"A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold."--Proverbs 21:22
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
The Associated Press--Jerusalem--The Dead Sea Scrolls, among the world's most important, mysterious and highly restricted archeological treasures, are about to get Googled. The technology giant and Israel announed Tuesday that they are teaming up to give researchers and the public the first comprehensive and searchable database of the scrolls--a 2,000-year-old collection of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek documents that shed light on Judaism during Biblical times and the origins of Christianity. Officials said the collection is expected to be available within months for free.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
You are lonely or fearful, Read Psalm 23
You are in sorrow, Read John 14:1-6
You are grateful, Read Psalm 103
Others fail you, Read Psalm 27
God seems far away, Read Psalm 139
You need courage, Read Joshua 1
You are discouraged, Read Isaiah 40
You are in danger, Read Psalm 91
You have sinned, Read Psalm 51
You have failed, Read Psalm 38
God has rescued you, Read Psalm 34
You want to praise God, Read Psalm 100
You want to be like Jesus, Read John 15
Responsibility overwhelms, Read Matt. 11:28-30
--No. 201, The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49534-1329, or go to:
"Indignation has taken hold of me bcause of the wicked, who forsake Your law."
January 25, 1941
To the Armed Forces:
As Commander-in-Chief I take pleasure in recommending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Through the centuries men of many faiths and diverse origins have found the Sacred Book words of wisdom, counsel and inspiration. It is a fountain of strength and now, as always, an aid in attaining the highest aspiration of the human soul.
Very sincerely yours, Franklin D. Roosevelt
Is there anything more contradictory and pathetic than an atheist or a secular humanist? I cannot think of anything, unless it is an immune system that gets its signals wrong and turns on its own body, eating itself, consuming itself, killing itself. That is tragic when it happens, and reversible with great difficulty. I don't know if there is a real cure. But thank God, spiritually, there is: Jesus Christ. He alone can cure the defective philosophical and existentialist immune system of an atheist or secular humanist. He alone is the Cure!
Have you read Cecelia Spotted Bear yet, on what happens to a nation without God? You can, just scroll down the page from here.
I thank God for these last ten years. They might have been difficult and sometimes disappointing, but we are still here! We are STILL here! That is proof of God's faithfulness, not our strength and ability. We praise and glorify the Lord Jesus for giving us the xtreme privilege of ten years of service to you, Christian or not, on this humble little site for "Emmaus Walkers." Who, by the way, is this mysterious "Stranger" we are walking along with? How does he come to know the messianic scriptures so well, that he can go from end to end of the Old Testament and point out the coming Christ, and all he is to do on earth? He should be clear by now to most of you, that he is none other than Jesus, or Y'shua. And who is Jesus, what is He like, and what does he expect of his disciples, that should be getting clearer too as Emmaus appears up ahead. Do you see that little town? It really isn't Emmaus (for the actual town Jesus knew and visited with the two disciples disappeared under the dust of Israel centuries ago and isn't yet dug up by archeologists)--no, it is really the New Jerusalem! The New Jerusalem is our true goal, not Emmaus the earthly, passing village that is now buried somewhere under the ground waiting the archeologist's pick and shovel. Isn't that more exciting, to think we are walking toward the New Jerusalem, the City of the Great King. What we have to look forward to there is glorious beyond words. And it is real, it will not disappoint. It will be more than we can imagine. Christ himself will be the light in it, and the temple of it. We will be with Him forever, and our home will be the New Jerusalem--isn't that a wonderful destination. I, for one, can't think of a better destination.
So stay on the road, pilgrim and Emmaus Walker! It will be worth it all, whatever you have to sacrifice to get to the grand destination! Yet here is the sobering truth: If we really believed that, our lives would be radically different, and our priorities would be altogether set straight.
in order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
The IJS offers a "rapidly growing body of American and international students an expanding curriculum of 14 premium courses, including fall semester offerings of Life of Christ, Major Prophets, Modern Jewish History (1948 and following), Holocaust/Anti-Semitism, the Future, Tabernacle, Daniel/Revelation, Between the Testaments, and Making Christ Known.
If interested, go to FOI's website for more information on the Institute of Jewish Studies distance-learning program on-line. We heartily recommend this to you, in case you are able to take advantage of this great program. You probably won't find its like anywhere else. Contact telephone numbers for FOI are:
TOLL-FREE 800-257-7843. Mail: The Friends of Israel, P.O. Box 908, Bellmawr, NJ 08099.
RBC Ministries (which publishes Daily Word devotions and many other items) offers forty free courses. At you will find general courses on the Old and New Testaments, plus courses about specific books of the Bible. You can also choose to learn about public speaking or effective leadership skills--alll from well-known teachers such as Haddon Robinson, Larry Crabb, Craig Blomberg, Douglas Stuart, and Alice Matthews. The free courses will not entitle you to a degree from RBC, but you will earn a degree in heaven no doubt for studying the Word of God. Degrees for paid courses are available too. You can never get too much of the Bible, the living Word of God. Visit:
I still think Obama's rage is worth discussing for other reasons than the political. He is impacting Christian faith and churches in America in a tremendous way, and not a good way either, except that the sleeping churches (some of them at least) may be waking up to the peril they are in with this hostile anti-Christian government regime in power.
You can get this volume, perhaps, from Daystar, by going to their website. It may be available from the author, Nissim Mishal. might be helpful in your search for a copy. But remember, it is very, very heavy! If you have weak wrists, it is not the book for you! You will definitely sprain them with this book! I am not joking! I am just giving you a warning maybe you should take seriously if you don't have logger's wrists and hands--like I don't!I thought I could whip it. But whatever I tried, it never got any easier to read. It was just so fascinating, I kept reading anyway and finished it, on the 399th page.
Listen and view Stanley's message, "Turning the Tide," on Youtube at:
Don't think you are just one little person when confronting huge injustices and big bad individuals and organizations--little you plus Almighty God are the majority!
Religion put Christ in the Cross (the Romans were not atheists, they were polytheists, they believe in many pagan gods, and the religious Jewish authorities were expressing the will of the black beast of Judaism). Cain is the father of these beasts, we learn from scripture. He begat religion, and his religion slew Abel his brother when Abel's blood sacrifice of a lamb pleased God and his own vegetable and grain sacrifice (with a bad attitude no doubt of works righteousness) displeased God. Karl Marx, who wrote the founding documents of communism, was an apostate from Christianity and a liar, but he said one true thing: "religion is the opiate of the people." Religion killed the prophets of God. Religion kills countless people today, in acts of violence we have become all too accustomed to hearing about on the news. Religion in Iran threatens to turn the whole Middle East into a burning infero into to bring the Muslim messiah back from the well where he disappeared centuries ago, according to a Shiite Muslim legen. Religion is not a good thing--it has ushered untold millions of people into hell, and is doing so today, in fact.
God plays no favorites with religions, and Christianity is not a religion, though the religion that calls itself Christianity today is also a beast (I have no idea what color, as the other beasts were described to me in Israel by a missionary who dreamed and saw them). God does not love religion, he loves sinners, he loves people, his creatures. God loves a Moslem just as much as a Jew! His word says so! But God is Sovereign, and He chose the Jews as His special people for a special role, and the land of Israel for his chosen residence and seat of his throne in Jerusalem the capital.
True Jews, true Arabs, true Christians (and the false Christians too, of whom there are millions and millions) all must understand this fact about God.
Now about a true Arab who loves Jesus: This former Muslim and his ministry is so "hot" and real as a Christian now that I can't wait a day longer to tell you about him, so you can go see him in action, as he carries out a secret operation in Pakistan to get a terribly persecuted family (with a little girl named Neeha who was butchered, literally, by her Muslim rapist) out to safe haven in Canada with a Canadian passport legally issued to them thanks to his working on Canadian legislators through his human rights organization, One Free World International. His name? Majed El Shafie. El Shafie Ministry is on-line. The video is available on his home page, with another link to it as well:
But is Islam true in its claims? Is Christian faith true? This needs to be decided by everyone involved. We can't have two faiths and two Gods. One only can be the truth. There are no ways to heaven, as Christ himself proclaimed to the world for all time--THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE WAY. Muslims and Christians would certainly agree on this point! Most, that is!
The late Sir Lionel Luckhoo is still, via his writings, the world's expert on Islam, as you will find out by reading his messages on the primary burning questions of faith. He is what you call an "apologist" for our Christian faith, but he also knew Islam and studied it intensively, as he was intimately associated with it from his earliest years. Here is a second message from Sir Lionel, "Prophet or Son of God?" We have a beginning portion to spark your interest in perhaps the most important question there is:
Just because Moslems emigrated from their home countries and live in America now does not mean they are Americans and want to assimilate, they are actually citizens of a state within a state--the state, the government and law of Islam that comes with the religion.
Our leaders already handed the country over to a tiny, tiny minority--have they not?--a tiny minority that totals about 2% too, namely, the homosexual which is Radical Left, and the military too has just been handed over in the latest bill of Congress that President Obama demanded in order to repay his radical left homosexual supporters.
The crescent moon of Islam is now hanging over the Capitol like the legendary sword of Damocles, that will someday soon descend and cut off all our last freedoms from us, as Sharia law is implemented in law, just as has already happened in Britain.
The once great nation of Britain is no more. Britain's freedom is already destroyed by its radical left, socialistic secularists who have bowed shamelessly to Islam, betraying their own nation in order to gain politically and financially by their treason.
Our own country cannot be given up fast enough by our own secularist leaders and Congress! They want what Islam promises to bring: a non-Christian state that is authoritarian, centralized, and where the Constitution no longer means anything but what they say it means.
We Christians who are awake to this reality must pray and interceed, as nobody but Almighty God can deliver us out of the hands of our enemies who have kidnapped our country and are stripping us of our freedoms, day after day, using a corrupt, slavish U.S. Congress controlled by authoritarians, Democrats with some turncoat Republicans in name only, all acting according to the agenda of the White House where President Obama rules like a pharaoh or a Stalinist by executive decree and dozens of his powerful czars set over every sector of our society to do what he orders, thus completely circumventing the Constitution and all Congressional oversight and the necessity to legislate first before a law can be enforced.
Where else is Reid so loved but in the Vegas and Reno dens of the sex traffiking of women? He is one spirit with these evils. He constantly perpetrates evil, as he stands up and lies constantly for his personal gain in the U.S. Senate. The Lord rebuke this master of deception who serves the king of lies, Satan. The voters who are honest and godly in Nevada tried to unseat him, and failed. God let the wicked voters and unions and vice lords of Nevada have this monster of theirs, for their own judgment. We feel very sorry for the wicked, as they have set their feet in a very slippery place that is really the edge of the abyss. Soon they will be going into it. And there will be no more grace and mercy for them. We pray the Lord will lead and guide this valiant woman, Sharron Angle, as she stands in some future role for constitutional liberties and the Ten Commandments and religious liberty in America.
Another laurel wreath goes in tribute to the blind Chinese activist now in house detention with his mother and wife. He cannot go out, nor can his wife. Only his mother is permitted to go out and buy food. They are watched 24 hours a day, and access to them is cut off by police cars. What is his crime? He opposes the forced abortion policy of China. You can access the videos showing him at his prison-home and hear him tell in detail what the police are doing to him and his whole family. Go to Lifesites, the same that offered the videos on the East Coast Abortion Clinics offering help and counsel to a pimp (really an actor posing as a pimp for this sting operation), after he told them he ran a prostitution ring with underage girls.
Are you interested? Do you really want to see how absolutely nasty and cold-blooded Planned Parenthood is. I am grateful Amy's foul language was edited out. This young woman is a cold-blooded killing machine and lawbreaker masquerading as a young if rather plump professional clinician. She would have done just great at Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Treblinka, or any of the other Nazi death camps. She has all the right characteristics, and can even joke about what she does--she is so lese faire about it. Go see her for yourself. Pray for Amy--she is a lost soul headed straight to the lowest level of hell if she isn't turned around by the grace of God!
Martin Luther King endorsed the culture of life, not the culture of death that presently rules in the black community and also in the "white"
community as well. He would not be politically correct today, to put it mildly. He believed in God, believed in the word of God,
which he preached, constantly referring to God and his truths. He believed in the family, in the sanctity of marriage. No wonder Planned Parenthood could not get him to endorse and promote their godless, heartless
agenda of killing unborn children for profit, as he stands for everything they hate and oppose, which they do for inhuman greed and profit, not really "reproductive rights" as they always claim. I hear their repulsive, deceptive, "caring" ads frequently on the radio. They target the black communities, everywhere setting up clinics in black communities, and New York City
has probably the highest rates of abortion in the nation, and it is no suprise that black communities
are responsible for that huge rate, with something like 41 per cent mainly being black babies being aborted.
It is time for God to lay his hand of judgment on Planned Parenthood and destroy it root and branch!
The best way for this to happen is to defund it of its tax money. Planned Parenthood has its hands in all our pockets, taking our tax moneies. Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion industry for profit in the world.
It has destroyed untold numbers of human lives. America alone has lost forty million children to abortion, which amounts to 4,000 being murdered "legally" every day in the abortion-murder mills.
Shame on us! Shame on America! God will not let us continue this genocide forever! Soon we will be paying with a terrible attack on US soil, a catacylsm, whether of natural causes or by actual enemy attack, will
take the living among us for all the precious children we have murdered. Yes, all of us are guilty!
We have not voted as we should of, voting our principles and values based on the Bible and our faith in Christ.
No, many of us voted for our economic welfare, for our paychecks, for our union membership,
for power, for money--not not for God and the sanctity of human life. Good thing we were not aborted, we would
probably agree, but why do we allow the aborting of others? How can we live with that? If I survived, that is all that matters? But why did God allow you to survive the abortion mill, just so you could help stick
thousands of unborn children into it? We are all complicit, we cannot escape God's judgment. He holds us repsonsible, for we all vote, and we can all decide to give or not to give to pro-life organizations that
are working so hard to stop this horrible mass murder and effront against God the maker of all life.The horrendous abortion industry of Planned Parenthood tried years back to enlist Dr. Martin Luther King to
be be its "poster-boy" champion, but they could not get him, thank God. He supported the sanctity of human life, all
human life, conception onward, and did not intend to play God and decide that some were "fetuses" and had no rights to life and some were protected by law. How does God, the Creator, look upon this? God always speaks of children in the womb as his children, not
accidents or "fetuses" that are "blobs of tissue" and therefore can be discarded for the convenience of the
woman involved if she so chooses. No! He gave his commandment, "THOU SHALT NOT MURDER." What is
unclear about that commandment? God tells us not to commit murder, pure and simple.
"Kill" is often used for "murder," but that word is ambiguous, and it is not the best rendering of the Hebrew word, I understand: God meant "murder," as killing is not
necessarily murder, it is lawful defense of your own life against an attacker or defense of your
home, community, and nation against an attacker.
"Excellent speech is not becoming to a fool, much less lying lips to a prince."--Prov. 17:7, another verse for Obama and his followers and all in power like him.
Dr. Smith states that before the transformation into the fiery Black Islamicist, Walcott was "Calypso Gene," a nightclub entertainer. Malcom X was one of the young radical men associated with him in earlier days, at least until someone murdered him after he denounced the teachings of Elijah Muhammad, his former mentor, and questioned his character. He assisted Malcom X (originally Malcom Little) at the Harlem mosque before going to the Boston mosque. You have to remember Farrakhan (Walcott), however, as he is in the news frequently, being quoted or cited in some way. He represented a faction called "Nation of Islam," and was its chief representative. But how did this false religion get started here in America? Please return for the excerpt soon from a great booklet by an authority on this subject called "Nation of Islam."
Global Warming is an incredibly unscientific, malicious harmful hoax, and our energy-starved world is waking up to the harm and falsity of it, as the whole planet experiences the lowest temperatures in years and years even while Obama is working to shut down as many oil rigs and drilling operations in America as he can to increase our dependency on the dictatorial regimes in the Middle East for the oil they sell us. Leftists don't learn, they just must be removed from power as soon as possible before they do any more damage! By the voting ballot, not the bullet--not by the bullet, which is the choice of Leftists, you notice, in the latest mass murder in Arizona?
Leftist-ruled Europe itself is experiencing the lower temps, as the Gulf Stream shifts, and half of what formerly went up from the warm parts of the Atlantic no longer goes up the East Coast of America and over to northern Europe and Scandinavia. Well, we'll see how the politics of Global Warming go--but it is not looking good for people like Al Gore! He is going to go down as one of the biggest swindlers on earth, despite his Nobel Prize and Oscar! Want to be in his shoes when people realize he is running up a huge carbon footprint with his dirty private jets, then garnering huge amounts of money from speaking engagements for Global Warming, all the while denying and ignoring the evidence that is rolling in continuously that disprove his absurd theories.
2 Isa. 1:18--Come now and let us reason together, saith the Lord, though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as SNOW.
9 Prov. 26:1--As SNOW in summer, so honor is not seemly for a fool.
16 Isa. 55:10--For as the rain cometh down and the SNOW from heaven, and returneth not thither but watereth the shall My Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth.
23 Prov. 31:21--She is not afraid of the SNOW for her household, for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
30 Rev. 1:14--His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as SNOW; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.
That is absolutely true, as a description of the Gospel. It is the greatest demonstration of the powr of God on earth. David Hathaway's ministry to the former Soviet Union bloc nations has got to demonstrate this powser, as nothing else can transform lives. Thousands of healings occur as well as thousands of people reborn as new creatures in Christ under his preaching. The Gospel proclammation he gives is plain and simple and so powerful that miracles of healing spontaneously break forth. He claims to heal no one. He lets God do this, as God promised, when the scriptures promise that signs and wonders, true miracles of all kinds, would follow those who hold up the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world. That this is so, accounts for the doors being opened to him across the vast Eurasian continent and its hundreds of millions of people and dozens of different cultures and languages. It is perhaps the most diverse region on earth, but the plain, unadorned Gospel can penetrate every barrier (including terrific opposition and demonization by hostile orthodox churchmen resisting the Holy Spirit's move among the people, drawing them to freedom in Christ) set up by the state or opposing secularists and authoritarians. Where one door is slammed shut, another opens, even wider than ever! The KGB couldn't stop him. Imprisonment in a communist Czechoslovakian prison couldn't stop him. Russian police couldn't stop him. Irate, insecure orthodox churchmen with their fiefs of religion-shackled souls to protect couldn't stop him. For sixty years he has been preaching the wondrous, liberating Gospel, and his ministry grows, and is recognized by the highest leaders and heads of countries.
This is a worthy, fruitful, exciting ministry to support! Go to his Eurovision website, or to his magazine and subscribe to it free.
This article is the product of over thirty years of bone-crunching work in intensive archeological digging and classification and study. The author died soon after writing it, as he fell at the site and died in the hospital two days later from his injuries. It is a rather magnificent last achievement for a noted Jewish archeologist. Herod's secrets were laid bare, thanks to him, secrets that were kept covered by the sands of the the Judaean wilderness for two thousand years.
What is my particular impression? What is my take on Herod and his masterpieces of architecture? This man was the Dunce of the Classical Roman World, or one of the chief dunces. He built sparing no expense, grinding the Jewish people into the dust to pay for his extravagances, all to exercise his colossal vanity and self-love and to flatter Caesar Augustus and all the important people of the day whom he sought to impress with his "greatness." How insecure his ego must have been! That billion-dollar complex of palaces and baths and pools and gardens and fortress called Herodium, where hechose to set his tomb as the chief ornament, it all went to ruin within sixty years or so of his death, apparently destroyed by the Jewish rebels when they revolted against the Romans (66-70 A.D.). His tomb was smashed to bits, his mausoleum leveled. The palaces, both on the mount and below it, probably destroyed at the same time, when the Romans returned with the legions under Vespasian and Titus his son to crush the Jews, which they did, wiping out something like 1 million Jews, along with the Temple and much of Jerusalem, and also Masada, and perhaps Qumran too. Romans could do a thorough job when they set themselves against a declared enemy. All of Herod's glory-- smashed and soon buried beneath drifting sands and dust--waiting the archeologist's spade thousands of years later! The vanity of Herod is beyond grasping! This pathetic, blood-thirsty, egocentric, much-hated, much-feared king, who had hundreds of Jewish notables rounded up, imprisoned, and sentenced to die as soon as he ceased to live, just so there would be tears shed when he passed away, died the most excruciating, sickening death imaginable, which is described by Josephus. You don't want to read it! What Herod is no doubt going through right in hell, well, no doubt he realizes too late what a fool of Satan he was. Jesus may have been referring to him when he commented, "What does it profit if a man gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" Take heed, Generalissimo Hugo Chavez, take heed, take heed, Fuehrer Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, take heed Czar Putin, take heed Chicoms and NorthKorcoms! A much greater despot than any of you came to absolute destruction and disgrace after defying Almighty God and his prophet. Where Herod went and is presently being eaten of worms and roasting in a pitch dark, horribly smelly furnace of unending flames, with no exit possible, you too will go unless you repent and turn to Jesus Christ for salvation and forgiveness of your sins and crimes! And you, Miss Goody-Two-Shoes, sitting so nicely in choir every Sunday, a Bible on your lap. You're just as rotten and sinful as Herod in God's holy eyes. You're going to the same place if you don't repent and confess to the Lord and receive forgiveness of your sins. Your goodness won't save you in the least, just as Herod's magnificent architecture didn't save him in the least from God's just punishment of him. His friends, Caesar Augustus on down, couldn't save him either. They too are in hell--with the devils using them for trampolines and target practice. It isn't pretty. It is reality. Like Detroit, it may not be pretty, but it still exists. Why not deal with it now and make sure you don't go there? Once there, you cannot change your mind.
Eben's prophecy that performs judgment, well deserved, on this doctrine of Satan:
One of America's all-time favorite solo sing artists (a true virtuoso in his field) is George Beverly Shea. His career, before and during and now finally retired from Billy Graham crusades, has been so notable and nationally influential that he is receiving the "Lifetime Achievement Award" at the Grammys this month of February. His signature song has to be "I'd Rather Have Jesus," which he first put to music and sang in his parents' home. In an interview on a Bill Gaither's music video, he told Bill Gaither how it all happened, how he and this great song came together. The lyrics had been written by a lady in 1922, and he was about 23 at the time his mother put it out for him to see when he first sat down at the piano. The lyrics so inspired him, he produced the music and sang it, and it changed his life. "It had the intended effect (intented by his loving mother!)," he said, as his mother knew these lyrics would speak powerfully to him, and they certainly did! You see, as this very decisive time of his budding career, he had some very alluring offers from the secular music world in his hand. He been considering a serious offer from the opera world to go and sing opera; instead, because the song, "I'd Rather Have Jesus" settled it in his heart what he really wanted in life, he chose to sing for Christ all his life instead, and we know now he made the right, best decision. Many other rising young stars chose opera or the rock world or some other lucrative field of music where they could win fame and fortune. Shea too, with that magnificent voice of his and the wonderful personality, could have made a fortune and gained great fame in opera at all the major opera houses here and in Europe. But he counted the glitz and the gold nothing, less than nothing to gain everything worthwhile and lasting in Christ!
He is known for many other well-known songs too, including "How Great Thou Art," which he first popularized for the American people by singing it 90 some consecutive times at the epic, long-running New York City Crusade in the 1950s. Is he still around and singing for audiences? Yes, indeed! He is 102 years old, and still singing for people. He drove up into his nineties too. Isn't this the example that should be held up to younger people? They can't go wrong if they follow in his footsteps, choosing as he did in his early twenties.
The examples now being held up and wildly popularized everywhere you look are LOSERS, not winners. George Beverly Shea is a TRUE WINNER. He has no regrets, no regrents of misspent talent that was lost to vain and broken dreams and taking the wrong road in life. He has only joy, after a lifetime of sharing his gift of song with the whole world for the sake of glorify Christ the Savior. And his sense of humor is intact, he has an Irish twinkle still very much alive as his love for others is alive and well. These people never really die--they just graduate to heaven and all its glories.
Why believe in God and the Bible? Get the DVD by the masterful investigative reporter, Lee Strobel, made available by TBN after a donation of any size and your request for it.
The movement of Pietism had truly profound effects on the Christian church in both Germany and in America. We can benefit to know who led the movement and learn what it is that Pietism was about and aimed to achieve. Here is a CharisLife article, "Lutheran Pietism," which we are bringing to your corner of the world to shed light on this great movement in the Protestant churches, that not only restored devotion to Christ in dead-as-a-doornail churches, but birthed from a formerly dead, stone-cold womb of confessional religionism innumerable Protestant missions and ministries to the whole world.
DEAR MR. GRAHAM: I am an insurance salesman. The other day I ran across someone who said he didn't want any health insurance because he just trusted God for the future, and since God was going to take care of him, he did not need any insurance. I just wondered what you think of this--A.N.A.
DEAR A.N.A.: This man was no doubt sincere (unless he was just trying to get rid of you!), but I wouldn't agree with his understanding of faith.
Yes, God has promised to take care of His children. But this doesn't mean they are exempt from illness or fires or accidents, for God has not promised that. Nor does it mean they are to ignore common sense and refuse to take preventive measures or to save--either to avoid such things or to overcome the financial effects of such events.
In fact, the Bible repeatedly warns us against laziness and thoughtlessness, and urges us to plan ahead and be diligent and thrifty so we can avoid disaster: "Go to the ant, you sluggard: consider its ways and be stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest...), but) poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man" (Proverbs 6:6,8, 11). Deliberately refusing to provide for the future is not wise or prudent. If this man becomes ill and cannot pay his hospital bill, someone will pay--his relatives or society or some other person. But why should others bear the burden of his imprudence? In our own organization we have sought to provide as full insurance as we can for our staff.
This man has, however, pointed to an important truth that I hope you will take to heart. Our futures are in god's hands, and no matter how much we try to accumulate, He alone should be our security. Are you building your life on Christ and seeking to serve Him every day?--Seattle-Post Intelligencer, Date Unknown
This too is a sign of the times, that we are in the last gasp phase of the Church Age: The first century church doctrine of the Rapture is being attacked now in evangelical circles as never before. What is meant by the term "rapture'? As defined by a good Bible teacher on the TBN channel, the Greek "harpozo", the snatching or catching up, spoken of in I Thess 4: 13-18 and described further in I Cor. 15: 51-52 as occurring "in a moment," in a cosmic event occurring in a tiny unit of time so small it cannot be divided. It is translated "rapturo," in the Catholic Vulgate translation by Jerome, that was the most used Bible translation of the Western or Roman church for a thousand years or more. Hold fast to this doctrine, for it is so important (for it isn't the Roman Catholic doctrine in origin, it is an Early Church doctrine, it is Pauline). The Second Coming does not snatch or catch up all believers in Christ in a nano-second--far from it. The Second Coming means that Christ will come down to earth to rule for a thousand years, so the snatching or catching up, the Rapture, mut occur before that time. Most evangelicals would place that event somewhere before the Tribulation and Great Tribulation periods. In any event, it must occur befor the Anti-Christ embarks on the world stage, as he will rule all those who are left behind. Those snatched or caught up (raptured, even said to be "translated") will meet our Lord Jesus Christ in the air. He will come like a "thief in the night," scripture says. In complete contrast, the Second Coming will reveal Christ to the entire world simultaneously when he steps down upon the Mt. of Olives and his foot splits it instantly into two pieces. That will get everyone's attention, as his lightning like appearance lights up the skies globally. You could not be more visible than that! The Rapture will be glorous, too, but viewed only by the saints caught up. What the world will see will be the catastrophic effects in society of the mass disappearances, they won't see Christ and the saints in the clouds, coming or going. Later, perhaps 7 years later, at the close of the Great Tribulation Period when the Anti-Christ and his prophet are cast into hell, Christ will come triumphantly into view, descending to the Mt. of Olives just as he said he would to his disciple shortly before his ascencion into the clouds. All this could come about in the next ten years? Rapture, Tribulation/Great Tribulation, Anti-Christ and his Rule and Ultimate Defeat, the 144,000 Jewish Billy Grahams leading a world-wide revival and then suffering beheading, the Second Coming and the Beginning Millennial Reign of Christ! The Destructions of the Earth, the deaths of billions of wicked people defying God tot helast gasp, are also included. So don't sell out the Rapture so you can fit in with a politically correct church theology or a trendy evangelist seeking to build bridges with other faiths. The Rapture, as you can see by this, is a very important prophetic link to the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. Keep this doctrine and cherish the truth of it. We have a wonderful event to look forward to, but we must prepare ourselves. Don't be caught sleeping, careless in your Christian walk. We are to "be sober and watch," which means what it says. What soldier is worth his uniform who sleeps on the job when he is supposed to be watchful, sober, and alert? He not only endangers himself but his whole unit. If he is a drinker and then goes to fighting, so much the worse for him, when the commander comes suddenly and issues the orders to march! We are Christian soldiers, men and women and children. Let us live worthy now of the high calling we have! Then we will not be ashamed when Christ suddenly appears above the earth to snatch us up instantly and secretly to himself!
What happens afterwards? The Left Behind Series of Tim LaHaye is one explanation. There are many others, though not so popular. One version intrigues me, as it says the Rapture will be so catastrophic to America, that America will be in a state of chaos, the economy shattered, the military in disarray, the whole nation unable to cope. The reason why it would be particularly devastating to America is that evangelical Christians constitute 8 to 10 million, possibly more, who hold all sorts of key positions in society and government; the sudden disappearane of them, without explanation, will perhaps damage America so severely that the European Union will have to fill the gap in the world power structure that America can no longer fill. Overnight, America will becoe subservient to the European Union. That is quite possible. A terrorist attack, and perhaps an economic melt-down, a nuclear attack, a natural cataclysm of some kind, perhaps occurring together, could also result in the elimination of America from being a superpower among the world powers. However it happens, America will be eliminated as a major player in the End-Time events starting with the Rapture. Look for it! Get ready for it! Read the Bible, obey it, cultivate your God-given role in your church however small and thankless (for God sees what you do, and that is all that matters), pray unceasingly, love your enemies (hard to do, oh, yes! and not that you must like them, but in the Lord's love, love them for their souls' sake!) and pray for them--and trust God and love him with all your heart. That is our responsibility, as the Rapture will take us as we are, it will not give us a moment to get ready or to "get our act together." That's a sobering thought, is it not? It is for me, friend!
"Love is Action" I've known for a long time that my generation, the one presently in charge, is selfish, self-centered, self-indulgent, concerned with SELF, SELF, SELF. Oprah is the quintessence of what this generation is all about, and capitalizes on selfishness: it has earned her billions! "You can have it all," she preaches. Selfish peiople eat up this false gospel of hers. Self defines what it is all about. Consequently, this generation of mine neglects its parents (not to mention their children). My family is no different, my mother is neglected in her advanced old age, though she continues to love them dearly and prays for them daily. Even on Valentines Day she got only a card or two, one little bouquet, a call from another state, and a call from a nearby town. Pathetic, for such a big, big family as this one! I have seven siblings! They married and have families, and the families had families! One sister came up with a dinner for mom at her place. Oh, one letter too. The rest of my siblings and all mom's grandchildren and great-granchildren--it seems there is no Valentines Day on their calendars, except for themselves of course! I told my sister this, and she thought it was "just terrible for me to say that the family does not love Mom." I had to remind her that real love is ACTION. You can say you love a person, even put on a big show now and then that you love them, but if all the rest of the year you neglect them, well, that is proof you DON'T LOVE THEM, YOU LOVE YOUR ROTTEN SELF.
HERE IS A CHANCE FOR YOU TO BECOME A TRULY LOVING PERSON: LOVE THAT PERSON YOU CLAIM TO LOVE, BY LOVING THEM THE WHOLE YEAR ROUND! Yes, the whole year round, not just on a few holidays in the year. It is that simple and true. Otherwise, keep on being a selfish SOB that you always have been, putting on a show now and then to impress others that you are a loving person, while you keep from facing the fact you are nothing but a miserable hypocrite and fake. With a few exceptions I can be proud of, my family is full of hypocrites and fakes--it is the present generation now in charge, and it is despicable. Their children are following their parents too, becoming just like them in most respects. The charade rolls on! What a legacy my generation will have: a bunch of little S.O.B.'S (Saved Only Babies, selfish as babies are naturally) neglect them in their old age! What goes around, comes back around, the old saying goes, and it is so true. (If this language offends you, go read the unexpurgated Hebrew of the Bible in Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel and the other prophets! It often borders on what is termed hate speech and the obscene. Jesus the Son of God didn't pull any punches either when dealing with the Pharisees and scribes whom he said were preventing others from entering into salvation in God's kingdom.) My generation will reap what it has sown--using Biblical language. It is a moral law in the universe, and still stands despite the garbage theory of Evolution that has everyone, including most Christians, so confused today. Count on a miserable old age yourself if you continue to LOVE WITHOUT ACTION. You can surround yourself with all the things you like, but you still know in your heart that you are a first-class jerk (and there is no gender discrimination here, both men and women can be jerks!).
Do you celebrate Halloween all year long? Do you wear a mask? What are you hiding? Why don't you let others know the real you? Are you sure they won't like you and will reject you? Mask-wearing has to be self-imposed slavery. It costs a lot to live a lie. How about freeing hyourself from that mask and game-playing? Cathy Mogus is one who did. Read about her experience of what happened at her high school class's 30th year reunion. It could help you a lot. It will me too!
Christ is coming soon. Jesus says so to countless people. Soon he's coming back. Are you ready, friend? Really ready? Cmon, don't lie about it. Chances on, you're not ready, if you're choosing to play footsie and patsy with evil, you're just playing stupid games with God, thinking you have plenty time to get real and get your act straight.
Wrong! You're really Dumb, and Dumber! You don't have that kind of time. Nobody has. All we have is this moment, and the next is anyone's guess what it will be for you or me. So, the Reality Manual for Life, The Holy Bible, says to you and me, "Examine yourself! See if you be in the faith as once delivered to the apostles and by the apostles!"
We notice that more of you are coming to the site than before, and why, pray tell, are you coming? What are you looking for? Christ? Or something else? Something less? That is my question, and that is God's too. Hey, man, or woman, or girl or boy, what's your true reason. Just to tickle your ears, friend? If that is all you come for, why not skip this site. You're not needed here, really. Here is Covenant, sacrifice, the Cross, the Blood of Christ, Repentance, Forgiveness, Sanctification, Love that's real, a Life Wholly Committed to Christ and His mission: evangelizing, making disciples of all nations! Loving others as ourselves (not "like" ourselves, as is normally done). If that doesn't fit your template, then go to Facebook, or YouTube, or your silly friends' bragging, shemeless, tell-all blogs or the sleezy video hang-outs and chats where you can share all that ungodly garbage about yourselves and your friends who are just like you, showing each other pictures of your body as if you were a piece of meat at the butcher's. Oh, aren't you darling without your clothes! Aren't you cute showing off that body God meant you to protect and respect and for others to respect too! God didn't create you to be somebody else's sexual trampoline, that he or she can jump on and off from so they can get their jollies, before they dump you and go and find another more attractive trampoline further down the street. Aren't you really cool! Oh, no your're not! You were created in God's imagine, and no animal was ever created in God's image. No animal was ever the object of his love and fellowship, but you were! The schools told you a lie: you are the last thing to an animal--but you can choose to act like one, to be sure. Instead, God created you for a holy servant life--not that porno stuff you think is so cool and interesting and what your "cool" friends are doing. Looking for self-esteem? Want to feel loved? Well, God who created the whole universe loves you infinitely more than the universe. Doesn't that impress you--at least a little? Christ died for you--he really did die for you! Who else died for you, or would die for you? What good would it do? You'd still be stuck in your sins, in your evil life, in your self-centered self. But just look at the Alternative, just look at those scar marks on his body--he didn't get those by being on Facebook and telling everybody about his coming to earth to die for us--he went to a real cross and suffered a real crucifixion--which is the cruellest, most bloody, most sickening and revolting and painful way to die ever devised by sinner man. Still needing self-esteem, outside Christ and what he did for you because he loved you so he spared nothing of himself? I hope you really get a boost of your poor little suffering self-esteem--right where you desperately need it, right square on your backside like a donkey's kick! Christ is everything you need--but he isn't your patsy, he is Lord of lords and King of kings. He isn't going to be your ice cream cone or your double mocha late. All this to say, we need to get real with ourselves, but most of all we need to get real with God. Here's how. Read on:
The following article is about cholera in Haiti. What it does to actual human beings, many of them little children. It is nothing but real. But, you spoiled and pampered and self-centered, ungrateful American Christian, do you know what "real" is? This article will show you and me. Decide if you measure up or not to "real". If not, you can repent and get right with God, and be made real by Jesus Christ our Real Savior. He came to save us from ourselves. I thank God for that! Why not surrender and plead, "Jesus, please make me real like you?" He will answer that prayer if sincere. After all, he died on a real cross for you and me too!
It is clear that Imam Feisal knows his Islamic and Spanish history, and aims to revive the lost Cordoba Mosque right smack in the heart of the world's chief city of trade and influence: New York City. What a showcase it will be, a tremendous message to the whole world that Cordoba's "The Mosque" is avenged and the Christians defeated. Clearly, Imam Feisal the Weasel knows to exploit the situation, by using the Ground Zero site as the backdrop for retaking Islam's claimed territory, right in the heart of the "Great Satan" America's greatest city!
Isn't that tremendous? It may look like the game is up, we are finished, the Devil has
defeated us, the wicked old world has us tied and trussed like chickens in the slaughterhouse,
but no! It isn't over yet! Our King Jesus still has one more move!This is taken from Stuart Maxwell Hawkins's book,
and it recalls to mind a story I heard recently. A chess master was shown a painting
by someone. But the chess master kept looking and looking at it, from various angles,
until he finally said, "I am a professional at chess. Either the painter is a liar, calling
this painting, 'Checkmate,' or he will have to change the name." He kept saying this as he
examined the famous painting. Finally he said why: "The king still has one move," he said.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest, starting with myself the Mighty and Proudly Self-Sufficient King, will fall into line.
Please return for the updated version, the rewrite of the Apostle's Creed according to how
the truths of the Confession are
really believed and followed by most evangelical churches and Christians today. It ought to be mind-blowing, to say the least!--Ed.