This word on Hope was written in a terrible, terrifyingly hopeless time, 1940, as the seemingly invincible Nazi legions were marching forth in armored columns with Panzers and Luftwaffe bombers overhead on the full scale conquest of one country after another in Europe! It was doubly hopeless for the people of God because this new war came just 23 years after the end of the First World War in which tens of millions of soldiers and civilians lost their lives and Europe was devastated end to end. That was supposed to be the "War to End War for all time," they people thought back then. But no, they were most brutally disillusioned when Hitler launched his armies forth in another major war of aggression against European countries that would soon be known as World War II. How agonizing this was to witness! It seemed beyond belief, and the human heart could not take it. People by the hundreds and thousands (maybe even the millions world-wide, committed suicide, despairing of life and that there would ever be a change for the better that would make a lasting peace. But what was God saying to his people in 1940, as the war clouds darknened the whole sky everywhere you looked (the German Nazis in the East in Europe, the Imperial Japanese in the Fareast, or West of America). This was not to mention the brutal Fascist dictator Mussolini in his attempts to revive the Roman Empire by conquering Libya, Ethiopia, and later Greece. And there remained the Fascist dictator Franco in Spain, and the Soviet Empire that ranged from Northern Europe to Siberian Asia and from the Arctic to the deserts of Central Asia. Where was their reason for hope amidst so much war, trouble, and tyranny?
Read this word from W. E. Sangster, a man of God who faced the beast of hopelessness in 1940 and was still able to give us today, an equally dark time, a cheering word to revive our hope. I think of how the present-time desperate need of the American people for hope is used by a presidential candidate to gain the presidency, and he got it because people flocked to his support, hoping he would be the one to lead them into better times--truly a mistake on their part, for they will be disillusioned before long when he shows he is just a man of clay like any other man, unable to save them and this financially insolvent, strife-torn world.
Personally speaking, my own hope for America died, or at least suffered a shattering blow (forcing me to my knees, when Barak Hussein Obama won the presidency in 2008. Clear enough in my view, Obama is a most pitiful, false messiah, if there ever was one! He stands for nothing Christian and Biblical that I can identify. His official positions are anti-Christian, anti-life, anti-moral, anti-marriage, anti-family, anti-America. But yet...Christ still sits on the throne in heaven, and His Name is above all names, and his authority above all authorities, whether in heaven or in earth! That is the abiding truth, despite the hopeless situation in America at the present hour. I will turn back from men to God, and keep my eyes of faith focused there on Him alone, for in Christ alone is my Hope, and He Alone will save us and bring us back into His fold, even if the world does not heed Him and continues on its path to destruction.
Even as I write this, I must practice it. A big river swollen with sudden snow melt in the mountains and days of heavy rains that are still going on, is flooding upriver, forcing 26,000 people to evacuate. There are mudslides, many closed roads, the remaining roads packed with cars trying to get away, and people sandbagging their homes and businesses. I have two sisters living here nearby. You know things are serious when family members who have called very seldom for years all called tonight about mother's welfare. Tonight there may come a summons to evacuate this mobile home court down in my hometown (my aged mother has already been taken to higher ground to a son's home), and I sit here, praying and trusting God to come through for us, and divert this flooding river somehow from our homes! God is able. He is on His throne. He is my Hope.
Cowly said, "Hope is the most hopeless thing of all." The soldier is apt to turn bright promises aside with a despondent question, "What hopes?" Schopenhauer, the distinguished German philosopher, looked upon hope as the bait by which nature gets her hook in our nose, and makes it serve her interests, though they may not be our own. That is the common assessment of hope in the world--a poor, vain, deceptive thing.
But hope is not so thought of in the New Testament. Paul makes Faith, Hope, and Love the cardinal virtues of Christendom. "And now abideth faith, hope, love." He speaks also of "the patience of hope" and of "hope that maketh not ashamed." All through the New Testament, hope is spoken of in that same high way. The author of the Epistle to the Hebrews bursts out into that daring paradox, "A hope both sure and steadfast."
Now, how did this sharp contrast arise? An illusion: a steadfast reality. A dream: a fact. A disease of the mind: a cardinal virtue. Hope cannot be both. Is the world right, or the New Testament? Is it a bit of folly or is it precious beyond price? What is the solution of the dilemma?
The answer is not difficult. They are talking of different things. There is a higher and a lower hope. There is a genuine quality and a counterfeit. There is a real article and a substitute. There is gold and there is gilt.
Let us look at each of them in turn.
I think you will recognize the lower hope more easily if I employ its usual name. It is commonly called "optimism." Optimism is much praised. People love to boast that they are optimists, and they sperak as though this quality conferred distinction on them [is this not the same thing as the "think positive" preachers and televangelists who preach against negativity and won't mention sin and damnation, preferring only the "Power of Positive Thinking" preached most persuasively by the pastor of New York's Marble Collegiate Church and also the founder of the popular religious magazine, GUIDEPOSTS, followed by Dr. Schuller of the Crystal Cathedral and lately by Joel Osteen?].
Sir Thomas Lipton said: "I am the world's greatest optimist. I am proud of the distinction. There is something buoyant and healthy in being an optimist. It is because of my optimism that I have gone through life sailing. I am always in good humor and good fettle. Doctor Optimism is the finest chap in any city or country. Just try a course of his treatment. It will work wonders, and this doctor charges no fees [But try this message on a Holocaust Jew in the death camps, Sir Lipton, and see how well it holds up!"--Ed.].
Nor need we deny the value of optimism. It is not full cream, but there is something to be said for skimmed milk. If the choice were pressed upon us, most of us would prefer to live with an optimist than with a pessimist. A friend of mine has set it out in this way: "The pessimist says, 'It will rain this afternoon.' The optimist says, 'There's a rift in the clouds,' and he puts on his macintosh and goes out. The pessimist says, 'I suppose there is no milk in that jug.' The optimist says, 'Pass the cream, please.' The pessimist says, 'The country is bound to lose this war.' The optimist says, 'The outlook is dark, but we shall win through.'" [In their badly prepared conditions, thanks to Winston Churchill's misconceived policy of scuttling of the great British Warships, with wooden rifles for British soldiers to practice with, the British citizenry disarmed, and America's army reduced to a few obsolete tanks and handfuls of untrained troops, there was absolutely no assurance in 1940 that virtually defenseless America and England would win the struggle against Hitler, and then came the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, destroying our Pacific Fleet, which surely told many we would not survive the advancing, seemingly unstoppable Japanese armada of planes, ships, and armies either!].
Of course optimism is better than pessimism. Doctors know that. Professor W. Langdon Brown, of Cambridge University, addressing the medical students of Westminster Hospital some little time ago, sought to remind them that there are precious tonics not easily examined by biochemical analysis, and he concluded his striking address by saying that the best of tonics is hope.
Yes, all this concerns the lower hope, and, when everything has been said in its favor, it is a poor counterfeit of the real thing. It flourishes most where there is no depth of earth, and it soon withers away. It has no necessary connection with religion.
If every doctor knows that optimism is, as Professor W. Langdon Brown has said, a good tonic to the body, every doctor knows also that optimist is a constant concomitant of consumption [tuberculosis]. The disease may be making its last rapid moves to a tragic end, but normally the patient seems blissfully unaware of it. Keen as the people in sanatoria [hospitals for T.B. patients] normally and naturally are to get home, their cheerfulness is proverbial. I have been visiting such patients in all parts of the country for years and have been impressed againa nd again by the hopefulness which they display. But many of them are sick unto death and optimism alone cannot save them.
Nor is it less pathetic when the optimism is displayed by the relatives. "It is all right," said a cheerful fellow to me one day when I had been visiting his wife who was gravely ill. "She is bound to get better. I am an optimist, you know. I always look on the bright side of things."
But I buried his wife before the week was out.
Of course we appreciate optimism, and willingly admit its simple service to the community, but it has been immoderately praised, and fully explains the world's cynicism concerning hope. Boisterous confidence which has no solid foundation looks pitifully ludicrous when crushing disappointment comes, and deepens the contempt in which it is widely held by the disillusioned. Looking at the the bright side of things may seem both bold and brave, but it involves also (as it so often does) a foolish neglect of facts which point the other way, it only adds to the bitterness of ultimate failure. A friend of mine, who used to be in the legal profession, tells me that he often wound up [terminated as a failure or bankruptcy] the business of people who WOULD persist in looking on the bright side of their accounts!
But how different is all this from New Testament hope! It is as different as the gambler's dice from the proved results of accurate research. We go forward into this dark period in our nation's life, not inflated with the foolish optimism which seems to give buoyancy to those who do not know Christ, but with a quiet and unquenchable hope drawn from the deep sources of our faith. The language which comes easy to optimists we cannot use. Confident boasting of a swift and not-too-costly victory, and wishful anticipation of speedy revolution in enemy lands, are not the grounds of our hope. It is more deeply based than either of these.
It is based, first, on:
THE INDESTRUCTIBILITY OF TRUTH. Some people would have us believe that truth is a fragile thing, the first casualty in any war. None would deny that we live in an age when scant respect has been paid to it, and propaganda put forward as something "rather better." Indeed, there have been times when words have almost ceased to have meaning. Aggression has masqueraded as "protection." Wanton and wicked invasion has been described as though it were a pitying and sacrificial act of succor [read "compassion and caring,' the buzz words and mantras of America's anti-Christian, secularist, liberal establishment and the radical Leftists]. Appeasement has been called "weakness," and a confederation aiming at peace has been regarded as a team of gangsters bent on encirclement [here we beg to differ with the excellent writer, as appeasement has been by unmistakable events--particularly Neville Chamberlain's appeasement of Hitler in the Munich Accords that gave the Nazis Chechoslovakia's Sudentenland in exchange for "peace--proven to be weakness, and all the peaceniks of 1940--Henry Ford, Charles Linbergh, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, and many others like them-- proved false peace doves, as there could be no peace with the likes of Hitler, Mussolini, and Emperor Hirohito and Japanese Prime Minister Tojo! [just as there can never be, given the word by Hamas defectors themselves, between Hamas of Gaza and Israel!]--Ed.
But it only seems so. Truth is mighty. It does not achive its victoruies by any lightning war ["blitzkreig," in German]. The lie wins all early engagements, and sometimes seems to be in the secure possession of the field. The Truth may even be nailed to a cross and taken down, a poor bleeding clod, to be hidden in a sepulchre, sealed with a great stone.
But it rises again! The life-principle in it cannot be killed [as Christ proved, when He, the living Way, Truth, and the Life, rose again from the grave, hallelujah!]. Somehow, it partakes of the life of God and, therefore, of God's eternity. Ultimately, its triumph is sure.
Did not our own Milton [John Milton, the great Puritan poet who wrote the English epic poem, "Paradise Lost") say: "Though allt he winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the Earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple. Whoever knew Truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter? For who knows not that Truth is strong, next to the Almighty? She needs no policies or stratagems to make her victorious. Give her but room, and do not beind her when she sleeps"?
In a London hopsital, a few years ago, a small quantity of radium was lost. Though its bulk was quite inconsiderable, it was valued at about five thousand dollars, and an immediate and thorough search was made. By some means it was thought possible that it had bneen swept into a wastepaper basket, and taken to the destructor to be burned. So the dust and clinkers of the refuse plant were sieved and examined.
And there was the radium!--unharmed and unimpaired for all the fiery journey it had made: still at the service of the doctors in their great ministry of healing.
It is not dissimilar with truth. It passes through the fires of fierce distortion, and seems at times to be utterly lost, but the flames cannot permanently harm it, and it returns to its remedial work again.[this is a hopeful word, when truth is so mangled by the lawyers who have no regard for truth, but use the rules of evidence to overturn truth in the courts and in the public forums and the media and the government--working it like play dough to mean anything they want it to mean, for their own profit and advancement--a trick they learned in college and university law schools! We see this in the Clintons, both lawyers, who could dispute the meaning of "and" when Bill Clinton was called before a court to testify about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, a White House Intern. We also see it in countless other cases in American life today, as lawyers twist the truth to their advantage, and seem to have no regard for truth unless it serves their selfish purposes.].
Albert Schweitzer [the world-renowned organist and theologian who gave up his worldly fame and career to establish a hospital at Lambarene in the steaming, malarial jungles along the Congo river where the most basic santitation was utterly unknown until he brought it to the suffering, diseased, dying Congolese people], like most thoughtful men, dislikes to be asked whether he is an optimist or a pessimist, finding the questin essentially shallow. He admits that only at quite rare moments has he felt really glad to be alive; that he is burdened with a sense of the world's suffering and believes that, by the renunciation of thinking, mankind is delivering itself into spiritual and material misery.
One things, however, keeps hope alive in him: belief in truth. He says:
"One belief in my childhood I have preserved with the certaintly that I can never lose it--belief in truth. I am confident that the spirit generated by truth is stronger than the force of circumstances. . . .Therefore, I do not believe that mankind will have to tread the road to ruin right to the end."
That, then, is the first ground of our hope--the indestructibility of truth. In all our anxiety these days lest we become nationally self-righteous, none need hesitate to offer the prayer, "God defend the Truth."
The second grund of our confident hope is this:
GOD IS ON THE THRONE. Many people, most of whom live their nomral lives in neglect of God, complain times of national stress that He never seems to do anything. They set out the enormities of our enemies, touch with a light hand (or entirely ignore) our own national sins, and querulously inquire why God doe snot intervene.
The problem is a very old one. It puzzled the psalmist. It perplexed the prophets. It baffled poor Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane. When he stood, bloody and ineffectual, in the gleam of the lanterns, and watched them march his betrayed Master away, something came night to bursting in his mighty heart. He knew that it was devilry--every bit of it. But why did He [Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God] suffer it? Surely, the same word that cured the leper, gave sight to the blind, and summoned the dead to life, could blast these evil men for their wickedness. Yet He allowed them to lead Him away, and, of His own will, bowed His meek head to mortal pain. As Peter stumbled into the darkness, that was the question which hammered in his reeling brain: "Why?" "Why?" "Why?"
Let this be plainly said again, however elementary it must seem to those who deeply think on the things of God: He does not work our way. His might finds fitting expression, not in the power to wound, but in the power to woo. His power is not coercion, but constraint. Never does He violate the personality that He has made. With infinite patience, He seeks to win the wayward and the wicked by all the dear inducements of love,a nd our hard task is this: to have patience with the patience of God.
When we remember our own obdurateness [stubborn willfulness and resistance] to Hisa pleadings, and for how long our prayers were compact of just personal petitition, and how imperious we seemed to His call; when we remember His own long patience with us through all the years when we were proud and repulsive in sin, it should not be too hard for us to have patience with the patience of God. Let us accept this fact however difficult, or even impossible, we may judge it to be for ourselves. God doe snot work our way. The Cross symhbolizes both His power and His wisdom. He meets all the massed hatred of wicked men with bleeding love, and in the hour of their triumph His only reply is a prayer.
But He is still on the throne! He is uncompromising about sin, and only blind ignorance can interpret His restraint as weakness, or indifference to moral worth. The Eternal God will vindicate the unalterable distinctions of right and wrong. The world can only work His way.
Kingdoms rise and wane."
He will never leave us nor forsake us [as the scripture promises]. The Cross is the pledge of that. In those moments of unmeasurable horror, when we fear that even God's patience will be exhausted with our wicked race, and all the windows of heaven closed from within against the scenes of earth, let us repair again to Calvary. Here is the ground of unquenchahble hope. He will never forsake the world of His incarnation and sacrificial death. God is on the throne. Truth is indestructible. When the shallow hopes of the world [and all its false messiahs] are all dead--hope on in God!