Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Be sure to read a biography of Sir Isaac Newton the physicist and inventor of calculus--also a Christian and agreed by most scientists to be the greatest scientist who ever lived. We need to know that Christians (Bible-believing followers of Jesus "Christ!) have furthered the advance of science, technology, and civilization beyond any other group (and certainly beyond the contributions of secular humanists!).
"George Muller, Man of Faith and Miracles," biography hy Basil Miller, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Tortured for Christ," autobiography of Richard Wurmbrand, Diane Books, Glendale, California. His wife has a new book out as well, but please begin with his book.
"Hope for Man in a Hopeless World," by Basilea Schlink, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Glory in the Church, the Coming Revival," by Edward E. Hindson, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New York/Nashville
"Czechmate," by British evangelist to Russia and Siberia and Slavic nations, David Hathaway. This is his own autobiographical account of his unjust imprisonment in a communist country, Czechoslovakia, for taking Bibles in to give to Christians. As he told the communist judges on his case, it was officially no crime under the Czechoslavakian constitution, and he was absolutely right. But they would not let him go free, since freedom of religion was granted, only offically for the sake of the Western democracies' recognition of the country. He was imprisoned for no crime but the simple taking of Bibles into a country that said officially the Bible was permitted! What hypocrisy of the communists! In no way was freedom of religion and the Bible allowed by them to exist. Yet gullible Western church officials came and visited, going back to tell their churches and the press that the Czechoslovakian people were free to worship God and free to have Bibles--both totally untrue. The communists called the Bible a "bomb," highly dangerous to their power and tyranny over the people. A dear British friend of mine has known him personally in Britain, and went on a tour to Israel that he led all across Europe and Communist countries--an epic journey that probably could not be repeated today, as some of the countries such as Syria and Lebanon are known terrorist-supporters. It took place in 1963 and lasted 28 days!
"Jesus Freaks." I have not read it, but you can order it through VOM Books.
"God Sent a Man," the story of Joseph, by Carylye B. Haynes, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C.
"Israel Act III," The Bible and the Mideast in prophecy, by Richard Wolff, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois
"Eric Liddell, Pure Gold," biography of the Chariots of Fire Olympic runner turned missionary to China, by David McCasland, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"C.S. Lewis," Heroes of the Faith series biography, by Sam Wellman, Barbour Publishing, Uhrichsville, Ohio
John McTernan, who appeared on Sid Roth's "It's Supernatural" television program, is absolutely right in connecting terrible, increasingly destructive events with our presidents' and governments' mistreatment of Israel--and has to my mind at least explained perfectly why our nation has suffered catastrophes as 9/11 and the hurricanes that destroyed New Orleans and many coastal communities. If you have a better explanation, let us know. Please go to Sid Roth's website for interview with John McTernan and information about his book, "As America Has Done to Israel," Xulon Press, or call 1-888-833-6416 and ask for Order 1055. A donation of $20 will include shipping and handling. I am reading my copy presently, and it is a terrific, eye-opening account--which explains so much that has bewildered millions of us Christians about what is happening to America in connection with Israel and our government's forcing Israel to give up Covenanted land to the Muslim terrorists and the Arabs who are claiming it as theirs. The book can also be obtained by going to his website or by writing to: Sid Roth, P.O. Box 1918, New Brunswick, GA 31521, with the Order #1055.
Christ did not die as the Soviet masters of Russia claimed--He ruled from heaven over the earth and laughed at these puny defiers of God. In His time, he spoke one word, and the whole mighty Soviet Empire crumbled and dissolved away in a matter of a few days! Before that event, mighty miracles were done, to show the Soviet atheists that God existed, and that He was still God, and they were but men. One of the men who stood up for God's existence was a young man, a youth of twenty when he was brutally tortured and murdered because he refused to deny Christ his Lord. Born and raised to manhood in Modavian SSR, he was recruited to serve in the Soviet Army stationed in Crimea. There he experienced many miracles, saw many angels, and was delivered from sheer death on a number of occasions, all to show that God existed in a land where His existence was denied by all the powers and authorities of state. This testimony still stands! It is highly regarded in heaven to this very day! This testimony was one that brought down the high and proud Soviet gods of Russia, crumbling them to fine dust which the winds then blew away! This is a testimony that ought to provoke trembling in the knees of all who oppose God in America and Europe today, which are ruled by godless, atheistical, secular-humanists (the same kind of people who ruled Soviet Russia and its empire).
No coverage whatsoever of the West and Central African tribes who raided the villages, seized the women and children and young men, and killed the men who could defend themselves and killed the elderly and sick who were no good to them for selling as slaves to the British slaveship captains. They naturally did not mention anything about the current slave-trading and slave-holding and enslavement of thousands of Africans going on this very day in the Sudan! Slave-holding is a long-accepted practice in African Muslim societies--has been so since the time of the Muslim Arabs swept to power in North Africa in the 7th-8th centuries! Now it is a policy of the Sudanese central government, which is radical Islamicist, to wipe out the Christians of South Sudan, convert the pitiful survivors to Islam forcibly, while enslaving them and working them to death, or raping and fathering children on them, or selling them to Christians who are raising money in the U.S. to buy these wretched fellow Christians and set them free to return to their shattered villages and burned down homes, in the hope they can rebuild their lives and families somehow.
This was not a true report, British Broadcasting Corporation! This was not historical! This was a gross misrepresentation, perpetrated by the BBC by hauling in a number of ignorant, or dishonest, British university dons and so-called experts on the subject of slavery. What rubbish! What a farce! This is the sickening kind of reportage that goes on constantly in the BBC and its broadcasts to the world. It is not journalism--it is propaganda for the secular humanist and atheist world-view and ideology, which is in its way just as bad as Nazism and Communism.
The colonial, empire-building British are pilloried by the BBC as evil arch-demons for conducting the slave trade and profiteering off it. Well, nobody (certainly not any Christian!) will defend them for what they did. But to exclude all the other facts of the case is totally reprehensible of the BBC and its supervisors and newscasters. They are deliberately distorting and revising history, so as to make the central role of valiant Christians such as Wilberforce and Pitt and Newton non-existent or inconsequental, while a free pass is given the Muslims and pagan African tribes and chiefs somehow, accounting them lily white innocent despite their primary role serving as the most brutal and inhumane enslavers and middle-men in the African slave trade. They are also totally ignoring Islam's notorious history of slavery and also its present involvement, for profit and poltical and religious aggrandizement, in slavery.
The BBC, with those arrogant, "snooty" Cambridge and Oxford accents, turns a blind eye to slavery--when it is Muslim, but tars anybody who would object to this, or suggests that slavery is going on today, perpetrated by the Muslim northern Sudanese government in Darfur and southern Sudan against primarily black Christians. For this the BBC, in my opinion, is a co-conspirator in the enslavement of Africans today! They are also liars of the worst possible stripe. These are life and death issues--and the BBC needs to undergo intensive sensitivity training where truth and genuine journalism and humanity are concerned.
I want to write my Congressmen and say something like: "You are a crook that would make a better used car salesman, that is clear by your actions. Admit it! And do right, will you? Why keep lying and misspending our tax money and running down your country for your own petty advantage? Change! We need to change, sir! We will all die if we continue on like this! The whole nation is perishing--crumbling away, in the destruction of countless lives by politically correct immorality, perversion, robbery, and deception!"
Of course, I can't write that. It is the truth. But I write what I can--without compromising my beliefs and the truth. When you write to thieves and liars who are now your legal, voted-in representatives in Congress, you cannot begin by name-calling, justified as it may be. They will simply trash your letter and maybe submit your name to the F.B.I. for the hate crime and sensitivity training division to look into. No, Christ came not to condemn, but to save. That is the way to begin, even in a letter that I recently wrote reprimanding my Representative in Congress for spearheading the foolish resolution calling for a pull-out in Iraq before either we or Iraq is ready.
I believe he is dishonest, a dupe of his own party, for taking on this job of heading up the resolution. I know the Middle East enough, and know about our declared terrorist enemies well enough, that a resolution of this is like opening the front door to the wolf and saying, "Welcome, do whatever you want!" Show weaknes, timidity, fear, a willingness to compromise your core beliefs, and the wolf will march right in and take over! The wolves of Islam are doing just that! It is just taking a bit more time with America than it is taking with tired, old, super-tolerant, super-decadent Europe.
But Russia--good or bad, it is not a compromiser like our society. We will see a true revival--not a hitech, televised rehash of Azuza that fools nobody but the rehashers--that will sweep from Russia to engulf and transform Europe, if Hudson Taylor's prophecies are true, and I believe they are. It will happen soon. Be a part--by prayer. We aren't called to go to Russia, probably, but we can go, with love, by prayer. God has given us this mighty instrument, prayer, to change the world and win it for Christ. What are we doing with it? Letting it rust idle at our sides, like an old sword we seldom if ever pull out and use? Let's not rust away, let us be gleaming, sharp instruments in God's hands instead. It is our choice. May be be willing to be used and be willing to sacrifice a little of our time and energy, and even our money, to extend the Kingdom of Christ into Russia and all parts of this dark world, bringing the blinding light of the Gospel to every darkened, enslaved soul left on this old earth. Amen!
My aunt also writes: "I must translate one letter written by an Indian in New Guinea--pleading for a missionary. I can't help but bawl every time I read it. He has written our mission for years and pleads for some one to come and teach his tribe the truth. 'We are lost," he says and you can help us.'" My aunt is now 92, still going strong for the Lord. Please pray for her health, that she will continue to be the great blessing she is as a woman of prayer and hospitality to the many tired missionaries and others who come to stay and be refreshed in body and spirit at the guesthouse where she is the keeper. It is named after her! Remember also to pray for the tribesman in New Guinea (a big, mostly jungle island in the area of Indonesia, located above Australia). He has been writing and pleading for someone to come for years now, to bring the Gospel to him and his people! How can we not at least pray for this poor man and his urgent request. We can hear the Gospel preached almost every day if we want! But he has never heard it preached! Can we just stand by while he and his people slip into a Christless eternity?--Ed.
Now I had real clay in my hand, and I offered it at church to a pastor and his wife who came to a sparsely attended prayer meeting one night. The pastor made a face as I handed it to him on a clean napkin, but his wife was more appreciative, and when she prayed, she prayed in the spirit of humility, in the spirit of humble clay that God the Potter can use for His glory. I was glad to use this clay, and hope there will be more opportunities in the future where I can share it with fellow members, fellow "vessels" of the Body of Christ. It may be unpleasant, ugly stuff, but look what a Master Potter chooses to work with, and look what wonderful things He can make of it if He is allowed to do what He wants to do with it!--Ed.
His statement ought to cause us to laugh ourselves sick, if it weren't so serious a matter. Are they stupid, ignorant, deceiving and deceived? Or are they all three at once? I would opt for all three! They are stumbling over themselves, trying to be politically correct, not alarm the American people at all costs to the security of the people, and save their hides and jobs while jeopardizing their mission: which is to stop Muslim jehadists and cell groups in the U.S., round them up, get all the information that can be gotten about their ties to other groups, and deport them and bring them to justice if crimes can be proven. It takes no rocket scientist to figure out that this is a grave threat to U.S. school children, the government, and society. Those innocuous Blue Birds can be loaded with explosives, then filled with children going to school to use them as hostages, and then driven to targets and detonated as suicide bombing missions. How like the Al Qaida to try to pull off this kind of operation! It bears their rubber stamp all over it. But the FBI tells us all there is nothing to worry about. I am not going to worry. Any country with so defunct and dysfunctional an agency as this needs to go to God Almighty for protection. This is the news--as stated in the AP--which you can hardly believe 95 per cent of the time--but this is very credible, indeed. It goes right along with the history of the FBI in recent times, when dealing with Muslim terrorists. They may be average to good at snooping around, but follow-up is abyssmal, as this report proves. If they are as naive as this report tells us they are, they could not protect a children's playground at a day school, much less an entire nation. They need to be fired, and real people who want to do their jobs hired. American people, fellow Christians, why do we put up with such egregrious incompetence, if not lying, deceiving, and double dealing, that puts us all in deadly peril from our enemies within the borders? Why do we pay for such a worthless service? It is a terrible waste of tax money, to say the least. The FBI has been so dumbed down by politically correctness, which is secular humanism trying to bring socialism to the U.S., that their hands are tied behind them--exactly what the situation they should be working instead to bring to all our domestic enemies, who are Muslims, not Quakers and Presbyterians, Masons or Rotarians or Lutherans or Pentecostals! They are MUSLIM--there is no other religion whose malignant muftis and clerics are SYSTEMATICALLY, GLOBALLY, promoting this kind of activity. What is there about "Muslim" they cannot understand? It is an acronym for "Madmen use slyness, lying, invasive malevolence." That is what Mohammed taught (read the Hadiths) and his followers followed-up. That is how they got the advantage of Christians and Jews whose kingdoms they could not overwhelm with the first military attacks. Now if that acronym doesn't describe Osama bin Ladin and all his long-robed, long-beared clones to a "t,", tell me one better.--Ed.
THE LATE GREAT STATE OF MINNESOTA'S FIRST MUSLIM CONGRESSMAN HAS EXPOSED HIS OWN DUPLICITY AND SHOWN HIS TRUE COLORS: Minnesota was my favorite state after my homestates of Washington and South Dakota--but no more! I am ashamed of a state that would elect such an anti-American, anti-Chrisian charlatan as this man! This deceiver declared to the nation he was not going to swear in on a Bible, but chose his Koran, which is his holy book, even though it is not America's, the country which he is supposed to be serving! What an Anti-American! What an anti-Christ dunce! Would he dare do this in any other country? This shows how much he despises this Christian-founded country and its Christian foundation and roots! Congress, which is secular humanist and anti-Christian at the core, went right around him and accepted and commended him! The White House and our President accepted and endorsed him as well--which shows their true lack of respect for our Christian-founded heritage and foundation, not "tolerance" and "multiculturalism," which are mere buzzwords for socialism and secular humanism's agenda for America. Well, it has come out that the Koran that he took from Thomas Jefferson's library (which Thomas Jefferson would have denied him!) was not there because Thomas Jefferson admired the Muslim religion of Islam. On the contrary! He got a Koran to read because he wanted to know the thinking of this religion that would attack Christian countries and even new-born nations such as America, which had no prior dealing with Muslims of any kind. At the time of his presidency, the Muslims of North Africa were pirates, attacking the merchant vessels of Britain, France, and America, enslaving the crews, and taking the cargoes, or holding them all up for ransom if they thought they could get more that way. Britain and France had been paying millions yearly in tribute to protect their ships and crews, but America finally said enough to this racket, and went to war! The new-born navy and commandoes of the U.S. (a kind of colonial SEAL operation) outflanked and then defeated the Barbary Pirates, the Muslim rulers of Morocco and Libya, and forced them to the conference table. "Why do you hate us so, when we never had dealings with you as a nation before?" the amazed Thomas Jefferson asked one of their leaders. He was told that the Koran, their holy book, commanded them to do what they were doing to "infidel" Christians and Jews! Well, there is your answer to tolerance and multiculturalism's deceptions. Our first war after the War of Revolution with Britain was with Muslim powers who were jehadists in their day. Has anything changed? Apparently not! We are still being attacked by the same countries, as they support international terrorism against our nation and our remaining allies.
Thomas Jefferson, who was a true American, would have taken this rascally Congressman from Minnesota by the seat of his pants and thrown him bodily out of the Capitol! Is there a man left with red American blood in his veins who would do it today? Obviously not! You would be arrested, rather than commended! You could have Congressmen beat other Congressmen with canes in a session, but if anyone defends the honor of the United States, he is arrested! That is the low state, the nadir, to which we have descended as a secular humanist-corrupted nation.
Please go to the Coral Ridge Ministries link to get the message by Dr. Kennedy. But here I can say this much. I researched St. Patrick to do a newspaper feature article, and it was printed in a local paper. I was as much surprised to find out who he really was as my readers, no doubt. He would have denounced the current celebration using his name--not because he was a curmudgeon or a party-spoiler, but because he loved Jesus Christ and the Gospel and the people of Ireland so much!
His true story starts in the 5th century, in Britain, as the Roman Empire is crumbling away to nothing in Europe. Here on the outskirts of the empire in Britain, things are going much the same for the time being, though Ireland nearby is a problem, having remained pagan and outside the civilizing empire. From Ireland raiding parties go out and pillage the British coast, with impunity, since the Roman warships no longer sweep the Irish sea free of pirates periodically. Now the British coast has to fend for itself, and it cannot be done. It is just a matter of time before the pirates strike at Patrick's own hometown.
In his own telling, he began as a little hypocrite in his father's church, where his father was a deacon. He looked and acted like a Christian. He heard his father tell the truths of the Gospel, but it really didn't mean anything to him. Then the Irish raiders struck, and Patrick was carried off a captive to Ireland. There he was sold a slave to man owning flocks of sheep. In Britain, Patrick had lived until his early teens a comfortable life as a upper class Briton--a deacon's son--but here the life of privilege and security was completely stripped away along with his fine clothes. He was literally starving and naked, exposed to the cold, damp, and wild animals of a savage, uncivilized, pagan Ireland.
But...young Patrick, in his slavery and desperation and pain, remembered his father's words, and turned to Almighty God in prayer. He prayed constantly, hundreds of prayers in a day. God answered him. To shorten this account, God had a ship go to the coast 200 miles from Patrick that would be Patrick's means of deliverance. God then told Patrick to flee to it and get on board. Patrick obeyed. He found the ship, but was refused by the captain. As he walked away, God said to turn back, the captain would accept him. Patrick turned around, and the captain was calling him! Patrick took sail on the ship carrying Irish bloodhounds for sale in Gaul, and this same ship, after some adventures in Gaul, returned him home to Britain to his family. He was back! But God wasn't through with him. Patrick could not forget the Irish, despite their cruelty to him. God gave him a vision, Irish people appearing to him and calling to him to return with the Word of God, which was the light in their darkness. Patrick obeyed, and the rest is thrilling. Patrick preached fearlessly to the savage, pagan Irish, from king to shepherd, and over 100,000 Irish were saved, an entire nation became Christian for the first time in history. No one has equalled that achievement before or since. Billy Graham has influenced the whole world, and millions have been saved in his life-long ministry, but he has not preached and a whole nation, America, has been saved. The Irish people and nation were brought into God's holy kingdom, and they were delivered from paganism and witchcraft, drunkenness, abuse, slavery, dirty living, immorality, and obscene customs and coarse talking, and continual warfare as a lifestyle (the chieftains, before Patrick, were forever fighting and attacking each other's domains). Peace and civilization and happiness settled upon Ireland for the first time--thanks to the Good News of Jesus Christ--and a young man willing to forgive his former captors and bring them the liberating truth.
This is the true story, that you do not hear on the so-called St. Patrick's Day.
Efforts have been made to secure the authors or the holders of copyrights when possible or thought right and necessary (particularly when the material is current or new).
We invite anyone to republish our own material, new and old, though it is given our copyright on these pages. Please use portions, or the entirety of the article--and you are free to quote from our editorial remarks, but please quote enough as to not obscure or change the meaning intended by the editor. Thank you--Ed.