"A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold."--Proverbs 21:22
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
You are lonely or fearful, Read Psalm 23
You are in sorrow, Read John 14:1-6
You are grateful, Read Psalm 103
Others fail you, Read Psalm 27
God seems far away, Read Psalm 139
You need courage, Read Joshua 1
You are discouraged, Read Isaiah 40
You are in danger, Read Psalm 91
You have sinned, Read Psalm 51
You have failed, Read Psalm 38
God has rescued you, Read Psalm 34
You want to praise God, Read Psalm 100
You want to be like Jesus, Read John 15
Responsibility overwhelms, Read Matt. 11:28-30--No. 201, The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49534-1329, or go to:
How about the crash of the Libyan Afriqiyah Airways plane in Tripoli, Libya, on Wednesday, killing 103 people? One lone Dutch boy, 10 years old, survived miraculously. He is in a hospital in Tripoli, being cared for, with fractures of his legs.
Are we thankful for life truly? What about all these people, French, Dutch, South Africans-- their lives suddenly snuffed out in a horendous crash that left only the tail partially intact. Please, God, forgive us for not thanking you for each and every moment of life that yu have given us!
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
"The Word of God tells us that we live within two realms; the natural realm and the heavenlies realm. Our everyday life is played out in the realm of the natural and the unseen. The Scriptures are filled with real life examples of the two realms interfacing. Simply look at the lives of Job, Elisha, Daniel, Peter, Abraham, Joshua, Mary, and many others.
"When the Christian life is lived according to God's design, it requires more than our natural capacities and senses. It requires supernatural power on every front. We need this radical power to live set apart and distinct in this world. We need this power to live out the ministry and mission Jesus left us on earth to do. This supernatural power is based upon a supernatural authority given to us in Jesus Christ. This moves far beyond mere theological jargon; we are talking about the reality of Christ in real life application.
"Jesus designed His church to advance rather than remain bunkered; to come against the evil one, not cower in fear. We are to march forward i n His authority. We are to look for and come against anything that raises itself up against the knowledge and truth of God. The time has come for those who are called by Jesus' name to rise up, and walk in the authority and power promised them."--Mike Riches, the Senior Pastor of Clover Creek Bible Fellowship, located in Tacoma, Washington. Mike and his wife Cindy have served at Clover Creek for over 22 years. They have two daughters. [Mike Riches and his wife have since moved to England, and are pastoring there. You can find them on the Internet, however. Their books are still available. This book is copyrighted by Revalesio Ministries, www. The workbook and course, "Living Free," which I took at the Clover Church, is terrific and foundational for every Christian, if you really want to exercise the authority over the enemy granted you in the name of Jesus. Why be the Devil's stooge and patsy, which he can run over any time he chooses? You can as a Christian with authority put him exactly in his place, and take the offensive against his evil plans and actions in your life and family. I have found this true in my own experience. I used to be so run over by the Devil, and couldn't figure out for a long time why. I was following the Lord sincerely and steadfastly, yet I lacked power and authority, and couldn't stop the Devil from messing with me and my family. Well, I finally saw, by God's Spirit, that the fault was with my own perspective. I thought and acted passively, not actively, utilizing the authority in Christ already granted to me in the name of Jesus, which is the Name that is above all other names and authorities and powers on earth. It made all the difference. I can now walk a more triumphant life in Christ than ever before. I am not the prey of Satan, a passive little puppet's whose strings the Enemy liked to pull just to give me a bad day if he could. Now I can turn and give him a bad day, every day!!--Ed].
We need to return to this subject, and will.
Iraq, as General Sada fully reveals to us, paid a horrific price for all those years of oppression, murder, and mayhem under the dictatorial Saddam Hussein. Thank God he was finally stopped and brought to justice and executed for his crimes, but look at the price in lives--over 1 million Iraqis and Iranians alone. He also exterminated hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Kurds, Marsh Arabs, and even his own brethren, the Tikritites. His own family members fell under his ax whenever they crossed him, His leading government officials and military men lost their heads just to keep them all in terror and obeying his commands without question and hesitation, no matter how crazy and damaging to Iraq.
Israel paid a heavy price as well, as Scud missiles from Iraq thundered down and blew up in Israeli neighborhoods during the First Gulf War. Only at the last stages of preparation for the attack on Israel was General Sada able to dissuade Saddam from deploying chemical warheads on those missiles and sending the entire Iraqi fighter air squadrons with chemical warheads too in a suicide mission.
So please read the first excerpt if you still haven't but return for yet another excerpt on this important subject, which is still a source of great ignorance and obfuscation on the part of the liberal media.
"'The Forgotten Refugees' is an essential corrective to the false impression that only the Arabs of Palestine suffered as a consequence of Israel's War of Independence. The reality is that entire Jewish communities, in some instances predating not only Islam but Christianity, were destroyed with innocent Jews scattered across the world. This dramatic story is vividly recalled in rare documentary footage and in the personal accounts of those who endured this trauma but succeeded in rebuilding their lives in Israel and elsewhere. "-- Professor S. Ilan Troen, Stoll Family Chair in Israel Studies, Brandeis University, Editor, Israel Studies
David M. Levy's, "The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah," is available for only $14.95. The poster's price is $4 and measures 18 inches by 30 inches and is printed on heavy stock suitable for framing. Wonderfully illustrated and authentic in every detail, showing even the Shekinah Glory blazing out of the Holy of Holies through the Tabernacle roof. Go to Friends of Israel website, or write to: The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, P.O. Box 908, Bellmawr, NJ 08099.
The chapter about the Veil of the Tabernacle and Temple is especially beautiful and meaningful. I learned new things about the Veil, which I am sure you will benefit from too. For that reason I plan to excerpt this section, so that you will be sure to get a taste of this book, if you weren't inspired enough by my previous words to look into it. You need to! It is a rare experience, and will reward you beyond anything I can say about it.
From the book, "The Veil" excerpt. Please go to:
What the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haji Amin el-Husseini, the pre-eminent Arab Muslim leader of the World War Ii era--viewed by Hitler and the SS as a "Muslim pope--did to the Jews (pressuring Romania and Hungary to cancell 480,000 visas, thus condeming that amount of Jews to the death camps and gas ovens of
Himmler and Hitler--his role is described in Andrew Bostom's article, "Hitler and Jihad,"
reprinted in Levitt Letter, May 2010), Muslims can do to us now that they
have acquired the weapons of mass destruction they have yearned to possess for many years. They
finally got enough billions to buy anything they want from Russia and China and North Korea, and
they have the weapons now to unleash upon us in America and throughout the West, not to mention
Israel. I do not have to prove any of this. You should suspect it and take the
proper measures if you still want to preserve your lives instead of trying to exterminate
the only people who stand as a wall between you and the jehadists. The FBI, the CIA, the
NSA, and the U.S. military cannot protect you, for the enemy is now within, permeating
all echelons of the U.S. government and military.
I know that Jesus Christ will protect us, and has promised us protection, but you have
placed yourselves beyond the pale, right into the Red Zone. If you refuse every
last warning you get from God's word and from His people, what hope is there for you?
You have thrown away any chance of escape from these diehard jehadists carrying the banner
of Mohammed the conqueror.
Concerned for you, Ronald Ginther, Founder of the Emmaus Walk Messianic School of the BibleOPEN LETTER TO SECULARS, LIBERALS, ATHEISTS: Who will stand between you and
the jehadist Muslims seeking with violence to establish the Islamic Republic of America once
you eliminate the Christians and all Christian heritage in this country? We Christians are
the only ones who stand between you and them. You have joined with the Muslims in order
to maintain your own positions while attacking everything Christian and
seeking to drive us into the shadows. But once we are out of the way, if you should
win out, there is no longer anything that will restrain the Muslims from
enslaving and even killing you. They will do with you as they have done with
Christians and Jews ever since Mohammed rode out with his thousands of Muslims to subjugate
the Jewish and Christian kingdoms in Arabia and the Middle East and
North Africa. You will be able to make no deal with them, as they are
friends with you only temporarily, while they are harnessing their power and numbers
and tightening their grips on this society and also in the nations of the European Union
that also has no control over them and is seeking to placate them with special
privileges, including the enclaves of Sharia law in Britain and elsewhere. Again,
who will stand between you and the Muslims when we Christians are removed
from the public sphere? Remove the dam (which is Christianity and
the Constitutional liberties and freedoms our Founding Fathers
upheld in the creation of our country), and all the Muslim waters behind the dam will
burst without restrain down upon you, just as they did in the Jonestown flood
of the 19th century. Are you prepared for the result of your
own suicidal, self-destructive, irrational choice, to side with your own future
destroyers against your true protectors? We do not force you to belief, though we
preach the Gospel to every man, but they will force you to
convert or take the consequences of not converting: death, or at the least, heavy
taxation and a servant class status in Moslem society. We value no conversion that is
forced, but it is the chief means the Muslims imploy, because they do not value
free will and freedom of conscience. Which will you have rule over you? The rule
of Constitutional law that protects your freedom and say what you will and
do what you please (as long as it hurts no man or inflicts death), or draconian Sharia law, which
reduces you to either servitude or death if you do not accept a forced conversion of yourself
to Islam. You have so far chosen the latter. The time is growing short, the
days dark, and the storm clouds are gathered over your heads, about to break with
unbelievable fury and destruction. You helped gather those very storm clouds!
Choose life, choose freedom and life! Choose sanity. Do it now. Your time is running out.
Despite the secular news trying to pass the blame to Christians, the cold, chilling fact always is: Islam (Muslim society) is presently torturing and killing more Christians than the Romans ever killed in all their persecutions, no doubt. You can go to the Voice of the Martyrs website and obtain the magazine, which gives updates on the latest persecution and also killings of Christians in the "Country Summary" section that lists the nations A through Y. You won't find a more complete picture of what is going on with persecuted Christians.
Growing tired of the havoc and disruption they themselves created, the imperial Romans quit persecuting Christians for lengthly periods of time, whereas the Muslim persecution and killing of Christians goes on day after day, year after year, without letup, not matter what damage it does their own societies and economies. If the world were reduced to a complete wilderness, utterly desolate, and all Christians were eradicated, Islam would call that worth the sacrifice! [If you think that is an extreme statement, it comes straight out of the mouths of Iran's president and its chief ayatollah!]. The United Nations turns a blind eye to the slaughter and mistreatment of Christians worldwide, of course, as most of its policy is now directed by authoritarian and Muslim regimes. This is not a body composed of free nations seeking the freedom and welfare of humanity. Its members are largely elite-ruled dictatorships, either secularist or religious, but all hostile to freedom and particularly hostile to Israel and the Jews and Christians. We should not be paying one cent to its maintenance. The humanitarian aid can be done by Christian organizations, the United Nations, with all its corruption and incompetence, is not necessary.
Imagine all the Christian Martyrs of this new century, 2010, being acknowledged by the United Nations, it would stretch for blocks and blocks round and round the United Nations Secretariat building and its grounds. They need to acknowledge the truth, that more Christians are being killed and tortured by Muslims than even the Communist Chinese, who are doing all they can to stop Christians in their country who will not bow to the "registration" or compromising of their faiths by submitting to government control of what they preach and practice. Having read "The Heavenly Man," telling of one pastor's torture sessions in prison and his miraculous deliverance, we know the Communist Chinese are particularly brutal toward Chinese Christians, imprisoning, torturing, killing, even to harvesting their organs for sale while they are alive, but the Muslim societies are far worse. Muslim societies will not permit converts of their own Muslim people to Christianity, and if they occur, they bury them in concrete head down or to their necks in dirt in the public squares before killing them by beating them to death, followed by decapitation of course. Men and women are treated this way. This is the Islam that masquerades as a humanitarian religion with a compassionate heart! This is the retrograde society that Obama praises to the sky and which he thinks is so superior to America!
This said, one beast is the same as another in God's eyes. Judaism is a black beast and Islam is a brown beast, and they are presently fighting it out. Actually, they have been fighting sporadically for hundreds of years, ever since Islam's founding in the 7th century by Mohammed. Witness the slaughter of the resident Jewish tribes and Jewish critics by Mohammed in Mecca, and this occurred in the very beginning of his career once he returned from Medina where he had fled.
As shown in a vision or dream by a missionary lady, who was the daughter of a missionary prayer warrior I visited in Bethehem in 1982, Judaism is a black beast and Islam is a brown beast. They were like giant dinosaurs fighting it out. Well, that is God's view of them, not hers. God loves the Jews, they are the apple of his eye, as the scriptures say, and he made an everlasting covenant with them regarding the land of Israel and their destiny as a people too, but Judaism, the religious system that Jews have maintained for thousands of years that turned against him, denied him as Messiah when he came the first time, but it still is a beast, a wicked beast devised by sinful, unsaved, Cainite man's vain attempt to placade a holy, righteous God with his own sin-soiled deeds and offerings.
We have stated this before on these pages, but it needs to be repeated, as there is a powerful, growing movement in evangelical circles working to get evangelicals across America to accept the ecumenism and the New Age Religion's agenda, at least the part dealing with acceptance of Judaism as a world religion on par with other world religions. Yes, they are "on par," in a sense, with each other. They are all lost, condemned, sinful, failed systems devised by lost Cainite man. But they are not on par with the Bible, they are not on par with the Gospel, they are not on par with Christ, they are not on par with God, and will never be with truth if God's Word is true, and God's Word is everlastingly true.
The movement in the evangelical churches we speak of is identified also as Dual Covenant theology. Some evangelicals, some evangelists have endorsed this heresy. What they are religiously getting in bed with is a black beast from the pit of hell! Christ and Belial cannot be joined, just as Christ said! What an abomination, to think you can join Judaism and Christ, or Islam and Christ, or any other Cainite world religion to our holy Christ. Christ is Christ, the Son of God, the Anointed One of God! He cannot be joined to anything unholy, sinful man has created. There is no such thing as a completed Jew, in the sense that he can retain his Judaism and still know Christ as Savior and Messiah. He never ceases to be a Jew, true, and there is no reason whatsoever for him to deny his Jewishness and his Jewish heritage and the teachings of the Torah, with the feasts, traditions, customs, etc., that make them a Jewish people, but Judaism without Christ is a beast, a black beast full of sin, idolatry, and rebellion. That Judaism is not of God, it is really an enemy of God. That Cainite religion never saved anyone in the Old Testament period. It all pointed to Christ coming to save them, that is only value it had. You cannot call that Judaism a product of Abraham, who believed God, the scriptures say in Hebrews, and that was accounted him by God as righteousness. What did Abraham, you ask, believe God about? It was about the Seed of the Woman promised long before him in the Garden of Eden just after Adam's fall. It was about the Promised Messiah, the Seed of the Woman. Abraham believed God, and he proved his faith by his obedience when God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, right? Right! But what about the other Jews. Well, they were all sons of Abraham, spiritually, or they were not. They were his true sons if they believed God exactly as he demonstrated. If Jews believed God and then sacrificed after the Mosaic laws were promulgated, that was reckoned to them as righteouness in the coming substitution and death of Y'shua on the cross. Judaism, which still denies Christ, and lacks the sacrificial system of the Temple and doesn't teach justification by faith alone by Jesus Christ the Messiah, cannot save any one, pretends that it is is still a covenant religion and "observant" Jews, who obey the 613 laws of Judaism, will be saved thereby. You have to be spiritually blind to believe that. Paul said his fellow Jews were spiritually blind, all thsoe who rejected the Messiah and attempted to obey the law (*the 613 laws of Judaism), since he said it was impossible, since the law was only instituted to drive men to Christ, the only Jew who actually could and actually did fulfill all the requirements of the Law perfectly. Anyone else who presumes he can obey the Law perfectly, something only Christ the Sinless One, could do, is the most prideful and blind imposter! So let the Bible be true and every man a liar! Paul, James, Christ himself say so--there can be no salvation apart from Jesus and His perfect work on the Cross paying the penalty for all sin men ever committed and ever will commit. There can be in God's eyes no Dual Covenant, which would legitimize "sincere" or "orthodox" or "believing" practicioners of Judaism. They all, being sinful men, cannot help but fail to fulfil the Law. There is only one legitimate, soul-saving, sin-absolving Covenant, the New Covenant of Jesus Christ established in His holy blood.
When I was visiting Israel on two trips, I happened to find out that there is a division religiously between evangelical Christianity and Judaism. It is not the evangelicals' fault. Evangelical bookshops in Jerusalem were firebombed (and you don't hear of any Orthodox synagogues or bookshops being bombed, do you?), and it wasn't the Muslim militants or Intifada then that did it. It had to be the Orthodox or Hassidic Jews who lived in a certain quarter of Jerusalem. They still aggressively and even violently oppose and attack evangelical missionaries in Israel, and there is the recent, most murderous and savage incident of the pipe bombing of an innocent Messianic Jewish boy at his own home (more about this later perhaps). We were told on a tour best not to drive or walk into the Orthodox Jewish quarters of the city on their Sabbath, lest we be stoned if we aren't wearing the right amount of clothing for the Sabbath. Understandably, none of us were particularly desirous to go and see that area of the city, on any day!
In "Voice of the Martyrs" Magazine, Special Issue 2008, page 17, this is printed regarding Gaza and the West Bank: "There are about 2,000 Arab evangelical Christians in 30 churches. Political turmoil has created an environment where it is easy for militant Islamic groups to persecute Christians. Many Christians left following the Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip. According to the Christian Broadcasting Network, across the border, in the city of Arad, Israel, Messianic Jews face persecution from some ultra-orthodox Jews. The Messianic Jews ask for prayer for their persecutors, not that persecution will stop, but that it brings glory to God. Christian leader and bookstore owner Rami Ayyad, 30, was kidnapped and murered in Gaza on october 6, 2007. Christians feel the murder was religiously motivated. Rami is survived by his wife and three children."
That business in Arad has a cause, it is the ugly and dangerous, even murderous black beast of false Cainite religion operating in Israel, which is run by secularist Jews today, and also largely influenced by Orthodox Jews (but not all, for some deny the State of Israel as a legitimate entity).
All this may seem confusing yet, but it can be boiled down to this: no religion, no religious system, no matter how many good works it produces, can satisfy God. Christianity too is a religion, and it is just as much a savage and murderous beast as Islam or Judaism. What color may it be? I don't know, but I think red would be an appropriate color for all the Jews and Arabs slain by the Crusaders in the Name of Christ whose name they defamed by their cruel and unchristian acts, or the Inquisition of Catholic Spain that tortured and killed Jews and Arabs alike if they refused to convert to this unholy Cainite religion of Roman Catholicism. Yes, most of the secular critics would admit that religions do society good, to some extent, and that is true. But they are an "opiate," a blindness, a false way to God. Only Christ is the Way to God. He said so! I believe it! The Bible didn't say Judaism is a second way to God. Only Christ is! The Bible didn't say Islam and Mohammed are the way to God, only Christ is--That is what the Word of God proclaims. Buddha, Hinduism, Oprah Winfrey and her New Age religionist gurus, Secularism, Liberalism, Native Indian religions, Animism, Shamanism, Materialism, Humanism, and all other false religions too, are the wrong way, vain, futile, and lead souls only to hellfire. Messianic Jews, if they believe in Jesus as Savior and Messiah, are disciples of Christ, true believers. They need not give up their Jewish observances, if they point to Christ, as they certainly do. We are not speaking of Christians and Jews, we are speaking of true believers. True believers do not give up their ethnicity or their customs and traditions, unless those are Christ-denying things. For years it was thought by Christians of non-Jewish background that Jews should get rid of all their Jewishness, and any observance of Jewish feasts, etc., was abhorrent and unChristian. Wrong! Yes, we are neither Jew nor Greek, male nor female, bond or free, IN CHRIST. But Christ came not to eradicate culture, ethnicity, and customs, but to bring Himself into our hearts and lives, which transforms everything. Many Jews today either do not practice any religion (having lost all faith in God due to the Holocaust) or they hold to some branch of Judaism, which is a vain, failed Cainite religion. Those people don't realize (and are not taught by rabbis who ignore Isaiah 53 telling of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant (Who is unmistakenly Jesus/Y'Shua), that their festivals and scriptures and even their customs point to Jesus/Y'Shua, so they depend on the hocus pocus of waving a chicken over their heads at Yom Kippur to bring them forgiveness of their sins, since they don't have a temple and a sacrificial system anymore to do the job and gain them God's forgiveness.
How hopeless is that? But many people Jewish people are coming to Messiah, Y'shua our Lord and Savior, and they remain Jews too, only they have Christ, not dead, Cainite religion in their hearts. Thank God for Jews for Jesus and other Messianic Jewish groups that go with the Gospel to their brethren! They ought to be supported, by BGEA too which has not been a friend in the past of Jews for Jesus. Our goal is the same after all: bringing the Gospel " the Jews first, then to Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth." That is our Great Commission as believers in Christ, given us by the Lord Jesus himself. Everybody needs Christ to be saved--with no exception!
Open Letter to the President:
"Barack Hussain Obama, you went to the rest of the world and proclaimed that America is not a Christian nation. You are proven a shameless liar by all we said and wrote and instituted when we helped frame and unaugurate and lead these United States of America from inception to full-grown nationhood! It is evident that you believe that if you declare a lie boldly enough, you can make it the truth, whether it is or not. But you cannot change error and falsehood to truth, no matter how many fine-sounding words you plaster over the falsehood. Truth and Falsehood are diametric opposites, they are not play dough in your hands that you manipulate for political advantage or expediency. God stands by truth, while He is the eternal enemy of falsehood and error. You are flying in God's face as the God of Truth, when you treat the truth in this fashion. The Word of God stands as your refutation and your rebuke. May you not be held accountable for what you are doing against the truth. You have defamed America which has graciously made you its representative leader. You are twisting the truth in all kinds of issues, deliberately, in order to deceive and manipulate people. It is evident that, by doing this, you are following your father, the Devil, who is the father of lies. Return to God, repent, and He will graciously forgive and pardon you, through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ! Do it now, for now is the day of salvation, not tomorrow.--by Ronald D. Ginther, an Evangelical Christian and proud descendant of legal Norwegian immigrants of the line of Sjur and Oline Stadem, from Bergen and Vik, Norway, in the 1860s.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
"In 1952 the U.S. Congress set aside the National Day of Prayer as a time to intercede for our nation and its leaders. The Bible commands us to regularly and fervently pray 'for kings and all thsoe in authority' (2 Timothy 2:2;
NIV). It also informs us that the initiative for national spiritual healing and renewal lies with followers of Christ (see 2 Chronicles 7;14). "I believe our nation is in a perilous spiritual state. We must pray. We must call on God to heal our land, forgive our sins, and leade us in the path of righteousness. Please join with believers across this great nation on Thursday, May 6, and the days following as we cry out to the Lord for His mercy and help. "I will be on my knees. I hope you will be on yours. Thank you and God bless you."Thursday, May 6, is the National Day of Prayer! Franklin Graham is the 2010 Honorary Chairman of the 59th Annual National Day of Prayer. He states in "Prayer For Such a Time as This":
Charles Spurgeon was a great British preacher during the 1800s. One Sunday evening five college students were in town decided to visit Spurgeon's church to hear him preach. They had arrived early in order to secure their seats. As they were waiting for the services to begin, a man approached them. He said, "Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you like to see the heating plant of this church?" The students did not want to spend time in a furnace room since it was a hot summer day, but they obliged the kind stranger.
"The students followed the man down the stairs to the basement level. The man pointed to a door and told them, "This is our heating plant." As he opened the door, the students saw 700 people bowed in prayer, seeking God's blessing on that evening's service. As the man closed the door, he introduced himself as Charles Spurgeon.
"One of the things that made Charles Spurgeon such a successful preacher was his dependence upon God in prayer. What is the 'heating plant" of your life like? Is it strong and persistent prayer, or is it a cold room with just a flickering flame?"--Joshua and Michael Youssef. You can contact MY JOURNAL at:
Go to Jan Brewer's webpage or the Arizona State webpage and encourage her and tell her how much you appreciate her and her brave stand against the Federal Government's utter failure to enforce Federal laws on the border. You certainly cannot go and congratulate Obama for enforcing such laws! He has done just the opposite, and has just had the Mexican president to a White House dinner, with Mexican foods featured, at which he no doubt apologized again for the Arizona bill while assuring the Mexican president that he will do all he can to squelch Arizona and its brave attempt to stem the flood of illegals, drug runners, prostitute rings, and even terrorists into that border state. What he said publicly about the statements he made, I take no stock in, for he said what he thought we might believe, not what he actually said. Whenever he says anything, he usually has an ulterior motive quite the opposite of his statement, and if you take the opposite meaning, you probably have the truth with this man. That is what a sad case he is as a man--no integrity! He will not get away with one lie, one deception of his, for it is all being recorded by the books in heaven. The Bible says so! That is not my own idea. One day these books will be opened, and everything he really said with the Mexican president will be exposed along with all his other lies to the American people and the world. He needs to repent before that terrible day breaks upon his head! Grace is not unlimited. It will run out one day for him or you or me, if we do not repent while we still have grace extended to us.
If you have a mother, remember her with something that speaks of your love and gratitude! You may not get another chance, life being what it is, transient and temporary, here one day, gone the next! Don't live with regrets, give honor where honor is due now. The Bible says, in the Ten Commandments: "Honor your father and mother, that thy days be long upon the earth."
Want to live long and well? Honor your parents as God commands you. It is health to your body, peace to your heart, happiness to your life. You will never have health, peace, and happiness, the Bible says, if you do not honor your parents. I didn't say that, the Lord God said it.
But what if you parent wasn't a good one, what if your mother wasn't a real mother to you? For the undeserving mother, try forgiveness. It can mend a lot of broken things, including the hurt in your own heart and life. Set her free with forgiveness, but most of all, set yourself free of your resentment and unforgiveness! If you don't have a living mother, or never knew her for some reason, well, find a mother out there, there are plenty who need some encouragement and some love, and even if you aren't her son and daughter, give her some honor as a mother. God will take that as obedience to his command, and bless you in return!
My mother is 100 years and more now. She still deserves all the love and gratitude we can possibly give her--and she appreciates every bit of it too!
I wrote this poem to her and to all mothers:
Without mothers, what would there be?
Not even a world to see?
Thank God for mothers, they are God's gift!
So let's all join to give them a lift!
I think of how Mary stood suffering by Christ's side,
she valiantly endured until her precious son died.
The questions thick flew round her little bowed head,
dark and troubling despite all He had said.
"If he were God, why is he here
shamed, condemned, with wicked thieves hung near?"
"If he were God, he'd have the power
to crush the Romans and make them cower!"
"If he were God, this wouldn't be,
he'd be the King of all to see!"
What was it she prayed,
as her friends moaned and cried?
His disciples all fled,
but she never denied.
Steadfast and true, she held fast to the end,
though His hurts she couldn't soothe,
nor the wounds in his body mend.
To lose her First-Born son in this terrible way,
she never could have guessed when he was a child at play.
Yet God had a Plan that was greater than she knew.
When Christ was raised gloriously, ascending on high,
He rose as her Lord and Savior, and she ceased to wonder "Why?"
For not having an abortion
Thanks for bearing me
Inside you with love
And care
And anticipation
My life may be troubled
Perhaps I will cry more than I will laugh
But no matter what
I thank you
For that greatest gift of all
That elder may have expressed what he did to me, but none of the others in the church did, so he was an exception. We also rued the fact that few black leaders were calling attention to this, and alerting their people. But now more and more are doing so, even taking commanding roles in the Tea Party movement, to stop the juggernaut of the socialist government presently in charge and to try to regain our Constitutional freedoms at the next two elections--God permitting. We salute these black leaders, who are often pastors and evangelists.
Not that BP is guiltless! As a human organization, it isn't going to be innocent. Neither is Britain innocent as a party to this. Liberal, Labor Party-run and ruined Britain owes us something, after the BBC's angry, condescending lecturing of us and its poisonous, virulent bashing of us in their press for so many years, as an embarrassment to the Globalized world community because we dared to act like a sovereign nation with our own foreign policy, not taking dictates from the United Nations like Britain was so inclined to do (even though Tony Blair opted for joining Bush in the unpopular Gulf Wars in Iraq and even committed to Afghanistan).
That USA-bashing, so popular with the British government and the media for so long, is now returning to haunt them no doubt, as British Petroleum fouls some of our nation's most pristine beaches and wildlife habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks a lot, you liberals of Britain! What did we do to deserve this from you? We buy your products, your oil too, enriching you with billions of dollars for year after year, and then you turn and gum up our beaches and islands and kill the wildlife and fish too with your horrible messes from that blown-out well! Thanks a lot, liberals of Britain! And shame on you, for your malfeasance that led to this ecological disaster. I am certain your pride and arrogance is now slapping your own face for a change for all the slander and lies and bad mouthing you have done over the last ten to fifteen years during the Bush Administrations primarily. Obama is against all these big oil companies, and he doesn't particularly like Britain either, since it still stands in his memory as a colonialist or imperialist power that once "oppressed" his relatives in Kenya, one of whom was a Mau Mau sympathizer at the least. He won't let you get off his hook, if he can help it. Well, I don't approve anything he does, for he has his own socialist power agenda and his own enrichment always foremost in all he does, but surely this is retribution, a foretaste of divine judgment in store for you. The birds are returning to roost, are they not? This is exactly the kind of thing that will happen to all nations that abandon God and then attack other nations with slander and lies, as you liberals of Britain who have controlled and directed Britain for decades, have done. A divine pox on all your house! And the pox is the new conservative P.M. of Britain too, if he remains true to his principles declared in his campaign for 10 Downing Street. This has to be a bitter blow to all you, who were expected a shady deal in the backrooms to keep you liberals in power even with the nefarious Gordon Brown, the anti-Semite and PLO-hugger. But you have had to swallow it, and it has lodged in your throats, choking you no doubt! It is a sad day when the best that could happen for a wayward Britain staggering into financial melt-down due to liberalism's corruption and wild spending sprees for social services is a bitter pill to those who are supposedly the educated, refined classes in Britain. Well, you are not immune to judgment and being cast down from your high places, as this latest upset in your government, once liberal but now with a Conservative as prime minister, has amply shown us and the world. But there is much more to come--you haven't drunk the cup to the dregs yet, and the dregs probably have the potency of the hemlock that Socrates once drank.
Buy Ford. Ford refused government bailout funds (our tax money!). We know that Henry Ford was a peacenik of epic proportions, even getting up a "Peace Ship" full of peaceniks. If I remember rightly, this ship of well-intentioned fools was sailing on the high seas for the cause of international peace when World World War II (or atleast the Nazi blitzkrieg inflicted on Poland in 1939) broke out. A very active and imaginative man like Ford with too much money on his hands and a lot of friends who weren't led by the Spirit of God can be forgiven this unscriptural plan to end all war and usher in World Peace. They should have known that only Jesus, the Prince of Peace, will bring World Peace, true World Peace. That period of World Peace is called the Millennial Reign of Christ. The Bible describes it in the book of Revelation. They had the Bible the same as we do, but they thought they might pull it off without Jesus being physically present, before the Second Coming. Well, they failed, absymally. And so has every other peace brainstorm man has ever had. Those peace signs that the Left like to wear and parade around, if there is no cross there (and there isn't a cross, they are vain and futile--worthless. There is no true and lasting peace without Christ. Man will never establish peace on this earth. The so-called Pax Romana was actually riddled with endless struggles and wars and civil wars, as various claimants fought for the imperial throne. Countless battles with barbarians also occurred. Some peace that was! It was a peace of a sorts, enforced by the brute force of the Roman military, but within the Roman Empire there were innumerable struggles and wars from its founding under Caesar Augustus to the last so-called emperor who wore the crown, Romulus Augustulus.
Peace aside, and Henry Ford's craziness aside, he introduced America to mass production like no one before him and made an excellent car for generations, transforming America for the better, did he not! And they still do! And it is American, MADE IN USA, another GREAT plus.
There is also the article of a Jewish writer cited, that tells of Lincoln's love for Jerusalem, and his desire to travel there, expressed to his wife. David R. Barnhart's blog features the Lincoln article and the link to it.
We hear that all the time, whether it is a cruise, or a box of Lady Godiva chocolates, or a new car, or clothes--the list of expensive things we Americans and Christians are told we deserve are endless. This is ridiculous. It is the world, driving us with its lusts and greed into throwing our money away on things we probably don't need and, thus, depriving the evangelistic ministries and church work of badly needed funds. Go on that luxury cruise to Alaska! YOU DESERVE IT, RIGHT? I would not say you don't, as there is nothing wrong with a cruise that God is blessing you with, so I couldn't possibly know if you should take it or not--but Madison Avenue says you deserve it, whether you do or not--Madison Avenue just wants you to spend your money (which is really God's money) on things of the world so you have less dollars for God's kingdom. As far as cruises go, they can be ungodly, carnal things, even with hundreds of Christians on-board. I have heard about such cruises, where the Christians forget all about their Christianity and dive into the bars and casinos and really "live it up," and after the cruise is over they go back to sitting in the pews as if they hadn't done any of that. But they were seen--by my late pastor and his wife, who related how they saw Christians on a cruise ship acting like heathens and justifying themselves too--after all, it was only a cruise, and not the real world, right? Wrong! You can't take a vacation from God, Christians, and still call yourself one! If you don't act the same on land as you do onboard a cruise ship, you are probably playing games with God, and He isn't fooled. You are a fraud, a backslider, a carnal Christian. You can't turn your spirituality on and off like the water tap. You are either the same onboard a cruise ship as you are in church circles, or you are just playing a masquerade game. Get real! You may be left when the Lord comes for his Wise Virgins, for if you are playing the above games, you are definitely in the camp of the Foolish virgins. That is most dangerous. If you really want a cruise, let Godf arrange it in his time and way. And try to think first of sending someone else you know for sure is deserving--someone who couldn't possibly afford it. That would truly be a blessed thing to do, and God will work it out for you too in time, if it is to be.
As for conferences, with their celeb key speakers, all paid something rather helfty, what real good are they? They cost more than they produce, spiritually. That is easy to prove. Think of all the money it takes to get to such a conference if it is not in your state. Many people fly to them, across country! Then they have to take time out from work, many of them. Somebody has to pay for that lost time at work. They pay an entrance fee too. Then there is the cost of room and board. With no exception these events are held at 4 or 5-star resorts or hotels or the biggest, most expensive arenas and domes. The food is pricey and so are the accommodations at the hotels. Everything has to be First Class, with Deluxe added, for King's Kids, right? Ja, you betcha! Now just total up those items--transportation to and from the conference, conference fee, hotel, meals, transporation in town, and various other expenses such as books or CDs and DVDs you might buy, and maybe add some contributions to various speakers' ministries--well, you get the idea! The conference fee is but a drop in the bucket compared to all your other expenses. And the Kingdom of God is probably out all that and more, since you might as well subtract the total bill from anything you could have given to God and His work. If you are conscientious, and pay over and above that amount as though you hadn't taken that conference, well, that is a different matter, but chances are you will be strapped for cash afterwards, and have to save up or even pay off credit cards you used while doing this conference. Add all these conferences together with all the expenses people have to pay to attend them, and it must cost Christians in the multiple millions. Meanwhile, ministries that supply Bibles to the Third World, disaster relief, orphans, widows, evangelism, the preaching of the Gospel, crusades--they get the short end of the stick. This needs to change. But you won't see the keynote speakers calling for the change. It has to be people like you and me. We are the ones that are the whistleblowers, not those who profit from the system that is draining off tens of millions and probably hundreds of millions from the Lord's work. Yes, conferences could be of spriritual benefit to some people, but why couldn't they get the same thing from just going to websites of ministries and reading books or even reading their Bible and studying it. Clearly, these conferences are not really necessary, they are a luxury, a frill. Only a rich society can afford these conferences centered on fancy hotels, the way they are being conducted. But how long will God permit us to throw money away like this. It cannot be much longer.
I like Rev. R.W. Shambach, the founder of Shambach Miracle Revivals, the way he has conducted his ministry for his many years in the preaching and healing ministry. He has had a tent, not being content with a comfortable church building venue which he could have if he wanted (as he started such churches and left them for others to lead). He goes everywhere with that tent, even to the Big Apple. He has been here in my hometown at the local fair, which is one of the country's largest. He preached a wonderful message of deliverance from demons, which I have on tape from my mother's collection. It is excellent in every way. A tent? Yes, that is all he cares to have, apparently. No Crystal Cathedral for him! By the way, Dr. Schuller started out far more humbly. He had a trailer set up in a parking lot, and conducted services for his "drive up" church there. It attracted even movie stars! But now he has his Crystal Cathedral. Fine for him! I just prefer a tent, that is all, and Christ too did not have a place to lay his head, being very much like the homeless (see a section below dealing with the Homeless in America). R.W. Shambach goes to where the people are, with his portable tent, and doesn't expect them to come to him, centered in one place at one time. What a difference. Christ also was like that, right? He went to the people, going by foot all over Galilee and north of that and then down to Jericho and Judea and Jericho--many trips he made, on foot, living in the open most of that time, living like a vagabond would. That is so humble, is it not? He didn't have a nice ministry center in some city or town and people had to go to him. No, he took his earthly tabernacle, Himself, to them!
"As well a gnat seek to drink in the ocean, as a finite creature to comprehend the Eternal God."
"I am certain that I never did grow in grace one-half as much anywhere as I have upon the bed of pain."
"There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write 'damnation' with your fingers."
"Do you think to come to Jesus up the ladder of knowledge? Come down, sir; you will meet him at the foot."
On Acts 26:28: "Almost persuaded to be a Christian is like the man who was almost pardoned, but he was hanged; like the man who was almost rescued, but he was burned in the house. A man that is almost saved is damned."
"The most useful members of a church are usually those who would be doing harm if they were not doing good."
"The preaching of Christ is the whip that flogs the Devil. The preaching of Christ is the thunderbolt, the sound of which makes all hell shake."
"A sermon wept over is more acceptable with God than one gloried over."
"I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen verses [of the Bible] all day than rinse my hand in several chapters."
The homeless, where do they fit in? The main point about them has to be: they do not fit in American society and not many churches as there should be have a place or ministry for them either (for if all the churches did something, you wouldn't see the droves of homeless and hungry and the wandering teens in the streets today of most large American cities). I recently viewed the Carolina Stories documentary about the homeless in Columbia, So. Carolina. As the documentary made clear by showing us real people and letting them speak their own minds, some clearly don't want to fit in, they are parasites pure and simple, and they choose this "lifestyle" because it gives them a drug culture at their fingertips and they don't have accountability to anyone and they can get handouts in plenty of places, etc., etc. As for the drawbacks, well, they going to suffer those regardless, sooner or later. Those folks are foolish, and fooling themselves if they think this is the way to live, as it will end in their destruction, with no ifs and ands and buts!
But for those who want to fit in and become productive citizens, we have real cause to help them if we can. They also appeared in the documentary
As shown in the documentary on KCTS public TV, the homeless come in a variety of types and levels. Protein, a young black homeless man (if that is his real name, I can't say), narrated the documentary, as he guided the camera on a tour of a homeless person's usual day in Columbia, South Carolina. It started with him and about fifteen or twenty others leaving while it was still dark a public tax-supported Winter Shelter building, by bus marked "Special", to the downtown, where they were let out to do their homeless thing.
We watched him as he walked about the barely moving streets, encountering and asking "What's up?" with every homeless person he met, and heard Protein tell about everything that he does as he went first to the job center to do day work. He said it was a good source of such work, but this day he didn't find any, then went to get breakfast at a UMC (United Methodist Church) kitchen. After a good breakfast he went to the library when it opened at 9, glad to get in a warm, clean place like that and also check his emails on his Yahoo account, and then on to get clothes and shoes he needed at the Salvation Army (which provided not only his clothes ticket but he was given a bus pass to get to the place where the clothes were housed in a nice, clean building, which looked like any regular clothing store). After he selected exactly what he wanted, he had it checked out, and he walked out of the built up area of city and stashed the sack of clothes in a safe place in a wooded area, which he would pick up later (preferring not to walk around with a plastic bag that would advertize that he was homeless). He spent a little time then with a couple of homeless in a clearing, one of which sang with a guitar about ? I couldn't make out the words, but his song was sung heartfully, in a Country Western way. Protein showed us his favorite secret place of meditation in a culvert next to a flowing stream, then went for a free meal at some other soup kitchen, and finally a ride home on the "Special" bus express to the Winter Shelter. There was a full body check for weapons, head to foot, by a security guard, before he was allowed into the shelter, which seemed to hold hundreds of people, with no rowdiness or loud talking going on, however. The shelter looked like a warehouse, but it appeared clean and there were bunks with plenty blankets, shower, laundry, bathroom--all the essentials a homeless person needed to find rest for the night and a safe place to sleep, as well as bathroom and laundry for his clothes and a shower. There was an eating area with tables, and at the counter he was offered a doughnut and a drink, but he took only the doughnut, ate it at his picked spot at a particular table, then he ended the day by going to lie down on the top bed in the bunk assigned to him.
This might sound like a free loader's lifestyle to you. But Protein had to hustle to do this guiding round Columbia showing us a day in the life of the homeless. He had to walk miles that day, to get to these various places, and he didn't find work for the day, so he earned no money for any expenses. I don't know if the documentary work paid him anything either, though it might have later. Yes, he got two free, tasty, filling, nutritious meals for the day (which was substantially more than I get here at my own home, for he showed us what he got, itemizing everything), some nice free clothes (shirts, pants, and a pair of shoes he picked out himself), and saw his friends downtown and socialized a lot (though he was bad-mouthed by a couple of professional "homeless" which got him angry enough to spout some "F" words that got bleeped out, but he soon shrugged it off and continued happy as he had begun the day). All in all, I saw no gangs roughing up anybody, and they didn't mention that was a problem there. Columbia seemed to be a rather nice place to be homeless in. Some homeless people complained, but none very angry, except for the two abusive old men who gave Protein a bad time. Most others said it was a good city they wanted to make it in. A few were in the blame game, for that is going to happen in this population of entitlements we have in the liberal-run U.S., taking no responsibility whatsoever for the fix they were in, but claiming they were even being starved--which is not the case, unless they were so obnoxious in line at the various soup kitchens they had to be put outside (which is what I believe happened with these two bad-mouthing characters shown in the documentary). But we also heard legitimate cries of the legitimate oppressed, such as one young man who confessed he had committed a felony, something like 7 years previously, and he had done time in prison for it, but now he was still suffering daily for it, since he couldn't get work to support himself and his family, wherever they were, I don't know. Whenever he applied, they checked his record and found the felony of course and his conviction and his prison time, and he got no work! How was he going to ever pull himself up by his bootstraps by working for an honest living if it was going to be denied him--if he wasn't going to be given a second chance? Good question! That is legitimate! Society is dead wrong to deny him a second chance, but it does. It certainly does. Everybody knows it does this to those released from prison after they served their sentences, but the oppression goes on, year after year. We all know that it is next to impossible for any felon to ever get a job if his record ever comes up. On every application you have to list your police record and convictions, right? I had to sign so many times, practically sign my life away, just applying for a security officer's minimum wage job, and I have never had a police record! How do you think a felony (though it was paid for in time served in prison) affects your getting a job? It probably eliminates you! That is the employer's right, of course, but it is not society's. Society shouldn't brand people for life like it does, turning these men free on the streets after they spent prison time for their offenses, then expecting them to go clean and not go back to criminal behavior, while denying them any chance of an honest job! Their record is not expunged after a certain period of years of good behavior. They are branded for life, which is crime that society commits against them. Christ would give them a second chance. He is the Lord of Grace, after all. His Grace is free, whereas society will make you pay forever for what you did. At least that was true in South Carolina at this recent date.
For all I know, homeless people can read this in the library, even at the downtown city library in Columbia, S. Carolina! Many go on the Internet there, as Protein did. I saw that Protein, who seems a most energetic and personable young man, with a tremendous lot of energy, couldn't find any work in So. Carolina, and even the Winter Shelter closed, so he went back to the hellhole of downtown Los Angeles. I do hope he found out about the Barnetts' City of Hope (I hope I have the name right) in that huge converted hospital complex downtown L.A. they have turned into one of the greatest ministries to the homeless in this country and possibly the world. That is so sad if Protein doesn't find it or it doesn't find him, unless he finally finds another church or ministry that helps legitimate, wanting-to-work homeless get a leg up.
What can we do for him? What can we do for such as him?
I know there are resources that were not mentioned in this documentary by any of the homeless persons interviewed by Protein. In Columbia the homeless individuals couldn't name any churches they knew that gave rehab or job help, yet churches were feeding the homeless there on a regular basis, good food too, with smiling people at the counter! Surely, some job referrals and some rehab too could be added--if the state could only get its priorities in line and help out some with some funds? But if not in Columbia, there are other cities that do more, and they are large cities too. Churches do exist in Florida, for example, that are largely attended by homeless people, and they answer to their special needs and really welcome them in and don't ignore them because they may arrive dirty and smelly. These churches with a true heart for unfortunate people are pastored by former homeless people or former addicts who have turned to Christ, and so they know how to talk to people caught on the dark side of American life. I should be able to list them here, but I didn't take down the names and websites of the ministries, or keep them by my laptop so I could find them again, but they keep coming up on TBN and Daystar's programs, so I will be trying to get those for the homeless that might be checking in here from time to time.
God can help all the Proteins of the world who seek him, but can't help those who reject or deny him, as those illegitimate "homeless" guys I mentioned a couple times before this. God says in his Word: "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now I will arise," says the Lord. "I will set him in the safety for which he yearns."
This is the hope for my own life and situation as well, even though I have a job and am thankful for it, regardless of the pay, which is better than most jobs of this kind in other parts of this country, by the way.
Caption for May 2010:
"Mothers with children make up the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. Pray that God's blessings will shower over all moms."
"Deserving of Love"
"As a mother comforts her child,
so will I comfort you..."
--Isaiah 66:13 (NIV)
What does she deserve?
Some may say, "She made her bed--now let her lie in it. This is not our problem, after all she made her choices--she has what she deserves."
But Christ says what she deserves is love, care, and be warm, clothed, safe, fed, and nutured. What she deserves is the chance to know her Savior and the love He extends through His Body, the Church. For our hands are to be His hands reaching for her, extending mercy, love, and a lift up out of the darkness.
Art and thoughts by Jennifer Boeke
what they've done for others,
they'll do for you..."
--Sorry for paraphrasing the lyrics of the late great Stuart Hamblen
"Looking at the mural behind Saddam's throne--nuclear missiles flying towards America--could it be any clearer that Saddam was a threat that needed to be removed?"--Hiram Lewis, U.S. Army in Iraq
Dear G.K.: This is a complex question in our society, and I would not pretend to be able to speak about the legal issues it raises. However, let me make two comments.
First, most societies have rtealized that unrestrained freedom inevitably hurts others and hurts society as a whole. One reason is because a person who is concerned only with pursuing his own freedom is really very self-centered, and a society full of self-centered people eventually falls apart because no one is really concerned about anyone else, including those who are in need. In addition, it is impossible to avoid influencing others by our actions, even if we don't intend to do so.
Second, most societies realize that total, unrestrained freedom hurts the individual. I realize you will not agree with that right now, but the person who is being hurt the most by your behavior is you. In fact, you have become a slave, a slave to your own desires and habits. The Bible talks about being enslaved to "ever-increasing wickedness," and says "Those things result in death!" (Romans 6:19-21). The real issue you face is this: Will you continue to turn your back on God? My prayer is that you won't, but that you will turn to Christ and discover the perfect freedom He offers, the freedom from sin and its consequences.
Dear Dr. Graham: I know I have a problem with my weight, but I can't seem to do anything about it. When I run into a problem or something else that causes me anxiety I head for the refridgerator--although I know it isn't good for me and I don't know like what I have become. Could God help me to deal with this, do you think, or is He really concerned about such trivial things?"--Mrs. T.R.E.
Dear Mrs. T.R.E.: God is concerned about everything that concerns us, because He loves us--and yes, He is concerned about your problems with overeating. More than that, He wants to help you overcome this.
No problem is too trivial for God--and in reality, this is not a trivial problem. It is one which cold affect your health, both physically and emotionally. Yews, food is a gift from God, and He gave us the ability to enjoy it. But like almost anything else--food can be used in a wrong way, and the bible warns about those "who drink too much wine or gorge ourselves on meat"--Proverbs 23:20.
The key is to get at the root of your problems. Why is food so important to you? One reason, I suspect, is because that has become an escape from your problems. Problems make you anxious or unhappy--and food counteracts those feelings by making you happy, at least temporarily. But this means you have not learned to face your problems and discipline is important, and you need to take practical steps to avoid overeating. But youy also need to face your problems honestly, for only then will you really conquer your addiction to food.
Ask Christ to come into your heart and then ask Him to help you turn your problems over to Him. "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you" (I Peter 5:7). Christ can replace your unhappiness and anxiety with joy and peace, and that will make the difference.
The best thing, beyond this, is the way it can identify your Creative Design. God created you for a unique person, each of us has a Divine Design. But do we now it? Having taken this course, I know mine, and it is wonderful. I don't have to be confused and wonder what my purpose is in this world. I know the Design God created for me and my life since before the foundation of the world. You can know yours too. Contact this ministry and see how you can find out your own Divine Design as a unique person in God's hands, and also get free of your addictions and hang-ups and generational curses or "shadows." It is available, but you have to take the little bit of initiative to make contact. I made my little effort to contact them, and I was rewarded with incredible things I never could have guessed on my own. God gave Clover Church this ministry to us, and I took advantage, and so I can testify that every single Christian on earth ought to check this out. You will never regret you did. I wouldn't trade what I know for a million dollars. I really mean that. I am a minimum wager earner, but you can keep your million bucks, I will never, never give up what I learned through this course. This means more to me than any amount of money.
This unAmerican low-life isn't worth mentioning, except that he needs to be stopped and thrown out of office as soon as possible. Minnesota is liberal, but it can vote in true conservatives on occasion, and so there must remain some people there who love this country and its freedoms, its Constitutional liberties and its God-given rights. Such people can dump this guy in a trash basket in Mecca, if they get the votes out by awakening fellow Minnesotans to what a bad apple Ellison is.
Keeping this in mind, how do we regard Barack Hussain Obama, officially the president of our country? What if he has become a usurper of our Constitutional freedoms and liberties and not only that is working to tear them out of our nation and make us an authoritarian socialist state, where the central government decides everything for the masses beneath? Not only this, we see him depreciating Christ and Christian values and morality, our entire Judaeo-Christian foundation and civilization, while promoting Islam and secularism at the same time. Rick Warren of all the bestseller books series who hosted him as a presidential candidate with other candidates at his Saddleback Church, should be apologizing for his evident liking for Obama, though I haven't heard him do this, just that he has been hobnobbing with the terrorist regime of Syria and also Muslims here in America, assuring them we value them and their god highly as evangelicals.
Well, Rick Warren is nothing but a compromiser, and unAmerican at that! But what about this wolf Obama? Shouldn't we submit as Christians? No! Not in the least. We must obey the laws, but we must never obey unjust laws that interfere with the propagation of the Gospel and the furtherance of the true Church Christ is Head of. Already this godless, secularist, and now Islamic-dominated society is demanding we evangelicals shut our mouths, but we must declare the truths of God and the Bible all the louder and in every place we can! Declaring Christ in a private business is going to get you out of your job quickly, in most places, so you must use discretion and wisdom, and share Christ at breaks, not during work hours, or before work or after. Being a Christian consistently, upholding Christian values and doing the best work you can, will make you shine in the work place, and that is a great witness, even if it is largely silent. But you can invite workers over to your home to speak to them, or show them love and concern of a true Christian while sharing a good meal with them! Or write cards or letters to them on various occasions that will come up, on holidays, anniversaries, sick days, etc. Invite anyone who seems wanting more of God to church. If you go on a camping trip at your church, invite a person you work with along! There are all sorts of ways to show Christ to them in your work place, without standing on your desk and preaching and having yourself escorted out by security. I need to practice and work harder at these things myself, though I work alone and do not see anyone normally except a roving supervisor now and then. But I do see some workers occasionally, and I am praying for their safety and also that God draw them closer to him.
But, again, HOW TO WE RESPOND TO THIS TYRANT, OBAMA? Well, we submit but with some real qualifications. We must try to vote him and his people out of power as quickly as possible and vote our consciences for better representatives who will support godly values and Constitutional liberties. We can emigrate, if we have the means, but where will you go that is any better or different? Chances are, you won't find it better, and may face the same challenges in your new country. Revolt? Well, it may come to that yet, if our elections turn out to be rigged. We know Obama and crew have untold billions now at their disposal and squadrons of Brown Shirters (called ACORN) to intimidate voters and Tea Party meetings (they are already doing that), and the unions are helping him too with their union bullies. They will probably make every effort to rig the coming election as much as they can to stay in power against the will of the people which, according to many polls, is solidly against Obama and the Democrat Congress.
Returning to our opening statements, would you say Obama speaks for America? Yes, in the official sense he does, we would agree. But in God's eyes? God will hold him responsible for every lie he has uttered, every grab for unjust advantage, every bribe, every enrichment of himself at public expense, and everything else he has done to drag the Name of Christ into the mud before his Muslim friends and tyrants the world over. In the sense of our origins, Obama clearly does not speak for America. He loathes the original America we defined. He fights against it, he wants to eradicate every vestige of it if he can as quickly as possible. So I can fortrightly declare, Obama does not speak for America. He speaks for a culture that is not America (since he is not culturally American). He speaks as an alien, a barbarian, in the Oval Office. He puts on a show of being American, going to ball games, declaring at Rick Warren's disaster of a symposium that he is saved believer in Christ, but it is shallow pretence that is not hard to see through. This unAmerican President is the total opposite of what our forefathers intended us to have as a leader. They would reject Obama, and even deport him back to wherever he really came from--Indonesia? Nigeria? They would look upon him as yet another King George, a tyrant that could not be borne even by long-suffering Christians. They saw it their right and duty under God to do everything it took to throw off the yoke of that tyrant, and so I do believe we are no different, we have every right and duty to throw off Obama's yoke as quickly as possible, while voting in godly men and women to take the places of his wicked and tyrannous government.
Why would he want to celebrate Memorial Day? It stands for everything he loathes--a free, independent, sovereign United States of America, standing proudly on its great foundations of truth, justice, freedom, and godliness. He seeks in every way to destroy this nation which has been so unwisely and hastily put in his charge-- and it is being destroyed and torn down before our very eyes. The military is just one of his targets. But we thank God for our military, which has sacrificed so much to defend our nation through the last two hundred years and more. The United Nations will never defend us. Our military has that duty. It has performed that duty magnificently. We thank every service person in the military! We owe them so much, and it cannot be repayed. But we pray that they will receive what is due them for their service and sacrifice, and no less! God bless our military!
He has received death threats because of his ardent stand for our Constitutional freedoms and for his stand against anti-life abortion, and for parental involvement with their children in the schools, and for traditional marriage, traditional morality, and and the whole Judaeo-Christian heritage we have in this exceptional nation of America. You would do well to check out this brave, valiant, godly man. I wouldn't think twice about voting for him for President of the United States! He has the breadth of vision we need for unifying the country without sacrificing our core values and our foundational Judaeo-Christian heritage. We desperately need such men, and are their others of his caliber? They are few and far between these days!
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor whose love of his country and people and the his deep Christian convictions drove him to do something to save his country, and so after years of warning Christian pastors in vain about the threat Hitler's National Socialism presented he joined forces with a group of German patriots who tried to rescue Germany from Hitler's clutches by attempting to assassinate him. They nearly succeeded, but they failed, and were arrested. Would assassination help us regain our lost freedom in our present state? The regime is scanning websites and email looking into every corner of this society for potential assassins, as it uses all its powers to ferret out suspect Christian militia groups and arrest them. It isn't worried about the Left, which is its main support, but it ought to be, as it is the violence-prone Left that is really this regime's Achilles heel. It is the Left that would most probably assassinate Barack Hussain Obama if he doesn't fulfil their Leftist agenda for the de-democratization of America and the making-over of the country into a socialist state after the European model.
Bonhoeffer now is a hero, an ideal man and patriot to millions the world over, not just in Germany, whereas Hitler has gone down in history as a human devil, a monster of a man who caused the horrible deaths of tens of millions of innocent men, women, and children. Bonhoeffer, just the opposite, has gone down in history as a great man. Yet truly great men can have wracking self-doubts on occasion, and so did Bonhoeffer.
His poem written in the prison where he was held right to the last days of his life, then hung by one of Hitler's last orders, is available here:
Please return to look for the excerpt we plan to have here on Edmund Burke, the
great (perhaps the greatest) orator and conservative voice in Britain in its entire history.
Winston Churchill was a most powerful speaker too, and a greater writer than a speaker, but
Edmund Burke surely had no peer in his own time nor in any before or after him. He stood
most valiantly for constitutional government and liberty, and his words ring
forth like the strongest alarm bells now that we are losing our constitutional liberties and
representative government, our Republic being replaced by an authoritarian socialist,
centrally-planned and regulated state under the new Obama Regime.
Really? How do they know it wasn't a terrorist attack, if the cause is still under investigation? And who are these "authorities"? Obviously, they are Libyan. Libya is a terrorist-sponsoring state, so how can these "authorities" be believed. And we know that Holland is under attack by terrorists, since the cartoons about Mohammed appeared in a Dutch publication. Theo Van Gogh, a well-known Dutch filmmaker also was murdered, stabbed to death, in the street in Holland, after helping produce a film depicting the horrors of Moslem suppression of women. Did the human rights and the feminist organizations get really upset about this? I don't recall a peep out of them, since the perpetrator of this heinous crime was a Moslem supposedly defending Allah and Mohammed against infidels! The cartoonist producing the Mohammed cartoon that is won him a death warrant by Muslim clerics, a fatwa in fact calling all Moslems to go and hunt down and kill him (and he has since been attacked in his own home by an ax-wielding Muslim, but escaped), ask him if he is being attacked by Muslim terrorists or not and how it feels!
We really cannot believe the newspapers when it comes to Muslim terrorists. The plane had 62 Dutch citizens on board, and for Holland to lose 61, that is a great tragedy for a tiny nation of only a few million people in total population. The Muslim terrorists out gunning for the Dutch cartoonist are delighted with this news no doubt. Perhaps they helped bring this plane down somehow. How good is South African airport security anyway? A liberal-elite-run society, it probably refuses to do profiling of dangerous Muslims. And the airliner was Libya's. Two strokes of three against this airliner making it safely to Amsterdam, right? When will the West wake up to the situation we face? We are being fought with, we are engaged in World War III with the Muslim jehadists spread out across the world and all through the Western countries and America too. They have their jehadist organizations everywhere, installed in mosques, training at militia camps within the U.S. states, infiltrating even the FBI, CIA, and the Pentagon and the military and the U.S. Capitol. Our liberal-run government commends "jihad" as a "spiritual purging" exercise of the Muslim faithful and refuses categorically to deal with Muslim jehadists in our own midst and abroad--calling them not Muslims terrorists, which they are, but "extremists," lumping them together with "Christian extremists, conservatives, and rightwingers," according to Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano's white paper mememoradum sent out to all U.S. law enforcement agencies. The U.S. government is more concerned with ultra-right militias of so-called Christians, who were raided in the upper Midwest recently in a forest camp and hauled away to prison. They think them the major threat, whereas they wink at the growing numbers of jehadists in our midst, all Muslims, all determined to bring the violent overthrow of our government and our free way of life. It is time to wake up, fellow Americans, and all of us who know the Lord Jesus need to fervently pray. We can pray for our persecutors and enemies, for their salvation, but we also need to pray that our country not be destroyed by our enemies and also our own government, which is so misguided it has made friends with these packs of ravening wolves, while carrying on a largely cosmetic war against the Taliban (also Muslim, by the way) in Afghanistan.
Yes, the Federal Government has hired 1 million census takers to go to your doorstep and get the information you may not want to give the Government, but God will be with you, if you believe your rights under God and the Constitution are being violated. It is wise to know what is Constitutional and not Constitutional. I know myself that the Scritures say, in Paul's words, there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female, free or slave, in Christ Jesus! Also the Constitutional is both color-blind and race-blind. The Constitution only recognizes one "race"--American. Anything else is not considered a citizen of this country. Anyone or any agency that demands you tell your "race" or "color" is outside the bounds set by our Founding Fathers in our nations's founding documents. That is clear.
State these things plainly and without anger or rancor, but you have a right to state them, according to the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of speech. God will be with you, as He promised, if we are challenged and must defend our rights under God, and these are inalienable rights He gave us, long before there was a United States of America.
May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
May He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion.
May he remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah.
May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose.
We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.
Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
They have bowed down and fallen, but we have risen and STAND UPRIGHT [our emphasis--Ed].
Save, Lord! May the King answer us when we call."
Can't find the article or statement here on this page that was here previously? It hasn't been deleted, nor has it vanished into cyberspace like a bat out of somebody's video game. Where is it then? Well, it is preserved for our convenience and ours on a "Previous Home Page" we have moved for easy access off this already crowded page. Go to the Previous Home Page Directory page, and there you find most all our former Home Pages and their contents.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest, starting with ourselves, will fall into line.