We have our own Acronym at the Emmaus Walk: For the youth specifically: B.I.B.L.E.--"Blasting Into Blessing, Life Eternal". How about yours? Make an acronym of your own with your own special meaning!
[Canada, by the way, is way up on the list of human rights offending nations, for quite a long time, in its unjust dealing with native Indian peoples and tribes, and in the suppression and oppression of the Dukhorbors sect from Russia who immigrated to Canada to be free to practice their faith as they saw fit, fleeing to this supposedly free and democratic haven only to encounter the Canadian government's intolerance and disdain for freedom of conscience and religion].
Senior Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy has been a chief proponent of such a hate crime bill in the Senate. I have to conclude that it is God's own restraining hand on him, that he has been removed at present from the Senate and his duties there due to his brain tumor and the convalescence after its removal. Make of that what you will, but on so vital an issue as this one, don't you think his role in banning the Bible and its free use has God's attention? Surely!
As the Bible goes in this nation, so goes the nation! We are tied indissolubly to the Bible in America (not like Europe, where no country except Ireland was founded specifically, testified by our official founding documents, on Christian beliefs). Our civilization is uniquely Judaeo-Christian, but the only true and legitimate Lord of America is Jesus Christ alone (we do not have a pluralistic God based on interfaith religionism, though the National Cathedral, so-called, worships such a pluralism of "gods". That cannnot be changed by human law, as God is faithful to his covenants, though men prove faithless. If America's God is rejected by Congress and the Supreme Court, God has not changed, He is still Almighty God, ruler over the whole earth. America, if that step is taken, will become a rogue nation, spiritually, apostate and backslidden and rocketing toward destruction.
Our self-destruction will not take long, either. The attacks of our many enemies coming from Russia and mainly undemocratic Moslem lands will maybe hasten our downfall, but they cannot destroy us as much as we will destroy ourselves, spiritually first, then physically afterwards. Spiritual suicide is the result of this nation turning the Bible into a Boy Scout manual of self-improvement, rather than believing it is the supreme arbiter of salvation in Jesus Christ and the way to love and serve God and our fellow men.
Why should we in America follow the tragic examples of the spiritually failed nations of Britain, Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, the Scandinavian countries, and all the rest of the sorry catalogue of nations in Europe that preserve the majestic cathedrals like museum relics but have forgotten the living God of the Bible? We can still stand like Joshua did, charging his own people the Israelites with hypocrisy of heart and their coming apostasy, and declare: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"
Yet, even if America is presently standing for everything but Christ, it is a fact that millions of lives were changed and transformed by Billy Graham's faithful preaching of the salvation in Jesus Christ alone. Are you one such? Here is your chance to thank him, invited to do so by his son Franklin Graham, who is now the CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and who is conducting the crusades that his father can no longer do.
Franklin Graham says: "Send him a special greeting or tell him how much God has touched you through his ministry at:
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist moveents (including Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
I read Section 4, Fyodor Dostoyevski, which the late Ruth Graham adapted from F.W. Boreham's 1941 article on him and his prison experiences in Siberia. It begins with his being hauled up before a firing squad with other condemned-to-death men. Then, in the last moments before the order to fire was given, the sentence was commuted by the ruler's command brought by a courier, causing some to go insane, others to die within days, and still others, like Fyodor Dostoyevski, to suffer greatly psychologically thereafter from the memories. Was that the intent of the procedure? It certainly terrorized the condemned men to the point of driving them insane and killing them within hours, and deranging the survivors. Then we read what he endured in the horrible gulags of Czarist days (the Communists just took these camps and added millions of prisoners, they didn't create anything new) in terms of the Prodigal Son account in the Bible. This is a most riveting account. One of the greatest Russian novelists, Fyodor Dostoyevski, suffered perhaps the greatest torments at the hand of his fellow men--yet his message was love and forgiveness and the grace of God. Get this book, just for this section, and you will also enjoy the other sections that all relate, in poetry and excerpts of writings, to the Prodigal Son theme. Ruth Graham ought to know what she is portraying, as her son Franklin, now the CEO and chief evangelist of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, was a Prodigal Son himself, rebelling and living in defiant sin, causing his parents no small amount of tears and suffering, until God intercepted the young Franklin and saved him with his love and grace and forgivenesss.
Can you name other things the Bible is? The Gideon Pocket Bible lists a number: The Traveller's Map, the Pilgrim's Staff, the Soldier's Sword, the Christian's Charter. I thought of the
Navigator's North Star.BIBLE PICTURES OF ITSELF is a wonderful thing, is it not? The Bible describes itself as LIGHT, FIRE, SEED, BREAD, MILK, HONEY, MEAT, GOLD, SWORD and HAMMER. You can order this tract from: Faith, Prayer, and Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49504, Bible Book Mark
No. 162 ($1.80 per doz., $11 per 100).
Saved at age eleven, Aline married at age seventeen, left the church, and "headed into a world of sin." By forty she was in her second marriage, a complete alcoholic, hooked on drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. Her mother saw her looking so haggard she couldn't stand it any longer and cried out to her one day to stop and surrender her life back to the Lord, but Aline did not listen and continue on rebelliously, refusing God's call on her life, hell-bent in her self-destructive lifestyle of sin. She told her mother in response to her mother's cry, "Mama, I won't mind Hell..."
Those prideful, defiant words would soon become (almost!) her epitaph! Soon she got to find out what Hell was really like and whether she could take it or not. Falling asleep at the wheel, her car went over an embankment, she was thrown out, and she suffered a broken neck, four major breaks to her spine, nine broken ribs, crushed left lung, and crushed kidneys. Aline testifies how she died in that hopeless condition, and while she lay in a state of death just before the hospital staff would have pulled the life support from her body, the Lord sent a Death Angel that took Aline to hell. She screamed for the Death Angel not to leave her there, begging him as she screamed and hollered and gnashed her teeth. Souls around her were doing the same, by the hundreds and thousands, just trying to die.
She was dead for four minutes while the doctors worked on her. They tested her for life, and there was no life at all. One more minute and they would have taken her off the life-support machines. In that time she also saw the Lake of Fire, and then a scroll an angel brought that was rolled out, revealing everything she had ever done. Across the scroll was written God's judgment in a single word: LUST. That was the sin that would doom her to hell! She denied she had committed that sin, claiming she had loved her husbands. She cried out to the Lord to forgive her, nevertheless. The merciful Lord showed her other things too, how her mother and sister were at that very moment in deep prayer, interceeding for her, travailing for her as women giving birth would in great pain. Gradually, life returned to her "substance", which was the spiritual rebirth of Aline, as God had to start all over with her soul's salvation, obviously. At last she was formed and reborn, she saw in the vision from the Lord--called forth from her praying mother's womb! Hallelujah! For days she lay in a coma, hovering between life and death, while this life and death struggle for her soul in her mother's womb of prayer took place. [Thank God for a praying mother, supported by a praying sister!]
After Aline Baxley recovered, she became an evangelist, telling her miraculous story and spiritual rebirth to the nations of the world, a tremendous deliverance from death and hell due to the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ, via the prayers of her mother and sister for her. She writes at the end of her message these personal words to you:
PRAY THE SINNER'S PRAYER NOW. I beg you to receive Him now in your heart. Say this sinner's prayer with me. You can be saved right now. "Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins. Wash me in Your precious Blood right now. I will live for You the rest of my life. I'll obey the call of God and choose Your will for my life. Thank You, Jesus, for loving and for forgiving me of all my sins. Amen."
This saving, life-transforming testimony has been printed by Life Purpose Ministries. If you would like to help distribute this in your nation and language please contact:
Life Purpose Ministries,
P.O. Box 990220
Redding, CA. 96099 U.S.A.
Pornography and violence and drugs and rebellion and promiscuous sex--that is not innocent kid stuff, and hip hop was born in this cauldron of hell boiling away in the inner cities where millions are trapped in sociopathic self-destruction and predation on others who are trapped in the same hellholes. Giant industries stand behind hip hop, to reap immense profits from addicting America's youth to it, but they start off with innocent-sounding lyrics to hook the small children into it, then proceed to the hard core hip hop which is spawned in the meth-and-gang culture of the black communities of the inner cities. This seduction of America's children and youth is being done for money, but the real engine behind it is the Devil. He has moved to destroy America's youth, morally and spiritually and physically, and hip hop is just another clever and popular way to do it.
We too as Christians in America and Britain and the West face the most implacable and merciless and blasphemous foes--the secularists and the Muslims who seek to destroy not only our Judaeo-Christian civilization, but our Christian foundations as a nation and our very existence as a free and democratic nation. They are allied against us, just as the five cities of Philistia were allied against Israel. They intend our utter destruction. But God...but God is watching, He is still on the throne in heaven, and He still answers prayers of the righteous who cry to him for deliverance from their foes. We are crying to him, even this hour and day, for our enemies to be defeated by God's almighty power. We must pray, do what David did, and step forth, with the five stones in our arsenal--faith, hope, joy, peace, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ--and sling them smack into the forehead of the enemy, praying the stones will penetrate deeply and save the souls.
Billions are still going to die, not just hundreds of millions in the recent past. The full pay-off for the Devil and the roaring, flaming maw of hell is yet to come--and it will come soon. The fury of the tornado that whirls at the heart of this God-defying theory has yet to sweep all humanity up and carry it to destruction--but the tornado is here already, and like a black hole it is sucking uncountable numbers into its overwhelming, deadly embrace. The forces it exerts are incalculable, titanic, superhuman. Only God can stop the monster, the juggernaut, the universal genocide that Darwinian theory has unleashed upon all human life. We saw the beginnings of what it ould do in Hitler's deathcamps, Stalin's gulags, Pol Pot's killing fields, Amin's massacres of Christian Ugandans, Saddam Hussain torture and massacres of Shiites, Marsh Arabs, and Kurds, the Muslim masters of Sudan's genocide of black Christians and animists, Margaret Sanger's Planned Parenthood and its targeted genocide against black Americans--but they only serve to warm up the engine of humanity's suicide and self-destructiion. Once in gear, the engine of death revved, only Almighty God can--and will--stop Darwinism (and all its lethal allies) grown bloated and triumphant and seemingly invincible.
This anti-human group of which I speak is also of the same mind as Pol Pot, the mass murderer and genocidalist. He may have looked like a kindly old grandfather (by the way, he lived quite well, even at his country hideaway, not like the mass of Cambodians he reduced to poverty and squalor by his policies!), but his policies resulted in the killing fields, with huge containers stuffied with the skulls and bones of his victims, men, women, and children, whose only crime was to be educated or a city person who couldn't adapt to a peasant's back-breaking work in the rice paddies of Cambodia. Like this monster Pol Pot, the environmentalists and animal activists are mass murderes and genocidalists and ought to be viewed as such. Please do not be deceived by their constant barrage of propaganda and recycle, else you end up recycled yourself sooner or later into animals (which is their ultimate aim). Every time you see that "green" recycle symbol, with the arrows turning in a circle called "the circle of life" in Eastern mysticism, consider that those arrows will ultimately be aimed at you and me--to kill US after reducing us to a primitive animal existence and status! That is their real purpose of recycling--not the saving of the Earth's environment, ecology, and species, which makes us the most endangered species on the planet, not the Bald Eagle, or the Siberian tiger, or the snail darter!
For a copy, dear Muslim or seeker of the truth of God, order from Amazon.com:
Our presidential nominees are now heaping praise on themselves and promising us foolish Americans everything they can think of to gain victory in the coming election Nov. 4. Let God be true, and every candicate a liar! All the promises of McCain, Obama, and Raph Nader and the others amount to only a silly Band-aid, which cannot cover the gigantic, gaping, gangrene-infected wound in America's spiritual hull. We are sinking--going to the bottom--because we have abandoned and forgotten God and instead proudly exalted ourselves and our golden calves of money, power, celebrity, lust, covetousness, and self-indulgence and luxury. God's word in Psalm 118 says: "It is better to trust God than to put confidence in man. Wouldn't you like to be safe in the midst of all the coming destruction? You and I then need to flee to God while we still can! It will be too late if we wait for a more convenient time--think how those Muslim terrorists turned the hijacked planes toward the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11, on a most beautiful, sunny and clear September morning. Destruction was the farthest thing away from Americans' minds just minutes before the planes, loaded with fuel, dived into their unsuspecting targets.
That is how it will happen again--only this time they may well explode dirty bombs and nuclear suitcase bombs in our major cities across America. I do believe that God had mercy on us, even in Katrina and Rita and Gustav and numerous other hurricanes, as he has been wiping out dozens of Muslim terrorist sleeper cells and their nuclear suitcase bombs all across the south and east, which were waiting orders to detonate in the major cities all across America.
As Democrat veep nominee Joe Biden has declared in the news, expect Obama to be severely tested by foreign powers if he elected President. But even that astounding statement is mild, compared with the likely "test" that will come if he is elected. The whole world knows from his statements he will not fight nor lead America to fight back when attacked, just as Bill Clinton did not fight back when our country was attacked repeatedly overseas by terrorists. Bill Clinton's ignoring the "tests" lead to the disaster of 9/ll, directly!
It is most likely then that the Muslim terrorists and the Iranians and Chavez of Venezuela are waiting for just the right moment, for when Obama the peacenik president takes office. He is precisely what they have been hoping for!
The following scenario is coming to reality soon in your neighborhood: Osama bin Ladin gives the order for the suitcase bombs to be exploded in major U.S. cities. As the nation recoils from the multiple strikes to its vitals, this is the very moment that our enemies, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Chavez, with Russia in the lead, have been seeking to launch their attacks.
If God does not intervene again in our behalf, we are finished as a nation that will play any major role again in the world. That is the least effect. The fifty million children we have so far aborted in order to further the radical atheist and Democrat social restructuring of American society will be repaid with the lives of at least fifty million deaths and casualties lost in all these attacks.
I don't know what you are doing, but I am praying night and day. I see clearly what we deserve, but I pray for mercy anyway, for God is full of mercy and kindness, even to the nation such as ours that has deserted Him and gone after harlots and false gods.
"Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy."--Habakkuk 3:2.--from Billy Graham Association.
"Once to Every Man and Nation"
1. Once to every man and nation
comes the moment to decide.
In the strife of truth with falsehood,
for the good or evil side.
Some great cause, some great decision,
off'ring each the bloom or blight.
And the choice goes by forever
'twixt that darkness and that light.
2. Then to side with truth is noble,
when we share her wretched crust.
Ere her cause bring fame and profit,
and 'tis prosp'rous to be just.
Then it is the brave man chooses
while the coward stands aside,
till the multitude make virtue
of the faith they had denied.
3. Though the cause of evil prosper,
yet the truth alone is strong.
Though her portion be the scaffold,
and upon the throne be wrong.
Yet that scaffold sways the future,
and behind the dim unknown,
standeth God within the shadows,
keeping watch above His own. Amen
He rode with a motor cycle gang along the American highways, sometimes 500 strong, clad in leather and denim. He drank heavily, smoked 35 cigars a day and used marijuana. But now the heavy-weight hard-man has become a gentle giant...taking his religious message around Worcestershire.
Ten years ago, Ray, now 42, turned away from his hell-raising lifestyle to become an evangelical preacher. Gone too are his lethal iron hook and leathers--swapped for buckskins and a Bible. "When I was in the motor cycle gang, people started getting killed. I eventually woke up to the fact that I could be next," he recalled. "I joined becausde I thought it was going to be fun. But I saw a couple of my friends die from drugs overdoses. I wanted to find happiness, but since I found God I've realized it has to come from inside."
Ray, from Quincy, Illinois, is in Britain until December and will be preaching around the county this month. He now travels the world taking his religious message [NOT A RELIGIOUS MESSAGE, BUT THE LIFE TRANSFORMING, SOUL-SAVING, SIN-DESTROYING GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!] to people as diverse as Eskimos and Red Indians.
"Once, people would look at me in fear...now they just look because I'm tall and I always give them a smile," he said."[This TRUE story was sent to me by Kathleen Lawrence-Smith, Worcester, England, Editor of Anchored Magazine. It deserves a feature length film in Hollywood--for this is a tremendous man, a tremendous account of his salvation, and dramatic life both before and after his turning to Christ! Hollywood won't touch it, of course, since the Gospel is involved. It could make millions as a blockbuster movie, but they won't touch it because it exalts Jesus and His power to save and transform suicidal lives.
The same spirits of error, no doubt, energize both expressions of Deviltry. Spiritualism loves the New Age Religion that is so trendy and popular today in certain circles, and the religion that Oprah strenuously, hourly promotes in her TV programs, books, radio study series, articles, etc. How do I know that she is infested with Spiritualism, the false religion and values that make it up? Just look at what the Spirit of Truth brochure (published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago!) defines as Spiritualism, and compare with Oprah's teachings. There is an exact fit! Her radio correspondence "Bible study" course spouts the same devilish lies given below, even word for word in many cases, so the Spiritualist shoe fits her perfectly, in other words! Watch Oprah and absord her message, you become a hellbound Spiritualist--as no Spiritualist will ever enter heaven, as the Bible states so clearly, first to last verse. Spiritualists can be saved and born again and forgiven, but they cannot ever enter heaven as spiritualists, for no Christ-rejectors will ever enter heaven, and that includes Oprah Winfrey, if she actually believes the Spiritualism she is constantly churning out for mass public consumption by her viewers and listeners.
Spirit of Truth and Error: Spiritualism
Man never had a fall.
Whatever is, is right. Evil does not exist. Evil is good. No matter what man's path may be, good or bad, it is the path of divine ordination, and destiny.
A lie is the truth intrinsically, it holds a lawful place in creation, it is a necessity.
We believe in intelligent and ignorant spirits. No being is naturally bad--evil always originates in ignorance.
Death is not a violent result of sin; it was neither friend nor enemy. It is a part of divine purpose.
There is no atoning value in the death of Jesus Christ.
Salvation by vicarious atonement is a wicked and soul-destroying delusion.
[Spiritualism] Teaches the continuity of life and the eternal progression of man toward perfectioin in the spirit freralm.
That every soul will progress through the ages to heights sublime and glorious, where God is Love and Love is God.
There are not two worlds at all, there (is) but one interblended, interrelated world, closely interwoven by memory and the love of life. Consciousness could not die. Personality could not be destroyed.
Life on the spirit plane is evolvement, like the ascent in a spiral, the growth of moral affection to higher and higher "heavens."
We affirm the moral responsibility of the individual, and that he makes his own happiness or unhappiness as he obey's Nature's physical and spiritual laws.
Man becomes a spirit after death, dong both evil and good, but he may be saved as he progresses from one spirit level tot he next. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any human soul here or hereafter.
Leaving the physical body does not change the condition of the spirit, which is the actual personality. It must learn to desire and to progress to higher and better conditions, just as we do on earth.
Each must work out his own salvation, each has an equal opportunity to do this when he shall have atoned for the wrongs and overcome the temptations and allurements to the sense gratification of earth.
Even the most degraded personality can in time attain the greatest heights. it is easier, however, to begin progression in the earth time.
Hell does not exist and never will.
All spirit people of wisdom, knowledge, and love know there is no hell and no devil.
No resurrection--no judgment.
When you believe in spiritual manifestations, you will feel far happier than you do now. You will not fear the threats of damnation and hell...such doctrine is wrong.
We do not believe in such places as Purgatory and Hell. Communicating spirits have merely graduated from this form of life into another. That life can be heaven or hell-like, just as each spirit chooses to make it; the same applies to our life here.--Spirit of Truth Brochure, "Spiritualism", Published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.
Take Chicago: This glitzy, skyscraper-studded world-class metropolis used to be renowned for the highest, purest Christian leadership, for the Moody Institute and the Moody Publishing House, not to mention the illustrious Wheaton College where Billy Graham and his wife to be Ruth Bell studied and trained. Now Chicago is a city of apostasy, blasphemy, pornography, and aggressive atheism and secularism. It is also the center of the most blatant televised witchcraft and New Age Religion and self-deification, thanks to Oprah and Dr. Phil (whose consciences, apparently, were seared years and years ago), and, if that wasn't bad enough, it is the political base of the likes of Barak Hussain Obama, the proponent of infanticide, not just mass abortion on demand primarily targeting his own black people. Shame on you, Chicago, for what you have become after having witnessed the great light shed by Dwight Moody's preaching and godly example, and his uncompromising stand taken on the Word of God preached with honesty and courage (not like Rev. Wright, for twenty years Obama's infamous, toilet-mouth pastor, who preaches unabashed racism, obscenity, and anti-Americanism). It is a spectacle that would make that great evangelist weep if he saw it today--what has become of a once great righteousness-upholding city!
If you do not believe Jesus was raised from the dead--why not leave Christ altogether rather than pretend you are a follower? How can you honestly follow a dead Christ, a man who was a sinner and who did not rise triumphant from the grave? You are an absolute, stinking nincompoop, brother, or sister, if you won't be an honest atheist after disbelieving in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Get out from our folds, from our churches, you great pretender! You need to be honest before God and men--and quit trying to be something you have chosen in your heart and mind not to be. God hates deception and pretenders especially. Either be hot, or be cold--but don't play with God and his truth.
Watch out, all you dancing, singing little rabbits! You may just hop right into the open jaws of a crocodile waiting for you up the path!
The hip hop "music" industry, originating from the drugs and crime and gangs of the black population in the inner cities (this is a pathological ghetto, self-imposed by the hip hop culture itself, to exploit and enslave the black people and destroy them)--this industry stands to gain untold billions by exploiting the white middle class youth of "outer cities" and suburbs, and giant businesses are behind the push to "mainstream" hip hop by starting with the little kids. Yes! Little kids are now targeted by the hip hop magnates (who are probably Rockefellers, the Melons, Duponts, the Buffetts, the Bill Gateses, and other elite billionaire families in this nation), and they do not care about the destruction of this whole generation, they want to make big money which they see these kids will have soon in their little hands, especially when these kids start growing toward their teens. Nine to eleven year old girls idolized the rock star "Madonna" (who is nothing like Mary in the Bible, being an entertainment prostitute/stripper who glories in her shameless self-exalting, erotic dances and apostasy--staging a mock crucifixion with herself in one of her abominable acts) and emulated her and bought her immoral CD's by the millions! The music industry giants and their banks and America's First Families see this, and dollar signs roll in their eye sockets, just like in the slot machines. Michael Savage (who has the Michael Savage radio program) is absolutely right. He charged these giant companies and their owners with owning and operating the pipelines for the floods of pornography that are destroying America. They have already destroyed the teens, they are moving on the sub-teens and even the little itty bitty kids. These people ought to be tried in the courts for their ties to this immoral and destructive program against America's youth. God holds them responsible, and will hold them responsible when they someday appear before him in heaven's court, with the Lord God Almighty as their Judge.
How we in America desperately need another lion-hearted, combine and trust-busting Teddy Roosevelt, who would not shirk his duty and would go and bust these destructive, immoral, and corrupt cartels up! He wasn't even afraid of IMC combine president, J. P. Morgan, the same who owned the White Star Line that produced the Titanic and pretty much ran the U.S. stock market, the banks, and American high finance, and called him on the carpet!
Don't be deceived by the childish version of hip hop (I confess I was initially, by watching a CD sent by family of their kids performing hip hop dances and singing the lyrics in a promotional video for a hip hop company). It may look very harmless and innocent now, but Hip Hop is a genuine crocodile under the sheeplike coat, that will smile now, and look like a fluffy wuffy character out of Sesame Street, but the teeth are real razor sharp shark and croc teeth, and--when HIP HOP turns to RIP CHOP--it will chew up and devour your kids, sooner or later. Once hooked into this music, they will crave more and more and more (putting out fistfuls of cash and maxing their credit cards), and the drugs and promiscuous sex and crime and rebellion and theft and violence and gangs will ultimately drag them in, with the hip hop songs and lyrics serving as the bait.
Did you pray about it? Those who did are to be thanked most of all--for their prayers actually make the boycott work and the top executives at McDonalds have a change of heart, or if not a change of heart, then at least a change of mind.
This victory shows that all is not lost, Christian! If we Christians stand up individually and with others of like mind and values we can change the world to the better, and keep the good that remains from being destroyed and supplanted by pure evil. This is evidence, proof, that God is still active in this old, dark world, and can turn evil to good! We can be of use in that great purpose of God's--if we choose! If we Christians procrastinate, or leave the responsibility to others to stand up for truth and the good, then evil men will triumph, because good men refuse to do anything in defense of the good and the truth and righteousness. We will have no one to blame but ourself, if we do that, go to sleep on the job! But this time Christians stepped up, and said to McDonalds, "You have crossed the line! Go back! Go back! Or we will not darken your door again!" That sent the right message at the right time, as millions sent this precise message to McDonalds corporate headquarters, and to the various franchises spread the thousands across America. The sudden dive in sales and profits showed conclusively that the drop-off occurred the day the company decided to jump on the bandwagon of the radical left homosexual agenda and the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce--its so-called front war machine organization. McDonalds saw it had made a big mistake. It has returned to its former policy, neutrality on political issues, and so it has a chance to remain a prosperous company in a highly competitive global market, as millions of Christians and moral people will not defame their consciences by patronizing it with their families and little ones.
John Bunyan was a humble man of faith imprisoned because he was simply a devout Christian man believing in the Lord Jesus for salvation. That was enough to land anyone in prison in his time! Instead of giving up, and blaming the Lord for his misery, he sat down and wrote this masterpiece while suffering the filth and intolerable conditions of prison life as a common criminal (which he was not). We have not prisons today as bad as London's of Bunyan's time. Turkey's prisons are somewhat similar, and Mexico's, China's, Myammar's, would be much the same, but even they have basic facilities that London's prisons did not have--such as running water, toilets, showers, air and light--did not have until the work of evangelical reformers overcame the cruelty of the times.
This issue also carries on the front the lead article about how the power-hungry, reckless, bloody-fisted Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, is striking at the West (as we saw in his invasion and mauling of little Georgia), in his hopes to revive the old Russian imperial power in the world. He just recently has sold jet bombers to the mad socialist tyrant, Chavez, in Venezuela, and will build bases there, from which the bombers can be sent with nuclear bombs to attack the U.S. Chavez is already boasting of staging an attack with these bombers on our country, in fact! Russian President V. Putin and his puppet, Premier Medvedev, is also allied with Iran, which has nuclear bombs as its goals, and the missiles already to deliver them to Israel and European capitals. He met with the "daffy" Libyan dictator as well, so there is clear sign he aims at organizing the coming Russian led Arab confederacy against Israel such as Exekiel describes so graphically in Chapter 38. Does the CIA know anything about this? They are telling us nothing, of course. What does Washington plan to do about Chavez's bombers and the bases the Russians will build there? Nothing is said by Washington, of course. We have no real leadership from President Bush. He let Georgia be overrun and half the country bombed and invaded by the Russian army, and Georgia has been a stalwart ally of the U.S., sending a large group of soldiers to help in the Iraq war effort. Russia deliberately threatened the Caspian Sea to Turkey oil pipeline, and Putin and puppet Medvedev thumbed their noses at both America and Europe, daring them to do anything to stop them. We must pray, as our country continues essentially leaderless, and without direction except that it is drifting toward the abyss.
Mahalalel.............The Blessed God
Jared.................Shall Come Down
Methuselah............His Death Shall Bring
Lamech................The Despairing
What can we do here in America, or over in Britain? We can pray! Prayer is more powerful than the cocktail-sipping tyranocrats in Brussels and their world government that is coming into existence! We can stop this Satanic juggernaut from crushing out all our religious freedom and our national sovereignty if we will but humbly pray and beseech God for mercy and grace! He wil hear our prayers if we are sincere. His word promises us He will not forsake us if we will only repent of our sins and turn to Him, seeking His will for our lives and our nations.
I will pray alongside you, daily, as I do not ask you to do what I am not already doing.
"Peace Spurned"
"The Jewish population of what is now Israel began increasing in the 1850s and was in excess of 5 per cent by the time of the Balfour Declaration in 1917.
When Arab numbers swelled, it was because of work opportunities presented by growing Jewish industry and agriculture [isn't that ironical, that the good the Jews did in the land only brought increased Arab immigration and bigger problems eventually for them!--Ed].
The Emir Faisal (a Muslim chieftain and nobleman) and Chalm Weizmann [who was the brilliant Jewish scientist who synthesized the vital ingredient for Britain's explosives industry in World War I, aiding Britain's victory over the Central Powers, and was given in retur by the king of England and Parliament the Balfour Agreement promising a Jewish homeland in the British Mandate of Palestine) agreed at the Versailles Conference that the land could be partitioned between Jews and Arabs and that the two peoples could live in peace and prosperity.
But along came Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem. This future friend of Hitler fomented riots and public disturbances throughout the 1920s, erasing any chance of an agreement.
A large part of the blame lay with Britain, which held the Mandate for Palestine under the League of Nations but illegally separated 70 per cent of the land and created a fiction called Trans-Jordan.
In 1947, Resolution 181 offered both sides a partition based roughly along the lines of 1919. Although accepted by the Jews, it was rejected by the Arabs, who then began a terror campaign that continued until the independence of Israel in May 1948.
Then Arab armies gathered and tried to squash the fledgling state.
Because the Arabs were in 'rejectionist' mode, and continue so today through terror, they have spurned other plans, notably the Barak offer in the late 1990s which would have given themn independence."--B.K.
But the God of Israel has a big surprise, an overwhelming catastrophe, in store for Damascus and Syria's wicked and merciless tyrant, Assad. Israel will be again delivered by the hand of God from the destruction planned for her by her sworn enemies, Syria, Iran, Hezbollah, and the Palestinians. Jordan too may catch it, if Jordan sides with these wicked nations again. Egypt? We shall see if Egypt is wise enough to keep out of the Syria and Iranian confederacy against Israel. If not, Egypt too will be set aflame.
Divine Judgment may be long, long in coming for Syria (after hundreds, even thousands of years of attacking Israel mercilessly, but judgment is indeed coming! It will be all the worse for having been so long delayed. Woe to Damascus, woe to Syria! Without its capital, will there be a Syria left? It will be reduced to a province or two, in the control of its neighbors, a nation no longer--which is long deserved of course. It is said the people are not responsible, and that is partly true, but the fact remains that the Syrians produce these terrible rulers--they do not come from outside Syria, they are homegrown monsters.
God would hear such a prayer, but this prayer is not going forth from the America people. The American people are scrambling to cut their losses and stick fingers in the crumbling dyke and levee, and crossing their fingers, trying anything they can think of, hoping something they do or something some expert or government leader will do, will stop the melt-down of our economy and financial system--before we are all busted and broke, our bank accounts worthless, our money not worth the paper it is printed on!
This scripture refers to the land of Israel, but it applies directly to us in America as well, for the Bible says repeatedly that those who bless Israel will be blessed, but those who curse Israel will be cursed. We have primarily cursed Israel in the last two terms of President Bush by the land for peace policy, called the Roadmap. This Roadmap never worked, it has resulted only in more deaths and suffering of Israelis. As soon as land was given up to the enemies of Israel, these enemies used it as launching pads to shoot rockets into Israel's towns and cities. This happened with Gaza. It will happen with the West Bank next or the Golan Heights. Israel has been under intense presure by George Bush and his Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice to give up more land for "peace," which is suicide for Israel. Giving up all chance of self-defense in rendering the already tiny wedge of Israeli territory so paper thin it will be but 7 miles wide at one point--this Roadmap ensures that Israel will not be able to hold together as a sovereign nation against its many enemies and their repeated attacks. President George Bush knows this fact full well (he has hundreds of advisers who can tell him the facts, whether Israel can survive in that trunkated condition or not), but he evidently lusts for a legacy, for some great victory of statesmanship, so as to gain the plaudits of the world community, the United Nations, and ultimately the Nobel Prize Committee. If he could just arm-twist Israel to give up the Golan Heights, or the West Bank, or even a piece of Jerusalem the capital, then he would achieve his master plan's goal--though Israel would be finished, in the near future, since it would be utterly indefensible with conventional armies and conventional weapons (with no recourse left for Israel but to use its nuclear arsenal when the next allied Muslim attack comes).
President George Bush has been prepared to sacrifice Israel for his own glory and the winning of a legacy, which would be primarily his pulling off a temporary cease fire through the seeming success of his Roadmap to Peace Plan for the Middle East. Always anxious to make friends with the oil-rich regimes and leader of the Middle East (some of whom are his buddies and he invites to his ranch White House in Texas!), he is willing to let Israel go to destruction if that is the price of his "Peace Plan." Lately, reports have come out that he said to the Israeli prime minister that the U.S. will not support a pre-emptive strike by Israel against the nuclear bomb making facilities of Iran. Isn't that the most treacherous and ungrateful way to support an ally with its back up against the wall--tell Israel we will not stand by her, nor support her in any way if she has to knock out Iran's nuclear facilites to keep from being nuclear bombed?
Nor will President Bush promise do anything about Iran, other than apply the same old, useless sanctions against Iran's nuclear program in the United Nations. What a stupendous, stupifying disgrace for our nation our own President has brought upon us in his remaining months of office!
Judging from all his past and present actions in ramming the Roadmap to Peace down Israel's throat, it is clear to me that President Bush ignores and defies the Word of God regarding the everlasting Covenant God made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He will stand before Jesus Christ and have to account for his violation of this Covenant (forcing Israel to give up land God gave the people of Israel as their everlasting possession) while he was in office. I voted for George Bush for president, twice, not knowing that he was going turn against Israel and push this lunatic, anti-Israel program of his. Millions of fellow evangelicals did the same, I believe, who would not vote now for him. He took our votes in a dishonest way, fully intending to violate our trust in him that he would stand firm by the territorial integrity of Israel and not sacrifice its chances of remaining in existence, not go off on a political agenda of his own that would imperil Israel.
Despite millions of us writing to him, calling him, speaking to him personally to end this terrible policy, despite all our prayers for him and on Israel's behalf, President Bush is holding on like a bulldog to this satanic Roadmap to Israel's Destruction (which the Roadmap really is). I don't have a picture of a bulldog, but here is one of a boy hugging an enormous, delicious brownie!
George Bush's Roadmap Brownie (WARNING, YOU EAT IT AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour of betrayal of our ally Israel (this betrayal is the equivalent of cyanide, mercury, lead, e coli, and anthrax)
1/2 teaspoon baking soda treachery (deceiving his supporters, the evangelicals, to get their votes to make him president and for raising his "brownie")
1/4 teaspoon salt which has lost its savor through compromise with Israel's sworn enemies
3/4 cup sugar of winning a legacy that will win him the Nobel Peace Prize if Israel surrenders yet more strategic land to her enemies for "peace"
1/2 cup (1 stick) of butter, or flattery from the world press and media that is hostile to Israel and wants Israel wiped off the map
2 teaspoons water of bitter conscience after he achieves his devious plan to dismember Israel
One 10-0z. pkg. (1 1/2 cups) of semi-sweet chocolate morsels, the Nobel Peace Prize divided between himself and Hamas and Fatah terrorist leaders and himself
1 teaspoon vanilla extract of approval from many liberal church leaders in the U.S. and Britain who favor Israel receiving no special treatment or protection from the U.S., even though it is the only democracy in the Middle East ringed by hostile totalitarian or repressive dictatorships bent on its destruction
2 eggs (preferably rotten)--which a brave Zionist throws at President Bush as he steps out of his limoisine to proceed into the Swedish Nobel Prize Awards to stand hand in hand with Hamas and Fatah terrorist leaders of the Palestinians and make a fine speech of acceptance, while assuring the world that his Roadmap has achieved "Peace in Our Time."
Though Israel, as a tiny, lone nation swimming like a minnow in an Islamic sea full of hostile, shark-like Arab states, has a big, well-equipped, highly trained army drawn from most every man and woman of fighting capability within its 6 million population, it has depended on the U.S. as an ally in the past to bail it out of the worst confrontations. No! Israel is now cut adrift by the U.S., and they must know it, if they are still thinking in the Knesset and in the prime minister's office! 9/ll caught our country and our secret services napping (secret services that are becoming increasingly compromised from within by the politically correct policies of the Bush Administration and the consequent Islamization taking place in them), even after repeated warning tests by international Muslim terrorists, and the Israelis saw in the burning of the WTC and the Pentagon that they were wrong to throw all their eggs into our basket and expect that their nation will survive such an attack that we sustained, though it was sustained with difficulty. We forgot the lesson and moved on, keeping our army fighting overseas to prevent the conflicts from coming home with our soldiers. But that will all change radically, very soon now, if Obama takes office.
Israel is no doubt planning its moves, once Obama is in the Oval Office proving he is absolutely incompetent and unable to resist any challenge to our national security. Israel cannot sustain one major strike upon its territory, and so it must launch a preemptive stirke against Iran and any other nation that is threatening its existence, or perish. There is no luxury for Israel in being able to recoup its losses after the enemy strikes first. The Israeli military leaders know that they must strike first or there will be no Israel. It is that simple. And they also know that America will not stand with them, even if it has the ability, clearly shown in the recent case of the U.S. ally of Georgia, which America's leader, George Bush, watched Putin and Medvedev of Russia carve up with the imperial Russian Army while the White House was issuing lame protests.
This message is not only timely, it will give us an encouraging word on how to remain hopeful and positive in the midst of a sinking society and a declining church, something we badly need to stay firm on the right course in our own individual life as a follower of Christ.
You and I are looking at the moral and financial downfall of millions in America. It is not the house that is evil, it is the materialistic lust and covetousness that drive people to lunatic excesses in spending that later they deeply regret. All this happened, moreover, not by accident by by deliberate choices.
The Lord may just let us have what we demand in leaders! You want to eat fifteen banana splits with a chaser of fifty krispie kremes-okay, stuff yourself!--here they are! The medics arrive when you are writhing on the floor, to haul your bloated carcass to the morgue if pumping your stomach doesn't resusitate you. It is a grisly sight, someone who has eaten himself or herself to death in a binge of gluttony that would make it on a page in the Guiness Book of Records. This is no exaggeration, not by much: America is full of such bingers, who end up in total collapse, weighing over 600 pounds and upwards. To put coffins on them must take enough metal to make a humvee!
God is known in the Bible for sending evil spirits just to tempt wicked rulers to the excess they are capable of, given the oppportunity.
Except in Government and in the FDIC, you cannot run a business so irresponsibly this way and expect to continue long in business--you surely cannot run a nation this way and expect that nation to be around for more than a few years either. Common sense should tell us that. But we are not listening to common sense anymore, are we, fellow Americans? We are looking to Government, to Presidents and parties, to bail us all out of the results of our folly of materialism, spending, and constant borrowing to keep our extravagance and self-indulgent lifestyles going.
The evil spirit that God is sending is already here among us--a strong delusion that we have to sacrifice our principles in order to get the best man in to the Oval Office, the one who will solve all our problems, including the mortgage company and lending crisis.
Accept this man, the spirit of delusion tells us, cast our vote for him, even though he publicly supports stem cell research which is murder of human beings in the embryo. Oh, he still stands against abortion (at least we will assume so)for the lesser evil, to keep the greater evil out of the presidency! Sacrifice one principle, to save the others!
NO, NO, NO! This is not God's way. It can never be God's way, for God's way is completely righteous, beginning to end, or it is not God's way. The end never justifies the means, in God's methodology. It would be far better to vote for someone who is going to lose the election for sure, than vote for someone who will not uphold your principles, among them, the sanctity of life. If you compromise on one, say, the sanctity of life, you compromise all the other values you cherish. All will go on the block for sale, one by one. Give up one principle to save the others, you will end by losing all of them, sooner or later. Yes, it is infinitely better to side with a loser who stands on the principles and means it, than to go with someone who compromises on one or more with the aim he will do better than the other fellow who is against all your principles. At least with the one who is against you totally, he has not compromised your beliefs and tainted your conscience. You have not sold out your conscience and beliefs to Him! As long as you haven't done that, the country is not entirely lost. Time and again, solitary individuals refused to go with the popular flow, move with the fashionable tide of the mainstream culture, risking the loss of reputation, position, life and limb and family and property to do so--they may have landed in prison, been tortured, then faced a criminal's noose or executioner (just take a look into Foxe's Book of Martyrs!)--but these individuals knew even in the pangs of agony and death, sometimes being burned at the stake, that they were doing the very best thing a man of integrity could do, stand on what was right, not bow to Nebuchadnezzar and his golden idol.
These men are heroes now! They are shining saints in heaven, after what they sacrificed for the truth of God and what was right. The compromising, "easy-does-it", complaisant, conforming multitudes that "went with the flow'? Where are they all now? It is terrible to think where they are. It has got to be a very hot, dark place, that is for certain.
The spirit of delusion is telling us right now at this moment to compromise. Just one little principle or two, it is whispering in our ear--and you will get the man who is more likely to win, if we all vote for him! Otherwise, the other fellow, who is against ALL our principles, will sweep into the Oval Office with a landslide victory, thereby dooming the country to socialism and rampant Big Government and runaway taxation!
Who will you, dear one, listen to? Who will I? A spirit of strong delusion urging you and me to compromise to vote for and help gain an election victory for a man who is on public record against the sanctity of life, for one thing, just to ensure for us the other things he promises to uphold (promises which he probably will not keep once in power and beyond the reach of those who voted him in)? Or will we listen to the God of righteousness, who says,
God keeps all his promises, unlike fickle, changeable, and self-serving men, who seldom keep any unless they think it is to their advantage to give or do what they promised. Believing God, we will be saved. Believing men, we will surely be deceived and go to destruction. Men will always fail us, but God--never!!! The Bible teaches this truth cover to cover! We ignore it to our peril.
I have been listening at various times to the leading radio conservatives, some of the best of them already framing the question of whether it is a good idea to strain at McCain, for instance, and swallow an Obama. The question is a rhetorical one (not a real question demanding a real answer). Of course, they think and clearly say that Obama must be kept out of power at all costs, and even if most conservatives have a problem with Senator McCain, he is much the better option when compared with Senator Barak Hussain Obama. This way of putting it seems to be eminent sense--but it is hardly the spiritual way to look at it, and hardly the way God looks at such things. These conservatives are more than willing to compromise some cherished conservative beliefs of theirs in order to get McCain into the Oval Office and, thereby, keep Obama out. Sorry, this will never pass muster with the Lord! The end never justifies the means, we said before. One evil is not greater than another, in God's eyes. Choose the lesser evil to shut out the greater evil? That isn't the option for a Christian, not a true one, that is. When you have to compromise to vote for a certain candidate, you have damaged your conscience and integrity, and whatever you think you gain by that is actually lost. You have joined the crowd--who have done just that in voting for the opposing candidate! You have put yourself, not on the higher moral ground, but on the lower ground with them! Tragically, you will have to share the coming judgment and destruction coming to them by virtue of their evil choices.
I have just viewed the interview that Joni Lamb on Daystar gave to David Barton of Wallbuilders Ministry, which was excellent. But one thing is troubling that he said. When it was mentioned about Senator McCain's stem cell research support, David Barton acknowledged it, but said that Senator McCain had come out in statements that he would take a different view, and would not be a supporter. Though he is of the elect, David Barton right there crossed over the line, forgetting his own declared principle, of going by the track records (which he repeated was his principle on Joni's interview with him) of the candidates, not by what they say in their campaigns in order to win votes. David Barton showed he would overlook the track record of Sen. McCain and trust his campaign statement to concerned conservatives and evangelicals who know about Sen. McCain's support in Congress of stem cell research. David Barton showed by this he would trust Sen. McCain's statement rather than his proven track record, believing Sen. McCain would abide by his promise. Moreover, I do not buy his statement about people demanding perfection in candidates, which is unrealistic in his view. According to him, they are violating the "principle of instrumentalism."
Ahem, David Barton! I have respected and valued all your previous contributions to the cause of religious freedom and the Christian foundations of our country, government, and society. But I have to take issue with you on this vital point. Where in the Bible, where in scripture, and where in recorded history (secular and Biblical) is this principle you cite so passionately, found and vindicated? You want us Christians to overlook flaws and a proven track record on stem cell research in order to get a man in to do some good you presume he will do according to his promises made in the heat of a presidential campaign? To do otherwise is "violating the principle of instrumentalism"? Baloney, sir! God calls us to holiness, without a loophole or a disclaimer or a waive or a lay-away or a rainy day check. We must live holy, and vote holy, at all times, not making an exception on November 4, or when it is we vote in this election. Just the spirit of this so-called principle (which is just a reworking of the communist mantra, "the end justifies the means") stinks. The Spirit of God is not in this principle of yours, Mr. Barton. I am sorry you have begun promoting this to the Christian community. I will be praying for you, that some peer of yours will speak to you, to remind you of certain things you need to consider regarding God's holiness, his absolute demand for absolute truth, and his standard that can never be compromised justifiably and be called Christian.
Going back to a previous point of issue with David Barton and the McCain candidacy: How can David Barton do such a thing as to trust McCain's campaign promise over his recorded voting record? That promise is just a word of a fallible man, not a record of his deeds that you can point to as solid fact showing conclusvely were the man stands on this issue. We cannot trust the shifting stands and crowd-pleasing words of any of these professional politicians, as we know full well from the past performances of politicians that once they are in office they act just the opposite as they have promised. But David Barton showed he too can compromise and make exceptions, as he did in this most important case, and trust McCain's slippery word (given in a heated, political, presidential campaign to a group of potential but suspicious McCain voters) over his track record in the Senate. Sorry, I do not trust men in these positions, and I certainly do not trust myself to politicians and what they promise. I chose to go by their records in Congress, exclusively. I cannot, for this one or that one, make exceptions. Therefore, I cannot violate my principle of record over verbal promise, though David Barton, sadly, can do that and actually is influencing millions of conservatives and evangelicals (via the Joni program and Daystar) to do as he is doing in regard to McCain's record of stem cell research. This is a most sad fact, and the following is proof that you cannot trust men and believe their speeches and promises over their actions in the past. As related by her son (who later sat in church singing hymns while hearing the screaming from the jam-packed cattle cars as they rolled by on the tracks outside the church window hauling Jews to the Nazi death camps), a certain evangelical lady, after voting for a man who (despite his sorry record of promoting civil anarchy, violence and hatred against Jews and other minorities, and ruthless leadership of his fanatical followers to achieve his ends by all means) had promised he would be the German Messiah and restore Germany's lost glory and preeminence in Europe, later met a friend in a public place, and she whispered, "Do you think we voted for the Anti-Christ?" Winston Churchill had warned years before that Hitler was a "monster of wickedness," but she and millions others like her plugged her ears, ignored the warnings of the Bible and Hitler's track record before he took supreme power in Germany, and paid the terrible consequences later on.
By then, when she realized Hitler was a monster of wickedness, but it was too late to turn back! She (and millions of evangelical Christians like her, the elect of German churches) had given in to a spirit of strong delusion, and would ultimately lose everything after compromising her conscience as a Christian. This is the same test for us today, at this very hour. Fellow Americans! Come to your senses! We must return to the Bible and the righteousness of the Word of God, without which we will have no nation worth saving. It is our opportunity. Either we trust God, and vote accordingly, or trust men, and compromise our consciences just to get a certain candidate into the Oval Office. We are in the awesome Valley of Decision, balanced for the moment in the scale so divine justice. What will we do? What will we decide? Stand with Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego, and later Joshua, or with that terrified, conscience-stricken German lady back in the days of Nazi Germany? It is our choice now! No where in the Bible does it advise us to trust men with our cherished beliefs, or compromise our conscience for the sake of a securing a political office for a man of our choosing. What is it going to be?
Blue is the color of heaven. Blue is the color of truth [old expression: "He is true blue."] Blue is the color of healing [as in Blue Cross].
Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits, whether they are of God;
because many false prophets have gone into the world.
By this you know the Spirit of God:
every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has
come in the flesh is of God.
And every spirit that does nto confess
that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh,
is not of God.
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist,
which you have heard was coming,
and is now already in the world.
You are of God, little children, and have overcome
them, because He who is in you is greater
than he who is in the world.
They are of the world.
Therefore they speak as of the world,
and the world hears them.
We are of God. He who knows God hears us;
he who is not of God does not hear us.
By this we know the spirit of truth
and the spirit of error.
Reported on the Ankerberg show by two former Muslims who as Turkish youth became convinced Islam was fundamentally flawed and courageously converted to Y'shua, Muslims are taught that Jesus is a prophet of Islam, but only a prophet, and a lesser one of course than Muhammed. Well, as we all know, Arabs and Jews and Christians, Jesus (called Issa in Islam) was tried for sedition and blasphemy by the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem in 33 A.D., then tried by Pilate, found innocent of the charges initially, but then condemned by Pilate for expediency's sake and for keeping his job as Roman procurator in Judaea (a lesser post under the Governor of Syria that included the sub-province of Judaea).
As Mr. Ankerberg's former Muslim guests were asked initially by their pastor, what was Jesus's blasphemy specifically? They had to answer to their pastor at the time that it was CLAIMING TO BE GOD. Now the pastor of these two Muslim youth (where they were visiting to inquire about the Christian faith) challenged them: how could they as Muslims then have a legitimate prophet called Issa (or Jesus) who had claimed before a Jewish court and Roman procurator to be God, since only Allah was their God, and of course Allah had no son! That was, the Muslim brothers realized, unanswerable. Islam, which contained a single great flaw as this one had to be, was fundamentally unsound: Islam was, in other words, FALSE!
That settled it for them, they converted to Christianity!
You can see this Ankerberg show yourself to watch this segment about the conversion of the two Turklish Muslim brothers to Christ by going to the Ankerberg website.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.