"Two Prophecies,"

by the late Duane L. Smith

November 9, 2002

"Fear not, for I am with you, says the Lord. Remember that your battles are My battles, your struggles are My struggles, and your burdens are My burdens.

"Have faith in Me and you shall not fear. Have faith, says God, and you shall not be ashamed. Have faith in Me, and you shall find confidence and courage in the face of adversity, and rejoice for My character is perfected in you, says the Lord.

"It is through faith that you can lay hold of My love, My mercy, and grace. For it is only through faith that you can apprehend My grace, and because YOU have been apprehended by My grace, says the Lord.

"Because of this work of faith in you, you can have boldness to come before My throne of grace to find help in time of need. Therefore, glory in My grace, and lean on Me, and you shall be made strong, says God your Savior.

"Though your faith be small, trust in Me, and I will increase your faith a hundred fold, so that you shall have strength to endure until the end, says the Lord God Almighty. For I will never leave you nor forsake you." Amen

November 9, 2002

"The time of your deliverance is at hand. You shall know in your heart the time. Use My anointing to break the chains that bind you, says the Lord.

"My power and grace are ever-present with you, says the Lord God Almighty. I have been waiting for you to get ready.

"All you need do is to enter in by faith, and I will be with you. My glory, power, and grace shall be made manifest to you, says the God of Glory.

"Remember that you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you. And that I have not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind, says the Lord.

"Cast all your cares upon the Lord Jesus Christ, for [I care] for you. And be filled with My Spirit, be filled to overflowing and you will have no room for anything else. Don't wait too long, because the time is short, and the days are evil," says the Lord." Amen

Duane L. Smith passed away four years after receiving these words from the Lord Jesus. How meaningful they are, when that fact is considered. Also, his wife has reported that he did not accept medication, except a pain killer. He could not speak, but his eyes were full of peace, she says. This is proof that Duane took these prophecies to heart and acted on them, thereby preparing himself for going home to the Lord, though his wife says he did not mention having cancer to her until he was suddenly hospitalized close to the end of his life. Truly, he was given strength to endure to the end. I take the liberty to share this, as these prophecies will gain greatly in meaning with this information, I believe. These prophecies seem to be speaking to me as well. Perhaps, they will speak to others too.--Ed.

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