You say would God do such a thing? Yes! Abraham asked Eliezer to take a long and dangerous journey to his former homeland and find a wife for Abraham's son Isaac. Unbeknownst to them she would be an ancestor of the promised Messiah.
Without this special young woman, God's promise that Abraham's seed should outnumber the sands on the sashore could never come to pass.
How could Eliezer undertake such a great task? By knowing who he was. Here are five secrets he knew about himself:
1. He was adopted. Abraham had "adopted" Eliezer as his heir and the steward of his house. Eliezer knew that he was dearly beloved by his master.
2. He was under a covenant, an oath, to do as Abraham asked, for Abraham had made him take an oath.
3. God (Jehovah Jireh) was preparing His way and guiding him (Genesis 24: 7). Abraham promised an angel would go before Him.
4. He was the conduit for God's blessing upon the family of the woman he sought. Abraham had loaded ten camels with gifts for the bride and that was only a sample of what awaited her if she obeyed the call.
5. He was the servant, and Abraham the master. When he met the family of the woman he sought, he was quick to emphatically declare to them: I come on behalf of another (Genesis 24:34f), I am his.
In this brief chapter, the Holy Spirit though Eliezer has shown YOU who YOU are, too.
1. You have been adopted by God through Jesus Christ.
2. You are in a covenant with God that guarantees your eternal life.
3. You have become the conduit of God's blessing upon those around you.
4. God's angels prepare the way for you.
5. You are the servant who points the way to the Master.
When you keep these things in mind and step out on that awesome journey to follow the calling God has placed upon you, you will unlock the key to your destiny!
And think about Eliezer's mission: to find Isaac's bride and persuade her to come and accept her place of honor, her own destiny!
This is the same mission which our Master has sent you and me:
To find the "bride of Christ," those who will make up His church, from every kindred, tribe and tongue, introduce them to the Savior and persuade them to come and accept their destiny, their eternal place of honor!
Like Eliezer, we present the love of the Master to those who have never heard His message. He reached out to them, even through the death of His Son, to show his love..."
Post Office Box 3309
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454
Phone: (757) 428-1092