Turning to John 9 we read a thrilling story of a man who had been blind from birth. It was not by accident that Jesus came his way, and on the sabbath day. Whose fault is this? The disciples wanted to know if it was his sin or his parents. But Jesus indicated that the man was this way so that the works of God could be manifested in him on the sabbath day. Notice what Romans 8:19-21 says: "For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God." (New American Standard Bible).
So we see a creation that has been subjected to futility. We see a world that has been born blind, a people who have never seen the light of the Gospel, never heard the name of Jesus, never felt the power of the Holy Ghost. And we wonder whose fault it is. But we see that world coming to the 7th day, the age of miracles. And we see their eyes being opened. Glory to God, what a shock this was to the religious community! They could not handle the idea that a sonship really worked, and that this was really taking place on the sabbath. They would rather have seen the man remain blind, than to see their doctrines come crashing down around their ears. They would rather the needs never be met, than to have the Son of God get the glory for it. Such is the spirit of religion today, even as then.
Nevertheless, the man's eyes were opened, he saw the light of day, and finally he even saw the Son of God. And beloved, this blinded creation which has so long walked in darkness, blinded by religion, by intellectualism, by ignorance, by witchcraft, and by humanism, will have their eyes opened on the sabbath. They will even see sonship, and will know the Son in the power of His resurrection! Let the religious leaders try to protect their dogmas and creeds. They shall all crumble in the light of the reality of Christ. The 7th day, the age of miracles, will see the opening of eyes, and the deliverance of creation from the bondage of death and decay.
"And He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath" (Luke 13:10). Here we find Jesus getting right into the religious system on the 7th day. I want you to know that in this "6th day" in which we now live, the Son of God is not welcome in many of our modern day "synagogues" of religion. Sonship is not a subject they want in their churches. But I declare to you that in the 7th day, the day of the Lord, that the many-membered son will get into the very heart of the religious system and teach the living Word of God. It will be a word like they have never heard before. Yes, they will say, "Why have we not heard this before? This is not as the teaching of our scribes, this is a word of authority from the Throne!" I am firmly convinced that those huge cathedrals and temples which have been used only as ceremonial museums, shall one day be filled with hungry people being fed the word of Life.
In this synagogue was a woman. This symbolically speaks of a church. Yes, in that system of religion there was a church. And she was bowed over, bend double. She could not straighten herself. She could not look up, could not see the heavens. All she could see was the earth. So many churches are in this condition today. And it was caused by a spirit. The people seem to have adjusted to it. They have submitted to that spirit. They don't expect anything else from their religion, except a ltitle earthly help, a social gospel. No heavenly vision. 18 years of it. That is 6+6+6=18. Three 6's. Yes, it is the spirit of antichrist that keeps the people from looking up to see the heavenly vision. The synagogue was no help.
But Jesus touched her. On the sabbath. And immediately she was made whole, stood erect, and began glorifying God. Now she could look up. Friends, we don't have to wait until we all get to heaven to see the glory of God. Lift up your heads, look up, don't be bowed over with earthly visions in the synagogues of men's religion. Let the Son touch you. The realm of sonship can bring you a new vision of Him. And you can truly glorify God as never before.
Do the religious systems rejoice in the deliverance of the church? Oh, they are indignant! "Why didn't you heal this woman during the 6 days?" they ask. If you can't get healed during the 6th day of the age of grace, then you'll just have to wait till we all get to heaven. "There will not be a perfect church without spot or wrinkle on this earth in the 7th day", they say. It upsets their theology. To them, the 7th day is a time of sitting around looking pious, being religious, wearing their crowns and robes. But not a time to work delivering the church, and creation. Jesus simply called them "hypocrites". He told them they had more concern for their animals (beast systems) than for the woman (the church). It was true, and still is.