Like Daniel, we must take every message we hear and filter it through God's Word. No matter how appealing a message may sound, or how often we hear it, if it does not bring glory to God we cannot let it in. We must discern the difference betrween man's truth and God's truth. We must recognize what will provide only temporary happiness and what will bring eternal joy.
If we fail to hold on to God's teachings, we will become vulnerable to worldly messages and lose our effectiveness for Christ. Make a commitment to understand thoroughly what you believe--and why. Spend time in God's Word and learn who you are as a child of God. Standing up for your beliefs will helop you become a powerful tool for God.
It's easy to let the messages of this world seep into our lives. Sometimes we don't even realize they are there. Take a few minutes to think about the television shows, movies, books, and music that you spend time enjoying. How many of those glorify God, and how many are selling messages of self-promotion, self-importance, and self-centeredness?
Confess to God the areas in your life in which you have allowed ungodly beliefs and priorities to overshadow God's truths. Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict you of any changes you need to make to maintain your identity in Christ.