Pastor Hagee of Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, has reported on
national and international television that informed sources (and he has been briefed by such as former Prime Minister of Israel,
Netanyahu, and others in Israel who are his long-term friends): America's premier cities have cell groups waiting to detonate nuclear suitcase bombs. Among the cities are New York City, Miami, Houston, Washington. This is the mortal, death blow the Islamic Jehadists plan to strike us with, and they have the bombs, it is reported, enough to crush us as a nation, when they detonate them simultaneously. They are, it is reported, just waiting for the call to set them off.
We all saw how ineffectual the U.S. Federal Government is in the midst of a national emergency such as Hurricane Katrina's assault on the coast and its aftermath. The Federal Government was far more efficient at the turn of the century, when San Francisco was destroyed by the great earthquake. Help was there in a matter of hours--not days and weeks! This is what Secular Humanism has done to us--our government is set in a kind of concrete, unable to act when it would be most vital for it to do so!
It was CHRISTIAN ministries and churches, Mayor Nagin of
New Orleans, that were first on the site of your destroyed city, pouring out tons of food, water, supplies, even rescue operations! Did you ever thank any of them for the tremendous help they gave thousands in the city and thousands more outside it?
Now it seems hopeless at first sight, when secular humanists are in so much control of our society that we are made sitting ducks where our enemies are concerned. What can one person do to stop our arch-enemies from destroying us and our country? Our nation is in such disarray, morally, spiritually, and politically. We cannot even unite to fight the terrorists, who are using Iraq as a base of operations. That base will soon shift to our own streets and malls and cities, as we pull out our troops. The terrorists have said so themselves,
that they are pleased by the prospect of our giving up and pulling out of Iraq, and we know that they will bring the war to us--and then crush us completely with the suitcase bombs!
We must know that our government and military (and certainly not our Congress) cannot protect us (we have seen it in case after case of national emergency). We must turn to God alone. The only hope we have is God--in this time of peril. It seems impossible, however, to be of any influence. This nation is too big, too divided, for one person to affect. How can we help bring a turn-around in America, in our lives, in our relationship to God, that will bring God's forgiveness and His aid in saving us and our country? It just seems altogether impossible! Impossible! The darkness is too great to penetrate or drive back! Right? Do I strike a chord somewhere in somebody who is concerned about this entire situation? National security is just one aspect--it is all connected to our moral and spiritual, backslidden state as a Christian people and a formerly Christian nation.
Actually, let us think soberly, biblically, about this crisis. One person can be a majority, in God's eyes. He doesn't look at crises the way we do--one person who is so little compared to overwhelming numbers and overwhelmingly great circumstances. He is God--He is the Biggest "Component" in the universal equation. With Him, you, or I, have the winning number, not the other eight million entrants in the lottery. Our number with God making divine arithmetic with us: 1 (God who is
Number 1, plus one--you or I). 1 plus 1 is ordinarily just 2 (which will cause no change in this natural world probably), but when the first 1 is God--that is as good as an infinite number on your side! Look at the Bible! It is full of crises where one person, with God as Number 1 in that person's life and prayers, turned entire nations back from destruction and going over the cliff! Deborah, Moses, Gideon, Elijah, David, Daniel...and they weren't considered important, either. They weren't always known, either. Gideon declared he was the least person in a family in a clan that was least in his tribe--but God went to him and called him "mighty champion." If we choose unbelief and distrust of God, we will say, "God you can't save this nation through me--I am too small, too average, too something or other, for You too use!" That is wrong thinking! That will never please God. God delights in using small, average, insignificant people like you and me. Then He gets the glory from what is accomplished through us! He doesn't get much glory through using Nobel Prize Laureates, or Presidents, or big-shots of any kind. He gets tremendous glory, as the Bible states over and over, from using
insignificant vessels such as you and me.
In fact, He PREFERS to use people like you and me! Yes, he prefers to use us over the so-called great people of the world. So let us be willing to obey Him--even if it is a small task in our eyes. A small rudder turns a mighty ocean-liner! It is hidden away underwater, but without it the mighty liner would run out of control and dash itself on the rocks and everything would be destroyed. Let us be the little rudder that turns the mighty ocean-liner of America. Though our prayers, examples, witness of Jesus, and our support of what is our Judaeo-Christian heritage in America, we can turn our doomed ship of state away from disaster. Let no one, particularly our fellow Christians, discourage us in the least. We don't answer for their lives and their decisions to give up in overwhelming situations. We answer only for our own lives and decisions. Let us go on--with God--who is the Majority over every other majority--and so we cannot lose! We cannot lose--no matter what it looks like. We simply cannot lose. The Bible is the testimony, of person after person, mostly insignificant and powerless, who won great victories by simply trusting God and turning to him in every situation of life, great and small. Let us turn to him in the small things now, and then He can use in the great issues too.
Faithfulness to Him will be rewarded. He is that kind of God. If we prove ourselves by obedience to Him, He can use us to go and speak to kings and parliaments and congresses and presidents and generals and terrorist leaders--and they will listen and do what we say they should do! We have that potential in us--if only we will obey now in the small things he has given us to do. We can start today, we can start now. Will you? Will I? It is our individual choice.

HAS SLAVERY GONE AWAY FOREVER? OR IS IT STILL AN ISSUE WE MUST DEAL WITH? WHAT IS THE HISTORY OF THE ABOLISHING OF SLAVERY IN BRITAIN AND THE BRITISH DOMINIONS? The following film produced in Britain is the creation of Ken Wales, who as a talented young man was given a scholarship by Walt Disney so he could go to a fine school and perhaps
become a film maker. More important is the film itself. This film will embolden us, it will be a life-changing experience for all of us, making us fight for the unborn and the sex slaves of the international sexual gulag, not to mention the poor Filippino maids in the Middle East and the enslaved black Christians of southern Sudan (Darfur) and enslaved human beings everywhere.
The story of William Wilberforce, written by Ken Wales, the brilliant producer of the movie "Amazing Grace," is available too at your bookstores. It is called" The Amazing Grace of Freedom," by Ken Wales.
THE SECULAR HUMANIST BBC AND ITS "SNOOTY TOOTS" OUTDID ITSELF THIS TIME IN BIASED REPORTING AND REVISIONIST HISTORY: I listened a couple days ago to the Snoots of the BBC give their latest "report" on slavery. I listened to every single word, so I could tell if they misrepresented the history in any way. Guess what they did? They did not mention William Wilberforce once! Not once! And they mentioned Pitt only once, in passing. Nothing really added. John Newton--no mention either! They gave more credit to King George for signing the bill abolishing slavery in Britain, while observing that slavery went on in the empire for thirty years more (as if abolition of slavery is an instant process when you're dealing with a world-wide empire!). No real mention either for the primary role of the Muslim Arab slave traders (just one
one mention that Arabs were involved). They credited a lone African ruler for speaking out, rather lamely, against slavery, who was rulling during the time the slave trading was going on. He probably, routinely, put wives to death who didn't please him, and beheaded anyone who didn't pay enough tax to the royal coffers--a real despot who would feel comfortable sitting next to the likes of Saddam Hussain or the head of the British Broadcasting Corporation!
No coverage whatsoever of the West and Central African tribes who raided the villages, seized the women and children and young men, and killed the men who could defend themselves and killed the elderly and sick who were no good to them for selling as slaves to the British slaveship captains.
They naturally did not mention anything about the current slave-trading and slave-holding and enslavement of thousands of Africans going on this very day in the Sudan! Slave-holding is a long-accepted practice in African Muslim societies--has been so since the time of the Muslim Arabs swept to power in North Africa in the 7th-8th centuries! Now it is a policy of the Sudanese central government, which is radical Islamicist, to wipe out the Christians of South Sudan, convert the pitiful survivors to Islam forcibly, while enslaving them and working them to death, or raping and fathering children on them, or selling them to Christians who are raising money in the U.S. to buy these wretched fellow Christians and set them free to return to their shattered villages and burned down homes, in the hope they can rebuild their lives and families somehow.
This was not a true report, British Broadcasting Corporation! This was not historical! This was a gross misrepresentation, perpetrated by the BBC by hauling in a number of ignorant, or dishonest, British university dons and so-called experts on the subject of slavery. What rubbish! What a farce! This is the sickening kind of reportage that goes on constantly in the BBC and its broadcasts to the world. It is not journalism--it is propaganda for the secular humanist and atheist world-view and ideology, which is in its way just as bad as Nazism and Communism. The secular humanist-run BBC has become the reeking armpit of liberal-dominated London--by their own stinkingly biased reportage and anti-Semitism and anti-Christ agenda!
Another BBC report was centered on slavery in Mauretania, a Muslim hell-hole of a nation in the Sahara of Africa, which means it is mostly all rock, sand, burning heat, waterlessness, and deadly snakes--not a place anyone would want to go normally. The BBC did a scathing
report, which is amazing to me. It stated that the government is in denial about the rampant slavery in the country. Most of the population is enslaved--the BBC said. Yet the government officials claim there is no slavery, since they passed a law forbidding slavery! But no one told the slaves this! They are illiterate, impoverished, starved, and being worked slowly to death, so how can they appreciate the technicality of a law in a far-off
capital that states on paper that they are free? Their owners too, will they give up valuable slave property unless they are forced by the state? We must acknowledge the reality, not take the evasive talk of the professional politicians of Mauretania for truth. Slaves are slaves!
Mauretania's 9th century-style society is based primarily on slavery. The only thing I would fault the newsman on the ground for is this: he did not connect the slavery problem with the Muslim religion. Of course, slavery existed long, long before Islam came to the area by force, but Islam then had the responsibility and the power and means to end this inhuman practice and evil, but it did not. It has had 1,300 years to end slavery--but it shows no sign of doing so yet. No one is standing up in the United
Nations calling for a UN resolution or sanctions against Mauretania, until they end this terrible evil. Where is Amnesty International or the other secular human rights organizations? Mauretania is an unbelievable, horrible hell-hole for thousands of human beings who are voiceless and powerless to help themselves, but these are people that deserve
our active consideration, simply because they are God's precious children, and He cares for them and wants them set free and given means too to work for a better life!
THE GUILT-RIDDEN AND GUILT-DRIVEN BBC (IT OUGHT TO FEEL SOME GUILT FOR USING THE TAX MONEY TAKEN FROM CHRISTIANS TO ATTACK AND DISCREDIT CHRISTIANITY FOR DECADES NOW! MY BRITISH FRIENDS HAVE PAID THOSE VERY TAXES, AN INJUST SITUATION AND ONE OF THE REASONS WE DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE STATE BROADCASTING COMPANY DOMINATING THE MEDIA IN AMERICA, THANK GOD!) IS STILL HAMMERING OUT MORE BROADSIDES AGAINST BRITISH SLAVE TRADING: The propagandistic, guilt-driven BBC is still hammering the same, old, politically correct theme of British colonial slavery in yet more broadcasts using the same snooty Cambridge and Oxford accents! I heard another calling for Prime Minister Tony Blair to apologize for British involvement in the slave trade. It is the so-called 200th year anniversary, if I heard them right. Why set the anniversary back so few years? Why not show the world you know some history, BBC, and set it back to Mohammed's reign as Potentate of Islamic Arabia in the 7th century? His household was no doubt full of slaves. He endorsed slavery, in practice, and his followers naturally continued the evil, right up to March 2007, in fact! I really believe this is a smokescreen, just another ploy, like the secular humanists in America always drumming on the non-issue of the Witchcraft Trials in Salem by a group of Puritans, while their own aggressive agenda of intolerance goes unchecked and uncontested. What is the nastiness the guilty consciences of the BBC are hiding? Bush House needs a thorough decontamination and exorcism of evil spirits of intolerance and atheism and hatred and falsehood, once it is turned over, lock, stock, and whiskey barrel, to a Bible printing society, as happened to the house of the arch-Christian hater, Voltaire, in Switzerland--a man the Bible calls a fool for denying God, and who vowed that Christianity, because of his books, would be dead in 100 years. Well, we passed his deadline a century or more ago--and Christianity is sweeping the world (not religious Christianity, but the real kind this time,
born of the Spirit of God and the teaching of the Bible).

"Abortion" is a secular-humanist euphemism that is misleading at best. It is a term used to disguise the fact we are killing babies in the womb in the most brutal fashion conceivable (no pun intended). The denier says, "I didn't kill my baby, I aborted a fetus, a blob of tissue." But the truth is, the babies are not fetuses or blobs of tissue. The truth is the babies are not "aborted," they are killed and murdered. When you take an animal's life, you have killed it. Everyone acknowledges that fact, and would be considered a lunatic to dispute it. But when you take a human being's life, killed the human being, this fact is disputed! How can this be, in a supposedly sane, advanced, progressive society? Let us look at the whole "question" not as man, who is utterly confused, sees it. Let us look at it as the Creator of all human life sees it. Just because a baby is in the womb, makes no difference with God the Creator. He holds us responsible for murder if you kill that baby. The Bible regards babies in the womb as human beings, with no
such categories as "trimesters" or terms such as "fetus" or "embryo", as human beings--and speaks of prophets being "called in the womb."
John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother Elizabeth, recognized Jesus in the womb of his mother Mary, and kicked with joy! This may have seemed a little farfetched to some readers of the Book of Luke, but it no longer is, since evidence has come to light that babies in the womb recognize their mother's voice as well as other things going on around them.
The general public, the legislatures, the courts, and the so-called experts can debate all they like. With God the discussion is over--He considers them, while in the womb, as human beings with the full, unretractable, extra-legislated, God-given right to live. And, there are very important social considerations as well. How do we know when we kill an unborn baby that we are not killing an instrumental man or woman of God, or a great musician, or a scientist who would discover the cure of AIDS or cancer? Who will work to support the social services in the future on which we all will come to depend? Who will pay the taxes to fund them if we kill off the younger generation by the millions (forty million unborn babies have been killed since the Roe vs. Wade decision authorizing infanticide for "medical" reasons, which quickly became infanticide for convenience sake).
We simply are touching God's most precious creation, the helpless human life in the womb, smashing it with a sledgehammer, which is murder in God's eyes, a breaking of His commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." We are also killing, murdering, putting to death, our own future and the good of society for some short-term benefit we think is more important. Infanticide must be stopped. It dehumanizes and ultimately destroys a society. Where is Imperial Rome? Where is the once glorious classical Greece? They practiced infanticide routinely. Yes, infanticide also brings divine judgment, not just on individuals practicing it but on entire nations and empires.
Over in Communist China visitors have observed fields strewn with what they thought at first were small animal carcasses. It turned out, on closer inspection, that the bodies were not animals, they were aborted infants. Could anything be more hideous? China will pay dearly for this evil practice! China is already paying, for there are now about 60 million young Chinese men who will never find a bride in China--the girls are the first to be aborted and the boy is kept, due to China's one-child-per-family eugenics policy.
State-promoted and enforced infanticide like China's is carried out all over a demographically declining Europe, except that they are too fastidious to do as China does, they don't yet throw the bodies out on to the open fields to decay and be eaten by wild critters like rats and feral cats and dogs. In the "culturally enlightened" Netherlands, a survey of doctors was taken recently, and the vast majority of doctors said they definitely would not recommend adoption as an alternative to their patients who were considering or had chosen abortion. They made the lame, secular humanist excuse that to do so would be to go against their patients' express wishes, as they had already made their decisions! So, in the grand, old, decadent
Netherlands, the mother's wishes to kill her own children becomes more sacred than life itself, becomes more protected and respected than the helpless human life in the womb! Who asked the unborn child if it wants to live or not?
Nobody! We don't have to ask! Naturally, the child wants to live, with every atom of its being! What makes these doctors in the Netherlands, who have such a low regard for human life and its sanctity, any different in kind from Death Camp Nazi doctors in World War II who operated on and killed Jewish children in wierd experiments on the operating table?
In America too infanticide is killing millions of unborn babies, year after year. We are just more sanitary and cosmetic about our own "killing fields--using zip lock bags to package the baby's organs for sale for high profits and then disposing of the rest in
landfills. Babies used to be dumped by the thousands and even the millions in trash cans for routine garbage truck pickup behind the tens of thousands of abortion mills in America, but overflowing trash cans raided by dogs and cats and raccoons spilled babies and their severed heads, arms, and various organs out, and this attracted dogs and flies and some shocked spectators--so the policy was changed (thank you, Planned Parenthood--but tell me please, how can you "parent" a murdered unborn baby??--thank you for being the world's biggest infanticide provider and also managing to be tax funded to the tune of over 100 million a year!). What a wonderful America you have created in place of the one that formerly respected and upheld the sanctity of life and protected
children, born or unborn. But God's holy eye sees Planned Parenthood too, and He is angry with all of us! We will all pay dearly for this wanton, unconscionable murder and slaughter of the innocent unborn babies for profit and convenience and even political support of the Democratic Party that has championed "abortion" on demand.
I believe Pastor Hagee of Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, when he says God will demand thirty (now forty) million lives of Americans to pay for the murdered unborns. We will soon be paying, after the downpayment of the lives taken on 9/11 and by Hurricane Katrina and other disasters, those forty million lives. Could they be yours and mine and our families? Are we innocent? Will we escape the wrath-judgment that must fall on America if God is a Just God?
I hope to see soon America's greatest shame (other than the way the Indians are being treated and were treated) wiped away by repentance bringing the end of infanticide, and a memorial rise to the Holocaust of the Unknown Infants murdered in America due to Roe vs. Wade. If there is a memorial like this one, a baby hand in bronze will jut from the simple stone toward the mother who comes to honor her dead child.

David Pett is a long-time minister, a pastor, and handles the Word of God most responsibly and aptly for these times. That cannot be said of most preaching from the pulpit today in America! He is offered here, but you can sign up for his email messages yourself by using his email address. The following message by David, "Are All Things Equal" is a blessing to all who are open to the truth of it.
APOSTATES AND INFIDELS POSING AS ERUDITE THEOLOGIANS FOR TEN MINUTES OF TELEVISED NOTORIETY ARE A DIME A DOZEN! There are many thousands of (overpaid!) apostates and infidels inside and outside of the churches and seminaries posing as theologians today, and some of them now are attacking the Substitution of Christ for the Atonement of sins, saying it is "transcendental child abuse."
No God would ever do such a cruel thing to his son, these fake Bible scholars maintain, and even if Jesus did die on a cross, it counts for nothing and saves nobody. The whole thing about atonement is pointless, since it is unnecessary.
What can be said about these apostates and infidels? The Bible describes them in many places, and I can think of several descriptions--but I think the vernacular term, "dunce, " is good too. In any case, they are liars--denying the whole truth of the Bible, which points the way to Jesus the Lamb of God, sacrificed on the Cross to pay the sin-penalty for all mankind. It WAS necessary. We are all sinners, condemned to death and eternal punishment. "The wages of sin is death," the Bible clearly states. We acknowledge that there should be punishment for breaking of the laws in society, yet how about breaking the laws of God? He demands a punishment for the lawbreaker, and since He is the Judge above all human judges and courts, He certainly has a right to demand that we
pay the penalty for our sins against Him and our fellow man. Fortunately for us, He substituted Jesus Christ the Lamb, who was sinless, able to take all our sin upon Himself and wipe it completely away by His shed, innocent blood. Through this act of His, which was voluntary and not forced,
we are freed from the penalty of our sin. It is not child abuse in any sense. Christ
was a full-grown man and was no child when he freely chose to go to the Cross, to satisfy the will of His Father in heaven. He was not abused by His Father, who was not a tyrant in any respect. He chose to obey his loving Heavenly Father freely--His Father did not force him onto the Cross. It is the most asinine and incorrect misinterpretation
to call it "transcendental chid abuse." Only a sarcastic, warped mind could come up with such a term. It is truly Satanic. It may be a sin against the Holy Spirit. I do hope these fake theologians will repent and will not have to suffer eternal punishment for these attacks on God, the Gospel, and the doctrine of Christ's Atonement.--Ed.
HOW DOES ONE EXPLAIN FORMER PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER'S ANTI-SEMITIC BOOK? He claims to be a Christian. He takes an active part still in his home church in Plains, Georgia. Georgia is in the buckle of the Bible Belt, so to speak. How could this man be so anti-Semitic that he would write a book equating Zionism with racism, comparing Israel to the apartheid state of South Africa? Jimmy Carter is an enigma, even to his followers, for he does a noble service through building homes for many people who could not otherwise have homes in his ministry, Habitat for Humanity. His terrorist friends, however, overlook his Christian side, and thank him profusely for supporting them against America, the country over which he was a President! He was awarded the
Nobel Prize for Peace, because he constantly stands against America and a free society and champions the rights of terrorist societies and nations as they attack Americans around the world. Robert Goulet with that wonderful deep voice of his once sang in the hit Broadway musical, "Camelot," a whimsical song that was utterly charming, to wit, "How can a man love a woman?" Well, how can a Christian understand a Jimmy Carter? His true colors come out, glaringly, however, in his lower-intestine-produced book, "Palestine: Peace,
Not Apartheid." Despite the fact (which is pointed out in the Lamplighter Magazine, March 2007 issue, edited by Dr. Reagan of Lamb and Lion Ministries, McKinney, Texas) that the whole Middle East practices apartheid against the Jews (refusing them residency), Israel (which has a million Arabs within its borders as voting citizens, who have representatives in the Knesset, the Israeli parliament)! Israel is a model for diversity and acceptance of all races--just the opposite of its neighboring Moslem countries of Egypt, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey! It is the Moslem Middle East that practices the system of apartheid rigorously, not Israel. How could Jimmy Carter, an intelligent man able to win the U.S. presidency but not keep it for a second term, be so misleading on this core issue? He is either badly deceived or knowingly a deceiver! But in any case, he is flat wrong in his thesis. A whole group of his expert scholars in his Carter Center have walked out in protest (which has not deterred him in the least, as he says so himself when asked). But why haven't the rest walked out? Do they agree with his
rank anti-Semitism? Apparently so! He is running now a purged, actively anti-Semitic center against Israel. I feel sorry for him--and a little fearful for him. He will have to stand someday, soon, before a Jew in heaven and explain what he has done here on earth against the Jewish people who produced the Messiah Jesus Christ. What possible justification will he have then to present to the Lord?

The Bible used to be undertood generally in Jewish and later in Christian society when it used terms like "whoredom" and "harlotry" and "harlots." Whores and harlots were what we now call prostitutes, a term we still understand since we have so many prostitutes in our secular-humanist dominated society. If you went to bed with a harlot or whore, you were termed immoral, and under God's judgment, since that is the same as engaging in prostitution--an immoral act of fornication, according to the Ten Commandments and the Bible (particularly the commandment, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery).
Nowadays, committing adultery and fornication is approved by the popular culture and the U.S. public schools, and it is called "relationship," and used to be called "shacking up" or "living together." "Relationship" is the euphemism that seems to make it more acceptable and right to do, for what you anyone have against a "relationship"? But spiritual harlotry or spiritual prostitution is often meant by the prophets. Israel's people, over and over,
took other gods rather than worship the One True God--thereby, becoming
spiritual harlots themselves, running from one lover (a false god) to another lover (some other false god) for whatever they were seeking. This was an abomination to God, who sought a pure bride, who loved Him alone. It is still an abomination to God, for He has not changed, and says he is jealous over us His children. He will accept no other lover, no other rival for His love, climbing into the bed of His bride! Yet we, as a people, and as individuals, become harlots, and go a'whoring after other gods, don't we? We choose many things above God, don't we? We must stop doing this--for this is spiritual prostitution, and carries the heavy penalty of spiritual death and even damnation in hell forever. Israel was destroyed, again and again, because of this sin--going to other lovers, other gods. Duane L. Smith's prophecy speaks of this kind of harlotry and prostitution. Let us take it seriously and change our ways and return to our One True God, our One True Lover of our souls. The other gods, the other lovers, will only bring us regret, wasted lives, and even eternal hurt.
A prophecy from the late Duane L. Smith:
"The Spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart saying, "Oh, wicked and perverse generation! How long must I endure your whoredom? And how long must I put up with your selfish ambitions and foolish pride?"
"Worship Me and Me alone," says my Lord and my God, "And do not go a'whoring after other gods."
"Always be careful, and remember to kiss My Son, lest He or I be angry," says the Lord God Almighty.
"Learn to fear the Lord, for I the Lord am a jealous God, and I will not share My place with another! Turn fromn your wicked ways, and turn to the True and the Living God; replace vanilty and vain glory with the worship of the Lord in spirit and in truth," says the Lord of hosts. If you do this, I promise and will not repent, you shall be set free from spiritual bondage, and you shall be made whole, and you shall be spared from my wrath." Amen

Is Easter over for you? If so, I have to ask you, did it ever really start for you? Or did you just go through the motions, and now you've gone back to the
usual as though it never really happened?
This ought not to be--if you truly know Christ. Do you truly know Christ? The Resurrection, then, ought to be the cornerstone of your faith and walk as a Christian. If it isn't, or is less than it should be in that respect, then let us together
explore it a bit more--even in these days following the official day of Easter (whatever that really signifies).
There is some excellent Bible teaching still available on the Resurrection. Charles Stanley has a CD, "His Resurrection, Our Assurance." You can obtain it by going to his website.
Dr. Michael Youseff, regularly appearing on Daystar, has a DVD for "The Resurrection: Evidence That Demands a Verdict."
We as Christians do not blindly believe that Christ rose from the grave just because we were taught it in Sunday School. We know it as an incontrovertible fact that can stand the full scrutiny of any court of law where the laws and rules of evidence are upheld. This fact is centered, personified in Jesus Christ himself! He declared: "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die."

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is probably the greatest event in Christianity--but the one we are most ignorant of--oddly enough. See if this isn't true. Take the fun quiz and find out how little you may know (and didn't know you didn't know):

Josh McDowell and Bill Wilson co-authored "He Walked Among Us," published by TBN. Chapter 14, page 278-290, is "The Reliability of the Resurrection Reports." They look at the three main areas of evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: (1) the early origination of ther reports; (2) the historical nature of the reports, and (3) early Christian belief in the resurrection of Jesus. Think about these three areas. They are very, very critical in coming up with a true, factual foundation for believing in the Resurrection. We need not believe blindly. The Bible never asks us to believe blindly. I challenge anyone to show that it does! God opens eyes and our understanding, he doe not blind us and dim our understanding. God is light, not
darkness and confusion. God is truth, not feeling, whimsy, and conjecture.
Josh McDowell, a Christian apologist who produces excellent defenses of our Christian beliefs, also wrote the book, "The Resurrection Factor."
WE NEED TO DROP WAL-MART PROBATIONALLY FROM OUR BIG BAD CORPORATIONS LIST! This is from LAMPLIGHTER Magazine: "WalMart Update--In the last two issues of this magazine we reported news regarding financial aid that was being given to radical homosexual activist groups by WalMart. We are delighted to report that due to intense pressure from Christians, WalMart has announced that it will no longer supply such aid. Go to the WalMart website at and click on "Contact Us." You will find forms you can use to send a message to local stores or to the corporate headquarters. Write and thank them for changing their policy and encourage them to continue upholding family values. Your opinion matters!"
Amen! To God be the glory! But a managment and ownership that could move a major corporation to support gays in such a radical way has slipped very seriously in the department of Biblical understanding and reverence of God's laws. We need to keep a watch on this. Also, WalMart is compromising its American roots, which are free and democratic, when it comes to inviting into its outlets and stores in China the Communist Party! What has Christ to do with Belial? The Communist Party is definitely of Belial and its satanic spirit from the Pit. How can WalMart be so naive as to think it will not be contaminated by Communism? You can't go to bed with the Devil and remain innocent.--Ed.
My "boycott Disney" bumper sticker became faded a while back, and I changed cars anyway. But I need another one! Disney has just passed a company rule that authorizes the use of its public venues by same-sex couples and their various
"celebrations." These venues have been used, and are being used, by families--and children will be on hand now to see the same sex couples and gays cavort, hug, fondale, kiss,
even make "love." Thank you, Disney, for being there for the American Family and the innocene of children! You've shown us all your true stripe--green--for all the money you hope to get by tapping into the gays' big bank accounts. Well, you'll get the money from them, no doubt, as they flock to take over Disney World and Disneyland and
"do their thing" in the full public eye--dancing with Minnie Mouse and Mickie and
the other cartoon characters that children love so much. Your CEO, Mr. Eisner, was pushed out despite his statements he wasn't going to give up his chair to anybody (thanks to the prayers of Christians), and his ardent gay-promoting campaign was put on the table for a time, but
now the obscenity he started is back stronger than ever. Well, you're going down, Disney! Your opulent cruise ship had an outbreak, in which people were getting deathly sick, and whatever it was, you are now spreading it to the entire country. Remember the Titanic? You're headed for the same depths in the cold, cold sea.

WHY PRAY? If we are average Americans, we do not pray at all--nada, zilch, zero. Let us be honest for a moment.
Oh, we put on a jolly good show of being prayerful at church maybe once a month--but that is all it is--a good show, which fools only ourselves! If we are Christians, we are like average Americans, sad to say. Our prayer life is laughable. Do we pray once a week for a couple minutes? That may be stretching it! Let's be honest! Could you or I pray our way out of a paper bag? Do we pray only when we are in a terrible bind, at our wits end? Do we pray just to get something we want for ourselves? Do we pray because other people are watching us and we just want to fit in, so we fold our hands piously and bow our heads and "pray"? Do we pray to look good to people and also gain God's approval? Satan is laughing, not God, at us! He knows full well that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian! A prayerless church is a powerless church! A prayerless nation is a powerless nation! We have heard that said so often, we can recite it in our sleep, right? But have we changed? Yet, we could be very, very powerful and influential--for Christ--but only through real prayer.
Just look at the Moslem nations--they are spiritually powerless, because they do not pray to the One True God--so, sensing their utter impotence, they resort to bombs, threats, armies, and physical force and intimidation, along with
lying and signing rafts of "peace" treaties with the West they never intend to keep (the Moslem doctrine of Hudna).)
America is fast becoming a powerless nation, because of our prayerlessness. It isn't our military that is declining, it is our prayerlife. Let us, one by one, turn this cart around! We can pray--it is our individual choice! But why pray? This could be the most important question of this century. This may be the most important message that is ever featured on this page of the Emmaus Walk! This will tell us, from scripture, what is the power of prayer and why we need to pray.
The power of prayer can turn whole nations around and save millions who would otherwise be lost and go into a Christless eternity. Prayer (and the Gospel preached by John Wesley) saved Great Britain in the 18th century! Without the Wesleyan revivals, Britain society was indeed a lost cause, doomed to a French-style revolution and bloodbath made possible by the world's most efficient killing machine, the ingenious French guillotine! Human beings could not do the job--they would crumble and go insane, putting so many thousands to death in a brutal fashion. But with the guillotine, all that mess and carnage was not on any man's hands but a result of a cold killing machine that could feel absolutely nothing about what it was doing to young girls and young boys and mothers and aged grandmothers and innocents of all kinds who had done nothing wrong but be born in France in the 18th century. But that is the ancient past--or is it? France will soon have to give up as many heads of its citizens as she once took--if she does not return to God in repentance. Prayer can do the same now again, today, saving our erring nations staggering toward the abyss, starting with you and me!

Please pray for the sorely oppressed Moslem people of Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, who are enslaved to Islam, a false, anti-Christ religion, while being misled by clerics who are following hateful agendas (though not all clerics are fundamentalists and jehadists). These nations, according to Biblical prophecy, will soon be destroyed in the next major Middle Eastern war when they once again attack Israel with the aim to wipe that nation off the map. Instead, they will be wiped from the map (I think, preemptively), as John P. McTernan defines this war in his book, "As America Has Done to Israel." Scripture says specifically that Damascus will be destroyed, made uninhabitable because of its contamination. A rump state of Syria will survive, but the nation will be gone (which is no real loss, since it has always been Israel's worst enemy since the time of Israel's founding in the time of Joshua). The other countries named will become uninhabitable too. Think of this!--but they will bring this terrible fate on themselves by attacking a nation at peace with them. Iran, as McTernan describes it, will suffer a great blow, will partially survive, but will be utterly destroyed in the next, greater war that follows when it joins in yet another major war against Israel to eterminate the Jews. It is thus time for the people of these countries to repent before God, seek His Son's grace and forgiveness, and be led of the Lord to a place of safety. These countries are going out of existence! And soon! If any of them still exist in ten years, it will be the Grace of God, holding back the wrath of God on these wicked countries and their wicked rulers.
A Mini-Review of McTernan's book:

Please pray for these Moslem-enslaved countries that are aligned like packs of ravenous wolves against Israel and which all will be destroyed by their own aggressions when those acts of war back-fire on them. The Roadmap to Peace is the latest, desperate, ill-founded leash that the intelligentsia of Washington has come up with to use to hold them back--when only God can do that.

Somalia, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Libya, and Egypt are Moslem countries,
and they are presently on the rock bottom of civilized states (all the big universities in Cairo are not enough to lift that society to civilization, if its basis is faulty), BUT THEY WERE ONCE ALL
ATTACKS OF FANATICAL MOSLEM ARMIES CARRYING THE BANNERS OF MOSLEM JEHAD IN ONE HAND AND SCIMITARS IN THE OTHER. They have received a Christian witness (10% of Egypt's population is Coptic Christian, with revival going on in the evangelical church, and the Middle East's largest evangelical church of upwards of 15,000 believers meeting in a cemetery on the edge of Cairo!). Algeria was formerly a Christian country and knew the Gospel, for centuries before the Moslem armies conquered it in the 7th-8th centuries. All of now Moslem North Africa, Morocco and into Egypt, was Christian!
Now it is a stronghold of Islam and Satan. But it can be saved--if we pray! The people of these
North African nations, those who are not captivated by hatred, are a beautiful, hospitable, humble, friendly people. It is Satan that is deceiving and using them--and
he is the reason for their present condition--poor, oppressed, bound in darkness of a false religion, subject to hate-mongers and tending to violence against Jews and Christians. They can be set free, and thousands are being set free even now by the libeating Gospel of Jesus Christ beamed down to them from satellite tv and Christian programming.
Somalia is located just below the "Horn of Africa". It is an ancient
neighbor to Ethiopia, and was probably influenced or even a tributary of that country's empire for long ages--but
they are a distinct nation now, only subject to centuries of religious darkness of Islam, which has made Somalia a hotbed of strife and violence, poverty, and hopelessness. They still mistakenly think the Draconian Seriah law of Islam will make their country stable and ultimately prosperous, peaceful enough to make normal life half-way possible again. It won't happen. Radicalized Jehadist clerics will not allow development, and will drive down the women into abject ignorance and slavery--and society cannot go ahead under such conditions, as we know very well from many examples of Moslem fundamentalist takeovers. Look at what the PLO Moslem fundamentalists have done to
Gaza (Hamas-stan, as Brigitte Gabriel has called this seething nest of rattlers), to the former Afghanistan before U.S. forces liberated it from the Taliban, to the whole Middle East (except for pockets of prosperity, the whole region of the Middle East and northern to central Africa is a hell-hole, suffering economically and culturally. Weapons and warfare are highly developed, paid for by oil revenues or U.S. or Russian aid, but almost everything else--industry, agriculture, social services, schools, health care--are backward and even non-existent in vast areas.
Speaking of Brigitte Gabriel, she described how female suicide bombers are recruited. Ever wonder how they take up this suicidal path of self-destruction and the killing of innocent people they don't even know personally? We all know that the female gender is the least likely of the two genders to commit acts of violence, particularly the most violent crimes such as suicide bombings that deliberately target school children, women, and packed buses and planes full of
ordinary working people. But the Islamic terrorists have figured a way around this female inhibition. As Yassir Arafat's squads did, they go out and rape an at-risk, marginal Moslem female, then present her with two options. She can become a suicide bomber and "die with honor," serving Islam by blowing up the enemy--Israeli children and women and ordinary people--or be dragged into the street and dismembered in public to the eternal disgrace of her family. What woman, hoping to avoid the worst shame and humiliation possible in Moslem society, would not choose what is normally unthinkable for one of her sex? THIS IS THE DIRTY SECRET of Islam--and the liberal press, both in the U.S. and Britain and Europe, are complicit with the perpetrators to keep the world from waking up to its existence and outlawing it, from the United Nations down to the local Moslem community, which to this day is denying that it is going on while knowing it is going on.
Brigitte Gabriel is an Arab, and says that in Arab society everybody's business is known--that is the way it is. If terrorism exists, it is because the Moslem communities know but are keeping silent about its operations in their midst. They know, but they look the other way--right up to the moment when the bombs go off in the London tube or on commercial flights or in Israeli streets and dayschools and restaurants and cafes and pizza parlors. They are just as guilty, all these Moslem communities, as the terrorists they harbor in their midst without saying a single word about them! God lholds them responsible, to be sure. They may get round the U.S. population which doesn't seem to undestand the nature of the threat we have in this country in the Moslem communities--but they cannot get around the all-seeing Eye of God, who is not Allah but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not the impersonal, uncompassionate, unmerciful, prayer-ignoring god that Mohammed thought up on the backside of
a camel.

Unlike Islam, we as Christians have a God who has an ear to the cries of His children! Pray for the organization that is attacking America so viciously and fanatically, to destroy all our traditional values and beliefs and supplant them with secular humanism. I do not pray that God will save this organization, for it is utterly corrupt and anti-Christ, but I do pray for the individuals who are working in it. Their souls are precious to God.

You would not know it from the present anti-Christian agenda of the British Parliament, but British history would not exist except for its Christian heritage and Christian values. Almost all of recorded British history is in the Christian era--and the nation was founded as a Christian nation. This fact needs to be taught to British schoolchildren, whom no doubt are being fed a completely warped view of their own country's development and are almost totally ignorant of what really took place and why. The BBC's biased and ignorant reportage can be explained by its
hatred of anything Christian and its utter blindness to the role of Christianity in lifting Britain from the dark, wormy, stinking slimepits of barbarism (even Caesar was appalled by the unbelievable cruelty and savagery of the naked, blue-painted Britons!). They liked to stack bound captives in a hundred foot high piles of bushes and logs and then burn them to death as sacrifices to their fiendish idols (this made the Roman practice of crucifixion seem rather paltry in comparison).
Queen Elizabeth I was a great promoter of the Christian faith--and declared that the British realm was Christian, according to David Hathaway of Eurovision ministries. As a Defender of Christianity in her dominion, she took her responsibility most seriously, and
reigned over a navy-based country that rose to first rank among the nations, thanks to the
role of Christianity in the kingdom. She might be said to have inaugurated a Golden Age in Britain, for there have been no greater English monarchs, before or after her.
You can easily trace Great Britain's catastrophic decline, as it steadily abandoned its priceless Christian heritage and values and lives based on the Bible, until today you see a fifth rate power such as Muslim Iran slap the sadly moribund British lion in the face, daring it to do anything, after taking hostage fifteen of the British sailors while on duty in Iraqi waters and forcing "confessions" out of some of them. Tony Blair is not only taking the slap of this Persian cad, but acting as if the hostage-taking were all the fault of Britain! This same Britain that has turned from a lion to a purling pussycat in the face of a militant Islam is presently reversing centuries of egalitarian progress in human rights, by endorsing Islam's claim to separation of the sexes in public institutions and schools. Britain already has "honor killings," child brides, and servitude of Islamic women who are regarded by Islam as second-class partners in any marriage, and can be beaten, or turned out into the street with a simple word to go by the husband. The killing of unwanted Moslem wives is also widespread in India and Pakistan, and will be found occurring in Britain too--the husband gets rid of a wife by forcing her with mistreatment to douse herself with gas and light it, takes her dowry, and remarries! How convenient for him! I listened to an entire BBC report on this practice--and nobody was saying there is something radically wrong with Moslem society that has this going on, year after year, with hundreds of fatalities. This is what we can look forward to in America, where atheistic secular humanism is already proving the perfect facilitator for the rapid Islamization of America, just as it had facilitated Islamization in Britain, Belgium, France, and other Western countries. What about the human rights watch groups? What about the feminists? They are strangely silent about all this--and if they report the
fatalities and the abuses, they will not give us the causes--which are embedded inextricably in Moslem theology and Sheriah law.
IT'S IN THE BIBLE, JOHNNY AND SUZY: Most people may not know that many of the stock phrases they use in everyday conversation come from the Bible. Here are just a few of them: "In the twinkling of an eye" (I Cor. 15:52). "Den of Thieves" (Matt. 21:13) "Keep the faith" (2Tim 4:7) "A stone's throw" (Luke 22:41) "Old wives' tales" (1Tim. 4:7) "Drop in the bucket" ((Isa. 40:15) "Apple of his eye" (Deut. 32:10) "No rest for the wicked" (Isa. 46:22). --Rev. Jerome Porkorny in Catholic Quote
A GRADUATE FROM A U.S. HIGH SCHOOL WHO CANNOT READ HIS OR HER OWN DIPLOMA! Not just sayings, but our greatest writer in the English language, William Shakespeare the Bard of Britain, probably would have written little or nothing except for the Holy Bible! Shakespeare's plays, without the Bible, would not have been written. They are not Greek tragedies--they are full of truth and candor and wisdom that come from various books of the Bible, not straight pagan philosophy. There may be allusions to Greek gods, but no real belief in them; rather, it is the Christian God who rules the universe and governs the affairs of mortal men, kings and nations. Shakespeare himself is thought to have been a secret or "closet Catholic," for at times the Catholics were bitterly persecuted by the Church of England or the Puritans under Cromwell (though under bloody Queen Mary, a Roman Catholic, the Protestants were persecuted and killed, rendering them tit for tat). It is impossible to imagine a William Shakespeare, in fact, without the Bible and a thorough knowledge of it. I have been to Stratford-on-Avon, and watched a Shakespearean play performed in a downtown London theater--a real treat, even with British actors and actresses. "Hamlet" and "King Lear" and "The Merchant of Venice" are my favorites. I have read all, or most all, his tragedies and plays, and loved them, studying them in college and on my own, and he is definitely within the Judaeo-Christian heritage and Christian civilization as a playwright and thinker. The Bible, then, is the source of the Shakespearean plays. Without that heritage he wouldn't exist as a playwright. You won't find this thesis, pro and con being discussed, being taken up in graduate schools, however. It would be just too politically incorrect in the secular humanist-dominated colleges and universities.
"Solid Rock, not Sand," Message
Notes by Ronald Ginther, on how to keep it simple and honest with God. We are clay, He is the Potter--not the other way round, as it is preached and promoted in popular Christianity today. Want to "get back on track with God?" Here's how, in a few words:

HOORAY FOR OUR LATEST WORLD-CLASS DUNCE OF THE MONTH, KEITH ELLISON, Esq., OF MINNESOTA! HE REALLY DESERVES AN EXTRA BIG SLICE OF THE POPPYCOCK CAKE! Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is hereby awarded center stool and his pointy dunce's cap in our Dunciad. Wear the pointy cap proudly, Keithie, for you have earned every milimeter of it! I know something about lapsed or reprobate Catholics--they make some of the wildest sinners and reprobates known to Western Civilization. My small, select group of friends in college were very likable individuals, and highly talented and creative, but woefully lapsed Catholics morally and spiritually, so I have known lapsed Catholics personally. Madonna is said to be one too--and we all know how wild and profane this "rock star" can be, even staging a mock crucifixion of herself as Christ on stage--surely, one of the most blasphemous shows ever produced in history against Christ--which is saying something about what lengths lapsed Catholics can go to in their rebellion and flight from God! In any Moslem country, without an army protecting her, this devilish, obscene caricature of Mary the Madonna would be dragged out into the street and skinned and dismembered and beheaded on the spot for committing a comparable act of sacrilege against Mohammed!
Fitting right in with Madonna and my former friends in college, Keith Ellison is the first Moslem Congressman, and the radical Moslems of the world are ecstatic, of course, and the Moslem orifice, the tv news channel, has proclaimed the news far and wide how he has sworn in on a Koran, not a Bible. This reprobate Catholic turned Moslem at age nineteen and now an anti-American, Anti-Christ Congressman, was voted in by the wierd electorate of Minnesota (who also put a low-brow wrestler named Ventura into the governership of the state for what good reason, other than that he would support the liberal and leftist agenda in the state?). "Keithie"
took pride in swearing in on a Koran, not a Bible, he took from the library of Thomas Jefferson. He thought this would justify himself in the eyes of Americans, who would be impressed that Jefferson himself respected the Koran enough to have it in his library at Monticello! How mistaken! The report has now leaked out somehow that this Koran was Jefferson's because he and the new nation over which he was President had to go to war against the
North African Moslem nations, called the Barbary Pirates, and their wicked rulers who were attacking American trading ships and enslaving the crews and holding them for ransom too if they could get it.
Evidently, Keith has no knowledge of American history, or he would have found this out before he put his hand on Jefferson's copy of the Koran. It should have burned his fingers! You see, President Jefferson wanted to know why the Moslem rulers of Morocco and Libya hated us Americans so, when we were a new nation and had no former relations with them. Because we are taught to treat Christians and Jews thusly from our holy Koran, he was told by a Moslem representative from the Barbary Coast. Has anything changed? Jefferson did not think it wise to remain ignorant about the religion that taught such things, so he got a Koran to read it and possibly understand what this religion was all about. I am sure he was rather disturbed by what he learned. Unwittingly, the former Catholic Christian, Keith Ellison, swore himself in on this Koran of Jefferson's. How appropriate! It was Jehad then, and it remains Jehad now--all-out, unconditional warfare of Islam against Christianity and the Jews and free, democratic Western Civilization! The Moslem clerics and muftis say it is World War III, but our politically correct Washington D.C. commentators and the U.S. government refuse to believe they are serious--and they are
absolutely serious, as the attacks of 9/11 ought to make it perfectly clear. The Barbary Pirates are back! With nuclear suitcase bombs, and secret cells in our major American cities, just waiting for the cell phone call from their leaders in Pakistan or wherever they are headquartered. We are said to have these sleeper cells of Islamic terrorists in Miami, New York, Houston, San Francisco, and other cities--waiting to receive the call to go and detonate their suitcase nuclear bombs. As Pastor Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio explains, ten of these suitcase nukes going off at the same time in our major cities would crush the United States of America!
Yet there is still some hope, if we Christians who love America and our freedom stand firm and pray to God for deliverance! America did it back in Jefferson's time, and won the war under Jefferson as President--when America was but a fledgling of a country against centuries-old, experienced robber kingdoms on the Barbary Coast of North Africa. We had only a makeshift army of commandos and some ships at the time, but God showed them how to get the best of the Barbary Pirates on their own turf! They were outflanked by a suprise march of hundreds of miles across the desert round to the blind side of their sea coast fortress they did not expect the Americans to attack by! The Marines have a rousing battle hymn and theme song that goes, "From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli..." Tripoli still exists. It was a main robber city of the Barbary Pirate Coast in Jefferson's day, and is located in present-day Libya, which has not changed its tigerish stripes in the least and remains a Moslem Barbary Pirate Kingdom under Muammar Gadaffi (the daffy, narcissistic, tinpot country despot who at least had the sense recently to abandon his nuclear arms program after he saw what President Bush did to Saddam Hussain).

For our next classic dunce in the calvalcade of the Dunciad, the President of Iran with the unpronounceable name, for he says to the whole Moslem world, "Imagine a world without the United States and Israel (I had first mistakenly entered "Iran" instead of "Israel, which is probably a wish fantasy of Freudian slip of mine!)," and he threatens to use nuclear bombs when he gets them against both America and Israel in frequent speeches. Nobody can stop this dictatorial dunce, not the United
Nations, not the U.S., not Israel--he says over and over. It is Iran's right to get the nuclear weapon--and Iran is going to get it, whether the world likes it or not. This strutting, little
coxcomb of the Muslim radicals needs to be taught genuine history (as most Moslems are taught so wrongly, he too denies the Holocaust, the Shoah, and had a recent conference of Holocaust deniars meet with him in Tehran).
He would know, if he had any knowledge of history, particularly of his own nation of Persia (which the British changed to Iran), that Persia was ruled once by a devout Jew by the name of Mordecai, who was Prime Minister under the Persian emperor. A Jew will someday rule again over Persia, as well as every other nation on earth. His Name, which is above all other names, is Jesus Christ. The Bible says, that at the footstool and Name of Jesus Christ, every knee shall bow, and every confess, that Jesus Christ is Lord. The 11th Iman, the Mahdi, that the president of Iran is looking to come and
conquer the world for Allah--what is he? Even if there ever comes such a man, he will have to bow his knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord over Persia and the whole earth! It is not a matter of debate or theological discussion. It is going to happen. The Bible says so, and everything the Bible prophets and Jesus Christ have declared in prophecy has come to pass, and will come to pass! Jesus Christ will rule, not from Tehran, but from Jerusalem His holy City and Capitol of His everlasting kingdom. Maranatha!
Dunce Three: The liberal or leftwing electorate of Minnesota is a collective dunce; if there is such a thing, they're it! They just passed, in Minneapolis, a law limiting the size of houses to be built. They are playing Big Brother, as someone said on the radio--it was Rush Limbaugh in his inimitable way. Apparently, they think to halt Global Warming in its tracks (not to mention the evil housing industry in Minnesota) by
this action. Hooray for you, dear voters of Minnesota! You are proving once again
the insanity of your liberalism. Just how do you think you are entitled to decide
for people what size house they need or should have? Yet you are doing what no communist government probably achieved--keep housing from being built by people who can afford what they want and need. Hooray for you! We are dying to see what next you dream up and vote on! It ought to be a gas! (no pun on the U.S. energy crisis intended, an energy crisis that you helped create by voting in Congressmen and Senators who vote against U.S. offshore drilling and drilling in Alaskan oil fields, so that we are dependent on the terrorist-ridden Middle East reserves and we can be their hostages whenever the oil sheiks and cartels decide to turn off our oil supply. You won't even let us have nuclear power as an option, so now we have to face turning the clock back in this country to the preindustrial 18th century! Save the poor sweltering polar bears drifting on ice floes, unable to fend for themselvesd and earn a living because of Global Warming, but
forget about the people who depend on cheap energy to maintain a lifestyle
that is still the envy of the whole world despite your contempt for a nation that provides you with all the amenities you could ever desire. How about you giving up your beautiful homes and Lexis cars and second homes in Florida (I know how you live, for I lvied in Minneapolis for years)? How about you giving up flying to your various condos in Cancun or Hawaii or Thailand or Malaysia to save on carbon emissions? How about giving up your corporate and private jets? How about giving up your cruisers
and houseboats and speedboats? Am I touch a nerve by this time? How about giving up your heated double-story, triple-level homes and indoor pools--heated all through the long winters of Minnesota, then air-conditioned the rest of the year? How about giving up your designer clothes bought at exclusive shops at the supermalls to save the children from slave labor in sweatshops in China and Thailand and Malaysia and India? How about you curtailing your
lifestyle to be a little less hypocritical? I know you expect the whole nation to give up its lifestyle before you do! Your're Minnesotans, proud to be on the cutting edge of sheer lunacy (no pun intended in the use of "sheer")! You've had it good since birth--and you're not going to give up the good times and conveniences, even while you wave posters against the WTC and Global Warming carbon emissions and SUVs and child labor. You give up what you have first--reduce your living quarters to third world huts with outdoor toilets and bicyles for transporation, and then you maybe can tell us to follow suit. Pathetic hypocrites! You fool nobody but yourselves!
Number Four Dunce is Cosimo Cavallero, Esq., of
New York. His Chocolate Jesus exhibit (yes, Jesus our Lord is portrayed
in chocolate with arms outstretched as he was on the Cross), planned to debut after Palm Sunday and four days
before the celebration of the Crucifixion by Roman Catholics at a New York
hotel has been scratched by the hotel. The hotel's ludicrous "Creative Director" has
resigned, after the hotel received a lot of angry letters and calls, some of
them death threats. Why should people get angry about this mentally sick exhibit? the
"artist" and the sponsoring Creative Director of the hotel wonder so innocently
and unconvincingly. Well, for
one thing, it disregards modesty and decency and portrays Jesus as naked, without
a loin cloth. That is supposed to be shocking--and gain the exhibit some
notoriety and press coverage which it doesn't deserve.
Moreover, it is targeting the Roman Catholics and other Christians who observe
the Crucifixion and Death of Jesus Christ with reverence. This is persecution of
specific religious groups and the Church of Jesus Christ in general.
Thirdly, the "art work" is definitely sarcastic and ridiculing of Jesus, His Death of the Cross, and the title plays on the theme of Jesus's sweetness, for Jesus is
called "Sweet Jesus" by many Christians, the fake artist knows full well. This
is blasphemy, using chocolate as a kind of innuendo, the lowest form of ad hominem
attack on a person. The "artist" is using this innuendo to attack Jesus and His
crucifixion, ridiculing Him and what he accomplished on the Cross for all of us sinners, including the Creative Director of the hotel and the "artist," Cosimo Cavallero.
Cavallero is so pathetic and creepy a blasphemer, such a disgusting gutter rat, he is not worth further comment. But please don't kill him or threaten him with death by force feeding him chocolate! Let us pray for his salvation. Why should Satan gain the victory and stuff his soul into hell?--it is stuffed enough with billions of souls already!
The cowardly British sailors recently released from Iran, who have just sold the rights to their story so they can capitalize on their moment of ill-fame. By their own choice, not unwittingly as I first thought (giving them the benefit of a doubt), they became pathetic, little Chamberlains, playing an old song of appeasement to a modern counterpart of Adolf Hitler. Instead of doing their duty, they chose to act like peace brokers, "concerned about the political ramifications" if they resisted the Iranian's attack. Who made them peace negotiators? They had their duty as soldiers to do--but they chose to surrender to the aggressors and then go along with Iran's propaganda that Britain was the aggressor, not Iran! The result will be very grave, for Britain the appeaser who backed down to Iran the aggressor. The BBC and even the U.S. media will spin it to a favorable slant for the Iranians, making America and Britain the aggressors and Iran the victim. The Iranian mouse had roared at the lion, and the cowardly lion has backed down and even treated the incident as a victory and the spineless sailors as heroes! In the same way Neville Chamberlain returned from the Munich debacle with Hitler to much applause and smiles, bringing what he thought was "peace in our time," but was actually World War II. It is absurd to say that the fight was hopeless, since the Iranians had all the advantage, and the Brits had nothing but their rubber boats. What did King Hezekiah of Judah have when the superpower of the day, Assyria, besieged Jerusalem with his mighty army of 185,000 men? What did our Founding Fathers have, when they set out to fight the superpower of the day, Great Britain, for independence? What did Israel have when she was attacked by all the surrounding Arab nations on the very day she declared independence in 1948? If you value your freedom and independence, you trust God and fight the enemy with whatever you have at hand! You never win by surrendering--as these British sailors think they did by handing themselves over to their attacking enemies, the Iranians. Did they care at all for their country, or for the woman sailor in their midst who would probably be gang-raped? What country did they really represent?--for they served Iran's purposes fully, not Britain's! If I were British, I wouldn't want them back! Instead, send them to Iran and see how they like living where there is no freedom under a brutal dictatorship of Islamic, anti-democratic mullahs bent on imposing Sheriah law on the whole world.
Here is a "new" quiz, reborn from the antediluvian year 1931 (before the big Flood of Secular Humanism overwhelmed America!), its last printing, according to the booklet I have in hand. I am beginning to think that general Bible knowledge is declining, year after year--until we are becoming virtually illiterate as Christians about our own Bible. The society is totally ignorant about the Bible, and the Church is reflecting the world in all the major categoriies--is it not? I do hope the quiz will bless you, as we review our knowledge or lack of it regarding the Apostles, men who served to found the Christian church and the Body of Christ world-wide. We owe them this much review, as we owe so much to their sacrifices, which, minus one, were their cruel deaths by martyrdom. Which one disciple did not die a violent death for his faith in Jesus Christ? That is one of the questions. But it should be remembered, that he still was tortured by expert Roman torturers, and when he could not be put to death, he was exiled to a desert island, so we know he suffered greatly for the Gospel. Tradition about this particular disciple who was the most long-lived, is reliable, because it was witnessed to by Polycarp, who knew the disciple personally and was mentored by him; in other words, tradition about him can be trusted precisely because it is so early and verified by near contemporaries that we can accept it without reservation.
Grade yourself! Then keep your score for submission when you
apply for the graduate's Certificate!
What happened to the disciples proclaiming Christ was risen?

"Think On These Things," has to be one of the best books any Christian
can find, that will guide a Pilgrim to the final destination, the Celestial City, right through all the swamps, pitfalls, snares, highs and lows of ordinary Christian life on Planet Earth. Want to know from an expert (indeed, he is!) who can describe the
itinerary for you in language everybody can understand? This is the book for you, if you want that sort of things!
This is better than any motivational, self-help,
esteem-builder--that is mere cotton candy--a touchy, feeling, stick Christianity-- compared to the nourishing meat and potatoes of this
book. Can you get very far on a diet of cotton candy? Spiritually, the Christian books stores smell so saccharine sweet, precisely because they have so many cotton candy books, produced for Cotton Candy Christians. There is a big market there--but will those sweet-toothed folks make it, after they
experience a few sugar lows after the initial surges of energy? I doubt it. But Stuart Maxwell Hawkins has something that will stick to your ribs, and get you through
even the worst low or the most giddy high of your life--it will settle you down to a more steady walk, that will keep you going right on to your destiny--without
taking detours into dead-ends or becoming so discouraged you want to chuck it all. Here are his book's themes, on which he
formed his messages. They could make the difference now in your life and also later when you finally get to the gate that opens to eternity:
1. Should the infilling of the Holy Spirit be taken seriously? Or was it just a phenomena for another era?
2. Is there a way to feel that sins are really forgiven, or should sin just be buried and forgotten?
3. Can children differentiate between truth and error, or do they have a built-in insight?
4. Do supernatural events really occur, or can they be explained logically and scientifically?
5. Is man as self-sufficient as he believes, or does everyone need a boost now and then?
6. Is everyone looking forward to seeing Jesus, or are some people afraid of such an encounter?
7. Are troubles something to rejoice about, or are they a good excuse for cursing?
8. Should God have introduced salvation dramatically, or was sending a helpless little baby the only way?
9. Does the unknown have to be accepted on blind faith, or can things seen substantiate things unseen?
10. Does it matter what we think about, or do our thoughts have an effect on our future?
I came into possession of the late Stuart Hawkins' book, "Think On These Things," and his other books, in this way. A couple of my best friends bought the house where he and his wife lived and raised a family. A daughter left her father's books (numbering in the hundred) in the garage for them to have, and they passed them all to me, since I appreciate poetry, which they mostly contain. I have read and come to love these accounts of a very fine Christian man--and so I am sharing the following articles he wrote along with poems and his own songs put to music. The prose is very understandable, and based on his own life experiences, and as it has spoken
to me, and helped me, I fully expect it to speak to others and help them too
to tread the same pilgrim path he described, which is generally the same for every Christian pilgrim. The books he wrote are my treasure, but to keep them to myself for my own sole enjoyment seems way too selfish, and so I have to share them, for their wisdom shines in his messages for the problems we all face today, sooner or later, in life.

Please return soon for his next message, "Forgive Me," when it comes on-line soon.

(c) 2007, Butterfly Productions, All Rights Reserved
Contact information: Write: Ronald Ginther, The Emmaus Walk, P.O. Box 212, Puyallup, Washington 98371


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