We thank you, dear God, for all your blessings, realizing that we need not thank you for the evils, but just do something about them if and whenever we can.
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur, or the well-off American enslaved by materialism and self-indulgment and self-centeredness and ease] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
Be sure to order this excellent, readable (in one sitting) booklet from Zola Levitt ministries, which for a small sum will give you all the information you need to review what is being taught (rightly or wrongly) to you in your church. Do not be a passive, brainwashed member of the flock--but be one who knows that the Jews, saved or unsaved, are still the apple of God's eye, still the Covenanted People from the Old Testament period to the New Testament period, still possessing a glorious future in God's master blueprint for the Earth and its Gentile peoples and the Jewish people, still the people who gave us the Messiah and Savior of the World; lastly, and it bears repeating, the Lord Jesus Christ is STILL A JEW. Replacement Theology, to exist, must deny, ignore, or otherwise use correction fluid on this fact to make the claims it does. Imagine, taking away the rights, privileges, and promises God gave Christ's own people, the Jews, when Christ is a Jew! Wouldn't that offend him? You bet it does! So let's not join those who do it! I don't want to be in their shoes when someday they face a Savior who is still Jewish, every inch of him!
Thank God, the president has withstood these politicians and Congressmen so far, allowing our troops to fight and their commanders to lead. He has interfered on his own, however, creating a stalemate for a number of years, but now has seen the light and put the war back in the hand of military men, where it belongs, and the war is going ever so much better now, as we all can see. Our troops are defending our liberty and also sacrificing lives and limbs for the sake of other people's liberty as well. They offer to go back, even when their tours are ended! They will bear the scars, mental and physical, of their ordeals in some of the toughest fighting on the planet for years to come, even the rest of their lives, but they do not regret what they have done--serve under the Red, White, and Blue! Hats off, cheers, and our prayers--and great thanks--to these brave soldiers, men and women who have surpassed all expectations again and again despite the spineless Congressmen at home who have undercut their efforts every way they could, as well as the Hollywood celebs who have said every mean thing they could to make our soldiers all look like torturers and killers, not the defenders of liberty and our national security, that they truly are! God bless you all, in the Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and in all the support services as well! WE LOVE YOU, WE RESPECT YOU, WE HONOR YOU! YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT!
And thank God for French help, led by Lafayette, which turned the tables for us when we stood alone against the mightiest power on earth, King George and Great Britain! We would not have won against them if not for the help from France in money, arms, and men, and great leaders such as Lafayette. God used France to deliver the English into our hands, so that we could survive and become a free people under God--not King George and his god, whatever it was! We owe France a great debt today, though it was partially repaid by Americans going to fight in World Wars I and II, to help France against Germany and even liberate France from German occupation. Radio Talk hosts who continue to ridicule France and even Sarkozy ought to shut up if they cannot remember history--we have France (which, though turning atheist and hedonist and secularist) to thank for the existence of our free nation--in large measure, it was French assistance at a most critical time that tipped the balance in our favor! Viva la France! We hope and pray for the best for France, despite what the Moslems are presently trying to do to that former seedbed of liberty and equality among men.
(2) The king of Poland who stood with an Austrian ruler against Sulieman the Magnificent's Turkish armies attacking Vienna and made them pull back. This was Islam's final onslaught from the east, and it was so unsuccessful, it was not tried again.
(3)God Almighty, who sent a great storm and stopped the Moslem navy from attacking and capturing Rome and Italy, which was their plan to take over Europe with their superior sea power.
(4)Yet another Moslem armada was sent out to take the Americas for Allah, but a storm from the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob met the ships and sank them; otherwise, flags with the Crescent Moon would wave over North and South America today instead of banners showing the Cross of Christ.
(5) Christopher Columbus, whose first name he mentioned many times, in his very signature, as meaning "Christ-bearer". Whatever went wrong in practice during the colonization, he was absolutely right in his vision: to bring the Cross of Christ and the Gospel as he knew it then to the East Indies, which turned out to be (for the West) a New World; what he brought more than outweighed the harm caused by the conquistidores and other treasure-hunters, for the two continents that comprised the "East Indies" were full of highly religious but barbaric Indian civilizations based on blood sacrifice and enslavement. Would anyone in his right mind want to return to the rule of the Incas and Aztecs, giving up any chance of personal liberty and democracy, not to mention freedom of conscience and religion?
(6) Generations of courageous Spanish mothers, who sent all their sons to fight the Moors, the Moslem occupiers of Spain, until Spain was won back. This gave democracy a chance, along with freedom of conscience, though freedom of conscience had to wait much longer to take root, until the 20th century when Franco, the Fascist dictator, died. Today, the Catholic church no longer holds absolute sway, and could no longer reinstitute the Spanish Inquisition against Jews and Protestantss, even if it wanted to (which I doubt). Yet the incredible sacrifices for Spanish freedom made by uncountable, unknown Spanish mothers is forgotten today by the secular-humanist, liberal majority in Spain, who would just as soon hand their country over to Moslem terrorists than fight for Spain, if that is the cost of peace with their attackers. Spain, if we recall Paul's heart desire, was a country he very much wanted to evangelize. Did he ever go there and preach the Gospel? We have no record of it. But his aim was to take the Gospel from one end of the Roman empire to the other, evidently, and it is hard to imagine that this greatest pioneer and apostle of the Faith did not succeed, even if it went unrecorded in the Book of Acts.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
America, America
I hold you up in prayer.
While your red, white, and blue is waving,
I stand with you in prayer.
America, America
you're weighed in the balance.
Repent and forsake evil ways,
building upon God's grace.
America, America,
God wants to change your ways.
God wants revival today.
A relative just wrote us, extolling Jimmy Carter's infamous book of lies against Israel, in which and in the title itself he called Israel an "apartheid state," which is the farthest thing from the truth. She and her husband toured Israel, and saw Israel's anti-terrorist fence and photographed it, mentioning the hardship of the Palestinians on the other side, not once mentioning the fact it was built to stop suicide bombers from coming at will into Israel from Palestinian areas and blowing up women and children in crowded buses and markets of Israeli cities, restaurants, streets, even pizza places! She also did not mention that anyone legitimate can pass through the checkpoints and go to work in Israel--just the illegimate or the individuals who have bad records and pose a menace are prevented. Israel has a full right to protect itself with this fence, and any other means too--a right that Jimmy Carter denies Israel! She also did not mention that Israel has 1.3 million Arab citizens, who elect representatives to the Knesset, the Parliament of Israel. That doesn't sound at all like an apartheidist state, does it? 1.3 million Arabs, who support Israel, living within Israel and voting? That is a very sizable minority in a nation that only has 7 million people. No apartheidist or racist state would permit this much a voice to a minority. I am not even sure that America's blacks exercise that much a voice in America--and their numbers have slipped behind those of the Hispanics. Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc., do not permit any Jews to reside in their Moslem hell-hole societies and the last thing they would be permitted to do is vote in their jerry-rigged elections! But, dear Emmaus Walkers, this book and the Christians it is duping right here in America, even after a tour, cannot discern the truth or even the facts of what is going on in the Middle East. They wear blinders which screen out the truth and the facts. They believe the propaganda, and they see the Middle East as a victim of Israel, and Israel is the reason for all the trouble, not the true cause, which is Islam and all the dictatorial Moslem states that make up the ring of deception and hostility around Israel! Moslems are busy killing each other all the time in the name of Allah, so why should they stop, even if Israel was somehow eliminated as a nation? Of course, they would not stop. And they would be attacking us in America and Europe all the more, not having to concentrate on Israel's utter destruction and the wiping out of Israel's Jews.
Syria, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and particularly Saudi Arabia, the head of the whole serpent of Islamic nations, are apartheidist states! That is the truth, and fact, of the Middle East and Africa. Jimmy Carter is a liar, and he is spreading his net of lies over American Christians, such as my poor relatives who think they are Christian in condemning Israel to us and their families.
Veteran filmmaker Bill McKay's docudrama video series, "Against All Odds," which is being presently aired on TBN, recaptures the events and the participants in the gigantic miracles that created Israel and then enabled Israel to survive over five wars when she was being attacked by Arab armies that were overwhelming in size and number. In one of the videos, the story of Shula Cohen, a Jew who served as a spy for Israel in Lebanon, is given. This is one of the most incredible stories of heroism you can find--and it compares with any of the Biblical accounts that depict heroism and courage in the most painful circumstances. Shula's endurance defies explanation, as she was imprisoned and tortured for seven long years by the Syrian-dominated military and government in Lebanon, except that she prayed constantly for God's strength. In the lengthly court trials before a kangeroo judge, with men torturing her suspended virtually naked before the jeering and swearing courtroom of Syrian toadies and collaborators, she still refused to give one name of her fellow Jews they could use to break the entire Israeli secret service. With her information she had already warned Israel just in time of a preemptive Syrian strike from Lebanon--and this was a great service, for which she had lost her family, home, her health, and her freedom. She might have caved in, being only a woman, and not expected to stand up to a whole roomful of hostile, angry men and professional torturers. Yet Shula held firm through it all. Even when her fingernails and toenails were torn out right there in the courtroom, or when she was beaten again and again while held upside down, suspended by ropes, she is not give in and divulge any names or admit she worked for the Israel spy service as a volunteer.
If this does not get your interest up about this most amazing Esther of our times, then nothing will, I must say. She deserves ten Nobel Peace Prizes, and, while the Nobel Committee is at it, they should take back the ones wrongly given to a crew of rascals and mass murderers and demogogues that includes Jimmy Carter, Yassir Arafat, Gorbachev, Al Gore, and other unworthy characters and give them all to Shula Cohen too!
America the beautiful, the home of the free and the brave, has become "WOODSTOCK REVISITED!" IT IS A LIVING HELL AND A CARICATURE OF WHAT IT FORMERLY WAS! Remember the long, greasy, unwashed, ratty beards, uncombed hair, the naked couples and singles letting it all hang out and acting like they were just doing their everyday thing, the blankets and trash strewn everywhere in the churned up grass and mud, the drugs and drug-dealing, the rock music blaring day and night all throughout the rained on, soggy boggy festival, the shameless celebration of immoral sex, freedom, and revolution--and no mention of God and morality? IT IS STILL HERE, ALIVE AND WELL--AMERICA HAS BEEN TURNED INTO WOODSTOCK REVISITED!
Why do I say that? Look back at the last three or four decades. If you went through the schools in the 1960s, 1970s, you imbibed the ideals of the "Sexual Revolution" and the libertine, drug-taking Hippies communal lifestyle or you went with the truth-seeking, Bible-based, born again Jesus People, who were youth searching for meaning in their lives who turned to Christ for the ultimate Answer to life's dilemmas and problems. Unlike the Jesus People who found Christ's liberation and changed lives, the lost American youth who turned for answers at Woodstock and idolized folk singers like the liberal activist Joan Baez and Bob Dylan and a host of others like them went back to college and either came out and got work as Wall Street yuppies or stayed in the ivy halls and became secular humanist, liberal to leftist instructors and administrators of the colleges and universities, the people who shaped today's culture in large measure because they shaped the minds of millions of young people to think as they did.
Millions of these Woodstockian people also went into Hollywood studios, television, radio, newspapers, full-time social activism like Green Peace, Amnesty Inernational, the ACLU, and Save the Animals radical groups, law, and government. They brought secular humanism and amorality and leftist leanings into politics, entertainment, government, education, the courts, even sports--everywhere they went and got jobs and entered professions that could influence and even control masses of people according to the radical, Woodstocking mores and secular humanist philosophy and agenda. These people educated the teachers in the public schools, who are now aggressively brainwashing the TV-zapped, half-brain-dead younger generation (just look at the consumist, completely materialistic and hedonistic youth who hang out everywhere in the streets and malls and theaters and 7-Elevens, and can you see plainly they have not had one thought of their own in the last ten years--making them perfect set-ups for brainwashing?) to think like they were taught to think--not at all critically, with consideration of the two sides of a question. Everyone who thinks differently from them is branded a bigot, a homophobe, a sexist, and all the rest of the smear words used by secular humanist, leftist propagandists and activists. For this reason, we must all go back to school, to learn if we can the truth--fortunately, not all books are revised yet (and the unpolitically correct burned), so we can still dig up and know the truth. We don't have to swallow the lies of the secular media and the government and the educational system--we can inform ourselves to know the truth and make decisions and judgments based on the truth of the Bible and the facts about life and society. For that we offer the writings of David Barton as an excellent beginning for re-educating ourselves. I was listening to Lars Larson on his Talk Radio radio program, and a man caller refered to David Barton as his source for saying that the Founding Fathers intended everyone in this country to be Christian, not any other religion. Radio Talk Show host Lars Larson, who says he is Christian, declared he thought the caller was dead wrong about that, but said he would check out David Barton. I think David Barton is correct--if the caller is right about what he said. Our Founding Fathers, the Pilgrims who were really Puritans, were not so free as Roger Williams of the Providence, Rhode Island colony. Roger Williams would have been hung if the Puritans had gotten their hands on him. They called Providence the "latrine" of the colonies. The Puritans even hung Baptists and Quakers, and at the least banished them or put their heads in stocks for hours for public censure and ridicule and a few mud pies thrown in their faces. I probably would not have liked living in their times and in their strict society. Yet these people were used mightily by God to help raise up a uniquely free representive form of government that not only permitted but protected the free exercise of religion. No one church or creed was authorized to dominate over all over beliefs or creeds or churches. We were not to have a Church of America, as England had a state Church of England that persecuted "dissenters," or anyone who believed differently from the Church of England's doctrines and ceremonies. David Barton can explain, using the founding documents, letters, and statements of our Founders, how this happened. But religious freedom was not a given here with the Puritans in charge. When their hold loosened, a new form of government, unheard of on earth, was created. The descendants of the original colonizing Puritans were also involved, but they were not allowed to impose their church on everyone else. Baptists and Quakers were at least free to worship of they pleased, without fear of Puritan interference (not to mention being put in the stocks, or dunked, or hung, if they were not simply banished to some wilderness to starve in mid-winter!). Lars Larson will no doubt find this out. Yes, the Puritans would be called bigots today, and they were, in a sense, unblushing bigots--but they were also great Bible-believing, godly men and women of faith--and founded, in large part, this country, and also the once great educational establishments such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc. We owe the politically incorrect Puritan "bigots", rigorously intolerant of other folks's beliefs as they certainly were, a great, unpayable debt! It is wrong and ignorant to depreciate them, or cross them off as unworthy of serious study in today's schools, as they are being treated today.
For information on their roles in the creation of America and the founding documents and the struggles that went into their fomation and ratification by the colonies--David Barton is a foremost authority:
The Bible says not to look upon evil, entertain it, dig in it, spread it like manure, wallow in it like pigs, and share it with your family, friends, and neighbors! Why? We are not only going to get dirty ourselves, but we will make our whole family and whole community and whole nation just as dirty! We will all become pigs, in other words!
Yet Oprah and Dr. Phil has betwitched an entire nation to watch their muck-raking shows! Upton Sinclair was motivated by his crusading ideals of reform when he wrote "The Jungle," an expose of the horrors of the Chicago stockyards in the 19th century and the brutalizing effect they had on the tens of thousands of stockyard workers. The book led to legislation that helped clean up some of the worst offenses in the book (not to mention the filth that had regularly been processed along with the meat, or the diseased cattles processed along with the healthy and then canned and shipped to be sold to Americans, sickening many and possibly killing many people--all for the profit of the meat packers and their millionaire owners. Upton Sinclair was a "muck racker," but his purpose served the society, to help clean it up, and it workd--the book produced a real clean-up of a corrupt industry that was sickening many people and brutalizing the poorly paid, slave labor workers unnecessarily. Read this highly absorbing book! It is still available at any library! "The Octopus" is another muck-raker, dealing with the railroad barons of the 19th century exploiting the farmers of the Midwest with high rates. There are others, including a biography of John D. Rockefeller, that led to the Anti-trust laws that Teddy Roosevelt championed as president (he was a muck-raker who feared nobody, including J.P. Morgan, calling the mightiest titans of finance and industry on the carpet for their misdeeds!). Julia Howe's book about the inequities and injustice of slavery, "Uncle Tom," is credited with single-handedly igniting the Civil War that resulted not only the saving of the Union but the emancipation of the black slaves. Books matter, as the Bible has proven all through the centuries. Truth matters. Muck-rakers have served a superb purpose in helping America deal with injustices and wrongs--but that is not what we see happening today in the case of television's hirsuute top star, Oprah, along with her bald-headed clone.
But Oprah and Dr. Phil are not muck-rakers in this classic, social-reform sense! They do this for sheer profit, not for any high-minded purpose! This is sheer commercialism, sheer greed at work, using these compliant individuals to capture a gigantic audience who become addicted to porn, violence, perversion (though homosexual perversion is promoted for the most part on these programs), abuse--filth, in a nutshell.
America's most Satan-enslaved, degenerate human beings are, thanks to Oprah and her buddy, Dr. Phil, are being aired daily on TV is featured as the main fare on the cultural cooking program of Oprah, with its spin-off, the Dr. Phil program, the gourmet chef of other equally toxic dishes of degeneracy, perversion, profanity (he can swear right along with the most toilet-mouthed guests of his program, and not blush all the way up his bald pate!).
Oprah Winfrey is a mega-business in herself, but in the religious sense she also operates the largest church in the world, a church based on the powers of witchcraft and her expert abilities trained to manipulate millions with her charm, wit, variety of politically correct and juicy, pornographic topics, and all the other qualities she employs as a high priestess of Satan the arch-seducer.
Oprah-cloned and masulated Dr. Phil is no better, being her perfect male counterpart, or warlock, in witches' parlance. He employs psychological techniques and masterful logic and programming to manipulate people "for their own good." Both programs earn in the hundreds of millions for Oprah and Dr. Phil (Oprah devouring the lioness's share, of course, of the spoil, amounting to, according to reports, 200 million a year, of which she shells out for publicity sake a tiny, tiny fraction for high profile charities, such as a $30 million dollar orphanage in South Africa (which has been in the news lately for a sex abuse scandal,b y the way!). If she gives anything else away, we are sure to hear about it coast to coast from her own lips, with video!). Despite the evangelicals who are fawning over them (such as Televangelist and Potter's House pastor, T.D. Jakes), these two vile charaters are tools of the devil, pure and simple. They are seducing the whole of America (pagans as well as millions of Christians) to swallow devilish filth and falsehood, not to mention their New Age Religion. If you want to known how to mix martinis, Oprah featured a course on that too--as if we didn't already drink enough hard liquor in this country, bringing untold misery and disruption of marriages and families, not to mention the thousands of deaths on the road!
Talk about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil being seductive and deadly--their two programs provide a Weyerhaeuser forest of such trees, on which millions of their dupes are climbing daily to pluck the enticing, attractively packaged, and lethal fruit to eat. They will come to judgment, sooner or later--as the Bible promises, for no such wickedness will escape the judgment. People who become Oprah's fans will not see any problem taking the mark of the Beast, when it is offered. She is the perfect set-up for the Anti-Christ, as she will have seduced the soul of America with her witchcraft and sorcery, and then she will hand all her captive souls over to the Anti-Christ, whom she will welcome with open arms, no doubt, if she lives until his appearance on the world's scene.
On June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it would be unconstitutional for any school to authorize Bible reading and recitation of the Lord's prayer. But nothing was said against the teaching of evolution in the schools, a teaching which implies the Genesis record of creation to be a myth, while claiming that man sprang from the brute beast. This rank hoax, the religion of atheists and infidels is being taught in the schools and colleges. Parents who believe the Bible should find out if the Christian college or public school to which they send their children uses these textbooks. Such teaching can rob their children's faith in God." (page 27)
The Nazis in their heyday had thirty or so death camps going full blast, but we have tens of thousands of abortion mills that are currently operating with far greater efficiency as exterminators, wiping out far more human life than the Nazis ever hoped to. And the Nazis were worse than we presently are? Give me a break! We make them look like Boy Scouts!
In the pro-choice video, a baby's hand, a leg, and other parts were pulled from the baby by the abortion "doctor" forceps and then disposed of in a receptacle. Then, suddenly, the mother's womb and birth canal discharged their entire contents, and right before our eyes and the video audience in the filmed abortion venue the mutilated corpse of the baby and blood and water gushed out all at once. Everyone who contemplates abortion ought to see this atrocity being performed--for this is the reality that Planned Parenthood does not want anyone to see--lest the victims change their minds before it is too late for Planned Parenthood to make money off them. Children can be indoctrinated with perversion and how to perform perverse acts, starting with the first grades, that is okay in America, but you can't show them the abortions that will be performed on them in a few more years time! Oh, no! They must be protected from that reality, kept in the dark about what is coming to their neighborhood and home, just like the Nazis kept the Jews from knowing that the camps they were being taken to were not work camps but really death camps, where they would be gassed with an insecticide and then shoved into ovens and cremated. Keeping the truth from the Jews enabled the Nazis to kill so many Jews while using so few guards and soldiers--the Jews cooperated with their captors, hoping for mercy right up to the last--which as just what the Nazis wanted them to think, of course! This is exactly the same tactic that Planned Parenthood uses in its ads on radio and TV, using caring voices of women to tell us about how we must do something about unwanted pregnancies which are alarmingly on the rise among teens and other at risk individuals--but while asking for support they do not mention the fact they will be paid by you for ripping an unborn child from your womb if you are the aborting mother, or your daughter's womb, if she is--and then they won't tell you, until it is over! These are really nice people at Planned Parenthood, which is a euphemism for Planned Unparenthood.
Someday I see a memorial erected, just as it was for the Unknown Soldier, but this will be for the Unknown Aborted Child and stand for the tens of millions whose lives we took away for the sake of convenience and profit.
His income was listed as compared with the incomes of other major televangelists. You can find that interesting too, as I did, but it is his two Rolex watches that I find rather intriguing. Why does he need such expensive watches. one costs in the neighborhood of 23k. Imagine wearing that much money on your wrist--and you bump it against the car door or something! Do you have to carry insurance for it--costing you hundreds no doubt a year?--which would be
chicken feed to the likes of Murdoch. I never saw a Rolex in my life, until I came across this picture just yesterday--so now I know what they look like. I do hope Mr. Murdoch enjoys his Rolexes, jet, mansion, bus, luxury cars, and whatever else he has. They may be all he ever will have, as rewards. I hope not, but that is my best guess--there won't be much of anything for him in the next life, even if he is saved and
escapes hell--since he's got it all now, one way or another.Doing my own investigation on a televangelist whose fixation on money and wealth building and his continual appeals for contributions bothered me, I went to internet sources and found more than
enough information to make me wonder how Mike Murdoch can get away with his extravagant lifestyle, spending millions on his mansion, property, vehicles, jet, and
personal adornments such as Rolex watches, and still be allowed to solicit even more millions via such handy networks as TBN and DAYSTAR. How discerning are the Crouches and the Lambs anyway, when Murdoch (a latter-day Elmer Gantry) can use them and their networks reaching millions of people across the globe to garner the pension and social security check money from thousands of old widows and grandmothers and poor single moms and other such trusting souls?
How can I say that? Replacement Theology, which unbibically claims that all God's Covenant and promises were transferred to the Church due to the falling away and idolatry of the Jews, is flat wrong, according to the Bible. For instance, the whole book of Hosea is pointless, if God gives up on a harlot-Israel! Why put such an account of God's unfailing love for the wayward wife (Israel) if God really isn't like that?
God cannot change himself or lie, though man lies and changes all the time! You see this as one generation dies and another takes its place--there are going to be changes, not all good, but one thing is sure, they will not be identical. Change is endemic in man, but never occurs in God. To say that God would not fulfil his promises is to call God a liar and to make oneself a liar and blasphemer at the same time! I wouldn't do that if I were you! It is a risky thing to touch and curse the apple of God's eye, which the scripture says is the Jews, the Chosen People, saved or yet unsaved.
Go to Lamb and Lion Ministries on the Web and order it today. We read our copy cover to cover, in just two brief sessions, it was all so riveting.
Rudolph the Red- Nosed Reindeer, Santa Klaus, Snow Flakes, a Tree, and like fluff and garbage--hardly good substitutes for the real reason for Christmas being celebrated here and the world over (have you seen the new stamps--Rudolph, Snow Flakes, etc., etc., are back, good grief!). My suspicion was correct! They were turned demented/secular humanist in the U.S. Postal Department! They used to be trying to be "pancultural," to use their phrase, but now they are serving "Diversity," "Multiculturalism," "Tolerance," and other secular humanist gods. This latest stamp proves it. UGH! A THOUSAND TIMES UGH! (That is the nicest way I can put my visceral response. I bought this one stamp for an example to show you the utter folly into which the U.S. Postal Department has lately descended, but as soon as it is copied for showing here, it goes in the waste basket where it belongs:
Had a very shiny nose!
And if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows!
All of the other reindeer,
Used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph,
Join in any reindeer games.
Then one frosty Christmas night,
Santa came to town.
"Rudolph, with your nose so bright,
Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"
Then how the reindeer loved him,
As they shouted out with glee,
"Rudolph, the Red- Nosed Reindeer,
You'll go down in history!"
This seemingly silly tune which has been sung countless times by children at Christmastime (and even by the Lawrence Welk singers on his special Christmas pageants on TV) has a core story that speaks of Christ--if you can pick out literary themes. As I already pointed out for you, there is the comparison of Rudoph and Christ in that both were rejected by their peers and society. (2) Both were ridiculed, laughed at, and called names.
(3)Both were shut out by their society (as Jesus, from Nazareth, an uncouth, mixed Jewish and Gentile region, was shunned and denigrated by the Jews of Jerusalem--"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" was a common proverb, recited even by Nathaniel when he was called by his brother to go and see Jesus).
(4) Santa, a father figure standing for the Heavenly Father, let us say, overlooked the public's low opinion and chose Rudolph, elevating him to the highest position, just as the Father ordained Jesus, a carpenter's step-son, to become Savior and Lord over the whole world. Furthermore, there is a dark aspect, to elevation, for Rudolph was not elevated to a Cross as Christ was, but it needs be mentioned here, because without that happening, there would be no rejoicing for Christians whatsoever, for on the Cross, Jesus broke the powers of sin, Death, and the Devil enslaving us. It looked like defeat of Jesus, for he died on the Cross, but it was actually the most tremendous victory, transforming everything for us.
(5) The reindeer somehow forgot all they had done to drag Rudolph down with their persecution, shunning, ridiculing, and laughing--as they now rejoiced in Rudolph's elevation to first rank over them by Santa as head raindeer. Christians, too, could put aside their former rejection, their former state of being enemies of God and slaves to Satan, as they rejoice in the victory of Christ on the Cross! We are continually rejoicing in the Lord's victory for our sake! "Glee" should be ours, just as it was the raindeer's.
(6) The famous red nose, shining brightly, that brought him to Santa's attention and was the primary cause of Rudolph's appointment and exaltation? Red is the color of Christ's shed blood, and it shines brightly even today, two thousand years after the crucifixion of Christ. The blood of Christ still has the power to save and transform lives and also drive out the Devil and his demons from our lives.
(7)Rudolph forgave this persecutors and enemies, his fellow reindeer, forgave them everything, just as Jesus forgive us all our sins and opposition against him. And he did not hold it against us later--the slate is wiped completely clean, by the Blood of Jesus. In the same way there is no mention of any resentment or revenge or bitterness on the part of Rudolph toward his fellow reindeer. They are all happy for him, so they must have accepted his total forgiveness of them.
"What can wash away my sins?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!
Oh! Precious is the flow,
That makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know,
Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"
Now both nations are fast reverting to paganism and the Dark Ages--indeed, they are already pagan, with only a thin veneer of Christianity remaining. More mosques are being built than churches, and churches are closing by the thousands each year. If you count the faithful, Islam probably has more people than the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland. If it does not, give it a couple years more, and it certainly will at the present growth rate and expansion of mosques and Islamic schools.
In America, however, Islam still has a ways to go yet to conquer this big a nation and make everyone submit to totalitarianism, clerical rule, and sharia law, which it is fully intending to do, despite all the disclaimers from CAIR, Islam's chief ministry of propaganda in the U.S. A more present danger and more just as fierce a foe is secular humanism. The nation has been taken by secular humanism, and it is in the process of moping up pockets of dissent and resistance in the culture--among which are the evangelical and conservatives and anyone holding to traditional morality and traditional marriage and a belief in God and creationism. These dissenters and resisters cannot be tolerated by the forces of Tolerance! Secular humanism has one hand on our throats, while the other is giving away chunks of our national sovereignty and even religious liberties and fundamental rights under the Bill of Rights and Constitution to Islam, atheism, paganism, socialism, communism, and whoever or whatever else wants to gobble up America.
All we Christians and evangelicals and conservatives, and even the moral individuals still left in this immoral society, need to do to see all this happen in the next couple years is to do nothing. Even doing something will not avert the takeover and destruction of our whole way of life, our liberties, and our government, not to mntion our churches and our family life. It is happening right now, and the process will continue right to the finish. Secular humanism is a parasite, philosophically. It feeds on other belief systems' capital, having none of its own. It thrives on the corpse of a dying Judaeo-Christian civilization, and only hastens the process of decomposition and dissolution. When Islamic jedhdists walk through the doors of our schools, courts, govbernment houses, and even the White House, it will be the result of these years of secular humanism taking over everything in preparation for Islam's triumph, preparing the way for a religion that is faith in something, though it is a wrong something, whereas secular humanism has noothing at its core but the empty husk of Christian beliefs and values that it has sucked completely dry and lifeless, like a vampire sucks its prey gradually into a stupor and then final death, degree by degree, sip by sip.
This ought to be a chilling prognosis--for the reality will be far worse than we can ever imagine right now--while we still have the illusion of an free nation full of iife and vitality wrapped cosily around us, assuring us it is going to go on indefinitely, when actually the time on America's prophetic clock has run out, and the clock has run down and stopped forever. You cannot get deader than that!
Yes, fellow Americans, the undertaker is at the door, and he wears a Moslem head scarf, but his frisky little assistant has done all the preparatory work already on the still warm body--and the assistant is none other than secular humanism.
Just last night I heard Radio station KGO broadcasting out of that cesspool called San Francisco give the news that the hate crimes index has risen, and then they defined the categories, and they were racist, sexist, etc., the usual secular humanist categories, but they added this chilling "finding," that 58 per cent of the hate crimes were committed by whites (which I do not believe for an instant is true, since this is a deliberate attempt to stir up racial strife and alienate and divide Americas according to color!). There was, moreover, no organization or scientific body or reputable survey or poll taker like Gallup mentioned, there seemed to be no need in this "news report" of KGO. All this was announced like pure fact to a wide swath of the West, though it could be far less than fact, and even outright propaganda from secular humanist radical groups--and I am very sure it was just that! But I thought, they only have to go one step further next time, identify the white people commiting "hate crimes" as Christians or evangelicals or "right wing conservatives," and they will then have the grounds to round us up--for this is what the Nazis did to the Jews in the thirties, before the Holocaust. By a series of gradual steps, they marginalized, demonized, and then dehumanized the Jews, until finally the Jews had no guns and no rights and were rendered utterly defenseless and invisible. All the Nazis had to do then was send their Storm Troopers in to every town and city and round up the Jews and transport them to the death camps. And so they did!
This same process has begun in America, with the passing hate crime legislation, which is clearly Unconstitutional, but which has received the force and legitimacy of law to back it up, to make it seem legitimate when it is not.
Our Founding Fathers would be appalled at this America we have now, and they would not recognize these laws as legitimate, and they would revolt immediately, rather than submit to such barbarism and despotism. They would not submit to the likes of King George, and he is a cream puff compared to secular humanism and its ally waiting in the wings, Jehadist and Theocratic, Fundamentalist Islam. Where are the true patriots of America? We must, as Thomas Jefferson advocated, take back America, by going into the streets and protesting so loudly and long and sacrificially that we will turn back the tide of repression and Nazification of America by the secular humanists presently in control. but will we? Will we be just like the Germans who let Hitler take more and more of their liberties, until one day they woke up in a completely totalitarian police state? Can it happen here too? That is not the question. It is happening here--just like it happened in Germany, which had been a democracy before it fell into Hitler's clutches. In Germany's case, it happened, not all at once, but gradually, degree by degree (like the live and unsuspecting frog being slowly cooked to death in a gradually heated tub of water), and so it is happening here the same way. We have failed to learn the lesson of the poor frog! Anti-Semitism is on the rise, which should be a red flag or, more to the point, that canary set in a cage down in a mine shaft to test whether the air is toxic or not. Secular humanism likes to plant red flags on all sorts of straw men, but that is just to throw up smoke and mirrors to confuse us while they finish the takeover and subjugation of America and stamp out all our freedoms in the name of Tolerance, Diversity, Multiculturalism, Privacy, and the other atheistic and socialist idiocies they are championing.
Anti-Semitism, however, is a real red flag, a real canary set down in the mine shaft to test the toxicity of the air, which, when it falls dead on the floor of its cage, portends a toxic, Nazi-like police state on the rise. We may not get a ranting, choleric Fuehrer and his goose-stepping SS and Brownshirts, but we will get a brutal police state just as bloody and genocidal as Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge. The only difference will be that its brigades will be carrying the standard not of Angkor Wat's temples but Islamic fascism's Star and Crescent, set against a background stained red with our shed American blood.
It is still true, nature abhors a vacuum: which means for us here, that secular humanism is creating the same kind of moral and spiritual vacuum in America that it created in Britain before us, by pushing out Christianity and our Christian heritage as a country, so that Islam (and totalitarianism) can rush in to fill it.
Bill O'Reilly stated on his Talk Radio program that the culture war is turning the way of Christians and conservatives and sensible people regarding the issue the ACLU has about Christmas, and their war to drive all public mention of it out of existence in America. The law does not support their cases against nativity scenes, and anything Christmas (such as store clerks wishing you "Merry Christmas") being forbidden by store management. Christmas is the only U.S. Federal holiday sanctioned at that time by law. The ACLU is losing case after case--every time they try to use the law to stop anything about Christmas, according to O'Reilly. Thank you, God! It is not the lawyers who fight in the Alliance Defense Fund, though these 1,000 strong forces fighting for our Christian heritage and Christian-based liberties in America are doing a great and courageous job against the tremendously powerful ACLU and its confederates. No, God Almighty is answering our prayers for America. If we lose Christmas in public, we will lose it in private eventually too--for the ACLU will not stop at sweeping it out of public places and schools--they are meaning to invade every home in America and secularize our homes and churches as well. It is the total eradication of Christian faith in America--that is their true agenda. They cannot co-exist with Christianity in this country. It is either fight or surrender to them unconditionally. Bill O'Reilly, the ADF, and others know this fact, and have worked tirelessly to make this fact known to the American people, who overwhelmingly have expressed their view that they favor Christmas, regardless of their religious background. Christmas is celebrated, according to surveys, by the majority in every non-Christian religion. Atheists celebrate it as well. It is just this radical legal arm of secular humanism and atheism and communism, the ACLU, that is trying its best to drive Christmas and Christianity out of American society, government, school, stores, businesses, and even our history books!
Whatever Wal-Mart used to be, it is not now--it has become a globalist monster with no morals, and it is anti-American and anti-Christian--it will do anything to appease the homosexual lobby and the secular humanist elites in order to reap a proft. it is, in a nutshell, a Beliah, a monster from hell, which is just now showing its true colors.
For that reason Global Warming caused by human carbon emissions is NOT scientific fact, OR ANYTHING BASED ON VERIFIABLE SCIENCE. Scientists, true scientists, deny the validity of Al Gore's assertions. Over 19,000 genuine scientists (not Al Gore green party clones and Hollywood celebs without any education to speak of) have signed a letter in Oregon stating this, but it is ignored by the Global Warming-supporting media, of course. Yet the whole secular humanist world along with Hollywood (and even some misinformed evangelicals!) is getting on the bandwagon of eco-crazies led by chief Global Warming guru, Al Gore. Millions will suffer terribly if they carry out their programs to reduce emissions, at the cost of the poorest of the nations and even setting our own country's economy back to that of a Third World nation's--would that help if China and India, the world's biggest and worst polluting economies continue to operate as they are without one word against them by Al Gore and his crowd? Why should America and a host of poor countries suffer for his obsessiond? America is not the problem--we are the cleanest, have the cleanest factories and businesses in the world--and India's and China's and other such developing nations, not to mention former Soviet Union countries, have the worst record of polluting industries, so why is Al Gore making us out to be the monster pollutor on the planet? It is a political agenda he is covering up with this environmental red herring. LET US PRAY THAT THIS HOAX BE EXPOSED FOR WHAT IT TRULY IS!
A generation of American youth raised on explicit sex and violent TV and violent films will love and enjoy it, and want more of the same, only more violent and bloody and full of nudity if possible. What is the value of this for English literature? The blood and guts is not the main reason for the epic--for it was written by a Christian, who was writing at the time when Britain was turning to Christ. Much pagan culture still existed, but it was defeated by the Cross of Christ, and so you see pagan culture in Beowulf, but also Christian themes shining unmistakably amidst the roaring hubbub of the heroes in the mead-halls and in their various battles. The devil is potrayed as Grendel and her mother, monsters that the hero Beowulf must overcome--just as every Christian must resist and overcome the Devil and sin in his life. There is no question in the epic (if not the film, which I have not seen) that gratuitous violence for its own sake is not celebrated (though it is depicted realistically and truthfully in the epic) but, instead, the victorious stand of the Christian hero or warrior against the forces of darkness and evil, personified by the monster she-devil, Grendel, and her equally monstrous mother. This ancient epic composed by a Christian minstrel-poet or a number of them depicts the struggle of good (the Gospel, the Cross, the truth of Christ) against the forces of evil (the Devil, the old pagan, polytheistic religion, the darkness and superstition of the German tribes. Beowulf, the epic, is magnificent, and compares to the Lord of the Rings trilogy by T.R.R. Tolkien, which had the same theme of good struggling with evil.
It is always good to go back to the original, to the source, to the written epic, and not just depend on Hollywood's remake or rewrite of the epic to tell us what it really is. Read Beowulf, if you have not yet been exposed to it, before going to the film, so you have some objectivity and appreciation for the Christian themes that are truly in the original, whatever Hollywood has made of it. Why should we be ignorant and brainwashed by Hollywood? We can inform ourselves and know the truth. The truth sets us free, and it can be entertaining too, just as Beowulf in the original is entertaining to English students reading it. I don't need Steven Spielberg's script writers and special effects crews to bring Beowulf alive in my imagination. I have my own imagination, which they can seldom exceed or surprass, so I don't need them. Everyone has an imagination, but we have to use it, not just be consumers who are fed the products of other people's imaginations and scripts. The value to using our own imaginations is that we ourselves envison the things the writer of Beowulf recorded from his own time, far in the past, for our knowledge and enjoyment and instruction and also our inspiration. We connect with that ancient minstrel in a real way when we approach his work in this way--we have no middle man in the way--we get a direct link--and this makes all the difference between being an almost brain-dead consumerist or a thinking, feeling, imagining human being who is enlarged, not shrunk, as he or she proceeds through life.
And what are their "jobs?" Tearing down the moral and constitutional fabric of our nation? That is what so many are doing--and she was chief among them when she sat for years on the bench at the Supreme Court, swinging the court's decision to the Leftist agenda for America! She is the swing vote that made the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the Texas anti-sodomy law! Texas is her home state, but she hated the very idea that Texas could, as a state, take a stand against a sin the Bible condemns. Oh, no! Texas must not "legislate morality," so she voted to strike down a law the people of Texas thought right and proper and according to God's law, not man's. She obviously prefers man's law, which for her is secular humanist law--devoid of the Ten Commandments and Christian morality.
3. Anti-Americanism spokesman and Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter. He grins ear to ear and continues to act up royally for the Devil's kingdom as one of Satan's chief emissaries, and apparently cannot learn from his absolutely tremendous blunders, one of which while he was president created the malevolently Islamic, cleric dictatorship of Iran (YES, IRAN!) we now have breathing down all our necks as well as Israel's! Europe too, which he calls the Middle Satan, is also on his hit list, when he gets his nukes--so they know that eventually they will have to deal with him--but are delaying and delaying, hoping they can talk him out of any confrontation by resorting to the auspices of the United Nations, a truly hopeless organization that will save them from nothing!
4. Nancy Pelosi, U.S. Speaker of the House (Yellow-striped Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer too, and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid for their cutting funds to U.S. troops in Iraq even for help at Christmas, and Washington State Governor Christine Gregoire who is persecuting Christians and trying to punish pharmacists who refuse to dispense the "morning after" abortion drug, Plan B, refusing them their freedom of conscience and religion!). This big-toothed she-wolf in grandmother's clothes has perpetrated so many dunciads and outrages in her capacity as Speaker that it is hard to single out the most egregrious. What has she done that is creditable and worth the fortune she is being paid? I cannot think of a single thing! Can you? Where is her husband? Why can't he act as a restraint to her secular humanist madness? She ignored the warning of a whole panel of top Washington policy analysts and former diplomats and Secretaries of State just recently in supporting a measure in the House condemning Turkey for genocide against the Armenians in 1915-1918, largely because they deemed it highly untimely, due to the fact we desperately need Turkey's air space to fly supplies to our soldiers in Iraq, and this measure may well force an outraged Turkey too stop all such flights. Not only that, Turkey has threatened to go and fight the Kurds again in northern Iraq in order to stamp out the Kurdish terrorist organization causing trouble across the Turkish-Iraqi border. If Turkey follows through with her threat, all the U.S. has sacrificed in U.S. lives and treasure, to achieve freedom in Iraq for the Iraqis and help them build up a democratic government along with a viable economy and infrastructure, will be thrown away! Iraq will be turned into a shambles, with the terrorists taking full charge and creating complete chaos. Thank you, Nancy Pelosi--for single-handedly, you, not Saddam Hussain, not Al-Quaida, not Iran's operatives in Iraq, could well defeat the U.S.!
Our churches probably will not have a clew what to do, and will continue to offer feminized services and programs on a thousand different topics (including the so-called "leadership conferences" that produce no leaders but pad the pockets of the conference speakers!)) that never will appeal to men (which is the reason most men do not attend church). I don't blame them in the least. Songs, service formats, messages, programs, even the decorations of the sanctuaries--all feminized, which men cannot relate to as men, it is so embarrasing and out of touch with what men care about. Women relate to them fine, but men cannot. So we lose the men in the churches, even as they enter manhood and adulthood. I recall "Confirmation" in the Lutheran Church. It was a class we were all required to take to learning Luther's teachings (mainly by memorization) that led up to our being recognized as full members of the church, with a testing of our knowledge of Luther's catechism before the congregation at a special meeting, during which we wore white robes, and then with the successful conclusion, we were accepted as full adult members, and there was good food and fellowship. That, dear Emmaus Walkers, was the last service these young adult members ever attended! I know, I was there to see it--and felt very, very lonely, sitting as the only young person in church my age, after all the others, boys and girls, took off for "bigger and better things."
They all split, my Confirmation Class back in the Fifties, and went lock, stock, and barrell into the fallen world to serve its gods, the very place they had just vowed before the Pastor and the congregation of saints to forsake and not to wander in, as the Prodigal Son did. We had also vowed a rebuke of the Devil, and all his works and ways--what about that vow? Well, that was forgotten too. We were full members of the church, right?--saved, in our opinion, and "once saved, always saved, right?). Our names were written on the church rolls as members--that was all that mattered, right? It didn't matter now if we attended church or not, right? How stupid and wrong we were, at that young age of twelve and thirteen! But we didn't know our folly was leading to our destruction (despite all the teaching we had got on the church and the Bible from the Pastor), and went merrily on our way, just like Cain forsaking his parents and family and going to a foreign land far off to live apart from them. We too became Cains. Generations of young people, newly confirmed as Lutheran church members, did this in the Lutheran churches--and nobody figured out a way to stop the fatal hemorrhage of the youth, who were the very future of the Lutheran church in America. The churches were just too stuck in their formality and conventional religion to know what to do. So nothing was done--millions of souls were lost--a real price was paid.
Today is no different. Churches are the very last institutions to respond to societal changes--and usually are a generation or two late before they figure out a way to combat the problems. With the returnees from the Iraq war, we will see more suicides, abuse of wives and chldren, hopelessness and misdirection, drinking, actual mental illness--the whole gamut of the post-war symdrome.
These soldiers remain soldiers when they return, even with their uniforms off. They need a new challenge, but one that REAL men can fight. They can't be made into passive, feminized believers in Christ, as so many are who now attend churches--of no real use to God or man. This is a nation that needs to be won back to Christ--that is the spiritual mission they should be challenged with--nothing less!
PASTORS, BIBLE TEACHERS, CONFERENCE SPEAKERS, TELEVANGELISTS: All your wealth building, esteem building, find your perfect role in life, how to achieve the perfect sex life and mate, and how to tithe and give so you can reap blessings--that kind of preaching is mere fluff besides the gospel of the Kingdom, how to grasp what it means, how to fight for it, where to fight for it, and with whom to fight for it. That kind of teaching is not the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yeshua--it is contrary, in that it is a diversion.
Yeshua has an army--they need to be brought in! They can do wonders, if they are. Otherwise, we will see a repeat of all the other wars-- when the men did not go into churches and become equipped to go out and win the world for Christ--but they flocked into materialism and hedonism pursuing the "Great American Dream." There is nothing wrong with Wife and Family, House with Picket Fence, Children, Grandma and Grandpa, and Apple Pie--but the nation was not saved by those nice and good and even necessary things--without a real focus for the people of America, it just got diverted into materialism and good things, missing the best thing: righteousness, the kingdom of God, being made a generation that revered and obeyed God.
We lost those post-war generations, and will we lose this one too? A people who have no vision perish. We have no vision. We must regain the vision or perish. It is that simple. Will anyone take up the banner of Yeshua, lead, and enlist these thousands and thousands of courageous young men and women who will be back here in our midst, seeking to find their way in vastly changed circumstances, without the former tight-knit, buddy-system and teamwork that made their victory in Iraq possible? Who will help make them Soldiers of Yeshua? Who?
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people.
"Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."