Smokey Robinson, for example, says right out on TBN that he can go anywhere in the world and enjoy life as a Christian, but what he did not say (as I watched) is that he thinks he can play gigs at casinos (one right in my area is called Emerald Queen, shaped like a Mississipi riverboat, and built on a Tacoma port waterway by the misguided Indian tribe running it!) and enjoy the alcohol-laced high life there and still be a witnessing Christian you should respect, but where is the godly lifestyle, where the denial of the carnal flesh, where the clinging to the Cross of Jesus Christ and going outside the camp and bearing the same reproach that Christ bore? Smokey has his way that supposedly "works for him" and his career in popular music--but it is not the right way, sorry to say. Many "evangelists" and performers like him have bought into that selfish, worldly philosophy, that says you can have your worldly cake as a Christian and eat it too and still be a follower of Jesus Christ--but, no, you cannot! Scripture cautions us repeatedly to be sober, committed, dedicated, self-sacrificing soldiers of Christ, now and to the end. We are to avoid even the appearance of evil. Witnessing to lost sinners, we do not drink and laugh at dirty jokes and gamble with them, while taking their money as our fees for entertaining them! We are not children of the devil, acting just like them to be accepted as one of them and their crowd, we are children of light, children of God. We must not turn off the narrow road leading to the narrow gate. That road is full of stones and is rocky and mostly steep and uphill, causing us discomfort, pain, and even death for some, but we must continue on it or lose the rewards God has waiting for us in heaven if we persevere. Why exchange all what God has in heaven for the passing earthly glories and lusts and carnal things of this world? Many are doing that--but let us be wise, let us love Jesus enough, to not follow their bad examples and follow the Lord Jesus and His example as set forth in the Bible. Then we can be assured of eternal happiness and fellowship with God. Any other way is a deception, it will only lead us to destruction and loss, beloved.
I am the Bible.
I am God's wonderful library.
I make known to all, Him who is Truth.
To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.
To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur and South Sudan, or the well-off American enslaved by materialism and self-indulgment and self-centeredness and ease] I am glorious light.
To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.
To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.
To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed by the storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who suffer in lonely solitude,
I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.
Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.
The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown
"When you have read the Bible, you know it is the word of God, because it is the key to your heart, your own happiness and your own duty."--Woodrow Wilson
From the slopes of Mount Rainier, Washington, greetings from Ronald Ginther:
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of Middle East and Its Religions (featuring Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
What a wonderful God! He is personal, beyond all we can hope for or comprehend. The Bible reveals God's three-beinged personhood--in all His majesty, power, and love and grace. You will never find God as such in the Koran, the Vedas, the Book of Mormon, in Ekancar, in Mary Baker Eddy's Science and Health, With a Key to the Scriptures, in the Tao, in Confucius's Books. We are called by God to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and God loves us back, infinitely more than we love him--now that is a PERSONAL GOD.
You will never hear a Muslim singing this song's chorus, since only a person singing to another Person, God, can sing these words with heartfelt emotion, gratitude, and joy:
Secular Fundamentalism and Islam are hand in hand enemies of America and the Christian faith that formed America and founded her and her liberties that are admired the world over (and hated by all those who hate God, hate Jesus, and hate individual fredom and religious liberty).
We find this deadly collusion of Islam and Secular Fundamentalism, and the quintessential betrayal and selling out of of America to our enemies, personfied in Mr. Jimmy Carter. Former President Jimmy Carter, for instance, is a fanatical secular fundamentalist posing as an evangelical Christian. What his behavior and acts show is greatly different from what he wants us to think about him. He is not for peace (and he is not for America either). He is a vicious anti-Semite, he hates Israel and the Jews, and wants them done away with, any way that can be achieved (even through terrorism), because to his mindset, the Jews and Israel are the world's biggest problem and impediment to achieving world peace, not radical Muslims and Islam. How do we know this? He says so--clearly and unequivocably in his recently published book (the title of this horrible production I keep forgetting) and in his connections with terrorists and terrorist-supporting Muslim regimes in the Mideast who in turn support him with millions of dollars. When fifteen of his Carter Center prestigious experts walked out when he went on public record and endorsed terrorism against Israel in his new book, accusing Israel of being an apartheidist state, a charge that is blatantly untrue, he hotly defended his book and his beliefs that Israel was in the wrong, not its attackers, the Muslim countries and the terrorists coming from them. To view the online slide show on Jimmy Carter's virulent and implacable anti-Semitism, go to:
Please go to Part I of "The Great Heathen Army," by Ronald Ginther, to review the hard lessons that Britain's long, torturous experience with the attacking barbarian and heathen Vikings or Northmen can teach us, when we desperately need a guiding ray of light amid this gathering gloom and darkness and confusion.
The website will give you his email address at the Whitehouse. Do not expect any answer to him, otherwise than a canned automatic response that your email has been received. Nobody reads the email, other than the electronic scanners that do it to detect possible threats to the President. This is unfortunate, as he truly needs to hear from the American people. Email is a most excellent way to reach him, if only he would assign people to treat the email as it deserves, just as regular snail mail is treated. Perhaps it is best to call, but if that is too expensive, and even stamps are too expensive for most of us, we have to settle on email, and know that God regards what we say, though it may well be ignored by the White House. We Christian Americans cannot stop petitioning, even though President Bush and our other leaders continue to turn a deaf ear. As we petition him and the others, we are doing our duty under God to our nation. We are also seeking God for our nation in that act--as we prayerfully submit these petitions. We will not have to stand before God someday and acknowledge that we sat idly by, complaining, and did nothing else when our nation sank into the abyss of immorality, rebellion against God, and then destruction by our enemies.
On June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it would be unconstitutional for any school to authorize Bible reading and recitation of the Lord's prayer. But nothing was said against the teaching of evolution in the schools, a teaching which implies the Genesis record of creation to be a myth, while claiming that man sprang from the brute beast. This rank hoax, the religion of atheists and infidels is being taught in the schools and colleges. Parents who believe the Bible should find out if the Christian college or public school to which they send their children uses these textbooks. Such teaching can rob their children's faith in God." (page 27)
What the extraordinarily loquacious Obama does NOT say one word about and does NOT want Americans to know is his close connections with Islamic militancy and terrorism. Family usually is a good indicator about what members of that family are all about. Obama's father is Muslim, and Obama's brother, "Roy," is a militant Muslim in Kenya, a country lately torn apart with bloody, genocidal massacres of one tribe against another, mainly because the ruling Kikiyu tribe holding the government for years as its personal fief has been so oppressive and tyrannous to the other Kenyans that it has completely corrupted the election process to keep its power and wealth-producing positions and offices. You won't hear Mr. Obama acknowledging these dismal facts.
Behind these two dishonest individuals stand the hugely powerful and monied elites of this country, who are in league with the elites of corrupt, dying old Europe. Guess who will pull the strings of the winning candidate, whether Republican or Democrat? Guess who? It will not be God, or the Bible, or morality, or what is good for America--it will be these same power-hungry, corrupt elites who have stood behind the thrones of Europe and America for generations. We the American people are powerless, with a representative government that is pure sham and quackery, but we have God to turn and run to--He alone can deliver us out of their hands and save us! They think they know better than God and the Bible how to govern us, but they are shameless nincompoops, proven wrong time after time, but never learning that human reason and human power does not have the capacity to solve humanity's problems.
Lately a few brave souls are speaking up among the black Christians, and they are to be greatly commended and supported. But it will take a great revival to do what they desire for their people. That can only come in tandem with a great revival for all Americans, regardless of color, class, and creed, as we are all in this together, whether it is liked or not. When the nation is going down, as this one is, we are all going down together, just as all the passengers of the Titanic, whatever race, class, or degree of wealth, went down together (though a lot of the rich managed to get off in larger percentages due to their first call on the boats, even though women and children were supposed to have first call according to the still Christian values and ethical code of Edwardian society in Britain and the U.S.).
This was the monster who can be put right alongside of Genghis Khan and Hitler and Stalin as one of history's biggest murderers of humanity? And why Margaret Sanger on this page of an avowed, fanatical atheist organization that aims to secularize America and make us bow the knee to the Goddess of Atheism that they worship? Little, sweet-looking Margaret is there for good reason--these atheists and anti-Americans making up this organization fully agree with her lifelong, vitriolic, relentless attacks on Christianity and Christian values that founded and make America the unique nation that it is--that can be the only explanation for this secular fundamentalist and atheistic activist site identifying with her. This is the founder of a birth control organization that evolved into Planned Parenthood. But as to the facts of her life, what can they tell us about her? Research her, and find out. Then check back here for my own comments. Compare to see if you and I agree on the basic points. Her life is known, her books are in the library, various bills and rulings of the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court owe a great deal to her teachings on eugenics and birth control and even abortion. We as Christians need to be informed, and to be informed we must make an effort to learn ourselves what somebody is about, not just listen to others tell us. Compare her with the Bible and its teachings, however. How does she come off as compared with the Ten Commandments, with the principles of the Bible, with the holiness and godliness of the saints portrayed in scripture, with the teachings of Christ? Measure her against God's ruler. Then we can know the tree by its fruit and tell what kind of tree it is.
To get her agenda accepted and implemented, Margaret Sanger had invaluable help from very important people. The immensely rich, elitist, philantrophic family of the John D. Rockefellers, for instance, supported the infamous Margaret Sanger and her birth control activism since the early days of her radical, atheist, eugenics movement, which has spawned the death industry of Planned Parenthood and the epidemic of abortion and infanticide in America, with the resulting cheapening and devaluation of human life. During the Thirties, Dr. Eugen Fischer, a
Nazi, visited her to learn about her eugenics, and we know that Hitler put into production a pure Aryan Race by using selected German males and females at special eugenics centers he set up. There the females were bred, and children produced. We know what he did to the "unfit," the Gypsies, the Jews, the Slavic races of Russians, Ukrainians, etc. Though Margaret Sanger opposed such genocide, her own version of
eugenics led directly to the genocide called "abortion," which has killed more human life than Hitler ever did (as many as 1 billion babies worldwide have been aborted, thanks in large measure to her devilish ideas).
Yesterday I went to the Internet to find out about the infamous Ms. Margaret Sanger, and, surprising me very much, a picture of her as a young, attractive, demure-looking woman appeared on the website homepage of the atheistic, anti-American organization, "Americans United for Separation of Church and State."
Margaret Sanger, whatever her reasons, was an unfaithful mother and wife. She left her husband and her children, went to Europe and had a number of love affairs,
with H.G. Wells the historian and science fiction writer, and Havelock Ellis the sexuality researcher, and when she returned to America her daughter died shortly after. What kind of mother and wife was that? She was an adulteress and a deadbeat mother--hardly
a paragon of virtue, hardly somebody you could hold up as an example to youth to emulate. She went on to continue her activism for birth control (which evolved into the abortion on demand movement legitimized in Supreme Court rulings and the formation of Planned Parenthood). This information has been taken from Americans for Separation of Church and State and Wikipedia. Her own books, listed on Wikipedia, are a good source of what she actually believed and taught--if you can stomach reading them.
But our leaders in government are liars too--giving the youth the assurance that this practice is approved and okay, a good way to get all the way to the top. A President, Bill Clinton, lied to a Grand Jury under oath, and went away unaffected. He was acquitted by the Senate after being impeached in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was acquitted, even though every Senator knew he was guilty a thousand times over of lying. But lying did not matter to the U.S. Senate, as its vote of acquittal showed the world, as well as the younger generation, that lying was not a problem with them.
Back in the nineties, I was impressed by a certain sure feeling that our nation was being weighed in the balance in God's divine scales of judgment. I recall the very moment and where I was when I realized this. I saw that there was not a significant measurable amount of truth in the nation. Our side of the scales dipped straight down! At the same time, our cup, as a nation and a people, was full of lies to the brim, and even overflowing onto the other nations, polluting them with our lies and whoredoms! We stood, as it were, by a big fat zero--no truth in anything we said. We had lost all connection with the truth. We were liars, continually.
'There is no sin...'
A 'slain Christ has no meaning.'
'The journey to the cross should be the last "useless journey."'
'Do not make the pathetic error of "clinging to the old rugged cross."'
'The Name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol...It is a symbol that is safely used as a replacement for the many names of all the gods to which you pray.'
'God is everything I see.'
'The recognition of God is the recognition of yourself.'
'The oneness of the Creator and the creation is your wholeness, your sanity and your limitless power.'
'The Atonement is the final lesson he [man] need learn, for it teaches him that, never having sinned, he has no need of salvation.'"
This course of blasphemy and deception is anti-Christ, and has the anti-Christ spirit speaking throughout it, apparently. It is like having Satan whispering right into your ear, day after day, for the course is broken up into 365 segments or lessons. "A lesson a day throughout the year will completely cover the 365 lessons... Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset." --a Satanic mindset dressed up in New Age religion!
Thank you, Oprah and Friends, for you have shown your true, New Age Religion and Satanic colors! I will be writing to Oprah, and my mother, who has visited the program, will also have something to say to Oprah against this satanic attack on Christianity by Oprah and her New Age Religionist friends. This is serious stuff. Attacking the Godhead, attacking Jesus--denying the truth of the Redemption of Christ, the need for everyone to be saved from our sins, and substituting a false god, our own self, for the only true and real God--that is going to land Ms. Oprah right into the flamepits of hell, unless we pray and her mind is opened to the truth of the Gospel and she repents. Just think of the millions she has already led astray, and the thousands no doubt that are in hell today, suffering indescribable pain, grief, and torment, due to her deceiving them for sheer profit and fame and the advancement of her entertainment empire.
We hear all the time that the Prosperity Gospel is Biblical, when it is clearly not. The Bible is supposed to contain hundreds, even thousands of verses dealing with money, as if that is proof that God endorses the Prosperity Gospel. Then Job, Abraham and the Patriarchs, David, Solomon, are ALWAYS showcased as examples of men of God whom God blessed with great riches. Riches are then presented as benign blessings, which we do not have to beware of in the least. Riches become instead a right we Christians can expect and demand from God (so the poor, Third World Africans are assured, by the way, watching American Christian TV's televangelists preaching the Prosperity Gospel on program after prgram!). We "deserve" them, we are "entitled" to them.
Now I do not like poverty any more than anyone else (having grown up in a poor family due to my dad's early death when I was five years old), but is this gospel Biblical or not? We really need to know the truth about it. The chief promoters claim it is. How are they mistaken or misleading or deceived on this subject?
Let us go to the Ultimate Authority on this question, not the lips of lying or self-deceived "experts" who have something to gain by promoting a false gospel. This Ultimate Authority is the Bible (not Joyce Meyer, or Mike Murdock, or Paul Crouch, or Kenneth Copeland, or Jesse Duplantis, or Marcus Lamb, or Paula White, etc.), which we do not have to comment on, it is so perfectly clear in what it says about riches. As an introduction, here is a chilling verse (Prosperity Preachers be warned!), seldom preached on (I have never heard it preached on): "Some men's sins are clearly evident, preceding them to judgment, but those of some men follow later. Likewise, the good works of some are clearly evident, and those that are otherwise cannot be hidden."--Paul writing to Timothy, I Tim. 5:24-25.
Just below the above statement, Paul states the following about riches and the snares that come with them as a warning for Pastor Timothy and all the people and churches that Timothy had responsibility for:
"Useless wranglings of men of corrupt minds and destitute of the truth, who suppose that godliness is a means of gain. From such withdraw yourself.
Now godliness with contentment is great gain.
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.
But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and harmful lusts which drown men in destruction and perdition.
For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and gentleness."
"The good and the better are the enemies of the best. If you want the best, you are going to have to make the journey into the unknown."--John Hagee, Cornerstone Church, San Antonio, Texas
His mother, by the way, said (and being a woman of prayer, she knows what she is talking about): "No prayer, no power. Some prayer, some power. Much prayer, much power."
Walking with Alfred (Lord) Tennyson in his garden, a friend asked him, "What do you think of Christ?" The great poet, stooping to examine a flower at his feet, replied: "What sunshine is to that flower, the Lord Jesus Christ is to my soul!"
Next, ever wonder how to deal with the seemingly omniscient, all-knowing claims of evolutionists about sedimentary and other layers of rocks being millions of years old, in order to establish Evolutionary Theory on what appears to be rock-solid scientific dating techniques? Most of us are not able to deal with such claims (even though we suspect they are not proven fact, even though evolutionists claim to know to know all kinds of specific things about what was going on in the far distant past with different species, which they cannot possibly know, not having been there), but Christians who are trained, professional, recognized in their field, and working scientists and mathematicians are able to question these highly problematic and even spurious claims of evolutionists, and have done it. See for yourself:
The idea of the existence of an
Noble Savage originated chiefly, I believe, with Jacques Rousseau and St. Just and other rationalists and atheists in the French Revolutionary period of the late 18th century. You can see this idea strongly reflected in some of the important French Impressionist paintings of the 19th century as well. Nature is portrayed idealistically, with "noble savages" (by a primitivist, Rousseau, no relation to the philosopher Jacques Rousseau) draped among the luxuriant foliage of palms and coconuts, with tropical, highly colored mountains rising in the background, and sea waves breaking languidly on idyllic beaches that look like the advertisements for 5-star luxury resorts. Paul Gauguin, a French Impressionist painter-friend of
Vincent Van Gogh's, took off from the sophisticated Parisian scene and dove into the
actual scenery he loved to paint by going to the
South Pacific islands and revelling in the life of the "noble savages." In the process he discovered a hell, in which he later died of VD, after infecting many a Tahitian girl with his
terrible disease. The idea, however, seems to have nine lives. It popped up in Western forklore about the Cowboy of the Wild West, and produced umpteen Hollywood films about the exploits of
Western heroes that existed really only in Hollywood script writer's imaginations. The real people behind the mythical characters--Wyatt Earp, etc.,--were almost always absolute scoundrels, dirty ones at that, who
preferred to shoot their rivals in the back rather than stand and face them "like a real gun-slinger" in the classic duel of the Main Street shoot-out we see in the movies.
Old myths die hard, and the idea continued to percolate in educational circles, spreading the stupid notion that native tribes, for instance, were somehow "noble" or uncontaminated by Western culture and should be left absolutely alone in pristine isolation in their
wild, uncivilized habitats, lest they put on clothes and run electric line to their grass shacks and, horrors, connect a TV, radio, stove and dishwasher to it!
Anthropologists, people who are trained in universities to study human cultures and
their changes and interaction with their environments, were sold the idea that these native, non-Western cultures were "unspoiled" and should be left that way. They didn't mind that they were bringing their own ways to these natives as they used cameras, consumed
prepared foods, popped purifiers into their drinking water, traveled in elaborate means like planes, helicopters, ATVs and jeeps, all costing thousands of grant monies to get to the isolated people groups to study them and record their cultures and traditions in order to write books and get published and well-known (and also get higher degrees and
credentials and prestigious awards for their scholarly work so they could go and speak at high profile conferences of their peers!).
Now the whipping boy for the Westerinizing of these isolated people groups of "noble savages" was not the anthropologist direct from a Western university in America or Europe but the the poorly paid, self-sacrificial, Christian missionary carrying the Gospel! The anthropologists, whenever they got in a jam and needed to be carried out of an area or shown the way the out to civilization at least, was
first to use a missionary who knew, but he got no thanks for his help, for he was a "contaminator," a "spoiler" of the noble savages the anthropologist came to study as if he were looking at an insect under glass. I have heard this from the missionaries--so it is not made up!
The missionaries had a different view they were acting on, you see, not based on the French Revolution's atheists
trying to reform society and remove all God and religion from public life so as to return mankind to a primal Garden of Eden innocence and state of perfection. The missionaries looked upon people, not insects, not fictitious noble savages, but real, needy souls who, regardless of their culture and traditions and skin color, were fallen hopelessly in sin and demonic bondage and poverty and squalor and needed rescue and transformation by the power of the Gospel of Jesus
The missionaries brought sanitation and personal hygiene, medicines, literacy, and, best of all, the Gospel and the Bible and the knowledge of a Personal God loving them in the Person of Jesus Christ the Savior. As in the case of the Wycliffe organization, they devoted their lives to putting into writing the native language, which until that time was usually
oral and unwritten, so that the people of that language could learn to read the Bible and the truth of the Gospel in their own language! They could then decide for themselves if they wanted it--the light--or preferred to remain in darkness amidst animism, cruel, tormenting demons and spirits, bloody, unrelenting tribal warfare, and blind and cruel traditions that had held that tribe's people in bondage and fear and degradation for centuries.
The missionaries still offer these wonderful, life-and-death things--but, nevertheless, the stale, worn-out
ideal of the French Revolution and later the naive-minded French Impressionists continues to work its
poisonous way through the governments and educational systems of developing countries. In Brazil, for instance, regarding the tribes of the Amazon Basin, the
New Tribes Mission is forbidden to contact certain tribes that the government has
declared off-limits and under government care (like a certain species of trees in a nature preserve), though there is no way to keep the highly aggressive Brazilian cattler grazers, farmers and oil men and outright thieves and swindlers from going and exploiting them any way they can--and shooting them when the resistance of the tribe is too strong and they find they can't force their way. With literacy, with hygiene, with medicine, and especially the Gospel, these tribes stand a good chance of dealing with the ever-encroaching civilization of the majority culture in the big cities. Without these basic tools, their case is hopeless, they are going to be overrun and exploited. Whole tribes sicken and die off due to the lack of medicine and medical care, while the missionaries who have the medical knowledge and means are prevented from reaching them--by the government which is supposely "protecting" the Indians from exploiters and encroachers!
The Brazilian government has a high government minister charged with the tribes' welfare, but this is foolish and cosmetic, as he cannot protect these tribes in the isolated interior by forbidding missionaries--he is excluding the very people who can help the tribes
attain self-sufficiency and fight off encroachments that would destroy them--disease brought in by Brazilian settlers and colonizers, drug traffiking, destruction of the tribal language which, without the missionaries, is left unwritten.
Contact with Western culture is unavoidable. All sorts of companies want to exploit the Amazon Basin's resources, and the Indians opposing them are being forced to retreat--or face being shot on sight. So which kind of contact is it to be? The good kind brought by missionaries, who are now highly trained in cultural sensitivity, or by
those who are out to exploit the Indians of the Amazonian basin?
Governments and university-trained educational elites, however, are slow to give up bad ideas. "The
Noble Savage" is one of those bad ideas that has aflicted millions and caused the suffering and needless deaths and rampant exploitation of millions of tribal peoples throughout the world.
What makes this notion so hard to stop is the primitivism that is so idealized by sohisticated, affluent Westerners from universities. They themselves would not choose to live indefinitely
as native Indians do, without all the aids of Western society and technology and
education--they would soon sicken and die a miserable death, and a needless one at that! Nobody has to live without a chance of improvement anywmore. How can that chance be denied the Indians of the Amazon Basin and other native tribal groups? There is, with education and literary, and especially the Gospel, a way out to a better life. So why deny it to native peoples? Primitivism, the idea that people should be left in their primitive state, is
something Westerners can afford to cultivate, because they do not bear any of the longtime, horrible human costs of such an unworldly, unrealistic view of life. A Gauguin painting on someone's living room wall would cost today in the millions, but it should go in the trash can--it is so pathetic. Gaugain himself realized he had been self-deceived, after going to the the paradises of the tropics and finding out life there, among the
so-called noble savages, was indescribably bestial and hopeless and, worst of all to a city-bred man of the world, deadly dull--not at all the halcyon,
innocent Eden he had been led to believe by the romance novels and semi-biaography of Jacques Rouseau, the French philosopher who championed the idea of the
Noble Savage.
But the arrogant intellectuals, the anthropologists from the West still have not
woken up from their wish-fantasy and pipe dream, they still believe in a Shangri-la
populated by noble, free, sinless savages. They still bitterly resent and oppose missionaries and do everything they can to stop them, by government laws and decrees, from helping the native tribes to stand on their own feet and decide for themselves how they want to live.
If there is any one group that has promoted the
Noble Savage Myth more than others, it is the editors and contributors and the Board of of Trustees of the
Geographic Society. Their magazine has featured, decade after decade,
highly colored spreads on one tribe after another, extolling the pristine, unspoiled culture of each tribe, while deploring whenever possibly the enroads and endeavors of missionaries, as if they could only harm the tribe's culture. Usually they show the people as naked as blue jays (stationing cameras at the various bathing water holes), as if native Indians are most pristine without clothes--and human beings are to be seen and understood as some kind of naked ape, as a best-selling book once proclaimed in its title. This same magazine and society, produced and staffed by the Brahmins of the Eastern Establishment, who go to Ivy League colleges and universities and know each other by their first names, are vigorous in support of Darwinian Evolution. No mind that this theory is mathematically untenable!
No matter it is a hoax in the macro-evolutionary sense! They print issue after issue full of the new findings of supposedly pre-hominid and proto-hominid ancestors of Modern Man and various rivals who did not make it this far, such as "Neandertal Man." This farcical science, illustrated with
imaginative artist's productions of the various primitive human species or ancestral hominids various anthrologists, such as Leakey in Africa, is claimed to be science, despite nothing certain about it has yet been discovered and documented. All is subject to interpretation, and "maybes" and "possiblys" and all sorts of interesting but scientifrically
unverified conjectures abound in these reports. Look through their articles, and just see how many such conjectures occur in a single account of Early Man! The documentaries produced for TV are the same, in that they are riddled with conjectures that are portrayed as cold, hard, empirical science, when there is really no basis for claiming they are speaking for empirical science--since there is no verification!
It is time to roll back these ever-encroaching Dark Ages in science, and the "soft science" of cultural anthropology included needs to do some sober thinking about its
lack of scientific attitude and scientific professionalism. Consensus is not science--something many seem to have forgotten or dismiss as archaic. The Darwinian sacred cows of the scientific and academic communities need to be retired and put out to pasture, rather than be wined and dined. Let classic, empirical science, fully based on the Scientific Method, return full strength. It is no threat to the Bible and its everlasting truths, no threat to Genesis's account of the Creation of the Universe and the world and the Fall of Man. Let the universities and colleges of the West return to genuine scholarship and an honest handling of scientific research and subjects under scrutiny. And let it not be postponed any longer! We have dumbed down and
prejudiced an entire generation in the schools. They now believe what has not ever been proven. They are prone to accept any propaganda and indoctrination, and don't know how to exercise critical thinking before they accept a theory. They will believe anything now--thanks to the letting down of the historic standards for scientific truth and verification in the interests of popular liberal myths and notions such as the
Noble Savage, Evolution, a Random Universe, and, may Pascal, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and other genuine scientists not turn over in their graves, Al Gore's "World-wide Global Warming" caused by man's carbon emissions.--R. Ginther.
Though there are some valid reasons for conserving and preserving the earth and its resources, though we ought to be wide in the use of it and humane in the treatment of animals (though God gave them for our use, and we ought not to give that up to the animal activists), this movement has been hijacked by the radical left in America and the West. It has at its heart the repudiation of God as Creator and Ruler over all the earth. God entrusted Adam with the overlordship over the animals on the land, in the sky, and in the sea, and over the plantlife. They were intended for blessing him and making his
life pleasant. They are also necessary to all life, including human life. But God did not intend that we worship the Creation and the Creature, and substitute them for the One True God. He did not intend that man be viewed as just another animal species, that man cannot claim superiority over "other animals," and there, as the animal activists preach, he has no basis for exploiting and using them for his benefit. They even object to the chicken industry, even though these chickens are hatched and raised purely for
the domestic meat consumption of Americans! This is cruelty to animals, they claim.
Not in God's eyes! He gave us the animals to take, kill, and eat, along with the plants and herbs. They are His blessings to us, to sustain our life on the earth.
But Environmentalism overturns God's sovereignty, Man's stewardship over the animals and plants, and promotes a cockeyed, pantheistic religion of the earth centered on the mythical "Mother Nature," or Gaea, as she was called in Greek and Roman pagan religion. We ought not to subscribe, as Christians, to this essentially pagan religion.
Instead, we need to put our dollars and efforts into the opposite world-view and the
serving of God and the propagation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord of the whole earth. Environmentalism diverts us and turns us into the wrong path entirely--toward a worship of the earth goddess and the eradication of human beings. What a perverted idea this is! It would justify the genocide of human beings--for human beings are considered the problem with the earth by the animal activists (though they are not first to volunteer for eradication, you can be sure, to "save the earth."
Recycling is a major sacrament of Environmentalism. It is a religious activity, as it has
come to be, though originally it was just a good thought aimed at curbing some of the wastefulness going on of our manufactures and products (which increasingly have obsolescene built into them so we have to as consumers keep replacing items--a nifty ploy of the manufacturing sector!).
Recycling often is not cost effective--it just makes people feel good, makes them think they are doing something good for the environment. Daylight Saving Time is an example--it is proving more costly to the energy resources than it is worth--yet we keep on with it! So too with recycling. It may not be cost effect--it may even waste more energy resources than it is worth--but we keep mindlessly on recycling various materials. This is religion, not genuine, reasonable use of the resources of the earth. Ethanol is a hoax--it costs the small farmers, it cost the poor people of the developing countries, and it costs us oil resources--all to make people feel good, that they are contributing this way to eliminating our dependence on oil. Not so! It amounts to a drop in the bucket--it it saves that much oil. In the process it hurts the small farmer, it hurts the consumer of corn for food because of the higher prices, it increases the consumption of oil, as big commercial agribusinesses crank out more corn that goes directly into ethanol production instead of increasing the world's food supply. Government subsidies make corn for energy more profitable for farmers than growing corn to feed people. Guess what? People will starve by the millions if they are unable to buy corn at low prices to feed themselves and their families! It will happen! We need to stop ethanol exploitation and government subsidies of farmers who grow corn for ethanol production.
We need to do it now, as people are already being hurt in the poor countries, including Mexico to the south! In Mexico, which is primarily dependent on the corn crop, we will just create millions of starving Mexicans who will have all the more reason to trek northward and cross our border illegally. It will be our fault too!
Recycling and ethanol are government approved programs, of course, though they make little if any sense, economically. They are actually injurious to the environment, to
huge people groups (primarily poor), consume more energy than they are worth, diminish food supplies when there are huge population increases in the Third World (thereby
setting the stage for a world-wide famine), all because we think mistakenly here in the U.S. that it is a good thing for the environment to recycle and also to put ethanol in our gas tanks. We are, thereby, directly competing, in our cars, with people for food! We used to help them with food--now we will be jerking the food right out of their mouths!
1. Is your life hectic, a mind-numbing rat race, where you rush from pillar to post, and suffer stress? Just manage your time better, dearie, the experts say. We all have the amount same amount to work with. True! But they aren't any help beyond stating that tautology. Egghead experts aside, here is the simple solution, not a book/CD package by a professional time management expert to pay for and which will gather dust on your coffee table, because you don't have time to use it! Solution: CUT OUT TV! It is that simple. The aptly named Boob Tube most probably devours more time in your 24 hour day than any other activity other than work or sleep. The statistics about Americans' loss of time to TV is shocking and true. This couch-potato TV-watching is "idle" time that the Devil uses and the Bible warns about, destroying you by distracting and keeping you from what you ought to be doing for yourself, your family, your church, and God's kingdom! All the Devil has to do is keep you consuming his good, bad, or merely indifferent stuff on TV, and he has you effectively neutralized as a Christian. You're worthless! You may be be well entertained, but you are worthless, hardly producing one good lasting work for God. So cut out TV. It will turn your time back to your own control, not Satan's, and you will be able to return to truly productive, godly, life-enhancing, Kingdom-building activities and good works. Do it today, starting this minute! Don't put it off. Switch that monster off--or just don't switch it on in the first place. It is a predator. IT WILL DEVOUR YOU, MINUTE BY MINUTE, HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY, MONTH BY MONTH, YEAR BY YEAR, UNTIL ALL YOUR TIME ALLOTTED TO YOU IS UTTERLY GONE--AND IT IS TIME TO THE DREADFUL RECKONING BEFORE GOD'S JUDGMENT THRONE AS TO HOW YOU SPENT YOUR VALUABLE TIME OF LIFE. Don't let TV put you in shame and reproach you will regret. Turn it off now, and you will stand in a place of honor and reward by God instead. This is Bibical. This is simple. And it is doable.
2. WANT A GODLY, RIGHTEOUS LIFE FOR YOURSELF AND YOUR FAMILY? You don't need an expensive book/CD package by an expert. Turn off the TV, start reading the Bible, and start practicing the life portrayed in the New Testament by the saints themselves and by Christ our Savior and Lord. Be led of the Spirit. The Spirit will enable you and me to live the life of Christ. You cannot do it, not with your power and wisdom--they will nto be sufficient. Only Christ in us can live the life of Christ through us.
3. WANT TO STOP TINSEL CITY PORNOGRAPHY AND REBELLION AND VIOLENCE INVADING YOUR HOME AND WARPING AND RUINING YOUR SONS AND DAUGHTERS AND EVEN YOURSELF? Turn off the TV. Read the Bible, and good Christian books (not prosperity gospel or Oprah-recommended New Age books and courses, however). Read books that promote godliness and holiness and steadfastness and love of God and man, that encourage you to be a good soldier of Christ now in your present cirucmstances and all the way to the close of earthly life, when Christ will gather you to himself in glory. That is the simple solution to the invasion of our depraved American culture, with all its seduction, immorality, indecency, and violence. Back up this reading and immersion in the Word of God (let yourself be seen by your children too reading the Bible as an example of what you value!), with much prayer for them. Prayer will empower and encourage you to keep on this right path to success as parents. This course of action works! I know. I have seen it worked many, many times, in the lives of my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, friends, and in people I have read about or listened to tell their testimonies. And, needless to say, I have seen it work in the Bible's accounts of godly men and women whose names are Bible names--renowned forever in God's Hall of Fame.
4. WANT PARENTAL CONTROL BACK AGAIN IN THE LIVES OF YOUR CHILDREN, WHO ARE RUNNING AMUCK AND DEFYING YOU AND ALL ADULT AUTHORITY? Simple solution: Turn off the TV. Involve yourself in their lives, show you care for them and love them by actually spending time with them, sharing their activities. Read the Bible with them, pray with them and for them. Cry with them. Laugh with them. Give them lots of hugs and back rubs. Take them out individually for special times with Dad or Mom or both. They'll treasure those memories the rest of their lives, as they build loving families on the model you provided now. I am not an expert telling you this. This is the Bible speaking. It's all there. Read it, and you'll see it is.
Want to solve your life's complex and overwhelming problems? Read the Bible, do some real praying and seeking God, and...
5. Simple and Money-Saving Solution to the Complex Problem of America's Child Obesity Epidemic: Take away the gas-guzzling, carbon-spewing Bluebird buses, and make all those overweight kids with their big fannies walk to and from school! They will be forced to use their God-given legs and muscles and burn off some of those 2,700 or so excess carbs and fats they loaded up on the day before guzzling pop and eating chips and ice cream while they lay around at home after school for hours and hours watching violence and sex on TV or playing Nintendo games (more violence and sex) instead of riding bicycles and running around or doing hoop shots with their friends. You don't have to change their entire diet, you don't need counselling for them, you don't need to put locks and chains on the refridgerator, you don't need to inject them with prescription drugs. TAKE THOSE GAS GUZZLING, ISLAMIC TERRORIST-TARGETED BLUEBIRDS AWAY, SAVE THE SCHOOLS UNCOUNTABLE DOLLARS THEY DESPERATELY NEED FOR BETTER TEACHERS AND FOR TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS! MAKE THESE FAT KIDS OF OURS WALK! WALK WITH THEM, AND GET SOME EXERCISE TOO, BECAUSE YOU PROBABLY NEED IT JUST AS MUCH AS THEY DO! FELLOW AMERICANS, ARE WE STUPID OR NOT? THESE KIDS ARE BEING DESTROYED WITH OBESITY AND ALL THE DISEASES THAT COME WITH IT--AND WE STILL LET THEM RIDE TO AND FROM SCHOOL AND GET NO EXERCISE, EVEN AT SCHOOL, WHERE THEY DON'T HAVE THE FUNDS TO EVEN KEEP P.E. CLASSES GOING! BRING BACK OLD-FASHIONED P.E., DEFUND THE BLUEBIRDS, REDUCE THE TERRORISM THREAT TO THE CHILDREN PACKED TOGETHER ON THOSE WHEELED DEATH TRAPS, AND DO THE CHILDREN AND THE WHOLE SOCIETY A BIG, BIG FAVOR! PARENTS, DON'T EXPECT THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS TO CHANGE THIS CORRUPT, IGNORANT SYSTEM--THEY WOULD LOSE THEIR JOBS IF THE SCHOOL WAS TRULY REFORMED AND MAKE A FUNCTIONAL EDUCATIONAL ESTABLISHMENT ONCE AGAIN. NO, YOU, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS, BY GOING AND GETTING TOGETHER WITH OTHER PARENTS AND SMASHING THROUGH THE WALL OF STUPIDITY THAT ENCLOSES THE SCHOOLS AND RESTORING COMMON SENSE AND REALITY AND PLAIN EXERCISE FOR KIDS. WAKE UP, PARENTS AND...
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.
"An Evangelical Christian is a person who believes that Jesus Christ is the sole source of salvation through faith in Him, has personal faith and conversion with regeneration by the Holy Spirit, recognizes the inspired word of God as the only basis for faith and Christian living, and is committed to Biblical preaching and evangelism that brings others to faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, an Evangelical church is a church that is characterized by these same beliefs and principles. Some churches that are not considered Evangelical in faith and practice, may contain members who are Evangelical."--World MAP Digest, Definition of Terms, p. 7, Winter 2008 Issue.
He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people.
"Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."
"All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, to such as keep His covenant and His testimonies."--Psalm 25:10
"I will hear what God the Lord will speak, for He will speak peace to His people and to His saints, but let them not turn back to folly."--Psalm 85:6
And the vineyard which Your right hand [Jesus Christ--Y'Shua--the Son of God] has planted, and the branch [Jesus Christ, Y'shua the Messiah] You made strong for Yourself.
It is burned with fire, it is cut down; they perish at the rebuke of Your countenance.
Let Your hand be upon the man of Your right hand, upon the son of man whom You made strong for Yourself.
Then we will not turn back from You, revive us, and we will call upon Your name.
Restore us, O Lord God of hosts, and we shall be saved!"--Psalms 80:14-19