by Mary-Constance, With Permission, Christmas 1996
To bear and give birth to Jesus the Son;
Through the power of the Holy Spirit
This miraculous work in her was done.
Being the chosen mother of Jesus,
she wasn't immune to suffering pain;
tearful and full of sorrow she did stand,
gazing upon her Son's tormented frame.
All mothers experience closeness,
our children uniquely ours alone;
we are tied to them always, come what may,
from their prebirth until they are grown.
As mothers we are chosen stewards,
chosen to bring into the world new life;
to bear, nurture, to love, and to teach,
in suffering we're there to share their strife.
Being chosen to be someone's mother
does not end when they're grown,
leaving the house;
mothering continues at a distance,
the fire of love which nothing can douse.
As Christian mothers we have more to give,
more than gold and worldly adulation;
introducing them to prayer and Jesus,
chosen to introduce them to Salvation!
Luke 1:28-3