God spoke to my heart that my needs were not just physical, but also spiritual. God showed me that I was in need of an infilling of the Holy Ghost and for sanctification of the heart.
At that time I read a book by Pastor Fujito Sugi on "The Dead and Resuyrrected Christ." It was a powerful testimony for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and for sanctification. God spoke to my heart that I was dead with Christ and that He was living in me.
God spoke to my heart from Romans 8:11, "If the Spirit of him that traised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."
At that moment I felt that God had healed me. I testified by faith to God's healing power. I resumed my normal student's life. Later they called me again to take X-rays for our annual physical check-up.
The doctor took one X-ray and was very surprised. He took another larger one in order to check his findings. He compared the X-rays from the year before. The shadow on my lung had disappeared. God had healed me. More than healing He had changed my dry Christian life into a joyful, powerful, fruitful Christian life through the power of the Holy Ghost.
During my third year I was assigned to Pastor Koji Hona's Kobe Central Church for training. Every morning I joined him in the early morning prayer meeting from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 A.M. On Saturdays we would fast and pray. Bro. Honda's source of power is prayer. He has an upper room prayer tower, ascended by a 12 foot wooden ladder. In it Bro. Honda spends hours in prayer that God will send a Holy Ghost revival to Japan's 100 million lost souls.
One month we held tent meetings in three different locations. On Saturday afternoons we would hold a street meeting at a nearby open lot. Before the Sunday evening service I would lead the young people in a street meeting service. Sometimes I would beat the drum and at other times I would play the accordion.
During one of our Saturday street meetings there was a young drunk man, 24 years of age, lying on the street. He listened to my message. I left the group to deal with him about his soul. He was a drunkard, who had almost lost his life three times.
In his drunken stupors he would lie on the street car tracks and become injured. The scars on his face and body were proof that God had spared his life. He gave his heart to the Lord. He is now a youth leader at Bro. Hionda's church.
During my fourth year of Bible school during the cherry blossom season, a lovely looking older lady came to call on me. The principal called for me to see her. She had heard me preach at the street meetings.
She told me that her lovely 18 year old daughter had died. She said, "In my dream I dreamed that you married my daughter. In such a case I would be your mother-in-law. Such cannot be the case since she has died, but I still want to be a mother to you." Then she handed me 5,000 yen ($14 and quite a sum to a student receiving only $.80 cents a month).
She then added, "Let us go together to the mountain alone to pray together." I replied, "Thank you just the same, but we can pray here now at the school." Then I added, "I must go now." I ran and hid in a room. She searched the school until she found me. She grabbed me by my kimono and tried to kiss me.
I ran away from her and told the dean of the school what had happened. He went into the hall and in a loud voice said to her, "Get out." She did. Then I handed the dean the money to return to her. For two years she sent me money, which I always returned to her. In all ways God kept me pure.