Let the Flag of the United States of America be lowered to half mast or even to the ground. Friends, America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, died on November 4, 2008, when a Marxist won the presidency by a narrow margin in a fraudulent election that should be challenged and rerun only with legitimate inspectors supervising the voter registrations and the actual polling to insure the Democrat Party (which is actually a terrorist organization of anti-American fifth columnists) does not use A.C.O.R.N (which stands for A-CORRUPT-ORGANIZATION-REGISTERING-NON-PERSONS) again to do all its dirty work. Untold millions from abroad, from terrorists and nations that are our enemies, poured into the Democrat Party and Obama's campaign coffers. Socialist, left-leaning Europe is our enemy and supported Obama. Israel saw through his glib promises to support Israel as an ally, but the Middle Eastern despotic regimes, Muslim and totalitarian, adored him. They saw a soul brother, a fellow devil or djinni, in him, which he truly is. Oil money from these corrupt and anti-American countries flowed to Obama by the tens of millions. All this was illegal, against our laws, but nothing has been done to stop it or call it into question--nothing! Our spineless President George Bush is silent, though he knows perfectly well what is going on--the hijacking of the U.S. presidency. What does he care, he is getting out, with his "legacy" more or less intact.
Hitler came into power much the same way, did he not? Without major industrialists backing him, he would not have had the money to finance his takeover of Germany. As for Germany, it too was a democracy at the time (just as our country was before this last election), which he had to first propagandize and subvert and deceive in order to abolish later, supplanting it with a dictatorship and police state. To gain absolute power he pretended to be Germany's savior, but turned out to be her destroyer.
We face all the organs of a dictatorship and police state, they are in place and already operating! We have a socialist Congress, a left-leaning judiciary (with all the awesome powers of the military and the Federal Government, of which this usurper Barak Hussain Obama is now commander and chief, and he may even be a closet Muslim, only pretending he is a Christian), we have a C.I.A. and F.B.I, which are seriously compromised by politically correct, pro-Muslim policies and altogether inept, so the stage is set at last for the communist/Marxist makeover of American society and government. He also has all the earmarks of the Anti-Christ, the suave, honey-tongued, "compassionate" arch-deceiver of the nations. Beneath this holy and enduring Word of God, the only true refuge God's children still have left to resort to, there is hope still. There is no hope beneath the American flag, for it stands for nothing now but Marxist dogma that Barak Obama imbibed and was brainwashed with by his professors at Harvard and other schools.
We have our own Acronym at the Emmaus Walk: For the youth specifically: B.I.B.L.E.--"Blasting Into Blessing, Life Eternal". How about yours? Make an acronym of your own with your own special meaning!
But yet God remains good, however evil men become in our government and society! I thank God for our religious liberty we enjoyed all these years (about 400 years in total from the founding of the Plymouth colony by the god-fearing Pilgrims and the one at Jamestown in Virginia by English settlers). We are the most envied country in the world (even if our enemies hate us, they would still prefer to live here than in their homelands over in the Middle East or Asia!). If they don't, they are greater fools, or else they prfer the anarchy in their homelands, and the complicity of the police in their favor, whereas in America they might be arrested for their crimes--though that might change radically soon under the incoming president who isn't going to consider terrorism a crime.
But yet I choose to thank God for our religious liberty! And I thank God for this decent living conditon most of us enjoy, a clean country with innumerable advantages, and the opportunities to advance ourselves educationally and financially (even while a crisis is going on here and world-wide!). Where would you want to be in a depression--in Asia, in Africa, in Russia, or here? Of course, here! People won't walk by you if you are starving in the street, and let you die there too--as they do over in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East to this day! Here people would take you in and care for you and feed you, even see to your healthcare and your housing!
God bless America! But this day I bless God for his goodness to me and all of us. The poor duped black Christian (?) radio announcers on the black gospel station I listen to--they deride America, but yet they have good jobs here, and do much better here than they ever could do in African countries. I would like to see how they liked living in Sudan! or Libya! or Algeria! or twenty some other Muslim countries.
America has been a haven for all peoples of the worlds, even all religions. They are all free here to practice what they believe, provided they do not practice polygamy and child and wife abuse (as Hinduism and also the Muslim religions have done--I could name the practices that are still going on outside our borders in Hindu and Muslim countries, but I will spare you!). America is a paradise in a sea of intolerance and persecution. But it won't remain so, thanks to the liberal, radical leftist takeover of Washington and the presidency! Well, thank you, God! You gave us so much, it is greater blessing than any other nation in history ever received and enjoyed, and we are now, the Americans who voted for evil, throwing your blessings away, one by one, preferring "change" and a wicked, anti-christ man to rule over us.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist moveents (including Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
I read Section 4, Fyodor Dostoyevski, which the late Ruth Graham adapted from F.W. Boreham's 1941 article on him and his prison experiences in Siberia. It begins with his being hauled up before a firing squad with other condemned-to-death men. Then, in the last moments before the order to fire was given, the sentence was commuted by the ruler's command brought by a courier, causing some to go insane, others to die within days, and still others, like Fyodor Dostoyevski, to suffer greatly psychologically thereafter from the memories. Was that the intent of the procedure? It certainly terrorized the condemned men to the point of driving them insane and killing them within hours, and deranging the survivors. Then we read what he endured in the horrible gulags of Czarist days (the Communists just took these camps and added millions of prisoners, they didn't create anything new) in terms of the Prodigal Son account in the Bible. This is a most riveting account. One of the greatest Russian novelists, Fyodor Dostoyevski, suffered perhaps the greatest torments at the hand of his fellow men--yet his message was love and forgiveness and the grace of God. Get this book, just for this section, and you will also enjoy the other sections that all relate, in poetry and excerpts of writings, to the Prodigal Son theme. Ruth Graham ought to know what she is portraying, as her son Franklin, now the CEO and chief evangelist of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was a Prodigal Son himself, rebelling and living in defiant sin, causing his parents no small amount of tears and suffering, until God intercepted the young Franklin and saved him with his love and grace and forgivenesss.
Dale Evans Rogers, for good reason, knew a great testimony when she saw one in the flesh, and heartily recommended both Korean Evangelist Ben Song and his book. It is well worth reading today, as it is the story a Korean orphan whom God raised up to be an evangelist not only in Korea but also America. This man spoke to thousands, tens of thousands, of U.S. students in the school, testifying of his thankfulness to America for what America had done to deliver Korea from the Communists of North Korea who had tried to take over the entire country, but also to testify of God's delivering power in his own life, from the time he was a starving orphan living in dug out caves to the time he could speak to them in America, travelling the whole length of the nation, welcomed and received by thousands. At a time when the liberal secularist and Satan-inspired campaign of "Hate America" had just begun, this evangelist was a breath of fresh air to America, as he sincerely thanked Americans for going to the aid of his country when Korea was viciously attacked by North Korea's communist armies and millions slain and freedom nearly stamped out in his homeland.
Can you name other things the Bible is? The Gideon Pocket Bible lists a number: The Traveller's Map, the Pilgrim's Staff, the Soldier's Sword, the Christian's Charter. I thought of the
Navigator's North Star. How about Water for the thirsty? Or a Lifejacket for the drowning sinner? Or... Surely, there are more.BIBLE PICTURES OF ITSELF is a wonderful thing, is it not? The Bible describes itself as LIGHT, FIRE, SEED, BREAD, MILK, HONEY, MEAT, GOLD, SWORD and HAMMER. You can order this tract from: Faith, Prayer, and Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, Bible Book Mark
No. 162 ($1.80 per doz., $11 per 100).
Reported on the Ankerberg show by two former Muslims, the Caner brothers who as Turkish youth seeking the truth became convinced Islam was fundamentally flawed and courageously converted to Y'shua, Muslims are taught that Jesus is a prophet of Islam, but only a prophet, and a lesser one of course than Muhammed, who is Allah's chief prophet "Allah is One, and Mohammed is his Prophet," as the Muslim creed goes. Well, as we all know, Arabs and Jews and Christians, Jesus (called Issa in Islam) was tried for sedition and blasphemy by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem in 33 A.D., then tried by Pilate, found innocent of the charges initially, but then condemned by Pilate for expediency's sake and for keeping his job as Roman procurator in Judaea (a lesser post under the Governor of Syria that included the sub-province of Judaea).
Mr. Ankerberg's former Muslim guests, the Caner brothers, were asked initially by their pastor, what was Jesus's blasphemy specifically? They had to answer to their pastor at the time that it was CLAIMING TO BE GOD. That is an established fact, for the Jewish Sanhedrin used that claim to declare Jesus a blasphemer, which was a capital crime in Judaism. Now the pastor of these two Muslim youth (where they were visiting to inquire about the Christian faith) challenged them: how could they as Muslims then have a legitimate prophet called Issa (or Jesus) who had claimed before a Jewish court and Roman procurator to be God, since only Allah was their God, and of course Allah had no son! That was, the Muslim brothers realized, unanswerable. Islam, which contained a single great flaw as this one had to be, was fundamentally unsound: Islam was, in other words, FALSE!
That settled it for them, they converted to Christianity!
You can see this Ankerberg show yourself to watch this segment about the conversion of the two Turklish Muslim brothers to Christ by going to the Ankerberg website.
For a copy, dear Muslim or seeker of the truth of God, order from Amazon.com:
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
"Once to Every Man and Nation"
1. Once to every man and nation
comes the moment to decide.
In the strife of truth with falsehood,
for the good or evil side.
Some great cause, some great decision,
off'ring each the bloom or blight.
And the choice goes by forever
'twixt that darkness and that light.
2. Then to side with truth is noble,
when we share her wretched crust.
Ere her cause bring fame and profit,
and 'tis prosp'rous to be just.
Then it is the brave man chooses
while the coward stands aside,
till the multitude make virtue
of the faith they had denied.
3. Though the cause of evil prosper,
yet the truth alone is strong.
Though her portion be the scaffold,
and upon the throne be wrong.
Yet that scaffold sways the future,
and behind the dim unknown,
standeth God within the shadows,
keeping watch above His own. Amen
glorious, shining Kingdom. He has promised to do so, but He can lead us now, we can now walk in His light. His light is Himself in us, and He gives it to us now--not later on. Want His light? He is available now, this instant.
In my view, seeming to be promoting Tolerance and Fairness (which is hypocritical on his part, when you see the wicked things he also promotes on his program), Dr. Phil tried to discredit the Christians who voted and those who were threatening businesses if they did not support the referendum for traditional marriage. It is wrong to threaten, though it is perfectly right to let businesses know that Christians will refrain from doing business with them if they know they have taken stands assaulting the family and traditional marriage. What is wrong about informing them of that, Dr. Phil? Nothing, obviously! But he thinks so, and tried to put both groups on the same level, which is not the case. They are not on the same level. You have the children of light, and the children of darkness, they are two separate groups in God's eyes. It is wrong to act like the children of darkness, true. But it is never wrong to tell the world it can go only so far, and not further, and the consequences (lack of business patronage, in this case Dr. Phil brought up and made the issue). Elijah cut off the heads of the heathen priests of Baal in a confrontation, and God did not punish Elijah or reprimand him for that. We are not to cut off heads, surely, but we are to oppose and let those who oppose God that they are doing so, and there are consequences, many consequences, which they are bringing on themselves. It is a fact of nature, it is reality, that those who leap off buildings will crash and hurt themselves, even die--that is the law of gravity. We have to remind people there is a divine law of gravity too. Do such and such, and this or that will unquestionably happen to you. SO DON'T DO IT, FRIEND! Spare yourself grief and even death!
John Bunyan was a humble man of faith imprisoned because he was simply a devout Christian man believing in the Lord Jesus for salvation. That was enough to land anyone in prison in his time! Instead of giving up, and blaming the Lord for his misery, he sat down and wrote this masterpiece while suffering the filth and intolerable conditions of prison life as a common criminal (which he was not). We have not prisons today as bad as London's of Bunyan's time. Turkey's prisons are somewhat similar, and Mexico's, China's, Myammar's, would be much the same, but even they have basic facilities that London's prisons did not have--such as running water, toilets, showers, air and light--did not have until the work of evangelical reformers overcame the cruelty of the times.
This issue also carries on the front the lead article about how the power-hungry, reckless, bloody-fisted Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is striking at the West (as we saw in his invasion and mauling of little Georgia), in his hopes to revive the old Russian imperial power in the world. He just recently has sold jet bombers to the mad socialist tyrant, Chavez, in Venezuela, and will build bases there, from which the bombers can be sent with nuclear bombs to attack the U.S. Chavez is already boasting of staging an attack with these bombers on our country, in fact! Russian President V. Putin and his puppet, Premier Medvedev, is also allied with Iran, which has nuclear bombs as its goals, and the missiles already to deliver them to Israel and European capitals. He met with the "daffy" Libyan dictator as well, so there is clear sign he aims at organizing the coming Russian led Arab confederacy against Israel such as Exekiel describes so graphically in Chapter 38. Does the CIA know anything about this? They are telling us nothing, of course. What does Washington plan to do about Chavez's bombers and the bases the Russians will build there? Nothing is said by Washington, of course. We have no real leadership from President Bush. He let Georgia be overrun and half the country bombed and invaded by the Russian army, and Georgia has been a stalwart ally of the U.S., sending a large group of soldiers to help in the Iraq war effort. Russia deliberately threatened the Caspian Sea to Turkey oil pipeline, and Putin and puppet Medvedev thumbed their noses at both America and Europe, daring them to do anything to stop them. We must pray, as our country continues essentially leaderless, and without direction except that it is drifting toward the abyss.
Mahalalel.............The Blessed God
Jared.................Shall Come Down
Methuselah............His Death Shall Bring
Lamech................The Despairing
What can we do here in America, or over in Britain? We can pray! Prayer is more powerful than the cocktail-sipping tyranocrats in Brussels and their world government that is coming into existence! We can stop this Satanic juggernaut from crushing out all our religious freedom and our national sovereignty if we will but humbly pray and beseech God for mercy and grace! He wil hear our prayers if we are sincere. His word promises us He will not forsake us if we will only repent of our sins and turn to Him, seeking His will for our lives and our nations.
I will pray alongside you, daily, as I do not ask you to do what I am not already doing.
"Peace Spurned"
"The Jewish population of what is now Israel began increasing in the 1850s and was in excess of 5 per cent by the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
When Arab numbers swelled, it was because of work opportunities presented by growing Jewish industry and agriculture [isn't that ironical, that the good the Jews did in the land only brought increased Arab immigration and bigger problems eventually for them!--Ed].
The Emir Faisal (a Muslim chieftain and nobleman) and Chalm Weizmann [who was the brilliant Jewish scientist who synthesized the vital ingredient for Britain's explosives industry in World War I, aiding Britain's victory over the Central Powers, and was given in retur by the king of England and Parliament the Balfour Agreement promising a Jewish homeland in the British Mandate of Palestine) agreed at the Versailles Conference that the land could be partitioned between Jews and Arabs and that the two peoples could live in peace and prosperity.
But along came Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem. This future friend of Hitler fomented riots and public disturbances throughout the 1920s, erasing any chance of an agreement.
A large part of the blame lay with Britain, which held the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations but illegally separated 70 per cent of the land and created a fiction called Trans-Jordan.
In 1947, Resolution 181 offered both sides a partition based roughly along the lines of 1919. Although accepted by the Jews, it was rejected by the Arabs, who then began a terror campaign that continued until the independence of Israel in May 1948.
Then Arab armies gathered and tried to squash the fledgling state.
Because the Arabs were in 'rejectionist' mode, and continue so today through terror, they have spurned other plans, notably the Barak offer in the late 1990s which would have given themn independence."--B.K.
Yes, Jesus wouldn't attract Oprah's attention today, and wouldn't be invited on her show to wow her audience of 20,000,000 worshipful ninnies. She wouldn't like him anyway, and would recoil from his exclusivity, especially his claiming, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me." That would really turn her and her New Age Religion-Spiritualist Church off! But not the children--give them one chance at the real Jesus--they would see, they would listen, they would long for his touch, his love, his fellowship.
Yes, the Gate is Jesus, and it is still difficult for adults to get in, as they are so crammed with Satan's lies and the world's goodies they just can't fit through, so they turn aside by choice on to the broad road, the way that leads to destruction--the easier route, the way without Jesus, thinking they will be able to deal with anything down the road, or maybe just vanish into nothing "when it is all over."
Want Heaven? Want a wonderful eternity and hereafter? Want God?
Whatever you have to do, head for the Strait Gate and make sure, make sure you get through it! There is nothing better you could ever do, not on this old earth, than that. Everything else must be left behind anyway. You yourself are going through alone, or not at all. So make it through. I intend to too, with the Salvation of Jesus Christ awared me as a free gift, won by childlike faith and submission to Jesus, asking for his forgiveness of his sin and for him to enter my heart as Lord and Savior. That is all it takes to be a child of God, but we must still walk the narrow way of the Cross, denying our fleshly desires and carnal nature, lest Satan use them to draw us away and trap us in some pitfall or hole, or even pull us from God's kingdom to his. Many start out on the narrow road, heading resolutely to the Strait Gate, but never make it--as they get diverted by sin and Satan's allurements and traps. It is not how you begin, but how you end! Stumbling won't disqualify you, but leaving the heavenly Pilgrim's road for the things of this world, will.
This message is not only timely, it will give us an encouraging word on how to remain hopeful and positive in the midst of a sinking society and a declining church, something we badly need to stay firm on the right course in our own individual life as a follower of Christ.
The same spirits of error, no doubt, energize both expressions of Deviltry. Spiritualism loves the New Age Religion that is so trendy and popular today in certain circles, and the religion that Supreme Goodie-Goodie Witch Oprah strenuously, hourly promotes in her TV programs, books, radio study series, articles, etc. How do I know that she is infested with Spiritualism, the false religion and values that make it up? Just look at what the Spirit of Truth brochure (published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago!) defines as Spiritualism, and compare with Oprah's teachings. There is an exact fit! Her radio correspondence "Bible study" course spouts the same devilish lies given below, even word for word in many cases, so the Spiritualist shoe fits her perfectly, in other words! Watch Oprah and absorb her sugary, positive, upbeat messages that promote your rotten little self to the level of being God over your own destiny and all that you are, you become a hellbound Spiritualist--as no Spiritualist will ever enter heaven, as the Bible states so clearly, first to last verse. Spiritualists can be saved and born again and forgiven, but they cannot ever enter heaven as spiritualists, for no Christ-rejectors will ever enter heaven, and that includes Oprah Winfrey, if she actually believes the Spiritualism she is constantly churning out for mass public consumption by her viewers and listeners.
Spirit of Truth and Error: Spiritualism
Man never had a fall.
Whatever is, is right. Evil does not exist. Evil is good. No matter what man's path may be, good or bad, it is the path of divine ordination, and destiny.
A lie is the truth intrinsically, it holds a lawful place in creation, it is a necessity.
We believe in intelligent and ignorant spirits. No being is naturally bad--evil always originates in ignorance.
Death is not a violent result of sin; it was neither friend nor enemy. It is a part of divine purpose.
There is no atoning value in the death of Jesus Christ.
Salvation by vicarious atonement is a wicked and soul-destroying delusion.
[Spiritualism] Teaches the continuity of life and the eternal progression of man toward perfectioin in the spirit freralm.
That every soul will progress through the ages to heights sublime and glorious, where God is Love and Love is God.
There are not two worlds at all, there (is) but one interblended, interrelated world, closely interwoven by memory and the love of life. Consciousness could not die. Personality could not be destroyed.
Life on the spirit plane is evolvement, like the ascent in a spiral, the growth of moral affection to higher and higher "heavens."
We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obey's Nature's physical and spiritual laws.
Man becomes a spirit after death, dong both evil and good, but he may be saved as he progresses from one spirit level tot he next. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any human soul here or hereafter.
Leaving the physical body does not change the condition of the spirit, which is the actual personality. It must learn to desire and to progress to higher and better conditions, just as we do on earth.
Each must work out his own salvation, each has an equal opportunity to do this when he shall have atoned for the wrongs and overcome the temptations and allurements to the sense gratification of earth.
Even the most degraded personality can in time attain the greatest heights. it is easier, however, to begin progression in the earth time.
Hell does not exist and never will.
All spirit people of wisdom, knowledge, and love know there is no hell and no devil.
No resurrection--no judgment.
When you believe in spiritual manifestations, you will feel far happier than you do now. You will not fear the threats of damnation and hell...such doctrine is wrong.
We do not believe in such places as Purgatory and Hell. Communicating spirits have merely graduated from this form of life into another. That life can be heaven or hell-like, just as each spirit chooses to make it; the same applies to our life here.--Spirit of Truth Brochure, "Spiritualism", Published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
In "Desiderata II," an inscription in old St. Pauls Church, Baltimore, Maryland, an inscription dated 1693 says:
"A revelation will occur to you...a revelation higher than your most exalted dreams. The New Age is coming, and in it there will be a realization of the Oneness of all. Differences between the various Religions will disappear. The good, which is in each of them, will be fused and will become the common goal of all mankind."
This is the clear error in the entire piece which speaks about Peace, Love, Truth, etc., but not Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It is New Age religion in its essence. There are no scriptures from the Bible cited. The Cross is not mentioned. Sin is not mentioned. Apparently, you can have happiness, righteousness, life, love, kindness, holiness, gentleness, all without the Cross, without Jesus Christ, without the Bible, without the Way of Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ and His atoning work. Oprah promises everything (You can have everything you desire! she constantly says to her huge audiences), but of course this is a pagan, New Age Religion teaching. Desiderata II proves she is saying nothing new. She is 17th century at least, following an earlier form of her New Ageism and Interfaith religion that was undercutting even the faith of our Pilgrim and Puritan forefathers in New England and Virginia!
Interfaith is also defined by Desiderata II. It consists of all religions, fused together, their exclusive elements purged. Christianity, purged of the Cross, of Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord (the only One), Jesus the only Begotten Son of God, will blend in with Muslim mystical Sufism, with Hinduism, with Buddhism, and native Indian religion, Earth Goddess/Environmentalism, and many others, into a supranational religion, that I believe will become the Anti-Christ's world religious system, Mystery Babylon described in the Revelation of Jesus Christ comnposed by John the Apostle as the Great Harlot. Already, we see the religious leaders of this interfaith religion meeting and drafting their creed in the precincts of the United Nations. Evangelical Christians were not invited, of course! Jesus Christ was not invited, of course!
Jesus Christ is just too "exclusive," claiming to be the Son of God, and the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life. He has to be rejected in order for this universal interfaith religion to organize and get going. This interfaith religion, thus, is an anti-christ religion. It fits perfectly with the Anti-Christ world leader himself, who is called the Beast, in Revelation. After using it to gain control of all the souls on earth, he will then turn on Mystery Babylon, this intefaith religious system, and destroy it, since he really does not intend to share his world throne with anyone or anything. If Oprah has not repented and is still alive, the Anti-Christ's state police will show up at her doors, close down her Harpo studios in Chicago and padlock the doors, arrest her and her employees and drag them all off to the Anti-Christ's own versions of Saddam Hussain's torture houses, to be tortured, then decapitated, and finally shredded. They will learn too late they began serving Satan Himself when they all bowed to the Anti-Christ, worshipping him as God.
If you are in the Tribulation Period (left behind, you will witness these and all the other things described in John's book. America's National Cathedral in Washington will be closed, maybe even torn down. It is an Interfaith facility even now, soon after completion. It serves an anti-Christ religion, the New Age religion that Oprah is promoting along with Spiritualism.
I have written this, not to defend myself, but to explain that criticism of my stand against President Bush's wrongful acts (which do not include the war on Iraq, though he mishandled it for quite a long time until he finally appointed General Petraeus to do a military man's job and let him alone when he was doing it!) is necessary, if I am not individually going to condone, or seem to condone, those acts. To remain silent is to be complicit, or seem to be, which is the same thing. President Bush was not the lesser evil, for I do not vote for "lesser evil," even though Al Gore was his opponent in the presidential race. God had mercy on us, had mercy on America, and did not let us get what we truly deserved, a terrible leader that Al Gore would no doubt have been if he had been able to seize the office of president as he tried to do after the deadlines were passed in the voting and counts of the votes in Florida. God has seen fit now to allow America to have Obama, who is ten times worse than Al Gore in his wickedness, to win the election (which was won, I truly believe, fraudulently). We will now trust God and seek His mercy, that He deliver us out of Obama's evil clutches. God is faithful, if we pray rightly, seek the salvation of Obama and his wife and children, and the repentance and revival all across this nation that has abandoned God. May God have mercy on us sinners!
He was appealing to a black church, and a black audience in TV-land, who voted almost without exception for Obama despite his endorsement of abortion, infanticide, same sex marriage, and homosexuality over heterosexuality (not to mention his anti-Americanism and Marxism). T.D. Jakes and his wife were sitting with him on the set and saying "Amen" to this garbage, as he joined their camp, burning his legacy to do so! If this man could do this so openly, what about the others waiting in the wings? We shall see more such rats running for cover soon, as they consider that their IRS exemptions might be cancelled by Obama's executive decrees if they don't quickly fall in line with his declared policies!
Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God:
every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has
come in the flesh is of God.
And every spirit that does nto confess
that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh,
is not of God.
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist,
which you have heard was coming,
and is now already in the world.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome
them, because He who is in you is greater
than he who is in the world.
They are of the world.
Therefore they speak as of the world,
and the world hears them.
We are of God. He who knows God hears us;
he who is not of God does not hear us.
By this we know the spirit of truth
and the spirit of error.
and the world hears them. We are of God. He who knows God hears us;
he who is not of God does not hear us.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.