He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
1. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. Pray that God would be worshiped above all else in our land.
2. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE. Ask God to reveal our nation's idolatry.
3. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN. Pray that the Lord's name be honored; ask God to bring a fresh conviction against profanity and depravity.
4. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY. Pray that God's people will set an example for this nation by honoring the Lord through a Sabbath rest.
5. HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. Intercede that the family will be restored to its rightful place of honor and respect.
6. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Pray that the culture of death would be broken; pray for a culture of life to reign.
7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. Intercede for marriages in this land; ask God to restore the sanctity of the marriage bond.
8. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Pray that personal property would be respected; that both personal and institutional theft would end.
9. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR. Intercede for a day when integrity and concern for our fellow man would cuase us to honor our neighbors.
10. THOU SHALT NOT COVET. Ask God to break the materialism which grips our land; pray that men and women would discover their true purpose in serving the Lord.
Let us come to Him with open hearts and empty hands, turning from ourselves and toward our God. Then and only then will we see true revival in our land. --P & R Schenck Associates in Evangelism, P.O. Box 75157, Washington, DD 20013-0157
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Here is a book that is truly godly, but so readable you will have no trouble with the themes in it. It defines the sources of the Pentecostal movement, so concisely, you don't have to wade through hundreds of pages to learn what you need to know. It describes each of the three Great Awakenings in America, after giving the groundwork in Europe for them in the Pietism movement and the Reformation. Also, most importantly, it defines the Apostolic grounded Church of Jesus Christ. I never learned so much so fast about all these vital things about the Church as I did in this one book. I am not overstating it. Do what you have to do, get ahold of a copy. It may not be in print. I will give an excerpt, that is the best I can do. It is David A. Womack's "The Wellspring of the Pentecostal Movement," Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri.
Written by Donita Dyer, who is a highly accomplished writer, it is so gripping I read it in two sittings alone. Tyndale House Publishers had it out in 1977, and the lady who is the Pearl in the story longed to see it published but never lived to see it (though she lived into her eighties). Without question, this book deserves to be read and spread across the country. It really ought to be made into a film. Any film producers out there reading this? Here is a great story for you!
It is equally true that Muslims oppress Muslims, and Arabs oppress fellow Arabs. Christians do not do this, as God commands love for one another, even for our enemies. If our enemies are Muslims, we still must love and bless them, not curse and kill them. War by them waged against us is another matter, we must defend our homes and our nation if attacked or threatened with a preemptive strike or a terrorist attack such as Muslim terrorists inflicted on us on 9/11. But enemies we love, Muslim or anyone else, and pray also that they will come to now Yeshua too as their Lord and Savior and Healer. But going back to the original question, who is oppressing whom? We all know that Muslims are their own worst enemies, right from the inception of Islam with the bloody, sword-wielding Mohammed. He killed many thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of Muslims, not to mention Jews and Christians, on his way to absolute, dictatorial domination of the Arabian peninsula. His followers continued killing Muslims thereafter, not just infidels. Muslims have always been prime Muslim targets. This is so tragic. More Muslims have been killed by Muslims than by any infidel in the West you can name. The Crusaders in all their wars and campaigns did not even come close to killing as many when they tried wrongly to subjugate the Holy Land with the sword, killing both Muslims and many Jews too in the process. We do not condone what the Crusaders did, even though the Holy Land had been Christian, not Muslim, for six centuries before Mohammed was born. We also cannot condone what Muslims do to Muslims.
Come to Yeshua, all Muslims of the world! Yeshua, the only begotten Son of God will never send his followers to persecute and kill you, nor mistreat you in any way! But you cannot ask that of your fellow Muslims, can you? You know perfectly well what they want to do to you if you step out of line, or you are Shiite and your neighbors are Sunni, or you are Druze or any other sect of Islam. You know how Muslims treat Muslims, how shamefully and brutally, without any mercy whatsoever, blowing up mosques full of people and stores and shops and schools and government buildings. This bloodshed was never condoned by Yeshua, but it was condoned by the Muslim leaders, whoever they were, down through the centuries since Mohammed. Is this not true? It is still being condoned by hundreds of imans and ayatollahs and clerics and Muslim leaders of every kind. Use bloodshed, terror, and killing, and rape against those Muslims over there! That is what the Muslim people are told all over the world, on every continent now. This is preached in America too, in the mosques, in defiance of the U.S. Constitution protecting freedom of religion, speech, and conscience. It is Muslim against Muslim, every brother against his brother, just as the scriptures said would characterize Ishmael and his descendants. The Bible is true, for it prophesied this fratricidal war of the Muslim brothers. It has gone on since the 7th century, full blast. It will continue until Yeshua comes, to bring righteousness, truth, love, and peace for a thousand years on this earth. Will you be His, or will you continue to be the prey of Muslim brothers, who will show you no mercy or love? It is your choice, Muslim friend! Wouldn't you rather have Christian brothers you can trust not to do you harm, who will love and nurture and protect you and forgive you your offenses, rather than Muslim brothers who will turn on you with no mercy or love or kindness if you offend them in the least?
There is the old story in the folklore of Greece that has to be Middle Eastern too, it is so old, and it speaks of misplaced trust. A man came to a river and was going to ford it, but a snake called to him. "Please carry me over with you, kind sir," the snake said. "But you will bite me, if I pick you up," the man said. "Oh, no, I won't, please carry me over the river." The man picked the snake up and carried the snake safely to the other side, and then the snake bit him. "You said you wouldn't bite me!" the man cried. "But you knew I was a snake," said the snake as it slithered away.
Chew on this little fact, Muslim friend who thinks Israel has to give up yet more "land for peace," and see if it will be sweet or bitter. Have we ever seen people more vexed than Muslims on this old earth? Where is their peace and tranquility, if what they have is the House of Islam? Why is it full of blood, mayhem, and every evil thing? Why are Muslims spreading blood, mayhem, and every evil thing across the face of the globe. Muslims, you have to be very insecure and unhappy people at heart. You should be the happiest people on earth, after being blessed as much as you claim to be by a so-called "religion of peace and tolerance." People should be flocking to Islam, not being forced as they are now and have been for centuries. You don't have to use the sword or coercion to get converts if you truly have something worth having. But you know perfectly well you don't have something worth having, so you, for your own gain, force it on others, so you can rob them of their goods. God blessed you with most of the oil on this planet, but that is not enough. You must go and seize other countries' lands, even the ones without oil, in order to take their possessions and then rule over them, with you riding them as top dog. That is nothing but cold-blooded aggression, not the expansion of a heavenly kingdom on earth. A hellish kingdom expands by the point of a sword and reduces the people you conquer to poverty and slavery. Vexed you are, because you can never be satisfied by what you were richly given. Vexed you shall remain, for you will never have enough, until you have devoured the whole earth and made it a wilderness and a howling waste like most of Arabia and most of the Middle East. It could blossom as the rose, even as the Jews have done to the land God gave them back in 1948, but you would take even that bit of paradise and return it to desolation and ruin, the state of it all those centuries you controlled it. You dessicate the earth, waste the earth, you do not water and and till it and make it green and fruitful. Heaven looks down on you, the angels of God, and God Almighty look down on you, and grieve, that you should be so wayward and senseless and like the beasts. You are really your own worst enemies:
"That Vexed Inheritance"
Did you ever entertain a sneaking sympathy for Esau for losing his birthright by rather underhand means, planned by his mother and twin brother? That family dispute is still alive and kicking, but if Esau could see his descendants today he would be well satisfied with God's provision. The 21 Arab nations occupy 5 million square miles of territory and its rulers are rich and prosperous. Isn't it curious that the Arabs who name themselves Palestinians (though we have no history of their nation in the past) are still demanding more land--out of the 10 thousand square miles the Jews still have left!"--Katherine Lawrence-Smith, late editor and founder, The Anchored Magazine, Worcester, England
"Despite our wonders and greatness, we are a nation that has experienced so much social regression, so much decadence, in so short a period of time, that we have become a place to which civilized nations used to send missionaries."--William J. Bennett, Former Secretary of Education under President Reagan.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Native Americans can recognize Native Jews of Israel when they see them, and they say so! God bless Chief Annie Richardson and all the tribes she represents so ably! God's Word says that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by him!
How does Relativism, the prevailing anti-Christian philosophy that generates Political Correctness in our society and squelches intelligent debate about the issues, operate and how can we as Christians combat it as it wars against the unborn? Kim Triller, a director of a Crisis Pregnancy Center (now part of the CareNet association), dissects Relativism as a philosphy and exposes its inherent contradictions and fallacies. When you get through her analysis of relativism, you will never be impressed by it again. It contradicts itself from the start, and no relativist ever lived as one either. Nobody ever could! So you can be sure that every self-proclaimed relativist is a hypocrite and a fraud since they choose to live another way than the one they are championing to the ignorant and impressionable younger generation.
Dr. Reagan:
"Mr. President, I am outraged over your proclamation designating June as "LGBT Pride Month" [LGBT--Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered]. Why should any American take pride in sexual perversion? And why did you decide to discriminate against pedophiles by not including them in the proclamation--or will that be the proclamation next month? What about a "Bestiality Pride Month" or a "Prostitution Pride Month"? Mr. President, you are inviting the wrath of God to fall on your Administration.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..."--Romans 1:18
I've issued the Heavenly Bank's invitation to walk through the doors, so go through them and get yours without delay! Here is what the Bank of Christ Card is all about:
On the reverse side of the card is printed:
How to Bank on Christ
Step 1. Acknowledge Man's Problem
All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
The wages of sin is death (separation from God). Romans 6:23
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. I John 1:8
Step 2. Accept God's Only Remedy
I am the Way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me. Jesus Christ. John 14:6
Christ gave himself to God for our sins as one sacrifice. Hebrews 10:12
Whoever believes in Him (Jesus) shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ. John 3:16
If we confess our sins...Jesus will forgive us. I John 1:9
By grace you have been saved, through faith--it is the gift of God, not by works. Ephesians 2: 8,9
Step 3. Bank on Christ
I stand at the door and knock. If any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come in. Jesus Christ. Revelations 3:20
Pray: Lord Jesus, I am a sinner and want to turn from my sins. Thank you for forgiving my sins. I open the door of my life and invite you to take charge of my life as my Lord and Savior.
Ed's Christian Gifts, 10251 E. Hacienda Blvd., Bellflower, CA 90706
This pumpkin maze is meant to be played. Then you turn it open, and you find this written:
By now you've found out that there is only one way to get through the pumpkin maze start to finish! Did you know that getting to heaven is a lot like getting through that maze? Just as there is only one way to get to the finish, the Bible says there is only one way to get to heaven. Jesus said, " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through Me." John 14:6.
But many boys and girls are on a "dead end" route. All of us started out life on the wrong road. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23
Here is how God made it possible for you to get on the right road that leads to heaven. "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoevever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (that lasts forever). John 3:16
Jesus Christ, God's Son took the punishment for all the disobedient things you have ever done (these things are called sins). "Christ died for our sins, he was buried, and was raised to life on the third day, as written in the Scriptures." I Corinthians 15:4
To get on the only road to heaven, you must believe that Jesus died for you. And when you truly believe, Jesus promises you will have a home forever with him in heaven. "There are many rooms in my Father's house, and I am going to prepare a place for you." John 14:2
You may want to pray this prayer: "Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I believe Jesus died for me. I am trusting him to forgive my sins and to give me eternal life." Write and tell us what you decided. We'd like to hear from you. --Douglas Salser, American Tract Society, P.O. Box 402008, Garland, TX 75040. And don't forget to ask for the Solution to the Maze, since you have already found the solution to your sin and lost condition in Jesus Christ!
Why then support any business or government that supports this absurd "save the Planet" agenda and the hyped up hysteria that goes along with it? Throw your plastics and cardboard away without guilt! Do it! You will feel a wonderful release from the satanic world system that is behind the environment and ecological movements. Don't buy hybrid or "green" or anything approaching ethanol (which starves people in all impoverished countries to feed our gas tanks). You and I really need to be free of the satanic systems that are encircling the world like constricting pythons. The very people who are tied in most to the environmental and ecological "green" movements to "save the Planet" will fall into the arms of the Anti-Christ. He will champion himself as the Savior of the Planet, someone they will have conditioned themselves into receiving and, a mere three years after his coming to power, worshipping him as God.
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia).
This honest man (compare him to Gordon Brown or Tony Blair of Britain!) is despised by the secularist leaders of Germany and France and Belgium and the other members of "EUTOPIA," but he is telling the whole truth. Global Warming is nothing but the biggest scam on the face of the earth! History will vindicate him. The others will be known forever as liars, deceivers and thieves.
Be advised not to wear this tee shirt in the Moslem countries, however, unless you are prepared to be persecuted to the full extent of Islam.
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among those dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold,
Bring me my Arrows of desire,
Bring me my Spear, O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green & pleasant land.
2. "Forgive me!"
3. "I love you!"
(Not necessarily in that order)
Another wonderful issue of this great magazine. Do you really want the truth about the really important issues. Get it!
"Standing Firm for God and Country"
"Dead Sea Scrolls Testify to Bible's Accuracy"
"News of Vital Concerns to You"
"Announcing Our Next Tour to Israel!"
Are you still parading around in your own tawdry finery, the clothes you have chosen and even stolen for yourself? You may fool other people, but you can't fool God. He knows if they are his clothes or not. If yours, you are on your own! If God's, you are going somewhere meaningful and full of spiritual fruit and blessing. Let this be a turning point for your life! Let your vain philosophies and assumptions be shown up by the Word of God to be baseless, and get your life back on a Biblical basis, as Jacob did when he put off a man's clothes and put on God's clothes!
From Christian radio: Jim's widow, Elizabeth Eliott, wrote the book, Passion and Purity, which is a classic and a "must" for Christians to read, since it deals with remaining pure before marriage and girls letting God bring a mate rather than taking the initiative. And men, they are to initiate, if they are going to be men and not wimps.
Interested to find out more, you can find out how to access this multiple award-winning film.
Have you ever seriously reflected on what this world would be today had not Jesus Christ been born into it 2,000 years ago? On what would we reflect without Bethlehem and its swaddling clothes, manger, and straw?
Western civilization owes its existence to Bethlehem and its manger and straw. The fact that the statesmen, the philosophers, and the scientists will not admit it, will not discuss it, proves nothing; most of them won't even admit that God created man.
Two thousand years later the inn is still crowded with people unwilling to welcome the Savior...
When you reflect on what this world would be today without Bethlehem and its God-Child, what it would be without Jesus Christ, you know time is dated from that manger.
Every event is dated before, or after, Jesus' birth. The Greeks tried to date time from their Olympics--and failed. The Romans tried to date time from the founding of their Imperial City--and failed...
But what the Greeks could not do with their universally famous games, and what the Romans could not do with their Imperial City...Jesus Christ did with His swaddling clothes and His bed of straw.--Adapted from "A World Without Christ" by Noel Smith, Baptist Bible Tribune, 12/21/78. Reprinted in Rejoice in the Lord.TV Newsletter, Winter 2009, Pensacola, FL 32523-9160.
Jesus is:
The Light of the World
Savior to those who receive him
Hope in a dark world
Peace for the troubled soul
Refuge in time of trouble
Near to those who need comfort
My Healer
My Shepherd
Jesus came to:
Provide eternal life
Destroy the works of the Devil
Redeem me from the enemy
Enable me to be strong
Be my Healer
Lead me in righteous pathways
Teach me to love
Teach me how to pray
Give me wisdom
Rescue me, comfort me.
From Moshe's Musings, Jews for Jesus Newsletter, December 2009:
God is without body.
He has no form, Except that of a babe born in Bethlehem,
A small refugee who became a man so far from home.
Yet, through His body, and through His blood, a world of people was nourished and came to life.
He gives life,
And calls us into strength and holiness;
He calls us to goodness,
And to giving-ness.
Oh that we, like Him, should become nourishment to bring nations to life.
And through that refugee babe,
May we see the mighty Lord,
Who prevails over all.
As we watch Obama take this country apart and downward to hell, we have to think that God will not let him get away with his stating to the world that this is not a Christian nation. It is a Christian nation. Not because our founding documents say so (which they do), but because God has said so. God Almighty was covenanted with by our founders at Plymouth, and their covenant with the Lord was ratified by the Founders and Framers of the Constitution (not to mention the colonial charters and later the state constitutions). Not one of these documents denies we are a Christian nation, but rather, affirms the fact we are. Because the Lord God's honor is at stake, and his truthfulness, I doubt he is pleased with the despicable, pontificating liar in the Oval Office for defaming the Covenant He Himself made with our nation's godly founders. Obama's fate is sealed (and the fate of his administration and staff and the present Democrat-dominated Congress), not only because of his ungodly policies, but also because of his defaming of the honor of our Covenant God. God takes His covenants seriously and does not ever break them. Obama seeks to break that covenant with his own rash will and power as U.S. president, and that is not enough. He is a mere leaf in the wind, he cannot break it. Yes, most of the nation has abandoned God, but not everyone. We still have a remnant who fear God and revere the Covenant made with Him regarding our nation and its purpose in spreading the Gospel. God full well knows He has a remnant here in this ungodly society. How else can you explain that our nation has not been destroyed by divine judgment for its gross immorality, violence, perversion, witchcraft, and defiance of God? God has a judgment coming for America, but the remnant has stayed God's hand, and we still receive his amazing grace and mercy, day after day. God does not want to judge and destroy America, which started so well as a righteous nation with righteous leaders, but he must judge and destroy America for legalizing the murder of 50 million innocent babies for profit and convenience. God could forgive us, if we would only repent of our sins. So far we have not repented as a nation and a people. And so we wait...and plead for revival and repentance to break forth from coast to coast, even as the storm clouds gather and darken round all our shores.
Did Hitler appear a wolf before he proved he was a wolf? Of course, not! He came in, just like Obama did, a brand-new face preaching hope and change to the youth, attending church services (even evangelical ones) and wearing a nice sheep's fleece, so to speak. He was always spouting all sorts of things the economically hard-pressed Germans of the 1930s wanted to hear; they ate up his message of hope, change, and prosperity, a new world order run by Grmans for their benefit. Americans now eat up Obama's message in the same way, thinking they are going to benefit, but actually he will bring their ruin, sooner or later, just as Hitler, German's Savior, brought total ruin and destruction. Why warn Americans? They are no better than the Germans who foolishly chose their own nemesis and followed him into the pit. Yet God is a God of mercy and grace. We must offer mercy and grace to the end. God takes no pleasure, he says, in the destruction of the wicked, be they Germans or Americans!
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.