Friend, are you unable to read the Bible, that is, make sense of it? Or do some parts make sense, but others, such as Leviticus or Revelation or Romans seem totally bewildering? Are you desiring to go deeper, or reach a higher ground, spiritually, but your difficulty in comprehending scripture is holding you back? It may well be you need to consider that the Bible is essentially Messianic--that is, it exists to tell you about the Messiah and Savior, and virtually everything in the Bible points to Him. With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for they are, in truth, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Now that is not Webster Dictionary-defined Deism, by any stretch of the imagination! In Deism, "God" had created the Earth, but then, by some stroke of whimsy, he left it to whirl in space and develop as it pleased, much like a clockmaker who made a clock might leave it and walk away. This absurd idea somehow appealed to refined, cultivated, but also often dissolute "intelligent people," people who did not like the "interference" of a personal God in their lives, restricting their choices with his Ten Commandments. I could not imagine, however, that a clockmaker worthy of such a fine craft would ever leave a clock like that. So how could a Creator leave His creation? It is an absurd idea, a blasphemous notion, from first to last. It really does not speak to man's intelligence.
Yet these two Founding Fathers, the genius Benjamin Franklin and the other genius, Thomas Jefferson, are still being touted as Deists, or at least skeptics, by secular humanists. And they shouldn't even be called skeptics--as a textbook I have on hand erroneously calls Franklin! We can refute these false statements by secular humanists if we know only some of the facts--but we must know some. I have on hand David Barton's article, appearing in Joyce Meyer's magazine, "Enjoying Everyday Life," December 2005, entitled, "The Founding Fathers and Deism." It may seem a strange place for such an article, but how can we "enjoy life" as Christians if the secular humanists have their way with Americans? S-H's will dominate everything to the point where we have no Christian life at all--not in public, anyway. For a reprint of this fine article you can contact Joyce Meyers Ministries or David Barton the source. And for ANYTHING about America's true foundations in Christian faith and beliefs, from the original documents and the lives and acts of Christian Founding Fathers:
A Jewish talk show host on the radio, Mr. Graber, criticized this choice, saying that the Bible has always been recognized in the U.S. as THE Book--not just any other religious book. To do violence to this tradition, in his thinking, is to do violence to our sacred American traditions. For this brave and honest stand, he was castigated by the jackasses (there is no other word for them, other than John Hagee's "nitwits") of the Jewish Anti-Defamation League, which demonized him as "intolerant" and a "bigot"--which is very, very strange, because Mr. Graber is Jewish and open-minded and conversant and knowledgeable about people and current events. Now who is really behaving Jewish--in the best, educated, urbane sense? I for one would not hesitate to name Mr. Graber, not the intollerant bigots of the Anti-Defamation League! He is a lone voice in this wilderness of secular humanism in America (which has its bastions in Jewish organizations as well as Ivy League halls of "learning", crying out, but receiving nothing but the worst hate speech and abuse for saying what is right and true about America and the Bible.
Public Law 97-280, October 4, 1982, Approved October 4, 1982, Statute 1211, proclaims to the nation and the world that "Congress Declares Bible "The Word of God." I have colored this jpg the color yellow, because this could not happen in 2006, and has not happened in 2006. We have become a cowardly nation in all respects, despite certain exceptions such as Mr. Graber and John Hagee and a few others. Our President (in the most strange way for a democratically-elected leader) commends a dictator's "landslide victory" in Venezuela. Yet just before this he received the worst abuse ever given any nation's leader. Who did this to our President? It was the very man that our President commended for his "landslide victory'--Chavez. Chavez, the dictator of Venezuela, called President Bush in the General Assembly of the United Nations, with the eyes of most of the world watching, a Devil, a Satan, an oppressor, and many other noxious things! For what? Because President Bush dared to fight for freedom and the American way of life and tried to make it available to one of the worst cases in the dictatorship-ridden Middle East! Does this President not know, or has he forgotten, that he represents his nation? He stands in a long line of noble, brave leaders. He ought not to take such things so lightly.
As we read in in I Chronicles 19, King David's envoys, sent in real friendship because of the death of the king who had been friends with David, were abused and ill-treated and humiliated by the deceased king's abject son, Hanun the new king of Ammon (which is north of Moab, on the left bank of the Jordan River). Hanun cut off the beards of these dignified men, and also cut their robes off just below the waist (the Bible uses a more descriptive phrase than I want to use) and then sent them walking back to Israel. Can you imagine the shame of that in the culture of that day? These Middle Eastern ambassadors would have preferred death to the shame of the public spectacle Hanun inflicted on them. Crowds of Ammonites must have jeered at them every step of the way out of the country. They were also probably pelted with dung, rotten fruit, and dirt clods. This was an unprovoked outrage. Realizing that he had gotten David mad as a hornet, Hanun hastily spent a lot of his money to hire 32,000 chariots and drivers, and another fighting force as well, and joined them with his own army. All this was not enough to ward off mighty King David who was going to make Hanun pay dearly for his mistake. King David replied with an all-out war that crushed Ammon and the even more dangerous ally of Syria. What is inexplicable is that Hanun dared to provoke this lion, David, after David had previously defeated the mighty Philistines and many other major military powers. The only explanation is that Hanun was so young he was brash and ill-advised--he thought, being young, he was more than equal to the older man. How wrong he was! We see now Iran's leadership dressed in clerical robes boasting that they are no longer in the position to fear anything America can do to them. Iran, they say, can do anything it wants to do. They are even hosting in Tehran a symposium of odious cockatrices, an "anti-Holocaust symposium"--gathering spurious authorities on history who will speak pure nonsense and deny there was a Holocaust, thus removing the one main reason for Israel's existence as a refuge for the Jewish people. I can only think that we have invited this foolish, brash new Hanun, Iran's president, to provoke and outrage us and our ally, Israel, through our defeatest, anti-war in Iraq Congressmen and now the equally defeatist Baker-Hamilton "study group." If I were Iran's president, or Hanun the Second, I would be encouraged to slap and humiliate America, since America is being shown a weak paper tiger, and indecisive and divided at best.
Now Iran's charge against us--and I heard Iran's president say this in an interview with an idiotic American newsman from 60 Minutes--is that America is the oppressor. Yes, that is what this little dictator said! Yet what oppressor acts as America acts? If Iran were devastated by a killer earthquake, what country would be first to send real aid? America! If Venezuela (another enemy of America) were destroyed by a hurricane or earthquake--guess who would be first on the scene with massive aid by the U.S. government and American Christian ministries and organizations? Would it be Saudi Arabia, Russia, France, the Netherlands (which is about the tightest nation in philantrophic giving, though better than Italy!)! How is it any different today in this world of nations that circle us like sharks who scent blood? We are being encircled, and the more blood we let go without any response--the more the sharks are encouraged to attack, since they see we are not going to defend ourselves! The president of Iran has led the pack against us. Now this petty dictator of Venezuela is leading a movement of socialist resurgence through all of Latin America. Communist Cuba's bloody dictator (the darling of America's liberals and secular humanists), Castro, is now being vindicated for his lifelong hatred and resistance against America and its freedoms.
Thank God for the example, however, of Congress in 1982, when it declared the Bible to be the Word of God and vitally connected with America in every meaningful way! When the ACLU continues its rampages against the public mention of the Bible or the use of it in swearing in ceremonies or the "right" of anyone to insist on the use of the Koran or any other "holy" book, we still have Statute 1211. This joint resolution and statute, authorized unaminously by both houses of the Congress, must be wiped from the books and Marx and Engel's Communist Manifesto put in its place if we are to allow the representative from Minnesota to claim a specious right not one of our Founding Fathers would let him claim as a free American proud of his country. They would have run him right out of the country as the montebank and ingrate and intolerant shyster he really is! He should be run out now--deported to a Islamic dictatorship, where he would have to be sworn in on the Koran, in an office that would mean nothing since it would not be won in a free election by free people who can exercise a choice. If he wants to be sworn in on a Koran, let him go to Pakistan, or Indonesia, or Saudi Arabia, or Egypt, or Libya, or Sudan (where they are presently slaughtering tens of thousands of Christians in Dafur). Any U.S. Congressman who slaps the whole nation in the face before taking office in the way he has done, ought to be given a one-way ticket to the Islamic concentration camp of a country of his choice. No one was going to force him to swear in on the Bible--in fact, it is not that commonly done anymore in the U.S. Congress. He deliberately made it an issue, seeking to insult and humiliate this Christian-founded nation as a triumphantist Muslim taking office in the U.S. Congress. Let his issue, which he raised by choice, take him all the way out: to a nation where no one is free, where no one has the right to freedom of conscience in religion, where no one can raise his or her head if she is a Christian, or a Jew, or a Buddhist, or anything else--where if you do, it will be severed from your shoulders, as is currently done in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic states where Islamic Sheriah law is the law of the land. It is against the law in Saudi Arabia even to carry a Bible! This is the most outrageous travesty of a nation--yet we support it, year after year, with our alliance and our oil money by the untold billions, money the corrupt, corpulent king and his gang of sex-crazed, over-fed relatives squander on themselves with luxurious limoisines, palaces, gold-inlaid swimming pools, marble dog houses, diamond-encrusted tooth brushes...!
Secular Humanism has brought us to this point, and the outrages will continue, as a free, Christian, Bible-based America (I am speaking about our true foundations) is publicly defied, humiliated, and discredited by its jealous, anti-democracy, socialist, Islamic foes, who have been given center stage in the name of "Tolerance," "Multi-Culturalism," "Diversity," and the other abominations specifically engineered by secular humanists to destroy a free nation founded under God and Christ.
This is not the reason for my mentioning this, although I am always amazed by God's moving "behind the scenes," for want of a better phrase. He is moving with power and grace--and we are praying for the salvation of Tim Johnson, not whether he will live or die, which is in God's hands.
What most gripped me was that I was given a glimpse into the news command center of CBS and its "Evening News" brigade just a few minutes ago. I had been wondering just who were the miscreants, liars, and blasphemers who head up the news departments that for six years now have been drumming on us all in America with their anti-war, pro-Islam, anti-Christian propaganda that they dare to call "news." All the major networks--CBS, NBC, ABC, and to a lesser extent, FOX, together with the "Dis-associated Press", give us the same secular humanist party line in their "news" broadcasts.
In the news fan on my computer, Mr. Jim McGlinchy, a rather low-key montebank and rascal, appeared to introduce the topic: Tim Johnson's critical condition. McGlinchy spoke a few moments about Tim Johnson, then walked with the camera on him into the command center to speak with a woman, an attractive, well-groomed liar who serves him, and she spoke longer, letting McGlinchy rest his lying tongue. I am having a little fun with this, as you can probably tell. She had virtually nothing to say, since she kept telling us that the news about it was in progress (introducing two gremlins who were working up interviews at the moment at the hospital where Tim Johnson is being worked on). Perhaps, she was wondering while she was explaining almost nothing to us why McGlinchy had put HER on the spot. She kept assuring us we would see everything on the Evening News. Then, when that wasn't enough, she introduced a third gremlin, an attractive young thing, with her name flashed on the screen, who is leaving. "You have done a terrific job, and we are so sorry to lose you," she said. The gremlin smiled sweetly. I wonder now why she was going--perhaps, they had discovered that she held certain conservative beliefs, or perhaps, worse, she is a Christian! They cannot tolerate that in the CBS command center! How divisive! In any case, CBS is going downhill in ratings and revenues, along with the other two, NBC and ABC. It is their constant lying about the events they do select to further their secular humanst agenda and their continual denial of the true news that has doomed them to decline and bankruptcy. I have not watched them for many years--since I saw what they were all about. Nevertheless, I wondered just who the news producers were, who are responsible, for the crime they have perpetrated for many years, misleading and misinforming the American people for the advancement of their secular humanist power grab. Now I have one name, Jim McGlinchy. He can stand for all of his ilk. They may look like nice, well-mannered Americans, but they hate America, hate morality, hate Christianity, hate Christ. They have made it clear what they believe--money, power, prestige, anti-Americanism, secular-humanism, Deism. They will be held responsible by God for their destruction of the moral fiber of whole generations of Americans, as well as their destruction of the Judaeo-Christian foundations of this nation. It is a very serious thing they have done, and a Righteous God has to hold them accountable--if the Bible is true, and it is absolutely true--, true to the last jot and tittloe, as Christ himself testified. I think of the verse, "Let God be true and every man a liar." How truly that can be applied to these shameless, lying news bureaus like ABC, CBS, NBC, and their pathetic Jim McGlinchies.--Ed.
But back to the Anti-Jewish spirit or demon. The press, here in Washington State, is primarily responsible for the lethal attack some weeks ago made by an Islamic man from Eastern Washington on the Jewish Federation Center in Seattle. He blurted out to his victims that he hated Israel and Jews, and this was suppressed in the news almost immediately. Instead, churches and synagogues "came together" to suppress the truth, and there were all sorts of loving, liberal-type togetherness and secular humanist vigils of love and peace for everybody. Everybody felt good about themselves, but the root causes were completely denied and shoved under (thus letting the news agencies here completely off the hook!). They ignored the fact, Jews and Gentiles alike, that the news networks here have been shamelessly drumming against "evil" Israel for years. The attacker who invaded, shot and killed the poor women at the Jewish Federation Center, was not the "nice boy" his Muslim mother claimed on TV (and it is quite possible she hates Jews and Israel and had fed her hatred to her son for years, though no one asked her about this possibility), but a man who had heard the anti-Israel propaganda on TV and believed it. He merely acted it out--and of course, that cannot be said in a secular-humanist-dominated society like Washington State's, for it is the truth. Pornography on TV causes obscene acts and crimes to be acted out--we all know this, after years of it being denied. Violence causes violent acts to be committed by viewers--that too is a fact long denied. Now anti-Semitism, encouraged by King TV's anti-Israel attacks over many yeas, has produced some bitter, even deadly fruit. King TV, its ownership and its news producers and even the news anchors who spout the anti-Israel garbage day after day, are utterly responsible before God for their lies and hatred of God's people and Israel.
Shame on you, KI NG TV! Shame on you! You are hateful, intolerant, and destructive, towards Jews and Israel--without any cause. You gild the pig--the PLO--and tar the innocent Jews, who are only trying to defend their country of Israel against the Arab and Muslim terrorists. It is exactly the same as we would do, if we were attacked day after day with Islamic, Arab suicide bombers. It is clear you care nothing for the truth, but the truth will still hold you responsible on the Judgment Day which is coming soon. I have lived here all my life in Washington State, and so I know you and your campaign of lies and misformation very well. I am not deceived by you, for with the lens of the Word of God I can identify and spot your lies for what they are and what they signify prophetically--the rise of the anti-Christ Spirit, along with anti-Semitism, in America. But you are all defeated by Christ on the Cross. His victory assures me that you, the forces of darkness, will not succeed ultimately. Christ will rule the earth.--Ed.
For a brand-new film based on the Book of Esther that will entertain and challenge everyone, without wondering and worrying about a low rating (it is PG)--go to the place to get the names of theaters nearest you, and type in your zip code for your area's listing (you are also asked to call local theaters and ask if they will be showing the film called "A Night With the King":
3. The release of 70 of the captives in Baghdad from the government office building (keep praying for the safe return of the other thirty or more captives).
4. The continued failure of terrorist plots on American soil after 9/11.
5. The recent arrests in London foiling a terrorist plot to bring down about a dozen American commercial jets flying from Heathrow, London, exploding them over American cities (not over the Atlantic Ocean in mid-flight as was originally reported!).
6. The increased world attention being given by human rights activists, following up the whistleblowing on it by brave Christian evangelists such as Pastor Rod Parsley and Franklin Graham, so that the UN and world community is embarrassed and forced to deal with the genocide and liquidation of black Christians by Sudan's Muslim government, which denies any complicity, of course, but has for the last decade or more sponsored and given helicopters, bombs, planes and weapons to Muslim militias raiding Dafur, south Sudan. By the way, this is the same regime under whose umbrella Osama bin Laden formerly operated a safe haven for his terrorist training camps. He must have been too hot for even them to handle, and they offered him to President Clinton, who had "better things to do" and let him get away (this is just the straight public record).
7. All the thousands, or millions, of answers by a faithful God, which we are not aware of (sometimes it is merciful we don't know just what all is going on against us!).
"Culture Warrior," by Bill O'Reilly (go to, or any bookstore), which details the unconditional, all-out war being waged against America's Judaeo-Christian foundations by secular progressives (also called secular humanists, or better: "secular retrogressives").
Why I believe Bill O'Reilly and others like him may be "Shamgars" or deliverers that God raises up to defend Israel when Israel has none of her own with the backbone to do the job:
This book speaks to the greatest need of America--which is to wake up and seek God in repentance and then carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Muslims in love and humility--and can be obtained by calling 1-800-854-9899, or contact her via Pastor John Hagee's website.
"George Muller, Man of Faith and Miracles," biography hy Basil Miller, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Tortured for Christ," autobiography of Richard Wurmbrand, Diane Books, Glendale, California
"Hope for Man in a Hopeless World," by Basilea Schlink, Bethany Fellowship, Dimension Books, Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Glory in the Church, the Coming Revival," by Edward E. Hindson, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New York/Nashville
"Czechmate," autobiographical account of imprisonment of author in a communist country for Bible smuggling
"The Everyday Guide to "God," A to Z Listing of God's Attributes, with Scriptures, by Amy Ng Wong, Humble Creek Publisher, Uhricksville, Ohio
"The Complete Book of Bible Lists," by H.L. Willmingon, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois
"God Sent a Man," the story of Joseph, by Carylye B. Haynes, Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington, D.C.
"Israel Act III," The Bible and the Mideast in prophecy, by Richard Wolff, Tyndale House, Wheaton, Illinois
"Eric Liddell, Pure Gold," biography of the Chariots of Fire Olympic runner turned missionary to China, by David McCasland, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"C.S. Lewis," Heroes of the Faith series biography, by Sam Wellman, Barbour Publishing, Uhrichsville, Ohio
Here is the way one single woman, with incredible handicaps of continual frail health and gender, invaded the Muslim-walled fortress-land of Algeria and took much of it back for Christ with missions that served as strategic staging posts to reach out to the whole nation with the saving, delivering, demon-power-destroying, liberating Gospel. She accomplished this with prayer, perserverance, and the faithfulness of God's Promises in His unconquerable Word! Here is the story of her epic achievement in Algeria--a land you would have thought could not have been penetrated with the Gospel since it was taken by Muslim armies way back in the 7th century.
"A Passion for the Impossible," The Life of Lilias Trotter, by Miriam Huffman Rockness, Discovery House Publishers, Grand Rapids, Michigan
"Jerusalem Countdown," A Warning to the world, containing a prophetic view of Iran's role in coming world events affecting or centered on Israel, with parallels between Joseph and Jesus tieing in with these events and others of the End-Times, by John Hagee, Frontline (A Strang Company), Lake Mary, Florida
Alexis de Tocqueville. His travels in America.
This is the "thanks" Britons gave God for sparing them from being conquered and crushed by Nazi Germany, and we know that Hitler fully intended to invade Britain and liquidate all its leading citizens, while reducing millions to slavery and concentration camps. His "liquidation lists" have been made public. Yet the churches emptied after the victory at the end of the war--and the people turned their backs on God their deliverer. Yet He has not forgotten Britain despite this, and still calls to her to return to him. She turned against Israel, and incurred a curse, but all this can be turned around. Prosperity can be swept away in a moment today, as most of the money that exists is electronic, not actual cash or gold or jewels or property. Whatever Britons trust in now can be gone, in a twinkling of an eye as the whole commercial and banking sector loses all its assets in an economic melt-down. This does not have to happen, for a revival to take place once again, perhaps for the last time, in Britain. Let us pray for Britain, that her people be spared this severe a mercy.
A royal wedding infinitely more splendid and majestic than Charles and Diana's is coming, when Christ is wed to His Bride. His bride will be ready, and she will be without spot or wrinkle. Are we preparing ourselves as the Bride of Christ? It is time to purify ourselves and get ready for the grand royal wedding with the King!
On a trip to England, my hosts took me to St. Paul's Cathedral, and we saw the silver chandeliers had been taken down, for cleaning, in preparation for the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana. The cathedral itself had to be cleaned and purified for the wedding and the honorable guests and the Bride and Groom and the Groom's royal mother the Queen and the Archbishop of Canterbury and The Dean of the Cathedral. This was probably the wedding of the century, watched world-wide by television by hundreds of millions. How much more, we, the Church and Body of Christ, must be made ready for the wedding, cleaned and purified for our much more glorious Bridegroom, Jesus Christ!
You too, as a customer, U.S. citizen, and Christian, can make a difference. Simply sign on (without having to make a donation) to a petition to help save Christmas at our nation's retail stores, where it is being driven into extinction by the ACLU and its supporters through strong-arm tactics and intimidation. Click on "Naughty and Nice Retail Stores" on the left of the web page and you can read the list of those who delete Christmas and those who support Christmas. It is illuminating, to say the least. After reading the names of stores that have trashed Christmas, I am hardly inclined any more to shop there. It is just reported, moreover, that Wal-Mart has won China as a market, and will be setting up stores across that vast country, which will equal the U.S. as a market very soon now. How will this work? Wal-Mart will have offices in it run by the Communist Party. Isn't this a strange bedfellow for a capitalist corporation that was supposedly begun by Christians? It just shows without doubt that Wal-Mart has morphed into a monster.
At this site, which is Liberty Counsel, you can also send an email with your complaint about any store or business (where you may be an employee) that is discriminating against this legal holiday of Christmas. I sent one right away about our local Fred Meyers store, for Freddies ignored my respectful letter sent last year reminding them that Christmas is still a legal U.S. holiday and I really did not like their anti-Christmas change in the store banners and salespeople's greetings. My brother who works at SEATAC International Airport has also a complaint he needs to send in. All of this major U.S. airport's Christmas trees were removed at midnight. Imagine that! No Christmas trees at Christmas! The news of this has gone national, and you can read about it without it being reported here. This last event just proves that none of us can avoid the secular humanist's culture war against Christianity--the all-out battle against cherished Christian values and traditions and beliefs, that is being waged coast to coast in America by the secular humanists who claim to be so tolerant and compassionate but are the very opposite.
We must stand, dear fellow Americans and Christians!
Stand up now--not when it is too late and you and I wake up in a secular-humanist, politically correct paradise that is really a hell worse than anything you could imagine.
Stand, be counted, and the darkness of secular humanism can be stopped in its tracks. Do nothing, and everything vile will triumph. Yes, it may seem like a small thing now to you, this saving Christmas in the stores, but it is actually very important.
Someday I want to take a tour of the great Dutch dykes, and see the more traditional type (if it still exists) that was used effectively for centuries to hold back the North Atlantic from drowning the low-lying Dutch farms and cities. Just as one tiny hole in a dyke can bring it all down, and thousands are drowned, when all it takes (as the wonderful Dutch story goes) to save the country of Holland is for a single, quick-witted Dutch boy with some practical common sense and love of others to stick his finger into the hole before it gets any bigger and the stormy ocean is stopped in its tracks!
Remember, biblically, this is exactly what David did! He was the original dyke-saver and national hero! All it took to save Israel from being conquered and wiped out by the Philistine invaders was for one plucky shepherd boy who believe in Almighty God's faithfulness to stand up against the giant Philistine Schwarzenegger with his slingshot and a stone he picked out of a nearby creek!
The rest is history: three thousand years later, the Jews and now again Israel still exist, thanks to the boy David! Remember too, it wasn't the tall, armored Saul the king, his pompous, Henry Kissinger-like stuff-shirt counsellors and cabinet, or his war department of generals and army that saved Israel--they were a pack of cowards, cowering in fear of the Philistines. No, it was that lone, fleece-shirted shepherd boy from some hick town named Bethlehem who did the job they were supposed to do but were afraid to do--all because he loved and believed in the power of the God of Israel to turn the tide against Israel's mortal enemies. Israel badly needs, by the way, such a shepherd boy today--as it is stumbling under its present, Neville Chamberlain-like leadership toward even more compromise and humiliation by the pagan, uncircumcised Philistines of today--the fanatical leaders of Iran and the PLO and Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Bnei Menasche said to Michael Freund that they want to return (make the aliyah) to Israel. 800 have emigraed to Israel so far, but there are thousands remaining. In the meantime, Freund and supporters established two schools in India for them, and are doing other things to facilitate their return to Israel. It is about 2,700 years since they were forcibly taken with hooks in their hoses attached to fish lines in the hands of their captors from the Northern Kingdom by the Assyrians (which, since history "habitually" repeats itself, may well be the way America's secular-humanist leaders will be led to their decapitations by Muslim death squads). It costs $7,500 to bring one of these descendants to Israel and help them adjust to a completely different modern society. 200 have been brought in so far, despite the huge cost. If you wish to know more about this epochal reunion of Jews of the Lost Tribe of Manasseh with their people in their homeland of Israel, Hal Lindsay's recent interview with Michael Freund can be accessed here. Michael Freund's web address and webpage will be given too.
I really believe this is neo-Philistinism--a highly aggressive, highly organized society that was nevertheless barbaric and unspeakably immoral. The Philistines seemed to be so sophisticated in their culture and clothes and entertainments when compared to the Jehovah-worshipping Israelites, yet their religion showed they were the worst sort of heathens--for them there was no moral restraint, they committed every vile, perverse sex act in their temples before such abominations as Dagon the fish-tailed corn-god and Astarte, goddess of sex.
This neo-Philistinism of the secular humanists has almost completely supplanted Christianity in America and the West--because Christians, under attack by secular humanists, did little or nothing to refute them.--Ed.
Ms. Gall is a liberal "rubber", and she went to a hurting Afghanistan to find out, ostensibly, why women in Afghanistan were dying of suicide at uncommon rates. It isn't that she cared one whit for them. I believe she really went there to try and connect the suicides to the U.S. war there and the present U.S.-backed, free Afghan government. I believe she is, in other words, anti-War, anti-Bush, anti-American, and she was just there in Afghanistan, not primarily for humanitarian human rights investigation but for her and her paper's liberal political agenda.
I have good reason for making this charge. Stating that she suspected that the local Afghan society did not like to admit the suicides, Ms. Gall went to make her investigation in the countryside itself. As she interviewed burn victims, all mostly young women, in a hospital, she could not get the director (or the man seemingly in charge) to say that they were suicide attempts, though he said they got two or three a month, and they usually died within a few hours. "That is a high rate," she said and he agreed, though he did not elaborate. After this exchange, two or three people came up to her in the hospital, perhaps they were workers, though unidentified, and said there were a lot of suicide victims. Now here is the telltale omission in her investigation: All this time, with the opportunity to ask all these Afghan hospital interviewees (both men and women), she did not once ask whether the Islamic culture and religion of these women had anything to do with the tragic suicides and suicide attempts--she was not going to go there, obviously, preferring to make the Bush Administration and the U.S. war in the country the culprits.
The underlying political intent of this mission of Ms. Gall's was soon made even more evident, as if she were cutting to the chase, without bothering to cover her tracks or create a distracting smokescreen by demonstrating in some way her compassion and caring for the Afghan people being "oppressed" by the American army troops.
Instead of distributing something tangible in the way of aid or offers to help, what did she do besides give the burn victims her brief, "caring" smile? Ms. Gall left the hospital and then proceeded by horse (in this video) to the site of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's appearance with top Afghan government leaders. Identifying herself as a correspondent with the New York TIMES she put a question to Mr. Rumsfeld. Just before the question, her camera scanned the balconies of the building where the meeting was being held in a courtyard. That scan showed soldiers holding machine guns. Her question? What had the U.S. war effort done to bring about peace in Afghanistan, when it appeared just the opposite. Mr. Rumsfeld replied that there was peace in Afghanistan. A man by Ms. Gall jumped on her bandwagon immediately. He called out his question: If there were peace in the country, why was the Taliban taking over a large area [which he specified]? The Afghan government leader responding, denying that the Taliban had done so. But Ms. Gall, by this time, had what she needed to do a story.
She also took this opportunity to review her previous inquiries that revealed that the U.S. military had tortured two Afghans who had been taken as Taliban fighters. This was a major triumph of her investigative reportage, she would have us know. I am not so sure, having seen how underhandedly she operates. She went on this supposedly humanitarian and investigative mission, omitting germaine questions she should have asked about the connection of the Muslim religion's routine oppression of women with the suicides and suicide attempts, so that she could instead easily politicize her "findings" in her article to weigh in against President Bush, the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq, the war against Rumsfeld, and the war against any American involvement overseas whatsoever.
This is just another instance of the liberal media's deliberate "rubbing" of a sore place on a hurt animal (the hurt animal in this case being war-torn Afghanistan), and the bitter feeling she has for America's military and the President, and, lastly, her Gloria Steinem-like boldness and impudence. She may look like Archie Bunkie's kicked-around, overly-passive wife, but she demonstrated at the Rumsfeld meeting that she can stand up to any great military leader! So she is a very strong woman--and that has got her the career and high position she presently enjoys at the New York Times. But it is so sad, to my thinking, that a woman could demonstrate such cruelty and indifference to other women, specifically the tragic plight of poor, oppressed, suffering Muslim women held down by Sheriah law, a situation which exists in every Muslim country today (and will exist in every Western country, once they are taken over). In every way Ms. Gall satisfies the definitions of her definitive name. A sip of "Gall", by the way, was also offered Christ on the cross. Perhaps the bitterness of it relieved pain. Yet I don't think Ms. Gall's career relieves any pain. On the contrary, her own actions show that she exists to increase it.