Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland,
by Eben
Your Baal Is a god of affluence and comfort and pleasure and immorality. You once knew Me, but you no longer care to know Me—because your god Baal gives you those things you like so much in place of My Kingdom.
You approve of abominations that take the place of sanctified marriage between one man and one woman. Iceland, you are odious in my sight! You pride yourself that you have no Downs Syndrome babies. Why do you have none? You eliminate them!
Denmark, you also approve of killing the old when you see no need of them and the expense of keeping them. You kill the unborn, because it is an inconvenience to your mind to bring them to birth and rear children and as for the elderly, you refuse to allow them well-earned care and beds in hospitals and nursing homes.
You know the other evil things you do!
That high award you, Norway and Sweden, give out you like to give to men with bloody hands who have slain thousands—this you do in the name of peace! You give this award to bloody, violent men because you hate My People, Israel.
Finland, you pass a ruling of condemnation against Israel my land and people, when you yourself are condemned by me. See what your hate for My Chosen People will bring to you in return! You have brought it upon yourself!
You will be eaten from within by the low, small thing you have eaten to serve you. It serves you now but it is also growing larger and devouring you, like the snail in the Bay of Naples that is eaten by the small creature it eats but cannot digest.
All that will be left of you five wicked sisters, will be empty shells.
Instead of Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, and Iceland, you will be Islamic Republics, dictatorships ruled by cruel and blood-thirsty clerics that care nothing for Scandinavian people and culture. They will cast you and your culture into the streets like garbage, and trample you!
If you wish to spare yourselves and your children, return now to the faith of your Fathers, revive your fervent love and belief in Me, and you can be saved from your deadly, deceitful enemy that taken shelter in you but has vowed to destroy you.
But if you do not repent of your sins and disobedience and apostasy, you will be utterly devoured. You will have thrown away everything that is worth having. See if your earth-goddess Gaia, which name you emblazoned on the Viking longship you built to celebrate Leif Eriksson and his discovery of Vinland, and which paid official visits to the ports and capitals from Newfoundland to New York, will save you from your disgraceful fate!
The Burden of Scandinavia is ended.