Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India,] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
His world-view was always faulty--for his record bears this out abundantly. He is a secular humanistic globalist like his father, but worldly geopolitics alone cannot be blamed for the son's misdirection. If you are a man-pleaser, it will warp everything you do in life--and we believe this explains the misdirection of his entire administration and his two terms. Slowly but surely, he has gone farther and farther from Repubican values. About the only Republican and conservative and Christian value (other than traditional marriage and family) he has left is his stand against abortion. I pray for God's mercy for this man--for nothing else can help him turn back to God and the wisdom of God. He has listened consistently to the bad advice of his friends, and he even listened to Henry Kissinger, an anti-Semite (yes, a Jew can be an anti-Semite--for even Hitler is thought to have been half-Jewish) like former President Jimmy Carter. Secretary of State Kissinger, when the Yom Kippur war erupted (Israel was attacked on all sides on its holy day when the army was not in the field) responded to Israel's plea for help, saying, "Let the Jews bleed a little." "Let the Jews bleed a little"? Did Hitler say this? Did Himmler his arch-executioner? Did Sadam Hussain? Did Lenin? Did Stalin? This is so strange, coming from the former American Secretary of State under Nixon, an Austrian Jew--but that is how little he loves his own people or cares for them, that he would sacrifice them to the aggressors, the Moslem Arab nations! Yet this low, foxy, deceptive creature in high places has the ear of our President! Misinformed and especially wicked counsellors like Henry Kissinger will drag even a good man down into the nadir of abject, unadulterated folly. Look at what happened to King Saul and a hundred other kings of Israel and Judah! They all had counsellors--and wicked ones at that, who only made these kings worse than they would have been if they had been acting alone. Proverbs says this over and over, does it not? It says that unwise people are nobody to fool with, or follow, and that only with wise counsellors, the more the better, is a king and a kingdom made safe. America is going down--precisely because of its false and wicked counsellors and "consultants," paid enough to give them all private jets to fly into Washington with! I wonder how many people in the White House and the State Department read Proverbs--one book that can save this nation, if there is none other they ever read! It ought to be printed out and wallpapered to the walls of every office, so that all the people have a daily visual reminder of what makes for good advice and wise counsel--and it isn't human reason and human knowledge! They have failed miserably, but Proverbs, the wondrous wisdom of the Bible, is eternal, always appropro, and will never fail to guide us rightly if we humble ourselves enough to be ld by it.
Thrown out of his kibbutz where he had grown up, when he told about the miracle and that he had given his life to Jesus, he and his wife were kindly invited by Christ for the Nations to study there on a free scholarship, and he is now a pastor in my own State, Washington. I would love to meet this man. This docu-film is now available on DVD for $22--and it is a must for every Christian, particularly if you want the true history of Israel's miraculous survival "against all odds." Order number is S-0708, and it is available at John Hagee's website:
The tradeoff for us Americans is terrible in possibility, however. There is the positive aspect of having all these Mexicans at hand (not just to work) within our borders to evangelize them and share Christ with them, but there is the negative aspect as well. Illegal "immigration" has enabled many thousands of Mexican drug dealers and now Islamic Jehadists to come in freely over the borders--tip toeing through the tulips under guise of being Mexicans seeking work--and they are now in the United States, with their equipment, which is probably suitcase bombs, or nuclear dirty bombs, to explode simultaneously in the major cities. Our presidents (since and including President Reagan) and the Congresses during their administrations have shamefully allowed this terrible crime against the American people to happen, and have done nothing, while persecuting and jailing honest and conscientious border agents who did their job (we are not talking about the ones who broke the law by covering up that they shot an illegal crossing the border with drugs). What a dereliction of duty! Our entire history has never evidenced anything so bad of this scope and magnitude, has it? I cannot think of anything comparable. The following scene of catastrophic death in our cities and nation portrays the legacy of these conscienceless, neglectful leaders who saw what was happening but decided not to pay the political cost to defend our borders--Presidents Reagan, Clinton, George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush.
Secular humanist educators have deliberately deformed our American history to promote their secular humanist ideologies, taking the side of indigenous peoples against the "white interlopers" from Europe, as if it is chiefly an issue of white against brown and black, with the "whites" never committing a single socially redeemable act. This is not an exaggeration. Read any current public school or university American history--you will not find one positive mention about America--it is all about the exploitation of people--far as the textbook writers and "scholars" are concerned. America is one big mistake, in their view. Nothing is said about the growth of freedom and liberty for all--slowly but surely--creating better lives for millions since the first colony-building Europeans arrived to create a brand-new American society. No credit is given to America for liberating Europe from its own totalitarianisms in World Wars I and II and then giving billions to pay for reconstruction while maintaining costly military bases to protect Europe (which couldn't defend itself) against the legions of the Soviet Union. No credit is given America for defending freedom countless times elsewhere in the world. No credit is given America for liberating Asia (China, Southeast Asia, and Indonesia, while defending Australia from being overrun by the Japanese)) from the Imperial Japanese led by Tojo. No credit is given America for giving billions of dollars in supplies, weapongry, and other aid to Russia so that Russia could push back the Nazis who had swept all the way to Moscow and Leningrad with their armies.
No credit is given America for the hundreds of thousands of American soldiers who gave their lives and limbs in these wars of liberation.
Two generations of Americans in the last sixty years have been exposed to this wretched, deformed U.S. history, and been made ignorant of what really took place. The children in the schools are taught that America is bad, an aggressor and an oppressor--while the tyrants are excused (just read the Encyclopedia Britannica's accounts of Stalin, Hitler, Lenin, and other dictators--which show them as great leaders instead of the monsters they really were).
Huge gaps exist where whole subjects are not even taught--like Western Civilization, the classics, Latin, the role of Christianity in the development of European civilization, democratic societies, and the emancipation of women. Columbus, of course, is portrayed as a monster of oppression and exploitation of Indians--never mind that he was a devout Christian who sought to bring the Gospel to the Indians (as he called the inhabitants of the Indies, which he mistakenly thought he had found by taking the western route across the ocean. Never mind his opening the New World to Europe, and all that vast achievement entailed.
Denying the heritage of our Western Civilization, school children, even university students, are told it is of no redeeming value, and it is branded colonialist, racist, and sexist-patriarchal, and non-progressive. The Aztecs are held up as a more exemplary civilization, despite their cruel autocratic empire subjecting many other tribes and Indian nations and its religion based on human sacrifice.
This mutilated, falsified history of the Americas is the secular humanists' shameless promotion of racism and the dividing of Americans against each other for their political gain--not the true story of America based on the events of voluntary cooperation of Indians and Europeans from the beginning of this country called America (yes, unchristian policies by the government provoked vast injustice for the Indians of the country, including the breaking of treaties and the stealing of the Indian lands by force or by the "paper guns" of spurious treaties the government later broke--but they were not Christian policies, and no Christian worthy of the name of Christ can defend them). Too intelligent to be made dupes, the Indian peoples have not bought into the racist and socialist and anti-God ideology of secular humanists, since they always had their own culture and reason for existence and their own world-view, and also I suppose, because they had so little money and political voice that the secular humanists decided they weren't worth recruiting for their causes.
A Lakota Indian chief approached Gutzom Borglum, the renowned sculptor of the presidential faces, and said, "We too have great men." He spoke truly, but his people (the Lakota) did not carve nor leave any monuments of this size, though they had ample opportunity for hundreds or even thousands of years. Now Chief Crazy Horse is being immortalized in the Black Hills--though not by Indian sculptors, it must be said, and it is doubtful there would be a Crazy Horse Memorial if Mt. Rushmore Memorial had not been erected first, showing such a colossal thing could be done by the hand of a man in a Christian country. Copies have been attempted in other countries, and even the dictator Marcos of the Philippines built a hideous, cement image of himself into the beautiful mountains of his country--but there is only one Mt. Rushmore Memorial, which is overwhelming with its aura of dignity and integrity. The Chief Crazy Horse Memorial is long due--but both monuments show that America's timeless and universal Christian values, not just the values of any one tribe or people, are being lifted up for the remembrance of succeeding generations. I wonder if full justice will ever be attained for the Indian peoples--but it certainly will never happen without Christ. If we are to survive into the next decade, we desperately need a revival and great awakening of the Spirit before justice can be done to the precious and beautiful "first Americans," who have so much to give this country and the world that is still locked up within them. Jesus is their best hope, as he is the best hope for all the oppressed peoples of the world.
And perhaps you did not think we have similar mistreatment of human beings and actual slavery in America? Slavery will inevitably increase here as the Islamic population increases (along with honor killings as well)--it is just a fact, as this case demonstrates. If they had been Christians, the news media would have shouted that from coast to coast! The mayor of New York City, by the way, has sent teams of his secret agents to conduct sting operations regarding gun sales into other states such as New Jersey, without even informing the New Jersey authorities! As Brigitte Gabriel has reported, Islamic terrorists are conducting training operations in New York State and many other states, and any one of these these camps can contain as many as three hundred terrorist trainees. Islamberg (a Moslem terrorist training camp) is going "great guns" in the mountains of New York, so the gun-shy NYC mayor ought not to have time to meddle in the gun sales and affairs of other states, you would think, since he clearly has enough trouble brewing in his own back yard!
This is just another instance, if any is needed to spotlight the issue, of the idiocy of the gun-control mentality of the secular humanists--they think if they can disarm the law-abiding citizenry then the naughty crooks and gangsters and terrorists will leave everybody alone, and we will be one big happy family! Sorry! "It ain't gonna happen!" Statistics show that the cities and areas that do not have the gun control laws have lower crime rates, while the gun control cities and areas, like Washington, D.C. see far higher rates of violent crime and murder. Of course, this means nothing to the secular humanists. Don't confuse them with the facts! Their true reason for pushing gun control onto the law-abiding citizenry is to disarm them so that we cannot possibly resist Big Government's autocratic intrusions on our lives and the confiscation--extortionate taxation--of our property. Secular humanists won't tell the American people this, but Hitler used gun conrol laws to disarm the German people just before he swept away all freedoms and liberties left in Germany. He didn't want anyone defending the Jewish people either--or face an armed uprising by the Jews once he started his hot war against them.
Once the German people were disarmed and all the guns in the hands of the military, we see what he did to a once free and democratic Germany--destroyed it. Why should we permit the secular humanists--who are all closet totalitarians or at least sympathetic to authoritarianism--to disarm us and then roll back all the rest of our remaining Constitutional liberties, one after the other? They are doing it right now, by Congressional and Supreme Court fiats--with the copycat state legislatures following suit--but why should we cooperate and remain silent and do nothing? The secular humanists fear just such an uprising of the American people in defense of their freedoms and liberties, and so they are pushing stringent gun control with all their might. It really has nothing to do with reducing crime--statistics prove that. Scare tactics in the news is used to "prove" crime can be reduced by taking gun ownership away (or restricting it so severely that people cannot have guns or carry them in public concealed). The most horrific crimes are paraded before us as though they wouldn't have happened if only guns had not been available to the public, but actually the truth is the opposite--that such crimes are far more exceptional when guns are in the hands of law-abiding citizens than when they are not. Thus, the anti-gun crowd has no facts to stand on, so they use anything they can to divert us from the real issue, from the real agenda behind gun control laws. I have no gun and would shoot myself in the foot if I did have one--but I certainly am not fool enough to deny others the right under our Constitution. God bless the gun-owners of America--as long as they are for their own lawful use and not used against people wrongfully. I am not afraid of the lawful gun owners of America--it is the hypocritical secular humanists who can afford to hire armed security guards but who deny Americans the right to own guns--they are the true threat to me and my freedom. A pox on all of them! Moslem people tolerate slavery--since it is an integral part of their religion and history. They bring slavery with them--and this evil will spread across America, wherever the Islamicists gain predominance over American society.
Yes, Martin Luther was right: we are mere beggars before God! As Americans, we all are beggars before God, as we stand with all our sins as a nation and a people heaped high round about us, reaching higher than we can see over. What can we do but just humble ourselves and cry out to God for mercy and forgiveness, lest we be destroyed by our enemies who are seeking to destroy, subjugate, and enslave us?
Joel would not answer this direct, clear question, but finally he said, and this is a paraphrase of what was reported on a radio show: "I accompanied my father to India many times, and I saw the Hindus and their worship of their Hindu gods, and they were sincere in their worship of their gods. I can't judge those people. They were doing the best they knew how to do. God will handle them and where they are going to end up." This was his response: an evasion of Jesus Christ as the only Way, Truth, and Life. According to Joel Osteen's gospel, if you are sincere enough, even if you are worshiping a false Hindu god or goddess, a snake or a rat even, you can possibly be forgiven and saved. This is not Christian gospel. This is a heresy at best, and a New Age gospel which says, it doesn't really matter in the end what you believe if you believe it sincerely enough. Wrong! The Bible teaches that it is the Truth that sets you free and saves your soul from damnation and eternal death. But Joel Osteen has another way to get into the sheepfold of God. Christ warned us of false shepherds like him who would come to deceive the flock of God. Here he is, folks! He says many right things--but this is his gospel at the core--and it is rotten, diseased, and deadly poisonous. Many Christians will follow him, and are following him, but though they may be saved and not go to hell, his gospel certainly won't help them. Heresy and false gospel will only lead them off-track--for for Jesus said He is the Way, He is the narrow Gate that leads to the heavenly city--there is none other, and certainly New Age religionism, however attractive and popular, will never provide a true Way and a true Gate.
Lately, I notice Bill O'Reilly on his Talk Radio program has taken up the topic of narcissism, which is another name for the same thing, the obsession of Americans with me, me, me, and how best to advance me, me, me. The mega-churches have, according to Christian History magazine, capitalized on the gospel of solipcism or narcissism. Joel Osteen is one of the prime mouthpieces of this highly popular gospel, and I dare say it packs them in by the tens of thousands in his televised meetings, but if he really started preaching the Cross and self-denial that constitute a genuine Biblical and Pauline Gospel ("I have have determined to preach Christ crucified," said Paul), Joel Osteen would be left with a completely empty building and a congregation of himself and his family.
People don't want to hear Paul's gospel of the Cross any more. In Oprah's phrasing, they believe "you can have it all!" Well, that is false gospel--not at all Biblical, not at all Christlike. It looks good, it sounds good, it feels good--but that is as good as it gets, because it is still false at the root, and the rest of the plant is deceivingly attractive and deadly, just as a nightshade vine is attractive but deadly when you eat its fruit. Please see the mini-review we have extracted from the book review center section when it comes on-line in the center.
And please return for a 1975 Science News Magazine article about the decline of knowledge of science in the classrooms of America, as evidenced in tests--a direct result, we believe, of the expulsion of the Ten Commandments from the public schools in the mid-1960s by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Please return to the Global Warming Hoax Center for Dr. James Kennedy's site and remarks by the president of Coral Ridge Ministries on this patently unscientific campaign by radical environmentalists and politicians and United Nations bureaucrats who want to drive America back into the pre-industrial 18th century, if Christians are uninformed and do nothing to stop such hysteria and manipulation and the politicians and bureaucrats are allowed to have their way with our country and its economy.
This is the religion of peace declaring that Islam will dominate America and, in all meanintful American ways, destroy her. What will George W. Bush or his descendants think then? They will be hoisting Islamic signs, no doubt, at religious parades and mosque observances--or be driven into the wilderness or killed or taxed to death, if they don't actively resist Islam's hold on the country.
What other country would permit such a demonstration as this but America, which doesn't believe that Islam is a religion of war, which means exactly what it says in these Islamic signs? And what other religion would dare to state that right in front of the President in the White House? I don't see Presbyterians or Pentecostals or Baptists parading in protest, with signs of violent intent against America, right in front of the White House. On the very day the recent JFK airport plot of Islamic terrorists to blow up its fuel lines was foiled, the NPR radio program in response was a symposium of the usual secular humanist experts discussing "the threat of Christian nationalism." A woman began by branding Jerry Falwell a racist. This is the response of the secular humanists in Ameica, who are more concerned with putting down American patriotism by evangelicals than Islamic terrorists seeking to overthrow our government from within the society. They regard Christians as the terrorists to fear--not the Islamic jehadists. They are actually anxious to turn America over to the Moslems--so that Christians are completely crushed and their voice silence forever. No matter if all our precious American freedoms are extinguished at the same time. Britain, leading the way, is a dying Western nation whose secular humanist elites are giving up their freedoms to the Moslem community in Britain--even dictating that Moslem religion be taught in the schools, which is happening in America too. This is the message of the religion that President Bush tells us is a "religion of peace"--We, the Moslems, will dominate you, America, and rule over you with our Sharia law! The bottom picture on Martin Mawyer's booklet's cover shows these signs: "SLAY THOSE WHO INSULT ISLAM," "EUROPE WILL PAY...", AND "BUTCHER THOSE WHO MOCK ISLAM."
This is what the false, double-dealing "religion of peace" proclaims today in our public squares and even before the dangerously-compromised White House and president. To the Moslems, President Bush is an arch-infidel, leader of the Great Satan, which is America in their eyes. We must be destroyed or at least crushed to the level of sub-humans who are forced to accept the dictatorial rule of Moslem Sharia religious and civil law. To achieve this our Moslem enemies, both in and outside the country, have ample means--the numbers of jehadists necessary, the necessary funds from oil money and Saudi Arabian contributions to Moslem terrorist organizations, and the will and resolve and plan to carry out a graduated strategy of attacks on America using nuclear suitcase bombs, which were easy to obtain for about 20 million each from Russian sources, according to Osama bin Ladin.
Meanwhile, President Bush (for whatever reason--ignorance? wrong advice? mistaken policies of his father? secular-humanist or liberal leanings?) continues to mislead and deceive the American people, continued to assure us that Islam is a religion of peace, with only a minority we need worry about and fight with our army. Somehow political figures think they are also theologians who can decide these questions, and the people are supposed to take their views on religious matters as the Gospel truth! He continues to defend the front door of America, while leaving our "back door," the Canadian and Mexican borders, wide open to terrorists and suitcase nuclear bombs. He announced to the nation that he plans to sign the Democratic bill after Congress had previously authorized 700 miles of fence to help close off the 1,500 Mexican-U.S. border. How can he do this? This ridiculous bill reduces the mileage of the fence to only 300, which may never be completed anyway since the Federal Government is not known for making good on any of its promises. This bill is a sham, an act of war against our national security, perpetrated on the American people by the U.S. Congress and even our President! Shame on both of them, for such deception, dereliction of duty, and outright lies! They are betraying us all into the hands of jehadist Islam--and it will be a cruel fate for us after over 200 years of enjoying freedom and the right to worship God as our conscience (not man or a Moslem mullah) dictates.
What changes would we expect to see if America is Islamicized? Well, to begin with, men are put ahead of women--far ahead. Women are de-emancipated. Slavery is reinstated. Democracy and voting rights expunged. Christianity crushed and Christians reduced to almost slave status and heavily taxed, Christian churches destroyed or confiscated and turned into granaries, barns, and storehouses, with no permits given to build new ones.
As in today's Egypt, Christians relegated to the bottom of society, with jobs going to Moslems first and foremost, and whatever is left that Moslems reject given to Christians. Women disenfranchised and relegated to a cloistered existence--made to cover themselves, especially in the sight of men, and left uneducated, their abilities ignored, except when they serve as sex objects, subservient wives or baby-factories. All democratic rights and institutions destroyed. The most brutal "Honor killings" of women who are perceived to be out of line with Moslem morals. Of course we know that the monarchist or authoritarian regimes that rule most Moslem states today (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya, etc) do not subscribe to quite all of the traditional subjection of women and Christians and Moslem Arab apartheidist treatment of Jews--but they are still not free societies, and Islam is still the state religion in practice if not always officially (as in Western-leaning, secularist-governed Moslem Turkey), and minorities of every kind are treated as less than equal with Moslems. Terrorist states--Syria, Gaza (Hamas-stan), Iran, and even Hezbollah-overrun Lebanon--demean and persecute Christians, women, and minority Moslem sects even worse.
In other words, the diagnosis is correct: we are doomed if Islam gains the upper hand in America. The parallel-society idea is false. There can be no parallel-societies if Islam is the participant. Europe is finding this out the hard way. Moslems who emigrate take with them the Sharia law and Islamic religious civil government (which is a clerical dictatorship), for clerics go along with the others and agitate for these things and the overturning of the host secular government and society in the West. They are at war, to be sure, from the day they enter a Western country--though this is never acknowledged. They come as rulers, as one Dutchman realized in Holland, not as imigrants to be assimilated. They do not assimilate, for the reasons given above, that they are a state-within-a-state that, given time and the huge birth rate of Moslems in their new homes, will eventually outvote and then overturn the democratic Western society that has given them a chance at a new life--a chance they throw away in order to reinstate the former tyranny of their Moslem home countries.
The excellent "Levitt Letter," the newsletter of the Zola Levitt Ministries, has a recent article in the May 2007 issue that every Christian in America should read, entitled, "How do Christians Live With Muslims?", authored by Frank Pastore, You can try the web address of Mr. Pastore. Otherwise, the excellent Levitt Letter magazine can be ordered or the article by Mr. Pastore can be accessed, perhaps, by going to the Zola Levitt website:
"DUZ you DREFT with the TIDE? VEL, now is the time to CHEER up, if you want real JOY. The TREND is to BREEZE to church on Sunday. Too many people WOODBURY their heads in a pillow, or work to make their car SPARKLE, forgetting the Lord's Day was made for LESTOIL. When the Lord is first a DOVE will never need to be sent with a S.O.S. for you to put God first. Maybe we ought to DIAL you to remind you of the IVORY palaces yonder.
"Worship is a LIFEBUOY. So why not WISK yourself out of bed next Sunday, dress up SPIC AND SPAN, and DASH like a COMET to Sunday School and church? As you sing PRAISE to God and hear His word, you will get a wonderful cleanser for your soul, and you will feel like MR. CLEAN all week long."--Submitted by Mrs. Pearl A. Ginther, age 97
I have reason to say this. My mother used to supply the Gospel tract holder in the church, which for many, many years was hanging out in a public area where it was visible to all, but when she didn't see it in its former place and asked, she was informed the rack was moved, and, anyway, the literature the church provided was what the church preferred given out. Before this, this same not very evangelistic leadership decided not to reprint or even excerpt her written testimony of how the Lord used her to lead two octogenarians to the Lord, which a pastor of a local Baptist church wrote up for his parishioners to encourage his elderly church members to quit doing nothing and start ministering to others and witnessing Christ to the unsaved as my mother was always doing.
These are small signs, but real signs, of spiritual decline--a gradual lessening of love for God and a dying of the once-bright fire of evangelism that shows a church is growing cold and dying. This same church had a pastor who pushed a brainstorm of his that almost succeeded: a very expensive, architect-designed structure to be appended to the front of the church sanctuary that was to be a mausoleum such as Episcopalian churches have at some of their sites. Fortunately, my concerned mother and other praying saints at the church sought God and prayed against this hideous, ill-conceived monstrosity, and, lo and behold, the church income suddenly took a dive and the considerable money needed for the project dried up--and now there is no more talk about the pastor's brainstorm--it is indefinitely suspended as a poor idea. This shows the power of one praying saint, and the power of prayer too of others who followed her lead! Who says one can't make a difference? Who says one is too young, too old, too uneducated, too unqualified, too poor...not God. With God, we can do the impossible, as my mother has amply proven, over and over again, right in her own church.
Not long ago I was in a garage waiting room seeing to some work on my car when a woman was talking loudly to a man in front of me, bragging about all the casinos she was going to, and the good food they served, and how much she enjoyed it, and I finally blurted out to the fellow, "They say a sucker is born every day!" He kind of smiled, and didn't deny the fact. I was amazed at what came out of me--for I am normally polite and wouldn't think of saying such a thing.
We all laugh at this, of course, but just look around. The whole culture is "suckered" in much the same way, only we have made it more sophisticated than Pumpkin Center, South Dakota, could ever make it. But, where is modesty, frugality, humility, meekness, self-effacement, and simplicity? Those used to be basic, genuine, foundational values in America. Now it is just the opposite in America. Look even at Christian TV: the speakers, ministers, singers, evangelists, bands, most all parade in the most expensive and fanciest wardrobes money can buy. Christian women load on enough jewelry to stock a jewelry store. Their dresses and necklines reveal most everything they have been given by God for their husbands in marriage--not the crowds--to see. Some Christian women remain modest--it is true--but the trend is always downward, to copy the world's corrupt, "flaunt it" fashions. Christian women singing on TV now frost their hair with unnatural tints just to draw attention: I saw a woman just the other day belting out a song about Jesus in a very expensive, snugly-designed dress to show her shapely form, and her luxuriant head of full-length, blonde hair was tinted over the top (but not all the way) with a totally unnatural blue-greenish hue that made her look like a rock star under colored lights. Who let her "perform" decked out like that? She was singing about Jesus, of course, but all I really could see was her atrocious, mixed, rockstar hair color. My impression is correct--and it is disturbing. Television (a technical means of communication corrupted to serve our human pride and lust for vain glory and self-advancement) has all but ruined us. Yes, the Gospel still gets out, despite the incredible mess we make of ourselves before the watching Third World who are gasping most of the time over our wardrobes and jewelry and worldly behavior. But the fact still remains that the singers and even the choirs (which used to be put in the backs of churches or off to the side atleast if seated at the front!) are mostly there to attract attention to themselves, apparently, not for the sake of Christ. To attract center stage attention to themselves, they obviously will do anything, spend any amount of money. It is incredible, the amount of posturing for attention and upstaging even on programs devoted to evangelism--as if they were there for promoting their own careers and the ratings of the show, rather than holding up the victory of the Cross of Christ and the Risen Christ to a suffering world bound in sin. Do these performers ever stop to consider the effect they could be having on the watching world of hundreds of millions of very poor people round the world--who could never afford the lifestyles and clothes and travel and cars and even the jets of the evangelists and the singers and the hotshot preachers from mega-churches. At one church I attended, I was told by the pastor that the worship leader in the denomination was paid 300k a year. Now who is worth that much in a church or a denomination? That amount for her Christian services" struck me as obscene--and it still does. Why doesn't she donate her time like a genuine Christian who knows the Christ of the Cross, so the 300k can be put into evangelism and the feeding of the poor and the clothing of the naked? That amount would go a long way, and bless thousands of people who have nothing. If I were the bishop, she would be the first one I would make a janitor, just to get some reality back into her Christian walk! But I doubt, with my ideas about denying myself as a Christian, and the narrow gate, and the cross, that I would ever be considered for bishop--though I am certain I would make a memorable one, if not a popular one.
Jesus Christ was the Root growing in dry ground, the wondrous Branch, the true Vine--yet He was rejected, despised, cast aside, even cut off! How can his true followers be treated any different than their Lord? You too will be rejected and despised if you are a true follower, particularly by those in your own church and family. You do not have to fit the mold of this world, it is the Bible and God's truths that are the only true, lasting mold to fit! Christ will take you, the world's weed that it tries to eradicate any way it can--by shunning, ignoring, belittling, then by outright persecution if those methods don't discourage and get rid of you--and make you His choice jewel, his beloved! If the world thinks well of you--beware! Joel Osteen is currently thought well of--he is acclaimed by the multitudes and even the godless TV show hosts as a charismatic mega-church leader with the country's largest church--but what does he have really? Jesus Christ was rejected, despised, and cut-off in his prime--all for our sake--and he is still rejected and despised by the world, and the worldy church. Nothing has changed in that respect. But someday soon all will be changed. What is despised will be brought forth to glory and honor. Jesus will stand on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, and establish his Millennial Throne and rule for a thousand years. All his despised, unwanted, persecuted followers will be brought to Him to rule with him in his glorious seat of government. Be one of them! Don't give up! You will be vindicated--so just hang on, keep loving God, keep loving those around you, and keep obeying God's Word. Live holy in this unholy, immoral society and lost world, and you will be a light in a very dark place to those who truly want the light. You will shine as others continue to grow darker and darker, full of sin and wickedness, and of course you will be hated for this--but keep shining! Keep on! (a word a woman of God gave once to my elder brother, who is a street evangelist).
Do you know that Captain Smith (and the company CEO on board) ignored every warning from other ships about ice packs and bergs in the shipping lane ahead. We too are ignoring every warning from God and godly men and women, and the recorded ends of Rome, Assyria, Greece, and Babylon. We fail to realize that the world's greatest nation, just like the world's greatest ship, can be struck and sink to the bottom in the space of a mere couple hours. We saw what an hour could do to the the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and our great commercial aircraft taking off from our nation's leading airports--so we should be thinking sober thoughts of what another such hour could do to us (more about this later, as we review the published plans of Osama bin Ladin for attacking us with his suitcase bombs and forcing Islamic law on a terrified, nuclear-blasted America in the near future).
Captain-President Bush II is determined, it is clear now, to hand the decisive victory over conservative-Republican values to the Democratic Party by signing the Democratic Senate's "immigration" bill (if it comes to his desk). This is the comprehensive destruction of the Republican Party bill, as Rush Limbaugh has aptly called it. It guarantees 12-20 million Mexicans, now illegals but soon to be legalized under the amnesty bill promoted by the Senate, a place as legal residents of the U.S., after they entered illegally! They will be entitled to nearly all or all of the rights of U.S. citizens, including social security and social services. This is the end of the Republican Party and the influence of the evangelical church and conservative voice in America and the further gigantic expansion of government and the welfare state with its fiscal irresponsibility--if this succeeds. But God...we can still hope and pray for a turnaround, and that this bill from hell will be defeated. It is completely unworkable (a purely cosmetic wash over the huge threat to America from the illegals). It cannot and will not be enforced. If that is shown, and the true nature of it comes out to the American people, it will be met with such a storm of protest that the U.S. Congress will back down. Signs are that it is already going the wrong way with this bill, which was supposed to be a shoo-in, when we first heard it made public by the Senate. The Senate, a puffed up, vainglorious body of over-educated ignoramuses, ideologues, and back room power brokers that likes to call itself the greatest deliberative legislative body in the world (with the likes of Senator Byrd, or Senator Edward Kennedy, no less, presiding!), has suppassed previous follies with this bill. That is a most remarkable achievement--but I will pray, and hope all you (including Mexican-Americans who entered legally), will pray that God Almighty will not allow this bill to destroy this country, as it will surely do.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
For this reason, this site may be humble, but it cannot stop trying to inform fellow Christians. Cease, brethren, from being "surfer Christians," "Cotton Candy disciples," fluff instead of the real thing. Follow Jesus, who went to the Cross, who asks you take up your own cross and quit denying it, and know true Christianity in your life. It may not seem worth the self-denial and self-sacrifice now, but in heaven the happiness and honor you will be given by Jesus (Yeshua) will last forever and be beyond your imagination! What price glory? Your self--and my self! That is the price the Bible reports again and again. Will you pay it in exchange for the immeasurable riches in Christ offered us? Will I? We shall see--will we not?--in heaven and at the Judgment Seat of Christ that every Christian must stand before. The ones who paid the price, they will be most exalted, even while on the earth they were despised, persecuted, and even slain in the most brutal ways. They will be comforted. But those who, like the rich man in the parable Christ told about, were well-off, comfortable, selfish, and heedless of the poor and oppressed, will be wailing in the depths of a burning lake of fire. Whatever falls our lot--it will be the product of our choice.
Katharine Hepburn, self-avowed atheist and hedonist, and legendary Hollywood filmstar, said she did not believe in God or the hereafter, and laughed at the idea, saying she had her fame and fortune and had her "fun," and when she died that was all there was to it. Nothing followed, in her mistaken view. Well, that is what most Americans believe--they will have their fun, and then "go fishing" in eternity, which they really think they will deserve, if there happens to be a hereafter. But you do not fish in hell. Ignore Jesus, and YOU will be the hapless, despairing fish Satan hauls into his net to cast into the flames of hell--that is the only way to describe what will happen to you. Sin enslaves and dooms. Sinners perish in hell. Nice, or "good people" don't go to hell, Americans believe and constantly say. Oh, yes, they do! The Bible says so. Good people choose their own way to heaven, and it is a false way leading to death and destruction, since human goodness will never qualify a person for heaven. Satan is their actual shepherd, deceiving them to think they can take any road and it will end in heaven or at least a mindless, "tripped out" oblivion and selfless state like the Nirvana promised by Buddhism. But there is no other way--other than the way to hell, and the Way to Life that is Jesus Christ and believing and living in Him. This age has rejected the only true Way to life in Jesus, and it is demanding that Christianity give up its historic, Bible-based Gospel proclaiming that saving Truth. As along as I live, and God help me, I choose to proclaim this saving Truth, however politically incorrect, POSITIVE-THINKING, or religiously incorrect it becomes.
And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eye with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke, and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."--Revelation 3:14-19
Do you want to see God's kingdom re-established in your life, in your town or city, in your family, in your church, in your state, and in your nation? They are all fast crumbling away, and overrun by Satan--which anyone with open eyes can plainly see. You can turn this around, and be an Esther, be a Gideon, be a David, be a Jerry Falwell. You! Me! God gets more glory from using nobodies and nothings--not the big and important people who people naturally look to for leadership and power. God wants to use nobodies like us! Join, or at least send your financial help and prayer help, by fasting and praying at home for this: