He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
Billy Graham and Benny Hinn and others who could not
be present sent statements that were read to the hushed gathering. I did not get in on the entire program, but I watched all the latter portion, where Oral Robert's daughter
was speaking, followed by Richard Roberts, and concluded by a message by Marilyn Hickey.
It is the Hickey message that draws my attention most. She spoke of altars in the Bible, ten of them, but covered only five. Oral Robert's life also evidenced altars to God, she said. These altars were times of real, painful sacrifice, and because of them and what he sacrificed by choice to God, the fire of God fell on him, his ministry, and the world, and we all reaped the benefit. This was a wonderful message. The singing too was most
beautiful, and of course "Amazing Grace" was sung by a special vocalist. Oral Roberts
had written down the service before he passed and given it to his son Richard, so we know
this is what he wanted done. Marilyn Hickey did a masterful job, being a great Bible
teacher and expositor. She has real insight into the Bible, and that is apparent
after just a few first sentences. She called on the audience to
claim healing right then and there for all sorts of afflictions and
problems they might have. It was something that Oral Roberts would have wanted done.
One thing seemed lacking, though I was so impressed by the sincerity and candor of
the Roberts family, who were willing to acknowledge they too have feet of clay. What was
that one thing? Repentance.
Nothing was acknowledged, whether in the nation or in individuals, that demanded
repentance. Sacrificial altars for the sake of revitalizing a ministry was called
for--certainly Marilyn Hickey made that challenge clear enough--but
what about repentance? I doubt really there can be any revival or
new wave of the Spirit unless there is repentance. Repentance is a gift from the Spirit
too. I have noticed this lacking in the other great venues and ministries and
convocations--no acknowledgment of sin and call for repentance. We evangelicals and Pentecostals must think we are okay inthat category. But we cannot be okay. Evangelicals and Pentecostals, at least in America, are in a terrible state. There is even apostasy and something ominous called the Emerging Church, and a general falling away from the
central truth of our faith that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, that salvation comes only through Him. Oral Roberts' daughter made that truth crystal clear, but
there was no call from her for us to repent of giving up this glorious doctrine for
the traditions of men--multiculturalism, New Age religion, diversity, and
"Toleration" of everyone's faith-path, regardless of what it is.
Billy Graham calls for repentance, but he is Old Guard now, an icon, a legend. You need to honor him as everybody does, but you don't have to follow his example or do what he
says. Evangelicalism and
Pentecostalism have somehow moved on--lost their moorings to the Cross of Jesus Christ in the process too. They give lip service to repentance and Billy Graham too, but they think they have a better way. But how is it better. It allows countless millions to go to hell, deceived into thinking that every road, as long as it is "sincere faith" in Joel Osteen's interpretation and description, leads to heaven.
Joel Osteen also sent a greeting to the gathering, by the way, as if he is on the same level as Billy Graham (what a laugh that is!). He is
the "New Wave" obviously, acting as if he has utmost respect for Oral Roberts and
Billy Graham, yet does he really? Joel Osteen could not say to Larry King, when asked
repeatedly, if Jesus was the only way to heaven. He could not say it in words. He couldn't even burp it out. He also refused to say if people who believed other ways were going to hell. Because of the huge flap
his interview by Larry King created, he backpedalled immediately and put out a
carefully crafted statement that he believed in just the opposite of what he had
expressed to Larry King. Oh, really does he? I hope he does, but I cannot
accept his statement, as he made it clear that he holds that there are many roads to
heaven, and Jesus is just one of them, in his opinion. It is only necessary to have sincere faith, even if you believe in Hindu snake goddesses, and God will honor that
sincere faith and overlook the snake goddesses! Absolute falsehood!
On trips with his famous father to India, the son obviously got bitten by the
New Age bug. He couldn't stick with the scriptures, which plainly state in Christ's own words, "No man comes to the Father but by Me." That wasn't acceptable to the young, inclusive-minded
Joel, and so anything goes with him--though he can put on quite a show of being evangelical and Pentecostal, which he probably is not. His preaching tells me he is not what he claims to be. He is preaching constantly one message for what he calls "champions," one message only: "You can be what you want to be, if you just don't quit!" It is motivational gospel, not
the true, apostolic Gospel St. Paul and the other apostles preached, the Gospel which
created the Church of Jesus Christ which is everlasting.
By the way, you seldom go wrong if you just go back to the Apostles, their teachings and and examples--in fact, you never go wrong. Just compare as I do what is going on today and is being said in the pulpits and on TV, and it does not compare, with very
few exceptions! That is how I can "discern" the curly-necked Joel Osteens with
their constant Bucky Beaver smiles! They simply don't compare, both in message and in lifestyle and actions. It isn't difficult to see. It is like
night and day! St. Paul, if confronted by a Joel Osteen or any false shepherd like him would have grabbed his flowing curls at the back of his neck and put him out of the church! It is time to do so now. But our liberals in the churches will cry out at once: "Oh, no, you can't do that! Terrible man! You are being judgmental, divisive, even bigoted!" But when are we ever going to stand on the Rock of Jesus Christ, rather than on men's traditions, which include
the positivistic, motivational false gospel of Joel Osteen that is so greatly popular with
the masses of the contemporary mega-church scene?I am thankful, as millions, even tens of millions in the U.S. and across the globe, for the life and ministry of Oral Roberts. The funeral service aired on
TV was most impressive. You could see a living Who's Who of evangelicals and Pentecostals seated
in the big auditorium of ORU. Their presence alone was a great tribute to Oral Roberts and his ministry of many decades. Oral Roberts died "with his boots on," did he not? The
ministry was not fading or passing away, with him declining in dotage or senescence--rather
he continued with faith and vigor right to the end, his mind and ministry intact and showing, as the Psalms promised, that his leaf would not wither, and he would be green and full of sap in old age, prospering and flourishing, since he was planted with his roots in the water of Life, which is Jesus the Lord!
1. THOU SHALT HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME. Pray that God would be worshiped above all else in our land.
2. THOU SHALT NOT MAKE UNTO THEE ANY GRAVEN IMAGE. Ask God to reveal our nation's idolatry.
3. THOU SHALT NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD THY GOD IN VAIN. Pray that the Lord's name be honored; ask God to bring a fresh conviction against profanity and depravity.
4. REMEMBER THE SABBATH DAY, TO KEEP IT HOLY. Pray that God's people will set an example for this nation by honoring the Lord through a Sabbath rest.
5. HONOR THY FATHER AND THY MOTHER. Intercede that the family will be restored to its rightful place of honor and respect.
6. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Pray that the culture of death would be broken; pray for a culture of life to reign.
7. THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. Intercede for marriages in this land; ask God to restore the sanctity of the marriage bond.
8. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Pray that personal property would be respected; that both personal and institutional theft would end.
9. THOU SHALT NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS AGAINST THY NEIGHBOR. Intercede for a day when integrity and concern for our fellow man would cuase us to honor our neighbors.
10. THOU SHALT NOT COVET. Ask God to break the materialism which grips our land; pray that men and women would discover their true purpose in serving the Lord.
Let us come to Him with open hearts and empty hands, turning from ourselves and toward our God. Then and only then will we see true revival in our land. --P & R Schenck Associates in Evangelism, P.O. Box 75157, Washington, DD 20013-0157
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Here is a book that is truly godly, but so readable you will have no trouble with the themes in it. It defines the sources of the Pentecostal movement, so concisely, you don't have to wade through hundreds of pages to learn what you need to know. It describes each of the three Great Awakenings in America, after giving the groundwork in Europe for them in the Pietism movement and the Reformation. Also, most importantly, it defines the Apostolic grounded Church of Jesus Christ. I never learned so much so fast about all these vital things about the Church as I did in this one book. I am not overstating it. Do what you have to do, get ahold of a copy. It may not be in print. I will give an excerpt, that is the best I can do. It is David A. Womack's "The Wellspring of the Pentecostal Movement," Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, Missouri.
Written by Donita Dyer, who is a highly accomplished writer, it is so gripping I read it in two sittings alone. Tyndale House Publishers had it out in 1977, and the lady who is the Pearl in the story longed to see it published but never lived to see it (though she lived into her eighties). Without question, this book deserves to be read and spread across the country. It really ought to be made into a film. Any film producers out there reading this? Here is a great story for you!
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Clearly, Native Americans can recognize other indigenous peoples when they see them--in this case, the Jews who are native to the land of Israel, and they have the backbone and courage to say so to an anti-semitic world in denial of the fact! God bless Chief Annie Richardson and all the tribes she represents so ably! God's Word says that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by him! There is more hope for these Indian nations than there is for the nation of America! You will sooner see these Indian nations represented in the Millennium than you will see America. I wouldn't hold my breath on whether America will exist into the Millennium--as we are long over-due for judgment already.
As philosophy goes, so goes the nation. Our nation has been
overthrown, philosophically, by the philosophers, few as they are in number. We failed to hold on to the truths of the Bible as they tore down our Christian nation, so in consequence their
vain and false philosophies have invaded and gradually driven out the Judaeo-Christian views that undergirded our nation and inspired the creation of our Founding Documents, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence. Relativism is but one of the vain philosophies, which ought to be a completely laughable matter, since it is so
contradictory and inconsistent and impossible to live by, but since there was so little opposition and dissent by Christians in America it is now taken seriously and is now a
ruling philosophy in education and in society. Chances are, you haven't give it a thought. Right? Yet it has given you a thought, and has shaped your world while you were blissly unaware of it, how its tentacles were gradually encircling you and your home and family and job site and entire society and nation, constricting and sucking you and all of us down to our death.
Dr. Reagan:
"Mr. President, I am outraged over your proclamation designating June as "LGBT Pride Month" [LGBT--Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered]. Why should any American take pride in sexual perversion? And why did you decide to discriminate against pedophiles by not including them in the proclamation--or will that be the proclamation next month? What about a "Bestiality Pride Month" or a "Prostitution Pride Month"? Mr. President, you are inviting the wrath of God to fall on your Administration.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..."--Romans 1:18
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia).
This honest man (compare him to Gordon Brown or Tony Blair of Britain!) is despised by the secularist leaders of Germany and France and Belgium and the other members of "EUTOPIA," but he is telling the whole truth. Global Warming is nothing but the biggest scam on the face of the earth! History will vindicate him. The others will be known forever as liars, deceivers and thieves.
The vows that Elizabeth II, ER (Elizabeth Regina), took before she was fully installed as Queen of England, Scotland, and Wales, were Christian, administered to her by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Primate of the Church of England. She vowed to uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She also vowed to cherish and defend the rights of the Protestant Church of Scotland and the Church of England. Moreover, if this was not enough to establish her as a Christian monarch, she was handed and entrusted with her royal insignia: five ceremonial swords, and robes of highest royalty, and special bracelets, and the arched crown with a cross on it. An orb or globe representing the world was handed her too, which had a cross on top, signifying, Sir Rank narrated, the world under the Lordship and dominion of Jesus Christ. She was anointed by the highest churchmen before she received the insignia. After receiving them, she was given communion, remembering the Lord Jesus Christ, with her husband the Duke of Edinburgh at her side. Each time she was asked if she would defend and promote the Gospel and the Churches, she solemnly replied, "I will."
We all know that since 1953 Britain had abandoned God and fled from the churches, leaving them to be sold and "converted to" pubs or cafes or cinemas. We know that even the Archbishop of Canterbury has turned apostate, questioning the Resurrection, the need for Christ to die on the Cross, and other primary doctrines of the Christian faith. We should know that Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, who was present as a little boy at the coronation along with his sister, Princess Anne, has broken every vow he later vowed to his mother the Queen in his installation as Prince of Wales. He broke his marriage vows too as he openly committed adultery with a lover while married to Princess Diane, and then continued the relationship with his "partner" for years until they recently married in order to dignify the shoddy affair. Religiously, he has turned apostate and disavowed the Christianity of Britain, saying that he would not be a Defender of the Faith as His mother is titled, but would be a "defender of faith," which means all faiths, so that he makes himself a New Age religionist, not a Christian. How then could he take the same Christian vows as his mother took in Westminster Cathedral in the hours long ceremony in June 1953? The only answer is: he could not. He would be lying on all counts if he said he would do the things she committed herself to doing in order to become England's "undoubted Queen." Is he prepared to lie in order to become king? We shall see. But if he balks at outright lying to gain the throne vacated by his mother (God forbid she should die and he exercise the next in line's first right to it), will he not be forced to have the vows reworded and made non-Christian and thus, all-inclusive? They surely will have to change the vows radically to say what they do not say now, that in the royal coronation ceremony established by law Britain is a Christian nation, and that the monarch will defend the Christian Gospel and the Christian churches of Britain.
Will the radical, secularizing regime of Britain presently in charge (with the prime ministers Tony Blair, Major, and now Gordon Brown) have sufficient arrogance and pride to enable it force this complete markeover of Britain's identity and laws and constitutional monarchy? We shall see, won't we? Perhaps if Prince Charles becomes king, it will be because he has already worked with others to force the makeover, so that he can legitimately ascend the throne his Christian mother, a Christian Queen, occupied. Perhaps she will be the last Christian monarch of Christian Britain, and after her apostasy will reign supreme?
Christians of Britain, it is high time to overturn the secularizers that oppress and are dooming your nation to certain destruction. However you do it, it must be done. Thomas Jefferson said that he favored revolution in America every ten years or so, to reinstate liberties that would be lost. Well, we have not had a revolution in over 250 years, and our liberties, even our Constitutional guaranteed liberties and the Bill of Rights, are virtually lost to an authoritarian government's usurpations. Will Britain and her offshoot, the U.S.A., sink together into the abyss of authoritarianism and slavery and apostasy? It seems to be happening right now, at the present hour. God save the Queen and Britain! God save America and the freedoms and liberties that are our inalienable rights, granted us by Almighty God! We have passed far beyond the point where men could save these two nations of ours.
And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?
And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among those dark Satanic mills?
Bring me my Bow of burning gold,
Bring me my Arrows of desire,
Bring me my Spear, O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!
I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green & pleasant land.
2. "Forgive me!"
3. "I love you!"
(Not necessarily in that order)
This Reality Crash Course is offered all dictators and authoritarian leaders in the East and West, in America, South and North, in Europe, in Africa, in Asia. The crash course is this small but immortal play, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. Wannabe world rulers and Caesars, beware! Listen up, U.S. Congress and Democrat Party leaders, and Chavez, Castro, China's communist leaders, Iran's mullahs, Europe's secularist leaders, Africa's "Emperor Jones" dictators, and all other oppressors. The people may follow you like a
mindless herd of cattle, but not everyone will--and so you have to always maintain
huge amounts of security armed to the teeth round your sacred buddhahood lest someone, sometime and somewhere,
takes a pot shot at you! You are an oppressor of the people, and your wages of oppression are fear and insecurity and possible assassination sooner or later. How different is the real world ruler, Jesus Christ, who
will rule with absolute justice and wisdom over the entire earth and nobody will be allowed to defy him, since the mere breath of his mouth will be enough to slay them. He has nothing to worr-r-r-ry about, compared to you! You have to have armed guards day and night, thousands of FBI and CIA, all armed to the teeth, to protect your wretched hides, but it will never be enough. President Obama took 3,000 C.I.A. operatives with him to the Cairo conference--as if that could save him, when God says a man's time is up! Mere flesh and blood, you dictators and autocratic senators and representatives are still vulnerable, just as every dictator before you has discovered in the day of his calamity, which is surely coming one of these days for you too. As Alexander the Great discovered, the man who had conquered the civilized world, a mosquito was mightier and slew him with one little bite! In like manner, a little bug or a virus can be God's means to reach you, he doesn't need an army or an assassin with a rifle or a bomb, he can use something not even visible to human eyes and kill you just as surely as a bomb or a bullet.
The Lamplighter magazine! Do you really want the truth about the really important issues? Get this magazine, by going to Lamb and Lion Ministry's website. You can order the magazine newletter free sent to your email address, or donate 25 dollars to the ministry for a year's subscription. Do yourself a big favor. You don't need those lattes. How can you possibly justify buying those expensive, over-rated coffees anyway? Send the money instead to the work of the Kingdom of God, to Lamb and Lion Ministries.
"Standing Firm for God and Country"
"Dead Sea Scrolls Testify to Bible's Accuracy"
"News of Vital Concerns to You"
"Announcing Our Next Tour to Israel!"
"The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions. The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. The Jew is the pioneer of civilization. The Jew is the emblem of eternity."--Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910
I do recall something like this happening, as somewhere I saw a photo of him sitting in his wicker garden chair in his yard after he was deposed, obviously "set out to pasture" at his secluded house and estate in the country, and he was obviously in a state of tears, which could well be deep remorse for his many crimes, recalling his wife suffering in Siberia's gulags, and the genocide of the Ukrainians, and many other things he must have done to silence rivals and opponents in his scramble up the ladder of the Communist party hierarchy, and then to gain and then keep power as the chief head of state of the Soviet Union. It must have taken something significant to reduce this seeming conscienceless, Soviet-style godfather to helpless tears--and just the loss of his power and position was not going to do that--it would have made him just more defiant and determined to claw his way back to where he had been. No, it had to have been a change in his heart that would produce such remorseful tears. And there were witnesses to it, too. The event gives hope to me at least that even the cold-hearted like of Barack Hussain Obama (or whatever his name really is), even if he hasn't killed that many people yet to stay in power, could someday repent and be converted. This account shows that the stupendous, glorious, absolutely free grace of Jesus Christ can come to anyone, anyone, no matter how many crimes he committed and how much blood of innocent people he has shed!
"Many have wondered about the mysterious circumstances surrounding the sudden demise of the Russian leader sometime ago, and perhaps this is the explanation for which we have been waiting. Khrushchev, we are informed, was demoted because he became a Christian.
"This story of Khrushchev's conversion was reported by Gordon Williamson, a Brethren missionary, who related a conversation he had with a Russian ship captain and his wife who were radiant Christians.
"According to this report there had been a Christian gathering at a Black Sea summer resort. Many Christians from such Iron Curtain countries as Hungary, Czechoslavakia, Yugoslavia and Russia were in attendance at this meeting. The last night of the meeting was given over to a time of testimony. That night there appeared a white-haired man who proceded down the aisle to a microphone. The audience became electrified and somewhat frightened when they discovered it was Nikita S. Khrushchev.
"From the platform Khrushchev witnessed to his faith in Jesus Christ and said he wanted to turn Russia back to following the Saviour. He told how as a child he had learned the Gospel of John verbatim, and knew the Scriptures well. But going to the university to study political science he got away from God [this is exactly what happens to countless college people in our own U.S. colleges and universities which are indoctrinating the students with socialism, anti-Americanism, atheism and Evolution--a poisonous witches' brew if there ever was one!--Ed.], then divorced his Christian wife who was sent to Siberia, and went on seeking political power.
"Apparently spies were in the audience that night for Nikita Khrushchev was soon thereafter demoted from power with no reason given.
"Impossible? Well, with God nothing is impossible. God is not willing that any should perish but that all should repent and turn to Jesus Christ for pardon and salvation."--Radar News, Vol. 14, Nov. 1969, as published again in NEW WINE, December 1969
"Nothing will unite us like the Gospel."
"Obedience to the Word of God brings joy that produces fruit."
CBN's Operation Blessing *(which is right now in Port au Prince with medicines and a transport truck). Call and support them with any amount by calling 1-800-759-0700. Or simply text 90999 and then text HAITI. $10 will automatically go to the Red Cross for Haiti emergency aid, billed to your tel. server. TBN also is accepting contributions for Haiti aid, and will get it to Friend Ships and other Christian emergency aid ministries affiliated with TBN. You can go to TBN on-line and give, or call TBN.
Haiti, whether or not it made a pact with the devil and was cursed by God or the Devil, has undeniably suffered hideously, catastrophically, from wicked corrupt rulers and dictators right up to the truly demonic (which the press at this time heartily acknowledged, as I recall) Papadoc Duvalier and his bombshell-shaped son and heir. Let the present-day secularist Liberals have fits about our using "demonic" to describe any such black magic and Voodoo-energized ruler. The fact is, they were evil beyond human agency. Also, you cannot quickly undo the damage inflicted on a society and the land itself by hundreds of years of corrupt misgovernment and the ecological devastation that the people wreaked on their landscape in order to scratch out a subsistent living after the government reduced them to absolute poverty and misery. 10,000 aid organizations have been working in Haiti for years, and the U.S. before that tried to build an infrastructure for a viable state--you know, passable roads, electricity, water, sewage mains, schools, hospitals-- but still Hait for all these efforts for generations has remained sunk in a downward spiral of poverty and, yes, voodoo and black magic oppression. The voodoo demonic spirits and principalities and strongholds have lately been dethroned and cast out of their main cult centers on the island nation, due to a concentrated effort of evangelical prayer warriors who claimed the authority over them in the all-powerful Name of Jesus Christ. We know this has happened because of the testimony of Haitian Christian leaders such as Bishop Jeune who has appeared many times on TBN to tell of the Christians' persecution and their intercessory prayer for the end of voodoo and the saving of that nation's people. Voodoo may be dethroned, but surely the culture is steeped in it, and the effects cannot be expunged overnight. It may take another generation before real liberty and release is experienced, and visible signs of improvement are seen. Let us hope and pray it will turn better before then. But until then, let us pray for Haiti and do all that we can, wherever we are, whoever we are. The people do not belong to Satan, whatever their leaders did nor did not do once upon a time. The nation may bear all the horrible signs of an Old Testament era curse on the land and people, but that does not mean it is not broken now, and there is at long last a real chance for recovery and even prosperity and happiness to break out. This spiritual bondage of voodoo can be cured, and is being cured, by faith in Christ our Savior and Lord and Deliverer from all the power of sin, death, and the Devil! The economic woes of Haiti can be reversed, in time, given as much help as we can give. Haiti can be self-supporting, without being made a hopless welfare recipient of handouts from the international community, as it is called (which really means principally the U.S.). But voodoo and the hold of the demonic princes and powers over Haiti could only be broken by the power of the resurrected Christ, and the economy and the bad government can only be turned around by the power of the same Lord and King over all the earth, including Haiti, the U.S., the United Nations,a and the empires of European Union, Communist China, Russia, etc.
We don't have to be used by the secularist Liberals and take the bait of turning on a brother in Christ, Pat Robertson, because of what he said (when it is not proven one way or the other that there is such a curse operating in Haiti or that region of the Caribbean). To do that we would divide our own ranks for the benefit of the atheistic, devil-supporting, anti-Christ enemy, secular liberalism, which wages war on us all in the fold of Christ. We have one command from Our Lord, to love one another, and be quick to forgive the offenses of a brother or sister. Offenses will come, Christ cautioned his disciples. It is how we deal with them, that is the real matter of importance. What would Christ do? He wouldn't attack Pat Robertson viciously if he was actually mistating the situation when he spoke about a curse being inflicted on Haiti by misguided leaders long ago. Instead, the Lord would convict and lead him to repentance, and then help him go forward again. If it is a mistatement, it isn't the first offense by any Christian, and it won't be the last, as we are all fallible in our earthly lives to missteps and errors of judgment. But, thank God for the free Grace and Forgiveness of Jesus Christ our Lord! We don't have to accept condemnation, either by the Devil or the liberals. We can ask forgiveness and be forgiven and not have to condemn ourselves to early graves or flee and spend our last years in a cheap hotel room somewhere where no press or reporter will ever find us. No, we can be restored by the grace of Jesus Christ, which is abundant for all, and given ungrudgingly by our God.
Therefore, putting this ploy of the enemy aside, this controversy over Pat Robertson's remarks, let us unite and join in prayer and action for the sake of the Haitians, who badly need all help from us they can get if they are to survive and find hope for a better day for themselves and their children.
Truth has been rejected and driven out of the country! You can't even find the trace elements of it! Lies, lies, lies, nonstop, 24/7, on radio and TV, from the government, from the schools, from the universities, from the entertainment industry, from the churches, from the pulpits, from the political parties and state department. The chief mouthpiece of lying has got to be that shameless, supreme shyster, Barack Hussain Obama, who can't even turn up a valid birth certificate or valid witnesses proving he was born in America and therefore a legitimate president. He is so mellifluous and oratorical, but with lies in his mouth, his impressively deep, baritone voice becames a hideous, wailing screech in God's ears. In the natural, he may not look and sound like this wretched looking bird, but, spiritually, he does. The Bible says about the wicked, that they err and speak falsely from the time of their birth. Imagine that, even as babies they were lying devils--that is how corrupted by the sin-culture around them they were, that they became that they liars from birth. Isn't that what we are producing today in America, professional liars from birth? Go and try to get the young people to tell the truth. I have tried. They won't. Polled in the schools, the kids approve of lying and cheating! They think it no sin. They love to lie and cheat, the only thing wrong is getting caught. Who can deal with this society, for all of us, young and old, have become hopelessly corrupt liars?
I am, for one, extremely grateful that the so-called Camelot is over--kaputt. It was a failed rocket from the beginning, starting with Joseph Kennedy, the fornicating old goat who started the Kennedy clan that has done its best to ruin America, the wonderful land and country that they emigrated to from Ireland (where they no doubt did their best to ruin that country too!). America should have deported this family, starting with Joseph Kennedy, not appointing him the Nazi-admiring U.S. ambassador to England and the Court of St. James, England. He really only deserved the boot, just as was given to a gangster warlord, Luciano. Send them back where they came from, if they do nothing but undermine, corrupt, and destroy their adoptive country! But unfortunately he had too much money and influence to be gotten rid of before he and his sorry offspring did tremendous damage to the United States. Have we learned anything from this? No! America worships money and power and sophistication, and that was what the Kennedys represented, though in truth they were fornicators, adulterers, robbers, bootleggers, law breakers, killers of campaign workers like poor, little Mary Jo Kopeckne. Did she, when she was fighting for air in the submerged Kennedy car after Edward drove it off the road into the water after a party at the big house, still entertain delusions like the Camelot legend? I doubt it! She knew he had left her in the car and gotten out, and was hoping he would bring someone to rescue her before she drowned. But he didn't do anything of the kind. He got out and went and called his lawyers. The next day he reported the accident. The next day! By that time she was long dead, and probably she could have been saved if only he had done the manly thing and called for help immediately on getting out of that car and getting to land. This fact will haunt the Kennedys even in their graves. The living Kennedys will also be haunted to their last day of life. Sorry to say, it is a well deserved haunting too! They all (or nearly all) deserve to spend the rest of their days being haunted by the specter of Mary Jo Kopeckne in that car in the water, fighting for breath and hoping vainly that her shining knight, Edward Kennedy, will get help to her in time. She waited and hoped and...drowned. The whole Kennedy clan then conspired with their lawyers to keep him from the murder trial and charge he deserved, and after paying off the Kopechne parents with a nice house, etc., he went on to become a U.S. senator and the lion of the Democrat Party. He became also a champion of immorality, pushing every bill he could that would undermine America's Christian foundation. Pfui on Camelot and the Kennedy family (except for the decent ones, who are the rare Christians in the family). They demeaned their sainted mother, Rose Kennedy, all their lives, and destroyed America. I am grateful their stinking, gilded manure pile of Camelot is now gone--it was not a table of brave, courageous, noble knights seated with the noblest leader of the early Britons, King Arthur--it was a clan of crooked, devious, corrupt, and cynical sinners who would not change, though they had every chance to do so, preferring money, power, and prestige over truth, honesty, purity, and justice.
Their find gives archeologists scientific evidence countering the claim held by some historians that coins were not used for trade in ancient Egypt, and that this was done through barter instead. The period in which Joseph was regarded to have lived in Egypt matches the minting of the coins in the cache, researchers reported. "A thorough examination revealed that the coins bore the year in which they were minted and their value, or effigies of the pharaohs [who ruled] at the time of their minting. Some of the coins are from the time when Joseph lived in Egypt, and bear his name and portrait," said the report.
The only problem with socialism is not the theory (which is a nice one in some respects, "every one according to his need...") so much as it is with the sad fact it cannot work. Human beings cannot fit those boxes. God did not make us to fit them, and so the government must turn tyrannical or authoritarian and force us to fit the boxes, like round pegs in square holes! What happens? Everyone ends up in misery eventually, as the money runs out from the wealthier, more productive cash cows the government is overtaxing to pay for the socialistic programs of universal health care, etc. A tiny elite will always hold on to their wealth, but the mass will sink into wretchedness sooner or later. And the police state will develop to keep them in line, enslave them primarily by fear and terror to stay put in their little boxes so they will not break out and start talking things like individual initiative, freedom, and liberty, and freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Socialism cannot exist in a free society where people are individually responsible for their own welfare and where God is God and people serve Him above all else. Socialism must be god to the people, their total allegiance. Evenso, it cannot work, and will fail to supply the basic needs of the enslaved mass, and there will be a bloody revolution, and another authoritarian government will arise to take control of the anarchy and chaos. Sounds like atheistic, socialistic France, Russia, China--wherever socialism is tried it produces much the same result: misery, anarchy, chaos on one hand or police state control on the other. Now America is abandoning the path of God's continued blessing and is trying socialism. We are going down a dead end street, that all history (and many European nations too) tells us to avoid at all costs. But the radical, socialist Democrats leading this nation astray into socialism do not care that they are championing a failed idea, a failed system of government. They know it fails, but for a time they can gain immense power and wealth by it, and so they are going to promote it for their own advantage, while duping people in the minorities to vote for them in order to maintain government favor and handouts. The Washington and New York elites cannot lose by it, but we the common, working people have everything to lose. It is your responsibility to vote. Vote for things that we know endure and last and promote human welfare. Socialism cannot deliver human welfare, regardless of what the dear little Denmark or the tiny populations of the Scandinavian countries claim. They are able to go down a dead end street much longer, having the resources to last a long time on the road to nowhere. We do not have that much slack. We will soon plunge to Third World status and economy, with the wealth "redistributed" from the productive people to the non-productive, parasitical people. That leaves nothing to be redistributed after a while, and only the elite carries on with its wealth intact, as they can always tax and keep their positions and bank accounts padded with the public money, whereas individuals and families have no such things to fall back upon when the Unending Rainy Day finally comes to rain upon the socialists' party.
Don't think as the world thinks and conditions its lost souls. Think as the Bible teaches, as Jesus instructed, as the Holy Spirit guides you to think! Be renewed in the spirit and in the mind by Christ and His word! Then for you, most blessed soul, Christmas will continue forever, the season will never pass for you--you will always be a celebrant, waving your palm branch in the courts of heavenly praise.
You can wave that palm branch in the grocery store, at the garage getting your clunker fixed the nth time, standing in line at the post office, holding down a job that seemingly is going nowhere fast but is better than nothing. At such times your praise and gratitude and worship mean far more than they do while you are seated in a comfortable, padded pew in church--for it shows to God alone that you are real, you are truly seeing heavenly realities that will outlast anything you see around y ou, and that you know what counts in life, you aren't deceived and seduced by the tinsel and false glittering promises of this worlly life and pagan culture.
I have sought the Lord about a word about these days we are facing, and what He has to say about them. Well, I dreamed shortly after this request on His wisdom, and it showed I was in a house built somewhere on the flats, and that ground was going under water, as the seas were rising up over the area, and I had to get out, and get out quickly, or the roads would be cut off by the waters and I would be trapped. I scrambed to gather my clothes, and saw that they needed washing, but I thought, grab them anyway, dirty or not, and go!
Somehow escaping that peril of the rising sea waters and the drowning in my house (in the dream I clearly saw water lapping against a large single-paned window on the ground floor), I found myself in an elevator in the next dream segment. I was intended to get out a couple floors down to join my mother and family, it seems to me, but the elevator kept going down! I went down through solid rock, and then reached the bottom, and got out, and wandered around and, lo and behold, came out into a cavern, and there was this incredible sight: an oasis of light and beauty and life hidden underground! And best of all, it was a church--a churched with a big sign: CANA. Why "Cana"? I can't say right now, but I went in and talked to the pastor and his wife. The place was full of people, and it was all beautiful. It looked like no cave house, the whole place and the area was a paradise, so beautiful and glowing with light. The area round was a beautiful garden too. This scene makes me think that God will, despite the rising sea of darkness and destruction that engulfs the world we presently see, preserve his children, and create for them an underground place, an underground church, where they can flourish no matter what goes on in the world and in a doomed society.
So we can take hope, as I will take hope, that these dreams truly are God's answer to my simple request, that He give me a word about these dark, threatening times. God promised he would give us wisdom if we simply ask Him for it. He will not give us a stone, and these two dreams, if they are tied together in truth, as they were in time, certainly don't look like stones. One is sad and bleak (except that my escape from certain drowning was successful, was it not?), but the other is glorious. Christ's church will prevail--she will not be crushed out of existence--and God's people will flourish no matter how wicked the world turns and hostile to God. Rejoice with me in this. We are not left comfortless, by any means. As I receive more, I will share, but this is all for now on these dreams.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.