble and split and break apart, and nothing can possibly put it back together--no amount of money, or government programs, or laws, or Supreme Court rulings, can make America work--it will self-destruct, as it is now doing right before our very eyes, fellow citizens and Christians!
The phrase "Under God" can be struck out by an unconstitional lower 9th Circuit Court from the Pledge of Allegiance, yet the incontrovertible fact remains, this nation was founded under God--the God of Jesus Christ. That is the thing the secular humanists hate with all their hearts--and seek to eradicate with all their might and formidable means at their disposal--but they are running on a Big Lie--that America was founded on the separation of church and state--which is an absolute, untenable myth. All they have is a contrived myth to stand on in their de-Christianization of American society and government. Myth! They have no facts, truth, or evidence. They have sheer myth.
America remains, as founded, a Christian theocracy with a representative government based on the republican system of checks and balances and divided powers. No established church, or single state-authorized church sect, is allowed exclusive rule. All sects are equal in this theocracy-republican society and government. It is a church, if you will, but of a kind where we vote for our elders and leaders over whom our supreme President is Jesus Christ.
I did not make up this America from my own personal ideology and religious faith or dogma. This is the America that the founding documents authorized and proclaim. There was and still is no nation founded like this one (unless it was Israel). This nation was founded for what reason? Not to make money! Not to tyrannize over its neighbors and grab territory and create an empire based on force! Not to enjoy its national assets and live high and for self-gratification and pleasure and thrills! Not for purposes of power and prestige and academic honors! Not for any of these things--no, America was founded expressly to propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world. This nation's reason for existence was to establish freedom of worship for the Christian God, a God chosen freely according to individual conscience and conviction of sin by the Holy Spirit, not force of man or human agency. People who did not choose, by conscience, to subscribe to the Christian God could remain free and share in the freedom and happiness of this society, but they must not impose their views by law on others--which would be contrary to Article 1 of the Bill of Rights, which states: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise there; or abridging the freedom of spech or of the press..." Now we witness an unconstitutional, authoritarian Congress, run cavalierly by secular humanists, who are doing just what the Bill of Rights in this Article prohibits. They are seeking to restrain freedom of speech by Christians (while they retain THEIR rights to say anything they want, and hatefully, against Christians!) as well as prohibit the free exercise of religion by mandating "hate speech" and "hate crime" curbs of the reading of Bible passages against homosexuality and immorality and the preaching of the same Biblical tenets.
Despite the destruction of the Constitution by the Supreme Court (as well as by lower courts run by the same stripe of secular humanists) and the Congress and even the Presidency, the words remain as they were written, and the record stands as to what the Founding Fathers and the writers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights meant--for they are preserved beyond destruction by an "accident" of fire or some other means to get rid of them. We also have the testaments carved in stone, all over the Capitol buildings and the various public memorials and edifices of Washington--that this is a singular nation founded under God, the God of Christ (not Mohammed, or Buddha, or Vishnu).
No matter what is said by revisionists to deny or misrepresent this gigantic record of the ages--it still stands, silent and stern and disapproving, while the secular humanists rant and rave and strut about in their present influential public positions, seeking to mislead and blind the American people whom they seek to enslave and rule over as tyrants.
Are we all blinded? Are we all duped? I for one am not! If there are any others, let them say so, in the public arena. Christianity is a marketplace faith--a closet Christianity is no Christianity at all. Come out of the closet--if you are hiding in one--and be a genuine Christian. This nation needs genuine Christians, for it has suffered long enough from the Midianite hordes of secular humanists who are trying to subvert the Bill of Rights and the Constitution and the state charters and constitutions and the Mayflower Compact that established the magnificent foundational covenant with God that started America from nothing but wilderness.
It is time to reclaim the Rotunda for Christ, in whose honor, under whose governance and rule, it was constructed. It is time to reclaim, from there, the whole of this once free and brave land. It is time to make this nation great again as she once was--precisely as the Founders intended, a springboard to the world for the glorious, liberating Gospel of Jesus Christ.
No ideology, however humane or clever, can liberate humanity like the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It sets people free mentally, intellectually, socially, and spiritually. No political theory or organization (and certainly not the incurably corrupt and venal United Nations!) can do that. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the preaching of His holy Word from the Bible, can set free the oppressed of the world, save their souls, and provide the opportunity and means for their advancement, materially and in every other way. We have seen this happen in this nation (despite all that Oprah Winfrey and people like her think about it). Yes, there have been grevious mistakes, in not extending freedom to all races and to women when it should have been--but the mistakes were recognized and rectified, were they not? It takes a long time for prejudice to be worked out of generations reared in the mental habits of prejudice. Nevertheless, we are not Bosnia or Serbia or Libya or Sudan or Egypt--we do get our prejudices worked out over time and a very bloody, costly Civil War was fought to not only preserve the Union but to emancipate the black people, so that all Americans, regardless of color, could advance together to a higher level of justice and opportunity. This opening wide of the door to a better life with all its freedoms now prevails for all in this country, irrespective of their race, color, or creed. We have our Christian foundation to thank for this--not anything else.
Thank God for America, a unique theocratic, free nation founded under God, and founded upon the enduring rock of Christian principles and the Word of God!
Are you aware that Britain is going through much the same trauma and crisis as we are seeing develop here due to, primarily, secular humanist legislators, judges, and other people in the ruling elites and even the White House? My dear Christian friend in Britain writes this as editor in her Anchored Magazine for the Summer issue:
"The Battle of Britain Is About to Begin"--They were Winston Churchill's words: "If we fail...all that we have known will sink into the abyss of a New Dark Age." My friend comments on Churchill's quote and also on that generation of Britons who stood up to Hitler and his dark Nazi hordes: "Because of the new Dark Age into which our country has slipped...and our battles with the state over moral standards and political correctness, we stand with the stalwarts who stood their ground courageously delivering God's message at His command, in the past. After each battle, alone in some secret place they knew that the war still went on and they must have felt, oh, so weary. They trod a lonely path and we salute each one who remained faithful to the end of his day."
May we too remain faithful to the end of our days, fellow Americans and Christians!
Dr. James Kennedy, who is proof, by the way, that you do not have to check your brains at the door of the church, made this comparison of Haiti and the United States in a recent Coral Ridge ministries broadcast from his church pulpit:
He said, with his slow and majesterial enunciation, "Consider Haiti and America." He went on to explain. Haiti and America--what could they have in common? Well, virtually nothing! Here is the reason. Both were founded about the same time as free and independent countries, but that is the only thing they have in common. The former French colony of Haiti declared its independence from France, but at the same time its misguided leaders (all French-speaking black people) turned their nation over to Satan and voodoo. That was the highway for disaster that Haiti was set upon to travel by its foolish leaders!
Now for America. America, already a Christian land of thirteen Christian colonies under British rule, declared independence from Britain and instituted a government based on the Bible, on Christian and Biblical principles, righteous, Christian leadership, and an electorate that was nearly all Christian, with some very significant Jews and Catholics in the mix. Blacks, sad to say, did not join as equals at this time. A law to emancipate them failed by only one vote, though they already had participated in the army and the war for independence most valiantly.
What happened to these two countries after starting off in two opposite ways as these? A major result nobody can deny: Haiti is now the poorest country in the world (as reported recently), and America the richest. Despite the fact local Haitian evangelical Christians like Bishop Jeune, with help from Christians in the U.S. like Jan and Paul Crouch and some other ministries, confronted and overturned the horrible, satanic stronghold of voodoo in Haiti, causing its main worship centers to be deserted, it is a slow process for the economy to be rebuilt from the ashes and a hopeless, impoverished Haitian people given means to pull themselves up from absolute squalor and absolute poverty and rampant diseases including AIDS. This comparison is most striking and true. Yet our country is choosing to go Haiti's disastrous route, down the same road of Satanism and voodoo and witchcraft to utter oppression and utter poverty! Howso? For one thing, we are supporting with tax money the Satanic chaplains in the U.S. military while Christian chaplains are forbidden by Army regulations to name Jesus in their prayers! It will now take a presidential decree to restore the right of the Christian chaplains to name Jesus in their prayers for U.S. servicemen and servicewomen. Yet Satanist chaplains are free to name Satan (or Lucifer, his other name), and Moslem chaplains, known to have terrorist ties, are absolutely free to name Mohammed and Allah and preach Jihad against America! Surely, this nation's leadership has lost its mind and we are galloping as "headless" as old Icabod Crane on his nag down a dark, perilous road to disaster! What a grotesque specter Washington Irving created in his charming way--but the reality is not so charming. Just look around or listen to the nightly news. But who is listening to Dr. James Kennedy in Washington or the White House? White House staffers may well be watching so they can monitor him just to be able to forward ammunition to the IRS for its next attack on a major evangelical ministry that the Establishment in Washington wants to suppress for telling the truth about the government's misdeeds, but will they take it to heart and choose to do the right things? We shall see. So far they have not taken the truth to heart--but we must not be discouraged by the Government's doleful record. We have God on the side of righteousness and truth (which have never changed an iota!)--and for Gideon, Deborah, and David, and countless others who are unnamed, that proved more than enough to turn the dark tide that was sweeping over God's country and His people. We, as Christian citizens of a gloriously Christian-founded nation, have full right to hold church services in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda if we so choose. Let us choose to do so! It is high time to take territory stolen from us and re-assert Christian leadership at the very heart of our government and nation. Right now Christians are praying on the outside--but they need to be indoors where they have full right to be! And no other religion need apply--as they--Atheism, Secular Humanism, Deism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.--were not part of the original foundation, and no amount of law or judicial fiat or Congressional Affirmative Action bill can make them that. If Orthodox Jews wish to join in joint-services, that is a very reasonable request, as Jewish colonists were part of the American revolution, in financing, and also served courageously in the army of George Washington--and also because this nation was founded on Judaeo-Christian principles. We have no other foundation than this one. It is time to uphold it and act on the basis of it, before we, by default, lose it altogether to pig-secular humanism and atheism, with pig-jehadist, triumphantist Islam riding to victory on their pigtails.
With Christ, however, we can see our mightiest enemies overthrown and silenced. See you next year under the Rotunda in church!
Israel has only a handful of friends--all the other nations are her enemies, for no reason Israel has given or that they can reasonably justify. Israel is not the oppressor of Arabs--she is their greatest hope for a better, freer life. Their own rulers are their worst oppressors in Arab and Moslem lands. They will never be free, never be prosperous, if their rulers continue indefinitely in power. Israel represents the best hope of Arabs and all Moslems--economically and politically--if not spiritually. That is what the masters of the Moslem world do not want to exist--and so they are committed, to the death, to the destruction of Israel, for as long as Israel exists, their lies, their oppression of their Moslem brethren, their unrighteous grab of most of the oil wealth for personal pleasure and lust and greed and power, their wastage of their nations' huge oil resources and their uncontrolled governmental corruption--all this and more is held up to a mirror.
"Say I am beautiful and ravishing, O Mirror!" the Moslem World commands the mirror, a mirror which is actually Israel by virtue of its very existence as an oasis of incredible productivity and free enterprise and democratic government stuck dead center in the midst of poverty, hopelessness, wastage of resources, exploitation of the poor, and misgovernment.
But, horrors! There is no beauty whatsoever to be seen in the face of Islam! The mirror tells only the truth: the reality of the Moslem World nations is far, far different from what is so ardently desired. That is the reason, added to the most humiliating military defeats Islam has ever suffered since Vienna and Tours and possibly the surrender and fall of Turkish-held Jerusalem to General Allenby's British forces, why Israel is so hated in the world. The present world, Moslem and secular humanist and anti-Israel, cannot stand the bare, unadorned truth about itself.
Like the fiasco of NAFTA which devastated Mexico's small farmers, according to my own relatives who live down near the Copper Canyon in Chihuahua State and know the tribulations of its small farming communities, it is not justified or needed. I always opposed it, by the way, suspecting it would not be beneficial, and I was right! Now this transnational Highway to Disaster is being built by a Mexican firm, though there are plenty American firms who could do the job as well or even better, without all the kickbacks and payola to Mafia gangs and corrupt government officials and corrupt unions and and drug cartels who seek to benefit. It destroys untold thousands of acres of Texan farmland, not to mention the farmland it destroys in the rest of America's prime, food-producing Midwestern plains. Without security checks, without being subject to Federal and U.S. intertate transportation and commerce laws, it will no doubt channel terrorists and their explosives to us and Canada just as our present leaky borders are now doing, only more ineptly. Now the terrorists only have to hop aboard a freight truck! This project is being perpetrated upon the nation without any real prior information from the President. Americans are mostly ignorant of it. How can this latest gambit of the President and his advisors be explained, except to mark it down as yet another symptom of the horrible hold witchcraft has on this man. No one can explain him and his actions--if you give any credence to his own advisors and Mr. Tony Snow. They should know him, but they don't claim to know him and what goes on in his head. This is a dangerous leader, as he is proving again and again. Only prayer can be effective to turn him away from committing disastrous mistakes--as he apparently listens to no evangelical leaders, though he likes their votes. Thanks to his incredibly myopic lack of action on his "watch", with the added advantage of this superhighway to disaster crossing the Texan border from Mexico, our numerous, committed enemies will be able to bring in any amount, any time they so choose, of explosives and arms for street fighting and even nuclear bomb components and tactical nuclear weaponry. How else can this be explained, unless it is a direct result of years and years of bewitchment of the highest circles of government by magic and voodoo and satanism, making Washington a virtual stronghold of the Devil?
Cisco and Yahoo are doing this for profit, traffiking in the suffering and destruction of human lives. I say, "God judge these companies and cast them into bankruptcy if they do not change their ways!"
Yahoo bought out Geocities, which was and still is our internet site for a number of our family heritage sites. We cannot change that now, but regret what Yahoo has done and trust that God will deal with this company soon--so that the damage can be stopped that it is doing to Christians and freedom advocates in China.
Now we have the spectacle of people who do not learn any lessons from history, which they deny applies to them. We see former Presidential contender Al Gore campaigning like Billy Sunday for Global Warming based on carbon emissions by developed nations such as the U.S. He has writen a book of concocted evidence in support of his scientifically untenable link between Global Warming and human carbon emissions. The link is so tenuous and miniscule that it cannot be accurately measured, a leading scientist has declared, but that doesn't bother Gore and the Hollywood stars and sexpots who follow his lead. They will still promote this "Son of Piltdown Man," only now the name is Global Warming/Carbon Emissions. Man is the problem with nature--that is the basis of their agenda. The Earth would be perfect without man causing all sorts of problems. This is hardly a Biblical view--and is anti-Christian and atheistic as well. Surprising to me, some top evangelicals have got onboard Gore's bandwagon. They need to review his evidence in light of true science--which is verifiable universally and not based, as Gore's "evidence" is, on "scientific consensus." Concensus never can be used as a valid basis for science--as the base is totally different from majority rule. Majority rule does not establish a single fact about nature, though it is useful to establish and promote an ecological and political agenda. If Gore's brainstorm is adopted, it will cost us trillions when the various schemes for reducing carbon emissions are implemented. They are not going to work, and will create vast poverty and hopelessness and more terrorism than before. Meanwhile the elites who are promoting his hoax will continue to enjoy their multiple palatial homes, private jets, and the lifestyles of the rich and famous while the rest of us are reduced to Third World poverty.
A great 20th century poet's account of the Emmaus Walk:
The Fisk College Choir in the following picture were true believers in the glorious God of Abraham, El Shaddai, who foresees and provides for His children faithfully, and went out not knowing how they were going to be provided for except by divine Providence, but launched forth into the unknown for the sake of their beloved Christian college when it was about to run completely out of money to operate and possibly go bankrupt. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, though they didn't even have winter coats when they set out, and barely food enough to eat came along the way, because at first the offerings at their various venues were so meager. As they persisted and persevered, still trusting in God, they gained new invitations and went to Europe and performed before kings and queens and enthusiastic, generous audiences who gave the equivalent today of millions of dollars to Fisk College, rendering its finances in the black. It was a true epic of faith--their spiritual journey like Abraham launched into the unknown territory of Canaan-land. This is the physical-spiritual template we must return to, if we are to return to God in America. He is our Provider, El Shaddai. We must trust Him alone for our nation. Our vaunted economic system will crash sooner or later, due to the fiscal irresponsibility of Congress, the Presidency, and Wall Street itself. "Hedge funds" is the latest, cockininny gambit on Wall Street that will reap terrible meltdowns in the future, sooner or later. We are re-creating the very conditions that led to the Crash of 1929. FDIC will not be able to hold back the avalanche of sell-outs of worthless stocks and bonds no longer worth even the paper they are printed on. What then? Are we trusting in this world and its institutions and busineses and political party and government programs, or are we trusting in God alone, like the Fisk College singers did? They survived and flourished, but will we? They were operating on the right foundation--faith and dependance on God alone for provision--but are we? Are we building on sand? Or on the Rock which is Jesus Christ alone? The storms that are coming will tell which it really is.
In his latest "documentary," he pounces on some Jewish graves called ossuaries in a Jerusalem cemetery that supposedly contain Jesus and his family and parents (this is most strange, since they were not Judaean and resided in Nazareth in Galilee, so why should they be buried in Jerusalem, Mr. Cameron?). The names Jesus and James and Judas and Mary and Joseph, as any archeologist knows, were common Jewish names of that day, such as Rick and Shawn and Caitlyn and Kristine are today common among Gentiles. These names are the only "proof" he has to show--which is proof of nothing relating to Jesus, whose resurrection is the best documented event you could hope to find recorded among the major events of history and the history of the Jewish people in particular.
As his contemporaries and the writers of the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John attest, Jesus rose from the grave, Mr. Cameron! Hundreds of people saw him after the Burial and Resurrection, and even ate and talked with him, touching the scars of his wounds.
The Lord Jesus Christ has not one single bone in this old earth, Mr. Cameron, for you to tabulate. He has never left a bone here, for he is alive! He is sitting on the right hand of the Father in heaven, alive and well and holding all power and authority in his possession! He will soon return to judge you for your ignorant, stubborn, blind unbelief and now your blasphemy against him, if you do not soon repent, Mr. Cameron.
Why are you showing yourself such a buffoon, when scores of greater, more intelligent people than you have been convinced by the abundant evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, overturning all previous conceptions and philosophies they had, even to casting aside their atheism and doubt to become not only believers in Jesus but ministers of the Gospel and missionaries. Some of these testimonies of such people we have tried to offer on this page from time to time.
It is a wonderful thing, that Jesus said he would forgive anyone who blasphemed against him. Just don't blaspheme or sin against the Holy Spirit, the unpardonable sin, Jesus warned us. Perhaps Mr. Cameron ought to take special note of that. He is coming awfully close to the unpardonable sin--by deliberately attacking the Christian faith in a way meant to reach millions across the world in order to discredit Christianity and possibly to help destroy it. It will never happen, Mr. Cameron. The arch-infidel and atheist and libertine, Voltaire, thought he was able to do it, but died in anguished defeat--and yet we see that Christianity is, despite all that Voltaire tried to do, the fastest growing faith on earth. If Christ does not return very soon, the whole world will be evangelized and turn to Christ in the next 20-30 years despite all that secular humanism and Islam are trying to do to stop it.
The excellent "Levitt Letter," the newsletter of the Zola Levitt Ministries, has a recent article in the May 2007 issue that every Christian in America should read, entitled, "How do Christians Live With Muslims?", authored by Frank Pastore, You can try the web address of Mr. Pastore. Otherwise, the excellent Levitt Letter magazine can be ordered or the article by Mr. Pastore can be accessed, perhaps, by going to the Zola Levitt website:
Do you know the appalling statistics of the loss of life in the World War II Pearl Harbor attack by Japanese planes led by Mitsuo Fuchida? This tract will give you the facts, which are enough to give you a chill. This was just as devastating as the WTC and Pentagon attacks by Muslim jehadists. In "Pearl Harbor Remembered," a tract by ATS that you can order from their website, we are reminded that:
"Pearl Harbor, on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii, was attacked by the Japanese Imperial Navy Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. The surprise was complete. The attackin g planes came in two waves...the first hit its target at 7:53 AM.
"At approximately 8:10, the USS Arizona exploded, having been hit by a 1,760-pound armor-piercing bomb that slammed through her deck and ignited her forward ammunition magazine. In less than nine minutes, she sank with 1,177 of her crew, a total loss. The USS Oklahoma, hit by several torpedoes, rolled completely over, trapping voer 400 men inside. The California and the West Virginia sank at their moorings, while the Utah capsized with more than 50 of her crew.
By 9:55 it was over. By 1:00 the Japanese aircraft carriers that launched the planes from 274 miles off the coast of Oahu were heading back to Japan. The attack was devastating. American casualties totalled 2,403 dead, 1,178 wounded, and 640 that were never accounted for. One hundred eighty-eight planes were destroyed, 158 more damaged and 21 ships in the US Pacific Fleet either crippled or destroyed. Military leaders said it was the most disastrous defeat that our armed forces had ever suffered in one day."
We may well see worse attacks than this on our own soil in the near future, and possibly even this summer of 2007. Are we going to be prepared as best we can--by praying and looking to God in repentance--or are we going to be swept away in a fire of nuclear bombs and missiles with nuclear payloads (replacing the bombs and torpedoes of WWII) exploding all around us?
We desperately need to return to God on our knees, praying for his forgiveness and also the salvation of our many enemies who have sworn with their lives to destroy us. Otherwise, we will share the same horrendous fate as the young men caught by the infamous Pearl Harbor attack. The best secret service or C.I.A. intelligence in the world will not save us--as it will be mislaid or discounted by someone in Washington--and the attack will occur without our intervention. God has, despite our failures to do what is right, intervened for us countless times--but how can he continue to do so if we continue in our rebellion, immorality, drunkenness, and selfish way of life, celebrating a pagan lifestyle filled with violence, pornography, abuse, and drugs?
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eye with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke, and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."--Revelation 3:14-19
Singer Ricky Skaggs and Lou Engle are the human organizers of this, but the Lord and the Holy Spirit are the real Directors. 7-7-7 is the date of the gathering and then the march in Nashville from the Parthenon--the re-created heathen temple from Athens that is the seat of the Python, the spirit and stronghold of American neo-paganism and also the symbol of humanism and secularism and man's religious and intellectual system supplanting God's kingdom and true Church--down Church Street (now the stronghold of carnality, porn, illicit sex, homosexuality, drunkenness, and perversity) and through Nashville to the LP Field and Titan Stadium. The Titan (power worship and power god of America) needs to fall as well as these other idols and false gods). This parade and march of God's people will carry no banners and megahorns blaring forth--no, nothing but a silently praying people of God seeking God, repentently and humbly, in the midst of Satan's kingdom in Nashville and the whole nation. This will overturn Satan's kingdom--nothing else.
Do you want to see God's kingdom re-established in your life, in your town or city, in your family, in your church, in your state, and in your nation? They are all fast crumbling away, and overrun by Satan--which anyone with open eyes can plainly see. You can turn this around, and be an Esther, be a Gideon, be a David, be a Jerry Falwell. You! Me! God gets more glory from using nobodies and nothings--not the big and important people who people naturally look to for leadership and power. God wants to use nobodies like us! Join, or at least send your financial help and prayer help, by fasting and praying at home for this:
He stood for these things in the midst of a cesspool of pornography, child abuse, fornication and promiscuity, teenage rebellion, epidemic drug use, government graft and runaway expansion, anti-Christ media brainwashing of the American public, homosexual activism, the dumbing down of American schoolchildren and the turning of America's colleges and universities into ideological centers for secular humanism and liberalism, and judicial tyranny and usurpation of our religious liberties.
He, not the lying, terrorist-supporting, terrorist-funded, anti-Semitic Jimmy Carter, deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for his challenging of the elites of this country who are destroying us and his creation of ways to restore our churches and nation and our Christian heritage as well as our formerly great educational system.
But Jerry Falwell will receive far greater than the Nobel Prize from the Lord Jesus in heaven! I mention him here because this kind of mistreatment, badmouthing, villification, and continual misrepresentation by the secular humanist/liberal intelligensia of this country is the inevitable lot of a truly righteous man of God who pushes against the tide of this immoral society and its immoral, godless rulers. It is the lot of anyone today who stands for the virtuous and worthy and godly things Jerry Falwell stood for unwaveringly. This champion laid down the golden torch on May 15, to be taken up by those who share his legacy. What about us, in response? We can all do what Jerry Falwell did, in spirit and truth (if not in deed). We don't have to create a Moral Majority, found a major university, pastor a huge church, and run a television ministry that reaches millions. We simply have to live righteously as ordinary people in the midst of unrighteousness--that is, submit to Christ so that His righteousness can abide in us!
We, unfortunately, do not have anyone with the caliber of an Abraham Lincoln to lead us through this dark hour--when the whole existence of our nation and the world is cast into question. Things are going to get a lot darker, you might has well face up to it. You did not face up to it on 9/11--but you will soon. The chatter of terrorists on the Internet is brisk, I hear--a sure sign something bigger than 9/11 is brewing on the horizon.
Luck will not be enough to avert it. So far people are saying "luck" has gotten us through the many planned strikes without the terrorists being successful. Luck has nothing to do with it. God has everything to do with it--the fact we are still here and alive, instead of stumbling through the ruins of a nuclear-blasted and contaminated city.
We don't have Lincoln, we don't have a King Hezekiah, but we do have Almighty God! If we will repent, pray, and fast, we might see something like what King Hezekiah saw-- after the Avenging Angel of the Lord passed through the camp of the invincible army of Assyrians besieging Jerusalem. 186,000 soldiers and their commanding officers slain in one night! However it was done by God's Angel, it was effective. Assyrian records do not record defeats, but there is a mention that the Assyrian king crept home to his palace, evidently beaten in the invasion of Judah, without an army, and later two sons of his murdered him in cold blood as he was seeking the favor of his heathen god in a temple in Nineveh. What a humiliating end for a mercilous, heathen king who boasted of being a crusher of all the nations and their gods!
God can deliver us gloriously too from cruel heathens such as the Assyrians--if we will turn back to him and forsake our sins, individual and national. We better start now, rather than later, the dawn after Doomsday when all is destroyed by our enemies. We are destroyable--nuclear bombs and weapons are in the hands of our Islamic terrorist enemies--and they are just waiting for a time to unleash them that will be to their best advantage--when we seem most vulnerable, complacent, and off our guard.
Our celebrations on the Fourth this year ought to be grateful (not drunken, full of pride and folly as previous Fourths), and, above all, prayerful. Otherwise, we may not be in any condition to celebrate July 4, 2008. There may not be a United States on that coming date, if we do not bend our proud knees and pray now, while we still have knees to bend and hands to raise to the God of Hezekiah.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.