A great privilege, indeed, I took this picture on my first tour of Israel. It came to mean more to me once I realized that 1947, the year these caves became known to the whole world, was the year of my father's sudden death, a life changing event for me and my whole family and unknown numbers of other people too. 1947 was the year also that Israel came to birth, with independence for the national sovereign state of Israel declared officially in 1948 in Tel Aviv, and President Truman declaring U.S. recognition of Israel only minutes later. 1947 was the year of epic advances in supersonic jet aircraft in the U.S. But the most far reaching event of 1947, equalling that of Israel's rebirth as a nation, was the Qumran Caves finally giving up their secrets held hidden in them for thousands of years, as two Bedouin goatherds discovered in them the Qumran manuscripts called the Dead Sea Scrolls. To recall this great discovery, we plan to include an article here about the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Great Isaiah Scroll in particular.
Cash in the check heaven gives you, and you get everything promised on it! The Bank of Heaven will always be solvent, so it will never, never, never bounce and you get hit by returned check charges! God the Father stands behind it, and He has all the money in the Universe at his disposal. And in Christ we are heirs to it!
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
But God is not mocked by these lying, deceitful, deceiving, puffed-up vermin installed as our national leaders. His Holy Word, and his Judgments, will not fail to exact the full punishment we deserve for perversion of innocence in children and for destruction of children in the womb to make billions of bucks for Planned Parenthood. Herod died horribly soon after he had the children of Bethlehem executed in order to wipe out the Messiah of the Jews, Jesus. Herod is roasting in hell in the most terrible pain, and most of his countrymen the Edomites along with his Jewish collaborators, with him. The bill came due for him and his kind, and is being paid, for all eternity, for endless years and uncountable eternities. Our bill, fellow Americans, fellow Christians, is now due. We will pay it, make no mistake about that! We have already been paying the accrued interest in the terrific catastrophes of 9/11 and the hurricanes that destroyed New Orleans and much of the southern coasts. The full destruction of America is just around the corner or, rather, on our doorstep waiting to spring, like a Siberian tiger, at our throats! This is something we can expect, for God and His Word will never fail, not one word of it. Look what happened to the Soviet Union--it has crumbled to dust after only 70 years--all its pomp and pride broken and crushed, like those imposing statues of Lenin and Stalin dragged down from their high and towering pedestals in the public squares and national shrines and smashed into pieces and then dragged to the dump, covered with spit and scorn! Any nation that abandons righteousness and abandons God like the Soviet Union did, and this nation of America has, is doomed. We are doomed, by our own actions and refusal to repent and stop sinning against God.
This, of course, will never happen, it is grown so decadent and diseased AND entrenched. Bad ideas have a habit, like cancer, of entrenching themselves. Now Pharaoh Obama will either pack it with his own socialist/liberal clones, or will seek to render it powerless with Congressional bills designed to strip it of its powers. He cannot remain neutral to this body of nine black arbiters of America's destiny. Either it goes HIS way, knuckling over to his demands, or he will move against it, JUST AS HITLER MOVED AGAINST ALL THE FREEDOMS OF DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTIONS IN GERMANY SO THAT HE COULD TAKE ABSOLUTE CONTROL.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist moveents (including Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Chapter 2
This is the second day here in the village of Matijaipan, on the Rio Cuyari. The place reeks with yalake (fermented yuka juice). I was wondering why they stayed up almost all last night listening to the strumming of a guitar. They weren't very drunk--just too benumbed to do anything but sit. I was glad the two Kuripako men that brought me from the Rio Giania hadn't gone back yet. They tried to get them to stop drinking and go to their hammocks.
I couldn't sleep, so finally I got up and went over to the doorway of the big clay building where some were sitting, and said in Kuripako: "Kuada kurika wemaaka panaya deepi? Maapikeena noa" (Why don't we sleep tonight? I'm tired).
"Ho," they said, and broke it up for a while.
They've got the stuff in a big, hollowed log in the house where we're having the meetings. I decided not to say anything directly, though, this time, but rather let the Holy Spirit convict of sin through the Word of God, and just pray for souls to be really born again.
This is the fourth day here now, and interest in the Gospel meetings at night is wonderful. Everybody comes but the dying woman. They've just dragged the big, hollow liquor log out of the house and turned it upside down...I believe quite a few of them were really saved last night. We had the lesson on John the Baptist's testimony to the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world, and also the calling of the disciples and how they left all to follow him.
I showed them a picture of Judas Iscariot hanging his head--hiding, as it were, from the Light of the World. I said, "If you go to Inyaakaim's (the Devil's) village, you'll see Judas Iscariot there; but if you go to Jesus' 'village', you'll see all these others who love Him." They didn't want to see Judas. I said, "If you want to belong to Jesus, tell Him so now." Then we closed our eyes and knelt to pray. Many of the men started talking to the Lord, one right after the other. The women were afraid and only mumbled. I couldn't understand much, as it was in the Karom dialect..."
Well, as for the popular pagan mainstream culture, you can tell from the statistics or by just looking around you or by flicking on the boob tube that the culture is in hell now, and we are pushing with might and main toward the lake of fire, following Obama and calling destruction our "future and hope." In the Study Guide that comes with the book, in Section 13, Alternatives, on p. 61, there is a summary of contents, and it starts with "Paths to Authoritarianism: the Last Five Straws."
This summary details the collapse of our civilization and the stampede into authoritarianism (Big Government and absolutist control over all society).
World War I, an unbelievably stupid and savage bloodbath in which millions of young men, an entire generation in Europe, were slaughtered on the killing fields of the front trenches in France on the border with Germany, halted for a couple days, right at Christmas. A coincidence? Did a general command it? Did a president? No, not one man did it. Christmas did it, the Spirit of God wooing and drawing men's hearts in Christmas stopped the mighty Big Berthas of the Krupp artillery, and the artillery and machine guns and tanks and planes of the British and French. The front lines dissolved as men lay aside their weapons and poured across No-Man's Land and through the barbed wire barriers and hugged, shook hands, and celebrating the Reason for the Season, Jesus the Savior, Born in Bethehem!
Your children or you won't read about this, or be taught about it, by irreligious, scoffing professors in college and teachers in secondary schools, of course. But it is a fact of history, and this book chronicles this truly miraculous World War I Christmas truce and the events of it.
If they did say anything about it, the ACLU would be quick to pounce, and slap a suit on the principal and the school for "violating the doctrine of the separation of church and state." The ACLU, as a Grinch or Scrooge concerning anything Christmas-y, would never permit the free exercise of religion in any shape or form in any public place in America, except that it be a non-Christian religion, such as Islam, which has been given free rein in California schools under Governor Schwarzenegger, with children having to learn Moslem prayers!
But even the anti-Christian, atheistic, Marxist-trained lawyers of the ACLU have no power, when Christmas bursts forth in all its glory in the hearts of hopeless people. It happened once, and it can happen again. For a few hours anyway, all the national agendas and the madness of their foolish, vainglorious leaders were rendered powerless and irrelevant--and the shining light of Christ shone forth, drawing all men freely and trustingly together, making them forget they were deadly enemies. It was the the Prince of Peace, the Christ of Christmas, that brought warring Frenchmen, Germans, British, Americans, Belgians, and Austrians together into the love and wonderful embrace of Jesus, the One who created our very First Christmas in Bethlehem. Christmas was the first miracle of His ministry on earth, in fact, a miracle produced by a mere infant in the incomprehensible but glorious mystery of His own birth.
Can you name other things the Bible is? The Gideon Pocket Bible lists a number: The Traveller's Map, the Pilgrim's Staff, the Soldier's Sword, the Christian's Charter. I just now thought of the Navigator's GPS, the Spiritual DNA for the New Creature in Christ, and the Gyro for the World's Ultimate Stability, Peace, and Welfare. How about ...? Surely, there are more, many more, which you can think of.
One thing the Marxist media and press of America hate is Israel's determination to remain free and alive--they want all Isralis exterminated, to the last man, woman, and child, as soon as possible. They would be horrified if they were confronted with this fact, but their actions tell us the true intents of their wicked hearts--and their actions are all bad, bad, bad. They want Iran to attack with a nuclear bomb attached to one of the long-range Iranian missiles (whose guidance system was partly stolen from Los Alamos laboratories and the rest sold to China by Bill and Hillary Clinton and then handed over to Iran by China). With Israel wiped off the map, then the world will have peace, they believe, since they are always preaching in everything they write and film that Israel is the cause of the war and turmoil in the Middle East, not the radical terrorist Muslims of Gaza and the West Bank together withrogue totalitarian regimes of Syria, Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and all the other Muslim and Arab countries surrounding Israel that seek her destruction. That grinning Cheshire cat, Jimmy Carter, is no doubt jumping inside for joy as he views that time of annihilation of the Jews drawing close, as the Iranians gather the complete amount of nuclear material from their nuclear facilities' refining of fuel which is needed to produce its first nuclear bomb and nuclear warhead. He is typical of the American press and media, speaking for them actually, as he goes and hugs and kisses the terrorist of Gaza, the West Bank, Hezbollah, and the Iranian madmen in the government.
Years ago, when I was just a boy attempting to earn some money weeding in people's yards, I was working one day in a lady's back yard to pull the grass out of beds of ivy (a very tough job), when I noticed sound of objects falling in my vicinity. I couldn't figure out what it was, until I saw the stones. Someone up on the wooded hillside above that property was throwing, not pebbles, but rocks down on me, raining them down one after the other. I couldn't continue there, a sitting duck, waiting to be hit on the head and perhaps given a brain concussion, so I left my work and went into the woods on that hillside, trying to find whoever it was, a single boy or several of them ganged up against me. I was innocent, they did not know me from Adam, for that wasn't my neighborhood, it was far from my home in the valley. But these hidden, cowardly assailants threatening my life like that did not care about who I was. They didn't know me, and I didn't know them (I couldn't even see them). Yet they continue to throw those rocks down on me, simply because they liked to terrorize an innocent person working in somebody's yard. I felt so dismayed, that anyone could be so evil as to attack me like that. I had to do something, so I tried to find my invisible attacker. Imagine, then, Israel having to endure this same kind of attack from invisible and cowardly killers who send rocket after rocket from Gaza into the southern cities, towns, and farms of Israel, striking and attempting to strike innocent men, women, and children going about their lives. I know a fraction of how that feels. It sickens you with its evil, that other human beings could treat innocent people like that. It is so devilish, so satanic. Somebody enjoys terrorizing innocent people, and so they attack, from behind a screen, keeping out of sight, but never allowing you a moment's peace as you try to go about your life and do the things necessary to survive. I know from this incident, which is unforgettable, just a fraction of what it must feel like to live in southern Israel and be subjected to the day in, day out, night in, night out barrage of missiles from Gaza's terrorist population (they are all complicit, if they are not going to root out the terrorists and stop them from attacking the Israelis who do not deserve a single rocket thrown at them). It is a hellish situation. Thank God, Israel finally did something, though it was not enough. Gaza was not rid completely of Hamas and its death-loving terrorists, the Israelis stopped short of a complete sweep. That is a pity. You cannot live with terrorists, for they will not change as long as they roam free. It must be made so painful to the Gazans, that they will refuse to support terrorism any longer. Life-loving Israel did not have the stomach to do it, though that is necessary when you deal with rabid dogs and serial killers. The only true cure is not military, of course. The only true cure is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But defense of innocent people must be a priority. Without lives being protected, there can be no grounds for the population of Gaza to be brought to repentance and deliverance. Surely, God Almighty could have dealt that satanic organization a death blow, if the Israeli military leaders had only sought God for divine wisdom. They did not. That is obvious. Hamas was hurt, but not eradicated. Now they are getting 900 million from the U.S. to rebuild their military machine. They will do so, quickly. You, and Israel, can count on it.
"The rest of the story" in my case was that I stopped work, and left the property. I could not find the rock-throwing terrorists on the hillside, who had dense trees and undergrowth to hide in forever, so that I would never find them. Seeing it was impossible to find them and deal with them, I had to quit my job, lose the money I could have earned, and leave rather than endure the torment and possible injury of being the target of these cowards and their missiles. And so Israel is in the same position today, and Israel cannot leave the area like I could, it is a sitting duck! The cowardly Moslem terrorists have not changed. They are the same kind as I faced when I was a boy. And Israel, invading Gaza, couldn't even find them all. So they did not accomplish anything essential with their latest incursion and rat-killing operation. The rats remain there, invisible in a nest of back alleys and rooms and tunnels and secret hideaways, though a lot were killed. The rats will soon get their numbers back up (we know how prolifically rats breed), and with the tremendous aid from Obama will swiftly recoup their losses and rebuild their terrorist infrastructure, tunnels, arsenals, and rocketry. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Baraq Hussein Obama, our beloved brother over in America!" the terrorists of Gaza, Hezbollah, Iran, and elsewhere, are saying. They gave tens of millions, even hundreds of millions, to his political and presidential campaign and to the coffers of the Democrat Party and its various mouthpieces in Congress--and now comes the payoff, a very big one indeed, with more to come no doubt from our impoverished U.S. treasury.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
Psalm 60
O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us,
thou has been displeased; O turn thyself to us again.
Thou hast made the earth to tremble; thou has broken
it, heal the breaches thereof; for it shaketh
Thou hast shewed thy people hard things; thou hast made us to drink
the wine of astonishment.
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be
displayed because of the truth. Selah.
That thy beloved may be delivered, save with thy right hand,
and hear me.
God hath spoken in his holiness; I will rejoice, I will divide
Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.
Gilead is mine, and Menasseh is mine; Ephraim also is the
strength of mine head; Judah is my lawgiver;
Moab is my washpot; over Edom will I cast out my shoe;
over Philistia, triumph thou because of me.
Who will bring me into the strong city? Who will lead me into Edom?
Wilt not thou, O God, which hadst cast us off? And thou, O God,
which didst not go out with our armies?
Give us help from trouble; for vain is the help of man.
Through God we shall do valiantly; for he it is that shall tread down
our enemies."
We have already featured great women of the Bible in a number of ways (check out the poetic tributes to Deborah and Ruth), but Bible Women live outside the pages of the Book too! If you think all these heroines rise up from humble circumstances, think again. They are often born with silver spoons in their mouths. Lilias Trotter, an aristocratic, blue-blooded young lady in a wealthy family in London, was one of them. Another is Mathilda Wrede, the equally blue-blooded daughter of a baron who was the Governor of a city in Finland. She threw away the silver spoon and left her cozy gilded cage where she had every convenience and luxury she could desire and chose the way of the Cross and had a tremendous effect on the prisons of Finland. Read her story and find out how one little woman took on appalling conditions in the prisons and changed them, bringing the light of the Gospel into the most horrible, sin-darkened lives and cells (with which American prisons do not compare in the least).
Planned Parenthood, though investigations have finally broken out regarding the incredible corruption in its system, is so assured of its supreme position in American society (like a vast, cyclopean-sized vampire bat sucking the life blood out of the cash cow, America), it has proclaimed Saturday, or Friday (I couldn't care which day), this past week, Abortion Doctors Appreciation Day, or some such hideous title!
Imagine that! According to Planned Parenthood, we are to honor these butchers and killers and murderers? Talk about "Days of Infamy"! That has to be the ultimate Day of Infamy, not the day that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and slaughtered thousands of our servicemen in an unprovoked raid.
We pay these monsters of Planned Parenthood with our tax money, stolen from us by greedy, corrupt, evil-hearted, heartless Congresswomen and Congressmen--may the God have mercy on their wretched souls, for unless they repent and God forgives each of them they will all go straight to hell.
It is the most tragic thing that they have for many years now thrown away the best on earth chance for advancement of their people--citizenship in a free America. They have the advantages, hard-won, to be sure, but they have them now in a measure not found anywhere else on earth! But do they value them! Do they value the nation that gives them? No! They do not value them! They do everything they can to throw them away and to demean the nation that has given so much to themn--which makes them the envy of all the other black people on earth, which is indisputable. Yet these same folks go to Africa and talk down America as an oppressor (I have heard and seen them do this in their videos, including some chief black evangelists and televangelists throwing fistfuls of cash they were given in America and then receiving every plaudit and honor Africans can give, as if they were God's chief angels of mercy, which they are not).
It is pathetic to watch, but they are just following the examples of the corrupt white Democrats they continually vote back into office, politicians who go on junkets to the Third World nations in Africa and then talk down their country in order to get the natives over there to appreciate them the more--a sick idea, if there ever was one. The Africans are not that fooled by them, though they appreciate the gobs of cash these crooks bring in to the cash-poor African nations (resource-rich, but cash-poor, since their own politicians are robbing the public treasury for everything they can get while the mass of people scratch for a bare existence out in the fields). The Africans take the money, heap awards or honors on the visiting "dignitaries" from America, and probably are laughing all the time inside as they do it, for they can see plainly with their own eyes that America can't be such an accursed place if these black "cats" come over, flying around in their personal jets, dressed in fine tailored clothes and suits, and waving handfuls of hundred dollar bills. The Africans are not stupid! They can see America is (or lately was) the most God-blessed country on earth, bar none! They can see that the black Americans touring their countries like 19th century British nabobs in India have been made a kind of royalty by their "oppressor, America," something the people of Africa would gladly love to enjoy for a few minutes at least, if they could only change places with these shameless complainers and liars.
America has been, and still is, the best place for the advancement of blacks on this planet--if it is take advantage of, and not degraded and disregarded, that is. The black people are increasingly degrading and disregarding it, which is a fact, when you see their voting record, an abyssmal specter--voting for their own self-destruction, voting the Democrat Party Line. There is no limit to what they could all achieve if they would only wake up and smell the roses, if they would just use some individual initiative and get a solid education and take advantage of the opportunties that still abound, they have ceased to be innocent victims and have become instead, victimizers of the entire nation, destroying the freest, most blessed, most opportunity-stuffed society on earth, in order to get pathetic little goodies from the Big Government of the Democrat plantation system.
They will be reduced drastically in numbers, in relation to the Hispanics (illegal and otherwise), who are now exceeding them in numbers. Of course the population-reducing Democrats will target the Hispanics too for elimination, subjecting them to the same softening up phase of indoctrinating them with the idea they are victims. Once they get that idea, then Big Government can offer itself as the solution, their wonderful friend, who will help them in all sorts of ways. But this means the blacks will be of less standing as time goes on--still an important voting bloc, but of lesser clout than the Hispanics who outnumber them. This is rather sad for a number of reasons. The blacks did not come here illegally. They were brought in, generations ago, and the present black people are their descendants, who know little or nothing about slavery but think they know a lot. They can travel to Africa and not learn anything, as they come and go with preconceived notions about themselves, their country, and also about African countries.
Only Muhammed Ali (aka Cassius Clay) had it right. Born before the 1960's civil rights demonstrations and the birth of the Democrat's victimization programs for minorities, he still had the self-honesty and candor to reply to newsmen in New York, as soon as he flew back there from a hero's tour of South Africa, that what he thought about Africa was simply this: "Thank God, Grandpa got off the boat!"
Born approximately 389 in Britain, Patrick was the son of a wealthy Christian alderman, and was not a righteous-living youth, as he confessed later, living in sinfulness and running with a gang of wayward youths like himself [I once knew a young man who was a gang member roaming the city streets with a baseball bat looking for fights while his pastor was his own father!]. When he was 16 years old, he was captured in a raid by Irish pirates and sold into slavery in Ireland where he worked as a shepherd for a chieftain in Ulster. He was a wretched slave, with no hope of being anything else! From alderman's son to slave, was a terrific fall in circumstances, indeed. After six years, and much prayer to God, he heard God's urging him to leave there and go find a ship and sail away, so he stopped praying for deliverance and got up and escaped by getting on a trader's ship whose captain let him board, and made his way back to his family in Britain eventually. But the years in Ireland had changed Patrick (and he was truly converted to God by the painful experience of slavery and being torn from his family). A vision came to him in which a chained, desperate Irishman pleaded with him to come and bring the Gospel light to the people sunk and dying in darkness in heathen Ireland. Despite the comfort of his own home, he could not forget Ireland's people, and so he was driven by the idea of returning to convert the Irish to Christian faith in Christ the Savior. With that in mind, he studied in France at a school headed by a bishop, and when the first Irish missionary bishop died in 431, Patrick was appointed to go to pagan Ireland. He began his ministry in northern and western Ireland where no one had ever preached the Gospel (or had ever dared preach it!). Gaining the trust and friendship of several tribal leaders, he became very successful, though every hour of each day he lived there was the real possibility of being assassinated by men sent by hostile Druid priests of the pagans, an elite class who feared and resented Patrick's message about God and that he was leading the people away from their depraved and immoral pagan rites and gods and from following after them. Patrick built churches wherever he happened to travel, and is said to have founded more than 300 churches and baptized more than 120,000 people. This St. Patrick's Day, while others are turning to parties and drinking which more describe pagans than Christians, it would be well for Christians to remember the great faith and courage of this man of God who accomplished more in the 5th century as a simple missionary preaching Christ the Savior, than many do in the 21st century with the advantage of mass media.--Church March Newsletter 1995, Amended by Editor.
Well, what can we do to find true and worthy role models? We can turn first to the Bible--there they are--one after the other. Some have blemishes and short-comings, true, but they are clearly identified as negative object lessions we can still learn by. But there are also saints in the Bible accounts that nothing can be said against.
In our own history of America, we had a saint of a man early on: George Washington. Even his enemies the British bowed to this man as a peerless and great man, whose character was beyond reproach and who was unequalled among all the other men known in the world for his purity and integrity.
Now this splendid American and Founder of our Nation is being reproached by pygmy-brained, liberal Democrats as a slave-owning plantationeer, but the laws of Virginia, voted in, had legalized slavery, and he could not overturn the state's laws, but he set the example for his fellow Virginians when he set his own slaves free upon his death, rather than set them free to starve while he was yet living and still able to give them food and board in exchange for their labor. There is no report whatsoever the slaves on Washington's Mt. Vernon estate were neglected and were complaining about their treatment. Rather, he was thought most highly of by them. Yet he is an evil man, according to the textbooks the children study in the U.S. schools. His name has even been expunged from the schools that took his name.
Actually, for real spiritual uplift, go to Jerusalem! You will be sure to find it there, unless you are totally a cynic. I have been to Jerusalem's 1st century era Empty Tomb, which is the greatest Wonder of the World, surpassing all seven listed in the tract. It is empty not because the body of Jesus once interred within the garden tomb by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus disappeared or was hidden, but because the Person was the God-Man, Jesus Christ, and He rose gloriously from the dead in a resurrected body to live and reign forever. Anderson is right, the Pharaohs' pyramids, the Temple of Diana, even in their original magnificence and immensity, do not compare in the least to the glory of the little empty tomb in Jerusalem. People visiting that empty tomb are most all affected deeply--for it is silent and empty and yet thunderously proclaims the Living and Resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, not the splendor of a marble tomb of a great man of ancient times which can say nothing life-saving to us the living. Tombs, empty or otherwise, save nobody, that was not their purpose, nor does the Empty Garden Tomb of Jesus save anyone; it is the Resurrected Jesus Christ who alone saves, when we call on his name for salvation.--Ed.
To these foes of humanity, the population reductionists, humanity is viewed as a cancer, an unfortunate mistake in the evolutionary process that generated the wonderful animals and plants of this world. It will never happen their way. God will intervene, and crush these wicked forces of genocide, which are painted up in green color as if they had something to do with God's plants. Green is not a nice color, politically, though it has been chosen by the Green Party hacks such as Ralph Nader, or put in the name of the Greenpeacers or attached to the vast array of products being turned out that are claimed will "save the Rain Forest," or "save the planet," by the way. Why do I say this? History tells us. Ask the Jews who survived the Holocaust. Green was the color of the uniforms of the Nazi guards who rode the death trains packed with Jews and others the Nazis aimed to exterminate. Green! Green meant death, cruelty, brutality, a police state crushing the helpless. Green was the color of terror.
There is nothing intrinsically wrong with conservation. The God of the Bible makes us stewards of the whole earth, and we are to be responsible stewards, responsible to God for how we treat the earth and its resources and species. But politicized conservation has an ax to grind, and it will grind that ax on the neck of humanity in order to "save" the earth from mankind and the animals too from mankind. A chicken's life will be preferred above a child's. It already is preferred. You cannot torture a chicken, or any kind of animal, without a stiff prison sentence, but you can molest, torture, even kill a child and get away with it. Many do! The uncountable flights out of San Francisco and Los Angeles, bearing thousands of American pedophiles and sadists to Bangkok and other Asian cities that cater to pedophiles engaging in international sex slavery and child prostitution, that reveals the true low value we place on the lives and well-being of children, the most helpless and vulnerable people in our society other than the elderly and the disabled. This is the hellish kind of man-hating world that Paul Newton, Joanne Woodward, Robert Redford, and the other leftist celebs like them have created.
This is the 400th anniversary of his birth and homage is being paid to his outstanding talents and contributions throughout the Free World.
Not just men, but the valiant, teenaged French patriot, Joan of Arc, wore armor and commanded an army in battle against one of England's "Horrible Henrys," and his unrighteous, invading army that was killing and burning and intending to subjugate all of free France--so women too have worn body armor. But our armor is spiritual, not material. We have the unbeatable spiritual armor of Christ for our defense as we carry the Word like a sword to cut down the enemy, Falsehood, in defense and in the propagation of the Saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every Christian is a soldier, man, woman, child--age is no handicap. Even little children can be mighty warriors in God's kingdom as they pray and speak for Christ's kingdom.
Like wine, like fine cheese, like maturing securities in stock, this magazine is getting better and better as it rolls along! Please go to an excerpt of Billy Graham's message, "Proclaiming Christ's Return." Appended to it is the article of Robin Lovin, a theologian, who defines "liberal monism," and identifies it as the liberal rationale and thinking of "social progressive" liberals in America which are used to determine in public life and public forums what they judge is is "Politically Correct" speech--a not very tolerant means they use to marginalize and then to silence and gag their opposition, namely, Bible-believing Christians.
He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself.
When he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart [there are seven abominations in Mr. Obama's heart!].
Though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it, and he who rolls a stone will have it roll back on him.
A lying tongue hates those who are crushed by it, and a flattering mouth works ruin."
These scriptures, Proverbs 26: 23-28, describe the Man of Deceit (who has seven abominations in his heart), which President Barak Hussain Obama and all his entourage have joined to make in order to seat a veritable anti-christ beast in the Oval Office of the White House. Mr. Obama did not act alone, he had many wicked people making him and putting him where he is, so he can do the terrible things they wish to have done in America with the presidential powers. God have mercy on them, and have mercy on us!
"Honest Abe Said It"--from The Lutheran Digest, Summer, 1964
Though Uttered Over 150 years Ago, It's Still Pertinent [especially in regard to Barak H. Obama's Big Government, social welfare policies and radical socialist agenda for America, for each of these sayings describes exactly the opposite of what Obama believes and has promised to carry out as president!]:
"You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man's initiative and independence."
"You cannot establish security on borrowed money."
"You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income."
"You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift."
"You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred."
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they can and should do for themselves."
"You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer."
"You cannot help small men by tearing down big men."
You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong."
"You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich."
I know that Christians today in America, many of them, see how badly we have been beaten by the radical, anti-Christ, God-hating, Bible-loathing Democrat Party and its leaders--and they intend now to snuff out every last vestige of religious freedom and take charge of the whole economy and government and social system, not to mention the media and the military--they aim at absolute, authoritarian control, and the end of Christian witness and the Gospel in America, nothing less--but God...but God...He still has his ear open to the cries of his children, so let him hear our cries even in this darkest of times.
Now Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, will speak once again to us:
But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these things were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.
Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us."--Abraham Lincoln, Reprinted from Salesian Inspiration Books, p. 11
On a busy downtown street in London a man stood waving a stack of 5-pound notes [5 pounds are worth about $12] in his hand. He was offering to exchange five pounds for a penny. Hardly anyone paid attention to him. Those who did, figured it was some kind of trick. However, the bills were genuine. The huckster was a disguised actor who had bet his director that no one would accept genuine money if he offered it on the street for sale.
Jesus experiences the same skepticism. Nobody can believe that, without cost, he is genuinely offering forgiveness. And so, unsuspecting, they pass by the opportunity of their lives.--From a Church March Newsletter, 1995
Please go to entire article about the event as it appeared in Northwest Christian Journal, June 1996. One statement from his message: "We are a society perched on the brink of self-destruction." How plainer can that be? Use the link above in the magazine center section to access the message. Here is also Franklin Graham's message, which deals with the same impending judgment and the desperate need for Americas to repent now of their sins and disaster averted by the grace and mercy and kindness of God:
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
No human teacher or religious leader, however wise and admirable, will ever, can never, come up to the level of Almighty Godhead, unless he is Jesus Christ, fully Man, and fully God! Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Obama the Fake Messiah of America, and a thousand others like them, were all sinful, mortal, weak men. They (and the political demigod Obama too will die when God says so) died in their sins, and could help no one reach heaven's sinless state. Jesus remains the only true Bridge to Heaven and acceptance of God. Praise to His Name, which is above all Names, and in whom is vested all authority by His Father in heaven. Every cult, to exist, must necessarily depreciate Christ, drag him down to the level of human mortality and sinfulness, which makes him less than Savior and Lord and God and only another religious teacher. We know Mormonism and Jehovah's Witness-ism do this. Every religion does this--in order to exalt its own teachers and put them in Christ's place. Any church that depreciates Christ is also cultic, on its way into error and apostasy. Any church or group that exalts anything other than Christ as First and Foremost is on the road to hell, not heaven. After hearing about Jesus, reading about Him in holy Scripture, hearing Him proclaimed in genuine Gospel messages, who on earth would want anyone else but Him for Savior and Lord! He is unspeakably, indescribably magnificent! HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY LORD AND SAVIOR, PRAISE HIS NAME FOREVER!