Pictures below are from a beach in Maryland. Remarks about them from the lady and eye witness who sent the pictures of the sand sculptures to my niece and to my mother: "This is Chuck Ritchey, Sr. I have watched this man work on the beach at Ocean City, Maryland. Each time I watch him I marvel at his talent and fortitude because it is true that his works get washed away with the tide and he does them again. He is
certainly a witness for Jesus Christ as thousands of people, in the course of a day, view his work and watch as he crafts his treasures. May his message be viewed by many."
Ritchey's Scriptures for sand sculpture:
" is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation."
"For all of sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
"For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"