I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur and South Sudan, or the well-off American enslaved by materialism and self-indulgment and self-centeredness and ease] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
"When you have read the Bible, you know it is the word of God, because it is the key to your heart, your own happiness and your own duty."--Woodrow Wilson
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of Middle East and Its Religions (featuring Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
"E Pluribus Unum," the total opposite of Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Tolerance. It is inscribed on the Nation's Capitol, at the very top, with only a Statue of Freedom set above it, to show that this ideal is the basis for our nation's and our individual freedom. As long as it is there, it stands as a rebuke to the agenda of secular fundamentalists. Therefore, if it is not going to be honored, it should be be cut out, destroyed, extirpated, by the ACLU or its affiliate devil-serving organizations, and Multiculturalism, Diversity, and Tolerance inscribed in its place--for there it is: "One Out of Many." ONE OUT OF MANY! That shouts to the world that Diversity, Multiculturalism, and Tolerance are the big lies of secular fundamentalism. Repeated long and frequently enough they come to gain credency and even backing by courts, legislatures, and laws--but they are still Big Lies.
Why are they being promoted? The secular fundamentalists in the Democrat Party and in the society at large seek to make a Balkanized chaos out of American society that only a tyrant can pull back together and rule despotically--but this is not what our Founding Fathers envisoned and created. "E Pluribus Unum"--this is our answer to our enemies who seek to divide and conquer us. We are the American people--not hypenated Americans but whole Americans, regardless of color, creed, and race. We are Americans! Not Democrats, Republicans, whites or blacks or Asians. We are Americans!
Yet God is the Only One who can do the impossible. He says so in His Word. Jesus said: "With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible."--Mark, 10:27
Dr. Billy Graham is not ignorant of the Bible he has preached as the inerrant Word of God all his adult life, and as far as I can tell he is no promoter of Replacement Theology, for he urges Christians to tour Israel (which means next to nothing to anyone subscribing to Replacement Theology, and they go there, if they go at all, as critics of Israel and friends of her attackers, the terrorist Palestinians):
In Israel today there are some truly oppressed minorities. They are not oppressed by the Jews or the Israelis--they are Muslim, and oppressed by Islam. The Druze sect that resides in Israel, and enjoys citizenship and even serves in the Israeli army, does not elevate womanhood. Women are subject even to "honor killings," if they are perceive to step out of the role Islam has forced upon women in the family structure of Moslem society. They are forgotten women. Nobody cares. Nobody knows. Nobody will help them. But Jesus cares, Jesus knows, He will help them. Jesus wants to save them, every one, and set them free, not of being Druze, but of being bond-slaves to Satan, who loves the trappings of religion to cover his evil treatment of people like the Druze women. Let us pray for the saving and setting free of Druze women!
The website will give you his email address at the Whitehouse. Do not expect any answer to him, otherwise than a canned automatic response that your email has been received. Nobody reads the email, other than the electronic scanners that do it to detect possible threats to the President. This is unfortunate, as he truly needs to hear from the American people. Email is a most excellent way to reach him, if only he would assign people to treat the email as it deserves, just as regular snail mail is treated. Perhaps it is best to call, but if that is too expensive, and even stamps are too expensive for most of us, we have to settle on email, and know that God regards what we say, though it may well be ignored by the White House. We Christian Americans cannot stop petitioning, even though President Bush and our other leaders continue to turn a deaf ear. As we petition him and the others, we are doing our duty under God to our nation. We are also seeking God for our nation in that act--as we prayerfully submit these petitions. We will not have to stand before God someday and acknowledge that we sat idly by, complaining, and did nothing else when our nation sank into the abyss of immorality, rebellion against God, and then destruction by our enemies.
On June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it would be unconstitutional for any school to authorize Bible reading and recitation of the Lord's prayer. But nothing was said against the teaching of evolution in the schools, a teaching which implies the Genesis record of creation to be a myth, while claiming that man sprang from the brute beast. This rank hoax, the religion of atheists and infidels is being taught in the schools and colleges. Parents who believe the Bible should find out if the Christian college or public school to which they send their children uses these textbooks. Such teaching can rob their children's faith in God." (page 27)
He eventually concocted an explanation in scientific terminology, a hypothesis of sorts, called Evolutionary Theory, from his studies, records, and reflections on these special, localized adaptations of birds and reptiles that had few predators to deal with but in their place an extremely harsh, hostile environment on these windy, volcanic, virtually uninhabited islands off the coasts of Chile and Peru.
What was the explanation for their adaptibility--how to account for it? Later, he much regretted what was made by others out of these "certain unformed ideas," as he described them in his last days of life, ideas that he formulated most fully himself in his book, "The Origin of Species". We have all heard about "Natural Selection" and "Survival of the Fittest," and other such Darwinian ideas--and yet they are treated as absolutely proven scientific laws by the U.S. educational establishment (which is Evolutionist in doctrine), when they are but mere "unformed ideas," in Darwin's own painfully honest words of confession (when you are on your deathbed, about to face the Creator, what does your reputation matter then, when it has been based on fabrications and outright lies by your supporters?).
How do I know this? I have read articles on Darwin previously, but presently I am reading the Harvard Classic journal of his epic voyage on H.M.S. Beagle a second time, and Darwin says so, right in the introductions he has to the volume! T.H. Huxley, the popularist of Darwin's theory, took up Evolutionary Theory, which was the only alternative, seemingly scientific rival and answer to the Christian creationist world view (which is how he understood and interpreted it), becoming Darwin's "champion," and the theory was given scientific credibility and apologetics far beyond what it deserved. Millions were swept into the evolutionary camp, thanks to T.H. Huxley.
Huxley was a brilliant man, as his witty and cogent quotations testify, but he clearly missed the mark, scientifically. Much later, Darwin himself was not so happy about "these unhappy ideas" of his early years as a naturalist. He deeply regretted them, and did not believe, evidently, that they were solid scientific laws, as they are purported to be by their adherents today. Deathbed accounts tell of his having a Christian service conducted on his property in his own chapel, and he welcomed the prayers of saints. Godly women went to him in his last days, ministering to the sick, old man with the beard as white as snow as he lay on his bed receiving visitors. This is not the picture, these are not the facts, that the indoctrinated, dumbed-down students in our U.S. public schools, colleges, and universities will be given by their secular fundamentalist indoctrinators (formerly known as teachers).
What the extraordinarily loquacious Obama does NOT say one word about and does NOT want Americans to know is his close connections with Islamic militancy and terrorism. Obama's father is Muslim, and Obama's brother, "Roy," is a militant Muslim in Kenya, a country now being torn apart with bloody, genocidal massacres of one tribe against another, mainly because the ruling Kikiyu tribe holding the government for years as its personal fief has been so oppressive and tyrannous to the other Kenyans that it has completely corrupted the election process to keep its power and wealth-producing positions and offices. You won't hear Mr. Obama acknowledging these dismal facts.
Behind these two dishonest individuals stand the hugely powerful and monied elites of this country, who are in league with the elites of corrupt, dying old Europe. Guess who will pull the strings of the winning candidate, whether Republican or Democrat? Guess who? It will not be God, or the Bible, or morality, or what is good for America--it will be these same power-hungry, corrupt elites who have stood behind the thrones of Europe and America for generations. We the American people are powerless, with a representative government that is pure sham and quackery, but we have God to turn and run to--He alone can deliver us out of their hands and save us! They think they know better than God and the Bible how to govern us, but they are shameless nincompoops, proven wrong time after time, but never learning that human reason and human power does not have the capacity to solve humanity's problems.
Lately a few brave souls are speaking up among the black Christians, and they are to be greatly commended and supported. But it will take a great revival to do what they desire for their people. That can only come in tandem with a great revival for all Americans, regardless of color, class, and creed, as we are all in this together, whether it is liked or not. When the nation is going down, as this one is, we are all going down together, just as all the passengers of the Titanic, whatever race, class, or degree of wealth, went down together (though a lot of the rich managed to get off in larger percentages due to their first call on the boats, even though women and children were supposed to have first call according to the still Christian values and ethical code of Edwardian society in Britain and the U.S.).
This was the monster who can be put right alongside of Genghis Khan and Hitler and Stalin as one of history's biggest murderers of humanity? And why Margaret Sanger on this page of a avowed activist atheist organization that aims to secularize America and make us bow the knee to the Goddess of Atheism that they worship? Little, sweet-looking Margaret is there for good reason--these atheists and anti-Americans making up this organization fully agree with her lifelong, vitriolic, relentless attacks on Christianity and Christian values that founded and make America the unique nation that it is--that can be the only explanation for this secular fundamentalist and atheistic activist site identifying with her. This is the founder of a birth control organization that evolved into Planned Parenthood. But as to the facts of her life, what can they tell us about her? Research her, and find out. Then check back here for my own comments. Compare to see if you and I agree on the basic points. Her life is known, her books are in the library, various bills and rulings of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court owe a great deal to her teachings on eugenics and birth control and even abortion. We as Christians need to be informed, and to be informed we must make an effort to learn ourselves what somebody is about, not just listen to others tell us. Compare her with the Bible and its teachings, however. How does she come off as compared with the Ten Commandments, with the principles of the Bible, with the holiness and godliness of the saints portrayed in scripture, with the teachings of Christ? Measure her against God's ruler. Then we can know the tree by its fruit and tell what kind of tree it is.
To get her agenda accepted like she was able to before her death, Margaret Sanger had help from very important people. The immensely rich, elitist family of the John D. Rockefellers, for instance, supported the infamous Margaret Sanger and her birth control activism since the early days of her radical, atheist, eugenics movement, which has spawned the death industry of Planned Parenthood and the epidemic of abortion and infanticide in America, with the resulting cheapening and devaluation of human life. During the Thirties, Dr. Eugen Fischer, a
Nazi, visited her to learn about her eugenics, and we know that Hitler put into production a pure Aryan Race by using selected German males and females at special eugenics centers he set up. There the females were bred, and children produced. We know what he did to the "unfit," the Gypsies, the Jews, the Slavic races of Russians, Ukrainians, etc. Though Margaret Sanger opposed such genocide, her own version of
eugenics led directly to the genocide called "abortion," which has killed more human life than Hitler ever did (as many as 1 billion babies worldwide have been aborted, thanks in large measure to her devilish ideas).
Yesterday I went to the Internet to find out about the infamous Ms. Margaret Sanger, and, surprising me very much, a picture of her as a young, attractive, demure-looking woman appeared on the website homepage of the atheistic, anti-American organization, "Americans United for Separation of Church and State."
We need such men and women today, who will take an uncompromising stand on the truth--not Global Warming, not feeding the poor, not animal rights, not renewable energy resources--let the world do that--there are plenty people championing those things already. But as Christians, let us take up Christ's standards of the truth, for the sake of the Bible, godly Christian lifestyles, and the reformation and salvation of our nation and people! Let us be like Alexandr Solzenitsyn--be the David who stood up to the Giant, the heathen, God-blaspheming Goliath of secular fundamentalism and Islam and fanatical false religions of every stripe--no matter what the cost to ourselves!
But our leaders in government are liars too--giving the youth the assurance that this practice is approved and okay, a good way to get all the way to the top. A President, Bill Clinton, lied to a Grand Jury under oath, and went away unaffected. He was acquitted by the Senate after being impeached in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was acquitted, even though every Senator knew he was guilty a thousand times over of lying. But lying did not matter to the U.S. Senate, as its vote of acquittal showed the world, as well as the younger generation, that lying was not a problem with them.
Back in the nineties, I was impressed by a certain sure feeling that our nation was being weighed in the balance in God's divine scales of judgment. I recall the very moment and where I was when I realized this. I saw that there was not a significant measurable amount of truth in the nation. Our side of the scales dipped straight down! At the same time, our cup, as a nation and a people, was full of lies to the brim, and even overflowing onto the other nations, polluting them with our lies and whoredoms! We stood, as it were, by a big fat zero--no truth in anything we said. We had lost all connection with the truth. We were liars, continually.
This massive abomination, a temple of flaming, heathen idolatry, promotes Mary as the Queen of Heaven. Imagine that--a sinner was elevated by the Catholic church's councils and various popes of the 19th-20 centuries to be divine and born sinless! Here are some of her royal and deifying titles, taken from the Washington basilica calendar for 2008, from the July's page: "Our Lady of Carmel," "splendor of heaven," "O most beautiful flower of Carmel," "Blessed Mother of the Son of God," "Immaculate Virgin," "O star of the sea," "O Holy Mary," "Queen of heaven and earth," "Mother," "Sweet Mother."
"Queen of heaven and earth?" Who in his right mind would believe that? The Bible does not know any such queen of heaven and earth, unless it is a heathen baalite goddess of Astarte that was worshiped in Judah and Israel when they went idolatrous and rebelled against God.
I watched a TV program that showed Pope Paul II, lately deceased, reported to have prayed to Mary and thanked her for saving his life in the assassination attempt. A nun who was also present at the Vatican, shown in the program attending a service in St. Peter's, credited her prayer to this now dead pope for her miraculous healing of Parkinson's Disease. He is now being put forward for ratification as a saint of the Catholic church, but people are already praying to him, just as they pray to Mary and the other Catholic saints. Mary, as the chief saint, is the one to whom Catholics pray, believing she is their intercessor or intermediary before Christ! Nothing more nonbiblical could be conceived! She is also thought by many Mary-devotees to be a "co-mediatrix," a dispensor of the graces and mercies along with the "other mediator," or "co-mediator," Jesus Christ (truly a disgusting blasphemy!). She is called "Immaculate," because she is claimed by popes of the 19th century and today to be born sinless, or "immaculate." Tell that to her human, sinning parents! They would be first to object, after Mary herself! To be born sinless, her parents would have had to be sinless, for sinlessless cannot come from a sinful parentage! Yet Catholic theologians refuse to go there--they bow to the pagan idolatry of the ignorant masses of Catholics enthralled to their heretical church. Yes, there are genuine Christians who are Catholics, but they are Christians despite the heretical doctrines of Roman Catholicism, though hundreds of millions who are not Christians but rank and file pagan, deceived Catholics, are doomed by the same heresies, as they are depending for their salvation on the Pope, the Roman Catholic Church, its sacraments, and on the saints, chief among them Mary. These Catholics are not born again Christians, they are religionists and idolators, mostly ignorantly. If they knew the truth, they would throw aside this idolatry and run to Jesus, who said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."
Otherwise, if it isn't purged and rededicated to Jesus Christ alone, let it fall to ruins and be made a stinking manure pile, as a visual lesson to idolators.
'There is no sin...'
A 'slain Christ has no meaning.'
'The journey to the cross should be the last "useless journey."'
'Do not make the pathetic error of "clinging to the old rugged cross."'
'The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol...It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.'
'God is everything I see.'
'The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.'
'The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.'
'The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.'"
This course of blasphemy and deception is anti-Christ, and has the anti-Christ spirit speaking throughout it, apparently. It is like having Satan whispering right into your ear, day after day, for the course is broken up into 365 segments or lessons. "A lesson a day throughout the year will completely cover the 365 lessons... Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset." --a Satanic mindset dressed up in New Age religion!
Thank you, Oprah and Friends, for you have shown your true, New Age Religion and Satanic colors! I will be writing to Oprah, and my mother, who has visited the program, will also have something to say to Oprah against this satanic attack on Christianity by Oprah and her New Age Religionist friends. This is serious stuff. Attacking the Godhead, attacking Jesus--denying the truth of the Redemption of Christ, the need for everyone to be saved from our sins, and substituting a false god, our own self, for the only true and real God--that is going to land Ms. Oprah right into the flamepits of hell, unless we pray and her mind is opened to the truth of the Gospel and she repents. Just think of the millions she has already led astray, and the thousands no doubt that are in hell today, suffering indescribable pain, grief, and torment, due to her deceiving them for sheer profit and fame and the advancement of her entertainment empire.
"The good and the better are the enemies of the best. If you want the best, you are going to have to make the journey into the unknown."--John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas
His mother, by the way, said (and being a woman of prayer, she knows what she is talking about): "No prayer, no power. Some prayer, some power. Much prayer, much power."
That was the situation and those were the stakes in that epochal election. Yet God had mercy once more on us, just before 9/11 struck us a devastating blow. Our pride was temporarily humbled as a nation, some people went to church, and it looked like a revival in the making, and a turn around. It did not happen, as the nation returned to its own strength and resources and began to deal with the mess the Islamic jehadists made and the war in Afghanistan was planned and then executed in order to take the war to the enemy in their own territory.
Meanwhile, the Korean Christian lady, an American, prophesied again. She said that Bush would be our last president. OUR LAST PRESIDENT? The same people who laughed the first time, and were proven flat wrong, laughed again, but maybe not so many of them? It may seem unlikely, just as if a prophet had told the Assyrians in 612 B.C., at their height of power and wealth and pride, that their reigning king was the last. And so it proved to be! Assyria was swept into the dustbin by the attacking armies of Babylon and Elam! This is something to consider, as we face yet another epochal election. We may not have another president--unless we pray for God's mercy, grace, and intervention.
I have to ask this of these born-again Christians who don't believe the Bible's accounts of the Resurrection, since they don't believe Jesus rose again, does't that makes Jesus no better than any man! But there is a major problem, looking at Jesus this way. Just "any man" or nice, religious dude cannot save me, nor win forgiveness for my sins. Think about that--if you have deceived yourself stupid enough to think that Jesus is like any man, or like you, a sinner who could play around with girls or look at internet porn or drink or swear or even do some other things you don't like to talk about. You and I, beloved, are not really "good people." Truth is, we are rotten. Truth is, we will never be good enough to go to heaven! Truth is, we will never improve ourselves to the point where God will accept us on our own terms, all cleaned up and spiffy. Truth is, we don't have a ghost of a chance of getting into heaven that way. Truth is, we demonstrated that fact way back by simply being born, after being conceived in sin by our two sinful parents! Sorry, but this is the reality, this is the absolute truth (oh, sorry, you have been taught by your public school teachers there are no absolutes, which is an absolute, by the way). I choose to deal with realities, not wish fantasies, not stupidities.
This is a very important section. Do you have doubts or wonder about the Resurrection, since it was called into question by people who seemingly know what they are talking about? You really need to settle those doubts once and for all, yourself, for the sake of not only your church membership but quite possibly your Christian faith. It is YOUR life, your eternal destiny, at stake--and YOU have to settle the question--you cannot depend on someone else or rely on their reasoning and education! Then, even if you remain Christian after throwing out the Resurrection (which I believe is impossible), just be forewarned that your Christian faith that is not firmly founded won't last through the storms of life. You cannot remain a Christian, I would bet any amount, if you don't know Jesus rose again, and know it for sure. This belief in his resurrection enabled the apostles and every Christian martyr after them to endure persecution and then their executions and murders. Without this belief, they could not have submitted. They would have run away, justifiably. Paul said that if Jesus did not rise, then we of all men are the most to be pitied, since this faith in Jesus is hopeless, it is without any reality to it--we might as well go back to the bars and try to gain a little solace. But, thank God, he did rise, and it is a certain thing. I would bet anyone who crosses a bridge has just exercised blind faith, for many had blind faith like that in Minneapolis recently and the solid-looking bridge collapsed under them! But the bridge we have in Jesus does not require blind faith. We have the Resurrection as a proof He is what He claims to be--the Son of God, the Savior and Lord, eternally, not just here and now. Check out the proofs for the Resurrection, they are enough to convince any open-minded atheist. The Resurrection proofs given in the Gospels has convinced and converted countless atheists, skeptics, doubters, and just plain ignoramuses who know nothing about God. Give yourself a real reason for believing in God and that you are saved eternally--the Resurrection is your real reason--all the rest is just fluff without it. You cannot base your salvation on anything greater or more basic than this--just try--it will not work. When the storms come, you will be swept away! Don't let that happen to you! Get a firm foundation under you faith, under your born-again salvation, now--and don't wait! Tomorrow the storm may come, it may even come today, and you need to know if Jesus really raised and He is still around today, with all his power and guidance as the Son of God and your Shepherd, ready to help you through whatever is coming at you.
Prayer is regarded by American Christians, generally, as a good thing for Christian saints (pastors, evangelists, revivalists, etc) but a waste of time for the rank and file Christians. Let others do the praying for them, these foolish Christians think. Yeah! They let others do the work, while they play! I worked for years, praying, at prayer meetings at church that only 3-4 people, including the Pastor and Wife, attended regularly! I finally saw that the people were passively rebellious, resisting the Lord's call to pray regularly by continuing with their prayerless lifestyles, and weren't growing spiritually, because they had other agendas and other priorities (many of them family things that could be partly justified, outside the church's needs that they considered more important than what the church asked them to do. They showed up at church only to salve their guilty consciences and put on a religious show and deceive themselves that they had done their spiritual duty for the week. They let just a handful of faithful Christians do all the basic functions of the church and took a free ride at their expense. As for prayer times, they were consistently "AWOL," or "absent without leave." It was a disheartening spectacle. They were fooling themselves maybe, but they weren't fooling the pastor, they weren't fooling a few that were faithful, and they certainly weren't fooling God whose Eye was watching everything these people did with their time, energy, talents, possessions and money. One thing they did: tithe--the rest they considered optional, apparently. The pastor, whom everyone admired as a true man of prayer, was very grieved, but powerless to get them to do their basic, fundamental Christian duty to pray. Actually, prayer is the highest privilege Christ our Lord and Shepherd has given us--not just a duty! It is the golden key to all our spiritual growth, empowerment, and usefulness in His kingdom. Without prayer we are just fooling ourselves--we are going nowhere without prayer! We are probably sliding backwards! We can quote all the scriptures on prayer, and yet not pray! I even hesitate to post the scriptures about prayer, for they are not obeyed. Most of you reading this do not pray. You are under the wrath of God, and cannot fulfill your destiny in life. It is no fault of others and certainly no fault of God--IT IS OUR OWN FAULT! Own up to it and change and then go to prayer! Pray unceasing, as the Bible instructs us. It will revolutionize your life and empower your church and set the captives free and even heal the sick and also bring in provisions where there is need for them. Be a force for good, go to prayer!
Secular humanist teachers use these authors or do not use these authors to teach multiculturalism, diversity, anti-sexism, Tolerance, socialism, anti-Americanism, atheism, and other secular humanist dogmas--but these are not civilized, redeeming values. This kind of faux teaching of faux subjects has ruined education and also English literature, and both need to be recovered from the clutches of the secular humanist educational establishment and the NEA (National Education Association), a union that has the total reversal of true American values as its declared agenda. We have lost whole generations of young American youth, but now the tide must be turned back, as it can be turned back, by home schools, by Christian schools, and Christian parents. --Ed.
Walking with Alfred (Lord) Tennyson in his garden, a friend asked him, "What do you think of Christ?" The great poet, stooping to examine a flower at his feet, replied: "What sunshine is to that flower, the Lord Jesus Christ is to my soul!"
This comes as the Church of England (not in the world, however, or in Africa where it is thriving) is in a state of collapse, with hundreds of mosques jutting up everywhere across the country. The secular fundamentalist archbishop (the "Head Primate" of the Anglican Church) is determined to drive his Church down into subjection to Islam, taking Britain with it! This apostate ought to be deposed by the African Anglicans who hold the majority in the World-wide Anglican Church. The remaining Bible-believing, Bible-teaching churches of Britain (Catholic, Anglican, and Protestant) need to rise up now, rally even in the steets if possible, and take back their nation for Christ. They are being surrendered to Islam by this apostate. A pox from Almighty God on this devil in human form! Let him break out, head to foot, in boils, to show that there is still a holy God in heaven who hates what he is saying and doing. And let the women of Britain know that the serpenbt-tongued Archbishop actually recommends the degradation and enslavement of women, along with "honor killings," which are happening at increasing rates in Britain, thanks to Islam.
The latest Levitt Letter, by the way, in "Carter's Recycled Rationales for Killing Jews" by Mark Levitt, comments how Mr. Carter has managed to "recycle" old hatreds in order to kill Jews. The article gives the website links to the refutation of Carter's stand and other resources are given, so you can see for yourself how deep into the morass of anti-Semitism and folly this former president and supposedly evangelical, Bible-believing Christian has fallen.
Next, ever wonder how to deal with the claims of evolutionists about sedimentary and other layers of rocks being millions of years old, in order to establish Evolutionary Theory on what appears to be rock-solid scientific dating techniques? Most of us are not able to deal with such claims, but Christians who are scientists are able to do this, and have done it.
I found this very interesting, particularly since I visited Cripple Creek, Colorado, during the mid Sixties when I was an airman in the Air Force, stationed at Ent AFB, which is in Colorado Springs (Ent AFB is named after a General Ent who was connected with the project of the first atom bomb, later used on Japan in WWII). I had no idea at the time that Cresson Mine, one of the many in the area, would be producing fossil wood that would authenticate Creationism, not Darwin's Evolutionary Theory! This is evidence that is every bit as powerful and earth-shattering in regard to the hoax of Evolution as the atomic bomb was to our wartime enemy, Imperial Japan.
The same issue holds other topics written on, such as "The Hualapai (Grand Canyon tribe) and the Flood," by William A. Horsch, who gives the Hualapai Indian's account of the Great Flood. Another topic is featured that has current relevance, "A New Source for Stem Cells," which tells how we do not need human embryo cells for stem cell research, as viruses can be used instead to transfer the information needed to into 'pluripotent cells from adult somatic cells." This is the scientific discovery that has the people who want to use human embryos for research very upset and angry. You want to find out why! Why use human embryos when you don't have to? Surely that would make people happy? Not so. We have a flourishing, highly lucrative culture of death in America, intent on reducing human life to the level of pond scum they can manipulate anyway they want without any ethical or godly or Biblical restraints whatsoever. You can access this excellent magazine and article (which is technical in some of its language, but still understandable to the general reader) by going to:
This is the sort of thing we can always expect as long as the secular humanists and fundamentalists dominate the media, the culture, the entertainment industry, the schools and foundations, and the major corporations and the mainline denominations--a continuing barrage of darkness and ignorance and shameless bias and warped facts launched against the people of God, the Bible, and God our Creator. God is not mocked and there is no record. Everything these God-haters do is being recorded, every thought, word, and deed, and each one, from Steven Spielberg down to the lowest extra working on the sets of these garbage movies will have to account to God himself for what they thought, what they said, and what they did against God and the Bible.
We are losing the war, fellow Christians! The enemies of our faith are not at the gates, they are rampaging through the city! It is past the time to wake up and save our outer defenses--they are already firmly in the enemy's hands of the "Great Heathen Army." Our nation is all but consumed by the galloping hordes of secular fundamentalism and militant, aggressive, "peaceful" Islam following fast on its heels. What can we do now? Please return here to this section as I prayerfully consider and compose whatever the Word says we should do in this time of greatest peril for the churches of America.--Ed.
"Surveys of the highly respected Barna Research Group show that one out of every three 'born-again Christians' in America believes that Jesus Christ actually sinned during His life! That He was not--not--physically resurrected. And that faith in Christ is not needed to go to heaven. One out of every three.
Barna discovered that 55 per cent of our own evangelical churched youth have experimented sexually...and that once they are on their own, two of every three evangelical Christian kids will abandon church altogether."
President Bailey's letter goes on to lay bare America's shocking spiritual malaise and peril, but you "get the drift" of the condition of Christian faith today in American churches--world-ward, downward, sin-ward, right out of the Christian fold! This is a fatal hemorrhage--and must be addressed now, as Josh McDowell and some other Christian writers are attempting to do in their books and messages and ministries. Parents too are concerned, and are trying to reverse the trend right in their own families with their children. Prayer needs to be given to support both of these, as well as prayer for our nation and all the churches that are Bible-based. We need to be defensive, but we really need to be offensive, to take the ground back that has already been stolen from us by secular fundamentalism and pagan American culture. Jesus onced asked whether the Son of Man, on his return, would find faith on the earth? Will he? It depends in large measure by our response to the situations we now find ourselves in. Will we ignore it, or will we pray and do something about it? Otherwise, we will be going with the flow of the culture and the worldly-turning Christian community, and lose our salt and our light, and be indistinguishable from the worldly, hellbent Americans who presume to think they are good people essentially (as secular humanists teach), and can get to heaven without Jesus Christ and without His salvation. That will never happen, or God is a liar, and the Bible is a lie! But we know Americans are deceived, and are truly hell-bent. They will never see heaven--not any way but God's, as taught in the Bible, which is the only true Roadmap to Heaven. Mohammed's Koran is a roadmap to hell, and eternal punishment, but we have the true Roadmap to Heaven. Let us read, believe, and follow this Roadmap--otherwise we will wander like all the lost sheep of America searching for but never finding the truth that will deliver, save, and guide them in the paths of righteousness and holiness, for which there is no substitute. Otherwise, we will go on putting forth impressive religious shows with all our bands, choirs, choir robes, fine carpets, elaborate sound systems, flower bouquets, elaborate pulpits and platforms, special lighting, world-class architecture, and a user-friendly gospel centered on the selfish individual Christian--while the whole American culture with its 2-300 million people goes to hell along with most of our family members who still think they are good, decent people and because of that will get into heaven based on their merits and church attendance and tithing and being sincere at heart.
I have to wonder how my fellow Americans will like it when an absolutist power is imposed on our supposedly law-respected society (we are always being told we respect the rule of law, by secular humanists who want us to believe big lies like that one).
There are two forms of takeover, the covert type, and the overt type. As for the overt, or public hostile takeover form, we have never known a foreign power with the ability to move in and tell us what to do, and so it will be very interesting to watch the surprise and bewilderment and absolute belief in Americans! The covert type is even more possible. Of course, it will be a puppet government that is left in place to delude us, but gradually people will still wake up to the fact that their votes mean nothing (there is only one real party and its list of candidates in a pseudo-democratic processd). In every real sense, the rule over this nation will be given to foreign enemies who will probably crush us under the boot of puppet rulers (such as the Bill Clinton serving an indefinite number of years as president while obeying the directives of his Communist Chinese masters for a certain amount of payoff). This overt type of takeover has been going on for years and years, and is in its concluding stage--foreign nations such as China own us, financing our national debt and our prosperity and high level of affluence by plowing back their earnings in our incredibly lopsided trade with China.
It is only a matter of time before Chinese leaders call ours to a private conference and give us the details of their riot act. "Agree to this and this and this, or face foreclosure, the collapse of your economyy, and bankruptcy." We will have to give in, of course, or commit economic suicide in order to preserve our national independence--which our spineless leaders will never do.
Why? If this takeover should occur today in 2008, at least 50% of the American people will choose not fight for American freedom. Our leaders know that they would never have a united American people behind him, so why fight for something half the country would give up?
As for the second form of enemy conquest, let us say there is a surprise, a full-scale military attack, which is the more obvious form of hostile takeover. Will we survive, when our leaders fear to use our submarine and surface fleets, even against the smallest hostile nations who attack us now? They fear the disapproval of the United Nations more than they fear the loss of American sovereignty and independence. If we are attacked here by a coalition of enemy states, who will come to our aid? No one! NATO IS A JOKE, IT IS A DIVIDED ENTITY THAT CANNOT EVEN DEFEND EUROPE, MUCH LESS AMERICA THAT SUPPORTS IT. Europe does not believe in the value and role of America in the world and resents America as a superpower. They would just as soon see us swept out of the way. In our own country, half of the American people do not believe in America, and were taught in the public schools that America is evil, and is creating the trouble in the world. The other half will fight, but they may not have the command of the armed forces when the real challenge comes.
If there is no surprise attack, the confrontation may not come overtly but covertly, in a scret ultimatum delivered to our country's leadership--whoever it is at the time--that we wil face nuclear war or we will give in and be spared terrible destruction if we will only submit to various demands. Our leadership will not stand up for America--they have already shown this in regard to Islam's world-wide challenge to the West for supremacy (despite the Iraq war and the conflict in Afghanistan and all the disclaimers by Democrat leaders that they are for national defense).
Who is left to fight for America? We cannot assume for a moment that the governing elites of this nation, who primarily espouse globalism, not nationalism, have our nation's freedom in mind as anything worth preserving--as they have a centralized world government, whether Western or Asian--as a higher value to pursue.
But we cannot expect anything better from this nation's wealthy elites. They favor their own ideas of what is good for the world, not what is good for America. They are supernationalist, not nationalist (just as President Bush, and his father before him, were supernationalist, letting the nation go without secure borders with Mexico)--their internationalism has been a long time feature of their lifestyles. Globalism is a natural outgrowth of their cosmopolitanism and borderless world-views. Their secular philosophies also incline toward world government--since world government, not nationalism, is their final answer to man's social and economic ills, so they think. Religion, and particularly the Christian Gospel, is no answer for them--they regard religion and religious faith as the obstacles, and archaic impediments to the true progress of the human race. To reduce the world population is a chief objective, as human life is no longer a value in itself--and so a world population of three or four hundred million is recommended by these groups of elites at their various closed meetings.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people.
"Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."
"All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies."--Psalm 25:10
"I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints, but let them not turn back to folly."--Psalm 85:6
And the vineyard which Your right hand [Jesus Christ the Son of God] has planted, and the branch [Jesus Christ, Y'shua the Messiah] You made strong for Yourself.
It is burned with fire, it is cut down; they perish at the rebuke of Your countenance.
Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand, upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself.
Then we will not turn back from You, revive us, and we will call upon Your name.
Restore us, O Lord God of hosts, and we shall be saved!"--Psalms 80:14-19