Note: If you do not find anything you are looking for on a particular
previous home page, that is our fault and we are regretful about the
inconvenience for you; however, you may find it on a previous page to the
page, or on a succeeding page! If promised pages are not forthcoming,
it is because of severe time restraints (one webmaster for
quite a number of websites, who must work elsewhere for a living than
on these pages!). For instance, "Why So Fat," that is still needing the
rest of the article--and I am thankful I still have it to use--it isn't lost. But
we need more time to post it. This apology has worn thin, but it is the best
we can offer at this time, even though the number of hits has gone up for
these pages quite encouragingly, despite our long lapse of time--weeks and months--in
being occupied elsewhere. God bless you!--Ed.

All material and formats, if not otherwise specifically specified; format only for excerpted materials: (c) 2011-14, Butterfly Productions, All Rights Reserved
Note: All our own material is given in good faith to all, to friends as well as enemies and
all those fence-straddling "inbetweeners", as Public Domain and can be freely disseminated and
copied, but we ask that you still respect the copyrights of material that is not ours that sometimes appears on our pages excerpted. Please do not use this site as an excuse for
infringing on the rights of others for your own profit, something we have striven hard to keep from doing on this site. We may recommend magazines and authors who are not part of the Emmaus Walk Bible School (and there are no kickbacks of any kind whatsoever for us either!). What we want is for the Gospel to be
broadcast, and for other ministries to be benefited and enlarged that share the Gospel; as for
this site, it is given gratis to all. That is the way we can best be free to do what we do.