2. Saul, Israel's first king, who attempted to kill David.......I Sam. 26: 21
3. Disbelieving fool who denies God's existence......Ps. 14: 1
4. Slandering fool who badmouths believers.......Prov. 10: 18
5. Disobedient fool who despises his father's instruction......Prov. 15: 5
6. Self-centered fool, blinded to his own faults......Prov. 12: 15
7. Sexually impure fool who allows a harlot to destroy his soul.....Prov. 7: 7-27
8. Mocking fool who laughs at the seriousness of sin.....Prov. 14: 9
9. Short-tempered fool who cannot control his temper.....Prov. 14: 17
10. Meddling fool who deliberately stirs up strife.....Prov. 20: 3
11. Thoughtless fool who attempts to build his life upon foundations other than God's word....Matt. 7: 26
12. Unprepared fool who makes no spiritual plans for the future.....Matt. 25: 3
13. Rich fool who assumes his life will continue indefinitely....Luke 12: 20
14. Philosophical fool who substitutes worship of things for worship of God....Rom. 1: 22
15. Ignorant fool who does not know of God's power to raise dead bodies....I Cor. 15: 26
16. Legalistic fool who returns to the bondage of the law after enjoying the blessings of grace....Gal. 3:1