It may come as a surprise to most Americans and Westerners, but slavery is alive and well in the world, and growing phenomenally, particularly in the area of white slave traffiking of many kinds (children and women for use in brothels and private households as unpaid servants, as well as for sexual exploitation and sadistic torture for paying customers).
The West is guilty of complicity with the slave trade by its remaining almost completely silent (ignorance is really no excuse in this Age of Information and its instant, electronic globalization of communications).
The guilty Moslem nations consider themselves innocent, though they are slave-holders and slave-trading since the time of Mohammed. The Islam religion has not only desensitized them, but it has legitimized slavery in their estimation, and though laws are passed against slavery in various Moslem countries, there is no enforcement and no intent to enforce them (verified by the BBC reporting about the vast amount of slavery in Mauretania, a Moslem African nation).
The following ad, a ship's sale poster for Charleston in the Carolinas, is really no different from the ads placed for the current slave trade going on in the United States by Planned Parenthood. Thanks primarily to this evil organization and evil industry, unborn babies are enslaved, made voiceless entities that have no human rights (this is legal, made so by the ruling of the Supreme Court in Roe vs. Wade, which disenfranchised unborn babies--which are given misleading, dehumanizing terms like "fetuses" or "blobs of tissue" by the abortion industry and its primary "feeder" organizations such as Planned Parenthood).
Just as black African slaves became thought of generally by society as "property" or "living tools" to be disposed of by their owners any way they chose, so unborn babies are made property to be disposed of by the mother, father, and their families any way they choose.
The black African slaves were disenfranchised as human beings for convenience and for profit, and so are the unborn babies today since Roe vs. Wade! What is the real difference--other than the unborn babies were murdered for convenience and for profit before they would have been born?
This organization that was and perhaps still is generously supported by Rockefeller and Buffett money is part of a billion dollar industry in America and is the largest of its kind in the world. It also receives over 500 millions yearly from the government in taxpayers' money.
Government and the abortion industry are linked, thus, hand in hand. How different is this from Britain's 18th century slave trade, which was highly lucrative, and its Parliament, which received largesse (payola) no doubt from slave traders?
What do our legislators each receive from the abortion industry? The legislators do not support Planned Parenthood for nothing, to the tune of over a billion dollars of tax money given it in the last decade.
Discussing the pitiable condition of the seamen and the efforts of early evangelical Christians to alleviate their condition and make it known to the nation, Kverndal examines the slave trade, which was at the same time bringing needed public attention to bear on the deplorable treatment of seamen everywhere. At that time there was the general belief that slave ships provided good sailors, trained and ready to serve on British navy ships. It was just the opposite, as the facts gathered by slave trade abolitionists later conclusively proved. Rather than provide a positive training function, the slave ships were dehumanizing death traps for sailors and slaves alike! Yet many called them "nurseries" of able seamen!
Kverndal states:
"...public awareness of the pitiable situation of mechant seamen was already on the increase as a result of the fforts of evangelical Christians involved in the Slave-Trade Abolition Movement. In sheer, selfless devotion to the abused Africans themselves, it is doubtful whether any surpassed that "Apostle of the Negroes," Peter Claver (1581-1654), the Jesuit missionary, later canonized, who, for over forty years, went out to meet incoming slave-ships in the harbor of Cartegena [a Spanish silver port, S.A.] in order to minister to the desperate needs of surviving "cargo."
"Nevertheless, despite his moral heroism in the face of bitter opposition, he was still working within the system. It remained for the eighteenth-century abolitionists, spurred on by the Quakers, to assail the system itself, wisely choosing to wait until strong enough to attack slavery as such, and meanwhile concentrating on the crucial question of supply. In so doing, they had to contend with two powerful arguments, both of vital national interest.
"In the first place, the slave trade had, by mid-eighteenth century Britain, been accepted with "unquestioning cordiality" as an economic necessity. Protected and promoted by charters, treaties, even acts of Parliament [or, in our case of state-supported abortion, state laws, city laws, and the Supreme Court's Roe vs. Wade ruling], the "Triangular Trade" (shipping manufactured goods to West Africa, slaves across to the West Indies, and molasses, rum an tobacco back to England) was, as the second half-century progressed, bringing in fabulous fortunes, and the most natural ambition of any man in the street was to own an interest, however small, in a 'Guinea cargo.'
"As England continued consolidating her command of the seas, she gained unrivalled leadership in an enterprise which led to the enslavement of up to 100,000 fellow-humans per year [contrast this with the infanticide through "abortion on demand" of a million per year in the United States]. However, the general public refused to regard them as a part of the human race at large. They were 'property,' pure and simple. As a source of cheap, effective labor on colonial plantations, African slaves were looked upon in the Aristotelian sense as 'living tools.'
"In the second place, promotion of the slave trade was seen as indispensable to national security. It provided hard but healthy opportunities for the training of tough British seamen, so the nation believed. Indeed, in the words of one well-known naval historian, 'admiral after admiral' raised the same argument, as the abolition debate wore on: the great number of vessels engaged in the slave trade made it an invaluable 'nursery of seamen,' on whom the Navy was utterly dependent in times of national emergency. To destroy such an institution was tantamount to national suicide.
"The economic argument was, in itself, irrefutable [just as the belief that every woman, including those of school age living with parents, possesses "reproductive rights over her own body" to the extent that she can terminate her unborn babies for sheer convenience of lifestyle or economics, not just medical or health necessity, is thought by "Pro-Choicers" irrefutable].
"The story of how the abolitionists nevertheless succeeded in making it a matter of national conscience to set aside economic self-interest and finally, from comspicuously Christian and humanitarian motives, outlaw the slave trade in 1807, remains almost without parallel in the history of mankind [we shall see a similar story, God willing, when abortion on demand, which is infanticide, pure and simple, is outlawed in the United States!].
However, in their search for evidence to illustrate the incredible callousness of this traffic in human flesh, they inadvertently uncovered facts which proved the complete fallacy of the "naval nursery" argument.
[We have, as a parallel with the abortion industry, numerous testimonials and reports and books from former abortion doctors and providers, all going on record to say that abortion is so callous and destructive to humanity, that the doctors, nurses, and providers suffer tremendous damage, psychologically, to their personalities and their personal lives and their relationships with people. Alone, this has not been enough to even dent the 'abortion complex' which is so entrenched in the national consciousness.
What more is needed to raise the public conscience high enough to oblige Congress to pass a "Right to Live" act or secure the Supreme Court's over-ruling of Roe vs. Wade remains to be seen.
Until the ruling regarding abortion on demand is overturned, this nation can be truthfully, fairly said to have no appreciable conscience or rule of law that means anything, since it declines to safeguard and endorse the sanctity of human life, unborn, born, young and old.--Ed.}.
"After writing a prize-winning university essay 'On the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species,' he discovered his life's calling, helped, in 1787, to form a 'Committee for the Abolition of the Slave Trade' and, for the next two decades, became a one-man fact-finding commission for the committee, scouring the waterfronts and hunting down facts and figures for use by Wilberforce and his Clapham colleagues.
"Sensitive to the damaging implications of the 'naval nursery' argument, Clarkson also gathered evidence with which he was able to prove, by careful documentation:
"(1) The frequently fatal physical effect of the slave trade, leading to a staggering annual loss of over half the seamen employed in Guinea ships; those who did not die from fever or pollution would succumb, desert, or be marked for life, as a result of the savage brutality which seemed endemic to slaver captains and their mates.
"(2) The consistently corruptive effect of a traffic where, during the dread 'Middle Passage' (from Guinea Coast to the West Indies), men were ordered to torture, mutilate, even jettison alive their fellow human beings; small wonder that Guinea sailors would say they were all drunkards, because none of them could do it sober.
"By demonstrating, with convincing methodology, that the entire dehumanizing enterprise was not a nursery but a graveyard for the nation's seamen, Thomas Clarkson proved himself a pioneer maritime sociologist [is not the abortion industry, with its thousands of affiliated Planned Parenthood offices diabolically set in areas adjacent to high schools and to Black neighborhoods and Inner City ghettos, a 'graveyard' of the same kind, producing millions of psychologically damaged, even maimed individuals above and beyond the millions of unborn babies most cruelly and brutally murdered by the abortion doctors and nurses? What is the true cost of all this to American society, present and future? It is too vast a sum to calculate or even comprehend! Is this not yet another striking parallel between the slave trade and abortion?]".
"As Clarkson's conclusions were corroborated by the evidence of others and duly reported to Parliament, this new dimension of a diabolical traffic [truly the abortion industry is 'diabolical'] began to dawn onthe public at large. Thus, the men who, in the name of Christ and humanity, devoted their lives to combat the white man's crime against Africa made a contribution toward the early history of mission to seafarers which has not been adequately recognized in the past."
Concluding comments by Ronald Ginther:
Has the magnitude of the present slave trade in North Africa, the Sahara and the Sub-Sahara, and in the Middle East extending through Asia to Pakistan, begun to dawn on the public consciousness of America? Sudan's Darfur vicious slave-trade and enslavement by Muslim militias sponsored and supplied by the national government in Khartoum has served to high-light the slavery going on in Africa, and, hopefully, it will point in turn to the slavery practiced, under a guise of legitimate paid labor, in the Middle East and Asia, primarily in the Muslim societies and Muslim nations.
: Voice of the Martyrs Magazine, February 2007, carries the stories of a mother and daughter "employed" in a brick laying factory in Pakistan (their true names cannot be given, to avoid repercussions against the surviving daughter).
Their Muslim owner, when he could not stop them from believing in Jesus Christ, raped and killed the mother, then the daughter was raped, but she escaped and was helped by Voice of the Martyrs to find a safe household in which to live while she works and attends school.
If you include the "employed" slaves of Pakistan, Pakistan is slave-holding within the sanction of religious and civil law--but it is slavery, with all the attendant brutality and even killing of the indentured, or hopelessly indebted workers.
. Then there is the enslavement which supplies the flourishing sexual gulags of brothels from Bangkok to London to New York City to Rio de Janiero to Shanghai to Moscow, in which millions of women and children, both boys and girls, are presently being "impressed" or enslaved, either by outright sale by parents or relatives, or by actual capture, as in Darfur.
These pitiful victims end up as chattels for brutal work and hopeless lives of illiteracy and half-starvation on African farms, not to mention sale for sexual exploitation, maiming, and murder in the global sex gulags.
Or they end up used as sex slaves, if they were thought attractive enough girls by the madam serving the private but now notorious Greek sex orgy island utilized by presidential and high officials clientele flown in by private jets. Bill Clinton has been photographed on such a flight and Prince Harry is also mentioned as having been a client. Now they may prefer young Caucasian women, possibly, but others may prefer blacks and Asians. Whatever they prefer, they are made available.
I was poking around in London's flea shops and pawnbrokers area in a seedy, half-bombed out sector in the early 1980s and a man sidled up to me and said, "I can get you anything you want." Yes, no doubt he could!"
Regarding the globalization of slavery in all its forms, the silence of most human rights organizations, most mainline churches, most of the media, most of the governments and particularly the Muslim governments, the United Nations, even the NAACP's utter silence, is deafening on all of this human trafficking going on full blast, 24/7.
With its stark parallel and "soul mate" in the abortion industry, the slave trade provides a stunning look, as we have seen in Kverdal's astute, detailed, researched examination, at much the same underlying causes and supporting infrastructures that support abortion on demand in the West.
Asia and Africa are similarly afflicted. Communist China, for example, practices a universal abortion policy that limits each household to two children, preferably males who will support his parents in old age. But in raising public awareness of the slavery of the abortion industry and all its dehumanizing and destructive effects on people, where are the Clavers, Wilberforces, Newtons, and Clarksons? Where?
Again, the silence in the media, in the government, in the press, in the United Nations, in the mainline churches, in the billionaires' Foundations, in the feminist ranks, in the prestigious think tanks and universities, is deafening. Again, it is the marginalized, depreciated, "deplorable" evangelical Christians, raising their protests, also raising funds to buy slaves their freedom in Dafur and elsewhere, who are like John the Baptist of old, a lone voice crying in the wilderness against his generation's blatant injustice and grievous sin.