"God's Fatherhood, Forgiveness and the Walk of Faith,"

a Trilogy in Prophecy, Poem, and Song,"

Part II

by Duane L. Smith

"Jesus is Love"

Jesus is Love,

He comes from above,

through a great white Dove!

He wants to hold you

close to His breast,

He wants for you

the very best.

Though you stumble and fall,

He is always there to help

when you call!

And though your sins be as scarlet,

so full of stubborn pride,

He'll clean you up

and lead you on,

walk'n side by side.

Cuz' Jesus is Love,

He comes from above

through a great white Dove!

He is still faithful and just,

though your plans for him

crumble to dust,

what comes from Him

will never, ever rust!

There is no need to fear

when Jesus is near,

cuz' Jesus is Love,

He comes from above

through a great white Dove!

And by His Grace,

one day we'll see Him

face to face!

Part III

"The Long, Lonely Way"

(Sing Through Twice)

I'm walkin' that long, lonely way,

just ah' trustin' in Jesus--

day by day!

If her troubled, worried, burdened with pain,

just keep on trustin' in Jesus.

He'll break the chain!

Keep on walkin' that ol' path-o-stone,

cuz' ah ain't really alone, when yah walk it alone!

He'll dust ya off, pick yah up, and

He'll lead yah to His throne!

Yah keep on ah walkin' that

long, lonely road,

cuz Jesus will hep yah ta

carry that load! Just listen to His word,

He'll never, ever goad!

For the way gets easy, if

yer heart's His abode.

The Lord'll hep ya

walk that long, stoney road!

--End of the Trilogy

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