He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
Try and get to heaven without it! If neglect the Basic Instruction Book of Salvation and Christian faith, what are you flying there on anyway? If you are planning to make it on your own steam, you'll run out, and won't make it. Don't count on "cheap grace" either, which allows you to live anyway you please. The Bible doesn't support that, and grace is not cheap by any means, though it is absolutely free and cannot be earned. Your initial decision for Christ could get you there by the skin of your teeth--but chances are you will be picked off by Satan long before your end. That's his job, picking the weak ones off the road to heaven, and he is good at his job. He knows that a Bibleless Christian is a push-over, and can't resist or detect his maneuvers when he comes to take you over. So get the basic manual and dig into it and stay there, digging in it every day for what you need to keep on the right track. There is no other book that can help you reach heaven safely, if you neglect the Bible.
The Resurrected Jesus was sitting with them, dining with them, opening the Messianic scriptures to them, showing them verse by verse how the Messiah had fulfilled them in all he had suffered and endured--you can imagine how dark, crushing despair of these two beaten men was transformed to joy and triumph and rejoicing! Jesus then vanished from sight, but it did not matter--they had seen him in the flesh, and with their own eyes, and knew with absolute certainly that the Lord Jesus was risen indeed!
This Easter, reflect a moment with me, that the Lord is risen indeed, though the day may be as dark as it can be in this sinsick, oppressed, satan- perverted world. Compared to now, when the forces of tyranny have achieved a crushing victory over the freedoms and Constitution of America, was it any any less dark when Christ died on the Cross? On the contrary, it was a darker day then--as Satan seemed to have achieved his objective, the slaying of the Son of God, the Promised Messiah of the Jews. But that victory proved hollow, within mere hours. Three days after Satan and his cohorts celebrated like they are doing right now in Washington, they were howling with utter dismay and pain--Jesus rose from the dead! The dead Messiah ceased to be dead and rose triumphantly alive from the grave, holding the keys of death and hell yanked from the hand of Satan that he had used to terrorize and cow mankind into being his slaves since the time of Adam and Eve.
A New Day unlike any other dawned on earth, the morning of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. That New Day has ever set. We live in that New Day even now, and it shall never, never end. We can rejoice even while we hear the raucous, drunken victory cries of the godless, devilish elites in Washington, D.C. The President has proclaimed to the World that America is not a Christian nation anymore, which is to say that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is no longer America's God! That is a total lie of the Devil. America will cease to exist if that ever is the case, for America would not exist without God, and would never have come into being except for our glorious God. These shameless, proud, wicked men and women in power think they have triumphed forever over God's laws determining right and wrong, over the Constitution, over a free America, over the sanctity of human life, over morality, over God himself and all He stands for--even over Christ, God's holy, innocent Son who came and died for them, paying the penalty for all their sins once and for all. What a hollow victory they are celebrating with champagne! Soon their gloating and partying will turn to woe and shame and disgrace and ruin. They will need God's Gospel of Grace and God's forgiveness all the more then, when they finally wake up to their true plight, sinners in the hands of a holy God.
So we can STILL rejoice. God wasn't surprised by any of this, He was always in heaven and on his throne, and he has already provided the means to come through this dark time: Christ. Christ is our Means through it. He is the Victor, who triumphed on the Cross and in the Resurrection over all possible foes, Satan, human, and sin and death. We can still rejoice in Christ. No tyrant, no oppressive government, no loss of freedom or livelihood, can take our joy, unless we willingly let them take it. I choose to rejoice in Christ my Savior and Lord! He is over all this darkness, and is the Answer to it. He is my Way through it as well. Even so, Come quickly, Lord Jesus! That is our Greater Hope, His Soon Coming! We know that this darkness will not keep its hold forever--not even for a long time. Soon Christ is coming for His children! Soon! So don't despair like Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus. Christ took the time to intercept them on the road, and then ministered to them the living Word, the Messianic scriptures, to them the whole rest of the way. He will do the same now on this dark, despair road running from Washington and into every town and city in America, a road of despair, sin, defeat, and doom. But with Christ on it, it turns for us who love God into a road of victory and rejoicing, does it not? We can even dance on it! We can praise Him on it! I choose to rejoice on this road, not despair because of the events in Washington. Washington is not my Celestial City, heaven's New Jerusalem is, and that City of God is shining in the distance. I can see it by faith, and by believing the unfailing Word of God which describes it to me. That is the City I am walking toward, not Washington, D.C, the city of defeat, doom, and tyranny. Walking up to the New Jerusalem! How wonderful this hope is, and it is more real than anything I now see, for all things I see will soon pass away, whereas the New Jerusalem, unlike heaven itself, will never pass away, it is built by Christ and will last forever and ever, without end. "Heaven and earth will pass away, the Lord says, "but My Word will not pass away." And with His Word, the New Jerusalem, prepared by Christ for his saints to reside in forever, will never pass away. There we shall enjoy endless delights from His hand, and endless fellowship with Christ our Savior and Lord and Redeemer!
Now isn't that enough to pick your spirits up a bit, friend? Get your eyes on Jesus, focus on Him, look forward to His Rapture and the Second Coming, catch a gleam of the New Jerusalem being built in heaven for you, and rejoice with me as we tread the road together, singing praises to our God. WE SHALL OVECOME! CHRIST OUR OVERCOMER IS WITH US, GOING BEFORE US, GOING BEHIND US, GOING ALONGSIDE US, GOING IN US! How can we not triumph over all our enemies!
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
David M. Levy's, "The Tabernacle: Shadows of the Messiah," is available for only $14.95. The poster's price is $4 and measures 18 inches by 30 inches and is printed on heavy stock suitable for framing. Wonderfully illustrated and authentic in every detail, showing even the Shekinah Glory blazing out of the Holy of Holies through the Tabernacle roof. Go to Friends of Israel website, or write to: The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, P.O. Box 908, Bellmawr, NJ 08099.
The chapter about the Veil of the Tabernacle and Temple is especially beautiful and meaningful. I learned new things about the Veil, which I am sure you will benefit from too. For that reason I plan to excerpt this section, so that you will be sure to get a taste of this book, if you weren't inspired enough by my previous words to look into it. You need to! It is a rare experience, and will reward you beyond anything I can say about it.
From the book, "The Veil" excerpt. Please go to:
The mafioso-government leaders are now rejoicing over their victory, that they finally succeeded in passing the bill despite the American people being solidly against it. They are proven tyrants and unconstitutional rulers, who have have forced this clearly unconstitutional system of socialized health care and its punitive laws and taxation down the throats of the protesting American people. Now if you do not sign up for this unconstitutional health care system, you will be struck with a punitive fine, and even a prison sentence! Abortion will be funded as well, so all Christians who hate the idea that their tax money has gone to fund the biggest abortion provider in the world, namely Planned Parenthood, will now under law be forced to pay even more than in the past. The Christians who value the sanctity of human life be damned! That is the attitude and response of the Democrats, the neo-fascisti that are the engine of the Obama tyranny.
This government is now operating beyond the laws sanctioned by the U.S. Constitution, and doing it knowingly, consciously, and defiantly. They have the U.S. armed forces and most of the courts on their side, so they think that nothing can stop them, no matter how much of the private sector they destroy and take over, no matter how many constitutionally protected freedoms and liberties they trample upon, no matter how many undeserving, illegals they reward with social services, no matter how many hard working, honest Americans they impoverish and tax to death for the sake of getting votes from illegals and a mass of social parasites in various minorities they use to vote every election to keep them in power indefinitely with endless handouts.
All this is true of the cold-blooded, Machiavellian tyrants in government, who have subverted and manipulated our election system and the Democrat Party and the liberal media and seized governmental and judicial and even educational and economic control of America, by using great wealth of foreign donors who care nothing for the free enterprise system and care nothing for our freedoms and Constitution, and gave their hundreds of millions to Obama's presidential bid coffers in order to use him to destroy a free America and turn it into a socialist state ruled by a police state elite.
What hope is there left now for a free America and all who love her? Only in God is there hope for us! Almighty God still is unconquered by them, though everything else seems to be under their nailed boot. The Obama-ite government is rejoicing with campaign, with all its devils, in Washington at this moment this is written, but the Lord God looks down from heaven, and laughs at them with derision. Their schemes and plots are utter failures, since they fly in the face of Almighty God, who can crumple them up in his hand in a second, the moment he so chooses! As the psalmist writes, their days are numbered. They will continue only so far, and then destruction comes from the hand of God. God will allow their destruction if they will not repent and change their ways. They may appear to be eluding all men's justice now, but they cannot elude the Supreme Judge of the Universe. They are taken in his net, weighed, and found wanting. Watch in the coming days and weeks their certain end unfold, just as the end unfolded for one of their chief men, Senator Edward Kennedy. Their end is certain and coming soon. Where is this proud, arrogant, lustful, rich man now? What is he crowing about now? I don't believe he is in a good place at all, after the sins and crimes of his career, applauded to the very end by his cronies in the Democrat Party. Test my theory. Would you want to exchange places with Senator Edward Kennedy? For a moment only? Hardly for a moment, right? I know I am right. He can't possibly be in holy heaven, he is in its opposite, the place called Hell, awaiting the Great White Throne judgment, where he will be sentenced to the Lake of Fire and cast in their forever to suffer for his unforgiven, unrepented sins and crimes, one of which was fleeing from the Kopechne girl caught in his submerged car run off the road into a pond, whom he probably could have saved if he had informed the authorities of the accident, and not waited until the next day after hours and hours on the phone with his lawyers and attorneys.
God has heard our cries and seen our tears of repentance and intercession for the nation, and He is faithful. Maybe he will yet overturn this government and destroy the Democrat Party root and branch and all those who have used it to usurp the freedoms of America and subvert them in order to flood us with perversity, abortion (child killing), and immorality and lawlessness, and secularist defiance of God. God is not deaf! He hears the prayers and cries of his true children! He hears! He hears! The widows and orphans crying out to him, he will fly to defend from this godless, oppressive gang called the U.S. Government. The elderly, the sick and needy who are also crying out to him, he will defend. This odious, moblord-government and all who have made it a sickening, anti-constitutional tyranny, is not content with robbing the honest workers of their wages in unjust taxes and government sanctions against desperately needed oil drilling and development of America's rich resources and now the imposition of socialized health care and the amnesty for illegals, has grown enormously greedy and gone on to profiteering on the largest possible scale the universal extension of goverment-paid abortions, which is nothing but the most crass commercialized mass murder, the Nazi-like genocide of twenty more millions at the least of defenceless American infants in the womb (whose organs are even harvested and sold for huge profits!).
A valid question has to be: Is this the U.S. Government based on law, or is it Molech, the cruel, barbarous Ammonite god that was the engine of infanticide in the Ancient World returned to even greater power and prestige?
Will not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Eternal Sovereign of justice and compassion see this and do something? You bet He will! Soon, in fact! It may come late as far as we feel, but it will come exactly on time, God's perfect time. The divine noose is already around the necks of such human devils as Nancy Pelosi, Barack "Barry" Obama, Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer, and all their greedy, uxurious, power-mad ilk, large and small, and God holds the rope, ready to give it a yank. They will all swing in God's gallows, not collectively perhaps, but certainly individually, unless they individually repent of the great crimes they have committed against God's eternal laws and against even the Constitution and the historic, cherished freedoms of America.
"Father," the Lord prayed on the Cross for them, "forgive them, for they know not what they do!"
"The BBC reported a Dutch court ordered prosecutors to put Freedom Party leader Geert Wilders on trial for his 17-minute documentary, 'Fitna,' which means 'strife.' In the film Wilders likenedd the Quran to Adolf Hitler's manifestor 'Mein Kampf.'
"'Participation in the public debate has become a dangerous activity,' said Wilders. 'If you give your opinion, you risk being prosecuted. Who will stand up for our culture if I am silenced?' he asked.
"According to the JERUSALEM POST, 1/26/09, the Dutch public is divided on the court decision. Fifty per cent oppose the trial of the parliamentarian, while 43 per cent are in favor. The court decision has further increased Wilders' popularity. A new poll gives the Freedom Party 20 seats in Parliament, as against nine it currently holds."
"VINE AND BRANCHES Editor's Note: Similar hate-crime legislation that now exists in Canada and Europe is on the drawing boards of liberal politicians in Washington, DC. Its passage is only a matter of time since it has the support of the Obama administration and the radical leftwing House and Senate leadership. Such legislation would be more accurately identified were it labeled for what it is--an assault on Christianity and truth. Unless freedom-loving Americans stand up against this assault on the First Amendment, such trials will be a common occurence in the United States. The New World Order cannot arise until Bible-based Christianity, dissent and personal liberties are made subservient to 'the greater social good.'"
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
Clearly, Native Americans can recognize other indigenous peoples when they see them--in this case, the Jews who are native to the land of Israel, and they have the backbone and courage to say so to an anti-semitic world in denial of the fact! God bless Chief Annie Richardson and all the tribes she represents so ably! God's Word says that whoever blesses Israel will be blessed by him! There is more hope for these Indian nations than there is for the nation of America! You will sooner see these Indian nations represented in the Millennium than you will see America. I wouldn't hold my breath on whether America will exist into the Millennium--as we are long over-due for judgment already.
That statement alone puts Justice Ginsberg right along side Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, and any other genocidalist monster in inhuman history. She is not in the least ashamed of her statement either! Here is the VINES AND BRANCHES article telling about her interview:
"The above statement, made by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in an interview for the NEW YORK TIMES, July 12, 2009, demonstrates the belief system of Justice Ginsburg, Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion supporters before 1972. Her statement is not taken out of context. Her entire interview is available through the NEW YORK TIMES web site. The fact that a Supreme Court justice would parrot such liberal ideas promulgated by Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger shows how far America has sunk in defiance of the Judaeo-Christian principles upon which the nation was founded.
Margaret Sanger, founder of the organization that gave rise to Planned Parenthood, stated in her book THE PIVOT OF CIVILIZATION, "There is but one practical and feasible program in handing the great problem of the feeble-minded [if anyone was 'feeble-minded,' it was her!]. That is, as the best authorities [Satan, Stalin, Hitler, and so forth!] are agreed, to prevent the birth of those who would transmit imbecility to their descendants."
Sanger went on to lament: "We now have state commissions for controlling the gypsy-moth and the boll weevil, the foot-and-mouth disease, and for protecting the shellfish and wild game, but we have no commission which even attempts to modify or control the vast moral and economic forcdes represented by the feeble-minded persons at large in the community."--VINES AND BRANCHES, Fall 2009 Issue
It makes me wonder if there isn't some merit in legislation against "hate speech" and "hate crimes" after all--but only when applied to Democrats and Liberals and secularists! They are the true perpetrators of hate speech and hate crimes against humanity. Ms. Ginsberg's own words in the quote above is proof positive of that fact.
Dr. Reagan:
"Mr. President, I am outraged over your proclamation designating June as "LGBT Pride Month" [LGBT--Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgendered]. Why should any American take pride in sexual perversion? And why did you decide to discriminate against pedophiles by not including them in the proclamation--or will that be the proclamation next month? What about a "Bestiality Pride Month" or a "Prostitution Pride Month"? Mr. President, you are inviting the wrath of God to fall on your Administration.
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..."--Romans 1:18
"ElCA and Canadian Bishops Lay Wreath at Grave of Yasser Arafat," VINE AND BRANCHES, Spring 2009: "This past January, 44 ELCA and Canadian bishops, along with spouses and staff, totaling about 90 people made a "peace trip" to the West Bank. Among the highlights of their trip was laying a wreath at the tomb of terrorist Yasser Arafat i n Ramallah.
"According to Mike D. Tooley, who directs the United Methodist committee at the Institute on Religion and Democracy, the Lutheran bishops' visit was hosted by Lutheran Bishop Munib Younan. Younan parrots the Hamas line about Israel forcing Christians from the West Bank, when, in fact, it is Hamas and Fatah, not Israel, that has driven Christians from the West Bank. Younan also complained that pro-Israel Christians in the U.S. 'believe more in Israel than they do in Jesus.' [WHICH IS A BLATANT LIE, SINCE THEY WOULD CARE NOTHING FOR ISRAEL, AS DO MOST ALL GENTILES, EXCEPT FOR JESUS!--Ed.]"
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The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psalm 9:17
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, 'Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes an dyou did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.' Matthew 25:41-43
Whoever belives and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. Mark 16:16
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." [Well, if Jesus had such a view about earthly riches, and He did, tell that to the prosperity and health and wealth evangelists!]
Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.--Isaiah 55:6
Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and did not cover up my iniquity; I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the LORD"--and you forgave the guilt of my sin. Psalm 32:5
I [Jesus Christ] tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life, and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life.--John 5:24
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins."--Acts 2:28
Big Unions have not changed their nature. They can be Big Bad Wolves too, particularly the government unions which are swelling day by day into gigantic octupusses, gaining far more benefits and much higher salaries than the private citizen will ever enjoy. However badly a corporation acts, it should not be taken over by goverment, but dealt with by the law and the anti-trust legislation if need be. We have plenty such laws on the books, and they only need to be enforced to curb or penalize them for abuses of the public. It is a law enforcement responsibility, not a government problem. We have laws to deal with abuses, but government can and will do all kinds of things that are beyond the law's reach, and that is the nature of the octopus. Government will not solve the problems in business, it will only exacerbate them and create a worse monster. That is the notorious record of the government, is it not? Politicians just get in the way of justice and the law, once involved. Get them out of the way, and progress can be made. We need Big Business, and we need even more Small Business, for it is Small Business that creates the jobs, and Big Business creates much fewer in number. The Democrats, the Liberals, and the Obama Consortium in power target Small Business just as much as Big Business. They aim at control, power, personal wealth for themselves, and regard both sectors as legitimate prey. So more government control and supervision are definitely not the way to go!
We pray by faith, and somehow we are wishing the answer will come, not really believing it will. But if we pray by faith, faith guarantees that the answer will come! It always will! But the answer will come IN GOD'S PERFECT WAY, IN GOD'S PERFECT TIME. Our time, our way, is often flawed or not good in some way or other. But God, when He does anything, is always right and perfect in every respect. So then, not seeing the results we expected, even demanded, we are immediately discouraged, or upset, or deflated and feel weak and powerless. Why try again? we think, getting up off our knees and reaching for the remote.
"Why try again?" Why not? If we prayed by faith and didn't see the results we expected, that in the Bible way is not because the prayer is not heard by God and will not be answered. On the contrary, God heard that prayer, and Christ presented as our High Priest, who understands us completely in all our human frailty, and who presented it perfected to the Father, and then IT WAS ANSWERED, WE RECEIVED AN ANSWER FROM GOD. But we probably will not see the answer shaped and performed in our time and way--no, it will all be done in God's perfect way. We will understand and see that by and by, and if not here on earth, then in heaven. But prayers according to God's will, prayed by faith, are ALWAYS ANSWERED BY GOD. He says so, repeatedly!
I pray specific prayers, so many that I should take record of them all, then watch for the answers to appear. But I don't keep a written record, sorry to say, or I would be able to tell that hundreds and thousands of my prayers have been mightily answered in the years that I have lived as His servant. Little prayers mostly, but also big, mighty answers have been asked and received. I have seen powerful men in Washington topple and fall from their thrones in Congress, thanks to prayers I and others have prayed. I don't know who else prayed, but I cannot presume that my prayer was the only one. But I know at least that mine was answered along with the other prayers. Mom and I prayed together once that Saddam Hussein not be killed in battle but his life be preserved somehow so that he could be brought to trial for all his killings and torturing of Iraqi Christians and fellow Moslems. That prayer was answered, plain for all the world to see, though they don't know about our prayer and never will. But we don't pray against such men, we pray for them, that they will be brought to justice, so that there will be time for the Holy Spirit to bring conviction of sin to them, giving them the chance to repent and be saved and come to be children of God, delivered from the devil they served all their lives as they committed unspeakable crimes against people.
There is no prayer too big for God to answer, no prayer too small for him to consider and pray too. Pray, Christian! Pray! Your prayers will be fragrant incense in heaven that the Father will receive from his beloved Son. Pray! Come later or come today, the answer will come. No prayer will be wasted, that comes from a trusting, faithful follower, or even one who is repenting of sin and running from God. God answered the Prodigal Son's prayers, better than he could imagine, right? So sin is no disqualifier. Disobedience does not keep your prayer from God's ears, unless you want to continue that way and still get your prayer answer by somehow manipulating or bargaining with God (he isn't fooled, is never fooled, and so you are just fooling yourself, if that is the game you are playing with your soul and your Maker, Friend!). Pray! Now is your time and opportunity to pray, and get answers that will one by one transform your life and the lives of others for the better. Pray in the kingdom of God upon this earth--and that kingdom will surely come. It won't come when we demand it, but it will come in God's perfect time and way, and your prayers will be part of the golden, jeweled foundation. Look how often Jesus prayed during his 3-year public ministry on earth! If it was so necessary for the Son of God to pray to the Father as often as he did, often for hours into the night and early morning, how more necessary it is for us his followers! Pray produces results, wondrous results! Look what Christ's prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, shortly before his arrest, trials, tortures, whippings, and his agony and death on the Cross, produced! --unending glories, billions of souls of the redeemed saints of God, which He shall present to the Heavenly Father one glorious coming day! Become a part of this incredible, glorious destiny and real scene in heaven--pray! Don't pray, and if you are still there in the rejoicing thong,, you will be ashamed you didn't pray and you instead, for all sorts of reasons that won't matter then, threw away your chance and opportunity to be a real part in the celebration and joy. That doesn't have to happen to you or to me. We have a choice. There isn't anything more important to do, for a Christian, than to pray! Jesus thought so, he did so, and He is sitting right now on the Throne, on the right hand of the Heavenly Father. There we are to be seated with Christ one day. Why not prepare for that glad time? Now is the time to prepare, and pray!
"Today's global warming activists are the direct descendants of the old Marxists who trampled on individual freedoms and undermined free markets in pursuit of a greater good...Global warming is a religion conceived to suppress human freedom because it is used to justify an enormous scope for government intervention vis-a-vis the markets and personal freedom--Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic (was part of the old Czechoslovakia).
This honest man (compare him to Gordon Brown or Tony Blair of Britain!) is despised by the secularist leaders of Germany and France and Belgium and the other members of "EUTOPIA," but he is telling the whole truth. Global Warming is nothing but the biggest scam on the face of the earth! History will vindicate him. The others will be known forever as liars, deceivers and thieves.
From "Hellas"
"A Power from the unknown God,
a Promethean Conqueror, came;
Like a triumphal path he trod
The thorns of death and shame.
A mortal shape to him
Was like the vapor dim
Which the orient planet animates with light:
Hell, Sin, and Slavery came
Like bloodhounds mild and tame,
Nor preyed, until their Lord had taken flight;
The moon of Mahomet [Mohammed]
Arose, and it shall set,
While blazoned as on Heaven's immortal moon
The cross leads generations on."
That high and powerful tribute to Christ and his role on earth against Hell, Sin, and Slavery, death and shame, also contains a prophetic word about the end of Islam and Mohammed. He foresaw the eclipse of Mohammed's moon, and the rise of the Cross emblazoned on the moon like a shield leading generations triumphantly onward!
But there is more, a view of Britain in a sad state which compares to today's in most respects under the secularists in charge:
"England in 1839"
An old, mad, blind, despised and dying King;
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn,--mud from a muddy spring.
Rulers who neither see nor feel nor know,
But leechlike to their fainting country cling,
till they drop, blind in blood, without a blow.
A people starved and stabbed in th' untilled field.
An army, whom liberticide and prey
Makes as a two-edged sword to all who wield;
Golden and sanguine laws which tempt and slay: Religion Christless, Godless--a book sealed;
A senate, Time's worst statute, unrepealed,
Are graves from which a glorious Phantom may
Burst, to illumine our temptestuous day.
Secularists cling to the public treasury and the incomes of the British people like leeches, sucking the British people white of their life blood. They are bloated with the people's money and live extravagantly at the public expense while most people have to scratch for a bare living. That doesn't matter to them! They neither see nor feel nor know about how people actually sacrifice and are deprived so they can aggrandize off them. The people are meanwhile starved and robbed (particularly the youth in the schools) by the secularist propaganda that substitutes for information and knowledge and facts. Laws that grow ever more expensive, punitive, and meddling in people's private lives, they are "golden" with the false, deceiving aura of secularist "compassion" and "caring," but underneath that attractive aura you will find ripping, razor-edged shark's teeth.
As for Religion, or the churches, which should be a comfort, they are the last cry from being any help in this situation (which explains why the churches are empty throughout the Church of England, and there are more mosques than churches in England now). Churchianity, tax-supported, state-supported, is "Religion Christless, Godless--a book sealed." Christianity has largely turned apostate and dead in Britain, thanks to secularism. Shelley had a hope that this situation in early 19th century terms would turn around, with the cause of liberty and the overthrow of tyrants, but he was mistaken about that. The tyrants have overtaken Britain once again, and elsewhere, as in America. They are the secularists, and right behind them Islam is waiting to take over from them in turn!
2. "Forgive me!"
3. "I love you!"
(Not necessarily in that order)
The Lamplighter magazine! Do you really want the truth about the really important issues? Get this magazine, by going to Lamb and Lion Ministry's website. You can order the magazine newletter free sent to your email address, or donate 25 dollars to the ministry for a year's subscription. Do yourself a big favor. You don't need those lattes. How can you possibly justify buying those expensive, over-rated coffees anyway? Send the money instead to the work of the Kingdom of God, to Lamb and Lion Ministries.
(Sorry we are 2 months late in posting the Meditations! For the whole of the Beatitudes, please go to Matthew 5). Incidentally, in memory of Kathleen Lawrence-Smith, our friend of many years, we donated to Daystar Television Network for an olive tree to be planted in Israel, and guess where it is being planted (without our thinking of these Beatitudes listed on the back of this Anchored)--the Mount of Beatitudes! Is that coincidental? Yet here is another interesting "coincidence." The last issue that Kathleen Lawrence-Smith completed, the Autumn Issue of 2009, had these three verses at the end of the December meditations: Dec. 13--Those that be planted in the house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; Dec. 20--Behold...a candlestick [signifying the Holy Spirit]...and two olive trees by it. This is the word of the Lord...Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit saith the Lord. Zech. 4:2/6; Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.--John 12:24. We cannot Kathleen Lawrence-Smith my dear friend's replacement, but passing to glory in her early nineties, she indeed bore much fruit, and is still bearing from the tree she planted of her ministry!
Mar. 7th--BLESSED are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
Mar. 14th--BLESSED are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)
Mar. 21st--BLESSED are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5:10)
Mar. 28th--BLESSED are ye when men shall revile you and persecute you...for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven. (Matthew 5: 11,12)--Dorothy Armitage
There is also the article of a Jewish writer cited, that tells of Lincoln's love for Jerusalem, and his desire to travel there, expressed to his wife. David R. Barnhart's blog features the Lincoln article and the link to it.
"The Jew is that sacred being who has brought down from heaven the everlasting fire, and has illumined with it the entire world. He is the religious source, spring, and fountain out of which all the rest of the peoples have drawn their beliefs and their religions. The Jew is the pioneer of liberty. The Jew is the pioneer of civilization. The Jew is the emblem of eternity."--Leo Tolstoy, 1828-1910
Persecution continued despite this seclusion of the Jewish population. Purges, or mass killings and burnings of Jewish villages was carried out ever so often by the autocratic Czars and their barbaric underlings whenever they felt like it. The Jews are still being mistreated in Russia! For all the Soviet years they were kept from escaping to the West and to Israel, held hostage, in other words, simply because they were Jewish and longed to be free of poverty and communist oppression. The door was opened to the Jews to leave at last when the Soviet Union collapsed. But the persecution continues for those who have not yet emigrated for Israel and varous Western countries including America, often with only a few pieces of clothes to their names and very little money. "The emblem of eternity," "the pioneer of liberty"-- that is how the Jew is treated both in Russia and across the world--worse than dogs. The world's nations will be held responsible for this mistreatment, which is utterly undeserved. America now is coming under that same judgment, for anti-semitism is being spread under the umbrella of liberalism. Christian faith (the true kind) appreciates, loves, and values the Jews for all they are and have contributed to our faith and to the civilization at large, but liberalism, for all its trumpeting of tolerance and diversity, is at heart racist, bigoted, and anti-semitic, since is it godless and hates anyone or any group that has such a long connection with the One True God, as the Jews have had and demonstrated.
Is Russia worse in its anti-semitism than us? Perhaps. But we will be reaching their level of atrocities if we keep going against God in this society. The Jews who found this Christian nation a safe haven for the last 250 years will be forced to flee to Israel. Years ago I had a dream while attending Bible school. It seemed at the time to be very farfetched, as nothing of the kind was happening in America, or was not reported anyway. In my dream I saw some downtown of a big but run-down American city, looking dreary and like so many rust-belt cities of the north whose economies have declined from losing their manufacturing, and some people in the street had yellow stars sewn on their clothes, and of course that means they are forced to identify themselves as Jews. I could tell they were a persecuted people, in America! This was unthinkable then, but I told this dream to my Bible school director, and he did not think it was impossible or he would have said so. Well, it has come to pass! Jews are being persecution across America, as well as in Britain, and of course in Europe, in France particularly. So move over Russia, America will soon be sitting right alongside you in the ranks of the anti-semitic nations! Shame on us, shame on the U.S.!
"Nothing will unite us like the Gospel."
"Obedience to the Word of God brings joy that produces fruit."
1. Do I give my full loyalty to Christ?
2. Do I love (and forgive) others like Christ loves (and forgives) me?
3. Do I live my life for Jesus, regardless the cost?
Ten little Christians, standing in a line,
One disliked the Preacher,
Then there were nine.
Nine little Christians stayed up very late,
One slept Sunday morning,
Then there were eight.
Eight little Christians on the road to heaven,
One took the lower road,
Then there were seven.
Seven little Christians got in a fix,
One disliked the music,
Then there were six.
Six little Christians very much alive,
But one lost her interest,
Then there were five.
Five little Christians wishing there were more,
But they quarreled with each other,
Then there were four.
Four little Christians cheerful as could be,
But one lost his temper,
Then there were three.
Three little Christians knew not what to do,
One joined a sporty crowd,
Then there were two.
Two little Christians, our rhyme is almost done,
Differed with each other,
Then there was one.
One lone Christian won his neighbor true,
Brought him with him to the Church,
Then there were two.
Two earnest Christians, each won one more,
That double their number,
So then there were four.
Four sincere Christians worked very late,
But each won another,
So then there were eight.
But nothing rhymes with 16, so we simply note that in five more rhymes there would be 1,042 Christians, which would be quite a churchfull!--Vernon Leslie Smith
There is nothing recognized as sin today in our pagan, Oprah and Dr. Phil-dominated mainstream culture.
There are "problems" to be "managed" by basically "good people." The Cross is
pointless, unneeded, and even hateful and evil to this thinking. The Atonement of Christ
is "divine child abuse," the product of a "slaughterhouse religion." Jesus is not the
only Way, Truth, and the Life. God can be anything you choose him (or her!) to be.
You don't even have to have a God, as Oprah and her "friends" teach that
you yourself are god, and can determine your own destiny in this life and in the next too, if
there is one.
But the Word of God, the Bible, stands firm, and all this false philosophy
will one day be exposed for what it is and swept away with the garbage of the whole
world into the pit of hell where it will burn forever. Judgment is coming! But
thank God, the door to Grace and Mercy, the free gift of salvation in Jesus, is still
open and available to all who thirst and want to drink of the water of life!
"Come and drink!" the Spirit calls. "Drink freely of the Water of Life, which is Jesus!"
the Spirit cries out to all who have ears to hear. Is the Spirit of God calling
YOU today? Answer the call, and drink! You will never regret your doing so!
I regret many, many sinful years and deeds when I was not God's child, but one thing
I do not regret, and will never regret, is answering the Call and
drinking the Water of Life! Jesus saved me, a lost sinner, and on that day which I
shall never forget, He entered my heart, with a glorious
presence, and his word tells me he has never departed, and abides there still.
I shall never be alone, as He now lives in me! Wouldn't you like that too? You can
have Him too. Simply pray: "Jesus, forgive me of my sins. Jesus, I give my life to you. Jesus, I make you Lord of my life."
When you do that, you are instantly a child of God, and on your way to heaven, and
for free! You need not do anything, or earn your way, or pay for it now or later!
It is utterly free, as Christ paid the total cost of your salvation with his death and
shed blood. Now tell someone what you did! That is so important! As the scripture in
Romans says, For if you believe in your heart that Jesus was raised from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is your Lord, then
you are saved. Christ will name you before the Father in heaven as his
son or daughter. If you are ashamed and will not confess you are Christ's, then
he said he would be ashamed of you! He hung naked on a cross for all the world to
mock and spit at and scorn, doing it for your sake! He bore all that shame which you and I
truly deserved, so how can we be ashamed of him and not confess him before people? But by all means read the Bible, let the Holy Spirit
teach you daily what it means, and join a Bible-based, Bible-preaching church for the
fellowship and teaching you will need to grow up as a Christian into maturity in Christ.
You cannot remain "just saved." That is just the open door to a new life! Go through
the door now, or you will remain just a baby, and the Devil has no trouble picking
up babies and dragging them back into his kingdom of darkness. It doesn't matter how
old and "experienced" you are, you are a baby when you begin your walk with God,
and so you must learn and grow, and only the Bible and the Word preached at a
Bible church can teach you the needful things you have to have to grow properly and mature in Christ.
The ungodly are already judged by the Word of God. They await only the sentencing at the foot of the Great White Throne judgment seat. But in the meantime, grace and forgiveness is still offered to
each and every one of them. We have the responsibility as Christ's disciples to
bring them the Gospel faithfully, as long as we have breath in our lungs. We bring that saving
Word, the Gospel, by our godly example, our Christian lives, our support of truly evangelistic, Bible-centered
churches and ministries and missionaries, our love for the lost. Jesus did not come the first time to bring judgment, but truth, grace, and mercy. As He said, He did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved! Yet we must serve a warning too, along with the
word of grace and mercy and forgiveness in Christ, that all who reject the Gospel and
die in unrepentance, will be judged and sentenced and receive the penalty for rejecting
Christ's work on the Cross for them. To neglect both aspects of the Gospel is to
is equally bad. Judgment and warning alone will not save anyone, it will simply
anger them and drive them to oppose the Gospel of Grace in Christ all the more, and they will
feel justified. I know! I have a number of cousins who rejected the Gospel, which they
hear about all the time they were at home and at church services by the hundreds--why? Their parents leaned perhaps on the warning/judgemental side of the Gospel too much perhaps, but that
may not be true either, it was just that the mainstream culture refused all responsibility of
sin and responsibility during the 1960s when these cousins of mine were
growing up to adulthood--so they conveniently blamed their godly parents and rejected the Gospel and
created their own version of Woodstock and the Baby Boomer Generation Revolution,
going into
New Age Religion, cults, sleeping around with
boyfriends and girlfriends, and the drinking, partying, marijuana crowd scene. Their lives are
ruined to this day--whereas their parents went on in honor and fruitfulness and
happiness, despite the grief of seeing their children struggle on in their
sin and its terrible consequences of alcoholism, broken marriages and divorces,
sex partner after sex partner, children born illegitimate.
In spite of all her education, degrees and titles, Katharine Jefferts Shori is guilty of apostasy, the utter abandonment of the Christian faith.
The fact that Bishop Shori could call personal salvation in Jesus Christ 'heresy' and 'idolatry' in an address tot he official governing body of the Episcopal Church without any kind of censure or word of protest fromt he assembled delegates showws clearly that the Episcopal Church (USA) has neither the right nor the reason to be called a 'church.' Bible-believing, Christ-confessing Episcopalians should run from this apostate organization as fast as they can go.
As if to support her heretical views regarding salvation, Bishop Shori invited Emergent Church leader Brian McLaren to address the assembly on evangelism. His convoluted teachings of St. Paul only served to back up Shori's apostasies. In his presentation, McLaren defined evangelism as a call to 'to live and invite others into a radically new way of life...we see evangelism as a way of recruiting early adopters to be part of a radical new beginning for the human race."--Pastor Barnhardt, VINE AND BRANCHES, p. 8.
"Looking at the mural behind Saddam's throne--nuclear missiles flying towards America--could it be any clearer that Saddam was a threat that needed to be removed?"--Hiram Lewis, U.S. Army in Iraq
As I recall General Sada's testimony from an interview on TV, speaking as a son of an ancient Assyrian and Christian from a community that predates the Arabs and Islam by 700 years if you just count the Christian era, Sada alone had the courage and integrity to tell the dictator the unpalatable truth to his face when he asked his opinion concerning his plan to bombard and wipe out Israel with missiles carrying chemical warheads. Nobody else would tell him the truth, whether this was going to be an all-out success or not. He had to suspect that unanimity in the staff and military boards was because they all lied to him, fearing for their lives. But were they correct, if they feared to tell him the truth when it contradicted his intentions? Saddam Hussein was not an utter fool, who believes people who are under his power and who fear for their lives if they ever once cross him. He couldn't have seized control of an entire nation without a massive amount of cunning and ambition and ego drive. No, he had all that in his portfolio plus enough Hitlerian bloodthirstiness to make him a threat not only to everyone in the Middle East but the entire world. This monster of a man knew, however, nobody's testimony under duress could be trusted, and so he needed one man to tell him the truth, so he spared General Sada's life after he told Saddam it was a foolhardy venture, bound to unleash Israel's nuclear arsenal against all of Iraq's cities. Saddam, hearing this, was stopped in his tracks, and he ordered the chemical warheads removed, though he had some of the missiles fired into Israel. This was remarkable, sparing Sada's life, since he spared no one else's who dared to contradict him. He did not shrink from killing his own family members. He killed them whenever they opposed him, and he even shot dead top government leaders with his own gun at point-blank range who crossed him in any way. Another time he called his top leaders in government, then selectively decimated their number by hauling them out and summarily executing them without trial. [This was described by a man who was present in the gathering but escaped being called out, depicted in a harrowing news program I watched.--Ed.]
Air Vice Marshal (General) Sada tried to tell our U.S. Government and President Bush the truth about Saddam Hussain's WPM's, but the politically correct, RHINO mindset that infected all top levels of the government and the Presidency and White House prevented them from believing it or taking advantage of it politically against their increasingly hostile and aggressive liberal critics in the media and in Congress. The Bush administration bent over backwards to its critics and went with the utterly stupid CIA reports--which are so blind-sided, they are a total farce in espionage. Imagine how much Saddam Hussein was laughing when he heard about those reports, which President Bush gulped down without a question, reporting afterwards to the the nation that he had been misled and mistaken about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction. President Bush, wherever you are! Why can't you listen to an Assryian Christian general when he tells you the truth? Did he get anything beyond his own life when he told the truth to his former commander, Saddam Hussein? He has no agenda, he simply is an honest man. But Washington, even the White House, was so fearful and infected with liberalism by President Bush's time that they could not recognize an honest man of integrity when they saw one standing up before them, testifying at the risk of his own life that Saddam Hussein indeed had weapons of mass destruction, chemical and probably biological weapons too hidden away, then flown on top secret jet flights to storage sites in Syria and apparently also Iran. Well, we have not heard the last of this, as those weapons are still in those places, able to be used and deployed against Israel and the West. No doubt Israel knows exactly where they are, and they will strike to eliminate them, as they must do this or forever have this sword hanging over their heads.
[President Bush, whether you ever see this or not, you will find out someday you are most remiss--that you cannot recognize a true testimony from a false one, and even if you did recognize the truth, you obviously do not have the courage and integrity to make it public. No, you bowed once again to the liberal left, where a lot of your sympathies secretly lie. Your father is the same as you are, and he approved of what you do, though it ran contrary to the interests of the national security of America (and I am not even going to go into your abysmal defense of the U.S.'s southern borders!). Now, largely thanks to you and your father, we have a socialist and even Marxist, anti-American president who cares nothing for America and its national security, and is compromising our country every chance he gets, exposing us to attack by all our enemies. You will have to bear a large part of the responsibility for this!--Ed.]
"All Believers: Do you ever find yourself in a difficult situation? Then believe God, and you will see His Glory! Why? Because faith expects from God what is beyond all expectations! This doesn't mean that we lay out a plan of action for Him and then complain when He doesn't follow our plan and He chooses to meet our needs in another way. Real faith does not dictate to God a plan He must follow or His method of intervention. But faith certainly invites His act of intervention in His way and in His time and not ours. the work of an Almighty, Sovereign God is often actually dependent on our level of faith. He often acts in this world in response to faith: The prayers of faith, the obedience of faith, and the attitude of faith. To see the miracle we must "believe it" first. (Psalm 106:24)
'The Lord is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knoweth them that trust in Him.' (Nahum 1:7)"
"What will persuade them? The most convincing argument will be your life--showing by the way you act and live that Jesus Christ has truly changed you from within. Jesus said, 'let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven' (Matthew 5:16). This means not only that you stay out of trouble in the future, but that your life begins to demonstrate the love and purity of Christ. 'You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self...and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness' (Ephesians 4:22,24).
"Avoid places and people who will try to turn you away from Christ. Instead, get in a church where Christ is preached and where you can grow in your relationship with Christ. Then pray for your family. In God's time they will come to see the change in your life and receive you back--and perhaps come to Christ themselves."
The U.S. Census of 2010 goes beyond the Constitution, plainly, shamelessly, trying to find out your race and my race so it can apportion social service benefits, free health care, amnesty for illegals, etc. to the particular groups and races the Democrat Party has targeted to enlist in its eternal support. The White House is part and parcel of this unconstitutional scheme.
I like what Russ Limbaugh has suggested, that where the blank says "Other" for you to check, check that when it asks for race, and write "AMERICAN" in the block letters below. Do not check or enter any race or ethnicity, which is not constitutional for the Census Bureau to ask or demand. But check "Other" then write "AMERICAN" as to what you are as a race. "AMERICAN" is the only race the U.S. Constitution recognizes and accepts and legitimizes for true U.S. Citizens. "AMERICAN" is the only "color" our color blind U.S. Constitution recognizes. No race, no color, no creed, can be put down and be Constitutional. I followed Russ's suggestion gladly, as I have chosen to stand on the Constitution and the rights it has delineated, which my Creator God has originally bequeathed me, as no man created them, no government has given them to me. What a government gives, it can and will take away sooner or later! So, Citizen, stand on your Constitution as the bedrock of your freedoms, stand up for them now, or they (the foes of our rights and freedoms under the Constitution and our Creator) will enslave you, as surely as the sun rises in the morning and the moon rises at night and Happy Donuts opens its doors at 5:30 a.m.
On this issue and many others today, our Christianity's "rubber" hits the road, does it not? We have been forced into a corner by this Census, and we must declare for the truth we know of the Bible and the Bible. It cannot be avoided, this test of our convictions.
Psalm 20 is but one of many great, comforting psalms for us to read and take to heart in this distressing time. David, who composed many of them on the run from his enemy, King Saul-- who had become a tyrant and was actively using all the powers of state to find, subdue, imprison and execute the innocent David for doing absolutely nothing against him. God Almighty will fight for us against these unjust, relentless forces of tyranny, darkness, and destruction that have seized control or our once free nation at the very top and are now trying to divide us racially so they can continue their objective of dividing Americans up into government-dependent, and therefore controllable minorities.
May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; may the name of the God of Jacob defend you;
May He send you help; from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion.
May he remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. Selah.
May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose.
We will rejoice in your salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners! May the Lord fulfill all your petitions.
Now I know that the Lord saves His anointed; He will answer him from His holy heaven with the saving strength of His right hand.
Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.
They have bowed down and fallen, but we have risen and STAND UPRIGHT [our emphasis--Ed].
Save, Lord! May the King answer us when we call."
Now, as I have prayed much about this current crisis in American history, which is really spiritual at bottom, I dreamed one thing that seemed significant last night. I saw myself in a room that was quite like one you would be hiding in with a hurricane going on. It was shuttered down, with no views out, and a hurricane of wind and rain was blasting every inch of the exterior. Nothing was getting in yet, but there was no sign of it abating, and it was a full-scale hurricane going on. Isn't that a good picture of what is going on this very minute, and has been going on for hours, if not weeks, and months too? This is a spiritual battle, and we Christians are besieged by a satanic typhoon or hurricane right off the sea, just like the residents of Louisiana, Mississippi and other Gulf States were during the hurricane season that nearly wiped New Orleans off the map. But what will be the outcome of this hurricane of evil presently sweeping upon us from all sides? When will it end? Will we be swept away, the little refuge we have fled into, broken apart, so that we are hurled out into the storm and then swept away? I am assured that God will rescue us, even when it seems most hopeless and that we are certainly doomed.
I already had a vision before this little dream last night that showed the Lord calming the storm, with a simple prayer pulled out of my chest the moment I cried it, and hurled like a thunderbolt into the teeth of the titanic storm or two hurricanes I saw in the vision that were threatening a struggling group of people caught on a tiny land bridge between two raging seas. The thunderbolt of prayer energized by the Lord God calmed the storm, it withdrew on both sides, like lions withdrawing their outstretched claws, back, back, back, and in the vision I was relieved to see the people would now be saved from what had just the moment before was clearly utter disaster for them.
How will this happen? I do not know. But I know it will happen! This is the only vision I can unreservedly call a vision that I have had in my entire life, and it did not compare to the dreams, it was so vast and powerful in scope, it was far beyond any dream's effect. The supernatural taking of my little prayer, "Don't let them die!"--that was totally unexpected. I didn't know I was going to cry out like that as I lay on my bed, gripped by this vision of the two raging seas and barely visible between them the little band of people struggling to cross a tiny rocky bit of land just above water line. Last of all, the way the little outcry of a prayer was seized and plucked right out of my chest, then hurled like a most powerful arrow or missile right into the midst of the two hurricanes--that was even more amazing. Finally, the way the hurricanes stopped advancing from that very instant, withdrawing back from those people on both sides simultaneously-- well, it was unforgettable. It was so frightening yet conveyed a most reassuring message to me--that despite how bleak things will truly get for Christians here in America, God will intervene, and take a simple prayer, from you, from me, from some little grandmother in the Ozarks or a nursing home in California, and and stop the mouths of lions that are looming over us to devour us. So let us take heart! We are not going to be devoured, though it seems right now we are being devoured by the tyrants in Washington. God will pluck us out of their jaws, and muzzle the jaws of the lions and drag them away to their cages. God will do it, as it is impossible for us to save ourselves from them, we simply do not have the power, and their power is humanly unstoppable. But God is Almighty God--He can and will do it!,/h3>
The mills of God, it is said, grind slowly, but they will grind these corrupt usurpers of our freedoms, liberties, and livehoods to powder! And we shall escape from their evil clutches.
You don't have to imagine anything, this is reality: they have forced on us a country that uses tax money to provide universal abortion on demand, so that immense profits can be made by Planned Parenthood from the slaughter of children in the womb and also the harvesting of their organs! In other words, they and Planned Parenthood are in thievish collusion, a nation-wide racketering scheme, to defraud Christians of their own money and then use it to fund infanticide for profits, which Christians, who revere life and uphold its God-imaged sanctity, abhor with all their hearts! They pass laws which "legalize" genocide and racketeering they are committing, and expect that Almighty God will either look aside or is powerless to do anything to stop it, since they count themselves Almighty in his place, after having thrown God out of the public sphere also by their laws and liberal Supreme Court rulings.
The other crimes and usurpations and trashings of the U.S. Consitution and the Bill of Rights are too numerous to reiterate. The Health Care takeover is the latest of the unconstitutional acts of this renegade, runaway Congress. A pox on this godless cesspool of corruption and oppression, from God's own hand! I don't have to do anything but pray to God about these wicked oppressors, and God will do what God will do, in His time and way, perfectly, and they shall not escape unless they repent of their sins and crimes. They will not escape His dealings, in any case. Not one of them will escape Him. We all have to do with the Almighty God, and we will all account for our deeds done in this flesh. We will answer to Him, we will account for our actions good or bad, and will be covered by His blood, or suffer the consequences of sinning without Christ's blood to wash them away and cover them before the holy eye of the Judge of the Universe. I feel sorry for all the Democrats who voted for the Health Care abomination, and feel pity for them. Their days are number, their crimes are recorded in books in heaven by recording angels, and the Almighty God has a day set for judging each and every one of these defiant, arrogant, proud, anti-God Congressmen and Congresswomen, including the President, Barack Obama and his wife and all his staff in the White House and his supporters in the Democrat Party. There are Republicans too in his camp, and they too will bear the same responsibility for this abomination and crime.
You won't be able to identify him by his looks, however. He will probably be very handsome, or at least have a most winning, attractive personality and impressive speaking voice. His chief trait may be persuasiveness, with his overwhelming arrogance and pride remaining hidden for the most part along with his brutal, beastlike cruelty of nature. He will be able to smile and talk and persuade beyond anyone else on earth. People will be won over who were formerly very skeptical, even the very elect of God will be duped and deceived into climbing onto his bandwagon. Many well-known Christian leaders and even evangelicals today are being duped and deceived by the world's antichrist spirit and giving their support to all sorts of ungodly programs, leaders, and agendas, so it will happen with the Anti-Christ, only moreso. If it is happening so already, it will be bound to get much worse during his reign.
A thing to beware of: waiting for him to appear to reject him. If we are living crossless, without denying ourselves, playing games with God, holding a form of Christianity but denying the powerr of, living in known, conscious sin in our lives, waiting until latter, "a more convenient time," to repent of it, "pressing the perimeters" a bit more so we can indulge sin while expecting grace to cover us (depending on "once saved, always saved"), well, we are set-ups to be devoured by this Anti-Christ beast when he comes. How so? We are already dupes, deceived, and devoured by the world spirit, the god of this world, while thinking we are safe, we are born again Christians on our way to heaven, no matter what sin we cultivate and indulge here and now. There will be no later chance to turn back, better not count on it! Now is the only safe time to repent and live right, not later. Later is later, and too late! We will be lost then, be assured, friend, if we are not living right now under the shadow of the Cross of Jesus. Millions of saved, born again Christians will not be going to heaven, because they are presently playing games with their souls and with God now, thinking that grace covers all they say and do that is sin. How does the Bible speak of that kind of life? It says to stop! STOP IMMEDIATELY! Turn back to Christ your Savior, repent, change your ways, or suffer the consequences. Oh, consequences may not appear right away if you don't, you may even enjoy life as you have chosen to live it for a while more, even years more perhaps if the Lord tarries, but make no mistake, the devil has you, and he will draw you in when it is time for his Anti-Christ to make an appearance. You will find yourself serving the Anti-Christ, with the mark of the Beast on your forehead too, and then wonder how in the world you had fallen for this fate. Well, it is all because you chose it way back now, when you had a chance to repent, turn from your sin, and ask Christ's forgiveness. It is so simple, how to remain in the saving power of grace--ask forgiveness, plead for power to walk aright, and God will help you. Until that, you will continue sliding toward the abyss, continue sliding into the kingdom of the devil and the Anti-Christ while looking like you are just fine as a Christian to most everyone's eye and estimation. Stop and sober up, get right with God now, for now is the only time you really have to get back on track with God, friend.
In his "Report from Israel" letter to partners of July 1968, Lindsay wrote:
"I have just returned from Israel to receive the startling news of an event that may have profound influence on the developments in the Mideast--the tragic assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy. On Saturday night before his death, he and Senator McCarthy spoke on a national network; and Senator Kennedy made the remark that the U.S. should stand back of Israel's right to live. A young man who heard this remark was an Arab from East Jerusalem by the name of Sirhan Sirhan. Arabs, as a whole, are law abiding people, but few like this young man are inflamed with hate [where was he inspired to hate? --the Koran is full of hate for Jews and Christians, when you go past the kinder surahs of Mohammed's Mecca period to the later surahs of Medina which supersede them, according to Dr. Mark Gabriel, the former iman and Koranic scholar from Cairo].
Watching his opportunity to avenge the loss of the 6-day war on its first anniversary [Muslim terrorists always seem to pick significant anniversary dates, do they not?] (June 5), he crept into the hotel where Robert Kennedy was making a victory speech and opened fire, killing the Senator and wounding several others. This event has deep significance. In Sirhan's pockets were found statements reflecting his devotion to Communism and his hatred of Israel."
Thank God our Creator that there are some film producers with the intellectual honest and the courage and the money who are producing films that question Darwin and his spurious theory. "Creation" was released in September in London. Another anti-Darwin film is "The Mysterious Islands," after the unique Galapagos Islands that inspired Darwin and form the basis of his fanatic adherents' evolutionary faith. Going right to the source of this folly, the Birmingham, Alabama Erwin Brothers filmmakers took their equipment and crews to the volcanic islands with all their bizarre animals and fish off the coast of Ecuador to film the very scenes and species that Darwin used as proofs for his theory. Executive producer Doug Phillips took a team of scientists to determine whether the place is an exhibit for evolution or divine creation. They photographed white-tip sharks, salt-spitting lizards, blue-footed boobies and flightless cormorants, and of course those darn, little finches that Darwin made so much about, only, lo and behold, these world-class scientists reached different conclusions than (in today's standards of science) poorly trained Darwin the 19th century naturalist; "Darwin thought that all life evolved from simple organisms like seashells, and that he knew the scientific mechanisms by which they did so. The film argued that new kinds of animals are not formed through mutation nor the passing of millions of years but that information stored in animals' genes--by God--allows them to adapt to different circumstances."--Excerpts of Julia Duin's "Stairway to Heaven" article, "'Mysterious' Puts Darwin on Trial," The Washington Times, Monday, December 28, 2009.
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Jesus Christ first, and all the rest, starting with ourselves, will fall into line.
What the homosexuals claim they are after is really clandestine and sinister, and
usually the opposite of what they are seeking publicly. Be advised about the existence of this
agenda: like the iceberg's immense, hidden base, it is lurking beneath the water, and is deadly, and will most
destroy any society that blunders against it. If the homosexuals get complete upper hand over us all, we don't have a ghost of a chance to escape anihilation, any more than the Sodomites did when
God said, "Enough is enough!" and unleashed hellfire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Pledging Allegiance to the United States of America by school children in public school classes may soon become a thing of the past, if the ACLU has its way with the Christian founded (!) public school system in America. They hate it with all the animus in their shriveled hearts, particularly because it bears the phrase: "one Nation under God" in it. They also hate it with the spite of demons because it has children pledge allegiance to this nation. President Obama hates it just as much. He would much rather have
the pledge modified, so that they pledge allegiance to the United
Nations, or a nation under the authority of the United Nations. The U.S. flag, if shown at all in the classroom, will have a noticeably larger United
Nations flag standing by it, so these impressionable young minds get the point he wants them to get: we are subservient to the world community, not a sovereign nation in our own right, and patriotism is no longer operative and viable, since we are in his view
all citizens of the world, a term he applied to himself in the infamous Berlin speech.
If you haven't read the political science books or the Communist Manifesto or
its offspring, the Democrat Party platform, or do-nothing Obama's two fabricated "memoirs," or even Karl Marx's doctrine of devils, DAS KAPITAL, don't think you need to. Just look at this, and you will understand immediately what socialism (and its later, terminal stage, full-blown communism) is all about:
Whatever the socially attractive window dressing the misnomered "Democrats" put on their power grabs,
the hidden objective is always the same thing: absolute power. But they have forgotten one thing,
as Lord Acton pointed out, that power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely.
But even if some of them remember his true principle, they seek
total control anyway--since they are intoxicated slaves of the god of this world, whose
kingdom is built upon force and slavery. But only God has total control, and even
Satan is a defeated foe (defeated the atoning Cross-work of Christ) and so they are seeking to
supplant God Almighty, which means their enterprise can only fail absymally. They will
continue on until they are destroyed by the hand of God. The Bible
details their destruction, does it not? They ought to read the Bible and take it seriously,
for it is their only hope of escape from a certain, soon-to-materialize doom.
"Modernism in the Church: The Enemy Within," Excerpt of the Chapter, "Toward Tomorrow's Church, from the book, "Faces Toward God," by N.M. Ylvisaker, 1936
"Good Without God," Chapter VII, by W. E. Sangster
"Hanukkah and Anti-Christ"
"Laying a Firm Foundation, by Chet Plimpton
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but today something good is going to happen!
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