Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India,] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
Flee their company! Flee this rebellious, blasphemous, fallen America--and join the America that still reveres and honors God the Almighty, the Creator, and the Father of Jesus Christ. There still is such an America--though it is but a remnant of what it formerly was. Secular humanism may be prevailing at the present time, but it is doomed, and will eventually go to the dump of history, thrown there by the holy angels. Its days are numbered--and there are not many left. Don't ride the bandwagon of popular mainstream culture--or you will end up in the dump yourself, along with millions of misguided, rebellious, anti-God Americans! Join the winning side, which consists only in being a true disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. Do it this moment--as you are not guaranteed another moment of existence or another choice to repent and turn back to God. Make the choice Joshua made when he stated to the whole society of his time and generations to come: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"--Ed.
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
If I were a pastor, I would use this method I am describing often, as it would deepen and strengthen my understanding and revealing of the Bible texts I was preaching on--not just taking somebody's or my own views on them. I would be going directly to the source, in other words--allowing the Bible to speak for itself as the inspired Word of God. You sometimes hear pastors and evangelists refer to the original Greek words, their meanings, and tenses, and this is what I was taught to find out with a simple method and the possession of three books I have mentioned--the lexicon, the Beginner's Greek, and the Bible.
"I believe people ARE as they THINK. The choices we make in the next decade will mold irrevocably the direction of our culture...and the lives of our children."--Francis A. Schaeffer.
"Francis A. Schaeffer, theologian and philosopher, foremost evangelical thinker of our day, whose brilliant analysis of Western man's development and future direction is the result of forty years of intensive study of humanism and Christian truths."
This book is valuable and needs reading by serious Bible students, for the reason we are not Christians in a vacuum, but inhabitants and particpants in a real space-time society and world--and to ignore that fact is to live ignorant of the why and basis of events and movements facing us all every day of our lives. Christianity has ignored this for a long time, to our great damage and great peril. Francis Schaeffer can help bring us all up to date-- even though this book and series came out in the late 1970s, it is all the more timely and relevant now, as he was speaking prophetically but truly of what was taking shape before his eyes. Where did humanism come from? How did it come to dominate the West? What is it doing to us? How do we recognize its various forms (for it is always "morphing" into various movements and buzz-words and popularized programs and social and environmental crusades).
What is humanism? What is the problem with humanism? What are its evil consequences? Is there anything good in it? How can we possibly combat it?--these and other questions can be referred to this book for penetrating analysis, and perhaps you will also get answers which will help us respond Biblically as Christians and responsible Americans. But first we must gain an informed perspective before we can handle our responsibility to deal with humanism, wherever we find it operating. Secular Humanism may be running your school, your church, your home, your work place, even your thoughts and lives--but you may be totally unaware of it. That is how insidious it is--shaping our lives, ruling us, destroying us bit by bit, robbing us of our true godly, Biblical purpose and eestiny--all because are ignorant of it and "go with the flow" of secular humanism in the declining West.
I don't know what you care about, but I refuse to decline with the decadent, secular humanist, anti-God West. I want to know what secular humanism is, and then seek God on how best to counter, resist, and combat it. As Dylan Thomas the poet and derelict wrote, "Do not go gently into that night," or something close to that. It applies, for the night is coming on Western nations, and the light is fast fading. Darkness (barbarism, error, even insanity) is gripping whole nations already--just look at the laws they are passing, and the things that are happening, as a consequence, within the borders of Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Britain, Sweden, Canada, Australia, and now the U.S. Good men are imprisoned, while the vile are exalted to the highest offices to do whatever they want against God, morality, traditional marriage, and the family. Criminals are set free to kill and rape again, their records expunged, while godly, moral, law-abiding men are accused of "hate speech" and fined and even imprisoned for speaking out against what the Bible explicitly calls immorality, injustice, and bondage of Satan. Western society, having trashed its Biblical base and Christian truths, is going mad, stark raving crazy, before our eyes--but if you cannot discern secular humanism, how will you be able to tell what is destroying you and society? You will be a tool of it, and think that society is progressing, when it is actually hurtling into the pit of destruction. You will be part of the godless, materialistic, hedonistic, morally depraved mainstream society, the declining West, the dying world--and go down with it. But thank God for the Bible, thank God for the truth that shines forth in Francis Schaeffer's published works and life (for his godly life and godly marriage stand behind all that he said and wrote). For these reasons I strongly encourage all Emmaus Walkers and students of the Bible to read this book or at least view the videos of the film documentary series. This is not fo everyone, of course, for it is very much on the intellectual side in its discussion--but read some of it--it is not all high-brow and intellectual, for he can speak very plainly and simply at times.
"India's Dalits, A Yearning for Freedom
India's long-oppressed Dalits are open to the Gospel, and GFA (Gospel for Asia ministry, based in Texas) is pointing the way. One by one, 68 adults in the North Indian tribal village knelt for prayer. They had heard that Jesus offered freedom--and that's what they yearned for. Life in their village wasn't easy. Known as Dalits, or "Untouchables," they often were mistreated by neighbors and forced to do menial jobs to eke out a living. But when they learned about Jesus, they found a hope they had never known before. Then a GFA pastor [the GFA pastors are all native Indians] began to meet with them regularly, and a vibrant church was soon started. The little group of Dalits, mostly cobblers [sandal/shoe-makers and shoe-menders] is a small part of about 300 million people--a population larger than the Unbited States--who endure a life of slavery under an ancient social system. More than 3,000 years old, the Hindu-based caste system continues to permeate Indian society today, even though officially banned by India's constitution. Even in the twenty-first century, caste discimination leaves no area of life untouched."
Despite the unhistorical claims of secular humanists, not one of these Four was a Deist by definition; all were Christians, by their own recorded testimonies, preserved in historical record as well as by their examples, writings, and deeds, and the corroboration of their peers, even that of their enemies.
According to the 1965 reprint of the Mount Rushmore brochure printed by the United States Department of the Interior National Park Service:
"...Washington represents the fight for liberty and the birth of the Republic. Jefferson is the expression of this country's political philosophy. Lincoln embodies the preservation of the Union, and Theodore Roosevelt depicts the expansion and conservation of the Nation as it is today."
In connection with Oprah's solipcism--the emphasis on me first that is at the heart of her whole approach and program--look at Francis Schaeffer's exposition in "How Should We Then Live?". Please see the remarks in the book review center section.
Please return to the Global Warming Hoax Center for Dr. James Kennedy's site and remarks by the president of Coral Ridge Ministries on this patently unscientific campaign by radical environmentalists and politicians and United Nations bureaucrats who want to drive America back into the pre-industrial 18th century, if Christians are uninformed and do nothing to stop such hysteria and manipulation and the politicians and bureaucrats are allowed to have their way with our country and its economy.
Churches too can make a difference, the kind that still have real hymnbooks that are not all post-modernist tunes with the verses sung over and over and over like Hindu or TM mantras are recited, words usually of one syllable too! My family church's Reformation Lutheran hymn book was wonderful, teaching me godly reverence (even to my reprobate mind and soul), and literacy in th English language (which put me ahead of the non-Christian students in the local schools and even in college later!). As I sang the words that were broken into syllables in the score of the hymn, I learned the words and how to break them into parts that I could handle from the earliest age. This process made it possible for me to progress rapidly in my handling of the English language, spoken and written and read. Take this tip! They threw out Phonetics in my public elementary school after I went through, and ruined literacy for a whole generation including my youngest brother, but I escaped the crazed experimenters--I became a better-than-average, literate person, no thanks to them! But thanks be to God!YOU PARENTS CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE FOR YOUR CHILDREN: Did you as parents know that textbooks for your sons and daughters in public schools have been carefully screened and edited, so that the newer ones do not carry anything half-way favorable about Christians, Christ, and Christian beliefs and history and America's Christian heritage? They probably exclude the Jewish contributions to the American revolution, funding it, fighting for it, supporting it, and don't mention George Washington's very friendly relations with America's Jewish community. The literature books also have been edited, so that the Christian poets and writers that they can possibly delete are erased, despite the fact they are ripping huge holes in the cultural history of literature. I was given the best education when I went through public schools and college and university, but even then--in the 50s to 70s--Christian poets and writers were disappearing from the books, I can see now. The most famous "Great Names" could not be deleted, of course, without the books and their writers and the teachers and professors in the schools being questioned about their literary bigotry. But now there is no such check on the secular humanist purges of American and English literature--which are the glories of our civilization. I taught both--and was privileged to do so in Oregon, Washington, and Kansas. I love American and English literature--which is Christian in its culture and base, primarily. But you will not be given that view today. Learn what your textbooks for your children do not teach. You must be literate for them. Let them see you reading good books--not Oprah's promotional books! Read the Bible and godly books! Read good literature--not the kind that is full of sex and gratuitous violence and perversity--the kind favored by contemporary Americans and even Christians. God gave us wonderful writers--so enrich yourself and your life and the lives of your children through reading! Reading, not more television, videos, video games, cellphonitus, nauseum. If you cannot put your children in private schools--at least
introduce good books and good literature (and don't leave out nursery rhymes and poetry) to your children. It will help them in every way to think for themselves, not accept brainwashing with one point of view, the secular-humanist, in the public schools (though now even that is being supplanted by the more powerful and more totalitarian Islamic world-view). Do this, and your children will benefit. Ignore this responsibility, and your children will not benefit, and will be like the other children, who are going to hell in a secular-humanist handbasket.
Our nation of America has chosen foolishness and forgotten God. It is ruled by foolish men, seated in the Congress, in the White House, and in the Supreme Court. Washington, D.C. has the highest murder rate in the country, but has the toughest gun control laws! Everyone can see that such silly laws don't work in the least--but they refuse to do what will work--return to God, on their knees, with repentance and humility. Why? They do not care--as long as they aren't personally attacked or a family member raped and murdered. They accept the current level of madness and disorder and mayhem as something they can improve, but they have mere Band-aids for critical wounds only Almighty God can cure. Tell them that, and they will be insulted, and brand you a bigot, a religious nut, and an evangelical right-winger.
This same crowd listened during the Clinton Mal-Administration years to Dr. Billy Graham give a very stern warning to them and the nation at his Congressional Award presentation. In almost pleading tones I watched him on the televised event urging that we turn back to God now or face the dreadful consequences. That was before 9/11, which happened to give us a foretaste of what more is coming down the pike. Did they listen to him and change? Not at all! These same people are in power, despite the change of mal-administration from Clinton to Bush. Capitol and White House and Supreme Court furniture is moved from one office to another, or new desks and chairs brought in and new phone lines installed and door and desk name plates brought up to date--and the business of misleading and destroying the nation goes on blithely as before--so the change in political party means next to nothing.
All this chicanery at the highest levels I have described is absolutely true--and with no exaggeration whatsoever. Could I spend the time, I would detail the sex scandals, the abuses of power, the shameless bribery, the lying of our highest public leaders (in front of the cameras, even under oath), the deliberate robbing of the American people by pork barrel politiking and arm-twisting to get nauseatingly bad legislation through both houses (the Democrats' resolution against the Iraq War is the latest egregrious example), the betrayal of public office and trust, the partisan misuse of the highest levels of the judiciary to serve leftist, radical agendas--but the whole panoply of misgovernment is so vast that I would have to write a book the size of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Everyone in Washington knows of government bureaus that have haunted Washington for years and years like White House ghosts (only these are well-paid), that serve no purpose whatsoever, and will continue no doubt indefinitely, but the director and his "employees" continue to go into the office every week or so just to draw their checks and then depart, since there is no work attached to the bureau and the "staff positions." The United Nations (which the ultra Orthodox Jews of New York City call "the house of lies," and aptly so) is infamous for this kind of feather-bedding, but our government has cultivated redundancy for decades, probably right through the Great Depression as well, when people were standing in soup lines or selling Winesap apples on the street corners of major cities.
What makes all these people, including the feather-bedders and incompetents, dunces, is that they think they are getting away with it. Yes, the American people are so involved earning a living they cannot see what is going on day to day in Washington, and get only whiffs of the sky-high manure pile that is Washington, a steaming mountain of lies, evasions, and robbery that sanitized and "made over" cosmetically in the various "events" that are contrived by the major news sources--so we are really, routinely, deceived by Washington and the news media. If we were really shown what goes on in the halls of Congress and the corridors of power in Washington (don't even bother with what goes on behind closed doors), our stomachs would turn themselves inside out! Franklin Delano Roosevelt (that wonderful hero who saved America from Hitler's goose-stepping legions and set in place the foundation of the welfare state that is now strangling us) carried on a sleezy love affair with "Lucy" from a wheel chair, but you saw absolutely nothing of this in the papers or radio or news about either Lucy or the wheel chair--both were taboo subjects for the press--and they deliberately deceived the American people and will bear the consequences someday before God. All those wonderful war-time reporters who covered Washington and the President--they are the big names in journalism's hall of fame--were shameless deceivers.
The same happened with that charming, mop-haired lady killer, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who, with his little mop-haired brother sharing the same lovers, loved them and dumped them as fast as they could be hustled up to wherever he was in the White House (a witchcraft-pervaded, labyrinthian complex--not a house at all--that has a minotaur of lust stalking its corridors, crypts, basements, and dark recesses). The press? They turned their cameras away every time another young lady walked the halls, with secret servicemen with taped mouths looking on, and she opened the door to the Oval Office and went in to the President sitting in his iconic rocking chair. From wheel chair to rocking chair--was that progress? What kind of leadership was America really getting? We were being deceived and misled--and we are still living with their terrible mistakes and their atroctious legacies.
Nowadays practicing homosexuals can sit in Congress and crow about it. It wasn't always so. J. Edgar Hoover was a secret bisexual and transvestite who liked to wear chiffon cocktail dresses, at his headquarters office too! He did not permit cameras, but, nevertheless, a few photographs were taken for his lover--also in the pictures. No one could get rid of this diseased, bloated, spider-like creature who ruled the F.B.I. for decades and decades, like his private fief. He had files on everybody, filled with the dirt of their private lives (and he had thousands of such files on hand). He was safe--and stayed entrenched as King of the F.B.I. until he must have tripped on the hem of his cocktail dress and hit his massive head on a marble bust of himself.
I wish this were funny. But America does not know the truth, even now--and continues to vote in the same kinds of self-serving deceivers and dunces as ruined our nation in the past. The wicked are not comfortable with moral leaders, so they vote in vile men who practice the same immoralities that they are indulging in. The present deceivers and dunces, of both parties, are almost off the charts, for their greed, power grabbing, muck-flinging partisanship, defiance of morality, hypocrisy, contempt for God, pride, arrogance, and megalomania (these people think they are indispensable to America, no matter what monsters they are in reality). These kinds of people are what Americans want for leaders. How do you explain a conscienceless montebank like William Clinton leaving the cesspool he made of Arkansas during his years as governor and going on to become the President of the United States? This man got evangelical pastors to be his buddies and apologists, while they turned a blind eye to all his womanizing and posterior grabbing and outright betrayals of national security for the big money it would bring him. He made himself and our country the laughing-stock of the world. Our nation's enemies realized we were ripe for the plucking--over-ripe, in fact, as they watched him and his wife perform. Machiavelli would blush, if he could be shown the results of his devilish magnum opus, "The Prince," which explained in chilling, sinister detail how a ruthless, scheming seducer of men and women like William Clinton could seize the powers of state and use them for his own advantage--and get clean away with it!
This nation cannot continue like this. We are not Assyria, or Ancient Rome, or Elam, or Persia--those bygone derelicts of history. Our nation was formed on the basis of a holy covenant with a holy God. If you don't know, look up the history, which David Barton's Wallbuilders site can show you in document after document, starting with the Pilgrims and the Puritans. We know clearly what our origins were--they are not floating merrily about in the magical mists of antiquity and unrecorded history, like the so-called history of Ancient Rome. Read Rome's--anything could be said and was said, but it could never be proven--no one really knew what had happened or really who did what--and all sorts of fabulous tales were handed down for the later historians to look at with utter amazement and disbelief (if they were genuine historians, that is, and not shameless, starry-eyed mythologizers). Rome was NOT founded by noble Aeneus who fled Troy when the city was tricked and overthrown by the Greeks. That was a a nice tale, but it was only a nice tale--no truth to it at all. The Latin epic of the Aeneid was written to glorify Rome and give this former stinking cow town and muddy river ford an illustrious origin--but that was only imperial propaganda. How utterly unlike our own American history. Our nation's liberal history text writers and liberal educators are all very busy rewriting our history to fit the liberal world-view of America--but the documents do not support the absysmal picture they are painting. The liberals claim American's Founding Fathers werre Deists, for example. Utterly wrong! The records, the documents, the biographies, the autobiographies, the official acts, the government books, the church affiliations and church participations, the public and private statements of these men (not to mention the descriptions of their contemporaries) all show they were almost all Bible reading, God-fearing, Christ-following men, and the "free thinkers" among them were decidedly so few and out of the mainstream that they aren't worthy of mention.
Tell a lie often enough, and make it big enough, and ultimately people will accept it as the truth. George Orwell said this in his books, "Animal Farm" and "1984," and it is true. We are gullible, to some degree or other. If uneducated, we are all the more inclined to accept falsehood and distorted history dished up as the truth. The liberal, secular humanist establishment is counting on this--as they rewrite American history to show that America was run by Deists not Christians, founded by sexists, and bigots, and slave owners--not men the younger generation should admire and emulate. America, in their liberal opinion, is a one big embarrassing mistake, and ought to be completely made over according to the liberal agenda--only then will America, in their opinion, take a legitimate place among civilized nations. As for Islamic jehadists, they will quit bothering us the moment we stop being the 900 pound gorilla on the block. If America would just be reasonable and give up its army and stop being the superpower, the jehadists would pack up their back backs and go home and leave us in peace--or so they (and the Islamic jehadists) want us to believe.
These dunces are throwing America away--the best, freest, most prosperous, most caring and generous country on earth--and will substitute for it a hellish utopia that will be ruled authoritatively and have no freedom left to its name. It does not matter to them what the record actually shows America to be--they don't want a Christian, moral, homogenous, American society, free and indivisible under God. They want just the opposite--an immoral, divided and fratracidal, authoritarian, godless society. Moreover, they do not want a prosperous, wealth-creating society--apply draconian Global Warming sanctions and make it sink to a Third World economy, while they retain their high positions and wealth, of course. To help achieve such a hell on earth they only emphasize the bad (and there is bad, plenty badness in America, thanks to their liberal erosion of morality and belief in God and Christ and basic ethics such as honesty).
We have gone so far down the road to destruction that only God Almighty can send a revival that will turn us around. Tens of millions will have perished before that happens, and millions more will perish even if we do turn around--since the results of so many years of moral degeneracy and misgovernment cannot be erased even in a lifetime, there are bound to be disastrous consequences for a long, long time.
It is high time for President Bush to come to grips with the clear and unmistakable peril we are in and call America to a Day of National Fasting and Prayer. We are tottering to our final overthrow, while enjoying a last, mad fling, like the degenerate, sensualist Ancient Romans just before the barbarians sacked Rome in 410, or like Prince Regent Belshazzar holding a royal bash at the palace, the night Cyrus's Medo-Persian army marched into Babylon to take it, interrupting Belshazzar's grand toast to himself amidst the cheers of his noblemen-dunces crying in their cups, "Long live the king! Long live King Belshazzar!"
The 9/11 fiasco (which indicated a tremendous bungling of our national defense and the brokenness (thanks to Jimmy Carter's axing them) and rivalry of our intelligence (sic) services) was the brilliantly achieved objective of a tiny cadre of a dozen men slipping in like Cyrus's soldiers under the water gate of ancient Babylon's supposedly impregnable walls--we stared helplessly, stunned, at the television screens while a handful of Islamic Jehadists (they cannot be called that by our politically correct leaders who are bowing to Islam in America) nearly overthrew our nation, by killing thousands of people and utterly destroying our chief financial center and also striking a tremendous blow upon our national defense headquarters at the Pentagon. They nearly included a similar, total destruction of the White House or the Capitol--but we were spared a complete overthrow by a merciful God--not by anything our absolutely flummoxed armed forces did.
We came within a hair's breadth of being utterly overthrown as a nation, fellow Americans. We can ignore history and its very costly, harrowing lessons (the lessons Rome, Assyria, Egypt, Babylon, Greece, and Persia learned too late), and instead of obedience to God choose pride and arrogance, folly and immorality and murder of the unborn only so long in God's calendar. He has set a limit to our folly and rebellion, and we are close, very close to reaching it. We were given a space of time to turn back to God--but what are we doing with it? What are we doing with it? Isn't that the sound of champagne glasses clinking? Don't we hear toasts full of unbelievable platitudes and lavish blandishments being given at the party in Belshazzar's palace?
Pastor Jerry Falwell of Liberty Road Baptist Church, Liberty University, and the Moral Majority--a leading conservative Christian--has passed away suddenly from apparent heart failure at the age of 73. He was found unconscious in his office ("his boots on") and rushed to the hospital. He had been in the hospital in 2005 for heart and lung problems. The BBC's TV report was unfavorable--as you and I would expect to hear from a full-blown HIV-atheistic organization that has as its agenda the destruction of Christian values and institutions and even the end of a Christian voice in America's affairs. They called him a racist, supporting the apartheid regime of South Africa. I refuse to believe anything they say about this. The apartheidist regime ruling South Africa was replaced by another government headed by Nelson Mandela, supposedly a vast improvement, but it is proven to be a basket-case not much better than Zimbabwe (the former Rhodesia). The pandemic of AIDS, due to the unrestrained immorality of South Africans, is devastating an entire generation, leaving millions of orphans in the most dire circumstances. The government's welfare system and socialism are not helping the economy either. But this is the "improvement" the BBC fought for and got. Now the BBC has the word on Jerry Falwell, a man the BBC was not worthy to have enter its doors at Bush House in London. They did not mention anything good. They did not mention he was a family man, with a long, successful marriage, and that he was a truly moral, exemplary man in every respect, and that he loved God and served Jesus Christ and witnessed and ministered to sinners all his life as a pastor and friend. They said he could say the most terrible things in an affable way--things like "sin is wrong and destructive to a person," "God loves the homosexual, but hates the homosexuality," and "God wants everyone to be saved in the Name of Jesus Christ by accepting Him as their Lord and Savior." They mentioned Liberty University and the Moral Majority, only because they are perceived as a political threat to the liberal establishments and elites of this country and Britain. They do not see that this school and moral reform movement form about the only basis for hope for the survival of America and also Britain. The BBC refuses to accept that terrorism is not deserved by America, and roots for the terrorists because they are against America, whom the BBC regards as the true enemy in the world. But Jerry Falwell, seeing that America was founded as a Christian, covenanted nation under God, did not accept the secular humanist template, godless and anti-Christ and self-destructive and immoral as it is, but stood valiantly and consistently on the Word of God and the Ten Commandments as the true basis for any viable civilization. The BBC, and its cohorts in America, are true dunces. When their names go down into a pit of everlasting shame, Jerry Falwell's name will rise, and he will have many golden crowns to present to Christ for his love of Jesus, love of sinners, and his unfailing, courageous witness (taking the persecution and bitter, unjustified attacks of the secular humanist media with a smile and Christian love) for the sake of Christ. A true Christian champion has laid down the torch. Will YOU take it up, fellow Christian? He did what we are all called to do--take up the banner of Christ and stand regardless of all opposition and bitter attacks on us, whole showing true Christian love to our enemies and inviting them to accept Jesus as their personal savior so they might be saved and be taken to heaven. We can do this same thing that he did--in our own situations. Let us do it now--while we still have life and opporltunity.
A while ago I read Jerry Falwell's autobiography, and I was intrigued by his ability to tell on himself and throw his whole weight and reputation on the grace of Christ--it was most refreshing! He did not present himself at all as a holier than thou Christian. Rather, he was saying, I was just like you, my friend in Satan's bondage and the shackles of sin, but Christ set me free! We need more witnesses of grace so outspoken and candid and transparent as Jerry Falwell was. No wonder he rose to the heights he did--you can't keep an honest, genuine Christian down, who consistently lives godly and refuses to compromise his beliefs and Christian lifestyle to conform with with the fallen world. The world tried everything it could think of to silence him--but it utterly failed. He is now enjoying the eternal bliss and beauty of heaven (a place his detractors, unless they repent, will never see). No doubt the Lord said to him, "Well done, good and faithful servant! Enter now into the joy of the Lord!"
"Praying in the Spirit brings anointing."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther
"Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther
"Jesus says, 'You're in My hands and you will soon be in My crown."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther
"No man or woman accomplishes so much in so little time as when he or she is praying."--Idalla Williams
"I reach new heights when I get down on my knees to pray."--Eunice Thomas
"You can't change the road you have traveled, it's the path up ahead that counts."--Lula McCurrie
Or, "I can't change yesterday, but I can certainly pray for a better today."--Gracie Walker
"Fatwa of Eben, #1":
Greetings To the Oppressed Moslem People of Saudi Arabia: Give great praise and thanksgiving to God the Father of the Son, Issa, for your escape from the plane-missiles and major attack on your oil wells by Jehadists who hate your kings and other rulers and their involvement with Westerners. They also hate Christians and Jews, calling them swine and monkeys--and say many evil things against them--and this is not from God. It is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who blessed Ishmael and blessed your nation, who has had mercy on you this time. Turn from your unrighteous anger against Israel His Chosen Nation and People. Do not be misled by false teachers who teach hate but do not teach God's true laws, and who promote hatred of God's people through Isaac. You will be destroyed if you continue in that dark path, destroying yourselves by blindly being led by the blind teachers and many anti-Jewish leaders. Open your eyes to the liberty, grace, and truth that is in Issa of the line of Isaac, Issa of the line of David, Issa of the line of Joseph the son of Jacob, Issa of the virgin maiden Mary and the Holy Spirit of God whom you do not know in your Moslem books. Turn to the true Son and true Prophet of God--Issa (Yeshua of the Jews and Christian). Issa is the Way, the Truth, and the Life for you and all peoples! His teachings are above any man's, for he is both holy God and sinless Man. God is love, being the Father of All, and His Son is Issa (Yeshua, Jesus Christ). Issa has revealed Him. Issa has revealed the Holy Spirit too who is present with us teaching us the Words of Issa in the Bible, the New Testament, the One prophesied in the prophecies pointing to the Messiah in the Jewish scriptures in hundreds of places. God the Father is love, and Issa is God's gift of love and grace and forgiveness for all of you and every single one of you! Turn to Him, turn to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit--WHO ARE ONE GOD, NOT THREE GODS--now, and you will be saved from your sin done unknowing and knowing, and from the destruction and death to come upon the world that rejects the Son of God as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You are loved by God, WHO IS LOVE. GOD WANTS YOU TO SPEAK TO HIM, AND BE HIS SONS AND DAUGHTERS IN TRUTH! LOOK TO THE NEW FLOWERS OF SPRING--COMPLETELY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL LIFE PICTURED, WHICH THE LORD GOD, GOD OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB, GIVES TO ALL WHO HONOR AND OBEY HIM. This fatwa is ended.
This tells the Moslem nations and their rulers to stop their attacks on Israel, God's Covenanted People and Nation. Otherwise, they will have to deal with the wrath and the punishment of God--and it will be severe, perhaps amounting to their complete destruction if they do not stop--just as we saw happen in the Bible in the complete destruction of the enemy kingdoms and nations that attacked Israel when they were being led by Moses and Joshua.
Even if heaven and earth should pass away, the Covenant will still stand utterly unchanged. The Covenant is not up for human review and legislative or presidential amendment. God is a Covenant God, and He has said himself that his Covenant cannot be broken or altered by Him. Man may disregard and break it, but Man will bear the consequences, which is punishment and destruction. That is as certain as the effects of gravity on falling bodies. The law of gravity is not affected in the least by those who ignore or break it--it will kill and destroy all those who leap from buildings or cliffs--which we are now doing as a nation and a people as we continue on our merry way, heedlessly breaking God's commandments and His holy covenants.