"skanky boy -- progress of a post-modern rake,"
Part IV
by D. H. and Eben

Ronald Ginther's father, a carpenter in the Tacoma shipyards and a godly man, penned notes to a message about salvation he shared from the pulpit at his church not long before he died in the crash of his plane in South Dakota in 1947. They are very pertinent today, for all the "skanky boys" who wonder how they can possibly extricate themselves from the stinking, miry pits of their own sin and folly. Well, here is how it can be done--the perfect way, the only workable way, in case you really want freedom, release, happiness, restoration, transformation, and a meaningful life! Please use the link provided here. This can also be useful to backslidden Christians, for Base One, Salvation through Christ, is the only safe place to which a backslidden soul can return to start over on.
Please go to the conclusion, "How to be Saved," by Robert Lee Ginther, which could have saved poor Skanky Boy a lot of trouble and pie in the face.

Artwork: (c) 2007, D. H., All Rights Reserved
Text: (c) 2007, Eben, All Rights Reserved