I As I look back I can clearly see
There are three Doors that open wide to you and me.
The first is the World with her pomp and fame,
Begging and pleading that we’ll join her game.
Her riches and wealth at first catch the eye,
Luring and deceiving she hopes we will buy.
The treasure and goods that she boldly displays,
We’ll find to be binding and be totally dismayed.
They’ll come in like hordes storming our hearts,
Consuming our minds, which is only the start.
Our souls will be trapped by the gods of this world,
As they tear us and rule us till our souls be unfurled.
Oh, what a wretched and helpless estate,
Please remember these words, and Let us pass by this gate!
There are three Doors as you have been told,
But this one I tell while trembling, for I am not bold.
The Door of the Flesh is the one in which I speak,
For it’s the most ruthless, destroying young, old, and meek.
The flesh promises pleasure and satisfaction for all,
Telling us lust fulfilled doesn’t end up like gall.
Its desires and intensity, though deceiving may be,
Still ring loudly in our ears as our chief enemy.
The call of the flesh is to drink till we’re filled,
Not knowing that in excess our spirits are killed.
To heed the flesh yields pain and dread,
Reducing our souls to the worth of stale bread.
For the works of anger, lust, and greed,
Blind our eyes to our heavenly need.
So let us be humble and choose what is right,
Remembering we’re been crucified with all of our might.
Now the last Door up ahead causes my heart to race,
Knowing the joy that’s before us I’ll liven the pace.
You see, it’s this Door that the prophets spoke of,
Foretelling of a Man who was crucified for love.
When the time was ripe He came on the scene,
This Man of Compassion seemed like a dream.
But a phantom or vision He truly was not,
For they touched Him and held Him as much as they ought.
His mission and journey was all very clear,
As He healed and forgave all that came near.
The publican, destitute, sinner, and whore,
These were the children He’d soon die for.
But the pious and rich in their pride would mock,
Scorning and laughing at the truth of His talk.
Then came the day when alone in Gethsemane,
He relinquished His will and began to die for you and me.
Calling His disciples, He told what was ahead,
Then lovingly and carefully He broke the bread.
He said, “Do this oft in remembrance of Me,
Remembering it was I who died on that tree.
“The cup that you drink symbolizes My blood,
Reminding you of our oneness that’s sealed in love.
The blood that I spill I willingly do,
Knowing it will ransom and reconcile you.”
With this behind He looked ahead,
Peacefully discerning the path that He dread.
The path led to suffering, agony, and shame,
But remember, dear one, He died for the lame--
--Lame not in limb or arm or feet,
But lame in the soul where sin burrows deep.
With arms stretched wide He agonized and cried,
“It is finished, it is finished, for you I have died!”
Now the story you hear has only half been told,
The remaining part is what makes us so bold.
The Lamb on that tree did not stay there that day,
He was taken down where in a tomb He did lay.
Death, hell, and the grave thought they had won,
When at last they had finally crucified the Son.
But blameless and spotless before God’s eyes,
He raised Him in power and destroyed their lies.
Now Christ has been made by God above
The Lord of the Universe who reigns in love.
In wisdom and power He rules over all,
Redeeming and purifying man from the Fall.
As the Door of Love He leads to life,
Freeing us all from guilt, shame, and strife.
He is the Prince that gives us true peace,
And only in Him do our souls find release.
Now remember, He’s coming again very soon;
It could be morning, evening, night or noon.
But this I do know without a doubt,
He’s coming with justice When the angels shout.
Clothed in fury He’ll come that day,
Judging and rewarding, each man will pay.
But the Bridegroom only Christ’s Bride* will see,
In humble adoration she’ll bow the knee.
To Him alone will her praises sing,
All glory and honor to Christ her king.
Now the doors at first may seem far from your mind,
But remember, do remember, They’re there all the time.
So flee from Sin’s doors and all of their lies,
For their end is destruction where everyone dies.
But let us, dear pilgrim, run in haste,
For our lives are short and there’s no time to waste,
To the table of God where Christ has been spread,
For He alone is the True Wine and Bread.
Now the Doors of Life I’ve shown to you,
But all alone we each must choose.
So be careful, dear one, to watch and pray,
For out of the three only One is the Way.