Is "Amazing Grace" a doctrine of demons, or is it true? Read this new article and make your own mind up whether God's grace is unconditional or not, by going yourself to the Word of God. Theologically, you can make a fine scriptural case for "Amazing Grace," or Unconditional Grace and Salvation, but you better not live that way, says Paul and James! The Devil is crouched at your feet, just waiting to pick you off the moment you turn ungrateful and disobedient to the Lord. He knows that ungrateful Christians, who take Grace and Salvation for granted, will slip up and fall by their own choice into his clutches. All he has to do is wait--while throwing out some things now and then he knows we are fond of, to tempt us and distract us from walking the narrow way of the Cross and self-denial. If he can get you to be be ungrateful, lose your humility, and be prayerless, he's got you! You are his! Millions have fallen this way, and will continue to fall this way. He knows it well-do you?

"Doctrine of Demons: 'Amazing Grace,'" by Ronald Ginther

Link back to the Nine Sister Sites Home Page:



A Messianic School of the Bible

The Emmaus Walk offers courses on Genesis to Revelation highlighting Messianic texts and Types of Christ. Aimed at ordinary people (such as ourselves!), to help reveal the core Messianic meaning of the Bible, which is the very reason for the existence of the authoritative Word of God, eternal and everlasting.


WORLD'S GREATEST BOOK CAN BE UNDERSTOOD IF GIVEN A CHANCE: Beyond question, the greatest book in the world is the Bible, and the greatest Book is about the greatest Person, Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Anointed). The scriptures mean nothing, ultimately, aside from the Messianic theme--for the Bible is not really about religion or Jewish history or various famous Hebrews and Jews or festivals and religious laws or the temple or the tabernacle--all that together can't hold the edifice of the Bible up or make it stand. The Bible is also like a lantern. Jesus the Messiah is the light in the lantern--and the lantern goes completely dead and dark without Jesus lighting it from within. And then there is the tree--try making a tree with just branches and deleting the trunk--all you will get is a pile of branches on the ground! With this understanding, you are on your way to unlocking the scriptures and opening the door to Yeshua--for the Bible is, at the living core, a living Person, Jesus (Yeshua), who delights in His Name, the Word (John 1:1: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."

The Books of the Bible


I am the Bible.

I am God's wonderful library.

I make known to all, Him who is Truth.

To the weary pilgrim, I am a good, strong staff.

To the one who sits in black gloom, [like the Dalit or Untouchable in India, or the drug or porn addict or the victim of abuse or neglect, or the tortured Christian in Laos or China or Burma or Nepal, or the Sudanese Christian slave abducted from Darfur, or the well-off American enslaved by materialism and self-indulgment and self-centeredness and ease] I am glorious light.

To those who stoop beneath many burdens, I am sweet rest.

To him who has lost his way, I am a safe guide.

To those who have been hurt by sin, I am healing balm.

To the discouraged, I whisper a glad message of hope.

To those who are distressed by the storms of life,

I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.

To those who suffer in lonely solitude,

I am as a cool, soft hand resting on a fevered brow.

Oh, child of man, to best defend me, JUST USE ME.

The Bible is God's road map as you travel through life.--from Faith Magazine, Author Unknown

Yahoo News has just informed us that the Bible is currently being removed from "trendy hotels," which means they are following the trend downwards into immorality, perversion, violence, and, ultimately, bankruptcy! They are making their choice, to throw out the Bible--well, the Bible in turn casts them out too--and we know what their outcome will be, whereas the Bible as God's Word will endure forever! Praise the Lord!

The history and discovery of the Essene Scrolls is so important for our Christian faith and their role in Christian apologetics is so foundational that we have a whole page devoted to them, and we will be adding new material from time to time:

"Essene Scrolls Center

The beautiful and unique Scriptorium building with wonderful exhibits on how we got the Bible, on view and for touring at the Holy Land Experience "theme park," now the property and co-ministry partner of Trinity Broadcasting Network in Orlando, Florida. Go to view it for yourself:

The Holy Land Experience, Orlando, Florida

THE MESSIANIC SCROLL IS AVAILABLE! Zola Levitt Ministries has available a most wonderful Messianic Scroll, giving Messianic prophecies from the Old Testament (the Torah) along with the Fulfilments in the New Testament.


The Bible's Messianic Texts are thus named because they are passages in scripture that point specifically to the Messiah, Yeshua (Jesus in Latin-English Gentile terminology). Foremost in consideration of these texts, Christ Himself chose it when conducting an informal Bible class with two distraught and troubled disciples who had left Jerusalem just after the crucifixion and were on their way to Emmaus, a village seven miles from the Holy City. This spiritual trek inspired the logo graphic at the top of our home page, and in Judaea in the time of Jesus (see the map) Emmaus is near the bottom, located close by Jerusalem.

Israel--still the most important piece of real estate on Earth, as far as God is concerned! The pernicious, false heresy of Replacement Theology disagrees, but the Bible has the last word on the State and Land of Israel, the Covenanted, Holy Land given to the Jews by God everlastingly. Just read Revelation, and how the 12 Tribes of Israel are all known and accounted for! Paul refers to them too in Romans, so he did not know the tribes were missing persons--a myth I think was got up by anti-Semites who hoped it was the case. God has providentially preserved the tribes, they were never really lost (though they were displaced and scattered for hundreds and thousands of years, to be sure)--and when God re-gathers them all in the glorious land, as he is starting to do now, they will be given their full allotments of the Israel God platted out, according to the Abrahamic Covenant (and as portrayed by Ezekiel), during the Millennial Age when Christ will rule the Earth from his capital city, Jerusalem! Maranatha!

Zola Levitt Ministries

"Bible Atlas & Map Center"

Vita of Ronald Ginther, Founder of the Emmaus Walk Messianic School of the Bible:


"Autobiographical Sketch of a Sparrow," by Ronald Ginther

Welcome to the Emmaus Walk!:

"Welcome to the Emmaus Walk, or How to Walk out of Darkness and Deception Into the Light!", by Ronald Ginther, Founder of the Emmaus Walk

The following document represents the last time our Congress acknowledged publicly in law the truth that the Bible, the only authorized and absolutely true Word of God, is the cornerstone of our nation and people and the Source of America's greatness.

The Emmaus Walk Certificate of Excellence

"CONGRESS DECLARES BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD," Public Law 97-280, October 4, 1982, Statute 1211, Approved October 4, 1982


Thank God for all our troops! They are the best fighting force in the world. When not interfered with by politicians in Washington making tactical decisions on the field they have no business making, they are unbeatable, just like the Roman soldiers of old. Viet Nam was a defeat engineered by Washington politics, demonstrating only the failure of leadership, not the ability and willingness of our soldiers and our armed forces to fight until they win. A crime that will never be punished, 50,000 of our bravest and best were slain in Viet Nam because Washington politicians meddled in the business of fighting a war--and they are now again trying to do so with Iraq, in order to engineer yet another Viet Nam!

"The Ten Commandments," How We Have Broken Them All in America, by Ronald Ginther

Walt Disney has just released an animated film, "The Ten Commandments," which all families can enjoy without any problems of content or language. This is a film that Christians should support, since Christians voting with their feet and pocketbooks will encourage Hollywood to do more Bible-based films, not less! How can we complain if we do not support good films such as this one, which has been recommended highly by Daystar's Joni and Marcus Lamb and also TB N's Matthew Crouch?

Course Articles are now listed in the new "Course Articles Center" page:

Ten Required Subject Courses (plus six elective courses to be added soon) are now on-line. Questions are being appended to those subjects and courses, so please return for them.

Required Subjects:

1. Christian Education

2. Prayer

3. Holy Spirit

4. Biblical Science

5. Foundational Principles

6. Witnessing and Discipleship

7. Types of Christ (OT)

8. Bible Covenants/Israel/Bible Atlas

9. Christian Hope and Character

10. The Prophetic Calling

"Course Articles Center"

At long last, questions are being appended to each article, which is the most practical way to provide quizzes and tests, I have discovered. 10 T/F questions are now on-line for "Part III, Christ's Prayers, and Ours," by Mrs. Bernice Schaefer (the late Mrs. Schaefer is Ronald Ginther's beloved aunt, who was the wife of a Bible scholar and was very active as a leader in church and prayer meetings for her whole adult life, so she knew her subject, effectual or "direct line to God" prayer.


"Requirements for Certificate"

Zola Levitt Ministries offers 12 courses in the Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies. These courses are all excellent, since Zola Levitt was no small authority on the Bible and Jewish studies (and he enlisted a number of experts and authorities in Bible scholarship as well), so you may want to do most of them, or all, but the course, "Messianic Prophecy," is one in particular that you might want to do in order to satisfy a major elective requirement in the Emmaus Walk. ZLM will charge you $49 for this one course, or something close to that amount. You can find out about this Institute by going to ZLM:

Zola Levitt Ministries, and The Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies


"Bible Verses for May"

Reading Through the Bible--May

This is given as an example, for you can go to Christian Broadcast Network and ask for the free daily Bible-Reading Guide:

Daily Bible-Reading Guide for a Year

A Reading Through the Bible guide is also available at the back of "Light For My Path," Illuminating Selections from the Bible, by Humble Creek Press. See the details below on this page.

Some Bible Resources:

"The Bible, The Whole Story," is now on DVD. "Seven major doctrines of Scripture are explained in Zola's clear and informative style. The Bible is covered from Genesis to Revelation. A useful teaching tool for beginner and expert alike."--from the "New and Updated from ZLM" catalog list. In this book Zola Levitt teaches about the Abrahamic Covenant, The Law, Prophecy, The Messiah--Why Jesus of Nazareth?, Grace--the Gift of Absolute Forgiveness, The Church, and the Kingdom (the future thousand-year reign of Christ on Earth). Please contact Zola Levitt Ministries for this DVD. It is #DBWS, $39, for 2 DVDs.

"Bible Resources Center"

"Messianic Christology" is a must read for all Bible students. It will give you information you won't find most everywhere else--and from a Jewish perspective too, which can open windows of insight and illumination that Gentile sources have no access to, unless by quoting Jewish sources.

We highly recommend this on-line bookstore for Christians, the Faith and Freedom Bookstore. Categories of its offerings are: Bibles, Books, Children's Music, David Barton (American heritage) books, Audio Books, DVDs, Christian Bestsellers, Christian Parenting, Christian Business and Leadership, Magazine Subscriptions:

"Faith and Freedom Site/Bookstore"

Another Bible resource:

Crosswalk Bible Website

Recommended Books List:

Dr. Self of Zola Levitt ministries has just written and published this book, detailing the true menace and scope of Islam's push to conquer the West, destroy Israel, and make Islamic hell-hole dictatorships under clerical monsters called mullahs and imans. Please check this book out and buy it. You will not be disappointed. Dr. Self, colleague of Sandra Levitt (widow of Zola Levitt), along with Mark Levitt the son of Zola Levitt, knows the subject better than most experts on Islam, and is honest enough to tell us what Islam is about, without spinning the lie that it is a "religion of peace," when it is not a religion of peace and has never, never, never been a religion of peace in this world. Its record tells us that, if faced squarely and honestly, and its scriptures tell us that too (when you just don't look at the ones Mohammed wrote down in the Koran in his earliest career when he was trying desperately, as a refugee to Medina from Mecca his hostile home town, to win friends and influence people. After that, returning to Mecca with his army of revenge, he destroyed all his opposition without mercy, massacred the whole Jewish tribe that controlled the city (a tribe that numbered in the thousands, men, women, and children,, and then went on his jehad or campaign of subjugating all of Arabia to rule it under the banner of his false religion.

Zola Levitt Ministries, for "Bad Moon Rising," the exposure of Islam's world-wide deception and menace to the world by Dr. Self

The missionary to Muslim Algeria, Lilias Trotter from London, a rich socialite and fine painter, produced many fine pictures of Algeria, which are reproduced in this book. Her life inspired the classic hymn, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus." That is what she did---she turned away from a London socialite's position in high society, with prestige, a rich family, and the career of a leading artist, to bring the Gospel to the Muslim world in Algeria, a place where few Christian men would go, fearing cruel deaths by the Moslem clerics and mobs. Lilias Trotter braved all the hatred of Christianity, the dust, disease, and lack of civilized amenities, and did it for the rest of her long life--for the sake of Christ and the saving of these wretched, dark, Muslim souls bound by Satan! She has many crowns indeed in heaven for her magnificent self-sacrifice and her epic achievements! She pioneered many of the methods now used routinely in missionism and on the mission field. Truly, Lilias Trotter was a "blossom on the desert."

That hideous skull of mass death and radiation and destruction representing Moslem attack and nuclear melt-down in U.S. cities is looming all the more over us, thanks to our present president's actions (or rather, his inactions). He does not intend to ever finish the border fence and seal off the border to illegals and terrorists.

To order "The Heavenly Man," the story of how a Chinese pastor, Brother Yun, was tortured, repeatly by communist authorities, but survived even the worst treatment, and was divinely set free from prison, just as Peter was by angels:

Back to Jerusalem Vision and Movement, with Contact Information about Brother Yun

Don Piper Ministries and Book, "Ninety Minutes in Heaven"

We recommended this book under another title, "From the Prison to the Pulpit," the story of Commander Mitsuo Fuchida and Jake De Shazer, but here is the revised book, available from Rex Humbard ministries:

Mitsuo Fuchida (left) and Jake DeShazer, Evangelists in Japan, standing together in early 1970s, picture taken from book, "Footnote to History"

"Raised from the Dead," DVD, by Reinhard Bonnke. To go to Reinhard Bonnke's website to order the video or DVD, go to the Online Shop, click, and you will find the true account of an event that is rather sickening and too graphic in some details for evrybody to stomach, but non-elite Africans are closer to the sights, smells, trauma, and tragedies of death in the raw than most of us Americans who have a beautiful Forest Lawn type cemetery or "Chapel of Rest" available in every community to take those elements out of the death event, reducing it to an even pleasant experience for most people except the immediate family, close friends, and a few others, so bear that in mind:

Reinhard Bonnke

At he the Online Shop page for the video, SKU: DVE N002, the entire account is $15.00:

To access the Reinhard Bonnke account of healings, miracles, resurrections in Reinhard Bonnke's meetings (including Daniel Ekechukwu's sickening/exhilarating New Testament-style resurrection):

"Actual Miracles and Healings in Reinhard Bonnke's Evangelistic Meetings

"Recommended Book List Center"


Excerpt from Week 5, "My Journal," by Dr. Michael Youssef

God in His Word commands us to be separate from this world and its thinking and pagan lifestyle:

"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?...What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple fo the living God. As God has said: 'I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their Goid, and they will be my people. Therefore come out from them, and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and i will receive you'"--2 Corinthians 6: 14-17

Sister Betty Renner, Garden of Prayer Ministry, Puyallup, Washington, distributed this prayer for America, which is well suited for this section (printed 1984, all rights reserved to Sister Bettie N. Renner). She was a little, old lady who went about with this poem, trying to get America back on its knees, starting with herself, her family and church, and then her community. We need a million Betty Renners in America, but where are they? Yet she did her job, on her part of the wall, and will stand, some grand day, with the champions of faith who did theirs, only on a grander scale than Puyallup's. We are not, as the Bible cautions, to despise small or humble beginnings--as who knows what rare thing God is growing from dry, barren, nondescript soil? Christ himself sprang forth from the dry, barren, nondescript soil of Bethlehem and Nazareth, yet He was the King of kings and Lord of lords, the Messiah of the Jews, the Lord and Savior of us all, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End:


America, America

I hold you up in prayer.

While your red, white, and blue is waving,

I stand with you in prayer.

America, America

you're weighed in the balance.

Repent and forsake evil ways,

building upon God's grace.

America, America,

God wants to change your ways.


God wants revival today.

Pastor Ron Phillips, Abba's House, Message and Book

Book Reviews Center:

To obtain the book, ACLU VS. AMERICA, by Alan Sears

Or go to James Robison's LIFE TODAY website.

"Mini-Review by Ronald Ginther of McTernan's book, "As America Has Done to Israel"--showing the direct connection between disastrous weather and the unbiblical, tragically flawed, secular humanist-tainted and misguided Presidential and State Department foreign policy toward Israel and the Palestinians.

"Book Reviews Center"


Part I, "God's Sabbath," The Coming Age of Miracles, by Bill Britton

Part II, "God's Sabbath," The Coming Age of Miracles, by Bill Britton

Part III, "God's Sabbath," The Coming Age of Miracles, by Bill Britton

Part IV, "God's Sabbath," The Coming Age of Miracles, by Bill Britton

Part V, "God's Sabbath," The Coming Age of Miracles, by Bill Britton

Gordon Lindsay, late founder of Christ for the Nations Institute and its world-wide ministries wrote on the Millennium shortly before his unexpected and sudden death, and here is an excerpt from his book about an Event that will soon change most everything on earth--the Millennial Reign of Christ.

"A Thousand Years of Peace," Excerpt of the Book by Gordon Lindsay

O House of Islam, parade your missiles, your tanks, your Russian and Iranian- North Korean nuclear-tipped missiles once you get them--but you don't frighten God, and Israel, God's holy nation, will survive whatever harm you intend to do to her, and come out triumphant over you and your many allies, while you sink into the abyss of suffering and shame called Hell and the Lake of Fire! Repent now, save your souls, for Christ is not Issa, Christ is God's holy, true, only-begotten, Saving Son. He came to this earth, sent by God the Father, to save you too, Sons of Ishmael! Listen to Him and his preachers! They offer the only way out of the cycle of death and destruction that will doom every last one of you, O House of Islam.

Islam for Christ Center:

A liberating message for Muslims and Christians and Palestinian-supporters together! We can know the truth, and the truth WILL SET US FREE of hatred, falsehood, tyranny of men, and religious bondage of all kinds, if we will let it speak to us!

"Five Big Lies Muslims Tell," by Stan Goodenough

"Islam Center"


"Tract Center"

Missions Center:

"Missions Center"

Testimonies of Martyrs Center:

One of the most notable Russian martyrs of the 20th century was young Army soldier Ivan Moiseyev, who never gave up his faith in Christ despite all the torture of the KGB and the Russian army inflicted on him:

"Testimonies of Martyrs Center"

Music Center with original and also added lyrics to famous Christian anthems and songs:

CONTEMPORARY CHRISTIAN MUSIC IS SNAP, CRACKLE, POP, WARBLE, AND FIZZ--AND THAT'S ABOUT ALL! Have you ever listened to the mannerisms that typify the current and contemporary musical scene, both Christian and pagan? They not only the same, but are so routine and methodical, it is clear there is no real creativity going on. All these "vocal artists" need to do is gargle, without the hygenic mouthwash. They sing every twist and turn on a note that is possible, and that is artistic expression today. It is so tiresome to listen to! These people need to take some classical training, and learn how to sing properly, rather than ape the idiotic conventions of the popular musical scene. Even an untrained person like myself can recognize the fact that our music has degenerated in the churches--just witness the gulf between the classic hymnody and our current pop inspirational songs. They are not comparable at all! Very few, very few indeed, will last more than a few years, at the latest! Jack Hayford's "Majesty," clearly, is one song that will endure--but what about the ten thousand other songs currently being sung by Christian vocalists and choirs and church congregations? They are pathetic, without substance, or true meaning, or even scriptural basis. They don't deserve remembering. Why, just turn up the volume, if you are mediocre or off-key. The worse you are, the more volume will possibly cover the fact, right? That is why the volume is so deafening in Christian music--the decibels cover a multitude of musical sins! Let us return to true musicology--not this hip mannerist copycat stuff--this carnal and repetitive barnstorming that passes for singing and composition today on the Christian musical scene! Aren't you sick and tired of it? I am! We have a lot of show people, but where is the spirit and truth that is the essence of true worship? I have not seen one spiritual performance in years--and I have watched thousands of vocalists--that in any way compared with a young woman who sang one song the entire time I knew her at Bible School. It was at a chapel, and she sang a song whose title I cannot recall, but when she sang the line about laying deown the rod of Moses and it became the rod of God--I was shaken to the core. That line was truth to her, and the truth came out like a lightning bolt! That was not carnal singing, done to bring glory to the singer. It was singing based on a walk with Jesus and a life lived in the shadow of the Cross. I don't recall her name, but I will never forget the moment she sang and how I felt, unmistakably, that God was present in her singing. There can be no substitute for the real thing. She was the instrument of the real thing that day. But since then I don't know if I have heard anything that has come close to it.

"Music Center

ARE YOU ORDINARY, RUN OF THE MILL? COMFORTABLE IN CHECKERED PANTS OR WAL-MART GENERIC JEANS MADE IN THAILAND AND NOT AT ALL COMFORTABLE IN FANCY PANCY SUITS COSTING 400 BUCKS AND UP, WITH A ROLEX WATCH WORTH 25K (LIKE TELEVANGELIST MIKE MURDOCH HAS ON HIS WRIST--see the Heresy section below for a view of a Rolex) DRAWING EVERYBODY'S ATTENTION TO HOW MUCH "GOD HAS BLESSED YOU SO YOU CAN SHOW OFF TO THE BRETHREN AND THE WORLD!"--WELL, GOD WANTS YOU, YOU HUMBLE CLOD OF SOIL! We can all, no matter how ordinary we are, or think we are, serve him, if we will just believe in God and act like it! We know from the Bible that God was always choosing ordinary people and making extraordinary people out of them.


"Christian Activism Center"


"Friendship for Israel Center"

Dave Hunt's Documentary Video, "Israel, Islam, and Armageddon"

"Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem:

"Speak Tenderly to Jerusalem"

Giving the history of a mistaken, unBiblical policy that will never bring peace to the Middle East--"Israel Divided," by Katie Morris of Eurovision, the International Ministry of Evangelist David Hathaway, is now on-line:

The tribes of Israel are not lost--God knew where they were, no matter where they were scattered across the world. He is presently re-gathering them back to their home, Israel! Learn about the rediscovery (by fellow Jews) of their tribes and whereabouts in "Quest of the Lost Tribes," by obtaining the DVD (awarded the Genie Award in Canada, the equivalent of the Oscr), a video that can be obtained from Jewish Voice Ministries International, P.O. Box 31998, Phoenix, AZ 85046-1998, or, in Canada, P.O. Box 81750, Toronto, ON M2R3X1.

"Israel Divided," by Katie Morris

Is Israel really "His Land"?--meaning Christ's? Come now, is it really? Is this just the right-wing pentecostal nutcases's cockeyed idea, or the plain truth? Does Israel have the prior claim to all of Israel, up and including southern Lebanon and Syria, and extending all the way to the Euphrates on the eastern border? Or is it the so-called Palestinians' ancestral homeland, to stuff with guns and missiles and whatever else they like to throw at their neighbors?

A relative just wrote us, extolling Jimmy Carter's infamous book of lies against Israel, in which and in the title itself he called Israel an "apartheid state," which is the farthest thing from the truth. She and her husband toured Israel, and saw Israel's anti-terrorist fence and photographed it, mentioning the hardship of the Palestinians on the other side, not once mentioning the fact it was built to stop suicide bombers from coming at will into Israel from Palestinian areas and blowing up women and children in crowded buses and markets of Israeli cities, restaurants, streets, even pizza places! She also did not mention that anyone legitimate can pass through the checkpoints and go to work in Israel--just the illegimate or the individuals who have bad records and pose a menace are prevented. Israel has a full right to protect itself with this fence, and any other means too--a right that Jimmy Carter denies Israel! She also did not mention that Israel has 1.3 million Arab citizens, who elect representatives to the Knesset, the Parliament of Israel. That doesn't sound at all like an apartheidist state, does it? 1.3 million Arabs, who support Israel, living within Israel and voting? That is a very sizable minority in a nation that only has 7 million people. No apartheidist or racist state would permit this much a voice to a minority. I am not even sure that America's blacks exercise that much a voice in America--and their numbers have slipped behind those of the Hispanics. Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc., do not permit any Jews to reside in their Moslem hell-hole societies and the last thing they would be permitted to do is vote in their jerry-rigged elections! But, dear Emmaus Walkers, this book and the Christians it is duping right here in America, even after a tour, cannot discern the truth or even the facts of what is going on in the Middle East. They wear blinders which screen out the truth and the facts. They believe the propaganda, and they see the Middle East as a victim of Israel, and Israel is the reason for all the trouble, not the true cause, which is Islam and all the dictatorial Moslem states that make up the ring of deception and hostility around Israel! Moslems are busy killing each other all the time in the name of Allah, so why should they stop, even if Israel was somehow eliminated as a nation? Of course, they would not stop. And they would be attacking us in America and Europe all the more, not having to concentrate on Israel's utter destruction and the wiping out of Israel's Jews.

Syria, Jordan, Iran, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, and particularly Saudi Arabia, the head of the whole serpent of Islamic nations, are apartheidist states! That is the truth, and fact, of the Middle East and Africa. Jimmy Carter is a liar, and he is spreading his net of lies over American Christians, such as my poor relatives who think they are Christian in condemning Israel to us and their families.

Dr. Billy Graham, as far as I can tell no promoter of Replacement Theology, urges Christians to tour Israel:

"Why Christians Should Visit Israel," by Dr. Billy Graham


"Against All Odds," DVD, by Bill McKay, Order #S-0708, c/o John Hagee Ministries

Preface to "Fire Over the Holy Land," the 1967 war of Israel and Arab nations, by Gordon Lindsay

"Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Three Branches of Judaism," by Rich Robinson, August 2007 issuer of Jews for Jesus Newsletter. To order this free newsletter, contact Jews for Jesus:

Jews for Jesus Newletter



As David Barton points out in his new book, "Original Intent," the so-called "doctrine of separation of church and state" IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. REPEAT: THE SO-CALLED DOCTRINE OF THE SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE IS NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION!

"America's Re-Education Center

"Revival Center"

Dear President Bush,

I join with millions of Christians in asking you to NOT sacrifice Israel on the altar of appeasement.

The Word of God says this about Israel:

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They shall prosper that love thee."--Psalm 122:6.

"I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee."--Genesis 12:3

Mr. President, based on the above scriptures, I believe that the future of America lies in our support of Israel. I prayerfully beg you to boldly stand with the Jewish people and oppose those countries who seek to destroy the Bible Land by dividing it and bring great suffering and pain to all of God's children, Jewish, Arab and Christian alike. Division is not the answer, or it would have solved the problem long before this time, either there or anywhere else that can be named. The land in question was divided--was it not?--back in 1948 by the British authorities in Palestine, and fierce, all-out war immediately erupted, unleashed by five neighboring Arab states allied to the Arab Palestinians, which they waged against the Jews who had just declared, legitimately, an independent state of Israel in their own territory under the British and United Nations mandate. The Arabs have never changed their position since that time when they first repudiated the UN mandate dividing the land into an Arab or Arab Palestinian territory and a much smaller Jewish Palestinian territory. That same repudiation is written into the Palestinian charter and espoused by all the neighboring Arab states, as well as Iran. Clearly, division is a roadmap to war and continual aggression against Israel, to get all the land back allotted by Great Britain to the Jews under the United Nation's mandate.

We have all seen clearly, repeatedly, that religious divisions cannot be healed politically, however well-intentioned our State Department is in promoting "land for peace" and a Palestinian State along side of Israel. Whatever treaties are signed only serve as mere pretexts for gaining time and military advantage in order to launch the next all-out attacks against Israel to wipe it out of existence.

Mr. President, this is not a problem that can be solved by human means--it is God's to solve. That is the cold, stark reality that must be faced by all human government and their agencies. It is, indeed, an act of hubris to think that humanity can solve the world's ills, much less the Mideast's Arab-Jewish conflict. Human governments and agencies and the United Nations have altogether failed to "solve" the Mideast Arab's conflict with Israel in the past, and they will always fail. I am praying for wisdom for you in your office of President, and may God bless America, may God bless Israel, and may God bless the oppressed Arab people, and may God bless you.



VOO DOO AND WITCHCRAFT ARE EPIDEMIC IN AMERICA: Ever wondered how our Government, including the White House and president, can make such incredible mistakes as history has repeatedly shown they make, yet never learn from them? Wickedness and misgovernment are endemic in the U.S. capital--for good reason--it is a center of witchcraft rivaling the hellish, riverine fleshpot of New Orleans. For years psychics and fortune tellers and other such crooks have introduced witchcraft and its demon spirits into the highest echelons of our government, invited there even by First Ladies including Nancy Reagan, as the record shows! Those demons, once invited, do not leave the Lincoln bedroom, folks! They stay, they take over the whole White House and Congress and Supreme Court, and then begin to influence and run the policy makers and their decision-making process, precisely in order to turn America into Satan's kingdom and destroy the unique America founded by our Puritan and god-fearing forefathers.

Rex Humbard has passed away to his reward, but his ministry goes on and offers his series on Devils. America is chock-full of devils, thanks to decades of liberal domination, to the rejection of the Bible by the Supreme Court, and also to the re-education of America back into the darkness of paganism, hedonism, and even outright satanism and witchcraft by teachers, professors, writers, text book editors, and NEA union heads. We have plunged, by choice, into Satan's meshes, and his devils are having their full way with us--just witness the havoc and abuse and violence and immorality and murders and perversions that are now common, everyday events in our society--these are the direct result of Satan and devils ruling over our lives and having their way with us and our children! Let us inform ourselves, and seek ways to set ourselves free by God's power and deliverance! Let us not sink into the absolute hell-hole of a voodoo-dominated Haiti--that is where we are headed, fellow Americans. Look at Haiti, and see where all this is taking us.

YUK YUK YUK!--that is my knee jerk or brain stem, visceral reaction to Oprah and Dr. Phil when they come on the boob tube screen! I don't need to use my critical faculties upfront on my frontal lobes to critique and understand that this is the most filthy garbage they are presenting--it stinks like garbage, it looks like garbage, it must be garbage!

The very worst and dirtiest laundry of America is hung out daily before the world to gaze upon (and supposedly to draw good thoughts from!). It is like showing us cancers, tumors, and highly infectious skin diseases, day after day, in the cockeyed belief that this disgusting fare will make us healthy and well, or keep us healthy if we aren't already sick!

The Bible says not to look upon evil, entertain it, dig in it, spread it like manure, wallow in it like filthy pigs, and share it with your family, friends, and neighbors! Why? We are not only going to get dirty ourselves, but we will make our whole family and whole community and whole nation just as dirty! We will all become pigs, in other words, and contaminate our entire environment with disease and parasites and that unforgettable stench that goes with swine and pig sties!

Yet Oprah and Dr. Phil has bewitched an entire nation to watch their muck-raking shows! Upton Sinclair was motivated by his crusading ideals of reform when he wrote "The Jungle," a gripping expose of the stark horrors of the Chicago stockyards in the 19th century and the brutalizing effect they had on the tens of thousands of stockyard workers and their wives and children. The book exploded on the whole nation like a bomb, blowing the muck into everyone's faces, so that the shocked and horrified and now informed American people were outraged enough to do something about it. They got through to their legislators, and landmark bills were passed and enforced to regulate the stockyards and the meat packers, which greatly helped to clean up some of the worst offenses exposed in the book (not to mention the offal, diseased flesh and filth that had regularly been processed along with the meat, as sick and dying and diseased cattle had regularly been processed along with the healthy cattle and then canned and shipped to be sold to Americans, sickening many Americans and possibly killing thousands--all for the profit of the meat packers and their millionaire owners! Upton Sinclair was a "muck racker," but his purpose served the society, to help clean it up, and it worked--the book produced a real reform of a corrupt industry that was sickening many people and brutalizing the poorly paid, slave labor workers unnecessarily. Chicago went on to become a truly progressive city where people could live decently and well, even as working people. Read this still highly absorbing book! It is available at any library or you can order it on-line at!

"The Octopus" is another muck-raker, dealing with the railroad barons of the 19th century exploiting the farmers of the Midwest with high rates. There are others, including a biography of John D. Rockefeller and his Standard Oil of New Jersey that led to the Anti-trust laws that Teddy Roosevelt championed as president (he was a righteous muck-raker who feared nobody, including J.P. Morgan, calling the mightiest titans of finance and industry on the carpet in his office for their misdeeds!).

Julia Ward Howe's book about the inequities and injustice of slavery, the classic "Uncle Tom," is credited with single-handedly igniting the Civil War that resulted not only in the saving of the Union from splitting apart forever due to the North/South cultural/political/geographic great divide but it directly produced the emancipation of the black slaves, for after her book the blacks never again could be looked upon as less than human beings (not property, or things, in other words). Books matter a great deal, as the Bible has proven all through the centuries. Truth matters. Muck-rakers have served a superb purpose in helping America deal with injustices and wrongs--but that is not what we see happening today in the case of television's hirsute top star, Oprah, along with her bald-headed clone, Dr. Phil (does he have a last name? Perhaps, it is "Klone.").

But Oprah and Dr. Phil are not muck-rakers in this classic, social-reform sense! They are not reputable. They do their thing for sheer profit, not for any high-minded purpose! This is sheer commercialism, sheer greed at work, using more or less compliant individuals to capture a gigantic audience who become addicted to porn, violence, perversion (though homosexual perversion is promoted for the most part on these programs), abuse--filth, in a nutshell.

America's most Satan-enslaved, degenerate human beings, thanks to Oprah and her buddy Dr. Phil, are being aired daily on TV is featured as the main fare on the cultural cooking program of Oprah, with its spin-off, the Dr. Phil program, the gourmet chef of other equally toxic dishes of degeneracy, perversion, profanity (he can swear right along with the most toilet-mouthed guests of his program, and not blush all the way up his bald pate!).

Oprah Winfrey is a mega-business in herself, but in the religious sense she also operates the largest church in the world, a church based on the powers of witchcraft and her expert abilities trained to manipulate millions with her charm, wit, variety of politically correct and juicy, pornographic topics, and all the other qualities she employs as a high priestess of Satan the arch-seducer.

Oprah-cloned and emasulated Dr. Phil is no better, being her perfect male counterpart, or warlock, in witches' parlance. He employs psychological techniques and masterful logic and programming and a team of experts backstage to manipulate people "for their own good." Both programs earn in the hundreds of millions for their producers and also Oprah and Dr. Phil (Oprah devouring the lioness's share, of course, of the spoil, amounting to, according to reports, 200 million a year, of which she shells out for publicity sake a tiny, tiny fraction for high profile charities, such as a $30 million dollar orphanage in South Africa (which has been in the news lately for a sex abuse scandal,by the way!). If she gives anything else away, we are sure to hear about it coast to coast from her own lips, with video!). Despite the evangelicals who are fawning over them (such as Televangelist and Potter's House pastor, T.D. Jakes), these two vile characters are tools of the devil, pure and simple. They are seducing the soul of America (pagans as well as millions of gullible and weak Christians) to swallow devilish filth and falsehood, not to mention their New Age Religion spin on life and religion. If you want to known how to mix double martinis that can kill a mule's brain, Oprah featured a course on that too--as if we didn't already drink enough hard liquor in this country, bringing untold misery and disruption of marriages and families, not to mention the thousands of DUI-caused accidents and fatalities on the road!

Talk about the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil being seductive and deadly--their two programs provide a Weyerhaeuser forest of such trees, on which millions of their dupes are srambling daily, branch to branch, to pluck the enticing, attractively packaged, and lethal fruit to eat. Oprah and Dr. Phil will come to judgment, sooner or later--as the Bible promises, for no such wickedness and deliberate spreading of iniquity will escape the judgment. Here is a sobering thing to think about in addition: People who become Oprah's fans will not see any problem whatsoever in taking the mark of the Beast, when it is offered. She is the perfect set-up for the Anti-Christ, as she will have seduced the soul of America with her witchcraft and sorcery, and then she will hand all her captive souls, who are eating abominations out of her hand, over to the Anti-Christ, whom she will welcome with open arms, no doubt, as a hip, kindred soul-mate, if she lives until his public debut and appearance on the world's stage.

"Sorcery in America," Preface, Vol. I, by Gordon Lindsay


"Negroes for Sale!"

All Moslem Slave Holders and Moslem Nations and even polygamous Mormon groups in Utah who reduce young girls to sex slaves of lustful, polygamous men-- "Let My People Go!" says their God, the God of the Oppressed.

The news has broken that Moslem Arab tribes in Sudan that were prominent in attacking and enslaving black Christians in Southern Sudan are now savagely attacking each other (thieves and killers turning on each other, which is quite a switch!), causing many of the defeated tribes to flee to refugee camps. This is a taste of their own poison! (Yet we must not rejoice over this, as they are doing it ignorantly, without the light of the Gospel to set them free from false Islam, superstitution, and hatred and fear and sin!) The Bible says that those who take up the sword will perish by the sword. "What goes around, comes around eventually"--as the old saying and truth is restated in the vernacular. God wants to save the souls of these wicked, cruel men. You should see their pictures--they look like hopeless men who have lost all moorings in life--as everything they had waged war for against innocent people has now turned brutally upon them and their families and villages, destroying all their ill-gotten gains and driving them away from their own families to seek shelter in the very kind of camps they were formerly raiding for slaves, women to rape, and men and boys to kill or enslave.

Creation Science Center:

For a love gift of any amount, TBN will send you "The Privileged Planet," a DVD that will show you the true, proven, scientific case for creationism, for if given an equal hearing, there is no question that evolutionary theory will be rejected by the scientific community. Many discoveries about how the universe is "fine-tuned" and "anthropic" in so many ways to make life possible on this one inhabitable planet are making creationism an inescapable issue for scientists who still hold blindly and uncritically to evolutionary theory.

Gordon Lindsay, in his book, "The 1970's, in Light of Prophecy," has this to say about evolutionary theory being taught in the U.S. public schools:


On June 17, 1963, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that it would be unconstitutional for any school to authorize Bible reading and recitation of the Lord's prayer. But nothing was said against the teaching of evolution in the schools, a teaching which implies the Genesis record of creation to be a myth, while claiming that man sprang from the brute beast. This rank hoax, the religion of atheists and infidels is being taught in the schools and colleges. Parents who believe the Bible should find out if the Christian college or public school to which they send their children uses these textbooks. Such teaching can rob their children's faith in God." (page 27)

New Creation Museum in Kentucky

Answers in Genesis


IT IS HARD NOT TO BELIEVE IN THE FALSE RELIGION OF REINCARNATION, WHEN IRAN IS A SPITTING IMAGE, A MIDDLE EASTERN REINCARNATION OF THE SPIRIT OF HITLER AND NAZI GERMANY: Iran hasn't yet killed forty million Americans, though its rulers would certainly like to, adding six million Jews to the tally too, if it possessed sufficient nuclear firepower! Yet there exists and operates in America an organization of the greatest malevolence and ferocity that has already killed 40 million Americans--and it is none other than Planned Parenthood, which claims to offer "prevention" for unwanted pregnancies but is actually the world's largest abortion provider, making it a mega-billion dollar industry! With its ties to Congress, hundreds of millions of our tax money go to fund this octopus of death, and as yet we cannot stop this evil from engulfing an entire generation.

"Infanticide in America Center


Revelesio Ministries

Or call: (253)-404-0111


Doing my own investigation on a televangelist whose fixation on money and wealth building and his continual appeals for contributions bothered me, I went to internet sources and found more than enough information to make me wonder how Mike Murdoch can get away with his extravagant lifestyle, spending millions on his mansion, property, vehicles, jet, and personal adornments such as Rolex watches, and still be allowed to solicit even more millions via such handy networks as TBN and DAYSTAR. How discerning are the Crouches and the Lambs anyway, when Murdoch (a latter-day Elmer Gantry) can use them and their networks reaching millions of people across the globe to garner the pension and social security check money from thousands of old widows and grandmothers and poor single moms and other such trusting souls?

His income was listed as compared with the incomes of other major televangelists. You can find that interesting too, as I did, but it is his two Rolex watches that I find rather intriguing. Why does he need such expensive watches. one costs in the neighborhood of 23k. Imagine wearing that much money on your wrist--and you bump it against the car door or something! Do you have to carry insurance for it--costing you hundreds no doubt a year?--which would be chicken feed to the likes of Murdoch. I never saw a Rolex in my life, until I came across this picture just yesterday--so now I know what they look like. I do hope Mr. Murdoch enjoys his Rolexes, jet, mansion, bus, luxury cars, and whatever else he has. They may be all he ever will have, as rewards. I hope not, but that is my best guess--there won't be much of anything for him in the next life, even if he is saved and escapes hell--since he's got it all now, one way or another.

Poor, misguided, self-deceived Joel Osteen (who is supposed to be an evangelical, Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching pastor) can grin ear to ear and tell good jokes and preach up a thousand applause bytes all he likes on TBN and in his vast, arena-like church, it doesn't make him anything other than a New Age guru out there massaging the public for bucks and influence, and there are plenty such these days raking in the bucks and deceiving millions of my fellow Americans who cannot discern a wolf from a sheep to save their souls! I have been around Christians all my life--we are naive people! It is in our nature to be naive--trusting that people have the best intentions, when often they do not! We always give people the benefit of a doubt--even when they fail again and again to deserve that kind of unqualified trust! Well, Joel Osteen has failed to live up to our trust. He does not preach the Bible-based, historic Gospel of Christ--far from it! Joel Osteen's own heresy-revealing words in an interview by Larry King tell the true story, without any help whatsoever from me or any commentator, so go see for yourself, Christian! Be a noble, Berean-type Christian--check him out yourself, using the scriptures! The scriptures will X-ray the animal, and show you exactly what he is--and no mistake!

"Joel Osteen, True or False?"

Lamb and Lion's magazine, Lamplighter, also mentions other questionable but highly popular, international ministries and their promoters and founders that are not leading people to the Cross (self-denial? surrendering your own will for God's? sacrificing your flesh to the spirit? Just the reverse!) but to a monotone religion of just one note: me-me-me!

Bible Greats, as Portrayed by Eben:

"Bible Greats" by Eben

Christian Greats, as Protrayed by Eben (including the piece about Rev. Jerry Falwell):

"Christian Greats Center"


"Prophecy Center"

"Resurrection Center"

Big Bad Wolf Business Center:

The U.S. Postal Department is turning rancidly Bad (like in "something is rotten in Denmark's refridgerator", taken, with emendation, from Hamlet), and the refridgerator won't be able to save the meat when it goes this smelly! It has bowed to the mighty religion of Islam, while cutting out Christmas stamps, offering only a few pallid generic "Holiday" stamps in place of the beautiful array of genuine Christmas stamps they used to offer us.

Rudolph the Red- Nosed Reindeer, Santa Klaus, Snow Flakes, a Tree, and like fluff and garbage--hardly good substitutes for the real reason for Christmas being celebrated here and the world over (have you seen the new stamps--Rudolph, Snow Flakes, etc., etc., are back, good grief!). My suspicion was correct! They were turned demented/secular humanist in the U.S. Postal Department! They used to be trying to be "pancultural," to use their phrase, but now they are serving "Diversity," "Multiculturalism," "Tolerance," and other secular humanist gods. This latest stamp proves it. UGH! A THOUSAND TIMES UGH! (That is the nicest way I can put my visceral response. I bought this one stamp for an example to show you the utter folly into which the U.S. Postal Department has lately descended, but as soon as it is copied for showing here, it goes in the waste basket where it belongs:

The politically correct idiots in the management of the U.S. Postal Department have authorized this slate of politically correct "holiday" stamps. These "knit-wit" stamps supposedly based on knitting are tasteless, crude, and an affront to our most beloved American traditions and heritage.

First, do you note the absence of the word, "Christmas," and the substituting of the politically correct, "holiday"? Christmas, next to President Bush's name, is the most hated word in America, if the secular humanists have their way with us. Yet most all Americans support Christmas as the name and support the elebration of the traditional Christmas--not this spurious, generic "holiday" or "holidays" the secular humanist Grinches and Scrooges of ACLU and its allies are promoting and forcing over on us. But we can turn the tables on the secular humanist-intimidate U.S. Postal Department, as inadvertently, they have set themselves up for an embarrassing moment. What if these stamps are really Christian--and not just generically "holiday" stamps as the Postal Department intended? Rudolph, for example, can be seen as a type of Christ! Think about it. Jesus was rejected of men, and Rudolph was rejected by his fellow raindeer. You've sung the song, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," haven't you? Well, it tells you all you need to know, to see Rudolph as a religious character acting as a type of Christ.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,

Had a very shiny nose!

And if you ever saw it,

You would even say it glows!

All of the other reindeer,

Used to laugh and call him names.

They never let poor Rudolph,

Join in any reindeer games.

Then one frosty Christmas night,

Santa came to town.

"Rudolph, with your nose so bright,

Won't you guide my sleigh tonight?"

Then how the reindeer loved him,

As they shouted out with glee,

"Rudolph, the Red- Nosed Reindeer,

You'll go down in history!"

This seemingly silly tune which has been sung countless times by children at Christmastime (and even by the Lawrence Welk singers on his special Christmas pageants on TV) has a core story that speaks of Christ--if you can pick out literary themes. As I already pointed out for you, there is the comparison of Rudoph and Christ in that both were rejected by their peers and society. (2) Both were ridiculed, laughed at, and called names.

(3)Both were shut out by their society (as Jesus, from Nazareth, an uncouth, mixed Jewish and Gentile region, was shunned and denigrated by the Jews of Jerusalem--"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" was a common proverb, recited even by Nathaniel when he was called by his brother to go and see Jesus).

(4) Santa, a father figure standing for the Heavenly Father, let us say, overlooked the public's low opinion and chose Rudolph, elevating him to the highest position, just as the Father ordained Jesus, a carpenter's step-son, to become Savior and Lord over the whole world. Furthermore, there is a dark aspect, to elevation, for Rudolph was not elevated to a Cross as Christ was, but it needs be mentioned here, because without that happening, there would be no rejoicing for Christians whatsoever, for on the Cross, Jesus broke the powers of sin, Death, and the Devil enslaving us. It looked like defeat of Jesus, for he died on the Cross, but it was actually the most tremendous victory, transforming everything for us.

(5) The reindeer somehow forgot all they had done to drag Rudolph down with their persecution, shunning, ridiculing, and laughing--as they now rejoiced in Rudolph's elevation to first rank over them by Santa as head raindeer. Christians, too, could put aside their former rejection, their former state of being enemies of God and slaves to Satan, as they rejoice in the victory of Christ on the Cross! We are continually rejoicing in the Lord's victory for our sake! "Glee" should be ours, just as it was the raindeer's.

(6) The famous red nose, shining brightly, that brought him to Santa's attention and was the primary cause of Rudolph's appointment and exaltation? Red is the color of Christ's shed blood, and it shines brightly even today, two thousand years after the crucifixion of Christ. The blood of Christ still has the power to save and transform lives and also drive out the Devil and his demons from our lives.

(7)Rudolph forgave this persecutors and enemies, his fellow reindeer, forgave them everything, just as Jesus forgive us all our sins and opposition against him. And he did not hold it against us later--the slate is wiped completely clean, by the Blood of Jesus. In the same way there is no mention of any resentment or revenge or bitterness on the part of Rudolph toward his fellow reindeer. They are all happy for him, so they must have accepted his total forgiveness of them.

The wonderful old song goes:

"What can wash away my sins?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

What can make me whole again?

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!

Oh! Precious is the flow,

That makes me white as snow.

No other fount I know,

Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

Therefore, thank you, U.S. Postal Department, for including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The gospel can be seen in the story behind this stamp, which you so hate and despise, that you have tried to eradicate even the name "Christmas" from our legal U.S. holiday called Christmas (not a generic "holiday" or even Kwanzaa or Hannukah). Christmas is our American celebration of the glorious birth of Jesus Christ--a birth that transformed the whole world, though it looked utterly insignificant at the time--and you cannot take it away from us, though you are trying as hard as you can! Even in your misguided, politically correct, secular humanist way, you are serving Christ's and Christmas's cause by including Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, as we have just seen!

It is amazing what the U.S. stamps can tell us, if we let them. The following, "American clock," has much to say beyond tic-toc-tic-toc!

This postal stamp clock is frozen at 8:22 or 8:23, but what time is America's clock really set at, prophetically? We need to know. I have the impression the time is much later, and time is also fast running out for us to repent, change, and avert judgment and destruction of our nation. Yes, Britain, another secular humanist nation, is further along on the path to self-destruction, as all the indicators of its national life show--despite the flush and sheen of prosperity covering the dung-heap. But America had far more advantages as it was founded specifically on Christian foundations from the very first--it was not pagan to begin with, as was Britain. Britain, in fact, was pagan for over a thousand or more years before the Christian faith penetrated its shores and stuck. That was a real handicap, and Ireland too had a long, long pagan past to overcome--which took the likes of St. Patrick to confront and conquer, though he was in danger every day of his life of assassins.

One good thing I have heard on the subject of Christmas, comes from the O'Relly Factor on Fox TV and also his own talk radio program. I listen to him when I can. Michael Savage is another I listen to, when I can find a clear enough channel from Oregon (strange that America's most popular and listened to conservative talk host, Michael Savage, with over 300 stations broadcasting his program, cannot be mentioned in America by the mainstream media except with condemnation and hostility, but I will reserve that for another time).

Bill O'Reilly stated on his Talk Radio program that the culture war is turning the way of Christians and conservatives and sensible people regarding the issue the ACLU has about Christmas, and their war to drive all public mention of it out of existence in America. The law does not support their cases against nativity scenes, and anything Christmas (such as store clerks wishing you "Merry Christmas") being forbidden by store management. Christmas is the only U.S. Federal holiday sanctioned at that time by law. The ACLU is losing case after case--every time they try to use the law to stop anything about Christmas, according to O'Reilly. Thank you, God! It is not the lawyers who fight in the Alliance Defense Fund, though these 1,000 strong forces fighting for our Christian heritage and Christian-based liberties in America are doing a great and courageous job against the tremendously powerful ACLU and its confederates. No, God Almighty is answering our prayers for America. If we lose Christmas in public, we will lose it in private eventually too--for the ACLU will not stop at sweeping it out of public places and schools--they are meaning to invade every home in America and secularize our homes and churches as well. It is the total eradication of Christian faith in America--that is their true agenda. They cannot co-exist with Christianity in this country. It is either fight or surrender to them unconditionally. Bill O'Reilly, the ADF, and others know this fact, and have worked tirelessly to make this fact known to the American people, who overwhelmingly have expressed their view that they favor Christmas, regardless of their religious background. Christmas is celebrated, according to surveys, by the majority in every non-Christian religion. Atheists celebrate it as well. It is just this radical legal arm of secular humanism and atheism and communism, the ACLU, that is trying its best to drive Christmas and Christianity out of American society, government, school, stores, businesses, and even our history books!

Wal-Mart (this Christian-founded business that has turned into a global Beliah) is back in the spotlight. Wal-Mart moved to punish a pharmacist who exercised his freedom of conscience and religion under the First Amendment of the Constitution and U.S. Rights when he refused to sell Plan B, the "morning after fornication" abortion pill. He took them to court, where the case is pending (and will be won by him, since he is standing squarely on freedom of religion and conscience). A court ruling that has already been given in Washington State on this issue could see no legitimate reason to suspend a Constitutional right so vital as this one, so we believe the same common sense will prevail over Wal-Mart in favor of the conscientious phamacist. God bless him, and God convict the managers of Wal-Mart. Let us write or call Wal-Mart and say: don't persecute pharmacists who feel it is murder to kill an unborn child just conceived with Plan B. You and I can make a difference, if we will only act with a stamp, a piece of note paper, and a few words expressing this in a civil way. Failure to do anything at all is actual complicity, by default!

Whatever Wal-Mart used to be, it is not now--it has become a globalist monster with no morals, and it is anti-American and anti-Christian--it will do anything to appease the homosexual lobby and the secular humanist elites in order to reap a proft. it is, in a nutshell, a Beliah, a monster from hell, which is just now showing its true colors.

I have accessed a list of the businesses that have opted to be politically correct and scratch any mention of "Christmas" from their products or displays--and will give them here on-line soon. You'd be surprised at the names.

"Big Bad Business Center"

Sorry, Al Gore, the Scientific Method is not yet suspended and still exists in the scientific community! A "consensus" or even a majority of scientists coming out in support of something doesn't make it science and will never make it science. Even I, an English major, know that much about science! All scientists should be able to tell you that basic fact about science--but you have ignored it for political reasons and self-aggrandisement.

For that reason Global Warming caused by human carbon emissions is NOT scientific fact, OR ANYTHING BASED ON VERIFIABLE SCIENCE. Scientists, true scientists, deny the validity of Al Gore's assertions. Over 19,000 genuine scientists (not Al Gore green party clones and Hollywood celebs without any education to speak of) have signed a letter in Oregon stating this, but it is ignored by the Global Warming-supporting media, of course. Yet the whole secular humanist world along with Hollywood (and even some misinformed evangelicals!) is getting on the bandwagon of eco-crazies led by chief Global Warming guru, Al Gore. Millions will suffer terribly if they carry out their programs to reduce emissions, at the cost of the poorest of the nations and even setting our own country's economy back to that of a Third World nation's--would that help if China and India, the world's biggest and worst polluting economies continue to operate as they are without one word against them by Al Gore and his crowd? Why should America and a host of poor countries suffer for his obsession and barnstorming? America is not the problem--we are the cleanest, have the cleanest factories and businesses in the world--and India's and China's and other such developing nations, not to mention former Soviet Union countries, have the worst record of polluting industries, so why is Al Gore making us out to be the monster pollutor on the planet? It is a political agenda he is covering up with this environmental red herring. LET US PRAY THAT THIS HOAX BE EXPOSED FOR WHAT IT TRULY IS!

"Global Warming Hoax Center"


Without Christians and their world-class contributions, there would be no English literature to admire and pass on to present and future generations. It is not being passed on--because it is so Christian. You won't hear English teachers acknowledging this basic fact, however. Never! They would't dare, they would lost their jobs--fired by the principals! So like teachers under a huge portrait of Lenin or Stalin or Mao they will only feed their students reworked "English survey" courses that feature, not literature, but secular humanist "takes" on issues they deem worthy for attention, such as sexism, patriarchism, homosexuality, American imperialism, and all the rest of this sorry, dreary list they call literary studies today in our colleges and high schools. All the magnificence of Beowulf, The Green Knight, Piers Plowman, John Bunyan, Swift and Dryden, Milton, Chaucer, Spenser, Shakespeare (who wrote within the Christian world-view and based many of his themes on the Bible), John Donne, Francis Hopkins, Lord Alfred Tennyson, Robert and Elizabeth Browning, T. S. Eliot, C. S. Lewis-- all run through a secular humanist sieve, leaving a shredded mess they can then force into all their secular humanist molds to mean whatever they want it to say, not what the original authors intended.

Most English literature teachers today have done their best to kill and bury English literature--since they no longer value it, and instead promote their secular humanist ideals of Diversity, Multiculturalism, Feminism, and other ideological fetishes. The greatest writers in English literature have been, by and large, Christians. They would all roll over in their graves if they knew what was being said about them by today's instructors in the schools--all false slanders, of course.

"The Emmaus Walk Excerpt" from T.S. Eliot's "The Wasteland"

Take Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales classic out of English Lit and you would create a huge gap in the middle section nobody else could fill! One of the people immortalized in the Tales is a Parson. Yes, a parson--a church nobody, imagine that! Now a Parson is a churchman, a pastor, if you don't know. Imagine that! A Christian leader is held up as a universal paragon of virtue and compassion and caring by the internationally great poet Chaucer, while most others of the pilgrims in the Tales are satirized or made fun of. Our judges, congressmen and congresswomen, and government leaders ought to read this--and know that they are out of step with the greatest literature! Chaucer would be laughing at them too, holding them up to public ridicule, as imposters, charades, and hypocrites--and rascals! Read the Canterbury Tales in a modern English version and see if this isn't so. Chaucer was a master of irony, and he could see through every kind of hypocrisy, and he pointed out the hypocrisies of his age and culture like few could or dared do. But the Parson, a Christian man who was "kindly," "a scholar," "learned," "wise," and "true," did no wrong in his book. Being a cosmopolitan man, with many worldly affairs, and his hand on the pulse of national life in all its actions and ways, Chaucer knew all types of people--he was not embellishing or suger-coating the man--there truly was such a man, whom he had known, who served as the model for this portrait. Who was he? Many think the man was none other than the form of a tribute to Wycliffe, the man who gave the English the Bible in their own language. See the vital connection between the Bible, Bible scholarship, and true integrity of Christian character--it impressed Chaucer so much he could not leave out this depiction of a true man of God called the Parson in his immortal Canterbury Tales.

What would he do depicting the likes of Joel Osteen or Paula White or Mike Murdoch--all promoters of false gospels? Paula White, doing a wealth-building "seminar" in a glitzy, high profile downtown Big Apple venue, was wearing a see-through pleated plastic (I think) skirt over sado-masochistic-type leather, hip hugging jeans, along with designer jewelry, a fuschia-colored blouse, and no doubt some very expensive shoewear. The last person wearing such an outfit like Paula's was Marlene Dietrich, the seductive German actress, in a film about the lascivious Empress Catherine of Russia. All she needed was the chains, and she could have paraded down Fulsom Street in Frisco with the transvestites, sado-masochists beating each other with chains, and the other perverts in San Francisco's yearly sicko-celebration of sexual perversion, which took place just recently! She looked rather uptight and strained in her face, not her usual perky, cheery self (was it her breakup with her husband having an effect on her mental state?), though expert cosmetician's attentions and the latest hair style and designer clothes (costing thousands, not doubt!) gave her a chic New York look that went well with her classy metropolitan New York venue and program in convincing the hundreds or thousands of young, yuppie-like careerist Wall Street type women in the audience (who are seeking wealth and bigtime career jobs), as well as the poor, young women present who have sacrificed everything to go to this event, seeking a breakthrough through applying Paula White's how-to-get-filthy-rich teachings). I had to wonder what is going on her her heart while she is presenting this show--how much does she really guess she is missing in God, doing this for the sake of fame and money and "ministry-building'? I do not believe for an instant that she is doing the will of God anymore. She once did, along with her (reportedly estranged) husband, a co-pastor at a mega-church in Florida. She has "gone on to bigger, better things," such as appearing together with New York financier and Atlantic City gambling casino developer, Donald Trump, and some of his cronies, in motivational, how-to-get-rich-like-us seminars, all for the 300 or 400 bucks a shot these seminars usually cost the suckers, er, patrons. I feel so sorry for Paula White in her taking advantage of people like this. She can preach the true Gospel, and has. But she is now serving the world and its lust for riches, fame, glamor, and vanity. "You can have it all," proclaims Oprah, and obviously Paula White is just another promising evangelical televangelist has subscribed to the same philosophy of hedonism/materialism with all the stops pulled. It is apparent to me that she has bought into this deceiving, satanic lie.

BEOWULF IS BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! Beowulf, the early Anglo-Saxon epic that was a favorite with my English lit class, holds the same great appeal today with the masses, for a production of Beowulf is now in the theaters under that name, in IMAX 3D. I haven't seen it, nor will I, for the writing is gory enough, and I don't need the visuals and special effects to rob me of my sleep. I also heard on the radio that it has some explicit scenes, and so this movie is out for me on a number of counts!

A generation of American youth raised on explicit sex and violent TV and violent films will love and enjoy it, and want more of the same, only more violent and bloody and full of nudity if possible. What is the value of this for English literature? The blood and guts is not the main reason for the epic--for it was written by a Christian, who was writing at the time when Britain was turning to Christ. Much pagan culture still existed, but it was defeated by the Cross of Christ, and so you see pagan culture in Beowulf, but also Christian themes shining unmistakably amidst the roaring hubbub of the heroes in the mead-halls and in their various battles. The devil is potrayed as Grendel and her mother, monsters that the hero Beowulf must overcome--just as every Christian must resist and overcome the Devil and sin in his life. There is no question in the epic (if not the film, which I have not seen) that gratuitous violence for its own sake is not celebrated (though it is depicted realistically and truthfully in the epic) but, instead, the victorious stand of the Christian hero or warrior against the forces of darkness and evil, personified by the monster she-devil, Grendel, and her equally monstrous mother. This ancient epic composed by a Christian minstrel-poet or a number of them depicts the struggle of good (the Gospel, the Cross, the truth of Christ) against the forces of evil (the Devil, the old pagan, polytheistic religion, the darkness and superstition of the German tribes. Beowulf, the epic, is magnificent, and compares to the Lord of the Rings trilogy by T.R.R. Tolkien, which had the same theme of good struggling with evil.

It is always good to go back to the original, to the source, to the written epic, and not just depend on Hollywood's remake or rewrite of the epic to tell us what it really is. Read Beowulf, if you have not yet been exposed to it, before going to the film, so you have some objectivity and appreciation for the Christian themes that are truly in the original, whatever Hollywood has made of it. Why should we be ignorant and brainwashed by Hollywood? We can inform ourselves and know the truth. The truth sets us free, and it can be entertaining too, just as Beowulf in the original is entertaining to English students reading it. I don't need Steven Spielberg's script writers and special effects crews to bring Beowulf alive in my imagination. I have my own imagination, which they can seldom exceed or surprass, so I don't need them. Everyone has an imagination, but we have to use it, not just be consumers who are fed the products of other people's imaginations and scripts. The value to using our own imaginations is that we ourselves envison the things the writer of Beowulf recorded from his own time, far in the past, for our knowledge and enjoyment and instruction and also our inspiration. We connect with that ancient minstrel in a real way when we approach his work in this way--we have no middle man in the way--we get a direct link--and this makes all the difference between being an almost brain-dead consumerist or a thinking, feeling, imagining human being who is enlarged, not shrunk, as he or she proceeds through life.

"English Literature Heritage Center"

The Truth that the secular humanists who preach Tolerance most hate: Jesus said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me."


1. Prophetess Bynum the flamboyant televangelist and "prophetess" is now a hot item in the bin of TV's scandal-mongering muck-rakers, after separating from her husband, called a bishop when he married her not long ago in a posh Manhattan church. She is now on TV telling the host about her abusive estranged husband, while he is on TV telling the world that's she's a big liar and made it up. Which is right? Who is telling the truth? That's easy. Neither! This bionic dynamo of prophecy and ministry to millions of adoring, infatuated men and women has proven what she is--she is an absolute fraud, proven long before this breakup, which was inevitable, given the two people involved. I had had enough of her ministry and her superwoman-type prophesying on TBN and DAYSTAR when I watched all I could stomach of her extravaganza of a televised wedding to her "bishop" fiance. I can say I have never witnessed such a vulgar and tasteless wedding in my life. It was a glitzy affair you would associate with Hollywood celebs, not a humble, authentic Christian woman with a TV ministry. Apparently, she does not know the difference--there is no difference, in fact, between her and Hollywood. She ordered everything she had seen in Hollywood celeb weddings and the tabloids, and added to them. I was grieved, when I thought how she wasted who knows how many tens of thousands of dollars, possibly hundreds of thousands of her followers' contributions, on the most fleshly show on earth worthy of Barnum & Bailey--and for what? God got no glory whatsoever from her sickening, carnal travesty of a Christian wedding. And the clergyman that married them was like some reverend putz out of a movie being shot in Las Vegas--he did not seem real. Then Miss Bynum couldn't keep still one moment and pranced around during the whole ceremony and there was all this jollity and hilarity throughout that had no relation at all to dignity, respect for God, and the sanctity of marriage--it was her big, fantastic blow-out staged with all cameras running--and she was going to live her moment to the hilt--and she did.

Now she's the poor, abused wife--seeking a divorce no doubt (rather than praying for a reconciliation and seeking counselling) and the sympathy and publicity of the world. I doubt the world will give her much sympathy (though she is getting some publicity from the scandal-mongers)--as they can see right through this female Elmer Gantry. It is so disgusting--that a woman could be so devoured by Satan and the world and not know it, apparently. What is the Bible for? What are godly examples for? What are churches for? What are evangelical leaders such as Billy Graham and Jack Hayford and John Hagee for? She evidently ignores all the warnings about playing with the attractive temptations of the world. She has not been steering clear of the the world's seductive powers, she has not not avoiding the known pitfalls of money and fame. Hence, she has joined the crowd of failed ministries and joined the wretched many who have fallen away from righteous living in the midst of a carnal, depraved culture. She has not heeded all the warnings that that the Bible contains, put there to keep us on the narrow path of the Cross. This has brought on her great hurt, and hurt countless people who looked up to her.

Where are her spiritual mentors and oversight, even in the black community's churches, the Church of God in Christ and others? Were they silent, when they saw her turn so fleshly and worldly back at the time of her wedding? It was so evident then that something had gone radically wrong, for her to put on such a worldly display of pomp and self-glorification and luxury. Did they think that was okay for her to act like that and spend like that to satisfy her own lusts? What kind of witness did that give the watching world about Christians in her position? What does the poor Third World think of this extravagance and the subsequent scandal? Doesn't it reflect badly on evangelical Christianity? Surely, it does! Perhaps she had turned down that way to destruction even before the signs became red flags--and so there was no stopping for her, she just continued on her mad rush and plunge into further self-indulgence, worldly extravagance, lust and folly and carnality.

2. Sandra Day O'Connor is awarded the cap with a fanfare of donkey brays, coast to coast, with the loudest brays coming from her home state, the Lone Star State of Texas! Like Nancy Pelosi, she effects to be a very nice person, but she is not a nice person, she is a judicial tyrant who acted to force all sorts of anti-Christian, anti-Christian morality rulings down all our throats. She just went on record, reported on the radio, as saying (and I quote): "Americans, don't critize the judges. They're just doing their jobs!" She also put her foot in it again when she commented (I think without being honest), "We don't attach a moral to law," as if she didn't subscribe to a radical activist agenda that does, indeed, set down for all Americans the authoritarian "morals" of secular humanism, which Congress declared a religion!

And what are their "jobs?" Tearing down the moral and constitutional fabric of our nation? That is what so many are doing--and she was chief among them when she sat for years on the bench at the Supreme Court, swinging the court's decision to the Leftist agenda for America! She is the swing vote that made the Supreme Court ruling that struck down the Texas anti-sodomy law! Texas is her home state, but she hated the very idea that Texas could, as a state, take a stand against a sin the Bible condemns. Oh, no! Texas must not "legislate morality," so she voted to strike down a law the people of Texas thought right and proper and according to God's law, not man's. She obviously prefers man's law, which for her is secular humanist law--devoid of the Ten Commandments and Christian morality. This woman, who lives securely and very comfortably in a society that Christians founded and instituted, should be deported to a society that cares nothing for the Christian heritage of America, so she can get a taste of a society for herself of a society and government with views and religion opposing women's rights and privileges in America. She would be killed, ordinarily, long before she could ever rise to her high position as a supreme court judge. She wouldn't even be in the running in a Moslem society for such a position, in the first place! But here she sat, for long and man years, striking down our nation's precious moral laws and foundations, substituting the jungle of secular humanism, where every man decides what works for him, and everything is up for grabs, all based on moral relativism, Sandra Day O'Connor's guiding philosophy, evidently. She has perpetrated the greatest crimes against America, and is not called a terrorist--which she definitely is, in God's eyes. One day soon she will have to account for what she did to tear down Christian things in America, and what will be her defense? She didn't know better? Couldn't be! She knows God's law, the Ten Commandments, but rejected them for American society, whose whole law was founded on them, as with a cornerstone that holds up an arch and even entire buildings. She knew the Bible, yet she spurned it, in vote after vote on the bench, meanwhile winning the plaudits and kudoes of fellow secular humanists, moral relativists, and, generally, wicked people such as herself! Evenso, we must pray for her soul--that she admit to the truth about herself and her acts, and repent while she still has life and opportunity. The day of judgment is soon coming for her--as it is for all of us--and our nation as well!

3. The 101st Congress, which has shown, by and large, utter disregard and contempt for the American People and the national security. They know that there are no consequences for whatever they do and say. They cannot be held responsible or punished. They are autocrats, not members of a representative, accountable government. They are hypocrites and pretend to the nation that they represent us, but their actions and even their words testify that they do not intend to represent us and what we voted them into office to do and stand for.



Dear Friends of the Emmaus Walk, how can I put this kindly and gently? I will try hard. We are good for nothing as Christians if we are not informed enough to know how to pray and for what to pray. Would you agree with that? If you don't agree, all I can do is pray that God give you understanding and a clearer mind so you can better see reality. An excellent, easily accessible way to become informed, if we are not, is to sign up for a number of magazines, many of which are free for the asking! They contain all the news we need to be informed and keep abreast of events taking shape in our communities, cities, nation and the world. Come out of your closet, if you are in one! Even prayer does not belong in a closet! The Lord was only referring to a public demonstration that was made to call attention to your own piety--which is wrong. He wasn't against public prayer--by no means--for he prayed in public, as well as in private. Here are some magazines we have found very helpful, and you may contact them if you want to be better informed about the world you live in, or you can choose to keep your head in the sand, and be clewless when events happen for which you can have no explanation. The Bible, along with current events, keep us alert and watchful, and praying unceasingly, and we also are more inclined to live soberly and purely and unselfconsciously for the sake of others--so why not take part in the many benefits of being informed? You rob yourself of them if you remain, like most Americans, centered on your own little world to the exclusion of everything else. Christians cannot afford to be like that. We have the world to win for Christ, and how can we be effective instruments of the Lord toward that goal if we do not know what is going on or where exactly the needs are? If we remain centered on ourselves, we will have to take the lumps the unworthy servant did in the parable Christ told, the one who buried his talent (or his opportunity God gave him), rather than risk himself, deny himself, for the goal of producing something eternal and lasting with his God-given life and talents. It is our choice, be like him, or be like the one in the parable who invested his talent and produced rich dividends for God and His kingdom. Let us each follow his example! Wherever we find ourselves in life, we can invest what God has given us as individuals. He has given us much, if we have eyes to see it. Let us risk ourselves a bit and invest our talent--multiply it beyond our wildest dreams!

The excellent "Levitt Letter," the newsletter of the Zola Levitt Ministries, has a recent article in the May 2007 issue that every Christian in America should read, entitled, "How do Christians Live With Muslims?", authored by Frank Pastore, Another timely article, "Muslims Accept Israel's Messiah," is offered in the February 2007 issue of Levitt Letter, and it details the turning to Jesus by millions of Muslims, country by country. This is information you probably won't see anywhere else, and it will no doubt astound and encourage you. You can try the web address of Mr. Pastore. Otherwise, the excellent Levitt Letter magazine can be ordered or the article by Mr. Pastore can be accessed, perhaps, by going to the Zola Levitt website.

Zola Levitt Ministries

A magazine that will inform you as a Christian!

Get set for a double whammy of a reality check Lamb and Lion Ministries! Dr. Reagan's articles in the September-October issue of his Lamplighter Magazine are about the most powerful you can find on Anti-Semitism and Replacement Theology.

Care to be informed? Here is the magazine that will do what most other magazines (including TIME and other liberal rags) will not do--tell you the truth without the usual liberal spin. We have ordered this magazine after reading one sample sent in th mail.

David Hathaway's Ministry Magazine telling of his healing/evangelistic campaigns in the almost totally atheist countries of the former Soviet Union and Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe--this is a visionary magazine founded on the prophetic Holy Spirit fire to fall on Jerusalem and the churches for revival world-wide, starting in Jerusalem. Look for a reprint of his article, "Do You Love Israel and the Jews?" by David Hathaway to be listed on this page in the links--it is an answer to the odious Replacement Theology and its equally odious sister, Anti-Semitism--one more nail in their joint coffin, praise God!

Here is a special treat for you from Anchored Magazine! A Bible Smuggler in Southeast Asia and elsewhere in Moslem countries tells his own story about a recent foray into Laos with 1,000 contraband Bibles:

"Sowing the Seed," by Tony John, Bible Smuggler

Billy Graham Library

In the latest war forced on Israel after incessant Hezbollah terrorist missile attacks and kidnappings of Israeli soldiers inside Israel, an Israeli soldier pauses to read--not Playboy pornography or a horoscope--but the Book of Psalms! How many of our U.S. troops do that anymore?

This Christian Edition of the Jerusalem Post is an excellent way to keep up with the events affecting Israel and the world. In the August issue are articles such as "Model of Jerusalem Moved," "The Untold War Story [how Arabs in Israel have suffered from the Hezbollah rockets fired into Israel]", "Lessons from Birmingham--Divesters Suffer Defeat at Presbyterian Assembly," an article about King Abdullah's woes, having to deal with the threat of more thousands of Palestinians flooding into his already Palestinian-overwhelmed country from the West Bank if Israel pulls out, "An American Couple Honored as 'Righteous Gentiles,'" and, even worth tacking to the wall, a two page timeline of the Aliyah, or great In-Gathering of the Jewish People to Israel, beginning in 1948. The Jews' return to Israel was foretold by the Prophets, as it is stated at the bottom of the second page, and the scripture reference given is Isaiah 49:22, because it describes the Gentile's crucial role in this return--to wit:

"This is what the Sovereign Lord says: "See, I will beckon to the Gentiles, I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders."

Could anything be more clear? We Gentiles clearly have a great role to play in the Aliyah, or In-Gathering of the Jewish people back to Israel. Let us pray and also furnish monetary support if we can as well! We will be blessed, as the Word says all will be blessed who bless Israel, and they will be cursed who curse Israel. Israel is still the apple of God's eye as the scripture says--and you cannot say that God does not love even this backslidden or agnostic, secular state and nation--for He certainly does! He loves his Prodigal son dearly--and the son is physically, finally, on his way back to the Father, is he not? It took the Holocaust to start the vast migration of Jews back to Israel. The spiritual return will follow the physical return inevitably, as scripture tells us in Revelation. Thousands are already being saved and made complete Jews in Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, through the Messianic Jewish movement. We are in a great day when we can see ancient prophesies being fulfilled that were first uttered by prophets thousands of years ago!

Dr. Michael Youssef has available a journal with messages he shares, and "And Be Thankful, A Thanksgiving Meditation," is featured in the November 2007 issue of Leading the Way's "My Journal." "Everything we enjoy in the present and coming age is a gift from God worthy of thanksgiving," Dr. Youssef states. He also gives the story of a missionary in China who got rid of a lingering depression by giving thanks to God. How? Read the November issue! Order it by going to:

To Order "My Journal," November 2007 and Succeeding Issues


This is not a cartoon, but it is harmless fun to do. Look at the little dots in the center, then close your eyes and turn your head up. You will see the Lord--or you should. I tried it, and it worked!

"Cartoon Center"

"Bible Quiz Center"


"Saint-Building Center"

These valuable messages of Stuart Maxwell Hawkins' will furnish one or more of the six elective subjects as they come on-line with study questions or quizzes.

Stuart Maxwell Hawkins's message, "Forgive Me," is now on-line, and will also carry Study Questions soon.

"Forgive Me," Message by Stuart Maxwell Hawkins

Tens of thousands of our brave soldiers will be returning home--and to what? They will never know the intimacy and comraderie and team spirit they knew in the service, as they fought for each other's survival, trusting and depending on each other to do their job--which was the way they all were made safer and were able to complete the most demanding missions, fighting some of the most brutal terrorists on earth, the type that remove human faces with wires, behead soldiers, and do worse things that are unprintable here (Abu Grabh's water boarding or humiliation of the captured terrorist prisoners was child's play--played up by the leftist U.S. media to discredit Pres. Bush and "his war," whereas the terrorists' manuals on torture are available on the Internet that make Abu Grabh, the former torture prison of Saddam Hussain the U.S. used for captured Iraqi terrorists, and Get-Mo in Cuba look like Girl Scout Camps!).

Our churches probably will not have a clew what to do, and will continue to offer feminized services and programs on a thousand different topics (including the so-called "leadership conferences" that produce no leaders but pad the pockets of the conference speakers!)) that never will appeal to men (which is the reason most men do not attend church). I don't blame them in the least. Songs, service formats, messages, programs, even the decorations of the sanctuaries--all feminized, which men cannot relate to as men, it is so embarrasing and out of touch with what men care about. Women relate to them fine, but men cannot. So we lose the men in the churches, even as they enter manhood and adulthood. I recall "Confirmation" in the Lutheran Church. It was a class we were all required to take to learning Luther's teachings (mainly by memorization) that led up to our being recognized as full members of the church, with a testing of our knowledge of Luther's catechism before the congregation at a special meeting, during which we wore white robes, and then with the successful conclusion, we were accepted as full adult members, and there was good food and fellowship. That, dear Emmaus Walkers, was the last service these young adult members ever attended! I know, I was there to see it--and felt very, very lonely, sitting as the only young person in church my age, after all the others, boys and girls, took off for "bigger and better things."

They all split, my Confirmation Class back in the Fifties, and went lock, stock, and barrell into the fallen world to serve its gods, the very place they had just vowed before the Pastor and the congregation of saints to forsake and not to wander in, as the Prodigal Son did. We had also vowed a rebuke of the Devil, and all his works and ways--what about that vow? Well, that was forgotten too. We were full members of the church, right?--saved, in our opinion, and "once saved, always saved, right?). Our names were written on the church rolls as members--that was all that mattered, right? It didn't matter now if we attended church or not, right? How stupid and wrong we were, at that young age of twelve and thirteen! But we didn't know our folly was leading to our destruction (despite all the teaching we had got on the church and the Bible from the Pastor), and went merrily on our way, just like Cain forsaking his parents and family and going to a foreign land far off to live apart from them. We too became Cains. Generations of young people, newly confirmed as Lutheran church members, did this in the Lutheran churches--and nobody figured out a way to stop the fatal hemorrhage of the youth, who were the very future of the Lutheran church in America. The churches were just too stuck in their formality and conventional religion to know what to do. So nothing was done--millions of souls were lost--a real price was paid.

Today is no different. Churches are the very last institutions to respond to societal changes--and usually are a generation or two late before they figure out a way to combat the problems. With the returnees from the Iraq war, we will see more suicides, abuse of wives and chldren, hopelessness and misdirection, drinking, actual mental illness--the whole gamut of the post-war symdrome.


These soldiers remain soldiers when they return, even with their uniforms off. They need a new challenge, but one that REAL men can fight. They can't be made into passive, feminized believers in Christ, as so many are who now attend churches--of no real use to God or man. This is a nation that needs to be won back to Christ--that is the spiritual mission they should be challenged with--nothing less!

PASTORS, BIBLE TEACHERS, CONFERENCE SPEAKERS, TELEVANGELISTS: All your wealth building, esteem building, find your perfect role in life, how to achieve the perfect sex life and mate, and how to tithe and give so you can reap material blessings--that kind of preaching is mere fluff besides the gospel of the Kingdom, how to grasp what it means, how to fight for it, where to fight for it, and with whom to fight for it. That kind of teaching is not the Gospel of the Kingdom of Yeshua--it is contrary, in that it is a diversion.

Yeshua has an army--they need to be brought in! They can do wonders, if they are. Otherwise, we will see a repeat of all the other wars-- when the men did not go into churches and become equipped to go out and win the world for Christ--but they flocked into materialism and hedonism pursuing the "Great American Dream." There is nothing wrong with Wife and Family, House with Picket Fence, Children, Grandma and Grandpa, and Sweet Potato Pie Alamode--but the nation was not saved by those nice and good and even necessary things--without a real focus for the people of America, it just got diverted into materialism and good things, missing the best thing: righteousness, the kingdom of God, being made a generation that revered and obeyed God.

We lost those post-war generations, and will we lose this one too? A people who have no vision perish. We have no vision. We must regain the vision or perish. It is that simple. Will anyone take up the banner of Yeshua, lead, and enlist these thousands and thousands of courageous young men and women who will be back here in our midst, seeking to find their way in vastly changed circumstances, without the former tight-knit, buddy-system and teamwork that made their victory in Iraq possible? Who will help make them Soldiers of Yeshua? Who?

Lieutenant General (three stars) George S. Patton is still known all over the world, over sixty years after his death at the close of World War II, which he in large measure helped the U.S. and Allies to win against Hitler and Nazi Germany. He is known for his striking the enemy with the boldness of a lion and the swiftness of a leopard--but he did so with calculated wisdom, not rash daring. If you will look at his words of wisdom, you will identify strong echoes of Proverbs in every one of them--for they are, indeed, Biblical, though Patton himself was a profane man without no Christian faith. Despite that, he belonged to an American culture still largely under the influence of Christian doctrine and faith--and wisdom is wisdom--he had it, and used it, and didn't give credit to either God or the Bible, but his proving out of the truth of the Bible in his spectacular military successes is in no way invalidated by his own unbelief as a non-Christian. If we were as committed to our faith and beliefs as Patton was to his once-removed version of them, we would storm the gates of hell on this earth and overcome them in a matter of weeks! We have had no one of Patton's unswerving character and determination and no one with his military genius since his passing by a fatal car accident (which some would put quotes around). If we have had, where is he? Truly, we have a culture that breeds mediocrity and spinelessness and conformity, not the stuff that George S. Patton was made of. Call him what you will, he had the right stuff to win victories against tremendous, determined foes--and his achievements should silence his petty detractors who have nothing of the sort to challenge his place in our American history and the history of the free world. If he were alive today, he would go and run everyone out of the Congress, and possibly do the same at the White House and State Department--for backing down before tyrants across the world and letting the cause of freedom be defamed by its enemies.

<>The Wisdom of General George S. Patton

"if everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking."

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."

"Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity."

"You're never beaten until you admit it."

"Always do everything you ask of those you command."

"You need to overcome the tug of people against you as you reach for high goals."

"If a man has done his best, what else is there?"

"I don't measure a man's success by hyow high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom."

"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."[This was rephrased by the Crystal Cathedral founder to be: "It's better to do something imperfectly now, than to do nothing perfectly."

"Take calculated risks. That is quite different frolm being rash. My personal belief is that if lyou have a 50% chance, take it!"

"People who are not themselves are nobody."

"Prepare for the unknown by studying how others in the past have coped with the unforeseeable and the unpredictable."


Jesus Christ to the Church of Laodicea, which is Christianity in America, for we have filled the classic definition of this wayward church, being wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked, while saying we are rich and in need of nothing! If you dispute this fact, go into any church on your block and listen and see if the pastor and people there have the slightest clew a culture war is raging outside in the streets, and a drug war on top of that, and a war with Islamo-fascism added to the whole mix, along with the usual catastrophic breakdown of the family, of constitutional government and judiciary, and the whole fabric of Western civilization due to mass abortion, materialism, and hedonism! I have sat in church after church, listening to thousands of messages and taking part in thousands of services of all kinds, and none of these gatherings seemed to have a clew there existed a real world outside the artificial fish bowl society the church was maintaining between its closet-like walls.

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eye with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. As many as I love, I rebuke, and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent."--Revelation 3:14-19


Jesus Christ first, and all the rest will fall into line.

Site scriptures: "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silent, a fire shall devour before him, and it shall be very tempestuous all around him.

He shall call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge His people.

"Gather My saints together to Me, those who have made a covenant with Me by sacrifice."

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