"A wise man scales the city of the mighty, and brings down the trusted stronghold."--Proverbs 21:22
He reads me when we meet;
Today he reads me in my home.
Tomorrow in the street.
He may be relative or friend,
He may be strange to me;
He may not even know my name,
Yet, he is reading ME.
The Associated Press--Jerusalem--The Dead Sea Scrolls, among the world's most important, mysterious and highly restricted archeological treasures, are about to get Googled. The technology giant and Israel announed Tuesday that they are teaming up to give researchers and the public the first comprehensive and searchable database of the scrolls--a 2,000-year-old collection of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek documents that shed light on Judaism during Biblical times and the origins of Christianity. Officials said the collection is expected to be available within months for free.
"You've Got the Time" Audio NEW TESTAMENT (NIV Version) on MP3 Discs is available free from:
By the way, I was standing waiting to order in McDonalds the other day, and a bearded fellow started a conversation with me, and he then surprised me by asking if I knew what BIBLE stands for. I couldn't remember right on the spot! So he said, "Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth"! Doesn't this tell you and me how this is catching on the the culture, when you can hear it in McDonalds?
You are lonely or fearful, Read Psalm 23
You are in sorrow, Read John 14:1-6
You are grateful, Read Psalm 103
Others fail you, Read Psalm 27
God seems far away, Read Psalm 139
You need courage, Read Joshua 1
You are discouraged, Read Isaiah 40
You are in danger, Read Psalm 91
You have sinned, Read Psalm 51
You have failed, Read Psalm 38
God has rescued you, Read Psalm 34
You want to praise God, Read Psalm 100
You want to be like Jesus, Read John 15
Responsibility overwhelms, Read Matt. 11:28-30
--No. 201, The Tract League, Grand Rapids, MI 49534-1329, or go to:
"Indignation has taken hold of me bcause of the wicked, who forsake Your law."
And so, as Secretary Gates is not about to humble himself and reverse this terrible policy against the Bible in the military, the Word of God is a forbidden book as far as the majority in government is concerned--yet it is the Bible that is the only means by which this country or any other we deal with can be saved, turned around, and made a great nation again. "Righteousness exalts a nation," the Bible says. But unrighteousness such as ours? We are outright rebels against God, full of pride. Unrighteousness and pride destroy us--exactly what you see today everywhere you look everywhere in American society and observe how things are done and hear what people are saying. The renowned pastor and preacher of the Word Charles Stanley gives these warnings to us from the Scriptures: Prov. 29: 2; Prov. 25: 5; Prov. 20: 28; Prov. 11: 14; Prov. 11: 11. Go to YouTube and listen to his message to America, "Turning the Tide". The link is given below on this page.
January 25, 1941
To the Armed Forces:
As Commander-in-Chief I take pleasure in recommending the reading of the Bible to all who serve in the armed forces of the United States. Through the centuries men of many faiths and diverse origins have found the Sacred Book words of wisdom, counsel and inspiration. It is a fountain of strength and now, as always, an aid in attaining the highest aspiration of the human soul.
Very sincerely yours, Franklin D. Roosevelt
That is something I am thankful for--aren't you too?
in order to form a more perfect Union,
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility,
provide for the common defense,
promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity,
do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
1. Christian Education
2. Prayer
3. Holy Spirit
4. Biblical Science
5. Foundational Principles
6. Witnessing (includes Apologetics) and Discipleship
7. Types of Christ (OT)
8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas
9. Christian Hope and Character
10. The Prophetic Calling
1. and 2. Christology (based on Christology book offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Hebrew (Zola Levitt book, information how to order it offered on this page)
3. Intro. to Greek
4. "Messianic Prophecy" Course by Zola Levitt (information on it and how to order it on this page)
5. History of the Cradle of Judaism and Christianity, the Middle East, as well as the history of Islam and some of the other anti-Christ cults and atheistic philosophies and environment, secularist, and animal activist movements (including the Evolutionist theory of Darwinism) affecting Christianity significantly.
Billy Graham believes as his wife did, and he has come out with a book we all should read, called "Storm Warning." Franklin Graham explained it as a telling how God will judge sin soon in this nation. That judgment sounds like a terrible one, described as the "perfect storm." I have information that the largest tornado in the U.S. was around two and a half miles wide. It happened in Nebraska in 2004. Well, God's wrath is larger than that, and will encompass the entire nation coast to coast when it hits us with all the ferocity of a super-tornado, or worse. Imagine that! With the nuclear weapons that are now in the hands of the terrorists and the fanatic Muslim regimes such as Iran, Syria, etc., we can be hit with nuclear explosions from one coast to the other simultaneously. We can be destroyed in an hour, there will be mushroom clouds over major cities everywhere our Flag flies on this continential U.S. We can't even handle a hurricane, how about handling this kind of attack? Of course, that would be impossible. We will be destroyed as a nation, and the pieces (if there are any pieces) won't be worth living in or gathering together in a makeshift post-holocaust America. Why not here? They have it in their power to wipe us off the map (as Iran has promised to do to Israel), so what would keep them from doing it? Only God--that is the inescapable fact. Only God! But God may have a deadline for our repentance, and the deadline may already have passed by, and we are now facing extermination. Sorry, but the Bible records the utter destruction of other nations that abandoned God and committed gross abominations and immoralities--and so there is no real hope that God will overlook our gross dereliction. We outrage God daily in this nation, from the apostate pulpit, from the apostate, atheist Congress, from the atheist judiciary, from the godless, anti-Christian White House, from the godless Evolution and immorality-teaching educational establishment. We are worse than pagan, depraved, violent old Rome ever was--as we have the perfect, Bible-based Gospel in greater degree spread throughout our society, far more than the Romans ever had, thanks to the Internet, Television, radio, books, videos, films, and other mass communications, and yet we defy it more than Rome in its ignorance and gross idolatry ever dared. Rome did not use tax monies to support so-called "art" exhibits that mixed urine with crosses (crucifixes) in a bottle, but that is what we have done with the National Endowment of the Arts funds drawn from our public tax taxes. Name anything Rome did, we have done worse and to a greater extent. You might claim we haven't killed thousands of Christians yet in arenas for sheer sadistic entertainment--but yet we use tax money even from Christians to kill tens of millions of innocent unborn children and even seek to fund abortion in countries round the world (as if they needed our help to commit such a crime against humanity!). Surely, all these millions of those unborn children are God's children, even if most parents or mothers were not Christian. No, I doubt very much Rome was worse than we are today. We just do things in a more sophisticated way, that's all, with a higher degree of technology to spread the evil around more efficiently. God is not fooled, or misled by us in the least. He sees clearly how much we have sinned against him in thought, word, and deed, and though he offered us forgiveness, we have so far spurned his gracious offers of mercy and grace in his Son, and then done everything possible to slap God's face and defame him before the whole watching world ("America is not a Christian nation," President Obama braggingly told the Muslim world from the university auditorium in Cairo. America, he said at another time and place, "has many different faiths--Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc.--which means he contradicted himself in Cairo. When asked by the Muslim's what faith America followed, he said America's religious faith is "shared common values," while naming none of them.). None of Obama's explanations will wash with Almighty God. They certainly did not wash with his Muslim friends either, who all know America is a Christian nation (that is why they consider us the enemy of Islam, call us "The Great Satan" and a prime target for their Jehadists!). God does not share Obama's secularist values, whatever they are. God is God, and Obama is a mere walking and talking clot of proud, arrogant clay claiming to be master of his own destiny. God will be God over a defiant, secularist-run America too, whether we are ready or not. Isn't it high time to repent? We may not have a nation much longer, but we still have souls to be responsible for--namely, our own! Isn't it time to cry out to God for forgiveness?
This is excellent, just what the Emmaus Walk is all about: adventuring through the Life of Christ, in the Gospels and the Book of Acts. A study book with pages for notes, by Ray C. Stedman, who was a great Bible expositor. More about it later. I am enjoying it immensely.
"Spokesman Emeal Zwayne said that few Christians in the U.S. are even aware"that so many Christians are losing their lives for their faith. It's as though we in the U.S. live in a different world from the rest of the Body of Christ.
"Zwayne said Open Doors has beenworking 'to try and draw attention tot he plight of the Persecuted Church, because Scripture tells us to remember those who are persecuted for the sake of Christ.
In 2010 World Watch List cited North Korea, which reportedly uses Christians as guinea pigs to test chemical and biological weapons, as the world's worst persecutor of Christians. Iran, which may be using Christians as scapegoats for internal opposition to its president, is #2. Iran is among eight nations in the top 10 of the 50 worst persecutors of Christians in which Sharia (Islamic) law is dominant. A total of 35 nations on the list are under some form of Sharia law. 'We can classify that as a growing trend,' Jerry Dykstra, a spokesman for the ministry said. 'We've seen more countries (on the list) from the Muslim world.'"
The Bible makes it clear, both are wrong. But the question before us is whether there are extremist Muslims who are skewing the religion of Islam the wrong way, or are they just following Mohammed's teachings faithfully. They claim they are the faithful Muslims, whereas the others are unfaithful.
The view that the Jehadist are extremists is fatally flawed. It is totally wrong. Mohammed, who was not politically correct, practiced and preached Jehad, and he lived what he preached, right to the end of his life. Muslims who follow his teachings and example, which are clearly shown by his teachings, the Hadiths, and his example, and acts in recorded history, are truly faithful to what he demanded of the people of Islam who followed him.
Everyone is wrong who says differently. That is a fact no amount of politically correct spin can whitewash away.
For the same reason Islam, not radical Islam, but Islam pure and simple and unadulterated, is waging war, Jehad, against Christians and Jews--the Muslims who are doing this are, again, not extremists, not radicals, not out of the mainstream, no, they are Islamic believers faithfully following the Koran and Mohammed's teachings and lifelong example as the Arab John Patton.
Maybe this comes as a surprise, too, but it really shouldn't: Muslims also persecute "unfaithful" Muslims with a demonic passion! Muslims who flee Islam's bondage are branded "Apostates". That term alone carries the automatic sentence of death in Islamic society. Though many have fled to America to be free, they are under fatwas by imams back in their former homelands that call and sanction anyone going and killing them. I watched three former Muslims turned Christians testify to Jay Sekulow on his televised Radio broadcast program, telling how they are being hounded and followed and must, with their children, live under the threat of death daily. Seeking to inform Americans and the government so that they can literally survive being killed by Muslim assassins sent to kill them, they have founded an organization called "Former Muslims United." A former Muslim was just recently murdered in Canada. It can happen here as well. This is such an outrage! All Americans ought to be told about this going on, as soon as possible. For Sharia law, which is spreading everywhere, after the building of mosques (up to 6,000 so far in the U.S. but not one church in Saudi Arabia, whi funds these mosques with our petrodollars!), is the engine of Islamic terrorism and Islamic takeover of democratic Western societies. In the mosques it is taught that the Muslims coming to the U.S. to live must not assimilate. They are also taught in some mosques to hate America and to fight against America until it is overthrown and an Islamic Republic under Sharia Law is raised on the ashes of what was America. So much for the "religion of peace," that many secularists still insist on calling Islam. To go to the website to help the targets and victims of Sharia law being enforced:
Listen and view Stanley's message, "Turning the Tide," on Youtube at:
Would you like to know what the dark myths undergirding the Shrine of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque are? Would you like to know how those shrines got there, and there isn't a Jewish Temple there instead? This is no theme park, like one put up by a developer of Disneyland or Disneyworld. Blood, sweat, tears, and more blood and tears, enough to fill a river, were poured out on the stone platform of that big square patch of marble or stone pavement called the Temple Mount. Savage wars were fought there for hundreds and thousands of years, armies clashed, conquering generals, emperors, caliphs, and army commanders all had their day on this Mount. Oh, there were periods of relative peace on it, but those periods all came to an end, producing slaughter, pillage, conquest, glory, defeat and misery. All these combatants came and made a terrific mess of the Mount, and what you see today is but one stage of that mess of the ages. But Christ the Ruler of All will come soon and clear away the mess and make everything beautiful, glorious, and pure on that Mount of Zion. It's going to happen. But first the Rapture, then the Tribulation/Great Tribulation Period of 7 years, then the Millennial Reign of Christ. A Third, then a Fourth Temple that is everlasting will stand on the Temple Mount. Are you looking forward to it, Emmaus Walker? You should be if you're not! Everything you are fond on now outside Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is going to be destroyed and vanish, and yet that Temple Mount will remain, to be restored beyond what we can imagine to become the very pinacle of beauty and glory and excellence--truly the Joy of the whole earth! There the saints of God will congregate to worship and adore and serve the Great King, Jesus (Y'shua), forever. I truly hate what I see now on the Temple Mount. It is grossly ugly, impure, hateful. It is not of God, it is anti-God, anti-Christ in fact. Sin and rebellion and satanic deception has created the awful scene we see on that Mount today, where riots take place, stones are thrown at Jews at the Wailing Wall nearby, gunshots ring out from time to time, and blasphemies are inscribed against God's Son on the insides of the buildings. But God will come, in the Person of His Son Jesus, and purify and cleanse the Mount, and seat His glory there. Maranatha!
But is Islam true in its claims? Is Christian faith true? This needs to be decided by everyone involved. We can't have two faiths and two Gods. One only can be the truth. There are no ways to heaven, as Christ himself proclaimed to the world for all time--THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE WAY. Muslims and Christians would certainly agree on this point! Most, that is!
The late Sir Lionel Luckhoo is still, via his writings, the world's expert on Islam, as you will find out by reading his messages on the primary burning questions of faith. He is what you call an "apologist" for our Christian faith, but he also knew Islam and studied it intensively, as he was intimately associated with it from his earliest years. Here is a second message from Sir Lionel, "Prophet or Son of God?" We have a beginning portion to spark your interest in perhaps the most important question there is:
Anyone who denies this is ignorant of Islam and history and the Bible, or deliberately being deceptive. Most people fall into the first category, but millions belong to the second, and they are intent to bring everyone under subjection to Sharia Law and Islam's draconian government where there is no freedom. You can let Islam have the same rights of freedom of conscience and religion, but know that they are tools by which Islam will ultimately move to take over your society and nation and drive you right into the sea unless you convert. At its core, Islam is purely triumphalist, it plays a zero-sum game, it is not moderate and it will co-exist with nobody but nobody. Is this a harsh view? Not in the least! Mohammed, the Founder, framed Islam in these absolute, uncompromising terms himself. He enshrined these terms in the Quran, the Koran, and the Hadith or sayings and teachings, just reinforced what Mohammmed taught was Islam, which is the religion of bloodshed. Dripping with blood, Mohammed's book is dripping with blood, is dripping with blood and more blood. it continues to gather more blood every minute of the hour, ever hour of the day. And it will continue to shed blood and more blood until Christ's coming to reign as King of kings and Lord of lords.
And finally that Thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the Divine Author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Grant our supplication, we beseech Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."
"In 1952 the U.S. Congress set aside the National Day of Prayer as a time to intercede for our nation and its leaders. The Bible commands us to regularly and fervently pray 'for kings and all thsoe in authority' (2 Timothy 2:2; NIV). It also informs us that the initiative for national spiritual healing and renewal lies with followers of Christ (see 2 Chronicles 7;14).
"I believe our nation is in a perilous spiritual state. We must pray. We must call on God to heal our land, forgive our sins, and leade us in the path of righteousness. Please join with believers across this great nation on Thursday, May 6, and the days following as we cry out to the Lord for His mercy and help.
"I will be on my knees. I hope you will be on yours. Thank you and God bless you."
Charles Spurgeon was perhaps the greatest British preacher during the 1800s. One Sunday evening five college students were in town decided to visit Spurgeon's church to hear him preach. They had arrived early in order to secure their seats. As they were waiting for the services to begin, a man approached them. He said, "Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you like to see the heating plant of this church?" The students did not want to spend time in a furnace room since it was a hot summer day, but they obliged the kind stranger.
"The students followed the man down the stairs to the basement level. The man pointed to a door and told them, "This is our heating plant." As he opened the door, the students saw 700 people bowed in prayer, seeking God's blessing on that evening's service. As the man closed the door, he introduced himself as Charles Spurgeon.
"One of the things that made Charles Spurgeon such a successful preacher was his dependence upon God in prayer. What is the 'heating plant" of your life like? Is it strong and persistent prayer, or is it a cold room with just a flickering flame?"--Joshua and Michael Youssef. You can contact MY JOURNAL at:
Here is a most recent poem I have that may speak just to you, and maybe has you and your life circumstances within it, and also gives you the best and only lasting Way out of your despair, dejection, and downfall:
"There is a Princess Jesus calls today,
someone who thinks, "It's over, I lost my way!"
She doesn't know He's her best dream.
He's her true Lover, with no blame between.
Christ reverses Eve's past fall,
breaks though every barrier, leaps every wall!
Walls DO NOT a prison make,
not when Christ died for your sake!
No mere man could take all sin,
and say, "My daughter, enter in!"
That's how much He loved you so,
even when you sank lower than low.
Jesus was there when they slammed the door,
and you lay in filth upon the floor.
He was waiting for your cry and call,
He is the Answer for your fall.
You may have known it NOT back then,
but now you're hearing it, dear friend:
There's no pit so dark and deep
where Jesus won't put down his spotless feet!
He's standing in that pit with you--
your heart has eyes, can you see Him too?
His arms are open to love and forgive,
restore, transform the live you live.
All the dirt, and sin, and shame,
he'll cleanse you, you'll never be the same.
He has to be the greatest Gift;
for from the pit He came to lift
the very person who lost all hope,
the one who swings on "Too Late's" dark rope.
He's right on time to rescue you,
make you His princess--that's what He'll do."
A Sinner saved by Jesus's Grace alone
You may never hear Prosperity teachers and preachers quote these wise sayings, but they are true nonetheless:
"Shun, as you would the plague, a cleric, who from being poor has become wealthy, or who, from being nobody has become a celebrity."--Jerome [a great Bible scholar in the 5th century Church, he translated the scriptures into Latin in Bethlehem, and he had known the so-called greats in society world-wide and knew what was true greatness, and it was spiritual, not what most people esteemed.--Ed.]
"He who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again and ten times more."--John Bunyan, [author of Pilgrim's Progress, the book that has sold more copies than any other book except the Bible--Ed.]
"I continually find it necessary to guard against that natural love of wealth and grandeur which prompts us always, when we come to apply our general doctine to our own case, to claim an exception."--William Wilberforce, [fearless, brilliant orator and singer, a Christian Member of the British Parliament that led the fight to abolish slavery in Britain and its Empire--Ed.].
"No one can earn a million dollars honestly."--William Jennings Bryan, one of America's greatest orators and political speakers [are you listening, Bill Gates and William Buffett and Opray Winfrey?--Ed.]
"He that serves God for money will serve the Devil for better wages."--Sir Roger L'Estrange [think how many singers and musicians have gone into porn and rock music production, because they didn't want to sing in church choirs or perform in gospel quartets and bands! Aretha Franklin is just one of those who left her church and threw her great talent into the hands of Satan and the world. Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, countless others (though not including Ethel Waters, who was saved and spent the last years of her life and career devoted to praising God in song)--Ed].
--Compiled by Christian History Institute
The dictionary is the only place success comes before work.--Arthur Brisbane.
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do...nothing.
Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship.
Life with Christ is an endless hope; without Him it is a hopeless end.
Many hands rocking today's cradles are merely hired hands.
Success comes in cans; failure in can'ts. [This is Joel Osteen's whole message, preached over and over and over, is it not? So you see he isn't needed; Mary Jess said it all, in just seven words!--Ed.]
A New Year's thought: Faith makes the uplook good, the inlook favorable and the outlook glorious.
On the whole, God's love for us is a much safer subject to think about than our love for Him--C.S. Lewis
There is in the world far more hunger for love and appreciation than there is for bread.
Dr. Smith states that before the transformation into the fiery Black Islamicist, Walcott was "Calypso Gene," a nightclub entertainer. Malcom X was one of the men associated with him in earlier days, at least until someone murdered him. He assisted Malcom X (originally Malcom Little) at the Harlem mosque before going to the Boston mosque. You have to remember Farrakan (Walcott), however, as he is in the news frequently, being quoted or cited in some way. He represented the "Nation of Islam," and was its chief representative. But how did this false religion get started here in America. Please return for the excerpt soon from a great booklet by an authority on this subject called "Nation of Islam."
The completed message is now available:
Not that BP is guiltless! As a human organization, it isn't going to be innocent. Neither is Britain innocent as a party to this. Liberal, Labor Party-run and ruined Britain owes us something, after the BBC's angry, condescending lecturing of us and its poisonous, virulent bashing of us in their press for so many years, as an embarrassment to the Globalized world community because we dared to act like a sovereign nation with our own foreign policy, not taking dictates from the United Nations like Britain was so inclined to do (even though Tony Blair opted for joining Bush in the unpopular Gulf Wars in Iraq and even committed to Afghanistan).
That USA-bashing, so popular with the British government and the media for so long, is now returning to haunt them no doubt, as British Petroleum fouls some of our nation's most pristine beaches and wildlife habitats in the Gulf of Mexico. Thanks a lot, you liberals of Britain! What did we do to deserve this from you? We buy your products, your oil too, enriching you with billions of dollars for year after year, and then you turn and gum up our beaches and islands and kill the wildlife and fish too with your horrible messes from that blown-out well! Thanks a lot, liberals of Britain! And shame on you, for your own malfeasance that led in some way to this ecological and economic disaster we are saddled with. You were always ranting and raving about the U.S.'s carbon emissions, well, what about yours in the Gulf of Mexico right at this moment? It is far worse what you are doing than whatever you imagined America had done to pollute the world! I am certain your pride and arrogance is now slapping your own face for a change for all the slander and lies and bad mouthing you have done over the last ten to fifteen years during the Bush Administrations primarily.
Carbon dioxide is a trace gas and by itself will produce little warming. Also, as CO2 increases, the incremental warming is less, as the effect is logarithmic, so the more CO2, the less warming it produces.
Temperatures have been cooling since 2002, even as carbon dioxide has continued to rise.
The winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara falls froze completely solid!
Are you still terrified by CO2? I'm not! I think it is a very good thing! Rising levels actually bring a wonderful greening of the earth--which is happening all across formerly arrid Central Asia and eastern China, it is already reported, areas that have been nothing but rocks and sands and dried salt lakes for centuries, if not thousands of years. If it is happening there, and it is, that means the arrid regions have been greening up increasingly across the world, with consequent increases in wildlife and agriculture. Why? CO2 is like fertilizer to the plants. So more CO2 is good for the earth, not less! "Calling Al Gore! calling Al Gore!--are you listening? This is your lost Integrity calling. Apparently you are blocking all in-coming messages! You are never confused by the facts, are you! You simply deny them!" Only in politics is it toxic, something to use to stampede the masses of voters into Cap and Trade madness and all sorts of hybrid cars and "green" energy sources-- all based on nonsense, which will only put dollars into the insatiable pockets of politicians. The world will be impoverished, and we will join Bangladesh in its rock-bottom economy of subsistence, if we let the politicians have their way. They will protect their wealth and remain super-rich overlords, while we will lose everything we have, and become utterly dependent on a dictatorial government. Want that? Vote for it in the next election, that is, vote for those candidates who have been profiteering off the CO2 reduction agenda championed by the now infamous Al Gore. Don't expect such politicians to give up this agenda. It is the best thing for them imaginable, for them to increase their power and money exponentially.
From Introduction, by Canno Malgo
"Where Jerusalem is concerned, it is all or nothing. The fate of the nations is decided by Jerusalem; the nations will cut themselves on her (Zechariah 12:3). Jerusalem is the future world capital from where the Messiah will reign. Jerusalem is the city of truth. The abysmal untruthfulness of the world of nations will be revealed in this city (cf. Isaiah 2, Micah 4, Zechariah 14:12). Jerusalem is, according to the Bible, the sole capital of Israel. There has never been a Palestinian state. This already shows how the facts have been twisted.
In the following article ["The Myth of the Al-Aqsa Mosque: Part I," by Herbert Novitsky], we will do away with two stubborn myths that concern on the one hand Gaza,and on the other hand the Temple Mount. For friends of Israel, these facts are extremely significant.
If only the world would acknowledge objectively what Israel has done toward peace! But as we know, they prefer to listen to the lies of the Palestinian side. This is not surprising; Jesus said of the prince of this world that he is the father of lies."
July 11--Believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. (Peter 1:8).
July 18--In Thy Name shall they rejoice all day. (Psalm 89:16).
July 25--The Lord reigneth, let the earth rejoice. (Psalm 97:1).
August's theme is Renewal, follow by September's theme, Reaping, each with its own special verses.
Renew our days of old. (Lamentations 5:21)
Aug 8--According to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. (Titus 3:5)
Aug 15--Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that ye put on the new man created in righteousness and true holiness. (Eph 4:23/24)
Aug 22--Create in me a true heart, O God! Renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10)
Aug 29--They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)
Sept 5--They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. (Psalm 126:5)
Sept 12--When ye reap the harvest of your land...Thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field...thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger. (Leviticus 19:37/38)
Sept 19--He that soweth to the Spirit shall fo the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6:8)
Sept 26--Lift up your eyes and look on the fields for they are white already to harvest. He that reapeth receiveth wages and gathereth fruit unto life eternal, that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together. (John 4:36/37)
There is also the article of a Jewish writer cited, that tells of Lincoln's love for Jerusalem, and his desire to travel there, expressed to his wife. David R. Barnhart's blog features the Lincoln article and the link to it.
This was an instance of over-reaching by a tyrant-wannabe. He lied again to the American people, and they did not buy it. Protests have developed across the whole land. Here is one, right at Ground Zero:
Richard Bewes writes:
"Many of us in the U.K are only twoo aware of our earlier Christian foundaton--built through missionaries, martyrs and even a few God-fearing monarchs.
The Legacy of It. There are reminders everywhere. We even have a city, St. Alban's, named after our first martyr. Our earliest universities were all Christian in origin. True, we had periods of spiritual stagnation, but we also had the mighty Reformation four and a half centuries ago that transformed the nation. Further revivals would follow, under such leaders as Bunyan, Wesley, Whitefield, Wilberforce, Booth, Spurgeon and Moody.
And if singing hymns from one end tot he other of the London underground trains is symptomatic of a revival taking place, then indeed we had a mighty revival under 16 consecutive weeks of nightly Gospel preaching from Billy Graham at the great Harringay Crusade of 1954. To quote my longtime friend John Stott (who was there every night): "The people were spellbound." No one can begin to undcerstand present day evangelical life in Britain without taking into account what happened during that epoch-making event, and in subsequent missions across Britain, led by the best-known religious figure of the 20th century.
One could argue that Gospel life and church ministry in Britain were rejuvenated only to then be overshadowed by a permissive society and a new wave of godless materialism. It was coupled with reactionary liberal theology that began to be felt across the whole of the West from the 1960s onward. By the end of the century, a new generation had arisen to whom Bible stories and the language of the Gospel were completely unfamiliar."
He points to glimmers of hope and opportunity to reach the British with the Gospel. Vibrant black churches have sprung up in London and elsewhere in big cities, "indicating a belief that Britain will rise again." Immigration, with all its problems yet brings thousands of vibrant Christian believers from Africa, China, Korea, and Asia, he says.
Below this article it tells of 2,400 young people who made decisions for Christ at the "Celebration of Hope" held in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in 2008. Northern Ireland is part of the U.K, and the fire ignited there can spread to all of the U.K.
This item was not part of the page's articles, but it is also significant to Britain's rise again. A woman pledged and is donating $1 million pounds sterling (a British pound is worth $1.50 or more) to the Daystar Television Network, as a response to the Sharathon going on. She has promised to donate something like 16 million dollars. This is unheard of. Her offer has been verified. I heard this from Marcus Lamb being announced and thought, "There is hope for Britain! There is hope that God will save Britain!"
"The Rise of Central Banks," telling how the Knights Templar (a Catholic religious order of the Middle Ages) ran the best known medieval central banking system, which made them the wealthiest group in the Western World, "The Boundaries of Our Reality: Part 1," exploring some of the most relevant discoveries of modern science and how they impact our Biblical perspectives, "The Kingdom, Power, and Glory, discussing overcomers in the final three churches--Sardis, Philadelphia (not Philly in Penn State, but Philly in Asia Minor!), and Laodicea--don't miss these great articles!
Yet, as long as we are still alive, we can repent and turn back, to the road that Abraham, father of all who have faith in Christ, first took when he parted company with his foolish nephew Lot.
We are no different or better than those foolish Jews of the 1st century. We will mostly all vote for Anti-Christ when he hops onto the world stage, will we not? We are set up suckers! We cannot tell true from false anymore. We have thrown away the Bible, which is the arbiter and standard of truth and what God is like. Without any real guide or compass, we will drift into the path of the coming Destroyer of mankind--the Anti-Christ and his false prophet and false world religion. Let's be honest. We are mostly all prone to be deceived, as we are being deceived today by all sorts of things, including our own warped perspectives and wrong ideas, which all have little or nothing to do with the Bible, God's word to us.
Let's get back to the Bible, while we still can, friends. It'll save us from the net of the Anti-Christ, which even now is cast and is sweeping through the world, drawing billions into Satan's grasp and dominion.
Please return for Eben's prophecy that performs judgment, well deserved, on this doctrine of Satan.
Will someone write the same thing on a wall of the ruined Capitol in Washington someday--that is, if the city isn't too radioactive to visit? We are poised on the edge of destruction. Our enemies are equipped to send a ship to within striking distance of Washington, then fire a discount store Scud missile with a nuclear warhead, or simply send a man with a suitcase bomb to the city and leave it there with a timing device that is activated by a cellphone call. It is all so easy now to destroy a whole city and a whole civilization. God has protected us many times these last few years--but how much longer? How much longer, friend? Why should we be spared, since we are doing the same as Sodom and Gomorrah?
Barack Hussain Obama is given first place in the Jawbone of the Ass used by Samson to slay and defeat the heathen, uncircumcised Philistines and enemies of the Chosen People. Why? Since he is a cultural and believing Muslim at heart, a Muslim in every way but in name, even if he will not admit it to the American people because of the bad political repercussions the truth would bring. He celebrates Ramadan, and at the Muslim dinner he just held he declared that he approves of the 100 million dollar, 11-storey mosque being built right next to the site of Ground Zero. The iman in charge of the project has terrorist ties, which is not hearsay, but provable. The iman's own speeches have been recorded that blame the U.S. for what happened at Ground Zero, charging America with crimes that warranted the retaliation, and he has said equally evil things. This monster is a friend of Obama's, evidently. Well, birds of a feather flock together, as the old adage says so wisely!
Our poor little anemic U.S. greenback is just as pathetic, robbed of nearly all value by our government's self-serving, lunatic over-spending. They are borrowing heavily from China and Japan, to finance programs we can never, ever pay for! Someone calculated that we are 100 trillion dollars in debt, when you total up Social Security and all the other "services" that government claims it will provide. There is no way that amount could ever be raised to pay the debt, it is colossal, and only God could pay it! Soon we will be so deep in debt we shall not be able to repay the present standing loans to governments and countries overseas, not ever! We are impoverishing the younger generation to pad the bank accounts of our big spenders in Congress today. These horrible Senators and Representatives, who have no regard for our nation's solvency, and do everything they can to drive us into bankruptcy for generations to come, must be ejected from their seats--with all possible speed. Send them all to Mars, in the next rocket, if need be! They ought to enjoy it, as then they will escape the firing squad that is the reward for all tyrants that overreach and overspend to the point where they destroy their nations. Shame, shame, shame on them. Shame also on the voters who put these miscreants in power and gave them the means to destroy us like this.
Joel Osteen may have tried to change his stripes (or spots?) with a public apology after a fatal interview with Larry King on "Larry King Live," but, sorry, I can't buy it, as for him to disavow the primary Christian doctrine and truth that Jesus in only way to be saved tells us that this is no mere stumble, it is a plunge off the cliff, theologically:
The DVD, "The Case for Faith," is truly excellent, a first-class production. It has intriguing interviews on it, as Lee as a first-class journalist sleuths out the best sources of the truth concerning the great and toughest questions of faith, which he boils down to two. I think he answers the questions. Get the DVD. You decide.
"Dear Dr. Graham
"I am an insurance salesman. The other day I ran across someone who said he didn't want to purchase any health insurance because he just trusted God for the future, and since God was going to take care of him, he did not need any insurance. I just wondered what you think about this.--A.N.A.
"Dear A.N.A.:
"This man was no doubt sincere (unless he was just trying to get rid of you!), but I wouldn't agree with his understanding of faith.
"Yes, God has promised to take care of His children. But this doesn't mean they are exempt from illness or fires or accidents, for God has not promised that. Nor does it mean they are to ignore common sense and refuse to take preventive measures or to save--either to avoid such things or to overcome the financial effects of such events.
"In fact, the Bible repeatedly warns us against laziness and thoughtlessness, and urges us to plan ahead and be diligent and thrifty so we will avoid disaster. 'Go to the ant, you sluggard, consider its ways and be stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at hearvest...(but) poverity will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man" (Proverbs 6: 6, 8, 11). Deliberately refusing to provide for the future is not wise or prudent. If this man becomes ill and cannot pay his hospital bill someone will pay--his relatives or society or some other person. But why should others bear the burden of his imprudence? In our own organization we have sought to provide as full insurance as we can for our staff.
"This man has, however, pointed to an important truth that I hope you will take to heart. Our futures are in God's hands, and no matter how much we try to accumulate, He slone should be our security. Are you building your life on Christ and seeking to serve Him every day?"
The movement of Pietism had profound effects on the church in both Germany and in America. We can benefit to know who led the movement and learn what it is that Pietism was about and aimed to achieve. Here is a CharisLife article, "Lutheran Pietism," which we are bringing to shed light on this great movement in the Protestant churches. Our copy has somehow vanished, but when it turns up again, we can finish the excerpt.
Marcus Lamb of Daystar Televison Network, Dallas, Texas, has just said that 10-10-10 (or Oct. 10, 2120) will not come again for a thousand years, until Oct. 10, 3010 (whether there is a calender or not at that time he cannot say, of course). But this number 10 has great significance. Ten means, he says, completeness, fulness, perfection or divine order, nothing wanting, a whole cycle is complete. There were 10 generations from Adam to Noah, 10 generations from Noah to Abraham. The tithe is 10 or 10%. Ten Commandments. Ten plagues of Egypt. Ten Wise Virgins. What do three 10's stand for? Marcus Lamb says they stand for each our 3-part individual being, one body, one soul, and God is the third person in us (as the Scriptures say, that each born again person has the Spirit of Christ), our spirit! 10-10-10 is a Sunday. Be sure to go, and give you tithe, says Marcus Lamb, and that day will be a turning point for you.
The evangelist, Harold Woodson of Powder Springs, Georgia, came with this message about 10-10-10 and gave it with Marcus Lamb on Daystar, which he is doing as this is being posted here. Woodson was with A.A. Allen in the healing ministry fifty years ago (he is 60 years of age now). If you want to pledge $30 for 12 months, to gain the 10-10-10 blessings, healings, and deliverances and breakthroughs for you and your family members too, you can do that now by going to the Daystar website. Marcus Lamb will send anointed prayer cloths to you and a DVD of Healing Waters music and other items to you with your pledge. Be sure and give your tithe to your church, when you go Sunday, Oct. 10--and be sure to go to church on that date! That is what Marcus Lamb said to do, so everyone who pledges do it! All the names of these pledge-makers will be prayed over in Israel on 10-10-10 by Pastor Larry Huch.
We seldom (actually we have never done it before) relay a pledge request like this, but this is truly wonderful, as great in its way as the Sharathon's Israel Night pledges.
You can call Daystar: 1-800-329-0029, or Outside USA: 001-817-868-776. As evidenced inActs 19: 11, 12, "great, unusual, special miracles came because of prayer cloths over which Paul prayed." As for the anointed and prayed over prayer cloths Daystar will send, you can request and get one for each family member including yourself! That is what the Lord instructed Marcus Lamb to offer the viewers who have faith God will move in this very scriptural way on their behalf.
so that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons,and the diseases departed from them,a nd the evil spirits went out of them."
A second sign was that I was reading just before coming in to turn on Daystar's channel this verse: Ps. 43: 5. When I turned on Daystar, Marcus Lamb was speaking, and he quote Ps. 43:5. I checked my Bible immediately, and it was the very verse that had just given me encouragement in a trying time of my life. Isn't God wonderful? He gives us Rhema, or Living Word and Kairos Moments too--if we only trust and obey him and stay in His word and keep our vessels clean by daily confessing our sins to the Lord and being cleanses.
This false god too will fall! God has his time and way, as He is a God of mercy and grace, and will give Obama every chance to repent first, before Justice must be done for Obama's crimes.
They are using the First Amendment as a smokescreen to justify it. But that is not the issue. Despite 9/11, Moslems already have full religious freedom in America and New York (which certainly is not the case in the apartheidist hellhole of Saudi Arabia where there isn't a single Christian church permitted, and where you can't even carry a Bible in public, nor hold a private prayer meeting in your home, or share Christ with a Muslim) New York already has over 20 Christ-blaspheming, anti-American mosques, and Moslems can build most everywhere in New York they want. They could enlarge the others if they want more room for this "center of mutual understanding among Moslems and Christians." (my quotes).
My friend Pastor Pett has an excellent message about this mosque with information you may not find anywhere yourself.
Isn't that tremendous? It may look like the game is up, we are finished, the Devil has
defeated us, the wicked old world has us tied and trussed like chickens in the slaughterhouse,
but no! It isn't over yet! Our King Jesus still has one more move!This is taken from Stuart Maxwell Hawkins's book,
and it recalls to mind a story I heard recently. A chess master was shown a painting
by someone. But the chess master kept looking and looking at it, from various angles,
until he finally said, "I am a professional at chess. Either the painter is a liar, calling
this painting, 'Checkmate,' or he will have to change the name." He kept saying this as he
examined the famous painting. Finally he said why: "The king still has one move," he said.
German pastor and Bible school teacher Dietrich Bonhoeffer chose not to go the way of the compromised, worldly, Nazi-approved evangelical church in Germany--a way leading to disaster, he clearly foresaw-- and ultimately lost his life opposing the forces of evil in Hitler and his regime--yet he was the victor! He triumphed in the cause of righteousness in that truly lost generation of the churchmen of his day and all their duped parishioners who followed Hitler the false German messiah to their moral and spiritual doom. He shines like a star today amidst that darkness of wartime Germany. Yet Bonhoeffer suffered doubts about himself, he knew how humanly frail, prone to pride, a man is. No doubt Satan assaulted and tempted him continually, trying to get him to lose hope and faith in the Lord. You might want to check this poem out. Persecution, hot persecution, is coming for all true Christians in America, and perhaps soon. The U.S. Government is the means that is primarily responsible, along with the educational establishment. But the military may even be used, along with the FBI and CIA and Homeland Security Dept. The IRS has been used in the past to smash evangelical ministries, and will continue to be used that way by the enemies of Christ entrenched in government. Our government has already become an incipient totalitarianism, which Truman warned us about years ago.
Jesus Christ first, and all the rest, starting with ourselves, will fall into line.