My mother Cora made those 24 hours count! I know, I was in the room with her.
Two nurses came to her aid and had no sooner begun their work when she redeemed the moments. "No one cared about me," she said. "I kept thinking they would, but no one cared a bit."
The surprised nurses questioned her. "Who didn't care about you, Dona [Mrs.] Cora? Why did they not care for you? When did this happen?"
As soon as she had their attention and they had put their work on hold, she began telling these ladies her own lost condition as a young lady in the USA long ago.
She shared about being lost in sin even though raised in a Christian home where she always attended church, sang and read the Bible. But she had no assurance whatsoever about the destiny of her soul. One evening she heard a preacher explain the need to recognize your sinful condition and your need of a Savior. She was in a Christian academy attending high school at the time. It was while reading the Scriptures later on that she came to put her faith in the Lord Jesus alone for her salvation.
Having shared her story, Cora then shared precious Scripture passages which would help; these ladies understand the Way to salvation. Romans 3:23, Isaiah 53:6, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, and finally, I John 5: 11-13; these same passages from which she had received the assurance she needed.
Her excitement, her fluency and alertness, and God's powerful Word and the truth coming at them kept these two ladies spellbound. "I care about your souls," she continued. "You are precious to me and especially to God who sent His Son to pay the price for your salvation."
While picking up in the room, one of these ladies spoke to us from her heart. "I have been practicing religion, too. I also have many doubts." We enjoyed sharing more with this hungry heart and Mama promised to pray for both of them to come to an understanding of the free gift of salvation.
The hospital stay was a bit short, but many exciting doors for witness were made available to her and she "walked" through each one with expectancy. My heart was warmed as I remembered being by the side of this missionary from my early days and seeing God use her simple delivery and His precious Word to bring about change--long-term, final destiny change: the salvation of the soul.